The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 27, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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10170 iCj '
xonasrv amtjsimxitts.
Marxian Grand ................ ii.
"Whan Johnny Cornea Marching Horn"
Baker..,,.., "The Telephone .Kxchajiffe"
Orand , Vaudeville
Lyrio "A WlckeJ Woman"
gtar. , "Th Charity Nur"
, Th Oak ...
....O. W. P. carlln. First and Alder
The Portland chAmbejAojsUMr
days and la now furnishing large nura
bers of Oregon views to vartou parti
of the country for ue fa lecture and
entertainment. Chamber Of Commerce
officials have Crovlded laxae. maXmam.,
iori bi uieae slides Illustrative of Ore
gon llf and scenery for advertisement
purpose throughout tne east, jiaraiy
a day passes that doe not bring a re
quest for use of on of the et and a
a result the atate 1 being- moat force
fully advertised in many part of the
country. Th new illustrate book pro
duced by the chamber of commerce 1
viio's hot? .
Our window, like our heart, ar
always open. Our laundry la on
a corner, catching the breeies In
all direction, and , ,..-; .',',.. ,..'
in This Airy Place
We pay big wage almost double
tor pay and give constant em
ployment. We have added another
story Jtojour building ana must
now on th press and will b ready for
distribution about July . Th first dl
tion will b 60,000 copie.
; A young man whoa nam 1 withheld
attempted yesterday to paaa a forged
check at th Bank of California. Th
forgery wa so apparent Paying Teller
Patterson at one detected It. Th lat
ter questioned th forger and started to
tep out ox tn cage ior tn purpose oi
detaining th fellow, but the man
riorteA nut Af the bank.' Teller Patter
on leveled hi revolver, which, how
ever, failed to discharge. Th forger
ran tn Third street, where h WU Over-
'' taken and nuestloned bv Manager W. A.
. MacRa. He was permitted to go finally
and th matter ba been aroppea.
' Robert Galloway ha been appointed
T.7 deputy district attorney for th Juvenll
1 court, a wa exclusively announced In
-Th Journal of Tuesday would b don.
Mr. Galloway formerly held th ara
position for several months, but wa
compelled to resign on account of his
health. For several years he wa
librarian of the Multnomah law library,
but resigned from that position also
. last autumn to rest and recuperate. He
graduated from the University of Qr-
; gon Jaw ecnooi hjhi. ; ... ; ,
' July 4 ftv yars ago w bad som
hlc larg American flag atrung along
th lln of march. Sine that they nay
' not been In commission. Way not un
furl them thla Fourth, and whll ypu
are at It why not hav Schaefer make
. you a nlo oool Fourth of July suit, and
' where you ar ur of yerything fit,
styl. workmanship and ezcluslveness
and richnee of fabric J. C. Schaefer
v Co., merchant tailor. Raleigh building,
!I2SH Washington street.
'a. W. Allen. secretary of th Retail
Druggists' association, and a number of
-other druggist ar discussing me a
vlsablllty of closing the drug stores on
Sunday. Several conference bav been
held and th mattr 1 to b. more fully
. dlsousaed. It la planned 'to hay the
drug tore cloed all day Sunday with
th excepUon of two hour Immediately
after noon. Ther 1 sal to be opposi
tion to tho movement on th part or
t certain druggists. ' -
' Th Canadian PacXic prova that IU
.-claim of baying th shortst and fast
est lln across th continent by moan
of It connections O. . A N.
wa demonstrated yesterday by the ar
rival of a carload of piano hipped
from New York IS day before. hl
1 th qulcket tlm that tai bwn mad
by a freight .hlpment Jlnc freight
congestion of a year ' ago tied up th
tranacontlnental freight line.
' Expert baggag mashing will be dls-,
m Portland July 15, and' for sev-
rat dava afterward, when general bag-
gaVe Sent ofthe Harriman system
will meet her for th purpose of hold
''!. mr.nnual -family meeting.'1 Th
convention wlU dlcus the various sub
of interest and bene. t to their da-
parimem u
. Water through ho for sprinkling
.rd or aldswaUta or washing porch
or window muit be paid for in advanc
'. Vni I used 1 only between th hour, of 5
m ana a uu - v.
T h7 ,4 for SDrinkllng strt.
