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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1907)
13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 7, 1CC7. Classified Advertise ments received toft late for insertion in these pages will be found on Page 15. San Francisco Office Qregon Journal 789 Maikct,S t, bet 3d & 4th lOTnTmimn - awt ' " rcB- ,: , ICKiniOU VZCSXTSB. ' Oregonlan when in San Francisco can ha their mall sent la car of Th Journal office. v 7. ':(. ARTHUR L. FISH, Representative. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 430 80 Arleta Land company to W. 8. and - Kate . Holmes, lota a, 0, block 4. Arleta Park No. 4,,,, D. H. and Frances Brown to Levi . Wlnkleblek, lot 40. block I, ' Smlthson Land company addi tion ...... ... Anna B, west to Zella L. Mayer . et al.. land beginning at point in aouth line of Columbia treat 42 feet east from center Jt old Thirteenth street exten- ' slon ..... 8,000 FOR 'ABSTRACTS. TITLE INSUR anca or mortsrass loans, call on Paclflo Title Trust Co., 204-6-6-7 Falling bid. &Et' YOUR INSURANCE AND AB- tract to real estate from th Title Guarantee & Trust Co 140 Washington t., cor. go. - ' i- '"' HELP, WANTED MALE. WANTED-UT ONCE, A LIVE. AMBI tloua you n a 'in an of neat appearance ana good address to learn a pleasant an profitable business; fair salary to start wllh-xcellent chance for advancement. F.403, Journal, v t NEW TODAY, I Am Forced to Sell i My I -room house and 100x1 20-foot lot at 1460 Rodney are.; come out and see ' It.,- Woodlawn or Vancouver car; fruit, .chicken yard, barn, Phon Union II 18. "Price i$2750;Term$Chas:F.Shdrt WEATHER REPORT ' An Immense blah nressur area over. - lie th central portion of th United Slate, and small low pressure areas are ' noted-as follows." One over-the 'region north of Montana, another over aouth- - ern Anion and still another over th New England states. Local rain, heavy In places, has occurred in southwestern South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Okla . homa, Arkansas, Mississippi and in the Atlantic state rrom Main to Florida. It is degree cooler this morning at Portland, - but In the inter-mountain states it is warmer. It is also warmer in the upper Mississippi valley and th upper lake region, while In the middle Atlantlo and New England States it 1 decidedly cooler. -., Indications ar for fair -weather In this district tonight and tomorrow. It will be cooler west of th Cascade . mountains, and continue warm in east ern Oregon, . eastern Washington and . Idaho. - ; . . . : - Temp " . - . . '"'"- '. rr,;: Max, ai in. jrrecip, Baker City, Or...,. 84 Ho tie, Ida......... 84 Chicago, 111..,,.... 70 Denver, Colo....... (4 Eureka, Cal. ....... 58 Fresno, Cal. ..,.,..100 Galveston. Tex . ... .' 88 Jacksonville. Fla... 86 Los Ana-ele. Cal... 71 New Orleans, la. 80 New York, N. T.... 88 Portland, Or....... 81 Roseburg, Or. ....... 96 Salt Lake, Utah...,. 74 San Diego, Cal 88 San Francisco, Cal.. J 8 Tacoma, Wash.,.,. 88 Washington, D. C . '88 54 70 8 48 60 . 84 80 72 61 , 74 -80 6 68 . 62 88 60 ; 84 .0 .0 ,.0 .0 .0 A .to 0 T. .20 .0 .0 .0 .0 .01 i.0 .08 T, UNDERTAKERS MAX M." SMITH. FLORIST, 160, 1TH t., .opposite Meier Frank . Main T2l8 J.p. 'FlNLEY & SON'S.' .t ANA madI- on sis. umce ox, county . cut Phone Main . a,1 a. HEMflfoCKV FUNERAL LI rector. . East 18th and UmatlUa. Phone Hell wood 71. ijnar assistant. DUNNING. k'ENTEtf & OILBAUgH. unnenurri ana vmuumcri njuiiern In every detail. Seventh and Pin. Main 48U. ijaov assistant - JeLLer-byrNeS do,' funerAL Di rectors, embalmers, fit Russell. 1088. Lady assistant. - tbWARb h6Lman , Undertake. .- 220 8d st. - - ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO,' AND 18.60 PER MONTH .SAVED FOR few year will Day an annual incom Of 1600 to 11.000. Investigate this fruit land Investment now, w-401. journa SOBER, RELIABLE MAN, HAVING r,fnMiirji. a nH nm money tit lnveat . ......... -- - -.. . . - - - son si., room x. . - . WANTE1 STEAD i " RELIABLE boy. ges 17 and 20, to learn th molder' ust hare first-class reference, Ulamette Iron tt 'Steel Works, 23d and York sts. wanted-saddle-makert; GOOD mechanic; steady Jon, at 14.00 per day M. .Stafford, Lew la town. Address G. Mont WANTED EDt'dAtED ' YOUN6 illlA to tstudy telegraphy. Position at a-ood waa-e when competent. Oregon college, 60S commonweaitn Diag. WANTED HOY ... ; WITH- WHEEL. Jones' Book Store. ?l Aider st. 5a"t Wanted BRlGHt itouNG man"t6 embalming. - 408 Aider 8188. . Lady assistant. t Main learn real estate ' business: - excep- t tonal crODOSltlon at the cresent time. Apply 616 Bwetiand biag., net. I ana 4. LOUNGE- WANTED msker. 85 COUCH AND Front, cor. Davis. CEMETERIES family lots, slse 10x14. for $100 and upwards, according to slxe; ' the only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintain and care for lota. For full Information snnly to w. R. Mackenxli Worcester block, city. W. M. Ladd, president. 1 . t ROSE .CltY-BfNGLE' GRAVES. 110: family lots, lit to ITS. superintend ent st cemetery corner or Fremont st. and Cully road. Phone Tabor 208. For full Information apply to Frank SchlereU 802 Commercial bllt. Phone Main 2823. MEETING, NOTICES A. U WEB FOOT CAMP No. 85, w. o. w., meets Fri day night in the W. a W. temple, 128 11th St. Matter of import nc win com up ana au member , ar - re quested to be present. - visitors -welcome. FRANK MOTTER- C. C BARBUR, Clerk. