The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 27, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Exercises at Drain- Institu-
Hon Attended by Larger
Ji Crowd Than Ever.
; (gpfclij 'DUpitcb toTb. Journal.) .
Drain, Or., June 27. Last evenlne: at
Normal hall the central Oregon Btats
' Kormal school closed the moat success
ful year's work of ita history with one
Of the beet-rendered program of com-
tnencement exercises ever witnessed by
the school. ; i .
; An unuHual amount of Interest has
bocn manifested by the public and each
program has attracted larger - crowds
than could be accommodated in the hall.
' Last night's exercises were witnessed
.by over 1,000 persons, while severul
hundred were turned away. The exer-
etses of the wwk began Sunday.' June
23, with the graduating sermon by Rv.
J. 8. HandsHker of. Corvallls, .His sub
ject was 'The Open Poor." It was a
masterly address and scholarly effort.
' Thn tmeroiumn frtf 1 nnH, w Avenln
.were exceptionally fine and consisted of
a cantata. ''
, the students.
', Class Bay Exercises.
The class day exerclsea took place
Tuesday at 10:30 a. m. and at 1 p. m.
: of the same day occurred the Held meet.
Tuesday evening Professor J. B.
f Corner of-the Oregon Agricultural col
fM tit rVlFvallift iruv tha annual H.
LCx)ress before the literary society. His
" lecture. "A. Da I Inn on the Medlter-
ranean," waa Illustrated with lantern
; slides. The pictures were taken by
himself ' on, his recent trip through
Europe ana Palestine and- the lecture
: waa highly instructive and rich in j
literary and historical associations. .
The commencement exercises proper,
'I whlch took place Wednesday evening,
consisted of orations by the members i
, of the graduating class and a most able
and scoharly address by Senator 0.-P.
Coahow of Roseburg. 5 .
. ; The Graduates.
The graduating -claas consists of the
following members: English course,;
Carl Holl, Rachel Long, Kate Flnerty,
Kate iiawley, B. O. Haines, Lloyd Mar-
2u am, Harry Black R. Ella Dickerson,
)na Pearl pevore, Grace Trunnell. Roy
Moore, our Richards; . Latin course.,
Carl Wlmberly, Lloyd Whipple. Alta
'(Spalding, Mod a Drain,
'Money has been borrowed and all the
-. teacnera nave Deen paid tn lull zor tneir
aervlcea for the year. A large part of
the money necessary Jto run the school I
- for the ensuing year has already been
raised bysubscrlptlon and the rest has
been pledged by the business men of the
town or Drain so
or. the school for the next year
a certainty. There will also be an tin
' usually large graduating class and the
: largest enrollment of the school's his
tory. v., ....
i , .. v,j. -v '. i ,, . i : . ' zraw. hi t it vr v.. .
-r K. ' I. M - ; TBsdgH. UsUfl I.-' A'3 .
ITas many aehos and ralns caused by
weaknesses and falling, or other displace
ment, of tho polvlc organs. Other symp
toms of female weakness are frequent
headache, dizziness Imaginary specks o
dark spots Coating before the eyes, gnaw
ing sensation In stomach, dragging or
bearing down In lower abdominal or pelvic
region, dlsf-crecable drains from .pelvic
organs.falnt spoils with general weakness.
' If any considerable number of the above
symptom j are present there Is no remedy
that wJHjrl ve quicker reiiei or a more per
tnaient choj than Dr. Pierce's Favorite
PreK)slt b record of over fort
years of enftJa'H t t" nrvt rote",,
tnyifforiflng tonic an-i sifngthenfrnt fl".r-
vln "Vnowniimfllcel rc pTve. It Is made
! i
oflhe glyceric exuacToi' native medici
nal roots found In our forests ana con
tains not a drop of alcohol or harmful, or
hablt-formlng drugs. Its Ingredients are
All printed on the bottle-wrapper and at
tested under oath as correct, , ' , '
, Every ' lncredlent entering Into." Fa-
rorite Prescription has the written en
dorsement of the most eminent medical
writers of all the several schools of prac
ticemore valuable than any amount oi
non-pr6fcs!onal testimonial though tnt
latter are not lacking, saving oeen con
trlbuted voluntarily by grateful patlentt j
on.llv fin. .h rnnslstn.1 ff n numDers u exceea ius enuonwmenu
The Pioneers., rendered by I given to any other medicine extant to,
i. .1 . . M the cure of woman's Ills. ' - I
You cannot afford to accept any medlcliw
of unkwn composition, as a substllu't
for this well proven remedy or khow2
coMPOsmoif, even though the dealer ma;
snake a little more profit thereby. Youi
Interest In regaining health Is paramount
to any selfish Interest of hU and It Is ac
Insult to your Intelligence for him to try
to palm off upon you a substitute. You
know what you want and It Is his busi
ness to supply the article called for.
' Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet are the
original "Little Liver Pills" first put np
by old Dr. Pierce over forty years ago,
much Imitated but never equaled. Little
sugar-coated granules easy ' to take at
candy. - . ' :
. j . ....... ...
that the continuance Subpoenas Issued Command-
the next year la now I . . . . ..
ing : Eockefeller and Fart
; ners to Appear in Court.
. Little Tom Malone, who narrowly es
caped death under the hoofs of a runa
, way (earn at Fourth and Yamhill' streets
yesterday. Is Jone the worse today for
ma xrigntrui experience. The iaa aoes
i t
''! (Journal Special Service.) :!..
Chicago," June 27.-Federal Judge Lan
dls this morning Issued subpoenas direct
ing jonn v. - liockereiier. n. li. nogers,
William Rockefeller, O. W. Stahl, J. A.
Moffett, W. H. Cowan. Archbold, W. H.
TllfordTc. K. Pratt. Charles T. White,
1L EL Felton and Fred A. Wann to ap
pear before him July t to answer Ques
tions concerning the finances of the oil
trust..'. . - i", ... v,
The trust has been found guilty of
giving' rebates, to the Alton road, and
Landls can fine the company a maxi
mum of SfMOO.OQO.
The trust attorneys defied Limdts
yesterday when he asked for Informa
tion, hence the subpoena to got infor
mation first hand,' ' ..
It develops that there are in existence
five new Indictments which have not
figured in. the conviction of , the oil i
trust, containing ,uuu counts. , , - .
v Grand trolley excursion ' to Canemah I
park Friday evening, June 28. Magnifi
cent flashlight illuminations, plenty of
amusements. Trains leave . First and
Alder at 7'-0 and 7:45. Fare, SO cents:
ladles. 85 cents." Prices Include grand
ball. Sailors from warships Invited and
will be charged only half price. Splen
did dancing floors In pavilion.' ' Tickets
for sale at Jones' cigar store, tn and
Wash., and Schiller s, 6th and Washing
ton. Musiyby Parsons' orchestra, .
Milton. Or.. June S7.AT. L. Frailer.
of this city, whose farming land Joins
the city limits, has sold 20 acres of
standing bluestem wheat to C J. Mo-
Klnsle for 120 an acre. Mr. McKlnaie,
who la the proprietor of the City livery
stable. ' ia cutting "the grain
binder and will use It formfeed.
with a
Tom Malone. - ' .
not -reanxe" how close he was to death.
and Ms only mougni is me resioiion
of the little red wagon on ' whicu ne
rode when the team daaned oyer nim.
The wagon was snatterea.- ana tne
" boy's first inquiry after the team passed
l over him was whether they would buy
t-: him a new one. The driver of the team
j1 was thrown from his seat and severely
V injured. , v -.-: '
Salt Vrlee -for Sample ICnalU trader-1
: wear;. .
All Ferguson-McKlnney's drummers'
samples on sale at Oolden agle tomor- I
row at nair regular price
The annual picnic of the Holy Cross!
I church will be given July 4 at the
I grounds of Columbia university. Races
and sporta will be a part of the day's
program with a baseball game as a !
feature. Refreshments will be served.
l . ' x Snetal Dlptcb to The 'aarosL)
' Astoria. Or., June -27.r-The body of
Herbert Morgan,' a sailor or the schoon
1 er - Fred K. Sanders, who has been
miasing for the last 10 days, was found
floating Id the river yesterday morning.
i iThe body Was taken in charge by Coro
ner JPohk-r He was .about as years old,
a native7 of Kniland. unmarried. He
wSa a member oi the sailers-' -union of
Bnr Francisco, under, whose auspices he i
' -:wmi o ourieu. ; . . ' ; :
Service over the remains .of the late I
James ' H. Fluk-.' who 'died recently In I
Naples. Italy, held at the crema
torium Sunday-afternoon at J':l o'clock.
Services will be under4 the auspices of!
Washington lodge. A.- F. A A. . M.
Snocial cars will leave First and Bum-
side streets ' and First and Alder -for
tba crematorium at 1:45 o'clock. . .
is of benefit as a deodorizer,
antiseptic cleansing agent
and preservative. Ask your
(Special CiPfatrb to The JoaraaL)
Cottage Orove. June 27. At the an.
nual meeting of the Willamette Valley
-Development league, which waa held
here yesterday. Colonel EL Hofer of
aIem was reelected prealoent. . Tester
. day's meeting was enthusiastic. A num
ber of excellent addresses were deliv
Great Cample Sale YTnsMa TTndslrwear,
; i.iu a-rice. , , .-. -- ,.