1 "u , lfv t0 these rules, or
,, wtfully, U will bo shut off. ,
V Th streetcar company baa received
. th first car of a larg shipment of
eavy grooved rails for ua on city
w--'-S,:-mmia wSm"- " """"
leoond and Columbia.
nd 1 distributing them along we
at the road. About thre bmim
heavier rail are to b put on m urr
gon City iU m ""
George Humphries. mployd at th
' mill of th Eastern V Wtrn Lumber
company, whll at work lait nlht waa
itruckby a. bounding log and utalned
1 - Ali patron of "Th Klckelodlon," th
. " tnovlng pictur ihow, 130 Sixth atret
will get a cbanc to try v oup of th
world-famous pnr emal coffe galled
, oolden Oratn OranuU," If thy Ult
' Th yickalodlon" today. , - ; '
' . Don't 'to it Sunday Kelly Family
Wauor ator wlU deliver to your bom
- anything in their Una. Kelly Pailly
t louor stor. successor to Caswell &
kelly Park and Morriwn. Phon Main
28. A-J802. t -t : , : ,
V Th T. P. B. C E. of th Third iPres
byurlan church will glv an automobile
"'social 'at the home of Mr. and Mr.
" Espey, Marguerite avenue, corner of
oranl atreet, on . Friday venlng, June
- 2. . . , - .
To working men Do you know that
'we aell cheeee to the house that other
i ator buy from. W hav th best
Th Oregon Cheese company, 125 Swet
' land building. "
At the meeting of th Wlllamett
Baptist association yesterday the fol
. lowing officer were elected: Mod
Aerator, Rev. John Bentslen: clerk, O.
A. Learn; treasurer, w. i jnorgan;
jtvev. '
W. 1
representative to the state board.
John M.' Linden. The association ac
cepted the Invitation to meet In 1901
at Hood River with the following ap
pointments: To preach th intro
ductory sermon. Rev. John M. Linden
with Rev. C L. Owen a alternate; to
preach th evangellstlo sermon. Rev. J.
Whitcomb Brougher, with Rev. Oilman
Parker as alternate; to preach th doc
trinal sermon. Rev. E. A. Smith. Th
session continued this morning, closing
at noon. . j. v -
Th management of ,' th; Portland
Commarclal club baa called In th 'final
assessment for th remaining tO par
cent of th capital stock subscribed for
th construction of Its bom now being
built. This will bring the full amount
available up to $260,000. It 1 being
promised by th contractor that the
building will be ready for th use of
the club by the first of the rear. It 1
not thought that th whol structure
will b completed by that tlm but an
effort will be mad to finish th upper
floor for th us of th club. .
Th last regular business meeting Of
the South, ML Tabor Alumni associa
tion waa bnld in th school building last
evening. Th officers for th coming
year were elected a ronows: una
Wevaandt. resident : Austin Williams.
vice-president: Agatha Grondahl, secre
tary: Ionian 'inomoaon. treasurer, inn
association started lx years ago with a
membership oi io ana toaay enrou
nearly 60. Th next regular meeting
wll b In September.
In the circuit court ' this " morning
John Duggan and F. . Holden pleaded
guilty to the charge of malicious de
struction of personal property by break
ing th window of a streetcar on May
T. Judr Cleland fined them 250 each.
R. W. Bogga, who wa Indicted on th
same charge, wa dismissed because he
had previously been fined In th poUc
court for th effans. ; - ,
Kin more clerk and on laborer
hav been allowed . the . Portland post-
office. Six of the clerks and th laborer
atari working July 1, whll thre of th
clerks will not enter upon their duties
until October 1. Th clerk who start
July 1 will be assigned) as follows: Two
each in the mauina- ana city aeuvery
stations, and two at th new station D.
Th Best Only Strined - basa : er
pound, 20o; black baas, per wound.
salmon trout, per pound. He; - salmon,
Chinook oar sound.- 17Ue: salmon.
steelhead. per pound, 15c; halibut, per
pound, 10c; shad, per pound, 6c; cat
fish, per pound, ISo; tenderloin sola, per
pound. 20c Also crab, olama, oysters,
etc. Portland Market, Phon Main 207.
