The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 26, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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C. 8. J.ckwe. ...........
PuMlrted rr Tili)t tejoept Buiidaj) end
, Sunday mornlim, at Tba Journal Build
in, nrta and XamhUI etraete. Portland. Or.
Rnt-rad at tha pootorflee at Portland. Or., foe
. trantnilMloa tiiroob tba Ball M eeond-elaaa-1
tatter. . , . I
- -. TitMCpnoNruirn T1T3.
Alt deo.rtmimt. raachad Irr tbla aanibef. TaD
ttie operator tba department roa want.
roacmN. ADvgaTisiNO eepreskntativh Riwm-IxI AA.artlalns Acetic?,
'. Pronawlrk finlldlDe. 226 Ftftb araooa. New
Vorkj Trlbnna Building, Chicago. '
itabaniDtioa Taraia b mall ta aor address
Is tba lulled atater. Canada or Malice.
, PAIL. : . M
Ona year........ .isoo I Ona month. ..,
' - KHNDAT. .(.-. '
Ona ear.......,.2.W I Ona mnnth....,.. JB
Ona rear......... 7. 60 Ona month. ..4.. H
A bad habit which cannot
be conquered directly may b.
overcome by arranging cir-.
cum stances ' to help ; us.
James Freeman Clarke. - '
the Liberal party, Just as they were
with the Conservative j party two
years '. ago. After generations , of
turning one party out and the other
In, every few "years, they do not
seem to have learned that there is
so essential difference between them.
. ,: There was considerable talk of
abolishing or reforming the i houBe
Of ?lords, that never; does anything
except to block the deceased wlfes
sister bill ' and some measures of
mild reform, but. of course nothing
was done about it, for when all is
said and " done the British people
dearly love a lord' though perhaps
not quite so dearly .as some Ameri
cans do. ' - '
Owing to our widely different po
litical system, one party does not
succeed another so easily or on such
slight grounds here as in England.
lag, 'gea,dcaaanW andj
spending It in a wf y that will, be
of great advantage to Portland, and
to Oregon, so; that we are In no
humor to be hypercritical; yet 1t
would seem that the principal owner
and . manager of a , system, of rail
roads that is making such an enor
mous fortune annually Should try to
look and talk pleasantly, even if the
people do wish to inquire Into Its
affairs. ) ,
FOR iniffsrafiii
Millions Pour Into Portland
Banks From Eastern Fi- '
5 , nancial Centers.
Georgia day at the 'Jamestown ex
positions President. Roosevelt said:
'If I could positively be assured of
but , the difference between them in the electoral vote of a single southern
this country is largely imaginary, or state I would gladly be a candidate
apparent ratner man real, , A good for the presidency next year." We
John Temple Graves of Georgia Is
voluble and entertaining talker,
but Is not to be taken Very seriously.
He .would better not talk ao much,
to paraphrase Artemus Ward, than
to talk so many things that ain't so. Banks Are Carrying Large Reserves
He : is reported as saying that on and No Moner Isv Lent Excent
' Upon the Heat of Security Out.
Portland: Is Far Iii Lead o
Pacific Northwest Citicr
in Produce Business.
look la Bright,
There .will be no slump in Portland
and no mark-in tlma la the march of
man injii.t. rwinnf.. . iUra I . . vkww ,t ousiness. commercial . ana
JIIZX. . n-LT.'rr.n lul tlvm- v""lBr flnuwlair Portland banker., realty men
MR. HARRIMAN AND THE J, N. Republicans In everything but "pameJBay will be published today, or aoon,
i. kaxlkuajj. and a large number of Republicans,
- t i
with Roosevelt at the head, are near-
and business men In general are all op-
1 tlmlstic, and nona of them have mis-
grtvings for tha future.
Present condition are good, ao the
TJ WlBniMAWa 'i .WIm '. o yuum, nvuvuj aiieuuauvv in
w, , uuavua. u I .ij. lit. I- I .. ' . : . . y ; i rrWtOl CUnQlUOni rt IDOQ. IQ HI
havirig been 'called to the r T iatv19 Foruana aurmg tne past year was banker.: report, -batter thai durtnt th.
u-j. - ww ,aeo greater man iasi year, laul-1 montn just past, and the future bold.
nannla'ahn rnh alralnit and I nminivt. iitmt Krik I a Kr4t.
l .i,.n J I' - I vnu u iuuisbbo Ul wvuiaiiun OI ' j ..,..v . . .,.....
