The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 28, 1907, Page 1, Image 1

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    Cu. i., . i-i .Ii,w)A. L-Ib; JUjiN UuU i-
YOU C0:G AVAY? ihvc
Thz Journal I;llaw ycu to
I f f
Journal Circulation
! U i
give you ell the news Iron heme
" 1 1 : t 1 1 1
The Weather Showers tonight;
tomorrow, probably fair and warmer.
VOL. VI. NO. C3.
J L. Ul.
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tpuv ,u iw riimyiyj ii ' ii: ii&iiutti.!.
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Gil 11
last Legislature Amended
Closed Season Statute So
That. It Only Applies to
Umpqua . River and Its
t Tributaries.-.
There ! no lonser a closed aeaaon for
trout flchlnf In th tte of Oregon x
cept in the Umpqua river and. its tribu
tarlea, and anglera may fish for, trout
at any time of the year in any river or
, oreek in the state except in the -Ump
qua nver end itc .tributariea,.':,
This condition of affairs was broupht
about by the last, legislature by an ac
which amended the old law. : Its effect
"was not discovered until this morning,
when Robert Shaw, Juae Webatera
private secretary, discovered the effect
of the amendment while noting In the
Judge's code the changes In the laws'
maie ny tne legislature. -
llie clied sfason for trout was fop.
. merly ' November, December, - January,
February and March, and was preHcribod
In section 2034 of the code. By an act
or the last legislature this, section, was
- amended, so that now the only statute
providing a closed season for trout reads
aa .follows: . -.. .. . - ;
. ' Iw Sead , as Follows,
! It- shall be unlawful for any person
to iaao, caicn. kui or ave in possession
any trout except salmon trout, during
, the months of December, January and
February or any year taken from the
waters or the umpqua river or Its trib
. utaries, or atv any time to take, catch,
kill, or have In possession any trout,
chax pr salmon- less than five Inches in
length, or to take, eatch or kill the same
by any means whatever' except with
nook and line, commonly called ang
- lin." ...
it Is held that the closed season pro
vision of this amendment of the old law
applies only to the Umpqua river and Its
tributaries, leaving no law whatever
providing- a closed season for trout r sh.
; Inain any other stream in the state.
TiiS Dfu was introduced oy Represents-
tiv. jacifson or Kosenurg, and -was
r cmsea without cnans-e. The amend
V ment Is found on page 64 of the 1907
; eesfilon laws. - -1
The old section, which was superseded
' by Jackson's bill and is no longer In
i. '- How Old Xw Bead. : ' : ' J-
' .'..."Sdctloil 2034-It shall be unlawful
, for any .oerson to take, catch, kill or
v-nave. n possession , any! trout,, except
: salmon trout, during the months of No
vember, December. January, February
f and March. of any. year, and It shall be
; uniHwful for any person to take, catch,
klH, or have In possession at any time
wnv trout, char or salmon, less than
. ftva ' Inches in lenirth. .mil it uhnll'
ffctinlawful for any person to take, catch
. Ir kill at any time in the waters of this
efate any trout by any means whatever
except with. hook and line, and any per
son fishing with hook and line, - whoi
upon lifting the same, -shall find 'any
trout, char, or salmon, less than five
inches In length, caught or entangled
hereon shall immediately, with, care,
(Continued On Page .Four.)
.. "X . . . aaaak. aa. mm, mm, mmm amm. m m 'am HAVa.
Frank Kelley Denies Part in
Attempt to Loot Bank, but
PJeads in Order, to Secure
av Light Sentence. ' ; ..
Archie Turhbull, of Fire De-
i'partment, Supplied Tools
to Do WorkAuthorities
Are on Trail of Accomplice
Not Yet Captured. ,
Chicago Professor Goes Fisli-
ing With Trunk Full of
;v vFemale "Apparel.
