The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 27, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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-i - : .i . .. .
Coo!, comfortable looking gold Shirts, in neat pattern and drop fab
rics. They are shirts from one of the best makers in the market. They
come in plain white, white with black piir stripes, black dots .or in
medium colors." .. We also have these shirts with soft collars attached
in tan, cream and medium dark shades. .They fit perfectly in neck
and shoulders, good wide bodies and good sleeve' lengths. !0
Incomparable vr varuw; Friday r.T. .r.'.TV. ". .1 .7 UJC
Ladles Home Jdurnal Patterns at ike
V . - u u
raf7 Orders fromhisild Pfbmplly Filled
p cm
s . ' .
An extra special novelty in the Wash Goods Aisle 6,000 yuds
of this pretty filmy surhrnerjabric at a phenomenally low" price.
On sale forone'dayrohly, and that day is Friday. There is a
wide range of designs nd colorings and enough here to supply
all the women who can crowd into our wash goods aisle. Two
big tables filled with them. A hot day special, the , r
L'yjI 11 11 11 M U 11 UM&l :..:U,LlllULlll tAU
ft ,. I " '
Tig mm
Women's Short Kimonos ; af
Made of dotted Swiss and -figured
lawn, light colors predomi
nate ; trimmed y with bands of
plain lawn, in various colors, cool
and pretty' garments for summer
'house wear; worth to . 7A
$1.75. ; Friday special. . . . . VC
Lingerie Gowns up to
$25.00 at $9.98
These charming Summer Dresses
come - mostly in the; one-precf
styles, made of filmy, fleecy, white
wash materials and trimmed with
delicate - dainty laces,, and em
broideries. The regular rvalues
run up to $25 each, and there is a
.very fine assortment , in 5 sizes,
patterns and materials. It is the
thin dress bargain ; of the whole
Couch Covers Sp'l$2.65
On the Fourth Floor, Drapery Department
Heavy Tapestry Couch Covers, : fringed all
around, oriental designs and colors; ; dJO 7IJ
regular $3.75 values. 4 Special.. ..... ,DU
yfgp"!. HmldfRugs Orients! Rugs
The 27x56-irich sire, sells Exact copies of very high
regularly fof $3.50; spe- priced weaves of the ori
cial Friday i.-.f 2.50 ent, two sizes; two special
5The 36x60-inch Rug, price'i. . . ' v t
worth $5.50;. our- special Size 27x55 finches, worth
price .3.75 $3.50; special .... .$2.50
Rugs 48x72 inches,' worth Size 56x60 inches,' worth
$8.75 each, special. 6.00 $5.00; special .....$2.95
Mother Stir in Millinery
Chip Braid Dress Shapes,' fine quality, come in
white, light blue, pink, gray, navy and brown ;
these hats sell regularly for from $1.75 to AO-'
$2.75.- Special values for ' Friday only. . .OC
. Soft Hood Hats, come in
, Bradford cord, chip, horse
hair,' Tuscan and Milan
braids, regular values
from 75e to $2.50, for Fri
day's special X fiQr
(sale only
S y b,e 1 1 " Novelty Dress
Shapes, come in braids of
the main, styles s of' the
season, " regular ' values
from $3.00 to $10. for Fri-
theyseJl at... lZ' Off
loififi Silk
Another lot of those elegant,
Lohg Silk Gloved just received.
Superb qualities of silk, in black
and white. . Here just in time for
the Friday sale and they are go- '
ing to be the glove bargain of the
Women's Long Net Gloves, with s
opening at wrist, and they are
made of fine silk lisle: they are
regular $1.75 values. : AO.
Special... ..... ... ; ... .... V OC
Women's Silk Mesh Gloves, foiir
button lengths 1 with two clasps
in silk lisle palms; worth J Q
$1.00 and $1.25. Special. .tOC
CiTt, r.1nv ir. ver-r scarce. This
may be our last Friday sale on them.
Take advantage. ; . -; -r. .r
UMeh's $lM Gowns fdr 69c
In the Huslinvear Aisle
Women's Flannelette Gown
for wear ' white camping, in
dainty stripes; yoke is of
Jlain domet flannel with
ancy stitched tucks, regular
$1.00 values,
special ::, ...... . ; .". . , ,Ua i.