"uu ictcu lu 'u'w and Irtllv nna anrtthr aa much na v L...1. a -v- --a a for the next few months to come.
strangling of the late Portland, Ne-Ar-:7-" l. a .olid bottom for thing.
ai m rate romano wm oe a pretty financial her. that places buslne.a on a
good-sited city In a few years, but 2U(,ubal" n1d. lakef 1mn
by that time we suppose Seattle Will icarcejTnd y ln other pm. of TtK dYed puad. t e T ".hlpplna? "pSint
pany, he is reported as saying that
he did not- recall the name of the
plaintiff, Mr. Walker, nor of the
'Portland and what-you-may-call-lt
railroad," and that with regard to
what had been done about "unbuiHi
railroads on papery he was par
Portland ha. always been far Id the
lead of Pacific northwest . cities when
it come, to Jobbing houses. In the pro
duce line there has never been a time
when any other city in the northweut
even approached this city In business
getting along that line.
It is safe to say that during the pat
two years or since the opening of the
Lewis and Clark fair, the produce Job
bing trade tof the Portland market has
been doubled. Some merchant, agree
that their business ha. been Increased
threefold, but . all aarea that trada la
double what It was two years ago.
For thla there are many reaaons, chief
among mem oemg mat Portland la the
storehouse of the entire Willamette val
ley and Columbia River region. In thla
district practically all tha better grade
of fruits raised on the coast are propa
gated. In this district the best potatoes
produced on the coaat.are found. It Is
here that the California, markets send
their representatives to purchase pota
toes, buylna- them in preference to thoaa
oi any omer section, even at toe aa
vanced price, asked. - . ,
, ZArgert potato Ooatraet.
" One San Francisco firm recently
made a contract with a Willamette val
ley grower ror 15,000 bushels of pota
toes for fall delivery at 11.10 per hun-
in !:e,u estate
Prominent Dealer Predicts
That All Previous Records
. ' Will Be Broken.
Prices of Portland Property Are Far
Below the Real Estate Values of
Any Other City on the Coast
Future Improvements.
T IS not the , trusts , alone that
cause the Increased cost of liv
ing - that we ' read and hear so
':' much :' about.: 'Th farmers have
be larger than London is now.
The . New York police commis
sioner has discharged a detective on
the1 ground that he Is Va stubborn
I country durinar the cast few waeka.
I The situation here Is well outlined by
E. C Wears of the Lumbermen's bank,
who In discussing the outlook takea a
orient view or Portland's ruture aa wen
a. ita present ri nancial condition.
XUIloaa Plowlna Zn.
"In "the past eight months," said Mr.
Meara, "more thaa 110,000,000 baa come
Into Portland for Investment, a large
part or it from the east. Money la flow
ing steadily from the eastern states
sack, and Inspector furnished. ' Thla
was the largest potato contract ever
written by one grower and firm, and
the highest one ever made ao far in ad
vance lor any aeaaon. Thla In ltaalf
ahow. just how much the outside trade
thinks of Oregon produce.
A number of ntw firms tiava Mm,
Into th. field, and all report trade con
ditions good. Old firma have doubled
their caoaolty for handlina rood: aev-
eral of them building new warehouses
r not successfully organized a trust inL. .v...... ..
ticularly ignorant." ? Mr. Harriman's all their yarious: production, yet. Xt
rnT,tmr.tnniia rnrlon n lAad I 1- York become SO ViftUOUS as all this?
r-- - ----- - - ii. iuco ' ucvuMiMiWi , jtoi , mum , ,,. ,, , . . - . ing aiaaauy irom ine eastern states -e "71" v7 !. r;
; one to infer that he never heard of than manufactured article, of every- .f , J
and so of course could care nothing J day use, that are causing the outgo
about the Portland-Tillamook line, of a poor man with a family, to keep
If he had ever heard of any such (nearly If not quite an even pace
. little affair he had forgotten it ' Mr.l with his income. '.The difference in
llarriman ; deals in millions and If! the prices of potatoes and several
Nothing seems more certain to me
than that Portland will experience this
fall real . estate movement far be
yond anything that the city has yet
known," said S. fi. Steele, manager of
the realty department Of the Title Guar-
ante & Trust eompany. "We have the
only city on the Paclflo coast, where a
good healthy buying movement la in
progress and has prevailed throughtout
tba spring and early summer.
