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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 27, 1807. 01h:r Classified Ad vefiiserasnts will hz i found on pp. 18-19. NEW 1DDAY. SOME ; For a Few Days Only r B5.000 Takes' a beautiful . 6 room modern house, with ." " fttrnate cement-; base 1 ; ' " ment, ... lovely yard, in . , ' " vn eichborhood ; of nice " - homes ; one block ; fom . v. -.Hawthorne ; avenue car. ' A snap. ; , -'.Ty"- ' $3,700 A nice, ' new 6-room i ..modern home, with one r , lot,' in Sunnyside, 3 i . blocks to ; car; 'worth . more monev, but want 01 mm U'"; quick sale: $2,000 cash, V balance on time. j ; $0,000 A sightly home - of 8 '', rooms' on Portland ' Heights. 1 block to car. V If these are not just what you :. -L J. tl ' .I .. .'.! waui tan un us. .v The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. ; : Corner of Second and Washing ? ' : ton Streets V , MABBIAGE LICENSES. essesAssasaasj0snsjsseesssksB Uno K. T. Q. 8. Goldecke, 1288 Cor pett st, 24; Mary Schock, 22. Frank A. Spencer, 21; Helen S. Mor- rlson, II. r . .-.--. Harry H. Day. 75 E. 8 th St, 84 r Helen . Jlelman, 88. . : '(XX. Thornton, 760 Thurman St., Hi -" Cortnne Baldwin, IS, , t W, Maxwell, 788 Raleigh at; 82J Nora Lawler, 26. - Lowis A. McMullsn, 14; Thelraa E, gmlth. 21. . ' sPaul A. Wlcke. 841 lit St. t; Lilian " George F. Lichtenthaler, 126 12th st, li Anna B. Campbell 18. - i Stanley G. Werschkvl. 815 B. Burn aide at. 28; Alice J. Johnson, 21. .-. 7 John F. Lucks, 871 E. tb at, 22; Anna JI. Wallberg. 22.. . ' t Frederick- H, Rehrlng,- 278 Chapman -.7 ft, 22j Nell M. Klekert. 21. . - f Max A, Kaiser, 246 Commercial, at, 21; ,- i geltna A. Schloth. 18. - Edward H Weiss, US EL 8th at.. 22; Ada M. Wood, 21. , ' ' . Emll J. Fleraon, . 201 BJ. Ttb: at, 27! Matilda Larson, 84. . . , , Joseph O. Ennls, 1041 E. 16th it-N., 4: Hermenla K. Luglnbuhl, SO. . -- Leslie Oliver. 21; Lillian Robinson. 21. tewla J, Beach, 29; Btella May I)il- . ''Sbcst'h. Lincoln, ;ieatU, Wftah 24; tnea KellOKf, 84. . ; j !-- P, T.'Olnni Marlon Haaet Ma rone, fj. .'.-b - . .:'v' - ..- Albert W. ainfker, CotUge Grove, Or., - 1 i0; Elisabeth riu-- 21. - i r- Daniel Hucklen Beattle, Waah 13; athcrina M. Arcninaia. ro ' Wedding Cards. W.' a Bmtth 5k Co. Washington bldg., corner (th and. Wash. In ft on sts. Tonseth A' Co.. florist, tot fiowere o7 all kinds. 128 th st. "-7 Clarke Bros., Florists Fine flowers . .nd floral deelgns. 2H Morrison at 5 Full -dress suits tor rent, all sUea, tTnlqne Tailoring Co 809 Stark it BIRTHS btdnt?? -June 24. to Dr. and Mrs. Al - vln B. Btone, 114 H Alblna ave..-a OLDHAM June ; 18. to Mr and Mrs. ' m Walter C. Oldham, 11T2 -Albna ave., a daughter. HILLI8 June 18, to Mr. and Mrs. George Wesley HllHs, 1174 Taggart it., a son. . - , FRIEBERO-i-June 4, to Mr. and Mrs, Phillip-E. Frleberg, 622 E. Grant t, si son. ." . ML'RPHT June .f, to Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Murphy. 682 E. Salmon, a daughter PENCE June 20c ,t0 Mr, - and Mrs. Michael Pence, 628 ft , Pettygroye , st, a son.1 )' FULKERSON June 10. to - Mr. and -' Mrs. Siimuel G. Fulkerson, 4(7 E. CarutherS. a son. - ; ; MATTHEWS June 8, To Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Matthews, 818' Haight ave., BUBLE-June 12! to Mr. and Mrs., Fred Ruble. 761 Bavler st, a son. - LULSFORD-June 24, to Mr. and Mrs. John Lulsford, .,1070 Corbett it, a .ttiito-htAr.. - 'U. ..- . BHAKI June y, io jnr ana rars. iest D. Sharp, 1684 Eighth it, a son. utakthiuiii z. io mr. una jura. . Fenton A- McCarthy, 267 E. 11th it. 4,... son. , 8H ANGLE June 19. to Mr. and Mrs. j Frank Bhangl ,790 "Montana ave., , a denghter. DEATHS - CARDIFF June - S5, . James Edward - -.16 days, 270 coiumoia st; aeciaenia , 1 drownings ' .;,;-5C: '.