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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1907)
EDi QIMWkb THE JOURNAL . ' ' AH; INDEPENDENT NKWSPAPEB.'' -v 0 Jackaon. .. Publisher Pobllifc4 Try rrratnf (ifpt Bandar) aaS trrrf Snada? nxiTBlnir, it Tlie Journal Boilo ln(, fifth ana VsntiUl ilrMt. Portland. Or. rnfr-4 at tlra peaterflce at Portland, Or, (or trannMloB through the call! aa a-eood-elaj Butter.-- . n -...- -,.. ('." ' ' All dfwrtmenfa reached by tlila Bombar. TD tOREION ADVEKTI3IN0 REPBESBNTATIVS Vre-ln.BnJn)hi 8p1l -A(1rt!lnf Agency. : PruDwlrk Bullrtlor, 28 Fifth avenue. Maw f Torkj Tribune Building, Chlcaso. ;'- Bntwnipttaa Terms by U to aey address la tne Unites BUtm. Canada or Mexico., DAILY " "' RtnuAl. " ' 1 F Whan fioniM MAmas- aL-..,, the state. Field peas luxuriate on her fields, and bo do" rape and winter barley. These, , with her cheaply produced wheat, put her In f amoui position to engage In .the pork Indus try, Which will furnish a "diversion for her field's, keep them filled with organic matter, save them the dread ful tax of-constant wheat cropping, arid deliver Oregon from' the "humill- of that splendid county should be preserved in its virgin fertility, and it is the contention of experts that here is an' easy and profitable way Oat raar.. ....... 12.60 On month, .. M uaii.1 ah avnuAi, One year...'......t7.M Ooa sxmth, My message shall be an ap- x peal to enthusiasm In things 1 of life, a call to do things be-' cause we love them, to love '" things because we do them, to keep the eyes open, the ; heart warm and the pulses swift as we move across the ' field of life. David Starr ; Jordan. ' ; '.''..' -.- AN INTERESTING EPISODE. being always exercised as to whether (he victims deserved .their fate , or not. ';' 1 :j Whatever may be the fact as to Nevada, Colorado, Arizona and other 'camps," Oregon! ; early history should protect it from such a slan der. . Ten years beforcvthe vigilantes were hanging bad characters to lamp posts in San Francisco, Oregon vet- had ' organized a provisional ' civil government, and laid the foundation of the, future state. . These ' early comers to Oregon, in nearly; til' cases When Europe comes through the abiding, orderly, honost people, who Panama canal and - knocks 'at the had neither fear of Jbelng lynched gate of Oregon for pork, offering nor need of lynching anybody. .Tears fancy figures, who will fill her later there , were mining camps in orders? . I eastern and In southern Oregon, not very different, we suppose, from OWNERSHIP OF COAL MINES, other mining camps, hot we never read of any lynching In them. Long LARGE proportion of-the coal J years - afterward : two men - weYe widows and orphans 2J,oOO,000. With such fine figures to gaze upon, it is hoped that 'he will cheer tfp a bit, and even become so optimistic that he will spend a lot of this money providing - additional : transportation facilities. .-, ' ,' '. Every, day the Louisville Post booms Tatt for i president ,; How . " . ... MICBVIMO blBb Bill V ' job must become In the course of a year and a half. What Is the use of subpoenaing -15rocVfeirerra8r V Witness ! He doesn't know anything about It, whatever it is. ' -.:'.'.. ;' ' . ' ",' WHAT IS A DEMOCRkT? ; By W. J; Bryan in New York :. Worll The subject may ba considered from two standpoints; First, from party standpoint, a Democrat may be deflned M one who Is a member of the organi sation" fcnowtr sr Ae Pembcritlo "party. A man's connection with a party is vol untary. , Ho is at liberty to connect hlmaelf with any party or with no party, and he Is known politically by'the com pany he keeps. If he allies hlmselfl uiv ivjiiucruiio pany ana votes the Democratic tlcjcet, he Is entitled to "New York WorlJ on Bryan s j Answer.; :.'! . , . Mr. Bryan, In response to our Invi tation of June I, undertakes In another column to answer The World Question "What Is ('a Democrat r'.;', a v'"Th,"'iteapecY"tb''" the"' externaf aspects' the Inquiry he defines a Democrat aa "one who considers himself a member of the Demoeratlo ' organization, ' who works with the Demooratlo organisation and who expects tp.vpte lbe.,Pemacrallc ticket.""' . ' . ' ' In a broader and more philosophical Small Ckange ' . . tSjJ! maJr b wlld animals. as t :.yKae!;?raI Jon of New York attacked not danfrou unless :' " '-. e .'