"July, August and September will see
n unuauaiiy neavy eastern tourist
travel thla way. The trana-contlnental
railways have put on a lower rate than
usual; the big Christian Endeavor con
vention at Seattle next month will bring
not iea innn ze.uuo people to tne coast.
mnny ui wnom win pa men or weaitn,
" " ' '"- ..y uis ,.T ,h. ,,w... Infl.., . traae.
president the discharged man is In activity. The timber industry Is the
distinguished, company.
I coming Industry In the northwest. There
la more investment In Oregon and ;
Washington in this line than In all
other lines of business combined., The
Vice-President Fairbanks Will be I reason for this. Is easy to see, becauso
In thla connection it mar ba atated
that the rrowth of the Portland nro-
duce and Jobbing trade ia surprising.
even to merchanta themaelvea. - A year
wr i wo ago any mercnam ox tnia city
wouiq nave oeen conaiaerea very fool'
the great timber belli of thi eastern LiJih?r.. f?ri
I .miaI.aiI i n. -. i.v. ii. grw iimoer oeiia oi ma eastern :.;;u r- ;-".-11.7" i".. Z' L -
he or his representatives spent a few kinds of fruit, and berries now and l" -A - TT V!lL hZ FVL Sep'f JtawSo ft iu'ncmmojrn'g
tions of respect due to a man In his
exalted . Btatlon, but , if he expects
suriace entnusiasm lor mm as . a
presidential candidate he will be dis
Now It Is reported that Germany
lis the first power Japan Intend, to
whip. This is good news, if true,
for Japan , will hardly undertake to
the lumbermen must seek other
fields where they can carry on their
business. They are coming to Oregon
and Washington, are ' making large in
vestments and are preparing to start
large lumber mills to prepare the tim
ber for the market. '
v "The San Francisco bank, have been
compelled to protect thelrpatrons by
shutting down on the lendtnr of money.
and this haa read f me difference with
the situation here, owing to the lumber
snipping conditions.
have been Immense and in the past have
been made befora a buyer had
hundred thousands in order to choke ten ; years ago,' as reported in The
to death the original company and- Journal the other-day, are fairly ""T It L. v . T.T!
put a new one Into the field it was startling, and figures f t or noultrv peo to h?w ?
a matter of such small consequence I eggs," butter, meat, and other neces-
beside the miracles he wa. perform- sarles, would show a large increase,
ing of turning water into gold that In a region like this It Is not easy to
he had no recollection of It. Be- understand why increase of prodno
Bides, ' he never remembers or cares tlon does not even more than keep
anything abont these ;unbullt rail- pace wlth Increase t of population,
roads on paper," such, we suppose, until we hear the farmers' reason of
as that - through central Oregon, scarcity and high price of hired
That he may have promised to build labor.
such a road is also doubtless for- men
gotten, wow can ne oe expected price. This fact emphasises the ne
to remember ; the 'what-you-may- cessity f more owners of .mall
call-'em" roads, nrolected -and nrom- farms vhn rn An nuu nfv.i
i - . - I " ww .wbv, vuvu vnui,. ...- mi , . i hut nttia inmnr mini unnn locaiiv.