-: vv5." ' ' ;'; WERTHEIMER P June , L Edward Wertheimer. aged 45 years, 6 months r ; and 22-days, 9 N. 10th st; asthma and . ' nephritis,. ! '.'t'l''' ' WEEKS June 26 John B. Weeks, aged , 88 years, 4 months and 9 days, 60S v Wllllnms ave.: aneurism of aolta. , LUNBERG June 26, 'Baby. Lunberg, ' 774 Tork stJ still born. . i BURTZ June 26, Charlotte Burts, aged 1 year, 2 months and 21 days, - : . J 87 Grant; tubercular meningitis.' - - ROUHRAMEN June 26, AJbln Rouhra ' men, aged 23 years, 616 Qulmby st; sawmill accident. , M'KAY June .26, Georgetta McKay, - aged 80 yearg, 8 months and 26 days. LOST jAND FOUND. BROWN MARE, RAN A WAT WITH harness; brand J. B.; reward. Phone. Taclflc 217B. HELP WANTED--JIAIJ5. . WANTED YOUNG MAN, CLERK IN , shipping department of foundry. Ad dress in own writing. T. , G. box M 410, Journal, fciOY WITH ONE OR MORE YEAR'S . experience In drug . business; chance of advancement. Apply E-411, Journal. Btate wages wanieq. TER WANTED. INQUIRE 208 4th st. WANTED EXPERIENCED. BUNDLE wrappers; steady positions, good sal ary. Apply to Mr. Cohn; The Golun Eagle. . - - - ' '" HELP WAJH:il FE31AIJB1 WANTED EXPERIENCED , MIDDLE aged woman to care for child and do light housework; permanent ' place and good pay to suitable person; references. inilfnone main b.isu. ' WANTED IMMEDIATELY. RE , spectable. working woman as house keeper for- widower's family, another town, 230 -Yamhill, Main 6418. 1T I'ATIOX A VA NTi:i ' lALK. BOBKH AND lNKUHTRIOUS OFFICE man with wniall cail(l winhs to pur cliiina liilriuxl In ealalillshed bUHlnowaj ALL, Aluil'ND ISUSlNKila 11US1NK MAN wnnfi? iifiltton or P'trtntirnlilp; Can In vest 8-"t) or :t00. Avhat have you? Ad drn b-410, Journnl. WANTED-BIISCELLANEOUS. WANTKDGOOD DELIVERY - HORSE and wapon; price must be reasonable. Phone Tttbor 907. FOn EOT-HOUSEKEEPING. 224 MAIN COOL, WELL FURNISHED houDttkunpIng rooms, single or en suite; cl(w In; rhone, gas, bath. 1 . . -KENTHOUSES FOR RRNT COTTAGES CORNER 17th and Ullnan and (61 Gllnan, between 1611) and 17th sts. Max fcmlth, the Ha vov restaurant, 149 7th. Home A-4241. FOM KENT STOIIES-OFFICICS. 342 FRONT BT., WITH 2 LIVING rooms; excellent for grocery. Main 6K64. " .'.'I, TOtxrsrtED houses: V UJX1BI1KU WTIAUH 8-RCMJM; PAN- II, cciiar, iiun, m per moDin DO fare. C. S. Cook. 251 Alder. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE I ,", y.j: FOIt SALE. GOOD . FURNITURE OF 18-ROOM lat on Washington st.; 8 years' lease; rent 246. 242 Madison St. , BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR RENT BUTCHER BHOP;'FIX- UaO BUYS-CHOPHOUSE WITH A 2 years' lease; nicely located, taking- In .j per pay. xwaniwon- Bl. i'URNlTURB OF A.40-ROOM HOUSf:, rent (46, can be bought for 8460 if bought immediately; close in. 242 Aladi- non si. FURNITURE AND LEAsfi OF liOTEL - doing good business. In Vancouver, Wash. The Washington A Oregon jteauy cjo,, ing za st. ynone Main 2404. HOTEL IN ENTERPRISING COLUM- Dia river town., netting annually 80 per eent of price asked. 402 Commercial bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ' 12,400 WILL BUY A FINE NEW 8 -room house on Grand ave. ; ' upper part not finished; lot 60x100 between fckldmore and Preacott sts. :' (3.400 will buy a ,7-room modern house on Haight ave.; easy terms. 28.600 will buy 100x100 on Russell st. near Williams ave.; a corner. iio.vuu wiu-Duy looses- on Kusseu it. near William ave. - . $5,000 will buy a 16-acre fruit ranch with a dryhouse. capacity of ona ton-a day; 20 cords of wood for this year's drying; (-room house, good barn; I span of horses and harness. 2 wasrons. 100 chickens- and large chicken-house, -2 wens or water; , 1,600 aown,.jaianct tO SUit . . - : v 82,800 will buy 20 acres 12 miles from Portland, all improved. Including crop; fine orchard,; good buildings. We have other fine bargains, both In. farm lands, and city, property. Call or -address ' . Phone East 4826. 620 Union ave! N,f . HTlTh'H A h h! H ' f IIUIIV Z . f ii (TkOOM ilOUSE, IX)T 160xl9 NEAR canine: cow, cnioaens im dbcb, ui go for 81.700. . - a mm,M mndern house, walk ing distance, 82,760.; - 2 jots, waiouns; aisianco,- tvvv; both. - s ' - "- -..' " - 4-roora modern house, 1 block from m Hariri station, cement walks and 6 full lots for (2.(50. 851 Morrison st. Phone Main 7811. Bargain WELL I should sayi 4. 8 and (-room houses for 21.100. 6-room modern eottage, B, 86th .St, hear Hawthorne ave.7 $2,000, - a.rnnra new and strlctlv modern boupe on carllna, E. 28 th et,, f 3,000; good terms. ' ' ' v . , 6-room new modern cottage, E, J8rd st, terms like rent, ' 9-room' house, rineiy iocatea. oeau tlful view.