..' -.5omfnen 8trt rPr I" a town of about 75 people and because It doesn't pay roast the people for being non Fo ,r ... ..,. i 1 1 jury t be, called a Democrat, In so far as thatj,ensa a Democrat Is one, "who believes The,' Katore Faker's Fazzle. term la used as a Darty dealirnatlon. although he may not Indorse all of the party platform or be Democratic in his instincts. If In addition to votlnr the , , . . .. .... ..... . , n vva w guilty or Innocent. ; ;,. ! - a " e V '; ' But If McClellan and Hearst were to run again fos mayor, that Republican . candidate, whafs his name, would prob- - - - ... v..ww. . ' e , e ,'..'.'','.(.. i- The bakers are going to advanes prices too. WhHt a lot of ua eommon do Is to In the rule of the people and who "de- iorm antl-V. . Mtmm MH1,. Ok. V. S I " ' " ssiavss iv uia , wetj vvviuiiivui . iu 411 .r. . Tier TtTllKiiei Ti Vaakl Now, t know that th "cow hai k frown I DmocraUo . ticket h Indorses th plat ITS deposits . of , the country all lynched -for alleeed ''cattla rnstllnr' that haye been discovered so jn Umatilla county, and there may 1 far are held in private own- have been Y similar case or two ership. The president proposes that earlier, but if so not so many, such the government shall not patent any cases, -7we presume, as happened ' in more public coal lands to Individuals tha -early history of some eastern or allow them to pass Into the hands states. 01 private persons or corporations, Eastern publicists, before writing except aa ; lessees, tinder . certain I f nnmn . wnniii An wn tn Amnm , rii 1 UWS PaPer ireat ur terms, the government to retain something of its history. It has had . ... v , nuu m uibiLiua id ins iinni iiin ATPrriaa Mn.n,.J .l....t.M I ,A tk. unu Da u. W U . U a . kl USU tiUO bn Its brow : . When at learns that a goat is a but- v!. y " ter " 1 . And, I know that the sloth when ex- - ceedlnarlv wroth , -i y Turns completely around and ;will ' n stutter; But a thing that rre tried to look at open-eyed . And to solre with the best of my thoughts Is this bothersome query , that makes form adopted by the party no one can dispute his title to the ampliation Dem ocrat when the subject Is viewed from the standpoint of party. v A. party, organisation has a right to choose its own name, to write its own piauorm ana to. nominate Its strument in the hands of the people to carry . out their will." 1 . Under this definition as to prlnolple, wherein is Mr. Roosevelt less of a Dem ocrat than Mr. Bryan? .Wherein is Beoretary Taft less of a Democrat than Senator r Daniel T , Wherein is Governor Hughe lees of a Democrat, than Mayor McClellan or Mr. Hearst f Wherein Is flwn 1 vvi. ui wi, m. i , 1 11,1 am im candidates: and emDlovlna- tha word Jm.0Bi n-V Republican less of a Dumo- llghUy and says It is a Joke, trol over.tbo operation of the mines. nh-nmfinai Tracv: hut if th at, but goes on to explain that This Is not only a wise policy, and Math wra Mmin-d w hftHv Pittock, a director; and Mr. Mo- one necessary to the interest! of the that during the last 70 years Oregon Craken, the president; of the pro- people, but It may be necessary or would ahow a smaller criminal ree posed Portland. Nehalem ; & Tllla- advisable to go further and condemn ord in nrnnortion ta nonulation than mook railroad, held bnly one share to public use under government reg- Connecticut or Delaware, both with- W 1 a I - a.a.A. A.a a VI a I f : eacu, inumaungr u ineir imeresx uiauon the mines already, dlscov- ia , haMng . distance of that'great ia it. was mereiy nominal ana laeir erea ana more or less developed, responsibility alight. But the affair The people 1pf the -Country suffer was made to appear very differently scarcely any outrage at the hands of to the public at the time, and people corporate combinations more grlev were led by Mr. Plttock's paper to ous and unendurable than the cus believe that the project was assured, torn of the coal mine operators, In Nobody was then informed that Pit- combination with the coal-carrying tock had hut one share of the stock, j railroads, of limiting the supply and crat than almoat any Democrat T Mr. Bryan's dissertation on the dta Unction between the Hatnlltonlan and es of government snot germane to the organisation at tha romm.nrl hi-i. ?su "r no Parl? Present idencaadil hi- liMo-rnU it 1.1. V.T. u wnicn proresses to distrust the science ana nis judgment. It is only fair nnnnin n- ,hi-h -n .um namVtaV.5n..t?f': WntU, pirn? in a peculiar way with ODlnlons and ai-t f th. m. iri. ihl "'m, Peopi mr, ins parties r.r-. VC";4 ana ine parties are me people. . And I know that the owl whe enraged much' a part of TartV v.S i". u 'AJ0Lya Tet It don'fva a hoot fo tha M.n XSX Ur,r.Try of a?vrnment sents as an important Democratic 3oc " IV vs). nooi ror tneiMen upon the outside mar claim to helrin. inni. . vuinvvi.uu hu u in on vn iui in Side of the party and under a. hrolr aennition or the word Democrat they may be and yet from a party stand point their claim cannot bai allowed without the obliteration of party die- uncuona. mv hraln w aa i v ' Does the leopard pick out hie own , apois r Thoygh I'm fully aware that the hair of the hare Is the same as tha hair of tha rab- .