,lsed,,that people are clamoring for work. : And It is not yet to be under' - aavance.inax Th practical withdrawal of the banka
i - .i,. , ... '-Ll Vu. . ue sa ttcbivk iu electoral vote 01 '" umu , uiwn
Stood Why there are not more, Of .-v x put some of the smaller Portland deal-
tbm .nnnrh trt lrr. J, SOhthem Statef Whftt sort Of ft ers to hardshlo In carrying their large
. rZ?Z:: "Sto ould that bet 1 .
to see local trade orderlna carlots of
Mexican tomatoes when they eoat 14 a
crate. Tomatoea In large lota are like
wise brouaht In from Florida and Mis
sissippi when prices range ao far up
ward that tha veaetable la almost worth
lta weight In sllver-ln fact you could
aimoet .- cover tne proauce witn tne
money it cost m
The Portland market ia e-rowlnr ao
fast that when a neV firm atarta tha
The lumber .hip- one. do not f lgur. they will lose
menu from Portland to San Francisco Juthwweh o'Jhe tradfc
Tf la ilmiu (mmmIIiI. i t,"'-" vuivubui wneiner or not t waa in excess or me
. jW ...... n CArman, -,b1(.h tBlra orders on hand, either for local or for-
to do farm' work for hire at any ... Z. ., ;Tr I shipments. w c
Tbl. m , ?me ,tIm' -: - r V:-- l.ejube stocks Were up.
- fa . . i i, , r j . , i i n iBDor irouoiea in can r ranciacu
r- v. ".v. j ' J 1 have put an end to the building opera-
Bnt hOW IS the president to be tlons there for a time, and there la now
but little lumber being used locally.
a time when thla waa so, but of late
been I f lu" ouiaiua iraae nil grown so
provided for the timber or lumber l" ,f ?PiaJaall. J1.?.U,M
shipped. San Francisco took all . the 5av thoy could attend, to to fill or-
lilmha. It .nuM mrmt 1rp,rtMl(v. Af I
out In Oregon?
Mr. Walker, however, may be able
to enlighten a court as to certain
particulars regarding , the - rather
. mysterious death of the Portland,
Nehalem & " Tillamook railroad,
which he alleges there were 'funds
ready to build years ago, but the
bonds for which the officers of the
company, acting in response to some
kind of influence from some quarter,
refused ? to sign. , By sufficient
cudgelling of his memory, Mr. Har
riman may be able to remember that
efforts - have been made for many
years to build a road from some
point on ' the Southern Pacific to
Tillamook,-but that .the .latter cor-
' poration . '. would 1 never agree to
handle Its freight,' and ' that when
a company was ostensibly about
to succeed 4n building from Port
land . its officers suddenly ,and, sus
; plclously "fell! down" and allowed
the project to collapse; and that
some ' time later ' Mr. Lytle found
money to go ahead with It.
It Is greatly to be hoped, what-
. ever. Mr. Walker may be able to
show, that work on the' Tillamook
road will ; not be . . indefinitely' sus
pended,' like that on the Coos bay
road, and . that it will not for the
most part remain for years to come
one of those "unbuilt roads on pa
per" 01 wnicn Mr. mrriman is "par
ticularly Ignorant."
to reasonable prices. But there Is
no present prospect of a change In
this direction, or of r permanent de
cline of, prices dffarm products and
garden truck There is certainly a
fine field around Portland for hun
dreds more small farmers.. But city
consumers need expect . no lower
prices; 'on the whole, , for a good
while, if ever. The era of cheap
products Is apparently past. ' -
4;.".',;.i m, mm 'J''-'!'
. INGS. -. .
unless tne ueavers can pnu up
some while down
hInmAnti atorad In San Fmnclnoa with.
out a buyer.' 'Thla1 condition, however.
temporary, and
,wlU mot
la only
' for Ion jr.
rne action or rortiana Dangers
Dna nt tha tMnrm Y,m tAril.ii imr-
ket pride. Itself on is that It doe. not
"hold utf' the .tranaer. It haa but one
price for the same claaa of goods, no
matter wher. the good, are to be
shipped -credits of course belnr eauai.
It does not play favoritea in the matter
of prices. Seattle having to pay the
same prices that the local people charge
tor ta same gooas to an Alaska cus
tomer.-''-'. " ; A -,.-.
i- ; Alaskan Trade Oomaa Here.