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114, A. F. A A. M. Special com- v, munication thla (Thursday) evening. 7:80 o'clock. Ma- f. onio temple, Id and Alder sts. Work in M. M. drre. All M.M. invited. By order of W. M. B. 8. PAGUB. Secretary. M. W. A. EVERGREEN1 CxkP. t.Ui WANTED BOY OVER 18 TO LEARN bookbinders' trade: good opening for the right boy. iovejoy Bt juincoin, in list et. - - - ' : ; - Wanted iMMEbiATELY. experI- enced of flee man for out or town: per manent position. Address E-408,. Jour nal, . - - . u - LETTER-CARRIERS AND CLERKS AT once, to prepare for coming civil service examinations: permsnent posi tions and good salaries. Call or wflte Pacific JSUtea Bchools. McKay .Bldg. cny. - WANTEI) ONE FIRST CLASS WOOD .turner. Oreron Planinar M11L 19th and vaugnn. - - - - - FIREWORKS. . iKwang Sang Wa company I located at 210 1st st., and hns firework for sal, wholesale and retail. WE WANT A FIRST-Cl-ASS SLAUGH- ter-housf butcher; w will give steady joo at Desi yarn ia a souer, irusi worthy man. Frank L. Smith Meat Co.. 228-228 Alder st. Also casing man. WANTED 2 - FIRST-CLASS. EXPER- lenced cabinet-makers; . none other need apply. Home Telephone Co., Park and Hurnsine ts. ,; . WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE 1100 to 1160 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchard; cash .... ad vanced weekly: choice of territory. Ad dress Washington - Nursery Co., , Top penlsh, Washington.' meets Wednesday evenlns bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. M. W. A.. OREGON GRAPE CAMP No 8.876. - Monday. 17th. and MArshalL Yjsuors welcome. WE GET WORK FOR OUR MEMBERS: X. M. U A-, 4tn aneclal memhera. 12 Aiiuy ind yamnui sts. Unlca Hotel -" " '-'- THE RIVER. ' ' The river will fail at the rat of two tenth of a foot a day during th re mainder of the week. - REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Charles F. and Llbbi G., Black to P. Shay, lot , 16, block 11, West Piedmont ,;......,... 2,830 A. ; B. and Fannie Casteel to -Edna M. Schmidt, lot h block 14, Kenilworth 600 Kenneth A. J. and Marlon Mac- ; kenzie to Joe Nole, lots 2 and , . ' t 4, block 18, wttenU-wortn aa-. d tion 880 . Lisbeth H. Curti to C B. Woodr h In) 11 hlnnk "H " Vul- ton Park 850 John and Sarah J. Proudf it to T-r.l. tX'lllium- lrvt block 2. East Holladay addition .... 600 S. E. and Emma L. Wooster to (iMirrn W Washington, lot 4. ' block 2. Archer Place 126 John and Emma Klaus to Jacob In, in Vilnclc 8 Lincoln Park 285 . Wallace and Dollle Ingalls to An- Hr KfrlClnnltt. lots I aad 8. . block 2. .Forest Park . . . ... 250 Wallace and Dollle Ingalls to J, A. Mnehnka. lot. . block 2. .. Forest Park - 150 The King Estat to Harriet-J. vf.nriM int n -hiofV son - Couch addition ....... w .... . . 2,000 U. B- National bank to Edward T. Falling, lot 6, block 41, Sul livan's addition " Alice Is Mann to Mary Delaney, Int f) hlock 10. Liexinsrton 1 Height S00 Arleta Land company to Iea Henalev. lot I. block 8. Arleta; Park .NO. 4 : IM t I M. and N. M. Davie to H. A. and Desolle P. Wentx. lot 4. block 22, Central Alblna - 600 , ; W. J. and Mary E. Bayard to Geora-a E. Mizener. lots 11 and ' 12, block 2, Strawberrydale. . . : 1,035 : L. M, and Katharine Aspenwalt i ' to J. E. Slsson, lots 29, 80. 31, ' S3. C8. 9. 80 and 61. Newhurst -''Park 2,000 Carl Adolph Carlson to Mrs. M. ' A. W Pun . hlvk . tnct ' ' "B," Overton Park 1,160 ' jonn uarrett to Mrs. m. A. w. - Pearse. lota 4 and S. block 1. . . Madras , ,(00 . jsimer w. ana juuue oarx to ts. t- F. Purdy and Neal Brown, lota 3 and 4. block 1. Carter's ad dition ....................... . ' 20 W. u and Laura W. Agnew to Investment company. ; lot 4. J block 5, Severance addition . . , 576 Wellington o. and Lillian M. . Barnes to D. M. Smith, lota fi. 8, block ,7, Sunnyside addition. ; 3,900 - Axmis ana ii anna n uoiasmitn to -v Colonial Investment company, , 27.8712 acres... beginning at point in south ' boundary of Danford Balch D. L. a, being ' , southwest corner of east 4 of . said P. L. C... 10 , rercy a. una Mary Augusta , Blyth to Colonial Investment i -, company, beginning at lntersec- , tlon of west line of D. Balch V. U C, with north line of Cor nell road; also part of lot 7, f 10. 11, ; block t f8, Willamett Heights addition: also east 20 ' feet of lots 8, 4 and east 16 - feet of lot 2, and east 10 feet of lot 1. block 16.. .WUlamette .-'..' Heights addition .v.v,, ....... 15,000 v. n. watt to a. c. ciawson. lot 12, block 1, Watt addition ' 200 JUlla A. and A. R- Greene to L. T. Wilcox- lot fi. block 29. Wills- . - ette Heights addition....,....' - lo r , i - r, . . . . ' " uwill m nq Mran j. Armitage i. to 8. C Armltage, lou 4 ahd 14,' -' t block ,- 11, Paradise r Springs -- tract: ' also lots 6. 12. 14. block 69, Fulton Park... , k, 2,400 it. ju elevens, tsneriri to Hani- , tsrlum company.- lot 2. block block "N." Tabor Heights . , j . ' 200 Title ouarnte Trust company - to Jennie E. Parrlsh, lot 7, 8, ' block 65. Sunnysid Third addi- ' tion .... ................ " .10 it. Ij. elevens tscenii; to o. v. -. Bell, west H , of southeast , of section , 8. township 1 . . north, range 6 eat, 80 acre., 10 Boll wood Real Estate company to Margaretta V. Russell, lot ;. ' block f 0. Bellwood.,,..,,,,.., 7g Conrad Teufel to Edward L. Rit- ' ter. west H of lot 8. block 1, Delmar Shaver Second addi- " tion , . . . .... goo Woman' North Pacific Presby terian board of missions to B. . C. 1'rfostley. lot 13. block 20, J. Fox Cli sddltlon , i, 100 Fred K. snd Clarrnda Hungerford to Kranfc IE. Andrews, land be-" ' 1 ginnln at point on north lln -: . , f.f Holladay avenue, 1,000 feet weM from west line of East ' '! S cnty-eighU itrNtuluua 10' BUSINESS NOTICES r WINO 8ING LONG KEE & CO- Wholesale end Retail, Dealers In' GENERAL CHINESE MERCHANDISE. Labor contracting a specialty. 808 1st st, near Columbia.. Phone Main 282. Home phone A-8850. :, ( . - - 8EID BACK. Mgr. - INVENTIONSTBOUGHT 1 N. SIXTH ST PORTLAND. OR. Free employment to all; boarders' rates 31.6Q per week: room. 25o and up; spe cial monthly -rate given. 'Anderson, proprietor, .; - FIRST-CLASS -HARNESS MAKERS; steady employment. The P. J. Cronln Company. - -. - - -- -' '' WILL LET CONTRACT TO SINK 60- foot shaft on copper ledge and give interest in mine for same. W, E. Jones, AMIS' fcftl K 291 Alder. Covenant Contract Co" 427 Filed ner MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN bldg. Main 2891. - plumbing,' plastering, blocklaylng, 6KELLY C6.. iTH ANT) FLAYERS; f'ctrlcal trades; free catalogue: posT- xiour. ra flmy. rraiD. rnon A-if 11. i iVM- j v" i.u- nw. . IJk - Paclflo 611 c. HeNrICMSEU Co.. jewelers: ano opticians, jv wasnington st. 8. TANGRO, CARPENTER AND JOB berr all kind of work done on short notice. - Leave your order at 423 Davl PIANO TUNING PHONE PACIFIC ojiii. v. k. canton, sis i4tn st. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonds nought and sold, corre spondence Invited. H, W. Donahue Co.. 112. Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 7J6S. - ' NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET - I NO. ( Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeupg n tne stockholder or the Mid. way Oil company will be held at the ornce or Ladd & Tilton Portland. Or., at 2 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, July 17. 1907, for the purpose' of electing a board of directors, and for th transac tion of - such other business a may cuue DJor mo meeting. WILLIAM M, SvHIDDEN, -' Secretary. bIds Will 3e received by the county commissioners of Multnomah county, Oregon, up to lfr o'clock a. m., July 8, 1907, when bid will be opened for the building of 10.160 feet of road in townships 1 north and 1 south, range 4 east. Known as tne Littiepage road. Plans and apeclfloation may be seen in the office of the county surveyor. Port- iano. jt. THE OREGON LIBRARY COMMI8 slon hereby invites bids for furnish. ing school library books for the nur. chase of 1908 for the public school of uregon,. in accordance witn provision of chap- 182. law of 1905. Lists and inrorma,.on will be furnished upon i plication to' secretary at Salem. B will be opened July IS. 1907. BIDS FOR FOOD SUPPLIES WANTED by Tne port or Portland during July, 1907. will be received at the office (n City hall tintil noon of July 1, 1907. Aa bid must be made on form which can be had by applying at the office. . John f. jjoyie, rierg. LOST AND FOUND FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned same day. 228 Front st Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory, , H. Me ger, proprietor. --ty-- ...'-..-.?..... LOST PLAIN GOLD BAND RING with the letter "M." Return to Mar cue, journal ornce ana receive reward. LOST LADIES' BLACK POCKET- book. at Oaks. Sunday. Finder keen the money ana return contents to journal o trice. - -t-i.. . .. - ... - . i , . . LOST ON SUNDAY. 9N, CAZADERO car or near Gilbert, an emblem of order or Eastern Star; reward. Addres JM-4U3, journal.- f.' ' - ; LOST A BUNCH OF KEYS, RETURN to cashier Journal ornce and receive reward. - - - - J. B. branded on side, on Barr road second crossing. Inquire Joplln A. Gib' blah gravel pit. - - ; HELP WANTED MALE PEERLESS COMBINATION DEATH, sickness, accident, quarantine, hos pital,, medical, surgical and other bene fits; -easy to sell; big commissions; county managers , wanted, Oregon and Washington. . Union Provident League, Portland, Or. . FOREMAN WANTED" TO ' DO' TAD feat work and take charge of unhol- stering room. Oregon Chair company, mo Macadam road.- -. , . WANTED FIRST-CLASfit SODA 'bis" peneer. , Call today.,- Swetland, , 27 Morrison. " ' - - '- ..... -. - -u. WANTED . TWO COlJCHMAKEks! Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co.. Macadam road.--. ............ i ,.u. .... ., ,d WANTED MACHINIST, - MACHINE hand, at The Dalle Iron. Work, The Dalles, Or. - - - . -. - ... . ... '. MAN TO DRIVE EXPRESS RIG ON shares: must have, references. W.410. Journal. ' " v . - - - - PRESSER AND CLEANER WANTED Call for. Seaside;. I months' room 4, Raleigh bldg. work. WANTED ADVANCED STUDENTS IN telegraphy; main line practice jposl tions when competent Oregon College. 603 Commonwealth bldg. WANTEI TWO YOUNG MEN ABOUT New York and San Francisco. WF. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS IN Oregon; divorce case a specialty. In most cases clients need not sppear in court Moderate, fee. . .. Address Ae-216 journal. ' prompt service. 64 4th at t, Lady bar uer wnnieo WANTED HELP WANTED- FE5IAUBJ ' I . ' WANTETT yoVSCt LADIFS TO LKARN TELEPHONE OP ERATING; GOOD SALARY, SHORT HOURS, PAY WHILE LEARNING: LUNCHEON SERVED FREE OF CHAROM AND LOUNGING AND REST ROOMS IN CONNECTION. AP PLY CHIEF OPERATOR, TEL-. EPHONB BLDG WEST PARK . AND ALDER STS. ' . ' ' LirMAN,' w'.oLfe A CO. Ltnman. Wolfe tt Co. -renulre sales- omen for permanent positions In num erous departments: highest wages, ac cording to experience and ability. AD' ply to superintendent; on main floor. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK to go In country for summer; wages 380. 637 Taylor st. - WANTED GIRL TO HELP IN KITCli- en; German uref erred; 115 per montn to start, and room; -easy place. . Apply 272 Taylor st. near. 4th. between 1:80 and 2 p. m. - WANTED GOOD LADY ' DEMON- strator. . Call 69 Vi 6th, room 4. , Call m. '''- - ' Wanted a housekeeper on a ranch: no objections to a child: more for company: one roan and a boy 'to cook for; nice pleasant place to live. State wage wanted, eta. F-408, Journal Wanted a girl to assist in houiwwork from. 8:30 to 12:30 every m ja. - . . . , aay. fnone Kast 43 1. WANTED EXPERIENCED MANGL girls and ironers at the Paclfla laun dry, 231 Arthur st. Wanteioirl or middle aged WA-YTED AGENTS. NEW IN HIGH-GRADE price very low; supply PI u miner, at drug store, xOIt RENT HOUSEKEEPING. SOMETHING perfumes: p limited. H. M. 580 l St. AGENTS WANTED CAN VOU SKLL goodsT.If so w need you: complete outfit free;1 cash - weekly, . "Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery company, Salem, Or. WANTED A HIGH-CLASS NURSKRY salesman for Rogue River, country; also Klamath Falls country:- exclusive agency given; highest commission paid. outfit - furnished free; must start at once. Address with references, Oregon Nursery company,' Salem, ur. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES HOTEL FAIRMOUNT. Just think, only 60o a week up rr new, brlKht rooms, worth 23 week. Hotel Falrmount, first opened since the fair: houaekeenlna- or single rooms, fur- nlNhed or iinfiirnifltied: above price II tkeri before the 2th; gas, bath, phone. 2th and Upshur, Fair Grounds; beauti- ful locntlnn. ''..'' FOUR UNFURN'iSIIED HOUSEIv.Efc.r--lng-rooms, 210 per month. Main 2376. 754 Water St. " Tim L liAND ' FOUR APARTMENTS. stnm heat and gas range; ' furnished or tinfurnlwhed. 44 Clay st. LARUI2 XND NEV'LYFUHNiaiiED houeekeeplng suite. 107 H su, near HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE .... ' ' '. ' FOR MEN. . - -. -( KM N. 2d st. Phone Main 1826. PORTLAND EMPLO'YMWfFfJCE: 109 Morrlsen st. ...Phone pacific Z3 Wahtnpton. FOR KENT 3 FURNISHED H.OU6E- k"opirrg-rooms: ground floor. 148 tseu- woofi at.; "L" car. EUSIXES3 CHANCES, LIST YOT'R PROPERTY WITH C 8 Arnold Co., orlKlnal hotel brokers; hotels, rooming ImuHoa and furnibeci hounos boiiKht, sold and exchanged, in all parts of the United States. . C. H. ARNOLD CO., , . Original Hotel Hrokors. , Remove,! to SB1H Morrison St 1H1 . Phone Mh 7311. 27 N. 2d t. ..Phone Paolflo 1800 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camn and farm help a spe cialty. 26 N. 2d st Phone Main 5296, we pay al I teiegrapn cnarges. . ' ACME EMPLOYMENT - CO. FARM .and loggers' helo specialty. 84 N. 2d St., or Main 6437. . . WANTED TO RENT fi ve" unfu'rnTshedi " hoisekeeT: ing rooms: eltotrlo lights, gas. Paclflo 3464. 497 'Columbia, f I iflRW VlIRNIftHED FRONT HOUSE- keening rooms: first floor; room n. 91 i Flrnt. 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOU8E- keenlnr: aas and batn; Iiv. 4KU Waehlnrton, TWO NICELY FURNISHED' HOUSE- keeping room ror man ana wiie, etu. ...... in pi n m woman for lia-ht housework: small family. Phone East 628. WANT ED BOO KKEEPER AND TYPli writer tor office work:- give phon nnmoer.--Anoress K-40Z, journal WANTED YOUNG LADY TO-' AD- dress circular and . act a cash er state experience and salary expected. ddress H-402. Journal. 1 . . WantedgIrL" to W6r li , Kfiii tream etore. Call at 428 E. Morrison, riNISHERS WANTED ON PANTS steady work: good wages. 207 Com monwealth bldg. . . WANTED BOOKKEEPER FOR LAUN dry in city: state aa and experience. Aaarens A-40J. journal. WANTED HAND girl. . mangl dry. WANTED WAITRESS IRONERS AND Hotel Portland, laun . Call today, IN OUR . Swetland, lunch room. 272 Morrison. Wa nteq o i rl to -.eIar ti to ie W mattres ticks,-power machine. ,. 55 r ront, cor, i-wvis. ' HELP .WANTED UNION LAUNDRY MEN" Ti? Alnswortb ENERGETIC Portland and state. L. Smith 109 Sherlock bldg. ONE MARBLE POLISHER AND ONE all around marble and granite cutter wantea at once, addiv to tr. i. watt. The Dsllea. II- . MAN TO WORK FOR ' LARGE COR poration: salary guaranteed: must in vest $100 cash a security; only hustler wanted. 125 Lumber Exchange. HELP . WANTED FEMALE WANTED SHIRT FINISHERS AND folders, starch work ironers. flannel ironers; nice new plant, coot ana airy; good wages ana steady work, mast side Laundry, East Ash and 6th. Phone East 809. B-1636. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family: spend summer at sea side. 748 E. Burnside. East 2726. WANTED DINING ROOM AND. PAN- try girl, at 878 Yamhill st. GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. can 147 mm. - - WAITRESSES WANTED AT NAEVE'S restaurant; wage 310 per week. 128 6th st - . . - - . . . WANTED - SHIRT FINISHER; starchwork ironers; also nannei iron ers; nice cool place; good wages. Phones B 3536 and East 808. East Sid Laun dry Co., E. 6th and Asn. . WANTED GOOD ; SEAMSTRESS. Room 61. Cambridge bldg., cor. 3rd and Morrison-. sta.