The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 26, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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''. , :'JXf"" " "" ,
FILL 11111;
"Thousands of Tersons Look-
" ing for Farms, Homes and
. Investments Pour Into Or
egon -Result of Expl6ita:
, tiori and Advertising.
inn i "i j i hi ' r i . , . . . V
: ' ('
. v - . . n )
,U .- ' ... f', --'4
ft'- Xri
An array of Investor fca,s replaced the I
Invasion of observers that filled the In-1
coming trains from the east during 1005
and J 806, according to the officials of
the different commercial and industrial
organisations, . and those who are now I
'coming to the state are looking fori
homes, Investments and permanent lo-1
' Tba result of the advertising done for
the last two years by the different or
ganisations of the state Is beginning to
be shown. ; The homeseekera' rates and
excursions of two years ago and the
exposition Drought hordes of people to
Oregon from the state east of the Rocky
mountains. The. visitors came to look
over the country and Inspect It
This inspection is now beginning to I
bear fruit, as is shown by the Urge I
number of letters and personal visits!
anouncing me coming or people to ure-i
gon for permanent residence here. Those!
Grateful Shade Is 'Appreciated by These Visitors.
who made the visit two years ago have
returned to their nomea and made all
haste to sell their holdings and .remove
i to the northwest. It is this class that
I, is now coming into the state by every
j,. irain. . . i
. All of the newcomers have money and
are looking for farms, city homes and
otner lnveeimenta Men wno nave Deen i
, back of the advertisement of the state
j, by letter, pamphiet and by other means
; are much gratified at the new Invasion,
: which In a short time will bring tens
oi thousands or people to in state as
. permanent nome-buudera. t
South Tortland Residents to
Improve Streets if Park
Board Will Build Bridge
Across Gulch - to Connect
With Boulevard. .
! Trend of Operations Displayed Home
Bayers. Strongest Feature in
Deals Made Yesterday.
Real estate transfers totaling 1 63,197
were recorded - yesterday, , mora than
half, of which represented small rest-
Voluntary street improvements cost
Ing some $45,000 are promised by the
property-owners of South First street,
in the event the park board will bridge
one of the gulches at tba south end of
the street , and spend some 160,000
ftfrglng the , link In a boulevard that
will run for nine" miles around the city
and along the Council Crest drive,
At a meeting of the South Portland
Improvement association last nlsrht in
Jones ; hall a (committee consisting of
Milton W. Smith and J. B. Laber was
From the baseball teams of' the news
pspers whose competition for a - tro
phy offered by. Alex Smith has ' Just
closed,, s. team la to be chosen to play
the policemen, mall-carriers, engineers
and other teams not in the professional
class.' The team Is to be called the all-
newspaper team, and will be selected
from the teams of the editorial staffs
$ dence salsa valued at from 11,000 to $1,-1 appointed 'to confer with the park board
' SQO. " I at Its next meeting and lay the plan
The onlv Important sale reported was
,t that Of 25 by 100 feet. Improved, -on
of the- association before the city or
ganization. It is the Intention of the
Oak street, ; between First and Front Property-owners represented by the as
streets.,,Dr. G. EL Watts purchased the fl1""0",. ?av J?,00? seven hlocks at
property from, Dr.1 C. W. Cornelius for
27,600. The latter acquired the prop
erty a lew weeaa go xor zo,uuu. A
three-story brick building occupied by
the south end of First street Then, b
throwing a bridge' across the aulcl
there. It will be possible for the street
to oe extended on grade to Join with
erg the ground.
HI imnrHiiJ - i r, in - -I, -I, -
t&oiXtolJF!!" Council Crest drive and give con
7 . - . i Tiniimm mu mvftM rnr nin m iai thmnvh
the scenic district. The committee will
take the question up with the park
board at Its next meeting.
