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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1907)
IS -THE OREGON DAILY -JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 7, ISC?. Llcrchandko Purchncc j on Credit To Jay, Tcmorr67 end gntnrdayt 17lI Go cn Yc::r J;:Iy lccg:ii VNn i WhitefPlas and Colors-- 10 Values at Q5i98 White, Black and Co!ors-$I2.50 Values at 56.98 In the Millinery Dept. for tomorrow s 909th Friday Surprise Sale, a sensational bargain in high-grade imported ostrich plumesTwo immense lots of the finest imported feathers to be sold at half of - their real .value- Fashion Indications are that ostrich plumes will hats, theatre hats and evening hats there's nothing quite as rich and attractive as ostrich plumes 2000 of them, white, black, pink,? light blue, brown and champagne Magnificent, large, ; healthy, long fiber plumes that find ready sale at $10 and $12.50 each and It ui no easy task to secure them to sell even at these prices Every well dressed woman in this vicinity can make good use of from one to six ' of these plumesRead details following See 6th St. window display LOT 11200 beautiful ' Ostrich Feather, Plumes, hand- some long fiber, 19-inch length, colors white, black, light blue, - pink and, champagne Regular ry w gys $10 values, choice tomorrow only at the V j rk wonderfully low price of, each........ Vf . -. LOT 2800 magnificent 21-inch Ostrich Plumes in wjiite, black, pink, brown and champagne Included in this lot ' are. about 20 beautiful willow plumes in sm' ' M gj. black, white and 'light blue, all $12.50 A) ) M values, choice for.. ..... .:. .,vf-t: See Fifth Street) Window Display Mail ' Orders Filled J. j wi ltn.t ii. i t Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store's weekly Friday Surprise Sale offering is the most attractive bargain of the season The entire stock of one of the leading wash suit manufacturers in the country to be sold at a price below the cost of materials alone Suits and Shirtwaist Dresses in this season very latest styles, handsomely " made and &Hshd throughout Summer Suits; that will ' appealyto every, woman having need for hot weather; apparel and the price down -to a point where , you can afford to buy two or three of them Pure linen suits made in medium length; semi and tight-fitting jackets, double breasted, notch collar and leg o 'mutton sleeve, finished with cuff Colors are natural linen, blue, medium gray and tans and blues with fancy figures Shirtwaist Suits have college blouses or a Dutch neck with roll collar and cuffs of contrasting shades, plain - or. plaid materials,' others. with embroidered collar and cuffs Colors are tans, blues white, garnet, natural and unbleached linen; the skirts are pleated and have deep hem, all sizes; great assortment to select from Women's Wash Suits, selling at prices to $16.50 each, sizes 32 to 40 Your choice for to- morrow's great 809th Fri day Surprise Sale only at the extraordinary ; low price take : advantage per suit See Big Fifth' Street Window Display No M air or Phone Orders Filled Store Opens at 8 '.. TOMOHROW'S-SOgth FRIDAY SUHPR1SR SALE Great Surprise Sale tomorrow of 6,000 yards beautiful quality Fancy Ribbons, in , stripes, checks, plaids, all .the newest colorings and combinations, suitable for ' sashes, belts, hat trimming, fancy work, etc., etc., 5 and 6 inches wide; regular, 75c and $1.00 values,' on sale tomorrow only, at, the yard........ J Jw ' Great Surprise Sale tomorrow of '3,000 Women's White Ribbed Lisle-Finish Cot ton Vests, low 'neck" and sleeveless, beautifully trimmed, with front and back yoke of crochet lace and 'insertion, all sizes; 40c values, on sale to- 00 morrow only at this exceptionally low price, each take advantage.. ...... VC TOMORROWS 909th rRlDAYSUHPRlSg SALX htMM NecIiScdrfs WM For tomorrow's 909th Friday Surprise Sale we offer 6,000 pairs of Women's Fine Quality Black Lisle Lace Hose, in boot and allovet effects; there are many very handsome patterns to select from, all sizes; the best regular 50c values; buy all you want of them tomorrow at this special low price, pair.......04SC For tomorrow's ;909th Friday SurprisVSale the Women's Neckwear Department offers 1,000 DuBarry Neck Scarfs in beautiful flowered effects and hemstitched ends; all the best colors pink, light blue, lavender, cream, white; full 2 QO yards long, made of best quality crepe de chine; $1.75 and $2 values, ea.VwC ' TOMORROW'S 909th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE' - ' :" r I. ';-'..