The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 26, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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(ConUnud"from First Column. First
On eroiMxam'naUan Un, Day a!d
, ihtMii erirlnally summoned by tn
prosecution.' She wild she mad Mate.
' ' ment t Attorney Stone lor tne prose-
.- cution. 1 . ' " ' "
Haw ley stated he wanted the witness
;: field IQ town XOr poeaioie -!",""!
-. ..fir,n a iivaiv row followed. Blcbard'
' - eon declaring- h would ;iot . hold the
witness; ' Hawley oemanaea ui . in
court order them held If the prosecu
tion eo desired. The court finally de-
' clared all witnesses wanted new oy in
, proxecutlon must remain within Jurls-
tiiction or me coun.
Orchard Worked Tot Owners.
? John T. Elliott, an Inmate of the Sol
diers'1 Home, said ne met urenra on
train In the latter part of 06. 0"?f r,3
... told him his nam was Horf&n and that
he had been worklnr for the mlneown-
. era. lie told him that it had been plant
ned to put. the federation out of bus
iness by the mlneowners and other cap
italists. -Part of the plan was t de
, nninn. He warned him that
. something atarUln was likely to hap
pen In Idaho soon. !''.'.''''' "
v!Ho stuck cloaelr to Ms story un
Aer aevere cross-examination. ' He was
In an Insane asylum 10 years ago.
Thi iffina , well cleased with
rtemwHIon from San Francisco. The
Uradlev affidavit Is exceptionally strong.
Jt Is declared by him that the axplo-
: sion was due to -ae mioiuwi. ,
: :,. , . Sad to-Chanr Varna.
. nvia a.M that ha was born In Mis
uiiri ini atartail . mlnlnr In 1889 In
the Couer d'Alenes. He described the
condition durlna- the strike. He went
from there to Bilver City, back to the
Coeur d'Alenes. . then to Alaska, then
bark to th- Coeur d'Alenes. Darls
wor he was not a member of th
federation when the Bunker Hill mine
was blown up. and said that urcnara
lied when he said that he led th party
that blew It up. He left th oountry
over the mountains In Aurant From
iri! to August he worked "under
. cover" in a prospect . H knw Ed
Bovce well. '
He had to chanr his nam to Jones
because he was blacklisted. M went
under that name In California, In Bis
1 hee. Ariiona, and whll h worked at
the Bull Hill mine at Croppl Creek.
Bom Urn later h was elected presi
dent of Altman union 189. He became
acquainted with' Orchard In May, 101,
at Altman. Orchard asked to be trans
ferred from Burke. He wrot mere and
jot no rep v. He described conditions
during- the strike and how th military
called out men and deported them. He
aid there was no trouble until after
the troops reached th district.
Impeaches Orchard. v
II was tried for train wracking, and
alno plotting- the Vindicator explo
sion, and ordered acquitted by th judge,
He denied absolutely that he had prom
ised Orchard $600 for fixing- a bomb In j
the Vindicator.- H was Diacausiea oy
' the mlneowners because he would not
renounce the union and take the card of
the mlneowners. H denied absolutely
that he had ever sanctioned or coun
tenanced violence of any kind, or knew
about any being committed. -
(Continued from Second Column, First
'.: Page.) , ;, ,!;, :
previous affidavit, and Ilk a tale of
"mystery and , imagination." t He had
apparently met Orchard in an Idaho
plug , train some tlm in 190S, and
Orchard had apparently. atri"Tijv
proceeaea io incrimitM-nnfisir hopo-
Iessly,';-.: - -. . - ,
v-y miBory X BfotiT. u'iv.
Mr. Elliott Was a very old man with
a zeeoi voice ana a memory defective
In everything- but that - conversation
with Orchard. About that he was over
flowing. It was th tale of a grand
father, told badly. And It sle-niflad
nothing-, Anv camDala-n to defame th
ajreaay infamous character or Orchard
seems now so useless. Orchard cannot be
fialnted blacker by, any other hand than
t has already been painted by Orchard
hlmaelf. And poor old John D. Elliott
In th nd crumbled into duat . aa
rredlhl wUhm,
Hugo Munatenbersv nrofesaor of rsv.