- - FANCY IRONING: 8HIRTWAISTS A specialty, es water at. . jenon , ra clflc 2869, -- GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: good wage., can alter iv a, m., 271 Morrison st. ' WANTED CHORUS GIRLS; GIRL8 for chorus with youth, good look and figures; experience not necessary; sing ing and dancing taught Apply between 11 and 1. stage KaKer .ineatre. Wanted campj cooks, flunkies. waiters, waitresses, . chambermaids, hotel cocks, ghort-ordef . cooks, dish washers, girl for general housework, at f ood wages. Portland Employment Co., 05 H Morrison t, room 4. - Wanted-SirLs "to make fitz Well shirts ant bom 01 All overall at 75 1st st. company. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 243V. Washington t, comer seventh, un- stalrs. Phone Main 2692. Female belo wantea. - - 1 - pIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO work on snirts ana overall. Lessons given to inexperienced. Apply at Stand ard factory No. 2, Grand ay, and East Taylor fc : - - GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD jaciory n. 1, urana ave, ana Jast Taylor t. u XPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework in family of two: must know how to cook; good .wages. ,.-204 North 24th st GIRLS TO WORK IN CRACKER FAG -. tory ; ' short hours, beat wages, work clean and light Pacific Coast Biscuit Company, 12th and Davis. we praCtIcuS In1 alL c60rts Oregon. Divorce case a specialty. In most cases clients need not appear in court Moderate fees. Address N-812, journal. -'- LADY . CLERK v POR 267 Flan- paid for second-hand rood. ders: Phone Main 2518. bllGHGEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL r , . . . . l a I Kinai o. iw c.n,u-. tniun Exchange. 269 Fronf et. Paclflo 1421. DEFORMITY APPLIANCES MADE TO order. i K. ES. Karison & Co.. 351 An- keny St., Main t.6250. WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSE- ydu'Nd .store, rlson. - OUR Cadi today, Swetland, 372 Mor- ALL KINDS OF HELP WANTED AT the A. B. C Employment agency, zzH Morrison st. fnone Mam buzz, WANTED YOUNG housework. Call GIRL TO DO 816 K. 16th N. MALE AND FE-1ALE HELP. STENOGRAPHERS. BOTH MALE AND female, good positions open with best firms; no charge. underwood . Type writer co., - 99 etn st - WANTED-WOMEN, BOYS ANT GIRLS to work in fruit cannery. addIv to Hoime canning lo. luaat in and Dl- vislon ta. ' . - WANTED AMBITIOUS PEOPLE TO call at 132 6th at and Investigate the opportunities open to them by a course of study with th International Corre spondence Schools or scranton; no exp. riment; inctorseq py tnousanos. AGENTS. SALESMEN' AND S6LICIT or, if there 1 any article you wish to handle but don't know where to get It. come or write. Solicitor 4 Sales men' Headquarter. 66 6th st. Main 6188. HELP WANTED v AND SUPPLIED." male or female. K. o. Drake. zu&Vd Washington st Paclflo 1870. GOOD SOLICITOR WANTED; A fine proposition. Call at 203 Fliednar bldg. TWO SALESLADIES PERMANENT position to ngnt parties, . can on jut. Sadler, 714 Chamber of Commerce, be fore 10 a. m. 'or after 4:30 p.-hi. Wanted young lady stenogra- pher and bookkeeper. Apply Portland Bash ft Door co., zau rrom. WSITiON1 OPEN F6R LaJdY PHYSl ' clan with or without experience .in practice; good chance for advancement Address j--4Ui, journal. , - GIRLS WANTED ,TO WORK - IN PA- per-DOX xaciory; sieaay, ciean. sworiu C. Stettler, 10th and Gltsan at. . . $ SITUATIONS WANTED -MALE FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN OF BUSI- ness ability, at present-representing an eastern firm in patent medlolne line, desires a position of worth off road, in Portland or near by; best references, Addres G. G.-.-H., ' Eaton hotel. -.. PATENT .MEDICINE SALESMAN. well connected in Chicago, 1 open for a proposition where ability-' and salesmanship will Insure rood salary. Address R. H. Q., Eaton hotel, HIGH-CLASS SPECIALTY i . SALES 1 man from east, .at present well con nected, desires change so can remain west: best references. Address W-390. Journal. ' ' . WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT tsges. flat, stores- office, rooming- houses, eto. Landlord will do wtU to call on ' - ; - "' PORTLAND . TRUST COMPANT OF " OREGON. Phone E. -72. 8. E. Cof. 2d and Oak. WANTED TO RENT 7 OR 8-ROOM cottage, furnished, close In. for 6 or 6 montns. Address u-4a, journal. JAPANESE WANTS A SINGLE FUR- nlshed room with or without board from July- 2. -- Address X-209, Journal. - WE WANTl HOUSES TO REi3tZ '.Commonwealth Trust Co., 6th and An keny. Phones Main 894; A-2465. HOUSEKEEPING SUITE; 2 ROOMS. I with phone, 89 and 110 a month. 164 IN. 10th st. .-- - FURNISHED HOUSES MODERN , HOME, :, PORTLAND Heights, 9 rooms, finely furnished: abundant fruit and flowers: unexcelled view; fin grounds; for rent 8 or 10 months f.-om August or . September. Owner, 807 Macleay bldg. ' FOR RENT UOUSES ... i WANTED REAL ESTATE MR. WANT MONEY, IF YOU WANT . 100 men to sell your property to their friends, list it wlt me; new plan. IL D. Howse. 66 6th st. Msin 6188. .WANTED MISCELLANEOUS , WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTH ing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest pric paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 63 X Jd. PhOn Pa- ciflc 1712. WE HAUL DEAD HORSES AND CAT- tle free. Oregon, Fertiliser, worka, or notify Carney . Veterinary. 4th ..and Qllwan sts. Main' 1966. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 8AV age A PenneU, 345-347 1st st Phon Pacific 880. FURNIl'URB AND CLOTHING WANT ed: highest caah prioe paid. Fox A Brower. 