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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND; THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 27, 1807. 1; mm I ron sirr, real estate. ron sali-farms TniBEU. WHY PAT RENTT WE HAVE ' A f house of 6 rooms, lust built 2 years , ago; hard finished, large lot, sightly) will sell houHe and lot for leas tluin house can be built, and on monthly ray ments. Phone Tabor 670. Aylsworth Kpton. - ' L- Vancouver, XizsH, Izzi 80 MILLION CEDAR AND FIR, ON Stream, tributary to Willamette, near Portland: 15 cents, per M If taken at one; snap for miilman; short option; principals only. Box 97, Canby. Or. WANTED TO SHOW THREE MKl4 II. FREELAND. RKAL KSTATIJ. ,- KQom 7 Oiiq yellows' bldg.. 141 lt. Small chicken ranch, cow bees, chickens; . cheap; terms, 213 1 Commercial bile; mnwt sell. -SMALL HOUSE, LOT 60X110; 14 fruit trees, near Mount Sootf carllne, where they can secure timber claims worth several hundred dollars In near future. Verv small location fee re quired.. '., Address, with residence and reference, or no notice taken. Address F-411 Journal. . 1 Brains 104 acres, 14 mlies from Vanceuvrr, 4 miles from river town; 35 acres under fine state of cultivation, 7 . acres in orchard of assorted fruits, about ' 16 acres timber, balance in pasture; -new barn 40x0, .fair 6-room house, wood, shed, hog and chicken houses, eto.'i fine team of horses, 6 good milch cows, 2' heifers, 2 hogs, 14 sheep chickens, new double-seated spring wagon, lum- hhf wairrin. hurneas. .new mower, rake (ream avnM.rfl.tur: nlow. surinc tooth bar. I HORSES , AND BUGGIES FOR RENT mis ,.ric atn U I bv dav. week and month: sneclal rates muuM MuiJhKN HOUbh; HAS, cuii- mile from school; church Joins plaoe. to business bouses. 6th and Uawuiorna. ;"'" ). V, i It. Ur .'; "lon a gooci roaa ana in a gooa neignoor- i wi f'tn.,t Phon Bollwood .62. W.-R., or I ll00j; au crops go with place and ara BESTWORK AND LIGHT HARNESS. w.-w, car. I nrth f lAjit 11.000: a. fine home-I in... u nM hr. only 24,800. ;' Iness in exchange for new, Keller Ilar- ll acres, i mues rrom Vancouver nesa Co., 49 North th t, U HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS Stewart station, by owner. nor i an. i Phone Ta- Arbor lo.flgc-Snaps; - -room house, corner; 60x100, ; east I under fins state of cultivation, 30 acres front, near station. I1,7G0; 1260 cash, I of green timber, balance good pasture ' uaiance same as rent.. " " New modern ( rooms, t lots, corner; ' ' 1500. balance same as rent. Choice acre and I miles to country; i town; 1 THREE TEAMB FROM 1.800 Td 1,500 fine 10-room house, nicely painted; 2 good barns, chicken house, - woodshed, small dryer ' and all outbuildings, 10 V,vv. m in III., bcliiiv , mil. V IIUIVS Ul TO I iiitui, w J - ...iv. n : .uuiu.uB,., . V and lots; terms. , Soe W. B. Rust, Arbor I acres of fine orchard ofassorted fruits. pounds, all earning- IS per day: with good heavy harness. , Owner has other Dusiness and cannot look alter, tnem. Main 6X27. " Lodge; make date. Phone Woodlawn 126 fine well of ours water, clone to church .JTSargain 4 Lots 47ioo feet: nd c.h?L d. ? JF00.! r?h.b..rJl?bdi VETi? on E. Yamhill, between 24th and 26th :."Je.," win, vvc, " BiBi, inu eacn. Ktcnarns & corneu. 4 head work horses, 1 dirt wagon, 2 express wagons,. 2 buggies. Phone 8ell- 602 B. Yamhill, Phone Fast I860. ,::r:'v:vr;$l80PcrLotvf--' Ten lots, 44x100, In Bt. Johns. Thesa lota art worth $200 each. Let ma show desired. FOR 6ALB A G66d. .. O EN TLB 40 acres, all good rich land. 20 acres horse, welrht 1.000 oounda. . Address ciearea ana in crop: cumiuriaois larni i 1007 Division Sl. corner Via. . . !?lLdAn .WA i"S2ff 'Li""1"? VTtTix old ba t mare, weight W"r.W"AV ?r.".vA'. .arl"": M Pounds; 'drive single,, doubl or . i a n, . i. . . V, v. . . 'tn IXUO each. Let ma ihnv ii.h... ni,,.. w. rnn.i., nuo. "uuicw v o. aiiksiijt iu you these. P. W. Henderson, 243 Stark, property: milch cows, 2 Telfers, 1 , ' ..j,' JjUILDING SITft BLOCK 22, TOLMAN I bull, f horses, i hogs, 1H dosen chick- 1 BUYS HIQH-GRADE RUBBER- J. W. Ogllbee, 146 H l"t. addition, near new school: level and I ens.' wagon. buKgy. , mower, rake. I dotted with, natural trees; unobstructed (plows, cultivator, cream separator, axes. river view; l minutes' ride from 1st I wedges, sledges, and all small tools that and Alder; this Is really something aloe, I are used on a farm, and9 all crops; price S3.UUU. - ' i 20 acres of good rich land, miles to Vancouver and 1H miles - to railroad town; 10 acres cleared, S acres of bear ing strawberries, 7 acres In crop, bal ance In pasture, fenced and crossed fenced; new 4-room house, good barn, woodshed, chicken house, and all other outbuildings, fine family orchard of as- Siap; L Corner 28d and Belmont. 60x70. dou- "ble house, 14 rooms; modern conven iences. Price. ,600. Address ; . 8. W. BAILEY, - f 188 East Washington, Phone Fast 4464. tired runabout and , rood horse and harnees. 