-; f'j. : - . j v ' .':''',:. .,'..-" - '; .. ; ,In the Third-Floo?. Furniture Store for tQmorrow's 909th Friday Surprise Sale, a 'great special offering of handsome Garden Settees' at a. low price; natural wood and greeni-painted finish, splendid model; regular $i.75, 22i and ; f 1 C' $2.50 values, tomorrow only- suitable, for porch or lawn use each. . ylJ J. CI DiTrt A5 In the Picture Department for 'tomorrow! ;'T909tlr SI r IClUrC3 S JC Friday. Surprise Sale, 300 beautiful Colored Pic- ," . ,. tures; subjects, "The Angelus" and "The vAC Gleaners'!; li-in. solid oak frame, 12xl6Jin.-, $1.00 values, each......SMC TOMORROW'S 909th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE ' 1 " ,i ' i : .' $12.50 and g23.00 Robes 06.98i $8.98 ;. i i i in in i in 4 Great clean-up sale of Women's Fine Sum- . mer Robes tomorrow, all this season's handsomest styles, the "very latest fashions and materials; at prices far below cost; rare; bargains take advantage of the low prices: Special lot of Batiste. Embroidered Robes, flounce skirt with lace insertion, very at, tractive styles; values: to . ?L OS1 $12.50 each at this low price... vQ.70 Hand-Embroidered Linen' Robes, white and . white with colors,' magnificent styles; val ues up to $25.00 each on sale u tomorrow at this low price.. - Tomorrow our entire ; stock of j Batiste '., Robes at greatly; reduced prices; prettiest ' ' styles, grand values, oft sale as follows $18.00 Robes at, each..' ..,...$13.00 $20.00 Robes at, each ,f 14.00 $25.00 Robes at, each:... .........f 19.85 $33.00 Robes at, each. ... ... ; . ... . f 25.00 f $45.00 Robes at, each.......... ,.f 29.85 r $50.00 Robes at, each.... ;,t....f 39.00 5, W 1 vC ' ' JIB immk PiJIV9 v $8.98 TOMORROW'S 909th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 1 $6.50 Silli Waists? 53.45 In the Waist Section, second floor, for tomor row's 909th Friday Surprise Sale a matchless bargain in cool, stylish Japanese Silk Waists. . Very large variety of pretty styles Plain, fancy and Marie Antoinette, : with square, pointed or long yokes, trimmed in round mesh Vals., silk embroidered medallions, or rows of lace and tucks down the front White, black, blue and pink Included will also be found a pleasing assortment of fancy, striped and fie-' . tired Jap Silk Waists-Button front or backl Long or short sleeves All sizes Waists sell ing regularly at prices i up to $6.60 each. ; A special purchase vfTa .A enables us to off er ;jv ' )) : M) Jiem tomorrow at r I ) I f each r TOMORROWS 909th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE W 5 5 1 0.50 Kate o.C $3.9S 1 Great clean-up in tha Millinery Department for to-; morrow's 90Pth Friday Surprise Sale 200 New, Up. to-Date Tailored Hats, all the prominent makes, val wt vP t0 $10-50 each, to be sold at this ridiculously ,; low' price each "Gage'V Hats, -fBurges'ser Hats, "Atcheson" -Hats and others Pretty,' stylish and at- tractive models - for outing and street wear All ribbon trimmed' ' qui" and yj Choice tomorrow, onh See. Fifth Street Vestibule Window Display 5( Women'sWalksAf, Shapes; great sp'ecial'lot; val- e, each..'