Mercerized Embroidery
Floss, in fast colors, and in
.all the, leading shades, . spe
cially priced f 1 or Friday at,
the dozen , ' - iA
skeins 1UC
rBattenberg Lace Patterns,
come ,.;Jn many, different
styles, regularly priced to
25c, Friday Cr
special at ....w
Children's Bonnets and Hats; come
in plain front or tight fitting styles.'
A , very large variety: of S patterns,
from the plain lawn to the most
exquisitely trimmed creations: in
Children's .Bonnets and Hats. On
:ale for-Fri-v'-; Mf ff
day from 35f to. ...... JiJUU
Women's Domet Flannel
Gowns, come in white, with
yoke trimmed in fancy braid
and - embroidered. in - very
pretty- designs, regular $175
Center Pieces, of heavy' white
or blue "linen, stamped ; for
Roman cut work, regular 65c,
$1.00, $1.25 and $1.40 values,
your, choice for I A
Friday at ..;..:.
Gingham Aprons, come in
blue and, white checks,, full
length ; and 'width, in ; the
Mother Hubbard styles, with
. ruffle at bottom, or - with
shoulder straps and bib; both styles
Jiave large oockets; reg. : 65c ;Q
values, special for. Friday.'... "vC
Royal Worcester Corsets, made of
white batiste, have the advantage
of being, light, cool and verydura
ble. .The'se.are the corsets that you
need for warm weatherj d1 OO
sizes IS to 30;. special...' v
U(AMi 3d Flooi
15x33 inches special .. .20 1 24x35. inches special . 304 j 30x41 inches-special . 40
18x33 inches special ;.V.25 1 24x37 inches special '.'.. 35 30x45 inches special -J
Metal Frame Screens, 24x30 inches. Special. . v . . 45r
2-quaft Blizzard. Freezers special. . ... ?l-55 . 3-quart Blizzard Freezers special.. , .?1.65
. . - .v 4"-quart Blizzard Freezers special. TT.f 2.00 . 4
Automatic Refrigerators, the kind that render a perfect circulation of dry cool air, which makes them
the most economical refrigerators made. Call, and see, them. All selling at specially lowprices. ' .
Good quality brass bushing, $3.00 values special ;
" i . . , . Tr mm I.TT!I
Regular $3.25. values special. .. .v. . .-.jps.s
Regular $3.50 values--special . V, . . $2.63
Ball bearing, regular $5.50 special . . .S4.15
Ball bearing, regular $6.00 special . . . .$4.50
Ball bearing, regular $6.&u speaai.,...w
r DA
1 High1 wheel $3.50 valueMpeciai:.:
Regular- $3.75. values special. ... , . , . .
Regular $4.00 values special . . . .
.Poll Kan"rr- rtilar .O.OO--snecial. J.l ".
Ball bearing regular $9.50 special. . . .$7.15
The name Libbey, etched on every piece, is a reliable guarantee in itself of the bestand most
perfect cut glass . made. ' During our June Sale every piece is selling at a special .low price.
Trm ' Ttrnm ' "U7n; J rtinw i . th time
to get;your; Silverware, while our June Silver Sale
is n. -, -
Haviland Decorated China in odd pieces.. By pur-
cnasing aunng uc hic vi wck wu t.vw,
stock patterns, a great saving is made. -
Keep . Your Feet Cool $1.59
Women's Comfort Oxfords, Juliets
and Slippers, made of fine soft kid
with medium or low heels; come in
patent and kid tip and; some .are
without tips, soles are hand turn and
very soft ; and comfortable; some
have rubber heels. . A very large as
sortment to choose from; values up to $1.75,' Special nn
for Friday. . , .. .-. . 0 X O
Women's Tan and Champagne
Shoes, come in button and lace,
light and heavy soles, kid and calf
leathers and a very large assort
ment; eight different styles in all
sizes,; regular $5.00 values, now
selling for Friday! , 2 (J
-.Women's ; Canvas Oxfords, come
in brown, green, tan, blue, pink
and reseda colors; light hand-turn
extension soles. The lot embraces
garden and Grecian ties. Gibson
and Blucher styles, and also in
button, values to $3.50, 7(
Friday special ......... .yJUl J
Boys' 35c Hose at 19c 'a Pair
Broken assortment of .fast , black
ribbed . Hose, -all .sizes . except 6A
and 7Vt, regular 35c ' - t Qr
values, special
i - - ,
Women's 'Hose ' Supporters, suit
able for bathing wear, regular 25c
valuer special " V ' . 17
price A Hi.