Regarding Alaska, it la now known
throughout northern territory that Port
land in reality supplies roost or t
produce, that goes into that section, a;
of late years trade of the north haa
been Coming to this, city, thus buying
OUth. Portland nre""l ' f money on rea esiaia t first handa and eavtng the extra
' ii t.auu I anAculatlon has In mv opinion been ra. i i i-
: : . -. rr . . . I uuiiicmii. vuai iiuuvscu ju iiuruiem
won't care much whether they come sponsible for the-rise of the rumor that cities.
- 1 mmwmm .t.h. . Uj.. fi . .1.1 I . .
iui j . wa. wen tuuw uu.iivii . uregon creamery natter now soea to
back at all
that no money will be lent on real
estate transactions. It simply means
The summer drownings have be that the man who borrows must have
I mm. aaaets befora ha can rut financial
gun. - To advise caution would be a assistance from a bank. It doe. mean
that a man cannot borrow a large
amount of money to make a first pay
ment en a realty speculation and trust
S'lT T "The city banka - are now carrying
IXlclil VjH&IIpC from. 40 to BO per cent reserve and will
. , ... O be In good shape to handle the crops of
' - 1 tne state aa mev beam to coma in. Tne
But Sunday baseball hasn't nAAn rtrA. t country banka also have . plenty of
the north bv the ton. Carload after car-
t-joaa is snipped py one .rortiana cream
ery aione. iTacticaiiy nine-tenth.
waste of space.
PARTY politics is a greater sham
If possible In England than In
1 this country. . .. The two ' prin-
cipal parties there are called
Conservative and Liberal, but no
two peas In a pod were ever more
alike.: Once in the course of several
years these parties divide pretty
solidly on some bill or public' meas
ure,, but this, as it Is getting to be
in this country, is ' principally be
: cauBe the outs.want to get in. When
they do, they act exactly as the other
party did when it was in.
Over eighteen months ago the Lib
eral party gained power, after being
a long time out, by the largest ma
jority ever given to either party, and
majje' Sir Henry Campbell-Banner-
man leader, ye not a single act mak
ing any great or important change
has passed parliament. The educa
tional bill, that caused a good deal
of discussion and the defeat of which
uas largely responsible for the" de
feat of the Conservative party, did
pass the Liberal house of commons,
but was defeated in the house of
lrds, as was expected.'1 An Irish
f oral-home rule bill was passed, but
Ireland- rejected It with scorn, - as
vas also probably expected But
: . -:M:'5 c!so tn3 been done, and the
R. BROOKS ADAMS, the at-
torntey employed by some
Spokane people to force the
" railroads to change their
rates to that city, sets forth in his
argument to the interstate commerce
commission some facts that are in
teresting and re-enlightening, though
not new, but they make nothing in
favor of Spokane's contention, which
rests partis ; on , other conditions,
wnac : Mr. Adams does snow, as
others have done before him, la that
the Great Northern and Northern
Pacific railroads have been making
a great deal of money, and that their
rates are unreasonably high unless
they are to spend million, annually
In Improvements and extensionsas
they have not been doing. -:
Mr, Adams asserts, with these cor
porations', own reports as the basis
of his ' conclusions, that the Great
Northern has for . the past twelve
years been paying an annual divi
dend on a capitalization of $150,'
000,000, and that the Northern Pa
cifiq last ' year paid ' about 15 per
cent $11,735,982 surplus and $10,-
850,000 dividends besides $5,801,-
618 overcharge from income-, to
maintenance. These -roads, Mr. Ad
ams figures, are charging tb,e peo
ple , about , $54,000,000 a ear be
yond a fair return on the money in
vested In; them... Yet Mr. Hill Ms
walling that the credit, of the roads
has been so Impaired by attempt, at
control or. regulation that he cannot
borrow . money , to double-track his i
lines or build extensions, c
f This needs looking into carefully
by the Interstate commerce commis
sion, and other authorities,, and it
'will be looked Into. The people want
to know why a system of railroads
that is putting aside $54,000,000
year "velvet" can do nothing to re
lieve freight congestion, but' makes
the doleful and . manifestly : disin
genuous, complaint that -It , has no
money fpr Improvement '. and ' can
borrow ndne.i ' - . . -,",
It Is true.thatsin' spite of these
lugubrious plaints Mr. Hill is spend-
money. and but few of them will be
oompelled to call upon their reserve de
positories for aid in carrying the crop
business of the fall. The farmers have
money, also, ao that they will not have
to appeal to their bankers for assist
ance In handling their crops, at leaat
not to the extent that haa been noticed
many time, before throughout the atate.