.What 1 believed by th ' pollca to
hav been an effort to destroy the
Chicamauga bouse. 229' Second street.
wa maca laai niant dv building a nre
in- on of the rooms from which occu
pants had moved. The blase was dis
covered by Officer wanlesa and waa ex
Divorce Applicant Charged
Wife With Infidelity;
, Naming: Convict.
Sam 3. Smith filed a suit for dlvorc
from Mamie D. Smith In th circuit
court this morning, charging Infidelity.
Ha names ; two , ao-reapondentsv Andy
JNolan.. and. -Tom. Mim-? -
the latter 1 commonly called "Brick
Top," and Is now serving a sentence In
the penitentiary at Salem, Smith al
lege that In October and November of
10 at TUlamooK Mr. Bmitn wa fre
quently seen out late at night with No
lan while tsmitn was away irom noma.
Th couple war married at Olympla,
Washington, in July, 1808.
Kali C. Lamer filed a suit for dl
vorc from L. P. Lamer, charging de
sertion in June, 1800, and that Lamer
falsely accused her of infidelity. They
wer married at Union, Oregon, in July,
188. .....'.-
Emma Ousterllnk ask dlvorc from
Emll Ousterllnk, to whom h wa mar
ried at Kcwane, Illinois, - in March,
1888. Sii charge that ber husband
oursed and awor at ber, called ber vile
names,' beat her, and falsely accused
her of Infidelity. . Mrs. Ousterllnk asks
that ah be given th custody of their
thre children, uertna, agea 10; Artnur,
aged eight, and Mary, aged two year.
Cesl 5Cc tzi 6Cc
Friday and Saturday only
at this price. Made from
first ( quality : white ; cam
bric ' with 2 , rows 1 wide
lace insertion, lace edge,
beading and ribbon. All
sizes and standard 50c
and 60c values, an even
600 of them on sale . for
2 days at, : :
i,CCD Daili ToiveSsal 12el
Friday and Saturday only at this price and limit of one dozen
to a customer. Come full 18x36 inches in size with fringed
nr1. and extra heaw double twisted varn. pure white, .and
never sold for less than 20c apiece. Don't overlcKjk ol I
this great bargain. On sale at, special, . . s. , . . . . . . , 1 fci2C. i
Ccst $1.50 Qluy
A warm weather special
you should not overlook.
Come in a complete range
of ; colors i such as blue,
pink red, green, etc., and
in pretty oriental figures.
Sleeves and ' front faced
with ' satin to - match, all
sizes and best $1.50 qual
ity. I Special;;?, ::;
Sine ; th hot dry weather I
: commenced work baa been com- !
, menced en th oiling of a larg
. number of street In 1h real-
dene aectlon . by th Portland
! Road Oiling . company. - Th
sprinkling cart In th next few '
'day will b operated la all
parts of th city, contract bav- l
lng been closed for th oiling of
,tb following atreeta: '"; ;';'
y Stark street, opposite th pub-
io library; Hanoock, Schuyler
' and cross streets In Irrington;
all of Piedmont, Eaat MadUon ,
and Twentieth, Everett between :
Eighteenth ( ' and , Twenty-first, .
Twentieth between Washington ,
. and Lovejoy. and Twenty-fourtl
, between Ollsan and Northrop.
Children's fine French ribbed Hosiery,
medium, weight 'with double heels,
knees; and toes and best elastic' top.
Every pair warranted to be absolutely
fast black and ' to, give - satisfactory
wear. We dont know of a better 25c
quality on the I market, i For 2 days
only, Friday and Saturday, at q
special,, the pair. . . . , .... . . . IOC
- 91.50, ?1.G5 - I.
Cambric Sl(irts97c
Eleven different styles to pick frojn
and not a single skirt in this whole
assortment worth less than $1.50.
Dainty, embroidery and lace trim
med styles, in a wide range of pret
ty new effects as well as several
with plain hemstitched tucks. Come
as early as you can, for these won't
stay long at this low
long ai mis iow "Jq
Brilliant Ensemble Certain .- When
: "The House That Jack Built"
, Is Pnsaentcd.
tlnguished without the aid of th fir
aepartmeni. jutu aamag resuitea.
1 Article of inoorpo ration of the Batea
Wlght company wer filed In the office
of the county clerk this morning by R.