164 E. 18th St., cor. Belmont. FOR SALE, CHEAP -2 HORBEd, HAR ness, express wagon; all or part. S W. Hunt, 896 21st st Phone Pacific 672. Portland Heights car. Post 4. FINE DELIVERY HORSE FOR BALE. Call at 1038 Mallory ave. vvwramwn loo. Phone FOR SALE GOOD GENTLE HORSE. ; 1.100 pounds; work anywhere: auto mobile parts, 1.1 H. P. air cooled mo- ::t::""' ,' 7., . VXi ortd tr ln tull bearing, good well tor and all running gears. Call 4 E. jkWitiAn i wuca , . -yui oi water, k mile to church and school; im si. cottage; atrlcUy modern laundry tubs. 1 on a good road and In a -good neighbor- 111, toilet, wash hand, basin, all porce ln; electric lights and fixtures; abund ance of closets, rooms tinted, concrete basement, beautiful lawn, etreets Im proved. A bargain, 12,650. , . - FOR SALE LI Ylii TOH. EXTRA-FINE FRESH COW, JERSEY and Holsteln. Call. 1227 Borthwlck St.. city. - -u. , hood; only 21.760: terms. If you don't aee what ,you want in the above write or call on ue aa we have a large list and can suit you and save you money. THOMPSON A SWAN, Cltisens Bank Bldg.,.. Vancouver. Wash. iO ACREd. 46 CULTIVATED, BAUl VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND ance In good pasture, all fenced three records; Stelnwar (and other) pianos. . t.- . M . .1 i, ... I mu, mnwiwmM 9 -- , r f Rhemren. f Ifl v JL. I Vl . Kf h and Morrison . . nmr naw . ji ennnnn DuiminE . anil i wu ..'. v yui.vco, v . . Piedmont carbarns, corner JessuD and I acrea wheat, 12 acres oats, balance hav: I . opp. postoffice. Missouri, jNorin Ainina. , . nnprmrnv go witn iim; .- UVVntn, : lone miie irom vvuiameiie river, mix Jessup St Phone Woodlawn 1224. J miles from Oregon City and II ml ;s Strictly modern 6-room cottars, built In same substantial manner as above, In same location; everything -complete fori a nome. a anap, M.ius. l'EKSONAL LADIESI ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Chlchesters Fills, the Diamond Brand, For 25 years known as best, safest Always reliable. Take no other. Chi cheaters Diamond Brand I ills are sold br drufr.rirt everywhere. Hypatia THE ' WORLD'S WONDER. Dr. BUhl'a "Key to Man." DesoriD tlon chart free with each reading. 29 IS. 8d St. ,. y YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUHli rives electrical, alcohol la and medl rated . treatments, also tub baths. 41 Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Washington ets. CHRISTIAN GENTLEMAN. PROHIBl tlonlst. eome means, desires acquaint. ance of refined lady, object matrimony, Addrene E-892. Journal. t klSU ETHEL WARD, MANICURiBf and chiropodist, formerly of 280 Pine St., is now located at 861 H Morrison sc., room 19. - ' wAnda,""' the " FAk6u8 pALii'is'f; clairvoyant, crystal gaser, card reader. r ein si. kiss le ro." iiiH 1 ALbER Bf."i suite 4, sclentiflo massage. Lady as sistant, ta t. J. ptERCE, BPECiALisf. bia- easea of women; all irregularities cor rected; no exposure: medicine by mall. Office 181 let at- corner Yam hilL Port land, Or. . ' .- teoDathv and Electricity. We .treat all chronic cases, rheumatism, lumbago, asthma, bronchitis. Insomnia, la grippe, pneumonia. Consultation and examina tion free, Dr. Isabelle Mackle, 160 M Morrison. Milne blk. Main 7320. MADAM VASHTI AND ASSISTANT? gives baths and massare treatments, 201 H td'st. . . ..,- . . - BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases.. (24 Eaat Belmont. Phone East 4034. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 60a Ladies' sklrta pressed. 60c Gll- Dert, iott tuxtn si next, to wueud. Phone Main 2088. ..-.... LADIEBl bR. , LA FRAN"d6;8 C6M- . nminil- mat a. Aneeriv. reo-ulntor: SB cents, druggist's or mail; booklet free. ur. ia franco, yniiadeipnia, fa. BACK DATES OF MAGAZINES AT oenta. Jones Book store, 291 Alder, MUSICA-L IXSTROIENTS FOR 8 ALE JIISCICLLAXEOUS ATTORNEYS PIGGOTT, FINCH A BIGGER, ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg corner id ena Morrison ets, ARCHITECTS '' Jemi p Bt Phone Woodlawn 1224. nuiea rrom Oregon Wty and ACRES NEAR VERNON. CULTIVAT- tnm. iLJ.. ed. Bull Run water. 810 Union ava, X ,n"9 , "JS.," r-ti. 44,66 - l6-ROOM4 'UOUUB, CLEAN, ft? gSbfy": ao llrht rood location, housekeeping and elnrle; owner other business; must eeU. I 4jaJl 6B4 Bavier St. today. ACREAGE. cultivated, bal- from court- on good : 8 acres with house and barn, orchard. and ameJl frulta, in high atate of oulti- hlg dMCriptive list or call. O.. W, v At Inn t within aaav . reach , nf . fient I r.r. i 'r county road; price f 66 per acre. G. B. DIM1CK. , Oregon City, Or. BUY YOUR FAl'.M NEAR PORTLAND: rich soil; prices advancing; send for FOR SALE76 EIGHT-WEEKS-OLD single comb White Leghorn chicks. t a sacrmoe. - fnae winning, heavy lay, ing stock. Also choice cockerels from California, 4H mos. old, worth up to 14 ERNST - KRONER, . ARCHITECT Plana and apeciflcatlona; also building superintendence.' - - AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD M. COVEY, vwuvi mo, 71 iiivb. uiu, nulla tiy iv f I HOWAHU M. (JUVJSI, ' your choice for 86 ,while they last it I a rent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobiles, Dixon, Canby 'Or. take.. . at once. ; Call or addresa . 1872 Wayland St.. University Park Bta.. city. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE FOUR- cylinder Franklin automobile, In good condition; will sell or trade for Cadlllao and Knox. Temporary location Club Garage, 16th and Alder eta. ONLY ifc.sQO. ioi ACRES:" 146 iHt fltTL-1 launch. Phone Paolflo 12. or E. 2172. WELLS A PROEBSTEL, MINING EN URE SURE1 gineers, ' metaiiurgisie na- msnjirn, Sold by all I Q4Mi Washington st. ' ' 1 - tivatlon. level, on bank of WU-" lamette river; buildings, fine water. No. 1 soil; very cheap. T. J. Jackson, 476 Hoyt st Main 61. RARE BARGAIN IN A GOOD FARM. 25,-000 Vor a 1 70-acre farm, II miles HOLDER'S RHEUMATIC CURE-SURS cure for rheumatism, druggists. BILLIARD ANb POOL TABLES F6r rent or for sale on easy payments. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLEN- from center of Portland, on fine county I PER CO., 40 8d at.. Portland vatlon; within easy STEVEN8ONrBR0WN 50., . 1 J8H Washington at.. Room 211 Bu- , chanan. ."... , BEE THIS BEFORE BUYING. f7KO Vtn rt.mirimnf.mi Int nw R Vara. , lifll, $160 down and $10 per month.- nuWD vii tier uout g...ihm i j aunt A, tttiiii, b. . : A GILT EDGE PROPOSITION. . 24 acrea at $40 per acre leas than . present values. .The property lies close In . n kA ,awM n W m wrnni r mt h. . mouth of thrcoiumbia 7.Ve7. whVr; ffi Vo" y you duplicate t FREE F6R EVERYBdof-RlNd , tP great Otlng are to -happen In the nearlfnr the nrlca arounrl Portland, then 1 1- Main 4380 or call 213 H Front at. We , futur. , Here la a chance to clean up gjve It up . !t $10,000 within -. six rnontha. but the If you g0od larma aty alse chance is open for a few dayg only. Full gM - - . . . ....... PMtlculare at. our office. . - , w FtTCHS. I21H Morrison st COLUMBIA. TRUST COMPANY, Uft.ArPr, tiBM:toEw MAr-asi Park. ii", vwhvAfa J. . " Ar,vAVt 1 barn, close to good town; all fenced; I FOR SALE.-MODEL Hv 7r?,i V mii ilC . 10 crea ln crop; would trade for city , 86x100 In lota 125 to 660. 101 4th it tLn . ii, n f Main 8980, ; W. Rutherford, i 17 Commercial blk. ASSAYERS and Montana Assay Office, rison at 186 Mor ART , FRJB LESSONS IN , ; Embi jidery Every- Lay. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, $82 Washington St htiv ani4.eall furniture, clothlnar or any E. H. MOOREHOUSE & CO. ARTISTS' old thins-. I materials, picture ' molding, picture fan n-TKV.iu wnnn tiwa. wTT.f. i rrammg, ntereopucona, . lantern aiiaea. it h.n r.ini,. ljinimntt sil812 Alder at ' BEAUTIFUL NEW MODERN 6-ROOM Main 6120. j. house, full lot; easy monthly pay- I 1 tnents. Owner. Km tv In ft mAhinA At ,nn r Awn rrtfn All R SALE, .'.r, '.. . ", I makes, at the White 8ewln Machine m mTimr. , fl A mnmm, nf na l.nit nlflM It H )mi SHft Vunhlll at . 1.800 NEW 6-ROOM COTTAUE EAST I aa Clarke "county affords: located I corner 4th. , . 8th aC. lot 60x100. concrete basement' 10 mUee . from Vancouver on- county MILK-''SHAkER."' WfTH SiH StRtTiP -V.JL1 iL rZMtl'ti " .IW.wontjrc-d; 'aTOod fishing; stream touches I bottles, $9; slighUy used cost $20 v... ... rm . i vuiuci, euuu r uuo, !, , . vm.i -1 yew. 4 q a., near' fine. ing orcnaro; inree cnurcnes na noou FOR SALE 6 PORCELAIN BATH nanay cause oi na .nurniiiy, tuh.. - BOd-Mllon tank: An. water CADiLLAd ACCORDION DRESS PLEATING i.Afir;M-Vplr-tc6U--Br0rMIS8.-, a GOULD, BIT BWETLAND 1st and Bnrnslde. l K)(,-A.ordlon nleatln and huttana FIT? BECOND-HAMb bid.?. Accordion pleating and buttons covered. BATHS-MASS AGE MANICURING,. FACE AND BCALP treatment; baths and massage, lieu 4th et - - ' - CLAIRVOYANTS AND , FAtMISTf MELVINT, , THE RENOWNED ( CLAIRVOYANT " SPIRITUAL ADVISER. SPECIAL THIS WEEK. - LOW FEB. 60c., 6 Oo. 50c. 60c 60c AN OCCULT SCIENTIST. ' This a-lfted trance medium nenetratea the mysteries of the soul, delves Into the past, lnaulres into the luture, settles love quarrels, - restores lost af fociion, reunites thone separated, removes evil influences, - glvea power to - the weak, health to the sick, happiness to the un- nappy. : it you wisn to Know tne real secreM and mysteries and achieve the success which you deserve consult thla gifted psychic: guarantee to start you on the right road to success; no matter wnat your opinions are, investigate and you win ds ricniy rewaruea. - , , -.'-melvin, : ' , ' same floor ' as boston dentists. the benson building. " r mih morrison st., cor. 6th. main 7246. Always Consult the Best PROFESSOR KHIMO, . '' " Greatest llvlna- astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; adviser on business ana an an airs ox lire; leiia your iuu name and what von called for. whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; re unites me aeparatea; givea secret, pow ers to control; doea all others ad :rtlse to do. Hours 10 to a dally and Sunday. BUSH Washington st Phone Mam iz7, MISS MAlf ANDREWS CAkD READ , ing. i6o. $35 6th st, corner Main. CONSULT THE BEST IT WILL PROVE CHEAPEST.. IN -TH K- ENDj " riTlCH TEST I FKEHJ TJSB i l Take this advertisement to PROF. D. NIBLO. 202 H Washington street. PROFESSOR WALLACE. " Portland's favorite clairvoyant palmist and medium; readings ISC I41H Mor rison. corner 7tn. - 1 FORE-WARNED 18 uRE-ARMED Aeolla. Palmlat. Clairvoyant and card reader. 228 M Waahlnrton t.."TheAb- DO Pl"g. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS JOHN A. MELTON, 204 4TH ST. OF ,' flee and store ftxturea built and re modeled : - abowcasea and ' counters. Phone Main 1787. . E. MELTON OFFICE, STORE FIX- tures: general lobbing. Phone Main 8190. $7 lat at DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DRS. C E. BROWN AND MILLER Dog and horse hospital, 106 N. 6th at Phone Main 4086. