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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1907)
THE' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 'PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVEIIIIIO, JUNE C7, K:T. It Vou Can't Exercise j . .si .'- V - ";S "TV. . i'! 1 .'. . . , . : A1. Get a Lambert Snyder v Vibrator." . A natural and ' comfortable aid to health. " neuniatism, 1 tt rtVa'ffoTT torpid liver, constipation and kindred ' ills are re- lieved - and 1 cured' by 'tilts' simple device, price, 12.50, !JJ0V a Vleet postpaid to any address. ; Tired, Aching ( vesi Will buy a Victor Talking or Singing Machine, and you'll , get a world of pura delight Irom it twill Bring to you tne greatest singers and musicians of the world. It will fill the ; week's trial yon are not benefited. 1 v weary hours of your life with song and pleasure. ,v Tr ....- ;v.r-v-i - sio.oo. C20.00. 3o:oo. . MO.OO Vv.CV '." ji. rana upward.-: ' - ' - THE VICTROLA, price $200, and the AUXET-O-PHONE, prfce $500, are 'marvelous Instruments" suited for "residences vkndhaUsViL.WOJl CLJUkCV OUL in at nyOP,urjiine day and listen to the new records.' uur pnonograpn room, - . a L . J : 1 1 ..... . ft Get ; relief, today. Wfit ' glasses: fight r - and our prices pleaae,-r;v- !?'' Aryv-":-'':" InTOlid'a Rolling and Reclining Chain Rented or Sold. ' Whiteine Keeps your summer Shoes like alabaster. ...25 Tan Shoe Dressing...... . Turkey Feather Dusters, good ones....,.,...,,,.,...-sof ; Alarm Clocks, regular $1.40; special, i , ............. f 1.03 Silk Flags, all nations, each. . .......... i ; 100,000 Souvenir Art PosUls, new designs. . ; .. . Posial Card AlbumiiC New and good........ 10c, 25c, 30c, 60c, 85c, fLZ5, $3.00 fourth floor, is, open, every day till y p. m. Edison Phonographs and Records A con us send you a catalogue, !: V" omplete stock. .Let A rare and beautiful variety of Oriental pottery. ' W are showing it today in our Washington street window Vases, Rose Bowls and Jardinieres. There re not many piecesbut each one is a gem of artistic beauty. ; Prices range. 45 to 4.75. -...: ' . .'M.:,:"-" i -. IVe Have the Finest Films In the World; yfi are-selling lot.f iL ;;:: H' Arr Avm Dont's sloo around f with a leaky old . relic when you can M.t 1ortti nmntrtii with .' couplings and nozzles, for ; , ; - ..Other grades up to $15. . 7 fJ B "Anaco" .4 and Lnmlere, clear, i .brilliant,," rapid; your ; pictures . - will always be good if you use ,. 'them. 1- : :.:,;-. We develop and print Skilled i and rapid hand wok; no delays . . or broken promises.,. . ; '.; y ' Every Lady viIiim i rVir and beautiful complexion will find pleasure and profit irt our department of toilet requisites,' where neiptul and; yajuaoie au vice. un ihc care ox.ic . 1 nAfi in Dry Shampoo " IVoorf iarW'30c ' (SWEDISH TREATMENT) Absorbs the oily excess in hair and scalp. Makes and keeps the hair dry and fluffy. 1 1 : mm. uan CUffJZICAIUlf Lotion $1, Will remove pimples, freckles, tan and aim- -ilar blemishes of the cuticle. k Purodor25c A delightful deodorant, harnlesslyv prevents excessive or offensive perspiration. Skin Food'. x " a " -" Look lent and Tidy 'Is just what it says Skin Food. Builds up the de pleted tissues, adds soft ness and . beauty to the complexion. 25e. . Wbirn you travel carry a well made, Ltyluih Suit Case. Look at this week's prices: Extra Special Feather weight, .waterproof, dou ble action, light and durable-, 24-inch.... $3.50 fl.75 24-inch.... $4.25 f2.25 . 