M. Bates. J. O. Wight and K. I Charles,
Their object la to manufacture and deal
in machinery end .merchandise. Capital
stocK, xo.uuu. ; , . : -
' CMl service examinations are being
conducted today by Secretary McPher
son for eligible to the positions of
master, pilot and nrst and second engi
neer ox nreooat. Hair a ooaen men
artiung tne examinations.
C W. Owings waa Injured early this
morning while crossing th Steel bridge
on a Lower Alblna car and was removed
to me uooa uamaruan nospitaL He
swung out too far, striking a girder.
wnicn anocKea- nun irom we oar.
Whit Flyer lln of launch will
make dally trip to th Oaks and re
turn. - Boat leav foot of Tambill
street flail v at 1:80 o. tn.! sundav 1
a, m. - Aicnei at a oca oiiice, jo cents.
Steamer Jessa Harklna. for Camaa.
Wasbougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leavaa Washington atroat
aoca m p. m. .. :.
Why ay moreT Metiger fit
eve for II. 141 Wash. Bt cor.
zormeny at in eixtn street.
Th aeat sal for Th Hons That
Jack. Built"- opened at 10 o'clock tbl
morning at in aiarauam.
W now bav installed th Horn tele
phone.. rnone a-ooi a AUrguil,
grocer. v jurat. ,v,... - . ,
Allen's Kushion KomfortX Shoe ar
just tn Shoe ror th warm weather.
406 uorrison. ,
Acme Oil Co. aell th best safety coal
oil and iim gasoune. rnon iuast T,
'aMMaa ' . . .
Woman's Exchange, ltt Tenth street
luncn iiiiv to i; ouaine men s) juncn.
W.' Moore, expert photographer.
Duuaing, eevenin ana bi&rx. at.
Fishing vol or box of candy with each
pair of children's shoe at Rosenthal .
i ".r ' 1' r . ft asoaalBMBHBiilsaji'ri 'x:- ' -' " -i -" , - ' tf---
Penney Bros. Friday Special Oar
tl.60 grade of port, sherry, Angelica;
Tokay and ZInfaudel wines at f 1 per
:-i tCi i . 1111
ot 0 carelessly distributed as some people try to think. . . -
ilnvestlgate the career of any successful man and you will find that luck
" had very little to do with his prosperity. , ' , ' ,
Yon will discover that he had probably been saving: a part of his income
- for several years, and that when an opportunity to make a good investment
" appeared he had the ready money to take advantage of it.
- A growing bank account is the best preparation for financial success,
" Doa't wait on DAME FORTUNE but get busy yourself and open a bank
account at once. It will bring you in contact; with business men and gain
. yon their respect, - .
- One dollar will open a savings account on which' we pay 3 per cent inter
est compounded twice each year. - ,
; t;;, OFFICERS ' ' '
- ' J..H. LAMBERT, President ' JOSEPH PAQUET, Vice-President
'A. VV? LAMBERT, Cashier. O. S. FULTON, Assistant Cashier;
Full dress rehearsal wa held today!
tor -The House That Jack Built." and
a good idea could be gained of th bril
liant ensemble when all th llttl peor
pie In their bright costume ar upon
tn stage. miss uarun orouiai
the whole cast to a high state of per
fection m their respective parta ana
the brlrht and tuneful numbers succeed
mhM with nroolalon and with Tl. I
vacity. ; -y- - ,r- .
Nothing so eiaDorate ana oemutiiui
has been seen in Portland and the seal
of the little people promises well for
the enjoyment of those who see and
hear th delightful opera. Four per
formances will be given, juiy i. I ana
t at th Marauam Grand theatre. ,
Plana for Next Tear Will Be Bl
: rassed SIcFarland Likely to
' Be Elected President?
$1.25 CorseSs 95c
For a great Friday 'and Saturday spe
cial we place on sale four new models
of Thbrnson's Glove-Fitting Corsets,
regular $1.25 values at 95c each. Come
in high, medium or bw bust, long or
short hip and all models have hose
supporters front and sides. ' Drab and
white and in sateen or batiste.