Women's Black Lace Lisle; Hose,
.embroidered -in . colors, splendid
regular 50c values, ,' ' , OQ
special ................... '. .JC
. Women's; White Lace Lisle Hose
all-over lace or lace boot patterns,
that sell regularly: for 50c . J'
each, special Friday . . .... 1 1 C
6: Spools of Thread for 25c
Best American cotton thread, for hand or machine
use, come Jn black ant white, all sizes, , OKp
special, 6 spools for". V.. ;
American Pins, 400 on paper, .the regular value of
these pins, is for one paper, 5c, for Friday
only, 2 packages for . ... ...... . . 'si?.'. ,
Black Darning , Cotton,- on spools, a very strong
Friday , . fcv
Wire Hair Pins, assorted,, large size box, 1
rrcrnlar vIne i.lSc. , loecial. the DOX . ......... .
Side Combs, plain shell, assorted styles, j
regular 25c values, special
Women's 35c Vests for 23c
Silk finished Swiss Ribbed Vests, low neck, sleeve
less style, with linen straps over shoul- .OO
der$, 35c value, special Friday .... .
Women's Union Suits, silk and lisle, low neck,
sleeveless style, in knee length or with high neck
and long sleeves and ankle length; a hand-finished
garm'entithat sells regularly for $2.50, , CI QQ
grand Friday special at, only
Women's Swiss Ribbed Vests, with low neck and
low sleeves, an ideal summer garment, very pretty
light weight and priced , so low that any one can
sfford la half dozen of them. .They sell regu- Q
larlv at 1254c each, the Friday price is......'V
White Shoe Cleaner 19c--Uotioh Aisle
White) Shoe Cleaner, regular value
25c, special, the . ' . 1 Q
bottle 13C
Toilet Paper, fine tissue. This pa
per is regularly priced at 5c the
roll, Friday's special, : s . 1A
three rolls for ...IvC
Jroilet Soap, English violet per
umed; three cakes in a box; reg
ular value 15c, ,' .
for Friday WC
Embroidery Scissors, the durable
P. J. Roberts' best English steel,
guaranteed, regular 65c
value, special .tJy
Shelf Paper, trimmed in lace edge,
alt colors, 10-yard pieces regular
10c value, Friday's ( .,
special only .....Ul
Whisk Brooms, of a fine quality
strong; whisk, regular 25c 1 7
values,- for Friday I
Writing Paper, made of a fine
grade Amsterdam linen, cloth fin
ish,' regular 35c value, special for
Friday only, OO
the. box ....................
Envelopes to , match,
. the package I C
Bay Rom, large size bottle, regu
lar 50c value, special ' '0
for Friday, the bottl ..... JvC
Writing Tablets, ruled old fash
ioned . linen; come in note size.
These tablets are sold everywhere
for 10c each, for Friday .
only, they sell here at, each....! C
Lead Pencils, with rubber" tip.
These are a; good quality, even
lead, , pencils, , regular value, the
dozen, 25c, special for i - 1 C
Friday, the dozen .....IwC
- L - mmmmmm ,
Third Annual Convention 's
; Opened With Fifty Mem-;
- bers in Attendance.
i OresDn undrtakrs met this morn
in in KnlghU ot Pythias hmll. Elev
enth and Aldtr streets. In third annual
convention. They will continue In aea
ilon" three day. There were about 60
funeral directors " present including
number of vlnltors from neighboring1
states. 8. N. WUklne of Corvallls. pree
Ment of the otate association, delivered
the annual address. .
At this afternoon's aesslon Mayor
v A Dang-aroua Deadloolc,
that sometimes terminates fatally. Is
the-stoppage of liver and bowel" funo
tlons. Xo quickly end this condition
without disagreeable sensations. Dr.
Kind's New LUe I'Uls should always be
yor.r remedy. Guaranteed absolutely
f-it ;.-tnry li rvfv cfice or money
1 -k, a i.nS Crwvs i'harmacy. SC-o. . ,
Lane made a short talk followed bv
an address by Rev. J. R. N. Bell. The
remainaer or tne afternoon was devoted
to. the reading of a naoer bv W. . J.
Cookerly of Walla Walla; an address
by J. P. Finlejr of Portland and a short
talk by E. O. Hennesay of Walla Walla.
The convention will coma to a close
Saturday night with a banquet.
Officers of the aaaoclatlon are:' -1
8. N. jWilklns, Corvallls, president:
M. A. Rader, Pendleton, vice president;
W. T. Gordon, second vice president;
W. C. A. PohC" Astoria, secretary; , V.
C Dunning, Portland, treasurer.