82 N. 8d st. Phcni Main 8111. WE RENT AND 8ELL PIANOS. SHER- man. ciay co. SiODERN- HOME. " PORTLAND Height. room, finely furnished; batna; unexcelled view: fin grounds; for rent 6 or 8 months from August or gpptemper. uwner 307 Macieay biog. ' FOR RENT 8-ROOM COTTAGE, 40 . Broadway. Inquire 232 'Washington. FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE NEWLY tinted: very complete. 917 E. Salmon. Phone East 623. HOUSE FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL 9-room home,' near Hawthorne and 24th t; also new 7 -room house at Fir land. 1 b:?ck from O. W. P. track. Key tone Realty Co. 212 Aliaky bldg. t-ROOM HOUSE. '' 35fl.lNCOLN. Phone Tabor 3 FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE. MOD- trn. R. .ith artd Taggart call ud Main 4880. Tanno. 422 6th. WANT ' STEADY RENTER FOR " t rooms, 88; no small children. Phon Tabor 272. - ..- FOR RENT 7-ROOM WE , PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE!. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, Mam 686ft. Ill JSI St. ern; choice location. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, HOUSE, MOD- 605 Vancouver. ACRE, FOR SALE-r-CIGAR ' KTAND. ferGcI. and fixtures; owner gone in grocery ri'i,1!i,""''.wanU to B,',l c,Kr stand at 182 Orand ave.,.ncar Morrison at. , Good, location; cheap rent Don't delay but look this up. Ilia FENDER" PROBLEM IS tEHMA." ncntly solved, and very naturally ll'g a life-net": no more broken bones, no ' more ehocklna: fatalities: nrnt..n,,A 1. absolute and infallible: prona hniv whu stop car within, 8 feet without shuttln off power or applying -brakes; capital wanted to construct "finished" model.' and Introduce in all Important eltlea: a few more shares for sale, Addres M. L Kelrur. Portland. Or. " CiROCERY STORE; 2 14VINC rent 310: established: will j.ii i- voice or lump: prioe 2660. Also cigar stand; price JlhS; rent 620. ( ALEXANDER LAND CO., -' ' 68 tn st" N,(tr P'ne. ' HALF INTEREST In EMPLOYkEN'f business for sale, cheap. , 1S1 Mor rlson st - - . For sale grocery With; tlV.Wd rooms: cash trade: a.,.. 675 1st t. " " ' LIVeRy sTabLe -22,006. 666b Lo- catlon; stock and buggies worth 22,-' 000; net 2500 month; lease; investigate.' Main 2966. McGIn, 214 13th st WANTED A PARTNER IN A GOOD , real estate business; small capital re- : quired. 30s 8d st . j WE HAVE buVers' F6r' seVerAL -good roomlnr houses: also for rrocar r and confectionery store, from owners. -Address or call on D, R. Co.,, 25S Alder, ';' room 10. -' 1 .- . .. . -. UKUUtHI AND FEED STORE. Will Invoice shout tl Knnr all n eiv. tnrAa . ! - ..... ttn. u . . -. 2Vi years' lease; owner wishes to aell on aocount of health. .. s - 1750 buy a No. 1 confectionery!' lei . cream and cigar store: rood location. . DIAMOND REALTY CO., . 1 263 Alder at . room 1(1 ' ' GROCERY STORE FOR SALE; Flx-i tures, delivery horses wagon and har- ness. Address R-410, Journal. : MEAT -MARKET DOING' FINE BUSl- ne. 1048 Iiwthorn av s nhnn T pwr ins. WANTED PARTNER TO HELP kAW aga lucratlva KtialnA-a . . v-nn ' preferred. If help I want, not money. . Austin. Room 4 Raleigh bldg. FOR SALE R'flAL ESTATE 1 ACRE. 212. EVelvn atatlon. Mt Scott car. Apply ra' 4;.t r-A- mi i -n-rn " w 6 1 1 Morrison, phone I'acinc 3Z '8eoo1,d Hand Wae.-Highest 'price. 20-NEW. MODERl4 K-ROOk HOtSEl reception . halL uantenoein vc. cas. full lot Phone East 882. 994 FOR RE?TT FLATS hold .goods of every description bought, sold and exchanged. - Th 2. 232 let. Msin 6374. Home A-2327 WANTED TO BUY GOOD Phone Main, 2321. . Wanted team and tank wagon for' hauling water.. Two month' lob. 8-403, Journal. - WE WILL BUY " YOUR HOUSEHOLD good and guarantee best price. Call, phone or write. S. J. & L. Rubensteln, 175 Front st, opposite National hotel. Pacific 1401. WILL PAY CASH FOR 3 OR 4 COWS; must be cheap. Give description and ?rlce; first letter, -give phone. Heath, 238 Missouri ave. ; ' WANTED SMALL 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT FOR RENT. Inauir 749 Mississippi ave; reason soie rent. FOR RENT FLAT. NEW. 5 OR -, rooms; pertly furnished t if desired ga, bath, woodlift; in Irvington, corner of Halaey and E. 8th north. Phone East TITfl. . . . , c.Af FURNISHED ' 4-ROoSi FLAT, kob ern; sosh Columbia: walking dia tance; rot July and August, izt; children. m. Pacific 1192; from. 8 to HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE ;; ' - FOB SALE. "ponT- BROKEN sounx Apply Portland Riding academy. to ride; -must be gentle, and, FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FURNITURE OF TWO ROOMS TO BE old this week by piece or lot, cheap. 168 Russell, upstairs. - . Will considerany reasonable Offer for 7 rooms, well furnished; fine locality, close in;,, reasonable rent in' quire 867 6th t ' -- ; 6 ROOMS FURNISHED FOR vHOUSE - keening: price 2100. 311 2d st. FURNITURE S-ROOM MODERN COT tage. THm TTr"IT T.tlT TT !. M TH BT Elegantly furnished; steam heat and I man; 6th car. oatns. - t - - ' THE GRAND, 45 H N. 3D ST. ROOMS piano, yard; rent 318; 811 6 her Phone Main 180. for gentlemen. 31.26 per week and up. L.vTEL, ROf AL 106 TH; NICE rooms, 60 cents, ft per nignt; z,to fa per- week. ' ; -. ' -w .- - THE CHETOPA NEW, MODERN j apartments. . now open, comer 18th and Flanders sts... Clarence J, Wheeler, agent with Tull & Gibbs. FURNISHED ROOMS. kOD-RN FLAT. 248 6th st. Telephone A2350.. Or commonweaitn Trust co. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FOR RENT ALL OR PART OF ground floor space Bank of British Co lumbia bldg:. Front and Ankeny sts. Apply R. T. Cox, Main 422 a Nice office suKte F6r reNJ; Madison bldg., 8d and Madison sts. FOR RENT SHSCEiLLANEOt i. FOR RENT FURNISHED , ROOM suitable, for one young man. Apply 171 K. 19tn st ' ' FOR , RENT COMPLETELY ' FUR- : nlshed housekeeping rooms. Apply 811H OHsan st. - ; " - - - - - HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH modern convenlencea Phone Main 1869, BARN TO RENT, 637 JEFFERSON ST.; room for 20 horse. Phon Main 71 5 8. FOR RENT LARGE DRY - BASE- ment, 23x76, 8 ft. high. Fraley, 312- THE HAEHLEN. NICELY FURNISHED I and. clean rooms. OK 11th at., mr of Btarx. . SUMMER ' RESORTS THE COLLINGE NICELY FURNI8H ed room, hot water in every room, free phone and ' bath. 22.60 to 25 ner weeg:: no cnuoren. -jzi 4tn, cor. ciay. OR RENT 2 NEATL' FURNISHED rront room, reasonable, call fore noons, 141 nth ., corner Alder. SITUATION WANTED AS ENGINEER or - fireman. - Addres - 8-403 Journal, BOOKKEEPER 6 YEARS' EXPERI . ence; guarantee' Industrious, intelli gent, faithful, competent service; mar ried; - possess no Immoral habits; city references. Address M-402, Journal. WANTED--BY A FIRST CLASS ME chanic, carpenter ,and all kind of building work," by day. or contract; cheap. H. Baamgart 168 17th t, lty. SITUATIONS WANTED FE5IAXB. A RESPECTABLE AND EXPERIENCED woman want a position taking care of rooming-house. . . . Addres D-402, Journal. . " - - .-- GIRL WANTS POSITION AT GENER al housework. Phone E. 4461. ROOMS AND BOARD. TUB CULUPilAL. .V Corner 10th and Morrison, 3 blocks west of Portland hotel First-class room ana board; rates reasonable: transient and table board accommodated. ' ' PRIVATE FAMILY, HOME COOKING. : gas, bath. Phone. ; 281 E. - Da via. cor ner Union ave. FRONT ' ROOM - WITH1 BOARD Foil two vounc men. at S3, llth st.: nrlca a per ween. FOR - RENT NICELY FURNISHED" rooms, witn gooa board, at The Hart. Ibsn. 426 Alder st. . . " ANY6NE LOOKING "FOR A GOOD place to board and room, try the Min-! nequa iau, raiee ,easonaoio. 874 Yam hill et. ' - ' -.... i ... , .. BEACH PROPERTY. Th finest beach property ever offered, Joining Breakers hotel property,- to be :nownaa "Manhattan Beach": 250-acr tract, a portion with building restric tions; Esther unrestricted: easy term. , , A. C. CHURCHILL A CO-, 1 . 110 Second St., City. LOCKSLEY HALL SEASIDE, OR., DR. P. L. Austin, proprietor, assisted by L, A.Carlyle; rates from $12.60 per week up; rates ana reservation may oe made now with Dr. Austin, dentist, Raleigh bldg. SEASIDE, OR.r COTTAGE OWNERS list, your property, for sale or rent with ' Frank ; McFarland, 1 Beaside, Or. Large number ef tenants waiting. WANT A COTTAGE AT SEASIDE? Write; T. McFarland, Seaside, Or., who will locate you. State price limit, eto. FOR RENT AT GEARHART PARK A vnew 6-room cottage, furnished. Apply to Mrs. M. A,- Owen at cottage, Gear hart, or phone Main 6296, city. . r, , R SEASON -, AT GEAR DO YOU WORK ON A SALARY T ARM you going to work on a salary all - your life? .. If Toil An It la vnnr t,,lr What shall you dot Come to our offlco wun u ana w win show you where -you can out It and a little more each month for a few month without tales--Ing It aqd before you know it you will own something that while you are pay-: Ing for it ha increased 100 per-cent. That's th way to make money. ' Don't put it off, eom today. Columbia Trut company, Couch bldg. ' - - . - 11.860 BUtS NICE MODERW 6-R06m! house, large reception hall, gas. cor- -ner Jot. 62x100; by owner, 637 E. 26th st, corner Tsggert. W. W. or W. R, car: Phone Beliwood 882. -w NEW HOUSE. .. EAST" i7TH" AN"5 Alder: 28,400; installments. . Charle soh Sc Co., 411 Commercial. . . . HE DON'T WANT THE EARTH? " " Howse. th red estatd man. at 64 6th st. therefore can furnish you property of all kinds In all parts of the city and at price to defy competition. - Also a few choice railroad timber claim, cruls- ' Ing from 6,000,000Ker qusrter up; attor- ana ney fees, filing iz locating, combined. HOMESEEKER8 WRITV TO THM Willamette Valley Real Estate Ex change, . Woodburn, Or., for a large list IF YOUWlSH JO BUI", SELL OR tkt change your property, call on or ad dress George w. Turner, 308 V -Washington st. Portland. Or. ,n: FOR SALE 6-ROOM HOUSE IN VER-" non. cheap thla week. . Owner. 1111 E. 18th et N. . - ... LOT- 100X200 FEET, AND 1Q-R0M. house, well furnished; good tfe.,3; room for.. 4 cottages, at Long Beach; term. A good lot 60x100 feet on water front, . Gearhart Park. A house that rents for 810 and a barn on a 50x100- foot lot near two. streetcars, and a good , school, - $850. 6-room rustio house, a beauty, '60x 100-foot corner lot, $3,600.: 811 Mohawk bldg. Phone Pacific 1289.' 6rbom? cottage. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING $1.60" WEEK UP LARGE, I CLEAN furnished - housekeeping-rooms, laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman at, south. VI l I cl II CI. WANTJEjO f hart,' or Seaside. T? A J-AA , ' FOR RET 8HELBURN HOTEL, ' Sea', View, 1 Long Beach, Wash; 16 rooms, all modernjmprovements; every thing furnished, with nice grounds. Ad dress Wm. C. Hoare, Bea View, Wash.. $1.25 WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHES laundry, furnace beat' yard. 2oiH Stan ton t tl car. . THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonable. 