Chology at Harvard, watched him curi
ously. He is writing- articles about ths
psyonoiogry or avidenc. And when, In
th end, Elliott mlsdescribed Orchard
quit demonstrably, th Impasstv Ger
man pnuoaopner imuea , Hawiey l
cross-examination had been quit a ten
der and beautiful thine-. And when Kl.
llott left th stand he left It a pitiable
derelict who should, never- hav been
McManus Keane, . reported to
hav died from overexhaustlon
as a. result of rescuing- a girl
4 from the waters of th sound
after having-saved two lives
4 during- f ha terribr disaster at .
Tacoma Sunday evening. Is at-
w tending a grocers' plcnlo near 1
. a TiHimi todav non : th wors
for his herolo struggle in " th
' A water. ,
- Phil Lane, a particular friend . 4
of the supposed dead man, re- 4
4 ceived thla Intelligence this
this morning , whll making
preparations to attend . th fu-
4 neraL ; Manager Good . of th
Union Meat , company wired to
4 Tacoma to learn' th funeral ar-
rangements and received the
following telegram:
: "You can't kill that Irishman.
, He's attending a grocers' plonlo
a4 today.'
Friends In th city ar over-
Joyed at the pews. . :
. ', Defamation rare Badly.
Today th defamation of a ohartcter
already Infamous seems to be faring
badly and th cas of counter-conspiracy
by th mlneowners and - th courts of
Colorado and th civil authorities of
Colorado has for th tlm ben side-
irscsea. Th evidenc submitted by th
defense Is not living up to th prom''
ises of Clarence Darrow. and even Clar
ence ijarrow did not promise a very
great deaLw And a morning apettt with
Aire, lvotti uay and ooor old John Tx
tan on. nas not pen prontabi. ,'
And th addition of John M ft'TCtl
dltor of the Miners' Magailne. did not
greatly buttress th caa for th d.
fens. Mr,. O'Neli admitted that ' the
Miners- Maraalne was th ""official
organ" of th Western Federation of
miners, ana n said that he conducted
th magasin editorially without often
consulting Mr. Haywood or Mr. Moyer.
Mr. O'Neil alao testified to tha alramlv
admitted infamy of the already Infa
mous Orchard. W are going over th
iV "..Cla. around i-e-ain,- excepting that
O'Neil admitted that Orchard had been
in nia oil ice in inu iiiinr for th art-
dress of Peabody and 8herman Bell, and
saying that they should b ; "bumped
orr. i ne remarK had not struck
O'Neli as. of any great moment.
- BfaM Make KUtak.
And when Borah commenced rrnaa.
uimimni air. irniu it Mnn ta lnnk
a though th defense had mad a mis
take In calling him. And when Borah
got O'Neil to admit th authorshio of
an editorial In th magasin dealing
with th death of Frank Steunenberg
that th prosecution had before been
able to get into evidence, th mistake of
.'N1 hcs.m emphaalied.
ONell admitted the authorship of edi
torials saying that "Frank Steunen
berg, on time governor of Idaho, has
met hi death bv th hnmh mi,a Tk.
bomb wrecked th ntettoat Ttnrh
compelled O'Neil to admit th author
ship of other editorial dealing with the
death of Steunenberg which were vul
gar, virulent and violent. Th appear
ance of. O'Neil. was certainly a fatal
mistake. - - " . . s
yesterday afternoon , we- had an' ex
ample of Borah's methods of shaking
the credulity of a witness that in its
way was impresalv by its lack of
harshnees or viaianra. niuriM o,.i
'11 van or Denver, a witness for th de-"l
"""i 'n examinauon- dv Darrow had
mad statements impeaching the truth
viumnm leiiimony.
Answering Darrow,. Sullivan had said; 1
V - . 'SaUlvaa'a Storx. : .
I? m now a night watchman in the
Brown pgiace Hotel, Denver. Before
ihai d.rov..?fon ,n Denver. Before
that I lived in CrlDDle Creek. I wnrlr
aa a miner In th Vindicator min. I
kJlT,Har,nr jprchard for fiv months In
th Cripple Creek district Our rooms
were next each othtr mil ...
meals in Neville's house, Neville aerved
meals to ' the miner and h had six
room that he rented upstairs. I was in
"But no on was ever present except
yourself and Orchard?" .
