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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 7, 1C37. may - noon. IS REFRESEi TED Kace for Journal's Scholar ship Is Now on in Earnest Throughout the State. PROMINENT EDUCATORS DEEPLY INTERESTED JNew Candidate Being Nominated , Daily and All Will Have to Hustle as Competition AV11I Be Strong on ... Every Hand. ' ', Tha racs for, The Journal's scholar ships is on in earnest Every county In Oregon has entered at . least one can , dictate, anfl some , more than one. to gather anbsoriptions to ; The Journal, tend a school of higher education next year. , . Everyone takes at least one daily or .weekly newspaper, and Hjpleases people to help a young person secure n edu 1 cation while giving their money for the newspaper of their Choice, since it costs no more to confer the favor. ' 'WorJt for Tonng People, ..-,.., It is not the custom of The Oregon Journal to employ an army of Hessian newspaper solicitors to extend' Its cir culation by offering -cheap .novelties as . premiums. Hut once a year. The Jour nal goes over its field the state of Ore gon with the assistance of and repre sented by ambitious boys and girls, I yoong men and young women, inviting -people to become patrons of ; the paper. Instead, of giving out its-appropriation for extending circulation to Itlne- . rant men, who may do other and heavier Inbor for society. The Journal gives this money to young people, who will use It to educate and better themselves. . The schools are directly and indirectly benefited -The agitation of the contest causes people to think about t-he schools st the very time of year when they should decide where to send their cbll dren. . , - ' ' Zaoellest Publicity. f t)r. J. W. Hill of the Hill .'.Military academy; said yesterday 1 "The scholarshln care In The Sunday journal was una 01 mo nnm iriuumi to education which has appeared on the ricnio coi. ini journal is umiig a creat work for boys and rlrls as well ii for tha achonlM " William Rasmus, head of the Western Academy or music, Elocution ana i-rs-ma tic Art. remarked yesterday to the oontest manager:,; - "' " - i 'Already I am beginning to near or riroapective students tnrougn tne pud iclty which is given my school in The Journal's educational ; contest. ' The Journal's enterprise puts the schools be fore the publio In the full light of their Importance, to the oommunity." 3Db : peaMsa Till Wittav' vjU." Stephen B. I Penrose, president of Whitman college, Walla Walla, one of the best-known and most hlshlv es teemed of western colleges, promises an onen letter to The Journal contestants Inn the lines at self-eduaction. Dr. Penrose ts much in demand as a speaker and writer and is doing a great work for the cause of education in the Inland Empire, v --i,:-.... . ;v-t.,- - ; F. K. Jones, acting president of Pa cfflc college at Newberg, appreciates the opportunities offered by The Journal contest. , He has placed in nomination and for competition Miss Eula Hodson of Newberg. Miss - Hodson will strive dsy by John B. Ooddard, manager 1 of J $50. One scholarship for a girl with 10 ine xvarionai jtiospuai association. i niontns instruction In muitlo; board, miss ttrunn nas a soon common i room.. etc.. in ilerrick Hull. iiso. she aspires to a higher education and ,( Pacific i College, Newberg, Oregon. One has entered The Journal contest as an I scnoiarsmp in either college or academy honorsbls snd distinguished means of aepartment lor one school year, ISO. obtaining this. . I R nr. one is a member of - the First . christian church, - She knows many influential ir. Ooddard says thst Miss Brunn Is , "5 n OnVhoiah in ood for or water color painting, or pastel. people in that denomination from whom she expects to obtain subscriptions. Her education so far has been obtained through her own efforts and there is no limit to her ambition and determina tion". - Another Ambitious Jones. A letter wltn the right ring to It comes from Ml na A. Jones, employed at Olds. Wortman -. & King's department store. Iast year The Journal had a successful contestant of the numerous house of Jones, but last year's Jones was a boy. This year's Jones is a girt and sne means to nave tne course in musi at the Pacific university, Forest Grove. . !.