7ostnl, gpselsl . BerTles.) .? . t (
Chicago, june-28.--When Professor
Herman Churchill, of -Northwestern
unlvers5y opens what : he supposes to
be his .trunk, at whatever place he has
gone to for his1 summer vacation .he
will find the following mysterious ar
ticles: Two white silk ' waists, three
white skirts, two pairs of high-heeled
French shoes. . one 4 satchel , bae-.- two
pairs 12-button kid gloves, two pairs
each of black lisle, -wntt silk and tan
lisle hose, and a miscellaneous assort
ment or. women's lingerie, hntplns, per
Frank Kelley, desperado and robber,
who was arrested for complicity in the
poatofflce robberies at Sellwood and fit
Johns In January, pleaded guilty this
afternoon In the state court to attempt
ing to rob the bank at . , Orosham of
f 1,000 last winter and was aentenced to
serve two 'and one half . years In the
state prison at Salem. t ? :
Although Kelley pleaded . guilty : he
denies having engaged In the attempted
robbery, excusing his . plea on the
ground that he feared he would ' be
convicted on his past record and be
given the limit of sentence, which is
Ave years. ; That Kelley did. participate
in the affair la well known to the au
thorities : snd they have the evidence
with which to convict ' He owes his
light sentence to the fact that bT plead
ing guilty he saves the state the cost
of his trial. - -
Keney was Indicted by Deputy restrict-
Attorney. Qua.- C. Moner. with
Charles Anderson: Frank' Wavne." who
is serving nine years at McNeil's island
ror roDDing the eeiiwood postofrice, and
a man whose name the authorities Te-
fuse to disclose.' but who Is named; in
the John JDoe. . . s -The
men went to Oresham to rob the
bank, and were only foiled in their ef-
Going to Have a Big Time Have You Helped?
VERY loyal Portlander loves
his country and believes that
making children happy' , is
good for the heart, wanta big
Fourth of July celebration, and
what is more, is going to have
one, for the "kids" and grown
ups of Portland. ; There will be
a parade, speech-making, fire
works and all that goes to make
the day a noisy success. Every
body will haV? a good time and
that means you, too. Commit
tees are now at work formulat
lng a program apd raising money
for the celebration. More money
is desired. Have, you given?
Come, be patriotic and "shell
out"' There is but little time'to
make a canvass and voluntary1,
subscriptions are needed. Be ,
patriotic, be liberal. Every little
helps. ,
I were
were ; a
remember when ; you
kid, .don't you?
'And how you looked forward
to the glorious Fourth and its
accompaniment of glorions
noises, -explosions, red-ligfits,
rockets, Roman f . candles ; and
glare? ; Well, ' there; are other
"kids" nowi your own among
them,, who look forward just as
eagerly and just as anxiously as
you ever did to what is coming,
and you must help to make the
coming Fourth a red-letter day
in the lives of thousands of
small boys- and maids. How
can you do it? By helping the
committees who are unselfishly
devoting their time and labor to
making the celebration : a success.
, (Continued on Page Three)
Inadequate ,Census Taken by
Clerk'Allen Will Cost Bis
S t'rict Many Thousands. :
fumery bottles, belts, etc. In the
meantime . Miss ciaudlne M. .Wilkinson,
freshman, at aforesaid university, is
wondering how she Is going to b able
to ue, Instead of her missing garments,
the t following - mysterious things: ' One
pair of white duck trousers, two pairs
Doling giovns, one pair cairsicin noots,
a rod and nshing tackle,' pipes; six pack-
-w a.iiwiviitf' vvuavu. v.. i n incut-
trop and shaving mug, and a 38-callbre
gun. ' . ,
- "It must have been the-bartrnremn
who mixed the trunks,? declared Miss
1 '
Hi There! Mister! and You TooV Missus! J
.We know you've heard about it, but have you aeen it? Have you
. The Unparalleled SuccessThe Unrivaled Newspaper
..The; Fascinating, Delightful
It brings vou all the news of the wni-M hv tVi. mnf im.
Ui ;; preherisive and costly telegraphic service ever offered by a Portland;
.. x ounaay newspaper, ine Sunday Journal is not dependent upon one
.:. 'W
single agency; it has many.
N Hearst News' by the longest leased wire in the-world : ''' 'u -Aj
' v Publishers' Press, by- special leased wire from New York city.