-1 moral center, New Tork city. DEMOCRATIC LEADERS. 0 NE THING that the Democratic party seems to need Is a few leaders or spokesmen of pood common sense. V To an oppo-l name. And I know that the ox will not learn to wear aocka,. .-. - a -, , And the lynx always' comes in a 1 cnain, - v .1, . . ... . Still I fret and I wonder if it would raise thunder ; If you'd keep a reindeer from tha ,0 rain. ,, ., ,;- - . -t .. . ;, .. .. . Hippopotami skip Vlth a hop and a trip ' .'.-.-. i . - That is said to show that they are hpynotlo. -.., The Rhinoceros svlms by the aid of it limbs, Though us aiU-lesa and can't be J . aquatic. . . .... . . ., ! 1 6vS.,, horse that was 1 filled with remorse . ' . And would rattle the barn with boo- nwi; democrat in a party senae, the party has a right to withhold the name Demo. crat from, any one who refuses to accept ""ILi'fn , th-nlu- the party's decision without questioning th mmlniyt the fight of a person to leave bis part? ffuu,ibeTiara ?H nriiniiatinn .1 ik. Ki- iBsue. There la no pa At any rate any drursiore that sells 5 liquor on Sunday should be prosecuted or closed up, or both. The saloonmen are entitled to a square deal. ' ,; a ''.. .. 'v'J' ; The health officer of Chicago has la- sued instructions to people to guard against rabies. There is no need of any such instruction in Oregon cttlea. ! . ,:'. '. v e An almanac 70 years old predicts bo summer for this year. That almanao maker is doubtless being asked now,, about 400 times a day, "Is it hot enough wr vu( ...1 -p . 'ee ine enitor or a certain paper in a mall town, -which naner nnntalnri from se veil to 11 small "locals" or "per sonals" a week, has retired "in order to take a much-needed rest, having over-worked." f .. .v. . . e;t . Inatead of belni pars, Mr. J. J. 1 thousands of columns of compil ing angry at the news- : . Hill should remember I think, however, that vour aueatlnn I railroada Mr. Br van does not mention cans for a broader consideration of the lit as an article of Democratic faith. The worm is columns to Mr, are bound to; confess that we do not And his answer either clear, complete subject If the Democratic party is en titled to the name. It must be true ta the ideas of Democracy, and if we' can for a moment lay aside party defini tions I will define a Democrat aa una who believes In the rule of the people. x am wora - aernocracy ta derived from expediency rather than of fundamental K" Vu",.".V,V ""V , principle.. As for the initiative and ref- """J' tV' 'J"1. "J " li "u" 1 erendum. we observe that Mr. Bryan vertieing they have given him. . does not claim that it has yet attained! - . 5 1 ; i ne special correspondents at Boise, remarks the North Powder News, "can , prove more -against the prisoner than, Borah is doing, cross-examine so much, better than Richardson, know mora lad to throw open Its I law than Judge Wood and out-lie Or- cnara. y v - - e. ,".-' . v:.'".-. V ')i lull stature aa a Democratic measure. There la not a Una not a word, not a syllable about government ownership of Aryan s letter, but we I In Rnaaia tha mimtun tt i aimimia 1 1 .vr. . I . . . - ...w iwii a ' pa eiienuy on tne ground aa a sign of the Greek, and the two words, demos lna Republican In the rear i07. 1 the neonle. and krateo a nil-. 1 v I answer that doea not define th: Dolltlce could determine from it the essential differences between a Democrat and the people, and krateo to rule, leave no doubt that a democracy is a govern ment in which the neonle rule. X Dam. fWr t. IklMfAM I . v attna, A V. A But would it be a bungle if out in thai name is considered, must be one who jun8it) ... 