. VNO." . - . V.;' ' "'V:'"-'
"Did you ever tell anybody about it P
' "Well, when did you first tell anybody
about itr :,.-
"Well. I suDDose the first time was
when I told the lawyers for the de
"But' how did they know that you
r "Well, I told Fits Heney." - i-W !
Aftr th trial was started hrfj
V-Tes, lr."-.'- .:: . A, i ':
"Tou never told anybody .about It un
tit after th trial was started herT"
-NO " ;'!. - ..
" "Well, whn did you tell Fits Heneyf
f: "Wherar. . - -
"In th furnace room of th T. W. C
A. in Denver."
"WelL ' now. Mr. Sullivan, hav you
told us all Orchard said , , about vtb
woeur a-AienetrouDies ' .scs-y
-(,-r'! ir ?:t. ''H -w Tiown hi vvkxu
ner when th Bunker Hill and suuivan
wss blown up." .
"He didn't tell you h wag off at
Mullen playing poker when th mill was
blown up, did her . -
-"No, sir." i ' t -
" " ulllvaB Kot Convincing.
"Do you remember whether Orchard
rave you any reasons wny ne rated Mr.
iteunenbers: did you ever ask him how
Steunenberg had Injured him?" ,
"That's all.'
Sullivan had been
convincing with
Darrow, but when Borah had finUgied
' 10
Service to" Connect ; With
- Crater Lake WU1 Begin "
Tomorrow. 1
Two darty train's will ib started on
th Pactfln A. EMtAW raltriHUt 'tnrnnrrnw
and will run from . , Medford to. Eagle
foint, a distance of II miles. At the
same time suge service will b,o com-
enced. between Eagle Point and Crater
lake. It is the Intention of the owner
cur FOR HIE 110
Demand That District Attor
ney Close' All Groceries in
the County on Sundays.
tlx th blame. Deputy Coroner Wlltsle
of Seattle, was here Iaat nlg-ht to se
cure th names of witnesses of th ac
cident and view th remains, of th vic
tims. He will impanel a coroner's Jury
today or tomorrow, which will vlalt th
scene and examine the ruined slip,
which fell into the water. The Jury
will then cdme to Tacoma and hold an
Inquest over the remains of the. Vic
tims. - ' i : ' , ' V.
The body of 'Agnes Peterson, the 10-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Peterson, was found night before Inst.
An undercurrent had carried It a mil
from Stone's banding and th tide had
cart it upon the beach. -
' Miss Gertrude Malcolm; who waa one -of
those who went down with the slip -and
was under the water for some time
and required an hour's work to bring her .
back to consciousness, developed Pneu
monia at the Fannie Paddock hospital s
her last nlKht, resulting, her phy-
siciana any, irora ine shock and e
' Mil il""""."! S -4
with him tha story had somehow
Its color. Th picture Borah made Bui-1 to be started tomorrow., will mark (he
iivan uraw or urcnara. saying in same opening ox service.
fBerOrnew , association , hag
demanded of District,; Attorney. John
Manning , that' he enforce th Sunday
closing law upon all grocery stores In I
Multnomah county who are in the hauu
of keeping open on Sunday. . Jast night
fa'koVa.noa".6 t0 9rtw ltlon was intVoducM bVc. W. Stubb.
r".?00.. SP0SalDl. . I calllna- foi anrh ninn TV,. n.n. ..I
in racino & n.utrn roan nernana i r. - -.- i
has the largest corDS of of fleers for the t'. WM Lmov,a to doption by ueorgs
mlleiM ZIlnCS ?A t h. irfh-T? hwJ'i hos motion was seconded By
It commences with a president and ri5iJ2Sr2'l. ii1,?-I"oluuoa M ,WM
down the official Hat through a vie- " "i- it i- conr, th- i.V
nrealdent. ' a-eneral mrairi, ..Mitne I J..A" i contrary to the laws of Our
chief englnJer and all th"othr ofriors JrmnSVSSll
'?u? " "Jf Pyroll of . the bigger Kiga.StSi 52 "Z c alm
roan. - line waa recentiv nurrhiiM i t. . - . . i
ost from Medford nartiei and 'th. a.rvloS 1 " . v. rcsoivea. That we X-"
olffer's Golden Gate
Baking Powder
'-''":'' 1 i I ' v " ' )
Infallible ! !
