The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 26, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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I -; ,- v , '" ' V" ' Jf M. . ' V - i i ''""'" " "il in' n i' itiM,Ml fr.iMiii.ja'lVii;.
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iwt juinornirar
Tortland ! Honors Bear Ad
miral Swinburne ' and ; v
Other Officers.
Portland Hotel Transformed Into
Writable Fairy Landf for Occasion
Remembrance Will Long Linger
in Minds of Those Who Attended.
rwtinnd nald' Its respects to". Rear
Admiral William T. Swinburne test
night with one of the most pretentious
receptions ' ever held in Jthe Rose City.
'The affair was. iven by the Rose
Fleets and . Carnival association and
2,600 invited guests attended w roeei
the distinguished visitor and officers of
the Charleston and John Paul Jones.
The hotel was transformed Into a
veritable fairy land under the direction
of Manager Bowers. Myriads of elec
tric Hunts. Japanese lanterns, flags
all nations, bunting, flowers and every,
thing that would add to the attractive
ness of the occasion were used In dec
orating. The hotel court i was a blase
of light ! The huge electric canopy sus
pended over the center of the area was
the chief feature with a great American
flag etudded with 'electric lightaJ Be
neath the American flag was Rear Ad
miral Swinburne's flag.
XatIsb, Decorations. "
In the grass plot flowers and lanterns
were added for last night's reception
- . . l - ; Miurf wul artlatlpa.ll V
KIIU IHQ llw.w vww. " " " -
beautified with pretty decorations. De
Caprio's band , played throughout the
evening and iced punch and lemonade
were served to gueats.
Within the decorations were on even
a more elaborate scale. .Large vases
containing , bouquets of roses were
placed about the corridors and parlors,
while sweet peas, carnations, bell flow
ers, marigolds and other flowers wers
tattered about in great profusion.
The American flag formed one of the
chief decorations and hundreds of them
from tiny pieces of the red, white and
blue to others that reached from the
celling to he floor were used.
In the main parlor the guests wers
met by Oeneral Charles F. Beebe, and
Dr. 1,'lrlch Gardner and passed on to
' Lieutenant Consteln, flag-Ileutenant .and
aid to Admiral Swinburne, who present
ed them to Admiral Swinburne and of
ficers who were In tine, Including Com
mander Beatty, Ensign Poteet, Pay In
spector Ryan, Lieutenant-Commander
Klncaid, Captain Hopkins. . U. 8. M. C;
Lieutenant Winston, Dr. Foster, and
Midshipmen Glover, Collins, Kenyon and
Woodward.-. ' ': .
While the guests "were greeting the
officers, the hotel orchestra played na
tional airs and selections from popular
operas. The ruests passed from the
main parlor through the reception) room
hn ttlmnmA himt .' h cnnrt. While bill
llant Navajo blankets formed part of
the decoration.
- Xalaty lappet SerreO.
At 10 o'clock the doors of the great
dining-room were thrown open and the
guests were served with a dainty sup
per uniiraiter mmnigni. 1 r. . r
Perhaps never before has there been
such a brilliant, assemblage In Portland
as last night Handsomely-gowned
women, army and navy officers in their
gay uniforms and the evening dress of
private citizens, made the occasion one
of beautiful effects and its remem
brance wllr stay long with those who
were fortunate enough to attend. '
: The committee in chares consisted
of the following; Henry C, Bowers, J.
a Ainsworth, 8. Menrs. W. I). Wheel
wright. General Charles F. ; Bsebe, Dr.
Kenneth, A. ' J, Mackensla and 8. O.
Reed. . . " , ,
Coma froat the Properties of the Cham
pion Oronp Mlnlsg Co.
The reports from the mines in north
ern California of the Champion Group
Mining company are the most flattering
in every way.
v Th rrnnrtv consists of the following
mineral claims: McKinley quarts mine.
Mountain JOilly , quarts mine, Hannah
quarts mine, Teddy quarts mine, Le
Clair quarts mine, New Discovery placer
$100 for Yea!
Besides the fame and good
brain exercise youll get,
MONEY, ao eo after
itf It's in Woodard-CIarke'a
window today. Next Monday
it ' can be merrily, jingling in
your pockets, .
mina fhnmnlon auarti mine. Port
wicket quarts mine, Klectrlc Light
quarts mine. Crown Point quarts mine,
Trinity placer mine and Falrchlld placer
mine, together with water rights and
personal property on same more fully
described below. .
The property la located In Siskiyou
county, California, about sU miles In
a direct line west of Yreka, California,
the county seat, on one of the tribu
taries of the Klamath river, and is
situated in the Klamath River forest
reservation. From the creek-bottoms,
rhl..l. ha'i inut hn sold for 1180.000;
the Spencer mine, which has been one
or tne nenesi producer in viuviuui
the Oranits, the Boyle,, the Spangler,
the liexler. the Uncle Sam and several
In speaking of the property yesterday
Xr I Hayes, the secretary, said; . "The
main vein outcrops for MOO feet across
the Eleotrlo Light ana i;nampion ciaima.