1 Dei 1 eves in tha rule Of the people. inev gnu never anew of the news? ,, I One who believes in the right of the people to rule and in the " capacity of one differences la not aa answer to The World s question. . -, After reading Mr. Bryan's letter with- the utmost care and presenting assurances of distinguished considera tion to its eminent author, The world feela bound to renew lta inquiry 'What Is a Democrat V contempt when order ta dlanaraa. W- don't know what the penalty for this Is, but suppose that it would have been a trip to Siberia for them, at least, if they had spat on the sidewalk. - a e -;'-'.;- ,..;.','':. A fellow perhaps One ef several of -the same sort Is going about the elty soliciting money for the benefit of pris oners, as he claims, and if refused be comes offensive and urges women who V open doors to his ring to read soma ' hell-fire tracts that he carries. He evi- 1 and did not expect any results, and advancing the price at ' wily There I nent ot tnat Part3r 11 must hare been " . ild.Bf Ith- "bark will turn tail J the people for aeif-goverrfment naturally iui- - fM Ji- -i u a... . .. ' . - ttmi1a ti.- v t . I r iVa. Jl i5f,ia,. -L, ..... . I accepU ; the fundamental Democratic doo- , """" v --! euouKu un inis coniineni ior 7" . . r."r r."w" - wuw .".h"" -wui.uto ao- trine of local self-irovernment that Is, ing to a party definition, is a man who dently belongs out at Kelly Butte for ewyi iouK auui uu u vuuiiuouvQ 411 I uuuUiCUB UI in IJ UOng OI DOOTilA . f fir I v ai svauoaa ad vuaii uiau iuv UA" I ADa It I 111.11 r thJkt (Ka ahf4w saaMa. w j-vj. Bwi w nmiaicunnwis mwmwikt wun tcniutraua 1 ui, vuiumor the men who were making the nego- thousand, of years, and Its-cost of "onal committee during ; two cam- 0 .f tlatlons With the London capitalists, uroduction at tha min. 1. Daians. but it was rouah on the Dam- ' - fish. . 01 vidua! should be left to choose his own broader sense, he is a Democrat who w.fc.-- . . ' ... . ' " "la. ' t .a av..L -v - And the adder. It's troa cannot aa - f . .? ' ouM believes In the rule of the people and iiiia iuuo vi uiBuuciauca now wiiii ayerage arouna a aollar a ton, 'yet I jian- uiuuga u result I and two, .:: .T tot dispel , the general belief : that people all over the country are hrould DOt much dif t erent BuYthia nh.f. Ht,te-r.nt wlt? Ju,t"' nrlm.n MV 4Va t..N.V1l A a. ' .a Una... V.x V .V.I. W.I . Winers ca aaaiaa aavvAvu vaao yi iOTJ u i UU11SOU MS Pa iWQ Or inrOO PrlCeS I "a"'"0 LTQtt UIAUIUCUI . U I a fir,. ... pan tat . bringing influence to bear upon for coal, and then, on many occa- Uncle Jimmy suceeded Tom Taggart, Portland people who had openly slona, cannot , get what they need ' Ick sPrln8 fame, who while not stood sponsors for the road, and that even at these extortionate 'prices, claiming Parker's election , several the London people and the accredited Perpetual submission to such a con- day ftef the result was known to to buy Its own The "Blind Magaalne.'! From the" "Editor and Publisher ine-, most remarkable mensin in InjUrlOUaly affect Others: that each I who daalrea to make the . rovamment community should, attend to Its own the Instrument in the hands of the peo- Diaiiera; mai xne siaie snouia - nave I pie ta carry out their will. such, a man control of . state affairs, and that the I trusts the people and favors euch re- lumrw lonrnnitni snouia oe aunreme I rnrmi aa win aive ta tne oeoria an in. In - its .sphere. ' - - Icreaslna Dower. -And a real democrat If a man lS really democratic In Sen. I will nnt nnl. favmr n-mnenatlo m-thnHa tlment that IS. if ha reallr .bellevea .ini In Mvarnntanl nnA Inntat linnn tha rtffht the rule of the people, this belief doml-lof the majority to rule, but will favor nw. mm m n consiaeranon or ' an i tne administration or tne government ; Oregon Sidelights Eugene has a fine Mamolla trea .11 years old. - -:, . e ! e i . JT rtr-nnvlll ' r.w . a. . : is bright, newsy and must 'fill a long ii wun in mai oia town. ' . ,,' - - e down at a critical moment everybody knows who had an Inter- American people. est In accomplishing such a 1 trick, begin ine a prosperity that does not with the producer of wealth. To recapitulate, a Democrat, accord' agents of the company were, thrown dltlon of affaire would argue almost ewrybody. as Jones did Bryan's, prer the , world i. being published, in New. point mWitSl AnaiiuioLic supinene3S on tne part Of thai ' fi"y y w u iasi min-i " ji is oaiiea the "Matilda I lM atanapoini ot a raw. his conoep- ntenhat- Parker would carry Nev KT r f ior tne cnnd.