No prires no coupons no crockery ;
J. A. FOLOER & CO. , San Francisco
thing over and over again In th sam
as and always to Hulllvan, and al-
ways alone, - even at - breakfast.
rooming-nous run or-, mintsrs,
a I
very faded cloture. It seemed some
how to be hand-mad knd smelt of th
found yourself
(Continued irom Page Ona)
that It was true; that 6teunen-nal donee, to D. 11. Lownsdal.
f'lace our association on record as bo
ng opposed to th custom aa practiced I
by some grocers In the elf and insist
upon the enforcement of the law as per-1
tainine- to retail rroeara: alaa that a I
copy or mes resolutions sent to th
district attorny."
Th association at ' th meeting also
decided to assist any -oung couple who
wnadal but 1 ossires to o married July it, with a
riv.ta venetl. Dnlv I unUl 18S1. r three vaara .ft,, th. aala I , ..v uuviiao, mil
.w."x:.;; t .h... ,i .Zl i preacner ana transportation to and from
fSalllunillal. LAIwI 1UR1L1 VB IfWDl wwMuai 1U IDVVi t.Il gfaillfJ JDr II Be I T1......11I. A I " i in L . I
luatlc. who waa with OrehaVd in f-ld- h bought sold th nronertv to WI1.1 fLu"""""5.:. ,' w" ,ve P
Wert under an aaaumaVl nam. anr that llam H7 rflna-. who lii t, m M II on na th
letter (
Until all th evldenc la in and even 1 ?tlpn Is whether the title being
afterward; conviction on the Informa-
berg had-been killed by Orchard as the Chapman's patent was
a private vendetta, umy unui i
result of
there Is
tion of an accomplice is an antiquated
Lownsdale gav only a quit claim deed.
Th question Is whether the title being
perfected three years after Lownsdale
ownsdale's title and therefor th tltl
and resentful and even an uncivilised lT, Y h. ill i.... T, tb uti
thing. . .,-,, I oqulred by th later purchasers, or
, v . '- whether Lownsdal transferred by cult
claim deed only such title as he held
In I860-when h gav th deed, which
was ma equity in in land.
. ' ISpedal Dlipatcfe to Th jToeraal.)
Tacoma, Wash., June II The King I
(Continued from Page One.)
The question mon on a mil by Mra wun'' m"hm invssugate the I
warren, widow of William I cause or tn uisasiar at oion s iana-
I Aim Ira C.
E. Warren.
Warrn died In 17.
signed bv them ordering Colonel Mo
Craken to sign the bonds, the refusal to I lisle, and subsequent transfers brought
do which on his part has caused ail this I the title down to Henry Taubenhelmer
unnecessary , litigation. I will, how-1 ana j. M. iioflson. against whom Mrs.
ever. ; sreface th nubltcatian of I Warran brought suit. . .
these contracts by stating th A Mrs. Warren .claims dower right to
racis ana re rutin a- colonel Mccraken'a in lots. ir ner nusoena acauirea ahan.
assertions as to myself and my conneo-1 lut tltl under Lownsdale quit claim
non wun in roruand. Menaiera Tll-ipea. h is aiiegea sn is entitled to a
h. i in. . simiv i
had sold th land in 18S7 to P. O. Car-lcomans lost their lives, and attempt to
night In which Hash Ta- T
lamook Rail war comoanv.
The orlslnator of the Portland. Ma.
halem Sc Tillamook railway was not
wuiiam Kelrt, but Oorg T. Myers, ex
plained aa follows: He. seeing an ar
ms interest in on tnira or th prop
erty.. In such a cas th tltl would
remain in lauDennelmer and Hodson,
and there would be no claim against It
in uy cas aiier Mrs. warren s death.
ilele upon the failure of ni acheme in I Mrs, Warren was represented bv At.
me pnnio oi arter xm miles were l ivi uey a. j. digger.
raaea ana is mues in operation from
'mm Wt ha, ,rt fiMalltA mil.k hla .. ... a 1
generous nature and nublio anlrlt. wrote
to the newspapers, suggesting for the
gooa or jt-ortiana that the citizens should
get un an organisation to reconstruct
that road. ThereuDon he undertook anrt
aio. in conjunction witn u. jr. Pearson,
obtain th signatures of (0 well-known
Portlanders and banks, who. It waa
agreed, should pay $26 each, and no
more, or one share. 11.000 in all. for
in organisation.