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for homes and dors. Phone Main 1484. ' 28 Gllaan at DENTISTS DR. W. B. KNAPP-HAS RETURNED from east Office 10 Hamilton bldg. DANCING T WALTZ, TWO-STEP, THREE-8TFP and stage dancing; lessons 2oc during summer months. Prof. Wal Wlllson'a Dancing School. S04 Allsky bldg, 2d and Morrison sts. ' - DRESSMAKING MADAME ' TUTTLE, FASHIONABLE dressmaker! prices reasonable. 176 12th at :-" ' " MADAME ANGELES 24$ FIFTH. FA- 1 Mi AAA.- ,r clfle 982.' V. EDUCATIONAL BLANK-BOOK MAKERS 4 ' W6Vft w w VM .! I nauu e tauBO vi paiai iv oJva wiv t $1,250 6lxl00, 6-room i1.!? Jfl.,1 :T- A.-RT.Jr.i fc heater: all suiuble for barber ahop; or HOWE, DAVIS ft KILHAM. 109-111 2D mwuranw ii,, ihv iu i"fi S""",".VX" ' , , "I win sen separate. Z7l 1st.- I St. JianK docks manuraoiurea; agents inree monins. - ' i"""""' "' : i ; I a t a dap itt rrrt with 1 for Jones' Improved Loose-Lear ledgers BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COL- . Elks' Building, .:.-'. ' Portland. Oregon. rhartler shorthand and Bits book keeping aa taught in tne uennae-waiaer will lead you to success. , Facta 787 calls for help and placed 811 since Aug, 1. Will place you wnen competent. jen ron now.-" - -' -. - BANKS. snaMssaaOHnisasisajsi a UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF-PORTLAND, OREGON, i , - . Northwest Corner Third ana Oak Htreeta. Transacts a General Banking Business. DRAFTS ISUFT AvaPnMe It All Cities of the United States and Europe, Honjkong and Manila, Collections made on Favorable Terms. ' President... J. & AINSWORTH I Cashier. ....... 1 ...VR, W. SCIITr"n Vice-President...... R. LEA BARNES Assistant caohler. ...... ,W. A. H-jLC Assistant Cashier A. M. WIlIOHT 1 LADD TILTON. BANKERS Portland, Oregon. ' Jnetabllnhed 1859. ' ' W. M. LADD. C, E. LADD. - J. W. LA DO. Transact a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Savings books issued on savings deposits. Interest paid on time depowttw. HERCHANT8' NATIONAL BANK Portland, Oregon. . -i J. FRANK WATSON.. President I R. L. DURHAM. ...... .Vice-President ,. . , R. .W. HOYT .Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT, .Assistant Cashier ' . 8. C. CATCHING i... Second Assistant Cashier 1 . Transacts a General Banking Business. DraXts and Letters of credit Issued Available to All Parts of the World. Collections, a Ppeclalty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA Established 1864, Head Offlce. San Franclnco. ; Capita! paid up. ... .$4,000,000 I Surplus and undivided profits $10,168.87$ General Ranking and Exchange Business Transacted. Interest on Time Deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Acoounta may be opened of $10 and up- ward: Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Building, WM. R. M ACREA .......... .Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL. . . . Asa't Manager FIRST NATIONAL: BANK Portland, Or. Oldaat National Bank on Paclflo Coast CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,600,000.00. DEPOSITS, $14,000,000.09 A. U MILLS....,.',.;,.. J W. NEWKIRK...i. , President I W. C, ..Cashier ( B. F. STEVENS ALVORD. Assistant Caahier Second Ass t Cashier i TRUST , COMPANIES. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The Oldest Truet Company In ,Oregoa RESOURCES OVER $2,000,000. General Banking. Two per cant Interest on check accounts (even hundreds) , on daily balances of $500 or cer. Letters of credit and exchange on all parte of the world. Savings ao counta. Time certificates. $ to 4 per cent: abort-call apeclal certificates, $600 or over, 2U to 4 per cent Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." eoutneast corner Third and Oak Bta Phone private jsxenange is. BEN J. L COHEN President I IL L. I J. O. OOLTKA B. LEE PAGET. .Secretary PITTOCK .Vice-President CECURITT SAVINGS -TErrCOCsaSe "Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. vjrTransacta a General Banking Business. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT: inter,. . i est allowed on Time and Savinge Accounts. Acts as Trustee for Estates. Drafts and Letters of Credit Available on All Parte of the World. -C. F. ADAMS, . ......... . . . President I Iv A. LEWI8. , . .First Vice-President A. I MILLS.,. Second Vice-President R. C. JUBITZ..1.......M...BwreUry GEO. E. RU8SELL..;....iAssistsnt Secretary - TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRU8T COMPANY 240 Washington Street , ' , ,,, MORTGAGE LOANS ON Portland Real Etate at Lowest Rates., - . Title Insured. Abstracts Furnished. - , , - X THORBURN ROSS President I JNO. E. AITCHISON..,.. ,. .Secretary GBORGB H. HILL. .. .Vice-President I T. T. BURKHART... Treasurer BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M D ORRIS. BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce BuUdlng.; -,;'; -1 Municipal. Railroad and Publio Service Corporation Bonds. OWNING-KOPKINS COMPANY Established 1693 BROKERS. , STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. Private Wires. f -ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main $T. Overbed., Starr & Cocke Co. (Members Chicago Board of Trade.) ' Couch bids-.. 