- it The coal mine owners, ike ' the ana maiana and a lot of other -b0ll, 70000 " V. r- TZ t'iniLffL,l?r!L .P1""" . r? L" Mr. Walker may have no case, but railroad owners, are. or may be and Wates ' and be elected. Now' arises state. .d of -theVit ImuaXZn thlt ZffiEZ the Democrat"clnnot imag! if the facts could all be brought out shonld be, made mere truBtees'of 'thia RepresentaUve Griggs, chairman of Waiter a Holme.' formerly "business they would no doubt, furnish some great gift of nature td ill the peo- the congressional committee, to say Appai?r is. edUorndPtoubifswmMrV "mighty lnterestin' readln,' though pie. It is the people, toot the Baers tht it is Ume to nominate a southern fa?1?161" nce the concern, it is said Mr. Plttock's paper might not pub- who rhave' a ."divine right" to "the pn,,and he mentions Culberson, l a yta?. ffi't&rtffiMttm llsh them. It has a habit of sup- coal. But as the Philadelphia North Bailey, WUllams and Hoke Smith as "there pi-bon. it aSJJi '.J1 pressing some news. I American remarks, "solely aa a mat. qually; good timber which is for I ?VMt nominal price of 10 cents a yea ter' of exnediencT tha natnrai wAnith I several palpable reasons nonsense, eligible for sMond-JiI.- -nti-a.mfe,.Ja SHERMAN COUNTY'S ; OPPOR- has been passed over to Individuals, There li indeed no really good reason hVtob. at"tat waB"rS.d ivmu, uuk mai. uer may exploit it aa thev I wu " duumhii wau suuuia not do i n ct woma be enor- ,. v ftlactA MAnr ht Oiara I- efc. JESS . HSS" be tatr. via-BMV9 uvt UiUL LUC T 111 J V 11 BT IT OT I w vsva , ouvt W AtV VUQ I " v. vj I1 VU 1 1 SC i BafJ nRV r Wtrltaa a 1 1 Awri h . .eassk KH CHIN AnntlTtnAsa t IrnHne-e CAI. . . ' . - ' 14 a T - " " 1 ff . . . . meavflui mas tney may use it for u" w"u"ueu, sua mat B last no s '"' raaiwr, y proaucis, in ine I act or tne fact Ui,. ...m,, vnnA wvA ...southern man.' howavr ahl Bvva nun, BCV.aiii(J fcllClT I ' . - . ---I " Incldentallv In eelehratinar tha Vniirtti questions that come before the people. In the interest Of the whole people ac-jEuen w111 also celebrate the advent of ne lauaa at quesuons irom tne stana-1 cordinc to tne . aTerrersonian maxim. I iiues ana oiiuuiaic pavement. - "Equal rlehis to all and special prlvl-, ' ' .e leges to none. , I " Huckleberries are ripe In the moun- If X attempted to apply these deflnl- tains back of Seaside, and women and tions to. particular 'Questions JL . would I children " come ineverv. avenlnc lad-n enter mo iiom ui cum-rvvvray, oui J, aoi not unaerstana tnat inere is or can bei any controversy over tha doctrine that I one is democratic wnen ne trusts thel people and undemocratic when ha die-1 trusts tnem. .. The Wisdom of Ben Frankli in What Kept Spain Poor Keeps You Poor , , and most fc.iWJ j;y-L w?"ii assem- blind workers at thi eto-. is done by auvaav Duuu niiug seoKiuK iiieir I ZIZ ?I On 00- -They hold the ffltoes;not ?ould carty a northern ; state-and Kffuaii orlh ? Thft other state, a -property: outrighC as a farmer M-re is not a particle i of sec- tr;7!:Ki ' could easily .,a - . " a,,,..,.-. , w - , 4. . '. .the table of contents for tha uuiim auiuiuiib ion 1U IU uurui. Junfl issue, wnicn Is No. t o- And think of. mentioning Bailey- J?hT5aW though he , has ability . enough in PUUnin! ' "Mrs. wirga of thi. connection. , ' , .. J'--JS& that she .can produce pork more I cheaply than can any bnerman county alone could easily vnM . " :a" " 7'ifr in ,: r,"T." uuw ..f lh. produce enough to supply the .Ute. bnt artruseV, thi 1ST wTo ioB SSKT?5 In I2lt2f fthercounUe. are the first .nd final owners" though be. has ability . enougbZin gyim'o S&WcS: mm eawiMnrplus.. No county Tha" fact to that th Mme people' ls connection. ... SSK.'; yWg4 J.?,;!.; that "own- some: of thTtirZl Perhaps make, little or no dif- Vlttrf, Industry and. to, none Is It more Im- ,llln .,..."."T M a--. to th- Tta.;.tii. readar?4iow rtn' rSfct fiSK- portant to relieve the land from the tVoeroMh wher ii h abV fa 2STW W 3t grtw'g " 60,18 4D WhCat COntr01 -f ansportatlon. they com" ing manager, and spokesmen or SS1 growing. ,i ... . nal :win . a. it ... . nnt' wtian 4t- lm. -nm.a i Month - venis or the Chamon " IU mem at waaav- ,.v.. ..w ,.1U1WJ ' torn- the Tftilroarl nmnl-- floeS. it W 11 win. wllhniit triAm vot ' pelled to produce wheat with a t1IZ rZ' ,. -'". .V ' II li '. ' ' fall hralnw that w,l,n ,- 7n- oa aelr rm. then, " lUBl UD" it Oppenhalm in New York Times. uanug control ot DOtn the outnut ,MiWU eauersuip snouia . get lVu.. and trnnsnrtHAftrtn ... Unto nlaCAfl Whara triav' enn aaanma or,lrA a- " .", " vaaa6n WUBUIil-l " ' . -.! . " .7.1. They have to speak for the party. . grabbed the : mines and crushed ' ' - , tt. .:. a 6 competition, and thus eighty odd mil-J i Consumenl of lumber cannot nn are at the derstand why there is any good rea- 'ift..,. nfmni;n -n-M-i,- IP"57 aitnl of wated tor reducing the wages of em vuivw..j n uvu i "owners Home, After Work namo musin an eiav y, aroooing lta volts through . the Throbblnr Its dlrrek nf nil. mien iwitignt IS arayj Hoofs and voices and wheels, , Hong of a city in toil. Song of incessant turmoil, - Hunt of tha a-nlH-n -nnll ttn- . a 1 ."7r .r.. " " 1 -t-"i .i uooanesB fiusio mai sways ana reels. ployes of loKKlng camns. The president has started a little knows" the consumers pay enough l""-!?'