- r PeoDie from the store or oias. wort- man it King have rigured in several con tests and they have generally been suc cessful. - There is a fine loyalty among he.wUl havA t?, TY2L 4tirA-tJitk'i H outer Th the contest who will compete with her for The Journal's prepaid tul- uon at tne xsewoerg acnooi. , Know One Aaothsr. . The contest manager la making the acquaintance of some of the contest ants. It will be his aim and it will be the purpose of the circulation manager of The Journal to know every contest ant. Those who cannot be seen per sonally should correspond with both the contest manager and the circula tion manager, 'either or both of whom will assist and advise In work of ths contestants. Helps will ' be given im partially, as ' between the contestants, time and attention being bestowed' in the order in which the young people write or sppiy. , . Remittances' and money orders -should oe maae payaoie to Tne uregon Journal, not to an individual, and, for prompt attention, letters should be sddrewsed to The Content Manee-er. Oreron Journal. Portland, Oregon. . Courageous Kiss Brunn. , ' Miss Marie Brunn. 385 ' Chanman street, Portland, was nominated yester- the army of employes there for one of I courses, value $100. Holmes Business collesre. Portland. Oregon. Four scholarships; one, com bined scholarship one year, value 1100; one academto or civil service scholar ship, one year, , f 100; choice of either commercial or shorthand scholarships, six months, 160: night course, any de partment, one year, $50. Behnke- Walker Business collets. Portland. Oregon. ' Four scholarships for 1$ months combined, course, value $100; one scholarship for 9 months' com bined course value $85: one scholar ship for t months'- oourse, value $70 one scholarship , for 6 months either shorthand or business course, value $60, Baker City Business college. Baker City, Oregon. Scholarship good for one year In shorthand, commercial, Eng- nan, overusing ana penmaneniD OXFORD JIDIiiG --GBEftT PABEOUY Memorable Events in His tory to Be Reproduced in Tableaux. ' their own. so Miss Jones has good pros pects for united support The letter follows: ; i . ;.. "Portland. Or., June 95. Contest Manager. The Journal. -Dear Sir: I was nominated to enter In your educa tional contest, and am going to work for a- 10-months" course of Instruction In musio at the Paciflo university, Forest urove. ,-, " i ". '-V '.- for the scholarship In Pacific college. J 'Tnistlng, I fSJft.iAA-fcbawta rwwa,Tana wisnmg your paper an sue International Correspondence Schools or Hcranton, i'a., r'ortianl agency. Two scholarships; , choice of $100 tuition In any . or tne numerous , or helpful courses except , language oourse or courses In locomotive running; another scholarship In the same to the value of NOMINATE A FA VOR1TE 'Or several,-if you like.' If you nominate more than one, select your nominees k from different localities. , . . Out This Out and Mall to III fOUXWAX POBTXAVB, OB, At Once. Town. Kate ". ..... , FTTBUSKEas OBZOOH JOTTXITAXh POBTXABTL, OBSOOV, ' ' I nominate the following as suitable to enter your contest for scholarships and cash awards:"-1' r ,.-... ... i. ''''; ' VA3CB '.. AGB ASSXESa Kama of Soaool of , '0" , Couege Wanted. '. i .. i. ' i ' ' . . 1" ' . ' . ; ' ' . """'' 11 :''; i . (Any young person between the ages of 10 and $0 having" good character is eligible to enter this contest.) r Nomination Made by . ....... i ... . ..... , ..,..,.,...,;. . , ; , ; ; , . . ; , , Whose Permanent Address Is.., ,.,! , ,, ,..,,,. Whose telephone (if any) Is. ,.,,,.1;.,, ;,. cess. I remain, yours respectfully. "MINA A. JONEa ( "Olds, wortmsn King Store." William Russell, . 234 Dupont street. Portland, will be assisted In gathering contest votes by Miss Vema Oradon of Burns, Oregon. Miss Oradon will take subscriptions for The Journsl and have the votes credited to Russell, arships; the winners - to (have their choice of any . of the ftVe- different courses taught by this conservatory; namely, ' piano,' organ, violin, mandolin and guitar; scholarships Include sheet muslo, all Instructions and the stringed instruments, if st rinsed -, instrument courses are . Selected...... .;- -A , Oregon Expert college, Portland, Ore- BEERBOIDI TREE WILL be General director Sir, Hubert Tarry Will Have Charge of the Musical Feature of the Program, Which Is to Cover Six , Days. THE SCHOLARSHIPS - So far as at present made up, the scholarships to be awarded at the end of the contest are presented be low. More schools may be added aa tha contest progresses and the num ber of determined contestants mul tiply, -"'i.,y '(,.