4th st. near Waahlnaton. GRAIN, PROVISIONS, -COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. i : Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. "" LEATHER ; AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MASTICK ft CO., FRONT mw.A A. W mlm ImIi.. mnA AlnA Af every description for all purposes;, sole MONU3IENTS NEU ft KINGSLET, 268 1ST ST. Portland's leadina- marble and granite work a -. - ' MONEY TO LOAN )$f$$t$ $$$$$$ Mttl -1 tOCILfiATlAA - at-evmnnrt ' Mat tekt. Kitnva, Jow type, one block from. Mt liwott car Ine; $300 cash and $16 per. month, v , Call and see the photos, r.-,: :, W C. R. : Hctchkiss : Co. ; 808 CHAMBER tF COMMERCE. I I . I i LARGE TENT K0x7& FEET WITH urpro uh-iu leugers; "THE BEST RANtt huY 6 THE A irpS' nearly nfw.fof iL. e new Eureka leaf, the peat on the MARKET. . "- I fnm .,7?, Xmn k a.a irtaaia.inni I market 1 , tIfAAI . 8AO . I " Phone Woodlawn 202. lave. cepuonai oargatn in a, ruicn ut cre, . 1 n ,oAt ttu tTKm " all In crop. 12 acrea ift hops, very fine I SNAPS GASOLINE ENGINE FOR bearing orchard, etock and farm Imple-r "al .r . u"0"ay or marine, . .i.w , i vn.... i, n i rrnm i to lz H. r. bux 1st sr. I IUOI1I0, will . A , vjvlli ,iv u dc, m ui w nun ------ : , '$1,000 1 ACRES ON VANCOUVER I nd hop press, barn and chicken house, j FOR BALE PAIR OF FINE, WHITE ave.. ail ciear and enceu; nail casn. iiuwim uv n uuvmrviq nw., .. uun crrr,ri, . niuiuiii viu, .iv ana Register ft Co.rW H.' . mllea from Portland.- Call today. $12.60; 489 Commercial at, evenings. 1.800 ACRES NEAR CAR , LINE. vJ!!5m"il GENTS' ... BICYCLE AT SACRIFICE; only 1 miles from center of cltyfl Eatacada, 60 acres in cultivation and MBlTlr new; leaving city.- 411 Wilt acrea clear, email house, good barn and i. "... L-iI..' 5 1 Hams ave. will give easy, terms. Register ft Co., rnUK.,Y.-J. ' 107 H 8d-- ' ' - ' ' -.-' ,mwcr 66 Sixth at Open evenings. .' Phone Main 6188. WE HAVE FOUR QUARTER BUTCHERS. SUPPLIES NEW 7-ROOM1 HOUSE, INCLUDING . caTets, .Inlaid linoleum, curtains and shades; full cement basement fur. nace, tile kitchen and bathroom: beauti ful yard and garden. Inquire 719 Han cook st or phone East 4070. - BEAUTIFUL LOTS CLOSE TO END of Woodstock line; 100 ft from Wood etock ave.; - price, $80 , per - lot; easy terms. Address A-40 8, Journal.1 - : .M bLk bN 12 st. close to broAd way car;, the cheapest buy in Holla day's add. 8ee owner, 617 Commercial Blk. M. 6120. ' , BECt tiona. for homestead location: close to a near-by eastern Oregon town; all Jood for fruit land., Address T-4U, ournaL - TIMBE3 TIMBER LANOS. To the Owners of Timber Lands; We SMALL DAIRY. HORSE. WAGON AND route; win sen separately. Address 1078 Holgate ave., or phone Sellwood FOR SALE THE ONLY BET OF AB- . ttracta of title ln an eastern Oregon county ror saie. iewia uisn oo., 7 ft Ist iet. Portland. Or. - - $400 NEW1 UPRIGHT PIAJJO, $160; AN- otner, 3t; organ, ib. uieason oiic 1st ana in. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BUTCHERS' CUPPLIES S. BIRKEN- wald Co., 804-106 Everett at; largest -tcher auppiv house on the coast. Write for caulogue. - Butchers supplies adolph a. Dekvm. 131-181 let at. carries a full line and c jplete assortment at loweat market price. - "-, - ."- -"- CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mra. M. D, Hill. Room, 130 Fleldner bldg. Both phones. DR. FLETCHER, FOOT SPECIALIST Allsky bide A-2481. .AVf wV A. SIX. UVAAUAU As Phones Paolflo 2228 and CLEANING AND DYEING want timber lands ln large tracts, single claims. In Oregon, Wash and email WANTED TO EXCHANGE THE FUR- ,.3 on. Wash-1 nlture of a -room house; value $200, Jii CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, i per momn. unique xaiionng co. Stark at ... ttom. a unvipu . , . I InvtAn An1 TiiAhn It mu At hit i i4lpt I TOr 101 on eaai Blue: nouae lor nil n. n. ium. Aurujo i. i u imnii, mu m nuniii. , .. - - - - i . . . . , .. . , , .. . i in, t a. . . i v..nXin. i--i7K una m fmm nwnara: wa don't want anv ontlon call I8 Mill, rnone Mam 0180. I. . A: AJJ9 MUiiuiiiQ v.a eyai er w y v v w - - -- mm I " ' ' above terms; 15 minutes from business center: three carllnes; nov do not aay rou cannot own a home. - MOULTON ft SCOBET. : 801 Columbia bldg. 265 Washington st OWNER WANTS TO t SELL BLOCK ; 200x200, good 7-room house; give me an orren ioui waryianq ave. TOR SALE BY ' OWNER ONE ".LOT TIMBER AND DAIRY RANCH 6$ In Panlfan A A it inn Xlin WAliliT trniisi ( as w -v a w ' ; nr nurna .viiu uukut. , vasu uaaaqaciiuo 'hone East 4584. 1 lJlll UVTiioi s tv j uuii tv aaii v muj wwtwji. i , - - ,, I lr t an untU ws 'see what you have to offer at Il.EOO EQUITY. FINE 10-ROOM MOD- Mam 'B1 your lowest net cash price; send ua your) era house, brick basement 2 lots; fori FEATHERS descriptions, Kina or timoer ana your I vacant lots, email cottage or acreage, estimate if you have it I must be close in; property and owner, ' write us ana una out wnat we can ao io4 tn. wasningion v,, for you. We are in the market at all i 4 ""ACRES OF 6RCHA1RD iN ' FULL" timet for any deal that la right . bearing, close to Portland; will trade ... . U?SUV,''. ,,' ' ! , for a ciose-in lot or ror house and lot 817-18 Fenton bldg. 84 6th st, Portland. ln Portland. W. H. Buoy. 601-2 Lumber Exchange mag. SOS Jefferson, st AND FEATHER BOAS . .. Ait A.. A mmm. Y) A A S vicaucuf vuiu, uou , nvi v uaiieu AT ana delivered. Mam Z37&. 