- graded street Bull Run water, electric lisrhts. on carllna, 16 minute to city, (2,200: easy terms. ; A few snaps in MontavUla lots, $126. Se "-: .:' ' ' . r MifiTKOfOLlTAW BHAlil -X l-U, 251 Alder St., room e w'fl "' wisii Tt6ii to - stop and think a minute. 40 cents a day (the firice of 4 cigars) will make the month y payments on a large lot In Ross mere, i with streets . graded,- cement walks and water mains laid, absolutely- free to buyers, good car service on East Ankeny line; take "Rossmere" car: agent on the (rround.,,. Call us vp, Private Exchange 80. . . TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST r s-i M nJt - TIT tilnaAM astsa Ul'Mlvr Ul filiu - "I I ntu iri avi i2,066-ABSOLUTELY THE CHEAP. est 6-room modern wen built cottage on the aeast side: all rooms are large. cement basement, lawn, choice - roses. Lot 60x100. Owner, 1048 riawtnome n.y. 10 Improved Acres ' Near ear line, all' In crop; new house, 4 rooms, stable, good well, graveled road to city, No. 1 soil, very -cheap at $3,000; terms, 4 ' ' - ; ; . , , ft - W J.MIA I 4K ,J.-. 2B8 Stark St, Room 24. BIG 6NAP NICE- COTTAGE, FOUR ' rooms, corner joi, Jci. in ana jyerou: around; It is in close walking distance and a decidedly good bu (2,800- Cora- monweaiin ' rruat wo.. n anwuyi WEST SIDE FROrhKi x. ( fiAHli-tai,Anf . 1inmA - fin -. -Pnetlanfl .ItlUVU Ul.,- m Heights; this is -tip to date. - 810,000 uot eoxjuo, two. nouses,. op Hill; wiU sell separate. i-aa w . kAMu-A-n Ut In a nnl 1 0,UUU (-1UU111 UIUDQI AI4. IVl IDTOV, residence' dlstrlot. ' - . 1 . . $8,600 Two cottages, newly painted; rent $30 per month. v - be us lor Deauuitu caat siua uumco, lots and acreage, .il 1 AUUkivv." ' - - - DITION, whore thero Is gomething "do- in ; an me nine. . - , . ZIMMERMAN & VAUGHAN, f 1 Mnln 1676. 808 Buchanan bldg. Trni.TpnTlTT'riL-Dfl 4TTWVTIOVI Hancock Street Addition is the. place to build; no stores or shacks; , very home must cost $2,000 or more; parked streets and cement sidewalks; Just east of Irvlngton. Thompson -A Ogdort, Sandy road and O. w. at jn. n. k. MODERN HOME ON EASY TERMS. jj'rve - rooms ana ikw iun electric lights, full cement basement; will tint walls to suit you; lot 60x100,, near Union ave. N.; : price $2,600, $600 down. ' " 5 Cor. Grand Ave, and K. Ankeny. FOR SALE A 4-ROOM MODERN BUN galow, with poreelain batu, toilet, hot and cold ' water, -basement, wood-fiber plaster, shingle sides, near Mount Scott car; $1,260 takes house and three lots this week. Address N-410, Journal. - DESIRABLE WATER FRONT OF growing town on Columbia river for sale st a bargain. 402 Commercial brdg. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. EXPRESS RIG DOING GOOD Busi ness, alsrt l.tOO-in. norse. a water. FOR SllE mSCTLLANEOUS. FOR SALE SLIGHTLY cart' East 8416. - - USED GO- FOR SALE 86-FOOT GASOLINE i 'launch,' perfect condition, 20-horse-power engine, fully equipped for passen ger service;- a bargain; alao good house boat. ' 402 Comn;erclal bldg. BARTER AND FJCCHANGE FOR SALE" 'OR EXCHANGE 200 acres - in Pierce county, Washington: 160 acres In crops, good house, barn and cuthouses. cows, hotses, chickens, wag on. bug:y and agricultural implements, furniture. Will trade for Portland property. Price $4,600." Lewis & Co., IV. Jt at. ParUa4. Or. rcnsoNAL. LADIES DR. 1 SANDEBHON'S CO. Bavin and Cotton itoot l'llls are the Only snr remedy for delayed periods; by mifil J 3 per box. Pr. rieree, lfl Int. CONFIDENTIAL COUUi-rONDINa . club for honest, sober, plngle people. Addrens Mr. J. (,', f!ml(h, 810 Crosby it. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER & KLEISER -SIGNS. We have built up the largest st;n business In the city by first-class work and keeping our promises. Our prices are rlKlit 6th and Everett its. I'hone hirhHnire'BB. "blGNS THAT ATTliACT POll r . land Sign Co., 287 Stark- rasljrio1696. SriRITUAUSM. MRS. SOPHIA B. 6EIP,- RELIABLE Spiritual resdlnKS dally at 802 Allsky bM ! circles Tuesdays ana a rinnys 8 p. m.; 85c. Phone Psclfio 2RS6. ' MRS. fiTEVENST PORTLAND'S HE- liable Dalmlst and , spiritual life reader; readings dally. 