24-inch.... $6.75 . f 3.50 24-inch,... $7.25 f4.10 We are making a won derful exhibit of Bags, Rollups, Wallets, Purses, Handbags, Beaded Belts and Bags, Leather Wash ' Belts, - new shades , and Postal Card Cameras Make i printin Make a photo Just the right size to use with the hew quick with They print in any light. post cards, all complete Cyko Post Cards, gross f 1.50, dozen... .......... ,..l5fV lens and shutter, f20 n...,............15f Folding Steel Tripods. . .i ... . ...... ..92.00 y Fountain Pens Waterman Parker i ConkJln Get one today. : Use it a week, if you '' are not delighted get your, money i' back. " 7 All Leather Goods Marked Free I We are sole agents for, the famous Cross English Leathers I 1 The finest in the world. ' . ' .." Americas 1 Finest MutM'Mm Glass , Two very large shipments of Hoarea . most exquisite , cutting, exclusive and beautiful designs. For the June bride' - there's no gift to appropriate as a piece ; of real cut glass. , . ' ' , i W waat your moatUy aooonats. So you Imylng T pbon Ttift Ex-chag- IX. or Horn Thont A-113S. W - 4 for iM pnaotlpttona, fill aad iHan tha proaaptiy. JTo y xtm chaxga for xMMagr sarvloa. JACOG RIIS TO I'JEO SECRETARY V Young Woman Who Was yhilanthro'pist's Stenogra ; : pier 4o Become Wife. (Joaraal 8pedat Sarrlca.) J New York, Juno 27. Jacob A. RIls, ,' philanthropist author and. noted friend of President Booaevelt. Whoso first wife ' died about two rears ago, la ' about to 1- Jaxott .A 'RllS. t, . wed afntin. In Auruqt. h and ' Misa llary Philllpa. who haa bei hia aten oprapher, aecretary and literary helper fox several years, will be married. . She 1 ' e years old. about half hia age. juisa I'hunps- lanauy, rormeny or tt, ioms and now or jttosion,, 1a ox ex cellent social standing. . ,' t ,t . , 1 -i m .11 : 1 Milton Commencement. ' (Special Dlipatelt l Tbe JoaroaL) ' Milton, Or., June S7. The oommenea- tnent ex6rc!ses of ; the Milton publlo schools will be rbeld at . the Milton orxra bouse tbla evening;. There are 43 FACTS, NOT FICTION Experiences of Portland Citizens Are ; ' Easily Proven "to I Be Facts. ear 1 1 But i !The most superficial lnveatlratloa will prove that tbe following statement from . a resident of Portland Is true. ; Bead It and compare evidence ' front Portland people with testimony of strangers liv ing ao -far away you cannot Investigate the facts of. the case. Many more citi " 1. ..... sens' of Portland r will endorse claims. r t Mrs. U.C Heldleback of CHS Tenth, street, Portland. Oregon, says: "Insy experience PoanS Ointment Is the best remedy I ever used for the complalnta It Is guaranteed' to cure. It brought tne almost immediate relief- more than Z ever expected for I had been annoyed for a year or mow with UcblngV hemorrhoids, which, although not serious, were very - annoying. ; I beard "about Doan's Ointment and got a box at a drug atore. Its use gave me the btirhest opinion of such an effective rinodr." - ' For nale by all dealers. Price 60 centa ronter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New. Tork, f-le agptit for the t?nlted Btfttea r.pmomber tlie name POAJTS .i.d no other snd graduates in the class this year, the largest of any school in Umatilla county with the exception of Pendleton. An excellent program ha a been arranged for the evening. Attorney B. D. Petereon will deliver the annual address to tbe graduate..? i -1 . TO EXPERIMENT WITH ALFALFA AT COLLEGE (Speelal Dispatch - to . The Joornal.1 " '" i Corvallls.- June J7.WB1 Irrigating pay in the Willamette valley? Can four crops of alfalfa b successfully grown per year when Irrigation 1 resorted to? These are Questions that the i Oregon Agricultural college experiment station. Working cooperatively with the nation al department of agriculture, will seek to determine . In this city. 1 - Out n the college farm this week a crew of men under the personal super vision of A. P. Stover, irrigation engi neer, fte.nt out by, tha government' de partment of agriculture - to conduct a aerien of experiments along thin line in th Willamette valley, are installing an irrigation plant The tract of land aet aside at the Oregon Agricultural eoi lr for the exneriment here -comprises six acres lying on the western aide of the ceiiere rarm. . xne water lor ne purpose will be pumped from Rock creek by a large gasoline pump whloh'is be ing insiauea ana wmcn win, 11 u thought, be In operation in a few days. SIERRA POET SEES . ... .OLD PLAYGROUND fnHl DtsiMteh to The Journal. t ' Pendleton. - Or- June 27. -Joaouin Miller, noet of the Sierras, has been in Pendleton the paat two oays, ana oe fore returning to southern Oregon , he will visit many points of Interest In eastern Oregon, and - hia -old home . In Urant county. , He saia. ; "It seems but yesterday ?'