764 water st. CARPET CLEANING 280 acres near Tillamook; 90 acres in FOR SALE FARMS. timber and several thousand feet of nil- ins: an ideal place for a mill site: this 10 ACRES VERY rich land, CROPB will bear close investigation; a bargain show for themselves: Some rood Um. lat 266.000.' . :s,ta ..;,- ber. blenty of wood, cold soring water. I .,:.;::.t'l -CALDWELL ft COo W;: IU mllai AniitheaA of nnaham. mile I '4i,i. Philomath Or. - ,w ,3 and 40 rods south of Hogan elation on O. W. P., $1,626; terms; come out and aee our chickens. C. B. Barnes. cultivation: good buildings, plenty of i p r. t juun A c.n. 171 1. .t 11UU, jlo,uuv,uww icsu x,l mvMinMm saw 1 Portland, STAirDARD CARPET CLEANING CO, t tilant An nrn mt ' T -rtytri o, w.nA Harding ets phone East 280; carpeta cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid: steam change for a good hop ranch or stock and compressed air process; renovating . h m . mm arwm mm. m m m . . . I aw s tteaaaaa mm wn A W e mm 1 9t aspsb aa snail n 1 4V, JOTCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THE TWO FINE 7-ROOM HOUSES TO EX 160 ACRES OF RICH LEVEL LAND IN Bacramento valley, California, to ex change for timber land. , P. C. Lassen FOR ' SALE. OR i TRADE-A. , 14-TON boat; would trade for team. H. B. wuuams ave. pnone wooa- We offer you every advantage through ,? our system -- of expert examinations I 'awn nue which enables you to determine tne suit- Electric , Cleaning' works: ' carceta Cleaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet reft tting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 2672 and A-Z678 270 Grant st COAL AND WOOD PERSONAL. ... . HflMESERKERa '" We locate homesteads, deeert claims of ability of a tract without spending time , ea mv,, nn hnttAv D-ratn lnnH in h I or nionev. If our general resort Indl- world. Address Auten V. Barnes. Lake-I cates that we have what you want our I GERMAN. BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NOV PORTLAND SAWDUST ft SLABWOOD Co., 165 Front et successors to Ful ton Wood Co. Fir, oak, slabwood, coal. I Tel. Main ivss. View. Or. Turn Your I estimates by two and a half acres are I easily verified. TRY "THE LACET WAY." Thoughts JAMES D. LACEY ft CO.. 82$ Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 607 Lumber Exchange, Seattle. TIMBER LANDST JUAirAMnAO, HJVm I i .ii, u L'"jAI.I.I LA' L1 ' il . 'i 1- ... . C.Annk FOR PH IMHT I KUVKRT tiW KT,1 R. Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction-1 . wooa can xuain ts to. ; va, asn, nr aries; foreign books " of all : kinds. 1 ana coai. : ppruana wooa c votu. co, Sohmale Co.. 229 First St '-':. ietn ana oavier eis. HOLdEN'S J" RHEUMATIC CURE Btirm mirA for rheumatism. Sold hv all druarlsts. . r1 r .. charcoal. Kindling, pnone Mam 1018. WESTERN FEED ft FUEI CO. House and ' blacksmith coals. - coke. Intending purchasers desiring , to .be MAfcLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. TELEPHONE EAST 7, Toward the Want Ad Col- umns of The Journal every day and you will find money making opportunities galore. A profitable . habit to culti vatc ' - ''Circulation Counts" .: Rate: 1 Cent a.Vord located upon lands with heavy timber in the ' land grant of the. Oregon & California railroad in southern Oregon can secure the same by acting quickly. Locatl' fsea including all necessary at- i torneirs fees are reasonable. Address J. E. Verdln. Grants Pass, Or. - '?,.,;v TIMBER. CLAIMS. We are now prepared to take annllca- tions for Oregon and California railroad I lands. " We have secured the services of the cruiser who cruised these lands by order of the county court and can give full partlculara. Our fees for attorney, filing and cruiser combined are 225. At this time we have 100 choice claims. . It I you want: one,, cau early. 7,. 68 6th st. . Phone Main 6188. ! Roberts' Nerve' Globules. One month's 1 treatment $2; months', $; sent se curely sealed by mail. Agents, Wood-I ard, Clarke & Co., poruana, or. Wna OBROCK. GRADUATE MAS- seuse; cabinet bath, salt glow; alcohol rub, cream massage; references. 4 182 UP Yell III p.. mwv. ..... y , DR. BING CHOONO. IMPOKXUiK CH1 nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain cure for all diseases. 191 2d st, between Yamhill and Taylor. tON'T' BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sexlna Pills cure all weakness: $1 a I box. 6 for $6; full guarantee. Address I or call J. Q. Clemenaon, druggist. Port-1 land, Or. chronic, - Nervous and special aiseases OI men uu wonirn lurea F. B. JONES & CO.. . " Wood and Coal. 181 East Water st.- FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Oregon Fuel Co., 834 Alder. : Wlil locate parties on land cruising by modern eaientlflo methods; electric treatment for diseases of the proBtate; consultation free. Dr.;- W.i L Howard. Commonwealth oiog. A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin garments .redyed and re modeled; expert fitter; estimates given; lowest prices. 