Exc 1 usive ca bl e se rvice from, our . Lon don bureau. . J.T. ,v , ,
, Lathrop at Washington. ; - Jy-i f :',:1 i
' Our own news bureaus at Chicago, New, York and San Francisco.'
i peclal correspondent at Pans. ' . ' i
special correspondent at Berlin. . ''
Special correspondent at Stockholm. . ' .
- Special correspondent at .Dublin. . v '
, And The Journal's own matchless corps of, northwest xorrespon-
. ioenis over tpur special coast leased wire. .1 N- X
;. With the superior city and state news service, special Sunday X
features and the surpassing and surprising Sunday magazine, the
Sunday Journal is full of live interest for everybody - ; , J
Portland Independent . School District I
No.-l.wlll lose between $30,000 and 50.-
009 if the census of . the school popula-1
Uon taken under -the direction of School I
Clerk Allen is permitted to go to the I
county school superintendent for appor
tionment. - v racticaiiv every scnooi or-
flcial -In the city . believes the census
taken last February falls short between
S.000 and 6,000 of . the real population
of school ago and from expressions
maae mis morning a recount or. tne cmi
dren will be asked for at once. . .
The Increase in enrollment In the citvl
schools is about 140 per cent greater!
tnan me increase m the school Doouia-
tion as shown br Clerk Allen's census.
School authorities are agreed that under I
normal circumstances the increase in
school attendance should, be but 70 per I
cenii ox me increase in scnooi popula-1
State'Railroad Commissioner
DohDisgnaise and Hides
' in'a Cattle Car.
' . ' (Special Dlipatck ts It. 7snmaU -
Albany.. Or., June 18. Disguised as a
cowpuneher,' State' Railroad Commis
sioner Oswald West' passed through Al
bany, en route to Portland yesterday.
riding in a cattle ' car. ,- Commissioner
WestTs identity was unknown to the rail
road officials and employes, and be was
doing the regular work of a cowman to
avoid detection.' his purpose being; ' to
make a first-hand Investigation of ship
ping conditions. Y.v ;
It la the determination of the state
railroad commission to - bring' about a
change In the methods of the Southern
Paclfio in handling large consignments
of livestock. The Idea, of having ;a
member of the state commission make a
trip incognito to learn conditions as' they
really exist waa hit upon, and Commis
sioner West undertook the task. - : i
Throughout, Mr. West's trip was en
tirely satisfactory, and his Identity -was
not disclosed until he reached Albany.
He was reoognlxed here by an acquaint
ance while busying himself about - the
railroad yards awaiting the departure
tf his "private" car. 1 s , - I
Greatest Independence Celebration Ever Arranged For on
Padfic Coast-Spectacular Feature -Will Be Added
'by Most Gorgeous Display, of Nigbt Fireworks.
Patriotism ' and fireworks, fireworks
and patriotism, will be the program for
Portland'a Fourth of July celebration.
It .will., be a monster celebration., auch
as Portland has never seen, and Indeed
auch as never been aeen on the Pacific
coast '
At night the sky will be illuminated
by a gorgeous display of fireworks. Far
out In the distance Mount Hood. Mount
Adams and Mount St Helens will shine
like giant beacons in the night, dispell
ing, the darkness for miles around. Ar
rangements for ' the most spectacular
Fourth of July celebration ever seen on
this, coast 'are. about completed. .
roads Well ta Band.
rt'A'well attended meeting of the gen
eral committee,, including the ehalrmen
of .all; the, sub-committees In charge of
the event, waa held at committee head
quarters last night The finance com
mittee, reported that about 80 per cent
of, the subscriptions to the celebration
fund had been -collected and that the
remainder would be in hand by tomor
row night AIL subscribers are paying
up as they are called upon by th,e col
lectors. After a careful going over of
the expense attending each feature of
the . celebration. It was announced thai
the committee would have eufficient
funds to meet the expenses of the two
days' celebration.
Final arrangements have been mad
to have Mounts Hood, Adams and St.