843H Yamhill. MRS. SHAVER, SPIRITUAL' READElC 426 Burnslde St.. corner 10th. STENOGRAPHERS rTrGAFH52tAm TYPE. writer. Main mi. HI 4 Dekum Die. TRANSFER AND HAULING C. O. PICK OFFICE 88 18T ST,' BE 'tween Stark and Oak sts.; phone (96. Pianos and furniture moved and Backed for shipping; commodious brick ware house with separata Iron rooms. Front and Clay -sfs rT.ft.r.Nr.k(Sijr'AAFEA'c6.- "' Henry Roe, W. A. aeland F. P. Bheascreen. v .. General transfer and storage;-safes, pianos and fufnlture moved, packed and shipped. 209 Oak St. Both phones. PENINSULAR EXPRESS BAgG'AO Transfer, 247 Alder st Pbons Main 2171. OREGON1 TRANSFER CO., 124 N. (TIL Main 89. Heavy hauling and storage. Independent bAggage & trans: fer Co. Storage. 24 Btark. Wain 407, TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB. brush, soan. 81 per month. Portland Laundry 4k Towel Supply. Co, 8th and Couch sts. Phone 410. TYPEWRITERS HTCAnQTIARTERS FOR NEW AND RE- - built typewriters of all makes: ses our window; If you are going to buy a new typewriter ses ns oerors ouymg; we can save you money; ws have parts fn, renelrlnr all machines: stats sxents for the Visible Fox: ws buy all kinds of typewriters. Tne Typewriter j&xonange, Inc., E. J. Jj-llison, mn;ir, e- q mu Ttf.trKENsDERFER TYPEWRITER Agency-t-SuppUes; repairs. Raleigh bids- th ana wasningion sts. . PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. WHOLESALE JOBBERS M. A. GUNST A CO, DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS- tir'corilrv. A PARRELL. PRODUCE and commission merchants, 140 Front st, Portland, Or. i Phons Main 179. 6REGGM FURNltURE MANUFAC- turlng Oo. Manufacturers of furnl ture for tne traas. - jrorrianq. yr. WXDitAMr & co.. Wholesale gro- , oers, manufacturers and commission merchants. 4th and Oak sts. ' FUP.NITURB MANyFACTURlNO AND special orders. L. Kuvensky's furni ture- factory, 1QT yront si. ry. i AtLEN A LEWIS, .COMMISSION AND produce insrcnaois, x-iuut win jua,Ti sts., Portland. Or. - - WHOLESAtlS" ChdCKERY AND glassware. PraeL, Hegel 4c Co, Port- i.JT n, fWTREQO CHEEgBi C(j. ; Cheese, butter, egss, etc, dairy prod- r . . a.- tttm1i4 nn Admin Minn. 126 6th stc(Swtland bldg.), Portland, F.F-WIS-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY Co., Barbers' Supplies, Barbers' Fur niture. Barbers' Chairs, JJth A Morrison. TRANSPORTATION. iiiiiii;i'xi Jamestown Exposition ' LOW RATES ' JTJXY 8J, 4, 81 A.VQVV 8, 10 1 ET SEKSliS AA. Alt, . , , . ' I ' ' Chicago and return. $71.60. St Louis and return, 1(7.60. . , 'Bt Paul Minneapolis, Duluth, Supe rior, Winnipeg and Fort Artnur ana rs Li turn, $60.. ::.: i,.: ' Y A TRAINS DAILY X Or t (. (V J V 13- B1X7T1 V swwva and additional Information, can on or address H. DICKSON. & P. I. A. -v fla IBTtS.K, OBT3AJn, 028. . Telephones! Main 886. Home A-2188. Mnlin I0A7 EXCURSIONS 5 TWPS . 0. 8L Bpokane, Jnna 14, 88i Jniy la, ei r. KOM3 Bomno. 8. . Umatilla .... ... . .... ..... .ua - ' ' 8. B AXABXA SOVTB. : . rtuiir, tka, Tnneaa and way poita, , A tailing t p. an. 1 r m'm oo.'s Humboldt. ...... -June M City of weattls J f Qottatrs Oi'y, via Has.. .,).. hum v mur roA-ircuco xovtb. SaUing 8) a, to. Tnrm Beattle. President . , ...... ...... ...... City of msbla .'V-Vl' 'St II Bonoma UIle City Cfflos, 849 washlxurtoa tt, t ' i Ho! For Astoria FastSteamerTelegraph Dally (except Thurtdays), Leaves Aldei street-dock' ? w m. " ; '-"., ' , PHOITB XAXM MX ', Colombia Diver Scenery BEaTOATOB XJJTB 8TBA2CEB8. Ttlly ' ssrvtee" betwMU Portland sag Tks Delias, except Bandar, leaving Portland - at 7 a. si, errlvloc sboat p. m, carryins frelgbt and- puMiuters. Bplsodlfl scccaiBMxU. tlons tor outfits and livestock. - - m Dock foot, of Alder et, Portland: foot of Ooort st. Toe Dalle. Poops Mala !. Portlaad. VOTX rACIPIO 8TBA2CSXZP CV8 Stejmshfp$K3ANSKE - ; and GEO., W. ELDER Sail for Fureka, Ban Frandsco and Los Argeles direct every Thursday at 8 p. m. l lcket offlce 118 JSMri. near Aider, tiujaaa XL 1AW. v : H. XOUNO, A k IT IS 80 COMFORT f i lEiis: oniiEiis OF Norwegian Vice-Consul Has Written Firms Concern ing Port of Portland. V ' SHOWS THAT C1TANKEL v IS BEING IMPROVED New Port ol Columbia. Will Have a . Benellclgl Effect UpoCondltiong So That Portland play Become the '' Cheapest Port In the World., ' In view of the recent decision In the circuit oourt establishing the legality of ths Port of Columbia commission, Endre M, Cederbergh, Norwegian vice-consul at this port, today addressed a number of letters to prominent shipowners In Nor way Informing them of ths advantages offered hers by reason of ths new com mission. ;.".