663 Washington. Phone Main T308. ' - MANICURING, FACE MASSAGE AND scalp treatment -, Try room L SOS H I from 6.000.000 to 12.000.000 feet per Quarter section; location fee $300, pay able after you are entitled to entry: can also show- timber land for sale at bargain prices.' Address E. E. Morgan. Gold Beach. Or. - ATTENTION. ; . . Wanted a few more to locate on tim ber claims and homesteads;' direct gov- xrnment fllino-s: vou'll . have tn hnrrv I na the are crjironallv a-nnd. Onl 1 I Washington st mues rrom town 01 e.uou; also within I TURKISH BATHS, , 800 OREGONIAN miios in r&uruau locaiing zees reason- j bid.: ladlea Have, cantlaman nle-hta. -.i.i- lrA-M T n .i . kiij I . X - - . : " i CERTIFIED SCRIP. ANY SIZE. LOW-1 MISS GIBSON GIVES SCALP TREAT- est prices, w. u iiowaii. tn Cham-1 roent: aanaruii. itt Mornsoa i i A A , .- . - . I Lcfr pi UQiiwcerca, a room 9m - . : Many a Good Position Has been filled through The Journal's small "want ads.". If you want help of any kind , better let a Journal want heip you -get, it, HOLMES BUSINESS . COLLEGE. Washington and 10th sts. Flledner bldg, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and all English branches taught ootn dav and nia-ht. , . . - , FINANCIAL AID TO BIX WORTHY1 vouna ladles who -wish to take shorthand course. Apply at once at office. 617 commonwealth oiag., bio and Bumslde sts.- ,; GERMAN LESSONS TO BEGINNERS at-462 Morrison; reasonable; class or private; references given. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES mr T. WATUrl no.. Ul STARK ST. Electrlo and Gas Ftxturea and Supplies, Mantels, Tiling, orates ana xogirons. bAfrmti " ELECTRIC ""' CO. EtfGl. neers, contractors, repairers, electrlo wiring, supplies. ist, cor. niara. Main 669. R. H.Tate, Mgr. WirSTERNl1 ELECTRIC "V W6rM8, sth aL Contractors, electrlo supplies, motors and dynamos; we Install light and cower plants. - MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. itt Morrison st Fixtures, wiring, re- Irlnv : W.mat 11 SR :': fairing. East 2128. ' ' AIRBANKS, MORSE MOTORS AND dynamos. Stark sts. V A. C and ,D. C 1st, and FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE ft IRON WORKS 2d and Everett sts. pnone main GASOLINE ENGINES flARAI.INB ENGINES. Stationary and marine; electrlo - equlp- menta; launches; accessories; wnoiesaie and retail: engine repairing. Reierson MnchlnerVkCo.. 182-6-8 Morrison st kuv.vviv.luti MARINE eUgINeA. AUT propeller.- -, morw s vu.. t and Stark sts. HARDWARE COLUMBIA HARDWARE CO., ID. AND Morrison sts Everything In the hardware line. . ' J PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. UO llclts opportunity to Quote prices. 74 6th st. Paclflo 466. HOTELS THE BELLE VUE, EUROPEAN PLAN, 4th and Salmon. HOTEL Portland. Am. plan, $3, $5 day. BELVEDERE, European; 4th and Alder. INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE, FIRE INSURANCE, $44 Sherlock pldg. . W.'I PAGE. INSURANCE: EMPLOY- ers liaDiuty, surety oonas, ourgiar end accident Inaurance, - Phone . Main 828. 204 Falling blCg. Sis Kiel. wood, e: bility and individual accident security bonds of all kinds. Phone 47. v $02 Mo Kay bldg. LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL - kinds. Including approved forest re aerva acrlo for surveyed, unsurveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland." Portland. MUSICAL PIANO. LESSONS AT THE. STUDIO, 452 Morrison, at reduced rates during vacation f lerma reaeonaoie. $$$$$sm:t$i2$$s$$it$tim$$si($2m tttttf 228828888288 tlttttttlUt Ut ttt t $$$f$tt$$$$t$U$t$$$$M$$lf$$$$tM$$6 HUH! 6 ALAR I LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $118118 810. 220. 230. $40. $60. $2812$ $$8$ $80. $70. $100. $288$ $2$ Cheapest and best place to ' $88$ $$ BORROW MONEY. $$$ "ABSOLUTELY 'NO SECURITTJ" 3 "Lowest rates; easiest payments. . 2 REBA1 J3 given If paid before due. $ V. REMEMBER, ' IF YOU WORK WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY, Everythlnr Strictly Confidential. 22WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASKT $2$ $68$ Hours, 8 a. m. to p. m. $83$ 3$$$2 Saturdays till 8 p. m. $2822 $$$82$ STATE SECURITY CO, $$2882 $$$$IS . 704 Dekum Bldg. , $$jt$l $182222$ Take Elevator.. iflll $223212222222227222 $222222322223223332 833833333328333133$ 2II3II IIII23II2III8 Utim'ttttttUitiUntimtmUiui MONEY TO LOAN ' On imnreved cltv nroDertv or for build ln- numoses. for from I to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay aU or part or - loan arter two - years, iamhi ap oroved from nlana and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up ana replaced. , ,, , FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent 142 Btark st. MONEY1 T6 UAU; LARdii! L6AKS specialty; also building loans; lowest rates; Are Insurance. William G. Beck, Six Failing bldg. CASH ON HAKD " FOR PURCHASE money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or contracts of aale on real estate, either oountry or city property, h. is. isopie, commercial blk., Zd and Washington, CONFIDENTIAL'"' LOANS ON BAL aries. insurance policies, pianos, fur niture, warehouse receipts, etc.: any de serving person may aecure a iioerai aa- vance, repaying by easy weekly or monmiv installments. NEW ERA LOAN ft MORTGAGE COM PAN I, SOS Ablngton Bldg. money Advanced bAlarIeC Peo- PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. DOANE GIVES BEST ESTIMATB for satisfactory work. 286 Yamhill. PAPERING. PAINTING. DECORA T- lug; best work; beat prices. .Ivor Wil liams, 189 4th st PAINTS, OIL AN1V GLASS F. E. BEACH ft CO., THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window glass and glazing. 