Sizes 18 to 30, each
or batiste. QJjj
50 dozen of the famous Mt Hood
Shirts for men bri sale Friday and Sat
urday at just ' about half the regular
price. Come in the stylish grays with
small figures, detachable cuffs and non
shrinking, collar band, and in the soft
front styles. You'll pay $1.25 else
where for shirts of this quality. :: Sizes
15, and 16. ; Your choice f W
for 2 days at, each. . . . , . . , . OuC
Boys' Blouse ' Waists with collars
attached all plain colors including
black as well s a fine selection of
light and dark colors, In stripes,
checks 'and figures. Come in sizes
4 to 16 years and the identical qual
ity sold at the clothing stores at 75c
and $1.00. Friday and Atk
Saturday, each ,i. tjC
I Uiiflerivcar Mt
Friday and Saturday only at this prLte,
men's fancy Balbriggan Underwear, in
black and white and brown and white,
pin stripes, nicely finished and in com
plete range of sizes'. This quality sells
in the regular way at 75c a garment,
and it's a good value at that price.
Remember, 2 days only at ' s j
special, a garment. . . V.i vi 3C
Mi Gloves
Two-Clasp Silk Gloves,
also 2-clasp Suede Lisle
Gloves in white and col
ors best 75c qual- f"t
ity. Special, pair. JUC
ww " . -sssssi wn
White Wash Belts, in
pretty embroidered styles,
also tucked ; our regular
85c grade. r Friday 1 Q
Saturday, each C
The Portland Rose society will hold!
Its annual 1 meeting and election of of
ficers tonlrht at 8 O'cteck In the Cham
ber of Commerce . bufldlna-. Th trln-1
cipai matter xor discussion win in ail
proDaDlllty : oe pian ior proviaing m
larrer and mote comotete exhibit for
next year's rose fiesta than was pos
sible on short notice this year.
On account of the good work done
by E. B. McFarland who had charge of
the exhibit in the Forestry building
during the recent fiesta It seems to be
th general desire of the member of I
the society to nonor mm wiin in pres
idency for the coming year and his
election tonight Is practically certain.
F. V. Holman la tne retiring president
If your teeth need treatment the
lonrer vou wait the larger it will
make your bill. '
n0 pimi"
T nrn...
I.. C. Mackav. private secretary to W,
E. Cdman, has been appointed city agent
for the Illinois central to succeed jonn
Wallace, who has resigned. Mr. Wal
lace has been witn tn Illinois central
for some time and before going Into th
office, waalwith the freight office of the
Northern racine, Mr. Macaay -wm aa-
aume charge of the new offlc July 1.
'Missionary Society Meeting. 1
The third Quarterly meeting of the
Columbia river branch of the Woman' i
Foreign Missionary society of the M. E.
onurca wui d neia tomorrow mi p. m.
at nrare cnurcn. An atiractire pro-
rram will be given, tspeciai music naa
een prepared by tn young women ox
the society.
Call at once and let as xamin
your teetn. w wu gi "
best servlo la yry branch of th
I dental profession, ana by peiwess
methods that will met with your
approval When desired you ean
bav T. JP. Wis Of my PronaI
W. A. WISE. Dcnlist
IT. P. Wbe, H. A. Stardevant and Or.
Ecrfaan, Associates
noii acaxsT soat.
Th Coolest Boot in th City" Fare
well weex or tne saa a-raaoiaaw
Opera Oompaay, rraseatiag
nsrHoM Joonala Cornea Majfehlajr mesa
The most successful comio opera of
today. Hear Mr. Cunningham tng "My
Own united btates." Jtventng, joc, svo.
71c; matinee, 26c, iDo. Monday. July I,
Nance u weiu in "ine sorceress.-
r .Tj . . .tt . yj. , p x
gallon. I. W. Harper whiskey 13.50 per
gallon. Friday only. I7-J81 East Mor
rison street, phon East 187. Free de-
iivry.- vg"', -tf "'-s:
Don't ferret the trolley excursion to
Canemab I'arK tomorrow nigoi.
Diamond W it's a coffee k for It
at your grocers.
For lc call Main 114. Ic Dlivry I
Co, 151 Star. ,
Oregonian Confectionery, 111 fifxth.
D. Chambers, optician, 119 Seventh.
Berger signs 284 Tamhill -phon.
Bark Tonlo for rbanmatlam. ' ': a
Beok Jeweler 108 Alder.
Klser. Scenic photos. Imperial hotel.
.'i;.v ;asssjsiis'. ;. "yi:':
Organised In Bon tb era California by I
Xu J. Wild.
Ixiul J. Wnde, well known In finan
cial circles, has organised two more
bank in aouthern California.