.... .C JC morrow at; thisspecial Tow pric 300 Coast Hats for (Misses and. Children; regular, val- k. ues irom vac up to'jj.ya, your cnoice tomorrow at this wonderfully l6w. reduction, each;. . . ONE HALF ;100 Children's Leghorw Hats, from : f IOC $2.98 tcj3.50 values, .tomorrow at, ea..,.,) 1 V TbmorrbwDoy For ..tomorrow's, 909th Friday Surprise Sale 1,000 BoysV Wash' Suits, in sailor and Russian', blouse styles; materials f fast-color, chambfays,, in" solid colors bluer ? grays,.pirilfi;; and crashes ;?;alli neatly1 trimmed, sailor-collar; effects,) A 21 to 12, years; wonderful. yalue,son sale tomorrow at, special, suitir.i.TrJC, Great "shAwing of Children's Rompers at pj-ices ranging from, each, 25 to Tomorrows $4 Renaissance Pieces 01.53 For tomorrow's 909th Friday Surprise Sale, special lot of 18x54 Renaissance' and Linen . Medallions, in round square and (drawn! effects,, large as-,f f 1 . Cl ; sortment of patterns; reg," $2.50 to $4.00 values, 5n sale at, ..each 'Uit V Ay 24-inch: Renaissance Doilies, allover and linen 'center effects,' large as- ' OA sortment of patterns; values from $1.25 to $2.00, Friday-only, at, each .;, .O Tombitowa Yourig Mori's Suits at 08.15 For tomorrow's 909th Friday Surprise Sale, a. splendid bargain in Young Men's-'Two-Piece; Outing Suits, single or, double-breasted styles,, in light or medium I fancy gray worsteds, fancy tweeds, overplaids,' checks and sripes; coats are , lined,' and trousers with cuff bottoms and belt loops;' a splendid as- ? r O 1 C ,,Sortment, specially priced; best reg. $12.50 vaU tomorrow -'only, at.-.T yU 1 J Tomorrovs 909th Friday's Suprisc Salb rB?s50.-?5c.TE3s25;c rf?GoIf Shirts at 55c Two great Surprise; Sale bargains iii.the Men's Fur nishing Goods Store for tomorrow take advantages , 5,000 Men's fine Silk Four-in-Hands, all this season's' ',Mti patterns; , light, medium and dark 'colorings; plain and fancy poplins, bengalines, swivel silks, lou- ; isines, Scotch and shepherd plaids; made full French fold or reversible; also lined ties, immense variety; regular .50c and 75c-,yalues, on sale at this ; O special' reduced price, each take advantage. aVJC ' Sale: extraordinary f of ,MenV -Golf Shirts tomorrow, ; variety of new, up-to-date1 styles; attached or de-' tached cuffs, regular or coat styles, madras and fine percales, in light and dark colorings, stripes, figures" and dots, all sizes; regular $1.00 and $1.50 C values, on sale at this low price, each. a.,..".. JJC 1 !' 1 m Vi I t iff! ; TOMORROW'S 909th FRIDAY? SURPRISE SALE RocKers-aMCMiirs In the Summer Furniture Department toftiorrow a great sale of-a sample' line of Porch Chairs and Rock ers- The chairs are adjustable and equipped with' ah 'extension ifoot rest; all are well -irnade) and! finished, and sell regularly at $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 each. ;Your. choice .while they last tomorrow at the ' marvel- ousiy tow pnee or oniy, a I each See Alder Street Window Display r v ' Tomorroiv; Women's Silli Suits on Sale at 5 7. 95 si Muslin Urideriyear Special Silk 'Jumper Suits, " Silk Princess Suits, Silk Shirtwaist Suits, in black, navy, brown, tan, green, pfnk, gray, black and white, blue and white, green and white, red and white checks.' fancv atrina in blue, red, green and brown; Shirtwaist Suits have pleated and fancy vwaisis, wun jace yoKe ana sieeves; jumper suits -are trimmed in fancy braid, taffeta silkK lace .and fancy buttons; Etons are fancy braid-trimmed; all new, this Season's garments; val- - f 9 . c ues up to $22.00 each,ron sale at this low price, ach ; t Vf -Women's Cambric and Nainsook Gowns, trimmed in very fine em broideries, laces and edgings; yoke effects of insertions and medal lions; low round neck, drawn with beading and ribbons; short fancy sleeves; also high-neck and long-sleeve styles; great bargains $1.75 to $2.00 values at., fl.47 $5.00 to $6,00 values at... $3.9S $2.50 values on sale at. ..f 179 57.00 to $8.00 values at., .?4.98 $3.00 values on sale at.. .fl,OS . $3.00 to $12.50 values at. .f 6.08 $3.50 values on sale. at ,f 2.39 J On the Second Floor. Women's High-Grade Combination Corset-Covers and Short Skirts; also . fancy i Skirt "Chemise--made; of fine cambric - and nainsook, - trimmed m dainty : Valenciennes- laces and embroideries, edgings, insertions and headings beautiful designs in a large'assortmfnt--$2.50 to $3 values, each. $ 1.03 - $4.00 values at, each. . . . $ 2.29 ' -