185 1st st Phone 1834. PLUMBERS FOX A CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS. 221 2d. bet Main and Salmon. Oregon phone Main 2001. tlONNERBERG ft RADEMACHER RE moved to No. 803 Burnslde et - SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP - tlon; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Manufac- turing Co.. Portland. . , R. H. BIRDSALL. DESIGNER; AGT. M. Winter Lumber Co. 7 Hamilton bldg. nle and others upon their own names without security: cheapest rates, easiest paymenta; offices in 60 principal cities; save yourself .: money by getting our terms nrst. ;. . tolmajn, izz ADington mag. - 106H $d st. ' - UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE, 141 2d st. near Alder, established 1870: old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamonds, jeweiry ana seal' skins. , bON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY until you see - jluttcn Credit Co. ' 612 Dekum bldg. fcRESCENT L6AI CO.. 428 MOHAWK bldg. Money to loan ' on easy-pay ment plan to wage earners: strictly con, fldential. ' ,,,,,, MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEO. pie Just on jour- own name; don't borrow until you see me: mv svstem is the best for railroad men. clerks. bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employee; ousmesa , stricuy. connoenuai. F. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg.. 286 Washington. ' MOktGAGB LdANS At ' CT?RRENJT rates; no commission. Columbia Lire Trust company. Lumber Exchange. MONEY-TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS of security. William HolL room 8. waaningron Diog. ' TO MAN-SUMS TO SUIT ON CHAT tel security. R. A. Frame, 416 the Marquam. . , QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES. & W. King, . 46 Washington , bldg. Main 6100. - - -- - - ON MORTGAGE, 2200 TO 23.000; COST papers only. , wara. lawyer. Aiisay bl A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY or chattel. : The Loan Co., 410 Dekum hMr JuoNkV-t6 l6An In $500 to " Charleson ft Co.. Commercial. Paclflo 1186. - , , - Phone MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, chattel mortgagee or personal se curity; notes bought C W. PaUett $04 Fenton bldg.'- ; - . - WILL LOAN $6,000 OR LESS, 6 PER cent interest, on real estate.. erring- ton. 812 Fenton bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSIC! ANC PIANO. VIOLIN'. CORNET. , TR6M- bone, clarinet Professor E. A, Smith, 164 .lztn st. Main ua. RACHEL PAULSON. PIANO , AND harmony; wummer term commencing July 1. 409 TUford bldg. Phone Wood lawn 941.; -iv - MACHINERY THE H. C. ALBEE CO. 8 ECO X L" hand machinery, sawmills, etc 24S Grand ave. A. J. PAUL, 100 1ST ST. A COU plete line sawmill machinery; aljo englnea and boilers. DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON. SPE ciallst on nervous, acute and chronic diseases. Office 211 Fenton bldg. Phone Paclflo 1190. - DR. R. B. NORTHRUP, 415-16-17 DE kum bldg., 8d and Washington sts. Phone Main 249. Examination free. PRINTING THE MODERN PRINTTCRYARTlS tic printing.- Rusl Hlac., n;5 Morrison sts. I'ho- lfino 1 ' i. REAL ESTATE PARRISH. WATKINS & CO., 260 AL. der st Real estate, rentals, loans and insurance. We make a specialty of nandllng rentals ana property ror resi dents and non-residents. Established 1872. ' Phone Main 1644. J. W. OGILBEE, REAL ESTATE AND loans: , established 18 S3. 146 M 1st, room ll. SPHINX AGENCY, DEALERS real estate and rentals. 806 ft Stark st Main 6164.- - " : FOR FARMS OF EVERY bESCRlp: tlon. bldg. W. W, Espey, , 319 Commercial ItUBBER STAMPS P. C. STAMP WORKS, 149 ALDER ST. Phone Main 710. .Rubber . stamps, seals, stencils; baggage, trade checks; brass signs and plates. ROOFING TIN ROOFING, v GUTTERING. RE S airing and general jobbing. J. Los II. Jefferson st. Pacific 1424. , RESTAURANTS. GO TO THE BUSY BEE FOR DELI- catensens. Home cooking. 434 Wash-, ington st RICHELIEU RESTAURANT, 3$ N. 6T1I Meal tickets (Zl meals), $3; ex cellent COOk. ' : - ROSE CITY RESTAURANT ALi!i white help emoloyed: also dining car. 382 Morrison st. v - STREET PAYING WARREN -CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross ings. 214 Lumber Exchange. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO." of Portland. Office 656 Worcester blk. SEWING' MACHINES. THE SEWING MACHINE REPAIR CO.. 871 First st formerly machinist lor the Singer Sewing Machine company. All kinds of machine repair work at lowest rate; the only gasoline engine expert on the Paclflo coast Home Phone A 2820. SAFES PORTLAND SAFE CO.. SOLE AGENTS for Herrina-Hail-Marvln safes and Manganese Steel Safe Co.'s bank safes; 20 second-hand fireproof safes and bank safes, very cheap. . Bee them or write us. 92 7th at. - blEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Larae lines carried, iock-outs opened. Jacks, Jails, metal . - Botii phones.- J. K. Davis. 66 8d. - Phone Your Want Advertisements ".Want ads will be received by phone at The Journal of fice from 8 a. m. until 8 p. m. week days, and from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m Saturdays. . We will tollcct for the ad a day or two later. p; ::."2 1. : 71 OCII,! KH BROS., pi; I etc, 1 li;':i ist t