The quarts is from one to seven feet
wide and vein mattw between walls in
some places is 80 feet wido,- Very rich
ore was taken from the surface of
this vein In the 80s by tranching. Three
Kmnmnnt tunnela have been cut. No. 1
being short snd giving about JO feet
or backs. , A arm or booui v xeei long
has been run from this- tunnel No. 2
Is. 200 feet, with a drift of 200 feet.
Thi. Aritt ha cut the ton of a, verv rich
ore shoot, as shown by the assays, and
running as high as $2,480 to the ton..
"Our president, who Is a very coo
servatlve man, is greatly enthused aver
recent developments on the properties
of the Champion Group Mining com-
any. He is not in ravor or semng more
nan a limited number , of shares for
development purposes." v
! The managers of the company think
so much of Portland and Its prospects
that they have opened their head offices
in the new coucn nuuaing on jrourm
street near wasnington.
IHr Mot Says Tonr Honrs of
Comfort, '
The river breeses are always cool.
and 1 on- a -comfortable boat you- cab
watch the scenery ana lorget your irou
bles. Boat leaves dally 7:30. 11:10 a.
m.. t:S0 p. m. - Returning leaves Oregon
City 8:S0 a. m., 1:30, 6:80 p. m.' Round
rin 4S rents. Oresron Cltv Transfer Co..
foot Main street Pacific phone Main
40. Home pnone Atzai. . -
.-vv i .ii ji '.-
Preferred Stock fknned Goods.
' Allen ft Lewis' Best Brand.- -
elow, yoa will find mtntlojied aaarly everythiar la the meat Une. Tom
will find them at RmlUt's as fresh, aa para and aa nourishing aa oar drinkjng
watsy from Boll Xoa. Boat eat Xastera meat from-soma Beef Trust mar
ket. , Boat oat Z asters, meat or something wore. . , BAT , SKXTBTB aCZAT,
rmox nam tAXZTt the only market la towm . that sells all . Oregon
nsata, " t . t " s
,t '-Baa-aas ,auxh ur bbtwxzv rxmsT abb xoovd rw. . '
; "Fishting the Deef Trust"
t m 2o to
Soup BOnes .......v......:
Boiling Beer
Beef Shanks
Beef Necks
Beef Plates
Hf Rriskets .
VUV. w "
Lamb Liver "fi?
Pigs' Heads f
Pigs' Feet ....6
Beef Kidneys
Beef Btew ..,.....-.... o
Beef Liver ...... fe
Oxtails, per pound .............f2
Short Ribs of Beef
Corned Beef '"'gf
Veal Shanks for Broth , 5c
Shoulder Roast Beef, fine. ....... . . T
Best Pot Roast ..,., 7
Rump Roast Beef m-T
tliuaat of Veal ...................
Choice Veal Stew 8
Pork Hocks c
Beef Shoulder Bieaa 'or
Prime Rib Roast Beef IOC
Best Round Steak .., JO
Beef Brains .t
Shoulder Roast Veal 'Q
Frontquarters Mutton... ... ..... . . .104
Hamburg Steak .....106
Pressed Cooked Corned Beef... .12 4 4
Frontquarters Spring Lamb ....124
Small Porterhouse. Steak,'.. .... .12H
Rolled Rib Roast Beef. . . ..... .
Beef Rib Steak
Beef Loin Steak
Leg Roast of Veal
Side Pork
Pork Shoulder Roast ..........
Leaf Lard
Lamb Shouldtr Roast ....... ..
Beef Sirloin Steak
Veal Sausage ..t
Pork Mixed Sausage
Veal Rumn ' Roast ............. 1 2
Loin Veal Cutlets 5
Rib Veal Cutlets 6
Calves' Liver ... . . j. ............ .: 5e
Pork Chop or Pork Steak.,......: 5e
Pork. Loin Roast ... 64
Legs of Mutton 5e
Lamb Loin Chops ...15c
Lamb Rib Chops ............. . ... 154
Fancy Porterhouse Steak .64
Fancy "T"-Bona Steak, ...........164
Aaova aU tMars. float fsll lat a fcoma of Oorsnuaeat Inspects meats.
There yoa WiU find the rUf-raff of the Beef Trust's packtng-hons.i the odds
7 .v.. ..w... .1.. Mta. whB Athar markets have meat which they
. . r.. hT taka it lova to the home of Government-1
InsWcUd nisats to GET KID OT IT. Hone of these hatchers ear a rap for.
oovwnrn.nt inspection, and aU this scream It is the work of the Beef
Sraat, tha eoaoerted effort of the Mig mw w onvs ou w ssu po-ra.
I The REAL Rose City Qgeen Is i
I Look for the Word "ROYAL" : AH
I Impressed in the bottom of Loaf Grocers
teepiiaMs Igsipg tofae the Bg8:
"""" TT aaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaai aaaiaaaaiamiaaaaaaaaaa-.