Reatjr I Mosey, t- v
"Am lone- aa thesa conditions exist
'The crop failure prophet, are taking I throughout the state and in Portland,'
their annual long summer vacation. I Mr- Mean concluded, "there will be
a i piemy 01 money mr ua use or icgiii-
- With peace assured the occupation of u ;MXlffi
a great many strutting revenue eaters J" .SIiPM St
the cheese used in Puget sound
The habitual Pistol tnter ia an
siraois cuisen. - s -
a a
Ona can ' alwar. AnnnnA n )i. u
being there, and free.
a. a . . t j ,..
As he aets old Harrlman m rtrrt
that he- ha. no friends.
, a
would be gone.
Mo.t .Portland
duite a vacation
and finding out how.
The celebrations will all be, as a
people could spend E"-1!?
going about the city 1"?,
jw It haa grown. . ?Jn i? 5
banks are In possession of all the money
needed to carry, the community and that
no stringency -win arise. ' uonimuea
ana advancement tnereiore
certain.'"- s - --v
W. H. Moore, president of th Oreson
Trust & Savtnga bank, also takea ' an
optimistic view of - conditions. Mr.
5Jatup Sf curse, grand,- and most of Moore 1. perhaps better Qualified t6 die
inem...WHt gionoua. . cunm wheat and wooi outlook of the
state than anyone In Portland.' having
whatever the decisions, the Astoria lived in the Interior for years before
the I coming to Portland and , being - there
newspapera can still declare
courts know no law.
largely Interested In both Industries.
'"Want rin.l Am WlarH.
u i un k u zmiiiaivra ursyea inr Bumn-cr t m. . . . . .. . .
weatherT but must have overdone It as .htnno-hf .h- .ri5 JtZl
th nxi Aa it w h aa hi. peroua throughout the remafhder of the
----- , ---- - (. year in my opinion, said Mr. Moore in
. . t " . : - discussing the situation, s "Already
,.An t present advised. Senator Bever- money Is beginning to come in for the
Idae will not solicit the honor of niacins- ..?., .1 ...
Vice-President Fairbanks In nomination tha V
at . a ..
actions. There has been one large wool
Hasn't the scarcity of laborer, been sale and is vet to be several others
exaggerated? - Evory town -obtains a within a short time, while the wool
Fourth of July orator without dlffl- cron la light to a certain extent the
culty. prices, are high and wool money is
1 - - - I plenty.
Perhaps Bryan would better not: runt "The wheat nroanecta ara fcrfarhtar
again, after all; Croker promises to I than they have been for some years.
come over to VOte and WOrK ror him If Wenth.r . noniiltlnn. , thrnnehnut . thn
he does. - 4 1 greater portion of the wheat belt haveH
' ' " . . - ?een very good and the outlook for a
If Japan really ha. a grade, aaralnst heaw crop la most excellent. Tha
the United Btatea she will feel conaid- prices In prospect are ' also good 'and
eraoiy araunea on reaaina tne Mat or everymina oointa to a very neaw vol.
casualties on July B. " : 1 ume of wheat money from eastern Ore
, . , gon aa soon as the crop, are harvested.
'According to.W.T. Stead, '"nothing It ia my opinion that the financial out-
Alaska territory is purchased throug
this city, most of It belnr produced li
Tillamook county. Every year Alaakan
trade purchases heavy stocks of eggs
from this market, preferring them by
rar to eastern storage stock snipped in
oy niget aonna cuiea. -,
Oregon potatoes ar. the standard in
Alaska, and buyer, from the north will
pay a premium of sometimes SO cents
per hundred pounds for stock from this
state over bffering. of California or
Washington growth. Even Seattle has
recognized the position of the Oregon
potato and onion for annually the trade
of that city purchases Immense supplies
io mi . orders securea in t tne nortn.
waicn specity uregon growtn. . .