- Ths vice-consul sets forth In his let ter ths fact that great Improvements are continually being dons to ths chan nel from ; Portland to the sea; that larger appropriations - will be . made for this purpose annually In accordance with ths steady Increase In shipping and that ths bar towage will henoeforth bs In charge of ths Port of Columbia Com mission Instead of the O. R. & N. com pany, as heretofore. wneo everyming- is in running or- claim Portland the cheapest port In the world. No pilotage; ' no - dockage, no water to pay for, and perhaps tree tow age If not free, a mere nominal charge to bs made." --.' - The Norwegian steamship owners In particular are turning their attention to this part of ths world and It is by rea son of this that the vice-consul hers has gone to the trouble of .securing data touching upon' maritime affairs of the port In addition to the letter, he has forwarded to the steamship owners several: newspaper clippings and other literature concerning the port --. - As an Illustration of the Increase of the 1 Norwegian merchant marine In these waters is shown that during the six, months now . about to close -Norwegian 'steamers aggregating a total net register of 24.290 tons, visited the port whereas during the whole year of 1908 the totaUnet registered tonnage was only 18,636.' Consul Cederbergh ex pects at least (0,000 tons to visit this port during the year, as there are a number of large Norwegian tramp steamers now on' the war to the Pa cific coast several of them heading di rect i ior i-oruana, wnne otners will come bv way of San Francisco., The next Norwegian steamer due to arrive here is ths Mathilda, owned by Jacob Chrlstansen, of Bergen, who is also owner of ths Finn, which arrived bene -Wednesday evening - from San Diego.-. The Mathilda comes from San Francisco under charter to the Pacini Export Lumber company to load lumber for the orient. She took her first cargo from this port about three months ago and is now returning by way of the Bay city.,- ., . , ' iH'-w ' ' RESPONDS -TO CALL Captain Helnrlch Wfllms Returns to . Sea With Family.- ;- That At Is difficult . for a true-blue sailor to- leave - ths sea for Shore-life was Illustrated this morning when v a letter was received from Captain Heln rlch ,Willms, formerly master of the German ship - Emilia, Captain Willms ADVAUTAGES LOTS IN ARE JMOVING , lVfore rapidly now than heretofore,' owing to " the y:fict that more people are seeing this beautiful ad-; dition since the East Ankeny car line has been ex ; tended out. the Sandy Road Boulevard through it, i and they are showing their appreciation, of the lo-, . . cation by putting their coin in some of the lots for -v homes.-. . ... - j, KINDLY REMEMBER We GRADE ALL STREETS, put in': CEMENT WALKS, and lay WATER MAINS in STREETS : FREE to BUYERS, and are selling these' beauti- ful home lots at $400 and up. Terms, 10 per cent 'cash and 3 per cent per month on selling price. Call , on' us and Ui us show you this property. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST i COMPANY CORNER SECOND AND ABLE ON THK GREEN GRASS OF-TIIE VLAZX ' A V:' : 4 . reached Europe a few months ago from this port with a carro of lumber and accepted a lurratlvs position' as In speclor at Hamburg with the Intention of spending the remainder of his life gshora With his family. But ths call of the sea became too alluring and agatn the skipper Is riding ths bounding billows. . ' In the letter received here this morn ing Captain Willms says he has taken command of the German ship Louise, which at that time was preparing to sail from Geestemunde for San Fran cisco with cement and general cargo consigned to Meyer, Wilson A Co. Furthermore, he says he Is bringing his whole family with him and thai in all IirobabUlty they will come up to Port and for a visit ' MARINE INTELLIGENCE " ' Begula Unsn Boa to Arrive, - Breakwater, San Francisco...,.., July 2 Costa Rica, Ban Francisco.,... .June 27 Alliance, Coos Bay .........July 1 Roanoke, San Pedro and way,,, .July