-:.. ,t ,t ;' ..,'v (Journal Special Service.) London, June 27. During the six days beginning today the .historic Moi Oi: -fWlTstowtne leeno of "a commemora tive pageant that in many respects will be the most notable affair of Its kind ever given in England. The city' and University of Oxford are rich in ' his torlcal associations. During tha week a number. Of the most memorable events in their history are to be reproduced in a series of maa-nlflcent lihlinii. Tn rnn. ftn. .chnlnr.hin T t.l.mnh. .nrf .nou,an?. persons are to take part in tvDewrltlne- - value 1100 , ' , """Itneae tabfeaux The Prince and Princess yS V m J . ,00'' VP' WaU" the patrons of the affair, Mm- v'ffS ( ?. a f.-,: mum- i Oregon, A. P. Armstrong, principal. Four scholarships, as follows: One for 13 months in combined course, value $100; one for 9 months In combined course, value $85; one for ('months In combined course, value $70; one for I months In shorthand or business counte. vaiue su. ... , Rose City Business collesre. ' Portland. Oregon. Two scholarships; one com bined coursa fon one school 'year,- value fv, una v iiiuuviin vvuiiv in iumi iimnu or bookkeeping, $50. :1. . r,-. Capital Business college.' Salem. Ore gon. One scholarship good 'for. -10 months' tuition in, either department, vaiue iivv. Oregon Conservatory of Music. Port land, uregon. instruction In any de- Hill Military Academy for boys. Port land, Oregon. '.,. Two scholarships: one scholarship with board, room, tuition, laundry and other items amounting to $600. Another scholarship aa a separate prise lor tui tion and noon meal, value $100. - Bt Mary's Institute. Beavert on. Ore gon. One scholarship In academlo de-1 partment, value $100. inienL. inutuainK wifluni on luir in strument; also board, room, etc. , value SZIO. ;,.v-.',.-- ....;,;.:,'.;-:.-.'.'.',,:.' ,r; Ol. - I1.ICU W 1111. 11J- IIU Ulfdl-llllft school for girls and young ladles. Port land, Oregon. Two scholarships, includ ing neon meala. , .,,-.- ... Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash. Scholarship , in the Conservatory of Music, value $100. Willamette University, Salem. Oregon. Two scholarships. One In either college or preparatory department, value $50; the other In the muslo department, value $100. , , Dallas College, Dallas, Oregon. Sehol Eugene Business- college, Eugene. Ore- Iron. . One scholarship In commercial or stenographic course, value $100. . . . - Western Academy of Music Elocu tlon and Dramatlo Art. W, M. Rasmus. principal, Portland, Oregon. One schol arship In choice of vocal, piano, -violin. mandolin, elocution, oratory ana dram atlo art, v.-Jue $200. . Holmes-Flanders Private school. Port land. One scholarship good for one years special university-, preparation. one year s normal course, or practical English course for one and one half years, valued at $150. . Oregon ' Law college. Commonwealth arshlp In either academic or .college de-1 bunding, Portland,' Oregon. Scholar snip in tne nrst iwo years or tne course, value $160. . - . Portland Academy. Portland. Oregon. Day scholarship in either college or academic department, good for one year, value $120. Mrs. - Walter Reed. Portland. Oregon. Teacher of voice and singing. Lessons to the value of $100. .. . , MCMinnvme - uonege, Mcaiinnyiiie, i t- " . Oregon. Two scholarships. One In Japan; Z3Xl rTanClSCO IS '1 value $50; one in the department of TEA New York is too far from music, value $60. Paciflo University, Forest Grove, Ore gon. Two scholarships. One day schol arship In the academy or college, value nearer. , s . - Tosr groear rtlsms your sieney if yea dea't like Schilling's Beit; we sat bin and the professors and fellows of the university snd the several' colleges have ujurvn me preparations. . Beerbohm Tree Is directing the dra matio features of the pageant, which will Include historical plsodes-put into form by eome of the leading dramatists or i;ngian Tne music, which will fol low the historical development of that art with great .fidelity, will be under me direction or sir rtuoeri rarry. pro fessor of music at Oxford. Edwin A, Abbey and other distinguished artlsta assisted