: Oregon Meat Goes Everywhere.
- Even In livestock the Portland mar
ket la called uDon at all tlmea to fur.
nish the supplies for packers, both in
the north and the south. Annually after
shearing Ume thousand, upon thousands
or uregon eneep are sent irom this
market to Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha
and other packing centers. Oregon cat
tle make their way east to the Kansas
city markets, and aiwava brinar tha beat
prices. ' -!..: vv,.i:" i , : . .,.';
. Portland's dressed meat trade extend.
from California on the south to British
Columbia on the north. - Local packers
have connections everywhere, and cattle
slaughtered at Troutdale find their way
to tha table, of the rich and poor alike
In Seattle, Tacoma and other Puget
ouno cities. . . - - .-
For ehicken. the Puget aound country
depends most of the time upon Portland
territory, for It is here that chickens
grow, fatter and more tender than any
omer piace on ma coast, .
There are it express and dray teams
in ueasiae. .- ...., m
the narthwaat.
and who will not overlook the fine op
portunities presented in Portland. Klant
here I want to suggest th: t the com
mercial bodies of this . city oue-ht to
appoint reception and entertainment
committee, to look after, these people
when they pass throught Portland.
: i Activity Throng Bummer.
As I aaM before. I look for a 1mi
less tnan - normal activity throughout
the remainder of the summer. Within
a few daya hundreda of people will
teava , r-ornana ior u not aeaaon,
whloh will necessarily lend an -aspect
of dullness to all clasaea of business."
The old-line offices are all doing a
steady business in medium grade aalas,
which they often do not care to reiiort.
mainly because , It will not make the
proper una or a snowing against the
five and six-figure sale, lhat were, so
common In the earlier month, of the
year., - . ; ,(V .
:'.'.' Seal ta the Country, , .''- -7 ;
Fred A. Jacobs, of the Jacobs-Stlna
company, haa a reputation. In California
wnere ne operatea ror years, aa a most
conservative business man. He eavs:
"I conaider Portland, Oregon, the best
City for Inside and suburban invest
ment. In the United Statea. - Several
months ago I left San Francisco for an
extended trip over the United State, for
the purpose of Investigating the realty
field. After a careful study of the situa.
klon three cities Norfolk. Virginia, New
xora city ana rortiana, Oregon looked
attractive, with the advantage much In
favor of Portland.- - I again made a
study of the Interior of, the country
That you may need in a short
time? v ,
"The Oldest Trust v
Company in Oregon
With resources of over v-
.Invites you to into our
Special Certificates
, of Deposit ;
Payable on' ten days' call and
, ; you will receive :
These certificates are about as
-. liquid as so much cash. ;
Call 'for bur Statement and "
Book 6f
Portland Trust Com-'
'pany of Oregon
S. E. Cor .Third and Oak Sts..
, Phone Exchange 72.
BENJ.- T. COHEN. . ....President
H. L. PITTOCK...Vlca-PraaMnt
B. LEE PAOET. Secretary'
J, O. GOLTRA.,.Asst See-
back of Portland, and found It the most
wonderful in the world, with the natural
outlet for - the great . Inland ' empire
down the Columbia river by Portland's
very, door, .....,., .
- "I am told that Oreron. Washlna-tnn
and Idaho will thla year produce 4li
000,000 bushels f wheat, which will re
turn to the producer over taj4.000.oea-
from this source. Where in the entire
world Is there such a city' with such a
wealth to draw fromT ,
'Portland', prosperity Is from 60 per
cent to 100 per cent lower than San
Francisco. Los Anreles. Seattle and
other places,, and these cities I , bav.
named have nothing like the country
mm mrtinna naa oenina 11. Lraw your
own conclusion as to whether Portland
property has anywhere near reached 'ta
real value and whether or not realty Jn
thla city Is a good investment"
,, mtmmmMMmi I ' ' . ;
v ' ". More Than One. , ' !
" From Catholic Standard. '
"' "The average woman." . said G rum
be 11, "ha. but one idea, and that's
dress." .