(Continu e from Page Ona)
delicate nature was performed, the sur-
una cubing away a portion or the
no. ana getting- tne two severed anrfa
of the spinal. cord together.
. Somewhere within th. Kav. Iioi .v
Titer were to recelv. I is unomaaea. ine surgsons dared
aa iney uia, preierrea atocK certificates l iurir, uq axier necessary
guaranieeing repayment tnereor oy th ' vr r uwning in wound, as
railway company. un tnese terms Mr. uwumg- prugreaaea, iney eiosea up
Mvers raised with hla aaaoolata moa to I th wound, and thouah not believing
.AAA . I l . . . 1 V. . I J , , ' MA .
v.vv. wnicn waa dibhd in I o nn,i mw I . . ' wiv vbiibiu 'wuuiu jivfl x. rrhn
Craken' atand aa treasurer to diaburee n?w fu' days been forced
tbo aame. v ' 1 amlt that fait chancea for recovery
N ; l.v,
GO Sec 'Em I I
Have you taken a look
at the half . dollars in
Woodard Clarka'a win
dow? There are 200
theni for th v raori -who
LISTENS and catches a good
See Page 11. 'vv
For choice of 20 styles in Split Straw Sailors, Porto
Rican t Pinch- Crowns, Imported , Manilas, etc
Regular $2.50 values.; Special Thursday and Fri
' j day only $1.$5. ;
i Out of the
Not in the
Price 7
is a
CrlDDl Creek from Itni n ion
in m xau or ivoz Harry Orchard
told tne wban vd vin .inn. ...h.
on th porch of Neville's hous that if
.v wm mi mra ior Bieunenhers; he
would have been a rich man, He said
.twii.uinrK euouia D Kiuea. He said
that ji would be killed yet. He said
ht If somebody did not kill him he
iviuuiuj wuuia am mm nimseir. An
S,th ajlL 'thJ? - breakfast table in
Neville's house Orchard made tbe same
.wkwu.Ub lu lue. -' 1 .. , , ...... f. . f
Work at TlBdioator. '
. "Take th . wifneaa " - a.M r..
Borah took him ,
"TVher do you reside. Mr. SulUvanr
. '"Denver." . -
v "Are vou aeauaintai arlth tt..j
th defendant r" ".jwvu
"J Sir." ,;.. .
"How longr - , ' , ,
'Sine 108.-
"Do you know Mr. "roTe, . - .
-,-Yes sir."
"Vo you know Mr. Moyerr
it "Yes sir. 1
"How longr
; "About the same length of time. .
"When did you . Aral mi tn rwi.
Creek T"
February, ItOl." ?.'....
"What mine did you work lnH v
"Th Vindicator."
"When did you Join the Waatarn r.fl.
eratlonr -
"In April, 190a. .
"How Ions was that hefnra vnn .
OrchardT ,
"About a month."
""Waft-Pa vaii mainha aX? eVKaa
( ; I " viv .vvm UIVU4VVI U lttfj aTHIEIlB
Ef EBIVAN BQ0ABE h- Li ." i'
"I don't call Orchard, a unionist."
'Well, did you know that he waa
member of the Western Federation V
"Well, he said he was." r .,
"uo you anow Mr. jjavisT" " '
"And Sherman Parkerr
. "fTaae. KM .1-1. 1 M m I
airectora. The oolonel waa made presi
dent and "William Reid. secretary, the
object being to- glv th organization
called th Portland, Nehalem A TUla-1
moog Kaiiway company a standing- out
side of Portland. Seeing that both th
apfaf Dtesetck t VLt "laraaLl
University of ; Oregon,, Eugene, Jun '
Harrlman and Hill llnaa refnaal tn I Is. W,; L. HTWrfl, track trainer fnr '
Duna tn line, alter we had had long ne- the university of Oregon, was today ao
sassrU tiiirsSr
in IX
whether w had traffic agreements iSSJSIL if?,' th
th Harrlman lines, W had not, but nth.V haiW.a. -.i . .