At the meetina- last nlrht the aaan-
ciauon toon up the question of select
ng a par site tor South Portland. At
:)ie- present- time, no nrovlslon has been
made by the city for a park of any kind
in that Dart of the eltv. It ia the desire
of the residents there to have a site
selected and purchased for the creation
or -a permanent public park. Thia will
ds -taken ud with the park board. -The
association is alao wrestling with
the publlo garbage question. ' Aa it now
is, the private individuals who collect
garbage have too much to do to bother
win garoage mat is nam to get or in
out-of-the-way routes. The association
will endeavor to make some arrange
ment to provide for the collection, of all
cuy garDBge. at least in ma Bouth Port
land district, .-?.; A ;.; . ;
1 lastWepkfoOIra'rbhpan;, "r
r ', This la the last week hero Of the San'
'"Franolsco tfpera' company, which J,Js
" playing '.the' most spectacular Snd at-
(i tractive piece it nas yet orrerea, "When
v, Johnny- Cornea Marching Home."' It ia
. - the prettiest -opera seen here in -many
a day, and the musical ' numbers , make
great nits. f , - v
The Telephone Exchange."
."The Telephone Exchange" Is a laugh
, abto burlesque: The Zinn company
closes Its season at the Baker this week.
and It presents a funny concoction, of
laughter . and pretty musical numbers.
There matinee Saturday. , ,
, "A Wicked Woman" at Lyrics
There c is ;. drawing quality . In "A
Wicked Woman," the sensational soelety
play which the Allen stock company Is
presenting at the Lyrlo this week.' It
is the human interest which the' play
contains. There win oa a matinee per
. formance tomorrow.
. I Matinee Tomorrow.
- Tha Charity Nurse" will be given at
the matinee performance tomorrow by
the stock company at the Star theatre
It has a novel Plot, and ita love story is
aoaormng at an times. - Beats now sell
Ing for all performances. ...
JSastern Headllners.
The procession of eastern headllners
. continues at the Grand. This week the
program ia aa full of -entertainment aa
an egg is of meat., Fulgora ia a light
ning change artist, wno makes changes
quicker than a stage detective, and
Adele palmer and company keep - the
laughter waves floating. . '
Preparations tor Arion Day,
1 Rehearsals are being held at the Oaka
preparatory to the meeting of the Arion
' . societies there tomorrow. In the even
ting a chorus of over 100 voices will
V sing in conjunction . with Schllsonyi's
. r famous band, : Friday is to be observed
J- at the big park aa Juvenile Court day.
Hlllsboro's Poui Days' Fourth.
; (Special Dhpatch to The Journal.)
HUlsboro, Or.. June, 16.- Shuts park,
1 recently purchased by this city,-is be
tt ing put ' Into condition " for the , Waah
1 ington county veterans' reunion and In
dependence day celebration. The-veter-
ana will meet July 1, ,1 and 3 and close
; with a grand celebration on the Fourth.
:t Hon. B. B. Beekman of Portland . has
- been chosen aa orator of the day. I
Harry C. Wbittler, of , the Shafer
Whittler company, is seriously ill at the
Good Samaritan hospital; . .
Altai Maw Clarke, the little rinnhtr
of Nathaniel K. Clarke, of the. Portland
hotel. Is visiting frfends and relatives
at Condon, Oregon. While away aha
win oe tne guest 01 ner.. uncle,, B.B.
tfarKer or condon. , v
. Mrs. N. ' A. Jones of Walla Walla ia
visiting ner mother, Mra. Eleanor Cam
eron, 64 North;.: Twenty-third street.
Mrs. Jones ' Is 1' Bocomnanlfrl hv hr
aaugnter, iieien. They will ba In .Port
Isknii thrnlicyintit that aummA
A'K. Watson of Dundee, Scotland, is'
av na rorunna notei. Mr. . wawon IS
a memoer-or tne ramoue distillery com
pany of James Wataon A Co.- --.
Mr. nnd Mra. J..rt - rrisAnli nt tr,v
Creek, Oregon, are at the Portland. Mr.
Edwards la a breeder of fine sheep and
fancy atock and has one of the lartrnnt
stock ranches in Oregon. ., " '.-, ,..
j R. A. Booth of the Booth-Kelly
Lumber company of Eugene, Is at the
Imperial hotel., - . .
' Mr, and Mra. K. McKencle et fmtnn
South Dakota, are at the Portland hotel.
Mr. Mc Ken ale la a wealthy promoter,
who Is looklnc over the Ore con
with- a view of Investing. Mr. and Mrs.