"Huhr snorted Marryat, "my wife
usually ha. at least a dosen Ideas and
they're dresses." -i . . - . v. ,
-Am XaH SUle Bank for Ss Side People. -
The Commercial Savings Bank
4 Per Cent
on Savings
, and
a S . -.t -
J Transacted'
so adda to the happlneaa of a house- look Is brighter now than it was
hold as a good, healthy difference be- month ago and that It will continue
tween a man and his -wife." ' And vet I bright durina. the . remainder of the
stead poses as an apostle of peace. year."
- - - j ; - miiui mumt jaargn quiet.
a Kansas eauor. sare aa ne xninics. in B.n.A -... , i . v
v. vW, vJ... ruruunu mtn to ire eeatiie situation
Japanese aa "bumptious, swarthy and during the past few weeks. In the
pugnac ou. runts." There i are Japs -wholpuget sound city the bottom seems to
wuuiu iijiB w . uim a. iow jiu-jjiau I'nava nronrui nut nr tha m..t
lessons., ' . - land nrouerty there ia now a. dr-no- - with
no one wishing to take a dose. "This
condition tnere haa not affected values
In Portland, which -still remain as they
This Date in History.
IB41Plxarro; the -hero of the con- towbSn.. the rS"SS
quest of Peru, died.' ' but there haa been a halt in the rush to
?" rvu v."' ,"' ."ct"ra' P"'- 0" saies sun continue though
postmaster-general of the United Statea
1830 George IV of . England died.
Born August 12, 17S2. . .
184 Abolition of the com Jaws by
Bir KODen i-eei. . ,. ,
, 1857 First distribution of the Vic
toria - Cross took place In Hyde Park.
, 1868 Rear Admiral ' Foots - died in
New York City. - , , ,. -1891
Snaln and the United fitatna
concluded a commercial treaty j 1
1803 Oovernor Alt geld of 'Illinois
pardoned the Hayraarket anarchists.
1898 Clifton house at Niagara' Falls
destroyed- by fire.
1899 The Shamrock,' challenger fqr
thn Amrlpft run " laiinohnfl - ti ",)!.
Thames. . .-. !k . f Seattle
jsuo cerious riot, u Warsaw, o- i there
" nas peen some little time since any
. I usmwuou nave ; oeen
Sunlight la hed on the .ituation.
however, by the fact that many Seattle
buyer, have appeared In the Portland
market during the recent oast. 9 Seattle
men have . come to Portland f to buy
after abandoning the Held In their home
town, thus showing that .the Portland
property i. considered safe invest
ment even bv thos who hava m.t n.n
away from one locality where the real
estate market had iota intn A.un. .
Portland business men look: upon tela
fact as a sure indication that whatever
the situation in Seattl if
feet the Portland market; slnraha
money taken from th.nrlt
win put new life into the Port-
i a. u, iu 1 r, a, i ,
m ' " , . ' .J
- FORM 5 to S O'CLOCK.
On Saving. Accounts. Interest Com.
pounded Semt'Annually.
Balance, of Check Account.'
THORBURN ROSS - ' President
OEORQE II. HILL v Vlce-Pre.ldent
T. BURKHART - - Treasurer
JNO, E. AITCHISON . - Secretary
240-244 Washington Street
- 1 , ; ' (Corner Second) ; ' .
. POalTLAND. 0.111CON : .
financial Department
Such is our Trust Company. You can de
i . posit youf money with us on Savings Ac- v
count or Special Certificate and get 4 per i
cent interest on it, You canopen'a check
account with no restrictions as to amount
(You can make any. disposition of. your estate
you (Jesir through our Company, You can
have any matter pertaining to your financial
welfare attended to by us and at reasonable '
cost to you. ; , 1 - . "
' We solicit your business whetber small or
i large in volume. ... ".'.'
k CAPITAL' FULLY PAID. .... . .$150,000
J. Frank Watson. President
R. L. Durham ..,.. .- . V. ....... ; Vice-President
W. H. Fear M, . . i Secretary . ,
S. C Catching . Assistant Secretary '
O. W. T. Muellhaupt ........... , Cashier
jlaad trades.