.--that waded in the duat of the Immigrant road on the bill overlooking Pendleton, and yet that' was in the summer of 1862.- or S& years ago." He will , deliver an address at the Union, county pioneer reunion at Cove, on July lv and la stopplrlg en route. He will deliver an address -on July Fourth at the Grant county celebration. STEA3I SCHOONER 19 ; . DISABLED ON BAR fflneelsl DlsMtch to Tbe Journal) Astoria, Or., June 27. The steam schooner L, Meverhoffer which waa towed in Tuesday evening by the bar tuar Tatoosh waa bound from 6an Fran cisco to ghoal water bay to load lumber and return. While attempting to cross me oar jnooaar 'vveiuns nuv . pituck three or . foul- times, carrvlnar , awav hi tAAmr and nn.ninr llri lift, . jkAAmA. Captain Nygram ' backed the steamer into aeep water wnen ne riggea a jury rudder and worked his, vessel- ta the month 'nf th Columbia, where be an. chored and was taken In tow. No word haa been received from the owners yet, but aha ' will . be nrobablv towed- to Portland ana piacea on tne ary qock. AVHEAT IN UMATILLA IS OUT OF DANGER - -ff oeclil Dispatch to The Jooraal) . Boho. Or.. June I7.Thad Barnes, who has 160 acrea of whit & lew miles rrom here, began ; heading yesteraay. He has the Cox variety of wheat, which la much earlier than other .varieties of wheat : In this section. Several of the growers about here will begin beading thla week, la this part of Umatilla county, which la somewhat earlier than in ; the Helix, Atheria wheat section. , All the growers report a bumper crop, and say that the wheat Is beyond In Jury ;-3w. Many samples are being shown that is likely to go from 40 to 60 bushels to the acre. This will be one of the banner, years of the county. BURNS SCHOOLS HAVE , PLENTY OF MONEY THIS COUNTY JAIL PRISONER ENJOYS EXCURSIONS TO COURT Elsa R. Coon, who was Indicted with five other men for conspiring to defraud the government by- manufacturing counterfeit coins, was granted another vacation this morning by Judge Charles E. Wolverton because of Coon's insist ence on having tbe lengthy indictment returned against him by the . federal grand jury read In. court. Coon has been In the county jail -for more than a year and It in believed ihat he Insists upon the reading of the indictment be cause of the opportunity it affords him of getting away from the confines of the Jail for a few houra i , . (Speeial Dispsteh to Tbe JonraaLI Burna Or.. June 27. At the annual echool meeting for a term of three elected director for- a - term of three years and w. K.- Huston clerk for the coming year. The clerk's report showed f MtS.ft on hand. A five-mill special tax was levied for School purposes for the ensuing year. This Is the 'lowest levy made for a number of years. trout: fry-stock U Mi : STREAMS OF OREGON tSpeetat''' Dispatch to Tbe Jeamati 1m. Grande. Or.. June 17. A shipment of trout fry from ' the ; Oregon City hatchery to ; Ia Grande and Union county points,' has arrived. : Because of the missing Dndgea -near Hugard, . the Five Points consignment was taken off at Hllgard.' and the 2,000 brook and rainbows were , taken to Upper Five Points, . TEACHERS WILL GO ' ; - ON SPECIAL TRAIN Educator Denied One fare Rata to ' ' Salem Convention, but Railroad v Oflclal rrovide Otherwise.' Judge Wolverton was busy hearing a case mis morning and ref uaed to take up- the time of the ourt in reading the indictment, which covera 21 closely typewritten pages, and which would re quire more than an hour in reading. Coon, will hear the Indictment read July 1, at which time he will enter a plea. Mexican Mustang Liniment Although unable to secure a one fare rate for the Oregon state Teachers' as sociation convention to be bald at 8a lem, July 1. I and S, County School Superintendent Robinson baa succeeded in getting a special train to carry the 160 or - more teachers from Portland to that city. ' One and . one-third fare win oe cnargea ror tne round trip on tne ceruncaie pian ana tne special will leave Portland at 7 :S0 o'clock next Mon day! morning and-retdrn -on the after noon or wedneaaay, July I. r , The teaohers will be landed in Ss. lem in time-for-, the 'governor's open ing aaraoBS. . ,v. .,; , . T.; The special train will ' be of arreat advantage to the teachers and the gen erosity oi. tne rawroad company . is greatly appreciated py them. ,,.