In designing the costumes. The first scene to b nrantit wilt be the foundation of the city of Oxford in the year 733, according to the legend of St Frideswlde. The next scene oc curred In 1002, when, Jn consequence of tne piots against nimseir and bis nobles. King Ethelred Issued an edict that on St.' Brlce's day all the Danea throughout the kingdom should be massacred. The representstlves of that race in Oxford sought sanctuary in a church built by t. rnoeswiae, Dut tne inrunated- clti sena burned it down and slew them all Other scenes will .represent the coro nation Of Harold Harefoot. the funeral or Amy Koosart. sn Elizabethan proces sion, the visit of James I to Oxford In 1005. and the exDUlslon of Fellowa of Magdalen by James II In 1 87. CIIEIIALIS WEDDING ' BIG SOCIAL EVENT v, (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) . Chehalls, Wash., , June J7. One of the prettiest social events of the sea son was the marriage of C. A. Frasler, well -known young business man of South Bend, and Miss Mlna Rice, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rice.; who are owners of the Hotel Washington of thin, city. The . wedding occurred at the Presbyterian church last night,' a large gathering of friends being pres ent Rev. D. A. MscKensle officiated. Following the service at the church a reception was held at the iWashlngton. Miss Lydla Crawford of Portland was maid of honor and Joe Baum of Port land oesi man at tne wedding. , 1 ' I. It ' VU I ' v I I v ; 5.1 ' ' J ill V 2 '- ' Outing Suits A LL the innovations that mark an Outing Suit as "'7' II T w tne present season s wsnioning are emDodied tn he series that have come to us from ' the tailor shops of Alfred Benjamin & Co. - - The fabrics are diversified, including Tropical Wor steds. Flannels. Cassimeres. En dish Plairl F.fTerta anrl Homespun Gray Checks and the popular Browns. . The pockets are of the patch or Bellows type,, there la a nfrmanwit "turn nn" tn tVi frniiian . f " : . Belt loops are provided, and as the, trousers are made to fit snug to the waist there are no unsightly buckles or straps. - ' The coats are quarter-lined, either with silk or monair. The prices range from $15.00 to $30.00. ; ; cj m )ullr ' ,... The, Gentility Shop 311 Morrison ' Street Opp. Poatoffic ) . -I ' " ' sHissasisii s n IM in m m m ii.sii 1 1 i . 1 1 i mi ssn.iiiin.iim giss sa-swssasasaeassssssas ' ' .. ifF "'" ' ' "" , , ,.-,, .--a Is-. ' - - ' " '; ' Ji.".1.:,:1!-'..:.'.!.1 , :. .' ... ." , nn.n , ,.i :"'" -"",. I 1 11 I II , . . -. ------mmmm-mmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMr4m NEXT THURSDAY THE GLORIOUS fOURTII Of JULY! ' ; I-.,.'-!. ...4-, M t , t ' 1 ' . ' ( I i .. , .. M.-.h.'... . ' t" . -. r . 1 " t 1 t 1 ' " J ' -4 ' 'i "j'1'' " A r. . ' . Just Suppose You Buy That - New Sirit of Welch TSie WeldiCielte Are becomirig more popular every day because they are made right, fit right and priced right. " All Prices o Lwm dp I . ' SF" W V P r 1 Mi w .(EUliJilKEil0' A mm 1 Come in tomorrow and pick out you like Those dressy Jiu-jitsu Suits are really the ; ttf PA xinly genuine boys' clothing made, only, . ; , . ' You never had a better $5.00 suit!' A GOOD BOOK FRLL Complete your summer wardrobe at Welch's - The Lee $3.00 StraW Hat 4 , The Ideal Summer Hat UNDERWEAR Knee Drawers, CAn C Sleeveless Shirts . . ; . . . DuC UarilieflL : FANCY HOSIERY in all the 4CC 9Tr Cftr new effects.;...,.. I Jt 6 Jt, JUL Cool Shirts for your - , chr iA . Bias Plaid Neckwear CAn comfort. .JUL W 4J galore . . . . . ,3 UL If Not Right Welch Makes It Right ,1" '"" I '11 J I aT ,1 min - -- - -. ... P i" .'" ' . , ' , ' 1 ' ' ' " ? " , I AND YOU NATURALLY Stows An avalanche of expressions from women who are using GAS STOVES came in yesterday. A "Jewel" or "Reliable" Gas Range is a , A good durable fine-looking gas range is a much greater necessity than a cheap pretentious affair. . We made a most thorough examination before selecting, believing, that a good range is desirable, btft an un trustworthy range will fair to give satisfaction. We, cannot afford to offer the. public anyhing but the best possible gas appliances. They are cheapest in the long run. . : Sold on Easy VMly or Monthly Payments fa Maifmsow CommsrST fl n 'v:vV:::-';.:::;; 1 1 - j t: m i 1 1 v r 11 w 1 1 1 S vx kl ' i I J 1 sx ' i L 3 Rf Hi and Yamhill Sireeis