-lfff. ot but fee!,!. seasons were favorable, but It is be-1 vu auu.w uuusuanx ncn, way on tha H-ht t-v Va; . :,.. . " . mitterir, -i- havlng besides the added virtue of U . '7. a . . .'I . "UUUDT,U' "cia ""B" Streets and crowds anri th Vn- bPlne new The rlir,ni;i wani-. r v B S swnea along the ougm rather to be raised. , , Streets and crowds and thi ha 7, being new. The orlginaL organic Bhm9 Une they are Jlke, to - . ( ' The eun-fiashing windowed walls! aU4.aai.wva . vr am . this helped moisture. By Arthur Brisbane. Benjamin Franklin said, giving his wise advice to the Americans of the century backl;-fj;v-;i,1.':;;:"'o H- "If you would be wealthy, think' of saving as well aa of getting; tha Indies have riot made Spain rich, because her outgoes are greater than her incomes." ' Almost anybody can make money; It takes tha wise man to save money. With all tha wealth of the Indies, Franklin said more than a hundred years ago, Spain could not ret rich because aha spent mora than aha took Franklin, born poor and unknown. aiea ncn - ana iamous. umiKe. some other intellectual doctors, ha took his own advice. Hera is another sample of "So much for industry my friends, and attention to one's own business: but to these we must add frugality, if we would make our Industry more certain ly successful. A man mayr- if he anows noi now to save as ne gets, keep his nose all his life to the grind- evono, ana cue not worm a groat at last." 'i ' : .,. The richest, happiest men are not those that make the money, but those that keep systematically part . of what they make. Habits are riven to Ua bv kind Irovl- denoe to help us do certain things with out too much trouble. It is lust as easy to form tha habit of saving as the habit of foolish spend ing: vve have collected here a few of rlrrnmnf anrn thnt 'liaa btisMaA titm 1 . ... . . . . tn rat nnd cmn. with "ea to a fair, liberal profit on thelf plated bathrooms to cost $1,000,000. allrTwanna of .rainfall tt. 7, I . . UjM m0re' d they It - i. WS. to him in a position to grow wheat 1 ZTi", TZ"? tt! f5? 8 " 10 fUrn,Sh j1J'&iiS the heart- ' .a a. -A a I' aaiaaco aiuyif WllU COK1 I UatllS Utt UrUCr, Ever and ever on me. Touched of Eternitv: t Wlma 1 n .I.. -a..lna. . I . be : COn-1 Vision and rlorv rarel ranKim s sayings - concerning money. the difficulty of getting it and the im- fiortance of saving it. These are cood hinas to out out and remmh-r. Par. ents might hand them to extravagant children. And some of tha manv wives that ara I striving In vain to impress economv on their husbands may find these valuable aa texts for sermons. at Many a man knows to hia sorrow the truth of Franklin's aavlnc: ii you wouia xnow ine vaiue or creasing at such an extent that he wit the splendid fruita . ? Myrtle Creek Mail: T. N. Humphreys aays he has a fine crop of bluestem wheat on his Missouri bottom farm, and as fine and active a lot of Xleaa as ever hopped, - , . j ... ..-' '-e-' e ir ,V, -i'-- The first real flow of water to ba tapped In Klamath county was struct last week at the Weed ranch In Wood, river valley, at a depth of 111 feet be- iow ine eurtaoe. j. -, . .--A;v:it'.W::.r..-- Vv :.:.."''-:, A Coqullle dairyman, aay the Sen tinel, has had a milking machine about a year, ana nis cows are ao pleased with ii mat tney come up tnree times aay to oe mimed, and the flow money, go and try to borrow some; for he that aroea a-horiowlnr a-naa a.aarmw. Tnis is a borrowing nea a ' is ill- . e will , a bar ro win" nation, an ; ex travagant nation, a nation that Uvea too much beyond its means and wastes too much. We politely recommend to it the rouowing words of Wisdom from Frank- the soon be obliged to use barrels for milk Ducaeia. Klamath Falls, savs tha Express, has a brilliant lawyer of aound judgment, a man of broad and massive Intellect, a good judge of human nature, a man who can fascinate the judge upon the; bench as well as the Juryman In tha Tin by the depth of his learning and the lln, who certainly stands among three greatest Americans: . - "But, ah! think what you do when n-rsuasion of hia tMnn, you run in debt; you give to another! he looka upon the wine when It la Mwti ,. . i i wwinci a Diunering laiou - . . . .. . e power, over your liberty. "The second vice la lying,, the first is running in debt" "But poverty often deprives a man of all spirit and virtue: 'tis hard for an empty bag to stand upright"..' -"Those nave a short Lent, salth -Poor Richard, who owe money to be paid at Easter. Then, since.