Sale of FFri'Mson-'fcKitipy FumplB,
Tfcne's Psslrj! ; ,
"July 1 'is only FOUR
days off. Got your busi
ness phrase ready?
ee pagrs 1L .. ;.
Tomorrow Only, Friday Barnain Day, Lipman, Wolf e & Co., Offer These Special Bargain
Most Sensational and Wonderful 6i All Waist Sales Friday
Sold -Regularly M $7;50 for $1.6
j'y '' they last Friday we offer uZ-
& f ! the most sensational and wonder-
7 ; ful Waist bargain we have ever J 'I v
ful Waist bargain we have ever
read or heard about. The assort-
ment comprises over 450 of this" season's most popular styles of chiffon
taffeta silk, finest quality China silk and net waists, in black, white, light
a a ' ' "' si. .!. i. - ""T" msbisi i ieMBHH.BaaHa.,l.
piue ana navy, maae in tancy tucKea ana lace trimmed f
styles selling regujarly, up to $7.50. The earlier you getvX II
here Friday morning, the greater the assortment will be at Uj) JJ
' None on tale until 0 a. m.-See Window Display. . .
5000 Pairs Lonfi Lisle Gloves
Regular $1.25 Values
: at 78c Pair
For Friday Bargain Day we have prepared
5,000 pairs of 16-button length" Mousquetaire
German Lisle Gloves, in both white and black,
sizes Vt; 6 and -7. A superb . glove and a
sensational bargain at this extraordinary bar
gain price. Regular. $L25 values. .
No phont orders, none i on approval, none C O. D.
25 c
1,000 fine quality Wpmen's Cotton or Lisle Vests, low neck, no sleeves,
silk taped at neck.r Our regular25c quality, for;' i;t-: iX-U'il C
this sale only ,r...;.'...M.."i,V,.lDC
500 Fine Lisle Swiss Ribbed .Union Suits, lace trimmed at yoke and lace
trimmed nmbrella drawers. . An extraordinary, bargain at the fi ; CA
regular price of 98c. Sale price only ,'. i . . . . . . .'. ,U . ; ,. . , . .'.i VUC
50c Womens Lisle Vests 25c
75c Womens Lisle Vests 43c
1,000 extra fine quality ; Women's Lisle or ? Mercerise ' Vests, (lace
; trimmed, loth silk and mercerked taped at neck. Regular 50c - OC
. oualitr for Friday sale ............ .1 . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . m1C '
1,000 extra fine Swiss Ribbed Lisle or Mercerized Vests, beautifully .
'trimmed, silk taped, regular 7c quality, forFriday 'sale AO' '
Great Sale of Outing - Hats
Hats for the Beach, .Mountains .and All ; "
! : . Outdoor Wear Reduced
Are you prepared for the
Fourth, and have you consid
ered whit hat you are going to
wear at seaside, mountain or
outing?, During our great Out
ing Sale you have the greatest
opportunity to get just that hat
that you will need. ' v
v 30c Duck Hats 39c
A ' very practical Outing Hat for
all outdoor occasions, light in
weight and durable, white linen
color or black and white check. .
h $1.25 Beach Hats 75c
The most sensible Beach or Moun-
water does not affect them. Mads V,
. S . . u .
oi uninese grass straw ana comes
in three sizes, trimmed with fancy bands.
$2.00 Fancy Straw Sailors for Only $1.39
A Sailor adds the last charming touch to a breezy summer costume.
These are exceptional values in fine quality Fancy Jap Straw Braid and
extra Milan Straw Sailors, with all silk black ribbon band trimming.
$1.75 Jumbo Straw Sailors 89c f Nv ;j:':-y
Without a doubt the best Sailor Hat bargain offered this seasonjThree
styles to choose from in the latest blocks, black silk ribbon band trimming..-
. . ' ', V-'..M T-'V''VA? ,
French Felt Cowboy Hats $2.50
Best quality French Felt Cowboy Riding or Outing Hats, made on the
newest block and trimmed .with stunning burnt leather band.
$3.00 Jumbo Straw Hats $1.95 -
The prettiest Sailor shown this season and by far the best values you
could possibly find. . Really wonderful what style individuality they
have, . '.,
Fine Milan Straw Sailors at $2.95 and $0.00; Ladies', Misses
and Children's Duck Hats, 39 75, $1.25 to $2.00 ;
Misses' Panama Straw Outing Hats, values to $2.00, at $1.00.
Many other stylish ideas in summer millinery. '
' aM
W l , J ' I B 1 ;
10,000 Yds. Wash Goods MillEnis
Friday morning at 8 o'clock sharp we inaugurate the most sensational sale of Summer Dress fab-
ncs ever announced by any store in Portland. The OPPORTUNITY OF THE YEAR.