after working" for two years to obtain
. ea V AVVW WM TCag) rj VJU K 1 V 1 II gjf
X 1 i ' ,-.. A . i
' ' 1 - ' wProm Maker to Player v. AV'e'
y, try 10 get in money on bonds Lrzz 'J'- r - wno re.
indon. I applied to the London f 2wrA haa hi "V -
Debenture comnanv. limited. f f f?ayw,F? J1". .h f! Of ex-
Hrn.. ...mi.z: .ZuZa perienc in nia jin. ana iaat winter dur-
, l ' . (Special Dispatch t Tb JoaraaL
Farmlngton, .Wash., June 2J.
. alfalfa harvest Is now on In this
of Whitman county and the crop
good cne. the yield being much greater
v man ior many years. Airaira does well
' throughout the Palouee country and is
one or the most prontabi crops raised.
: Hor fatten on alfalfa here with but
Jitu grain ana cows when fed alfalfa
give out a much larger flow of rich
" Alfalfa hay always commands a rood
, price here. Last spring it sold for
- irom Viz to ! a ton. Many of the
larmera wiu sior , meir nay until
. spring, wnen tney expect to sell It at
' a apienma price.
compulsory trarrio connectiona There
upon, oy an
iw in xonaon enar & Debenture com.
pany and had a favorable reply refer-
1 nn,.V,t0 tn,lr New Tork attorney, H.
K' Y.'11;?1" t0 flx MD the ,eKl deUUs.
Mr. Walker Inatated that, as we were
nut experienced , rauroaa constructors,
we obtain some ' construction company
io duuu ine nrsi iuv mues or railway,
ooras Xoonunnded by Xyers.
At this stag Mr. George - T. Myers
wrot m from the Bohemian club. Ban
JTranoisoo, recommendins; Edward Reo
ords, president of th Atlas Contract
ouppiy company, ana saying - he had
financial backing- as a contractor, and I
that ne knew th gentleman personally.
In the minds of the directors this settled I
ine manor or Mr. Ktcorda, and I waa
iimruciea 10 go aown ana see him at
San Franclaco. This was In February.
i.ob. -while there I was Introduced to
contractors for the Southern Pacific
comnanv and had li ono nnrt , nrv
irora tne eoutnern pacific ter year.
Kecorda assured me that FVlrV.nn a
Petterson oontrelled the atlaa rnntnt
ouppiy company stock, and I found
at' the bank thnv had a Mh mllt nt
$250,000. - Subaequently Colonel Mo-
craaen nimseir went to Ban -Francisco
ana aw jtecoras ana Mr. jcrlckson.
. The result was thav undertnnlc.. tha
worn oi ina.i comnanv and it ainna in.
vlted H. M. Walker to com from New
York and see them at San Francisco,
which he (Walker) did and satlcfled
nimaen or meir integrity. They both
j"ior ana necoraa arrivea June Zl,
; Oiir ' coffee : is called by
our name, because you
know, lis better, than cof
fee countries.
" Tear grocer retsras year Bossy If fm iout
flls Stfcllllai'a Beat: w par biau '
D) Tlf
mm Ofl
Pianos Sent on Approval
his partner, Mr. Erlckson. who said ha
nia partner, Mr. fetterson.- had been
"uo you Know Bteve Aaamsr' -
T. 'M . . ... ........ - i
"Do you know Ed Minster f '
"Well aeaualnted with him V
."WelL yes. but not Intimately T
"xou a-et aequajntea wun uronara the
' , (JoarntI Special Service.)
Tlfllis, Transcaucasia June IS. An.
' arcnisis were rampaut here thi morn
in, and 10 bomba were exnloded In w.r,
Ivan square, demolishing houses, killing
many people' and wounding- numerous
omera. in almost every instance ; the
victim at wnom tne bomb was hurled
waa killed and numerous bvatandera
eiiner Kiueu or injured. 5, c . j
'"How anon afterward did Tie tall vnn
villa Is a busy place aa-atn. since thai "That was about September."
large dam has been ' comnieted. Tha 1 1 "id you have -several conversation
j woolen mills, flouring mills, tannery, I J which he referred to Mr. Steunen-
r aasn ana aoor factory and planing- m I Is i oerg r
are all running; full blast and th eltv . ""S.
parsiPgod busineM v . I "How many time did he talk of Mr.