The one - at Coronado, California, is
capitalised at $26,000 and has th fol-
towing ooara i uuouiui.i
llams. W. 1 Frevert, John B. .Olson. I
F. F7 Graves, F, H. Btow. J. C Hlaar
and L. J. Wild. The other institution
which Mr Wilde baa been Instrumental
in organising to the German American
Securities Company Of San Diego, cap
italised for $300,000, The following are
the lncorDoratOrs: L. J. Wild. U. 8.
Grant Jr.. ,B. A, Reed. C. It Williams.
J. M. Boyle, J. C. Hlser, H A. MUia,
DAINTY FC05 fit Eccsszlcd
Prices for Picnics & Leaches
for the Week Ec&sg July 4tli
J. P. Smith Pitted Queen OUveev
ll-oa. bottles ............ .S1.25
J. P. Smith Pitted Queen OUves,
K-os. bottles 75
J. P. Smltb Queen uua -. k
fwttloa .. .... AOs
Seville Queen ouvea, ss-os.
botUes ..................... .85)
Seville . Queen . OUves, . 1 0-os.
bottles ........254
Spanish Queen Stuffed with Sweet
. P.nn.n 1 8-o. bottles ....... TKM
Spanish Olives eturrea witn sweet
Peppers, t-os. bottles ........ 10
Queen Olives, extra large, bulk.
n.r Jlon ...... . ........ n2.0rt
imported Manaanuia uuve. duik.
per gallon .............. . .S1.25
CAE Imported Kippered Her-
ring, per can ...-...An7
, M. Bmitn importea jupperea
T, t 0AA
Haddock, per can... .........25
A. M. smitn importea rreaervea
Bloaters, per can....,..,,..,2M
Dupont Imported Boneless
tsarames -..... sac
Dupont Imported Boneless
lnes. larg '.
PaHstenn ImDorted 8ar-
Helna il varieties at popular price.
810 TWTR0
Phones af ai CIS
. AlttJS.
oSecond and Last Week of Zlnn's
Musical Travesty Co. in
Taos rxuBPHOvs nxcKAjroa
With An the Great Beauty Chorus,
Splendid Costumes and Effects.
Matinee tto, ISc. Matinee Saturday.
ism weeK Uicaens- ureas
The Great Heart Story of Modern Life,
Matinees Tuesdays, Thursdays, Satur
days and Sundays at l:$0. Prices, lOo
and toe Every evening at 1:15. Prices,
lOv. 20c and 80c - . . . -phon
for Reserved Seats, Main flit.
No Llqaor
Cjoaoerts Today t0. SiSS, TfiB
and aiio o-oiook sy sy
V Schllzcnyl's Cssssrlss
t . Hnxxsrx .
X. y ' TiAjrr ma toiiomti ' ' :
2-Tbe Crest DaveapQrts-2
; , Xomarobs of lagn Wire ; ; ;
The Arton Society In a Festival
of Song Chores of 75 :pm
- wTmarrxa ootjt at ::-
Everybody who can Help the
V Less Fortunate . Should Help
J th Fresh Air Fund oy Help
! V lng to Swell the Juvenile As- ,
3 ; aoclatlon's Receipts. ,
m mm mm mmi m 1. n a mrmxt (imk.
New Toboggan dip. New Suits. -
. I th Tavern Restaurant :0 to
rt .. . P. m y,..'...-i
The : Oaks : had ' yterday
I v 2.000 boys and girls, and all
; were mad happy by preent '
J or aoiia, Daiia, toys, tops, etc j
i innnrtnnnnnr.:
l!t u s"
Aslw ''''
An inimitable style is manifest in the v
Hat that bears this label
lAnt tori .
Peer of All $3;00 fiats
A Superb Line of Fine Straws and Genuine Par.::
Phon Jtaln S5.
Thi wee . the Alien Stock Company,
Preeentins; tfte . Three-Act Drama,
" ; - -A - 1 VC3IA?T,
: Mat!"i Tn--Thiirin v, ' Fitur
day an.l b u' . ! ' ice 10c, toe. I rr
venlti -f st S:l . I lflc, Z? e i :
R rvp 1 -i -f i non, i .
The Z
A t"
I , . - - MiHMMMlMMMHMMMH. 18.
c. u. jwuueisy ana juu iu urovsk