7 th and. Flanders sts. FURNISHED rooms. evenings. ciflc 2482. HOUSEKEEPING ground floor. cottars:, call after 6:80. Horn A-8492; Pa- Oregon State Pharmaceutical Association A. VV. Allen, Secretary ; r , Sixteenth and Marshall Streets Vs : V;,- r : t 4 ; . . Portland, Ore., June 24, 1907 Journal Publishing Co., City---Gentlemen: , I wanj to state that I . am well pleased with the results from my classified advertising of 'Holden's Rheumatic Cure under the Personal and For-Sale Miscel-, . Janeous columns of ; The Journal. ; You may continue the ads until ,.further'notice and greatly oblige 7; A.. W.-ALLEN. . .- ;tf j,A BUSINEtrt . CHANCES FOR SALE STOCK OF, MERCHAN dise, in country town; - will - invoice about 38,000. ' Address, P-311, Journal, A GOOD . GROCERY STORE,VALUE about $1,000, for $560. Nelson, 14th ana irvmg ts, ' t 1 PLACER GOLD MINES A FEW OF the - most promising; some already paying producers; careful ..selection' nigh-grade , and . cream of , northwest fields: some at half value: 24 years' mine management; inventor and vendor of placer, machinery; 'gives you the rla-ht tlD: state amount to invest : W. N. Ruble, Weippe, Idaho, care American mine. - ' . ).-. WELL-DRILLING OUTFIT. - COM plete;' cheap, for cah- C. W. Steph ens, urient. or. ... FOR SALE GOOD paying sieam laun- dry plant; estaousnea - ana growing business; satisfactory reasons for sell ing. Address owner, K-403, Journal. PARTNER WANTED IN ESTAB- llshed real estate office; active man can . make $150 per month showing property; $250 required, money secured. Room 17, 250K 8d st. --- ' -- CIGAR, FRUIT AND CONFECTION ery stand; best paying business in the most desirable location. 246 Alder, ter minus of east side cars. Paclflo 1225. FOR SALE AT ONCE. FIRST-CLASS grocery; - one of the best location in the city; other business Interest reason for selling. - Address X-401. Journal.' STOGK COMPANIES INCORPORATED. If you hav stocks cr bonds for sale, let ms tr to sell them for you. George M. Kellogg, broker, 640 Elllcott square, Buffalo. --.;"'. SPLENDID . LOTS ALL OVER THE City for quick sale; nere I a sample: 4 lots In Greenway, 1 block from car line, adjoining lota held at $750, all four for 21.800 If token this week. Other lots Just as cheap. Open evenings. 6$ 6th St.. ' ; - y ... HERE ARE FOUR GOOD BUYS IN homes, lot others just a good: 84.600 Modern -. S-rooml house on E.. Salmon st. .. . . . -'. ,.- 32.000 Modern 7-room house in , At. ; lets... '..,.;"';' .'.-. .-. '-M'i' -'" i- 11,760 Modern 6-room nous on lltn sti close ia. -,'--: j. -. s.-.i. 27.8002 modern house, on full lots. One 6. room the other- 10 rooms.' rental $80. ; ,- - -' ;-v;i ;V - M. 13. HOtVBB, ' - rJ 68 6th st. Phone Main 6188. M-LWAUKIE, ON. THE WILLAMETTH & O. W. P. Rjr. 12.000 buy boo feet of river front; $1,100 buy lot 75x293 . south of crematorium' on Sellwood car line; $1,000 buys 6 acres, all Improved 8 miles south of Mllwaukle; .$850 buys new ' 6-room cottage, . 60x100 lot,', on block, from, ear line. ; We have , large ' tracts - suitable ' for platting; cheap, acreage In small tracts; lot cheap, on - easy terms. Harlow & Dowllng, Mll waukle; Or. " BARGAINS WE ' HAVE SEVER A I. cnoice Duiiaing jots in anierent parts of the city for sale at a sacrifice. AdjrT I dress L. B. French, - 714 Chamber off; I Commerce. . DIRT CHEAP BY OWNER: MODERN7 six-room house; closets, large base ment, full lot. cement walks, lawn, ros buahes, etc.f $2. 800. 819 E. 7th North.' M. D. HOWsri. SGLiCiTORS, ' AND" 'Salesmen's - headquarters; eastern mannfacturlna' firms represented: rest estate quick sales negotiated;, petitions circulated, y 66 6th st Main 6188 MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE; WOOD fibre plaster.concrete baaement lot 40x125; take Woodlawn car. Owner.; 862 Fremont st. Price 32.600. ' - ' CHEAP 6-ROOM FOR SALE tage on &' C75xt- mtayllla carllne, near West ave. Call evenings. George A. Thomae, - C, R. Dcsnell Jk Co. V REAL ESTATE. ' t Room 12, 268 Stark st ; NEW ADDITION FINE LOTS 50x100," streets 60 feet near car station at. Lents, 6o car fare; only $116: term., Take Mount Scott car. 0. R. Addition. Ients, Or.. 6o far. ' . 1 TO 80 . ACRES. CLEARED. WEST: side. 6o fare, for sale, t Dr. . Fhrn-6k. I for SaLe-U-rOom c6Ta6b AND. lot at Long Beach; price $860. ' $650 Stock of groceries in good1 lo cation, doing nice business; c-wner. leav ing city; win sell for cash, 34Z6. , 10 acres highly improved land. 7-room house, 2 acre in- chicken park. 40x40 chicken house, 280 chickens, all kinds of fruit and vegetables; running water. the year round: close to school: In fact a lovely little home; 9 mile from city) price $2,600; part on time. , . Call and see me about these at 185 ' Morrison et . C. L. MORGAN. SMALL CHICKEN RANCH, COW, . V. ...... At.At.n V.-n n . -m - - commercial bioon; mupt sen.'' FOR RENT BAKERY IN EASTERN . Oregon; a gold mine for the right party. Apply to R. Martin," 928 Com mercial st, . . -. DO YOU INTEND TO CONTINUE! TO nav rent all your life? "Or will vou put the price f a few cigars, each dav. in a beautiful lot In Rossmere, on the -i East Ankeny carllne. with arraded streets, cement walks and water rsalns , put In free to buyers. Call and let us tell you about It Title Guarantee &. Trust Co., corner of 2d and Washington. FOR SALE 4 ACRES. , GOOD SOIL and level, near Lents junction; Just the thing rcr : laying out in lots; n areata. .Address It-103, Journal.