The new cannery Is also In oneratlnn I oteunenperg ,t tne DreaKiast table r
and Is prepared to handle all kinds of I I V tul nv " " ' ' '
frntts and vegetables. ' And no one was ever present . but
you two I " v
"You were always seated alone r
Ana wnen ne maa ins statement nn
tne porcn you war alone, too?"
"Every time he made that atatement
it waa tne lamer
"And It was a common thin for Mm
to' repeat this threat at the breakfast
-res.-.' . ' j
"How many times did he reneat Jhat
conversation at the breakfast table to
your -
ADout nve tiimi.7
"And it was alwsy in tha sam Tan.
'Talked About Coeur d'Alea.
'And to talked about Coeur d'Alene
matters, tool".
"tLcf6'. V Reason"
1906 (two veara aaol In Portland and
had meetings and long interview that
day. the next day, and on June 2J, 1905,
at Portland In tha PrfUJ KT.k.l.
As Tillamook Railway company office
wun ujs airecior or tne latter com
pany. At these meetings two contracts
were executed, one with tha Atlas Con
tract at Supply company to construct
me emir iuv muea.. tne otner with H.
M. Walker for the London Share & De
benture company, limited, and which
contracts I enclose for publication,' as
may aiitn iur inemseivea ana totally
controvert Colonel McCraken's state
ment in tms morning's Oregonlan
inena contracts both bear'H."' L.' Pit-
iwk BiKiuiun inn tnac nr inn.i Ma.
Crakan. ,
n panicuiar in resolution wa
passed after ta directors and stock-
noiaers' meeting had confirmed these
wo contracts airecting- the signing- of
That reaolntlon waa ala-ned 1 vi,..i
McCraken, and why he afterward re
fueed' tn aim tha hnnda n k
me own eignatur to ao so is a mys
tery which I have asked him to explain.
The next dar (June so utr if m
Walker started' for London and there
obtained the ratification nf hi. lfm rr-a n
by the London Share A Debenture com
pany, limited, and ao cabled the direct
ors, hut the bonds wer never mailed
either to them in -London nor were th
buv.uu oonaa given to the Atlea con
tract & Supply company, although Mr.
Kecorda, relying upon the same, started
work at Hlllsboro Immediately after the
signing of his contract- - ..'
v What followed I will narrate hr.t-
In detail, and introduce, other Interesting
iit-i. ui wiiiuu . area . jar. vvaiaer' is
entirely ignorant. '
Portland. Or., June K6., 1907.; .
Goddess Contest t Corvallls. ,
Ui '(Special D&patcb to Ths Jodrnd.K
Corvallis, Or.,' June 2. In , connec
tion 'with the Fourth of July - celebra
tion' In Corvallis there ta a liveiv Ann.
test on for aoddeaa of llhertv.l- mia I
fv Bsrclajr and NelU Marvin are In
th lead. - . . . I. i J
n ' This department will be conducted in a thoroughly ujto-date manner with a stock sufficient ,'
' to meet all the requirements of the photographic profession. You will find here Kodaks ' :
and Cameras of all styles and prices '. ' : ." ' '. -
. " , fodaks ...... $1 b $2
" , " Folding Brownie-1 &t
Kodaks .....4$5l0$9
: Folding Pockety A .
Kodaks $10 10 S5
Premo Cameras
Blair Cameras
Graphophoncs and
r Talking Machines
At popular prices and sold on con
venient terms. We have 'an ex
, ' perienced man in : charge ' of this
f department, and . convenient ex.
. elusive rooms for the demonstra-
- tion of both disc and cylinder xec
Special Talking Machine 01 OA
and 6 Records for. JCU&V
' Special Talking machine (til OA
and 6 Records tor.. pUvll
: . Sold on our Cuarantee and on Easy-Payment Plan.
r' i We ,?a.rry ! yery .reat "ssortment of' best If f A V
Eng-hsh and American makes at prices from.V v V w "r"-',
BATH SPONGES- " " , - nr M
- .The' most serviceable produced, at' prices p '
149-ISl Third Street
Ralph Crysler, Prop.