Oroton are accompanied by their young
' (Special Dlapatcb to The Joarnal.t
Hermlston, Or., June 26 Fourteen
men, under C H. Birdseye aa chief, .tre
camped at the Butter creek bit do m.
paring to continue the United Statea ge-
'"' bui vcjr vi ins lanua west or the
Umatilla river. A large part of the land
under the original DroJect has been eon
over and contour maps have been made,
and the work this summer will be
r.ruuna . nermiston and Jcho, according
w (ficneiii repuna, . ......
'' 'J:''' y . . '
Organizing Committees, of
Portland Country Club
- Report Success. -
' A. meeting of the general committee
promoting1 the . organization of the
Portland Country Club ; and Livestock
association was held this morning at
the, rooms of the Portland Commercial
club. It was reported at the meeting
that the various soliciting' committees
now have the sum of 181.000 subscribed
as a starter for the organisation of the
club. It is desired to have a subscrip
tion of 1100.000 before definite steps are
taken toward organization. The total
atoclc laaue la set for 1160.000 to be sub
scribed after the preliminary work of
organization is completed. ' . ' . ;
It was decided that the subscription
committees should ret out after the re
mainder of the $100,000 in the morning
and It is expected that the Tun amount
will be signed up for before the day 4s
over. - v,
Those who are promoting the organl
zatlon of the club feel much encouraged
at the results of the work that has
been donq and feel confident that It will
be but a ahort time before. the-project
win assume oeflnlte shape. - rom the
nuiuinul Ihftt hav ttj.B 'IWIvmi mt
far there doubl, In the minds of
the promoters over the succesalux out
come of. the plan. ... ,
; ' i a00 KILLED . .
(Continued from Page One.)
or a ramiiy row, during which a son
about. IS years old atruck Megorden
witn a gun. - Mrs. Megorden started to
run to the house of a neighbor, but was
overtaken by her' husband, who in a fit
Of Daamon and race shot and killed her.
. At the September term of the circuit
court for Malheur county in 1906 Megor
den was fouii guilty and condemned to
hang. His attorneys appealed to the
supreme court for a new trial, upon the
grounds that the evidence in the case
was not sufficient to justify conviction
or muraer in tne iirsc aegree. , The su
ttrema court denied a new trial and re
manded the defendant to Vale for re-I
sentence. - ' . . .
Fabst fertect
EigLt-Day : Malt
Pabst realized! that it
takes eight full days of malt
ing to get all of the food-
values out ; oi Daney-grain.
Then Pabst ; perfected an
Eight-Day Malting Process
that follows' Nature and pro
duces the perfect malt that
makes ... ,
I Pabst
tTL,Br1 of Quality -
rich in nutriment; wholesome, strength-
giving food, that helps the stomach to
digest and assimilate other foods. 1
When you drink a glass of Pabst
Blue Ribbon Beer, you take actual
nourishment the kind of nourishment
disrupt the army and the mutiny of the
artillerymen la- saia to he tne 1 rirat
move for complete disorganization of
the fighting force of Portugal. - i
- At last Kins Carlos realizes the srav-
lty of the situation. Heretofore he has
taken an optlmlatlo. view of the revolts
and considered them no more than lo-
fa 1 Kramrl RavAlotlnn nf th. laal faa.
days, disclosing the fact that the move- that gives VOU health.',.
and . that the revolutionists mean to
gain their ends, have opened the eyes
of the ruler and he Is preparing to take
more extensive precautionary measures
man ever Derore. -
Throne Is Tottering.
It la feared, that hia awakening has
come too late ior ; tne throne or itina
uarioa ia tottering on tne verge 01 a tall
already. .' ! -. r -
Agitators have been-sent throughout
the country and are -work to arouse
all the sentiment Dosalbla aaalnat tha
king.-. Men are sent among the soldiers
to urge tnem to reA-oit at the critical
moment and 4t la reported that - they
will refuse to fire upon-their country
men) If ordered to do so. -
Although the outbreak this mornlnar
resulted so disastrously . for the mob
and their determination to overthrow I MaH hv Pahcr. af Milwatilr
:en..)- - ,, I . ' : . "
- When ordering beer, ask
,; for Pabst Blue Ribbon.
their ruler remains unshaken.'
(Continued from Page One.)
And bottled onlr at the Brewery.
- : - m.a.ia wvK av ntt .
Cor. Jrd ft Pine St. PortUmd,
Phon Main 460.