- as he says., the borrower is a slave to the lender, and the debtor Is to the creditor, disdain the chain, preserve "your freedom and maintain your independence : be Industri ous and free; be frugal and free." If you know how to spend less tnan you- get. you have . tha philosopher s stone." - ..- "Again, be that sells upon credit asks price for what he sells equivalent to the principal and interest of his money In the - Redmond country, says the Madras Pioneer, raw land that can be Irrigated Is valued at .$40 per acre, while non-irrtgable land is valued at, -or irngaoie land la worth is times as much. Applying these figures to the lands : of this section where there is no irrigation, the average land here, wltlt' irrigation, would be worth upwards of 1100 per acre and it would be worth it, too. .'';''i' ft-?:' -w-.'.-i-. e a Vh::U. fr-. !'' : s Perhaps no other county- in tha United States presented a cleaner docket than that taken up by Judge Fraier In i?1" Ivly f?ona'i.. " tn Klamath rai ib nepuoiican. Tnree days Were Suf for the time he ia likely to ba kept out ficlent to wind matters "-JE ' and I if the ' C,.4ii .7?5: - .-1 ready r businea'a Ka th.l him rAir,vm In-1 " . ' ""'a "USinesaa- terest for what he ouya . . l:,, "bMSSS V.S'TLl "Yet. in buying goods, 'tis best to cay h. ..... ., .7 ,7," YS ready money; because,...- - ntTv rt '-' '.Vh-"--aStJSrS"? eace officers and courts are a super lie that sells upon credit expects to e per cent dv paa aeota: tnererore he charges on all he sells, upon credit an advance that shall make up that de-1 uciency. Those wno pay ror wnat tney buy upon credit pay tneir snare or wis ad vance. ' , .. "He that pays ready -money escapes or may escape tnat cnarge." - , - a penny saved is two pence clear. - A In a day is a groat a year. Save and ave. Kvery little makes a mickle." a coat, ot oniy apout au cents - a . bushel, and so far has been a mine . of money for. him' when' the year was good. ' i '-'0fP:.::! But under the stress of the neces sary summer fallow, the organic matter Is passing from his soil. It passes under continuous wheat crop ping everywhere In .the same , way, but It Is more vital to the 'Bherman county farmer because of his small rainfall. The thing .for . Tvhlie his land Is yet new, , serve its original fertility, ods that will rest and recoup It. ,The power to produce 2,500,000 bushels i f wheat In a single season as Sher- r -n farmers have done, Is too pre t!ous a heritage to be dl6sipated.4s Meantime, Oregon wants pork pro ducts and is paying fancy prices for l cm. Sherman county can fnrniBh i! ho products at less cost and more i " .-rfartly tbaa any other section of All day in the crowd I was" hurled. By the crowd was my soul unfurled. x neipea ia mm wora oi xne wono. at such prices as will yield only sucn profits. This is what the peo-J : Over, at BellJngham a man killed UPlayea my part, my part r Ble-wlll-amand Wn a.. Mi' Wa a . O, power of Peace In the heart, - . : ...-rr, fw j d i n , -uu VUDu uiuiuen, . auu in internal peace in ine Heart I mrougn wun tne matter. OREGON MISREPRESENTED. rHB LAST u Issue, of Collier's vWeekly does Oregon an injus tice, and shows that its biil- the account of the tragedy It Is said the man ''always carried a revolver.' The very habit of carrying a re volver prompts in many minds a murderous use of it,- . The Lazy Man. At the Jamestown exposition Mark Twain- talked about laziness at a dinner, - "We are all lazv." he Bald, "but some ox us nam it down. Home or us. aaain. : don't---f-.r,:r.':---;';".;'--.-'vf'---. v, I knew a non-combatant of this class when I was a boy in Hannibal. His - Reform In a Circle; ! - . From the Baltimore American." The country groaned, and cried. "Alack! we pear a Duraen on our back! But then, alas! what can we doT , ' For there Is no relief in view. Submit we will, submit we must. Unto the arlo of this bad trust. Of woe the whole land sounds the note u s gov tne nation Dy the throat, -The discontent It arrew an A nn For folks said something must be done, xne press Dotn eany said, and late, The law must now investigate. " Complaints got loud and loudr still, Each legislature naased a bill. And all at once, with widespread sweeo. TH J a...,,.. a V I - t. . a . , v avau juvuvv vu vtia aicut iruBl leap, .. The king Of Portugal seems llkelv nam. wa" Jim Black,, and one summerfThey thought that now 'twould cut no - -1 ant. editor fa' nnt r -f.tntt:! t.