Every package of GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES is VERY HEAVY. Ask your, grocer,
to prove to you that you get full weight GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES is the grain coffeer;
Do not say that GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES tasted like other cereal coffees, because it
does iaste likef 45-cent coffee, if made right and not too strong. (Remember, please, that water
vischeap in Oregon.) V,.V, V .;T h 'r ' :'J-'t , : v' ; v " ' ' ,
Golden Grain Granules Can Be flad in All Up-tq-Date
Grocery Stores in the United States and
Canada, and Also in flic Folloiving Cities:
(Railroad Center.) .
' J. A. Austin. '. . '
Beebe "& Whitman.
-Haskell &G)lvin.,-,
,. ' , - .,, i j .
Woolen? MU1, Flour" Mill,
Fred Rock Mercantile Co." -Ingraham
Bros. & Co,
C & J. Gehlen. , - '
W. A. Wright, -
, Kerber & Klecker.
G.D.' Trotter.
(A Beautiful City.)
Eb'ner Bros.- ; ,
' ; .J. W. bner.;
($15,000 PayroU Per Month,'
Factory Center, Paper f
v; Mill, . Etc) . ;
,' :Millsap'&' Son
- G. T, Cotton.
, ; Bach & Buhl. i
c George L. Allen,-
(Has the Agricultural Col-
, , lege of Our State.) - j
, " l E. B. Horning. -,
" Victor P. Moses. ' V
, A.'Hodes.
; R. U Taylor. -.' ;
" ." Thatcher & Johnson. '
i, (Hops and Lumber Center.)
. , George' Cusier. J V "
1 ; 1 Julius Aim.
. ,Thompson & Dullum. ,
' , B. R. Bentson. .
: (Railroad and ; Distributing
. 't ! 'V ' Center.) ty 1 ; ; 7
Owen Beam Co.
W. A. Eastburn.
,. , , S, E. Young & Son.
, C.E. Fox.
' iw. ivaristy; . .
1 . Ellis & Son. (. '
'Any out-of-town grocer desiring a full-sized package can get one free of charge by writing
name and address on letter-head and mailing the same to Golden Grain Granules Sales Head-
jur.rtcrs, 12 Front street, Portland, Oregon.; , . t ,.t "
:r:2 fi Lewis, Lena fi Co., tlrsca, Ehrman & Co., Wcdhsms &
Co. cr.J llz-Hizcs & Kerr Drcs. Supply 'Retell Grocers In Oregon
, J 1
. aa. - "
0 X rnf
0 l.
fi r-
ill ' " V! '
, ' V i s . lv I . ' '
1 ' ' : .-v-Tr - (-Xylite -JP-
'V. I ' AftMi ';'V '
1 TiI'W 11 0
V "'"';-; '.:;' ; jT 1 II irWTlll ' immmm m .. iaBta . hiisi i mm . ...... y.
. '' In
, ; . I
With all the; SNAP and JJTYLE
of the $15 and $20 suits of
uptown stores 500 suits to
choose from more than any i
other store in toyn better values
than any store in America! ;
2 Stores
4 '
Get Them Out of Our Way Says the Contrccior
Wc can't boss the contractor. . He has the job of rebuilding our store, and we must give him plenty of
room to Work. To "make room for him w&jnust sacrifice everything in his way. These are actual bargains:
. u -
Buys - Light-Weight Sum- -mer
. Suits , in the most
popular lieht.colors, strict
ly up to, the minute in style.
4' l t ,
1 V;-'
- r la , Will surpnse you,
: when you see the
9J Cr snappy : light . gray ;
' " suits ) that - it : will
hnv. You must cnoose
'.quickly ,;;;;a
A big line of .Summer-Weight Pants, ' just , '
. the proper and comfortable thing forhot,, ,.:
weatner, worm .ou, qt.uu, anu
,$6.00, at; '."
$2.68 $2.95 $3.45
f i-V f!" , -' '"4 6
My trade has been JtmUt up on "Honest values for your money." I would not offer a "fake sale bargain under any circum
stances. It would not be giving the public a fair' deal. My store offers legitimate bargains always. . Dont be afraid of fake
sales'.' here. . I must, sell a lot of goods to get them out'of the way, so I offer them at a sacrifice while they are in season.
. 'Ik lava 1
j . r
. r V -rt 4 I
' til II V I 1
'..ii ii. ii ii
(7; . . . vav
Buys Suits that must
be moved . while the
warm weather makes
them so much needed,
8P For Suits that can
not be excelled, for
k style quality arid
good, tailoring, is
what we charge now.
ISfegligee-and Golf Shirts, nobbiest pat
terns made, at these genuine reductions:
$1.00 Value $1.50 for ;$2 and $2.50 , ,
! V
t i
Lack of space makes
it impossible to list all
of our goods, but every
thing in the ' store J is
greatly reduced in price.;
Take a tip trfat you.
are getting only high
grade goods when you
buy at this store. ; Every
thing is guaranteed ab
solutely. ,