t Columbia, San Francisco. .Jdly F. A. Ktlburn. San Francisco..,. July t G. w. Elder, Baa Pedro and way .July t Alesla. orient. . ........... . , . , . .July 1( Nlcomedla. orient. .. . . July 27 Numantia. orient.. ....August 18 Arabia, orient ,.,..Spt 1 . Bsgnlar ZJntrs to Depart. s Alliance, Coos Bay. ......... ...June 17 O. W. Elder, San Pedro and way.June 27 Arabia, orient .....June 20 Costa Rica. San Francisco. June 20 Roanoke, San Pedro and way.... July 4 Columbia. Ban Francisco..,,,,.., July S Breakwater, Coos Bay. ..........July 8 F. A. KUburn, 8. F. and way July S Alesla. orient.. .......... ...... July 27 Nlcomedla, orient. ............ August 8 Numantia, orient ........... .August 28 v Yessels la Jfort. .-- Tola, Br. sh.t...... Elevstor dock Jordanhill, Br bk........ Astoria Klnlta. Br. bk. ........ ......East Pins Tellus, Ger, bk..... ..Knappton Whang Ho, Chinese Jung. .....The Oaks Llllebonne, Am. sch...O. R. 4k N. Albina E. F. Whitney, Am. bk. ....... .St Johns Wssnucta, Am. barge., University Mill Chehalls, Am. bktn... Knappton Gardiner City, Am. bkta Vancouver Behome, Am. sch.. St Helens J. H. Lunsman, Am. sen. ...... .-.Stella Charleston, U. S. navy.. i. .Harbor Paul Jones, U. S. N Harbor Kallbia, Br. str Rainier Arabia. Am str............ Flour mills Maori King. Br. as... Stream Melville Dollar, Am. str, ..w. ... .Stella Noma City, Am. str.. ......., ...Stella E. F. Sanders, Am. sch. ...... ..Astoria Man shu Maru, Jap ss.O. R- 4k N, Albina Alliance, Am. str.. ...... Couch street Winn. Nor. str. .Greenwich Svea, Am. str.........,....E. W. Mills Geo. W. Elder, Am. str,..., ...Martin Cascade, Am. str..... .,.. .....Goble J. Marhoffer, Am. str,....,t...Drydock Johann poulsen. Am. str...,...Linnton Alvena, Am. sch. ............. .Astoria J. M. Griffith, Am. bktn....... Astoria TnmbaT Carriers 23n Bouts. , Mabel Gale, Am. sch..... San FewAlaoo Retriever, Am. bktn.,... San Tanelsco Alumna, Am, sen. ...... .wan rranciaoo Walaoot Am. barge..., ..San Francisco South Bay, Am. str..., .San Francisco Echo, Am. bktn ....San Francisco Cssco. Am. str. ........ ..San Francisco Melrose, Am, sch.... .San Pedro Sailor Boy, Am.-sch,.,.. San Franclsoo Alden Besse. Am. bk.. ..San Francisco Lettitis, Am. schr. . . . . .Ban Francises Thos. L. Wand, Am. str.. San Franoisoo Louisiana. Am. bk San Pedro Newburg. Am. an...... can xtuuuibcu En Bouts With Cement and oenerai. Buccleuch, Br. sh. ........... Hamburg Brenn. Fr. bk.. .Hull Conway Castle, Br. bk... .Antwerp Dalgonar. Br. sh.... ....Hamburg Europe, FT. bk. ...... ... Antwerp Genevieve Molinos, Fr. bk..., . .London Rene Kervller, Fr. sh... ....... Hamburg Laennec, Fr. sh.. ....... ......Swansea Le plller, irr, bk.. ....... .London Martha Roux, Fr. bk...., Hamburg Mozambique. Br. sh...... Newcastle. E. Samoa, Br. bk. . .'. ............. .Shields Slam. Ger. sh.. .............. ..London Thiers,-Fr. sh........., Newcastle, E. Vlncennes, Fr. bk., ........... Glasgow Marechael Turrene, Fr. bk. ...Hamburg Vllle de Mulhouse, Fr, bk...... Antwerp Guethary, Fr. bk. ........ .....Antwerp Plem LOU, T. OK. ....... , .Antwerp Walden Abbey. Br. sh.. .... Antwerp Glenessllu. Br. sh ......... ....Antwerp Versailles, Fr. bk. ......... ......Lelth Oenerai de Boledeffre. Fr. bk,.. London General de Negrier, ?T. bk.,,... London Bayard, Fr. bk ......... . . . . , . .Antwerp Vllle de Dijon. Fr. bk. ...... ...Antwerp 444444t WASHINGTON STS. ; H(((vvmHmvmTmvmm8 .'V. XL V V A : Coal gslp Xa Boute. - ' Belen, Fr. bk Newcastle, A, Col. de VlUebols MarenU.Fr. bk...... , , Newcastle, A. Claverdon, Br. sh, ....... Newcastle, A. Wtllscott. Am. bk ..NewcasUe, A. port Patrick. Br. sh,.,.,. Newcastle, A, Bt Mlrren. Br. sh. ...... ..Newcastle, A, Crlllon. Fr. bk .....Newcastle, A. Ardenrralg. Br. bk..,.. .Newcastle, A. Mathilda, Nor. str....... Newcastle. A. Eugene Schneider. Fr. bk. .Newcastle, A. St Louis, Fr. h.....,....NewcasUe, A. . Tramp teamen 23a Bouts. . Henrlk Ibsen, Nor, str... Ban Francises ueen Alexandra, nr. sir.......aaras hyra. Nor. as. Ban Francisco inn. Nor. atr. 8an Dleso Btrathavon, Br. str San Francisco . OU Carrier Xa Bout, ' Arrvll. Am. str. ......... .Port Harford Atlas, Am. sh........... San Francisco , ' LONGSHOREMEN ELECT 1 P. D. Hall Will Be Busines Agent J ' , ; for Another Term. . '.f umLamm..1. TTnlnn Nil 5fiK haS W - -" ' sleeted ths following officers for the ensuing six months: President, F. Riley; vice-president A. Miller; record ing secretary, C Durham) financial sec retary ana ousiness raantm, f. Hall; treasurer, P. McQuiJlan: trustees, Tobias Smith. C. Kitkpatrlck and E. Neuman. l' -' ' . . Business Agent Hail was reelected ior k .AMAM l rrm Th. 1ival l In torns- a.vv- - - - r- perous condition with most of Its mem bers continually at work, although at present coastwise lumber shipments are very light, owing" to the demoralised condition of the lumber market in Ban Francisco. "... -. . .. yT" MARINE NOTES T:' : i.tri. Inn. it . Tjf ' un at. 4:110 a. m. Steamer J. Marhoffer. Ban Francisco, .June 27.-Arrived at 10 a. m.. Steamer Columbia, from Port land. - . ' .'' ' '.' Astoria. June 27 Sailed at 12 noon Schooner Montrey in tow of tug De fiance, ior Monterey. arnu ouuuuu er Alvena, from San Pedro and barken i t . vr -rlfi,h fHim Din Fran. W , V. ....... - w - . . T . clsco. Sailed at 2 P, m. Steamer Daisy ITreeman ior nan i nnviuu. uwn. v at 4:50 .- m. -Schooner Alvena. Ban Francisco, June x. nauea m.Dintr Atlna with bare-e Bl in tow. for Porttand. , -m Astoria, June ii. nonunion vi in. bar at 8 a. m., smooth; . wind, north west. 19 roues; wsainer, eiuuu, Tides at Astoria today 1:16 a. m., 10.0 feet; 3:42 p. m., 7.7 feet: low wa ter, 8:20 a, m., 1.9 feet 8:22 p. n4 2.8 feet. - . ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steamer Alliance sails for Coos bay tonight and the steamer G. W. El der sails for San Pedro and way ports. - The British steamer Maori King will probably commence loading flour - for unma. in a nay or two. n was prac tically settled this morning that she would be loaded in ths Frank Water house line. ' ... - -. ' ' The steam schooner Redondo will be operated between this port and Seattle this summer carrying freight owing to tne Diocxaae on tne rauroaas. - ene win be operated by Schubach de Hamilton of 8 eat tie from July 1,, - The steam schooner Casco - leaves MarshHeld this afternoon for Portland with about 250 tons, of freight from San Francisco. She will load., wheat and lumber here for Ban Francisco. The steam schooner J. H. Marhoffer will be at the drydock this afternoon for repairs, fihe sprung a leak a couple of days ago in entering Grays. Harbor ana put oaca into Astoria, - , - SEAL SAYS HE DID NOT STRIKE WIFE SUNDAY Vancouver Merchant Tells of Excit ing Experiences and Declares He ' Would Injure No One... Relative to ths ; exciting experiences last Sunday In Vancouver, when, after a disagreement with . his wife, he was arrested and broke JalL U P. BeaL a merchant In the Washington town makes ths following statement: . , "Last Sunday after breakfast my wife and I put on our good clothes for a walk and at her suggestion went down to the horns of 3. E. Harris. A short time after entering. I overheard Mrs. Harris trying-to fill my wife with stories of my actions during her visit of a month in California. I took Mrs. Seal by the arm and said, 'Do lets leave and go nome,' as i wanted to et her out of that house., Mrs. Seal elng -rather spirited drew back sud denly anit ier dreaa was allahtlV torn and I believe the watch chain broken. Harris had In the meantime teiepnonea for two policemen, who yanked me about like a dog and put ms in the cell from 1 which half-hour later I escaped. "The act of me taking hold of Mrs. Seal's arm constituted the solo reason for Harris and wife to say I assaulted her. I have never struck a woman in my Ilfs and oo not lntena to dckiii now; "As irmn sa l arained my liberty I went home determined not, to be taken tn that f nthv cell acaln. I sot my shotgun like any white American would and defended myself. The statement in the Journal that Bateman came to the gate is untrue, ns atooo ds.cs; yeu ing and ' waving his , arms. - John Se erfat one of the force, was the ' one who approached the gats. But X had no intention of killing anyone, much less Secrlst whom I have known for ea and who- has always been one of my best friends, -1 was only de termined not then to bs put into th it cell, and I. or any man, under ths cir cumstances, not naving ima. ox whit in him would have done th same. 