;-., j f " ".' 11 1 1 '.
Half Frloa tor Cample aaruslla trade.
All Ferguson-MeKinney's drummers
samples on sale at Golden Eagle tomor
row at half regular price.
Preferred Stock Caused Oroeda.
Allen A Lewis' Best Brand.
,When th .office of the city superin
tendent of schools closed last evening
It was for the: summer vacation and the
doors will not swing open again until
the middle of Aurust. All clerical work
is finished and Superintendent Rlgler,
Assistant Superintendent Grout and
Wtws Allen, the secretary, ara at lib
erty for the summer, v ;
July and' 10 was definitely fixed
by Superintendent Itoblnaon of the
c.itmty achonis- as- the date for the
rwert pea fentlval to be participated In
ly t a school districts of the county. .
c r
Transactions .Yesterday To-
taleL$60,573 Belated In-
' strument Is Filed, J
Realty transfers filed for record yes
terday totaled I60.S7J. The largest sin
gle instrument iuea was m w w
veying a portion of Balch gulch from
pww w. ftivth to the Colonial Invest
ment company for I3S.000.
A belated Incident of Portland's first
and only real estate boom came to light
In the clerk's office yesterday when a
deed dated December- 10, -1891, from
George H. to 8. C. Arroitage conveying
iroperiy h j-imiuw ofi"b -on
Park was filed f orrecord. - . -
nMA .maw a. I . . . r. rennrtfuf 111 .tne
North Portland warehouse, district. - At
Fifth andMrving streets, G. W.. Hol
comb has purchnee-a BO-foot- lot with
i MW.m.nt. Inr ti606. and at the
same, street Intersections O. W. Bacr
of Pendleton. Has purccasea an unim
proved Jot for $11,000.
IJ M omitn nM nun, v..
Rarnea a ouarter block at fiunnyslda for
13,800. , v '
Secretary of Interior Will Investigate
Oregon Lund Situation With a
, , . View to Extension. '
, Secretary" of Interior James R. Gar
field, R. A. BaUlnger, commissioner of
the general land office, F. H. Newell.
bead of the reclamation service, and
Gifford JHchot. chief forester, will ar
rive. Jn Portland ' July IS, ' to consider
and .So investigate tne uregon iana sit
uation. Thla Information was received
bv United States Attorney William C.
Bristol upon . his return from . Denver
yesterday. -vc . - .
The visit of the officials la expected
to result In much good in Oregon land
matters; For several months efforts
have been made to extend the opera
tions of the government in Oregon in
regard to land fraud investigations, but
the officials at Washington have ao far
neaatived the nroDOsUion. It 1 be
lieved that by a personal inspection of
the situation.' .the officials will find
conditions warranting a greater appro
priation, ana me senaing or mora neip
here. . . . . t v. - y--
.. Endeavorers Baggage.
' (Sseelal Mapatdb to The JoaraaL) '
i-hlww.nlA Wla K Tun. 17 Th. ittata
railroad'commlssion has received a let
ter from Interstate Commerce Commis-
TVanklln K. Lane saying he has
been unable to arrange for the through
routing of baggage over the Union Pa
cific to Seattle vim Portland for the
Christian . Endeavor convention at Se
attle. Commissioner Lane took the mat
ter np personally with attorneys for tha
Northern Pacifio and Union Paclflo. re
cently In Washington City.
State Buys Seattle Park Bond.
(Special Dbpatch to The Journal)
Olympla. Wash.. June JT.- The state
board of . finance has purchased 1100,000
park bonds of the city of Seattle at
f ar, paying 4i per cent Interest JThe
ltal Issue is $500,000, the remainder
havlnr a-one to a Chicago firm.
u u
'r . :i. .!': nnf -and nositive-
IT remorcs Dandruff. Keeps tair
soft ano glossy.;
Guaranteed perfectly pare. -.
Philo Hay Spec Co. Newark, N. J.
Remember Two Tiling
When You Paint
Mu " a . . . .... .
I. lae paint is a srruui part ox lae
cost. It's the palatini that counts.
S. It costs less to put on good pabt
than cheap, because it's made bettrr.
If you use LOWE CXOTltfXS
you get the best results at leas t
cost. ; You will rememtcr th
bigh quality long after yc i
: have forgotten the cost.
: ' "Get color earii a-1 rtr; ' ' :