10,000 yards of 25c to 50c popular weaves many selling in other stores as high
as 75c a yard: but in order to make this the rreatest sale of wash roods ever at
tempted in this city, we have grouped all of these? fabrics in one tremendous col
lection, including silk warp eoliennes, mercerized fabrics, French batistes, organ
dies, white (roods of all descriptions in fact all the new fabrics brought out this
season, 2 to 15 yards long, for, all kinds of summer wear, i Friday morning at 8 o'clock sharp, your choice at 14
a yard. - , . 4 "'''
Bags Values
to $3.00 for $1.19
While they last Friday choice of 150 Wal-
rus, seal, morocco and suede mgs, leatner
lined, fitted with coin purse, card case.
some moire lined, patent" clasps and
catches, etc. While the values last, regular
$3.00, $2.50 and $2.00 bags on
sale fors.
None C O. D. or on approval
Ju I S-J
2,000 late popular Song and in
strumental music ruts, ,
treat varietv-of titles. '
your choice Friday
at only
15 c
$1.50 Dresses 98c
Children's colored Wash Presses
and Bloomer Suits,,made of cham
"bray, gingham, lawn : and .dimity,
trimmed with lace, insertions and
braid; latest styles, yoke, guimpe,
Russian and French effects; sizes
2 to" 6 "years; exceptional
values at $1.50, sale price
Hammock Sale
A ' special Friday sale of double
twine, fancy woven Hammock
whh valance, spreader and uphol
stered pillow, both light and dark
colors, in - a large assortment: of
patterns, at the special prices ad
$4.00 Hammocks $3.29
$2.00 Hammocks $1.68
$1.50 Hammocks $1.29
$1.35 Women's Short Kimonos 85c
350 Women's Short Kimonos, night
ingales and dressing sacques, as
follows: Women's nightingales,
with flowing sleeves, fancy scalloped
edges, made of fancy figured lawn
and dimity. ; Women's dressing
sacques, with collar, short sleeves,
in belted effects. Women's short
kimonos, T made of fancy figured
lawn, short sleeves. !: Ideal garments
for house wear ? during summer .
months. Regular values to $1.35:
great oargains inaay u. n r s
Summer Household Needs
Best quality , Goodyear Jar
Rubbers, box of one n-,
dozen . .......... .V. O3W
too Fasar KapkJns, par
108 ,,...12H
Wooden Pi. Plates, dos.. 6e
25c Shinola Outfits ......18
Whit. Bhoa Dresalna . . . 74
Blua. ran. pink and lavender
Shoe Dressing ...........184
Pure Paraffin Wax, best
grade, one-pound 1 re
package for ........ XUV
Whit Shoe Liquid ...... 8 '
Dutch Cleanser, only ....
zSo PkK. Gold Dust .....18
Pearline. the cleanser .... Hi
Bhoe .Laoes, dozen ......10t
BoneHalr Pins, box .... 8
60o fihoppln- Baskets.... 22si
$3a 75 Silver Princess Purses $2.48
$5.00 t6 $6.00 Princess Purses $3.48
The only store offering sales on the most stylish purse of the
season, the most worn purse in eastern centers of fashion;
A special sale of these most stylish
of all Purses, made of solid Ger
man silver, each purse guaran
teed, the . popular small size, in
latest fine etched designs, French
gray, finish,' separate center parti
tion, strong chain handle. Regular
$3.50 and $375 CO A Q
values,.. . .'. O
Flat shape Card Case and Purse,
very stylish novelty, pretty wood
bine and daisy patterns, will hold
cards or coin, $50 CO CIQ
values for only ......... $0JO ,
Medium size Princess Purses,
large enough for coin and cards,
etched pattern in the latest finish,
each one guaranteed to wear. Reg
ular $5.00 and $6.00 o M Q
purses for 0J.40
Large size Princess Purses in a
number of pretty patterns, large
compartments in sices for cards or
coin, very stylish. We engrave a
pretty monogram free' on each
bag. Regular $7.50 A Mr
values for ....... v"
$3.00 PARASOLS $1.95
100 White Linen Para
sols, with embroidered
edges, also daintily made,
with lace insertion ; sue,
22! inches. Light summer
costumes call so impera
tively for white parasols
to complete the toilet that
this sale will be welcome
news at this time, Rcgu
lar $3.00 values.
. $1.95
i i
Cross Stripe Madras Curtain"
500 pairs of cross-stripe lladras ' Cv.r;'.-M. : , :
yellow, blue, pink and brown cc' r c - '
long, 40 to 53 inches wL'r. t t: . :
' w j 1 ... i ,
ail one !!. ' a I ;n I "t I 1 1 o to-
R-rtrru-v a i ...