- at.. - ".a ..." -W l morning xouna mm lying unaer a tree fee; iiirn tin iii '. 1 - . - uy iu iu laci mat me peo-1 oaswa tne river. listening to tne birds, Tha trust looked blueand raised the him. ta do, liar With the earlv,lartnitai ...a. .... and watching the steamboats glide ud ! nHr uiue ana raisao tne . U t6 pre- growth of this state. Sneaklne- n7l e . r.. .. . of methl tTiA fitlsm rt tha va4iM..avA. : rt. I a- m v . - - I 'I'm here.' aald Jim. 'for to nil them I nwir . ;. . - . ' v hiv V4 . i,mb a a at a ia Lea i , r.n aa nppnTan mAnevahw . w 7 .t , ,,...-.. ' f, I FranclBco , in the early fifties, Col ller's says they hanged or punished no one'ttmiss, but their example of lynching, "or, taking the law into their own hands, had bad results. for It spread to all the faf western camps," mentioning Oregon as one of them,where lynching became popular ? or common, ; without the care of tV San Francisco rUUantesji The Great Northern railroad, ac cording to figures published yester day,; is earning more money 'than ever before, about 25 per cent more than last year at this time, v The gross earnings ' f of.the year will be about $58,000,000, its net income 129,700,000, and Its surplus to be divided y among'iuiri" poor bales onto the wharf. "'Oh,' said I, 'and now you are rest ing,, are your -y- y' 'No, said Jim; 1 ain't resting, be cause I ain't tired. I'm waiting for the sun to sinx down behind that there hill, so's I can knock off work.' " Leading a Double Life. Rivers "You can't make me believe you ever caught a fish that bad another fish holdinar on to lta throat, and lanil..' both of them. That's a little too tough a story to swallow."- . s -,. Brooks "Then I'm both a riatnra -fa. ker and a member of the Ananlea rlnh am i, xou bU stlck-la-the-mudr , Folks spoke of Jail, not once, but twice The trust . hired lawyers raised j the price. - - . .- . . Pig fines Imposed were; in a trice. The trust paid and then raised the -price. The campaign done, the trust stood pat; The people groaned. "Where are we atr' '.ii. a. -. '.'".-) . V Blrthday of Lord Kelvin. William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, who Is regarded as the greatest living scien tist in Great Britain today, was born in Glasgow, June 28. 1824. He received bis early training from his father, who had raised himself from a humble po sition to a professor of mathematics at Glasgow - university. "V William after--ward etudled at St . Peter's college, Cambridge, where he won the highest mathematical honors. At 22 yeara of age he became a professor at Glasgow university and for over half a century- ne remainea a proreesor or natural1 his tory at that institution. : Among Lord Kelvin's rreat works mav be mentioned his invention of the siphon recorder for ocean telegraphy; -his fathering of the ocean cable; his practical application of the time limits within which aeoloaista and biologists should confine their evo lutionary application, i which limited the age of the earth to a million years, a period of time formerly regarded as a second in the geological dav: his lnven. tton of the mirror galvanometer and hia i navigational - sounding . machine and : This Date In History. 1450 Jack Cade defeated Stafford at Bevenoaka. 1681 Charrea XII of Sweden . nnrn? killed at . Frederlksbald, . December IL 1834 John Forsyth of Georgia.' be came secretary of state. , ..-.' 1839 Maharajah Runjeet Ringh of Lahore,, owner of the famous Koh-i-noor, died.-? -.... 1849 England repealed the Naviga tion act, ' , . . 1890 President -TTarrlann h- dependent pension bill. 1884 Ml Caslmir-I'erler elected presi dent of France. 1898 Tha . Jnnanea- nhlnal Premier Ito, xcsifinedi, , under "An East Side Bank for Sast ' 1 Side People." The Art of ; '- Saving Money IS not difficult after you have . onde made the' start. - ; Tha first step seems' to be the hardest for everyone and the longer the start is put off the harder it seems to be. ' , , . . . Tou should not delay form ing this important part of sav- ; ing. Come to this bank with 11.00 : . or more and open a savings act f count We will pay you 4 per ' cent Interest on your money . and assure you the most care ful and courteous attention. THE COMMERCIAL SAVINGS BANK ; XKQTT AJTD WTLtlABtS ATS. George W. J. S. Blrrel. Bates. President .Cashier