- HARRY nOLMES WILL SERYE THREE YEARS fSoectal Disoatoh for The' Journal) La Grande, . June 17. Harry Holmes haa been sentenced to three years In tne peniienu&ry. - tin entered a piea or guilty-after being charged with at tempted assault UDOn Louisa Miller. A little girl of between I3t and la years of age. rtrgasonvKoZlaney's Bampl . UusUa ,. , unaerwear, wuz mu. ' 2,600. pieces In all. -Sale L beglna to morrow at the Golden Eagle. qulokly ts U ' reoftha,; dlssass and stoaa 1 4 the saost decp-aet, ; axeraclatlsg palna ",V almost Instantly. --V ; ". 1 ,) -11 ' 4 Ilexlcail Mustang Liniment Oars every sdlsaesf el Haa er Beast that geed, boaest Unlraent esw oura. None better, " ' Nose se good - - ZAtrOK HASDXmi It la a joke eio mistake . tot na is spend all - this money to fft two or three words. Bat Just wait . those word will double on fortune tbro wholl laoghf : eo page IL ,,r,....t,, 3FORE tatintr out an EmDlovers1 Liabil-. W . - A s ity policy investigate that oJfered by the Union J Guarantee Association. To the well-known and .stroncr standard form 'of. policy there is the added advantage of its ; beings a locaX brgahiiatipn j Oregon men and Oreeron monev are back of its Tiromnt adjustments are assured. Plate Glass, Steamroller, Liability and Accident Insurance ; Indemnity Bonds. UNION GUARANTEE ASSOCIATION dm W. B. OLArxa ... President WholsMlsrtarniito P. l)KB8ssa, . -. Vloe-Prealdent 1. WkelMl aa Batail Oraew . Ssasiao ALBias, . 2d Tloe-Prea . Allwn Srot. kllllas Oo. . - . V H, P. Waoiroit, . . , Maaagec ., . Oaioa OBaraatM innUttoa J.B, Wrrsxissa IfediealSafsree ' -.: faialolaa aa Haiaaoa . . W. HomrraiB, ; ' . . Andlter Beaatne k OUsjeaa, Bssl Jbute--.. W. Coorta Moaais, . Treasurer " . Oraaoa Trail A 6svlni Bsak 6. fX Spsxckx, :. Oeasral Coaaset :... - AtorBr-.Lir . H. D. WiOKOS, Js -- . Seorstary " Simwum Wmi Safe - , - ,."...'", r ' : ' I ;Bis ' ' ' ?T Sv, I 'Values ..$2.50 India Lawn Waists with elaborate trimming of Val. laces, sold , - v' Cl 7C left only ..... tun.. , I..... f ...... (Die I D ' $3.50 Lingerie Waists only.'.;. ...... '.$2.75 $4.00 Lingerie Waists only,:. . ; ... . .'..$3.25 ;ilf,: - MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS OF PAYMENT, Gream Serge Coats These are beauties and are really extraordinary bargains. .They have black silk collars, made in the very latest-style, and are seasonable garments sold at, a great saving in prices.. Our easy payment system prevails in this as well as all other departments. Do not pass them by $10.00 values only .$0.95 $3.50 values only .$5.95 ' i Kid Gloves,-Belts,; Bags and Combs ,: m - " . MAEQTJAM BUILDING, PORTLAND, '.'OREGON Xarn a Good Salary! : We not only place you in.'agrood position when competent, but we give you the kind of PRACTICAL training that makes you in later years a FINANCIAL SUCCESS. Enroll for summer classes day -or evening. CHARTIER SYSTEM of Shorthand taught The Leading Business College ? Phone Main 50a . : ' Elki Bmldinfc Portland, Or. - . "WRITE FOR CATALOG. ' 111 VAK lrVfl t fl ' . i . -IBS . f : 1 aif' "I i it 1 MTt .asT , . ' J u:""" ...,. - . v fi.iifi ? uuuuuuvuu; The Very Latest New York Mod . els, Made by the Most Fashion able Eastern Makers . :. Shirtwaist Suits Handsome polka dots, ,very striking, utO'date styles, extra full skirts; worth $3.50, . tf0 Friday only at, ....... ,r ... , .p2snrsj India Linon Shirtwaist Suits, Marie Antoinette ;i styles, all color ruffles ; worth $6.50. J A 4 f Special - 3)4.45 ' Lingerie Shirtwaist Suits, handsomely trimmerK wun-Dcauuiui ,vai. laces, very iun SKirts, extra wide flounce, 3 .rows of Val. lace inser- frf 1 rj tion around skirt; worth $9. aO Ladies, Let Us Dress You for the Fourth on Credit : A' small cash deposit Is all that is required then $1.00 a weekl -lYou will find it convenient; and will cost, you less than elsewhere. SONS Ccr.rirst4Y2ir.hi:i 1 Ccr.Seccr.ddVjrr.Mir N