Sure Bsatli to Rats and Mice
If rats and mice infest yoyr home, barn, shop or warehouse, use
Stearns' Electric Rat and Roach Paste. It will drive rats and mice out
,of the. house to die and completely rid the premises of these vermin.
- Elat and Roach Paste
is the most reliable rat and mouse poison known. It ia tha only ona sold
under a guarantee to refund tha money if it does not da all that is claimed
for it It is also sura death to cockroaches, water bugs and other vermin.
3 ex. box 25et 16 ex. box 11.00. - -.
80W by Draggitts er Hot pnpala an notlpt af pries..
Stearns' Electric Paste CO. '
- BUFfAlO, It rn U. S. A.
anion, who ia larger and older than
'om. started to rescue the lad. but waa;
frightened by the approach of the run-i
away team. . Tom was directly in tha
pat n or tne norse.
The driver, seeing the danger of the
lad, -tried bravely to steer! the fright
ened hor& from ita course, but to no
avail. The animal ran directly over the 1
boy, the wheels of the wagon striking!
tne little wagon directly in tne middle.
Tom was hurled underneath the fly-,
Ing . wagon, while his little cart
waa cut in two and completely demol
ished. The crowd rushed Into the street
to pick up the lad who they thought
was lifeless. , - v, .. .,
' Instead Tom rose smiling and lauarh-
ing. He rubbed the back of his head
where It had struck the pavement, but
there was not even a bruise and he wan
actually unhurt. In his hand .ha still 1
clung firmly to the package of bologna
which he had bought at the butcher'a.
"Won't they give ma a new wagon T" 1
The horse ran on as far as Fifth
street, where it became detached from
the wagon. . The ; driver. Frank Mur-
tausrh. waa-thrown to the - street and
receiyed severe injuries. He lives at
Arbor LiOdge on the st Johns car line.
"Best by Jest"
That's a pretty fair phrase
being used now by a firm
in Portland. Can-you say
it better? See Page . 11. '
Appeal to Governor to Commute the! TllCfC's plcflty .of ; huilii-'
bug-in tca;: not one ounce
in a ton , Schilling's Best v
Death Sentence, Which Is Set
for Friday at Noon.
' Special Dbpateh to Tba Joaraal.)
Salem. Or.. Juna 26. A last and most
energetic effort Is being made to aava
Holiver Meeorden of Nyaiia. the wife-
murderer, from expiating his crime on
the gallows at the atata prison at noon
Friday. A- netitlon - haa reached - Gov
ernor Chamberlain asklnr for tha com
mutation of the death sentence ? to -
santAiio fnr Ufa nr a term of Mr.
Considerable avmoathy for the old man H-
has been manifested recently, and his
friends indulre hopes-. . :
iuegoraea juiieo nu wua aa w result
Toar grorer rttnrat rear moner If oa daat
like it: we par him.- -H. .
of the newspapers. An effort la being
made to arrange a game to be played I
witn tna policemen next eunaay morn
ing. . ' .
The men of The Journal staff who
will play are fiteffa. Seed, Keel, Tur
ner, wataon and Humphreys; of tha
Telegram start team tha. following men
have agreed to play: -, Kinger,. vy-
ment. Btrandborg, Uregory, gammons
and llasen. ... .
Shopping in our splendid
No crushno crowding plenty of room, air and light
in this -spacious I department AN ENTIRE FLOOR
r devoted exclusively to Juvenile AppareL x
for Boys' .and Girls' in splendid assortment
Leading Clothier
Jyk X
5', 'T;.y Sa "''X'i' gBBjssBjpjajsjajBjBasjBsjajpjBjBjBBjBjBja :f; V f"'
''BUCK'S '
' ' Can you draw, little girl ? r If. s o, you may be the proud possessor n ;;
of one of these miniature Buck's ranges, a perfect If ttle stove, which
will bake and cook just like a big one. , ' ' "
'We are going to give them away, absolutely free, on Saturday,
July 13, to the little girls of 14 yea rs or under, who draw the three
best reproductions of the Buck's trademark, here shown. Come to
our store, register your name, and get a pretty little booklet, which
will tell you all about the contest. , And you will want to see the
junior .range, which is on exhibition in our show window.
r Meow jj
i . ...
v & 1 1 1 -
1 .