'The Journal's account of the trues I made witn tnem is correct, jjuring the afternoon I hunted up Harris and asked to be allowed to see Mrs. Seal. He said in the evening." Evening came and I went to - tne Harris nome ana called Tilm out and asked to ses my wife. . He said: TJ you, . you can when I get good and ready.' . I .re marked that I -would alt on ths steps till she- would come out . "Harris-went into the house and tele phoned for the police and had me locked up. As to my Deing intoxicatea, ir one drink of whiskey before breakfast Will do it then I was. , a . -, - "Ax to - my going aroui mis town frvina- ta collect - evldenoe axalnst sa loonkeepers is untrue. If this be done some one eiso must ao k. - , -"I will further state that when the ma -was not n test at Secrlst there was no cartridge in the chRmber. I had not succeeded In finding them yet. but did later, nor wouia A nave amen anyone.! 1 Or FCrUTlAKp OaCO(K4 sts Lkm Us Sum e Omm EVSTJTXES Alii IITND3 ' UTVK WTOCat AGAINST DEATH FROM ANY cxvsu . f JTsiiisirtfc 4$m raW Svnmkm 1. tMrav Ptealaeal na.aakkw.rns. LaOneSOealMtf. as. U. Peer 8memr H. 1. Hmdm Oest Ipsa . tLonf rwk Oen Caaaed , MMin rerfsss; Ch-ber sf OeasMes r-i""'-:.;'tsmsaf teeii snrisss 1 m ' ffr-wnwi 1 uyiaiNCBs , 4gas Trial sad 8sring Bank tfoU0i ' -Tfce Braesueet Camsanf , . & Vm Co. Ceanarclsl Agseqr . .. We suae se siesJet ws asi I WsiwfesiaasiesMl tVsekesrs) jravi omcs s-r-iLtFA rmx alo Cm TuUtfm J htk mssKH 1 Get lit Ccht And ths Oota will get ytm mess aaythingr you waat Tour flrst huadred dollars Is now la woodaxd, Clarke's window. Ton caa gt Is. ' - gee page 1L . ; COB. TSZSS ABB XAZX BTt. Portland'jB Latsiatt and Mosit Modern Hotel :, , ; ' New Building, conveniently locat ed, fitted with ths latest designed furniture, hot and cold water in every room, private bath's, modern GrllC long dlstsncs telephone, free automobils bus. -sampla room, free from noise, facing plasa.- Rates (l and up. v? HOTEL MOORE - V-)0rx Alt TBI TUX. t CLATSOP 8EA0B, IXA&TBI, OaXOOJT, Tke OUff Sense of Ongea. : . Directly on the beach, overlooking the ocean. Hot salt baths and snrf bathlnf. Recreation Pter for fishing. Boa parlors, eleatrle lights, fireplace and furnace haet. I'luc walks sad irtrt. sea foot a specialty Rates, $2.50 sr.d $3.00 per d:y SPECIAL BATES BT TBI WtEJC PAN J. 8I00BB, Prop.. 1 LOCKSLEY HALL ; v SEASIDE, OHECON - Spend your vacation at Seaside and at delightful Locksley HalL Mors attrao tlve than ever before. Accommodations of the highest order. One hundred ele gant outside rooms; private baths; slea trio lights; :t and cold water. " Annex overlooking the Paclf lo and de lightfully situated cottages. Onistas iraxurpasssd. Be Foods gpsolalty. -x,. : V'fbbb btjb BXBTS AXK TBATJnS, " .. F. XXinTJX, In A- OABZJSXA Props. PORTLATiD ACADEMY Kistteectli Year Cpess izp lecter 16, IS37 : t 'Ths academy fits boys and girls for eastern and western colleges. Boarding hall for girls provides for a limited number. Elementary grades, both pri mary and grammar, under the same ........( rmm hnnn . Aurinr thM UWI-B v " " summer, 8 a. m.- to 12 m. and from X M i p- m. r or caiaiuftu", auurvsa 2OBTAsT1 AOAPIMT. Every IVcSia la lnftswaBtsul mmA whtmM tmv ft bout lh vonlarfttl MAXYEL Whirling Spray Toe aew Vtnl Srrtste. Jnite. na as a anrno. Brnf-u est jmo, fdrsrnnrUal f taeeannotsatBlv MAKVSIj. soueptso : ctiui. sat tend uuim for lllmtratxl hook ii.lii. Tt fall partlaulars aad direction. In- ' i valuable toUJles.MHVK V Tctfc, a. a sr. ft aw iok s i mot sale sy ' '" " WOODAAB. CtAiiK CO. A Np tAUX-BATK - oaua co4 xoazi. PorTfi"maatlco orfrr. 4 D.,t. MOOUAA ( iiiuk-iiiy ana Brm, il.klT rmii.l r t f.nd -(. ne ii ".or ! I. loaensauin. iiini'f fcsrailMS. fcold ty lrlos 11.00. r Said, flM,l o. -' BelWoaUlne, CL 3. y AU 2nrvbta. as I am sensible enourh to Vmw r result. . l was nouna doi " " ' .A m kinff mil It workf-l. Iv, angry clear through but knew v- , i was doing, a I had been schoo.. : i it years' servli-e in the army ti else that virtue." srglso-B''!nTly' . 8.B08 Pieces ft s'l. V ' ' morrow at tte uoi- :t J S ths V' . I 1- AA . B Sol4 ."N '