Helens illuminated on the evening of
the Fourtn. It is planned by the special
committee having this feature in cnarg
to have the peaks illuminated imme
diately'after the close of the fireworks
display at the fair grounds, which will
probably be about It o'clock on the
evening of the Fourth. v.-.
Parade Details Ptnlshed.
Colonel Jackson, chairman of th
parade committee, reported that the de-
tails of the parade were- about coirw
pleted. He and Colonel Dyer of Van
couver barracks, who Is to be the gran1
marshal, have been over the routs of
the procession selecting the street ore '
hich each of the seven division r
the Darada will rest nrlor to fallin Into
line of march. ,
The committee having the cluavurl
parade in charge are still short .61
(Continued on Page Three.)
'- (Continued on Page Three.)
mination That Rockefeller
Shall Appear in Court. "
Though the winters of almost half
a century, have passed over. them alnce
they saw each other, a romance of the
i long ago has been revived, and In a few
days Mrs, H. M. Stevens, 751 Vancouver
avenue, this, city, will leave for Texas,
where she Is to marry the sweetheart
of her childhood days, J. N. Hopper,
now an old man, - - '. . '
Mrs. Stevens, or Mrs. Pierce, as ahe
Is more generally known in Portland,
has resided here ttlnce 1881. She has
T..l. T At T?i T, loeen prominently identiried with church
J UClgO MndlS irm in Deter: work on the east side and with women's
Is a prosperous merchant of Ollmr,
Texas.He .ls 68 years of age; his bride-to-be
five years his junior. .,
Father Objects to Marriage.
The courtship was begun in the little
t A EL' n tit innv,, IlllnAla hufnM V. m- a ( ( 1
Journal gwc!at Service.) war. " There they were' born, arrew no
Chicago, June J8.'Thla court la no together, were schoolmates and hlldtBh
r ; V .. T , " , " J v""" ; ' t joined that of his father's and the two
iiuniuiiiiy, Mcwraea juugo mhuk in i were fast mends rrom childhood. Thev
tne circun court rnis morning wnen ai- i waixea logemer rrom ma utue . red
torney Miner made a plea to have John I snooinouse and talked rapturously of
u. KocKereuer excused rrom appearing! toe ruiure, or tneir plans ana nopes. but
as"' a. witness.. , . - - . I not of fearsi , ;.....-.
Rockefeller, with H, H. Rogers and I As they passed, from childhood Into
associates. - who defied the order of the I young manhood and womanhood their
court when summoned to aDDear aslfnendahip ripened into love, which .the
witnesses in the Chicago rebate cases, I vicissitudes of years have never been
has been subpoenaed - by Judge- laandis I able to extinguish, But aa In the cam
wno oeciares tnat ne win zorce the oil I or many true loves, troubles came, and
king to appear before him. 1 v ' I then separation. The young woman's
'Later, in chambers. -Attorney Miller I father objected to her choice, inslstins
openty accusea juage ianais or resort-1 tnat sne marry anotner, ttne outirull
inr to - sensationalism, characterizing: I obeyed. ' though under protest an
the summoning of Rockefeller and his I against the 'violent opposition of her
associates as such.. Miller's Ire was I sweetheart and became the wife of H.
M. pierce, or -the same name as herself
but no relation.. -,.
. Thejwedding took place in -the latter
part of I860. Soon after came the war,
and Hopper, seeking to forget his sor
row In the excitement of the front,
hastily enlisted. It was in 18S1 that
he bade his friends good-bye and with
an Illinois regiment was hurried to the
souths- He returned wounded In less
than a ywir. . '
Meanwhile the woman he had loved
had moved with her huFbnri to Phlla-
aroused br the refusal of the court te
hear his plea that Rockefeller should be
excused"" from testifying because of -his
age and wealth. ' x
After considering " the matter -"'at
length Judge Landts announced that-he
may excuse Rockefeller If his testimony
Is not needed. His action, however
will - be based entirely upon what he
learns from his examination of Rogers
and the other witnesses subpoenaed.
There will be a -large number of wit
nesses called to testify regarding . the
Alton rebating, three more oil lata be
ing called this morning. (
. .(Continued oa - Pae-? ; e.
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