12 THE" OREGON; DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,1 WEDNESDAY EVENING, 7UNE 3, 1207. ..vi . . J ' . J 1 uiup m '. i- ',-' ! v.. ftp ...- ffl I ri SEW TODAY. Oregon Journal 789 Market St, bet 3d & 4 th jLDTrmTiimnjirT Awn nra- ' Oregonlans when la San Francisco ran have their mall ant In car of The Journal offloe. ARTHUR I4 FISH. Representative. NEW TODAY. . 1 - V''-'''-,; 'l 'V ';," '- Speculator Best bargaiv ever offered in Portland. , Acreage . be- tween the rivers, adjoining the O. R. & N. Co. terminal and Swift Co. property, Why pay for a 50x100 lot when the same money buys one acre of land having rail and water frontage, which will become in the very hear future Portland's shipping center? ' , ' ' ' BECOME WISE by care fully investigating this ex traordinary bargain. Call at flood IflverTBarlain $2,950 T4 ACZE8 all under high state, of cultivation; acres in orchard Z rear old, standard variety treee, witn brrlea between; 1U acres In clover and oata; rood- creek 'on one aide of place; abundance of . free, water for Irrigat ing; county road on two sides of place; near ach 00 1, church and atora; 3ft rallna from Hood River; . now f -room frame house; good fences. TM, will pay for Itaelf In two year a and la the beet-bar-gain In this beautiful valley... - If you want an Ideal r Hood River noma that will be a money-maker It will pay you to Investigate thla; easy, terms, . .-- , DEATHS Mil T HB I... .11 Martin .Lnttiae Mil. MEETING NOTICES HELP WANTEDMALE. poisoning, suicide, v 1 ' , MOKGAN-rJune 23, Mrs. Roale K. Mor gan, aged SO years, 8 months and 12 days, 240 H Second street, tuberculosis. OA MS June 24. Earl H. Gaus, aged It year, 630 fe Twenty-nrsi , etjeet; cerebro spinal meningitis. , SORENSON June 24, Chrla Sorenson, aged 2 years, at uooa namarttan nos- Eltai; pyelitis. '. -. r -UEG June 22. Wong fluey, Chinese, aged 62 years, 63 ft Second street; can cer or liver. , . ' .; FARRELL June 12, John Farrell, aged 87 yeara, at saiam, ur.. or apoplexy. TQ-HIGHTr . Better come ana vicinity io mi vacancies causea Dy promotions; experience unnecessary riremen, iiuo montniy, necome engi neers and earn 2200: brakemen. 276. be come conductors, earn 4160; name po sition prerrrea. . iiauway Association, room . 427 Monroe at- MroomyruM Y. Employment headquarters for all North American railroads; distance no bar. Positions guaranteed , competent men. - CAMP 41 'W.O.W.: 3a. MEET ME. NEIGHBOR, - lomorrow jniidl And Every Thuraday Night, iu uur nmw -jempie, - f 12S 11th at - UNDERTAKERS Devlin & Firebautjh 500-809 l aTwetlamd Bldrt eor. Stk and A-mu rector. hiat 12th and Umatilla, Phone Egvf.t.V rt ii-tti 1-f.i) Scllwoed Tl. . Lady assistant , - f feh;y; Valn. Phowa undertakers ? and embalmers; ' modern I tFMAftjfettJ ia 'wmfftnnr ilaWVI X?"tJ:Xnlh nd i,n' M,B nd Opic..ns:284 Washington st "Win, BUY .TOUT A'JjOT AT HAWTHORNE AVENUE and 48th Street Finest home place In Portland. To see property take Mt. Tabor-Reservoir or Mt Hcott car at First and Alder ata. Portland Realty&Tnist Co. 10f KXCOn ST. .J'' A $10,000 Invest ment Absolutely Safe v QTY PROPERTY AS SECURITY I know of an Investment that la aa safe aa a government bond: It will nro- duce f per cent annually and no doubt about It C. W. Davis. 170 Stark st . once. (illingsworth WALNUT ; PARK A ehAlc froctlorutl int In thla rani. dence restricted district on Williams avenue near Killingsworth. East front age and has a line car service. Thla la an exceptionally choice buy and la very cheap at the price. Kasy terms. . Price 600. r .:::,-. Suburban Lots 100x100 corner near, the end of the Vernon line. Just put on the market, and if taken this week can be had for 400. Eanv terms. This is a bar gain and a good chance to speculate. HARTMAN & THOMPSON csaiouss or coinsxxcB. MAX M. SMITH. FLORIST. 160 6TH St., opposite Meier A Frank's. , Mala 3Tp.' V'fNLkY A 's6KS. n aK MadI- aon , st a. - etnee ox county Phone Main t. A.' B. HEJaafOCi. M. W.' A. 'REdOM dRATE CAMP N(V .71. Mondays. 17th . and Marshall. visitors welcome. ' BUSINESS NOTICES coroner. FUNERAL M-; INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND RrT.f 'Covenant Contract Cn. 427 Fliednur niog. Aiain jyi, -- FLANKERS; y iiinuni, , . ... , .Jt. w, 8ELLkRiftNts CO.. .FL'Kfiftlt Dl- hiw:,TOn" -Jh"; asAVtfrj-kr-ai amhal 77 1 W ItSalSkl a H.sl sir I " ' "- " " " 108:ndy assistant.'"" " "TTfl PP.r L4 Pf v 220 2d st , chnnlo. . caroenter ' and all kinds of ERICSON -UNDERTAKINO CO, AND cheap. 1?. Baumgart. 188 17th St., city! embalming. 40 Alder, st . Mala pTTW?5 Vrrvrvn birnxr bikif is. c e. canton, in 14th st tl 2 2. Lady assistant. CEMETERIES niiAin ficn oumuft utrA.co, livi w. . . , i..-k. l... family lota, slae aoxl, for 1100 endli";-. vmi upwards, sccordlng to slse; the only MINING AND INDUSTRIAL' SOCkA and bonds bought and sold. Corre spondence invited. H. W. Donahue ft Co., 612 Buchanan biag. Phone Main 7S6S. TtrM"irr ntiifv T.rvtn lust !- tioua young man of neat appearance andood addresa to learn a pleasant and profitable business: rair salary to start witn: excellent cnance tor aavancemem F-402, JournaL - . , vAlSTlil FOUR -MEN WILLING TO work evenlnga from s to 10 o'clock: wagea 26 per week, with s prospect of earning 'more; .only responsible men of good physical condition need .apply ana oniy mose wining xo carry a nwi wper route.' a-duw, journal. 8.60 PERy MONTH SAVED FOR few years will pay an annual Income or iboo'io fi.evo. investigate tma rruit land investment now. w-401, Journal, NOTICES. cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains and carea for lots. For full information annly to W. R- Mackensle. Worcester block, city. W. M. Ladd. SEALED PROPOSAL8 WILL BR RR. president. - f v celved by me at my office. No. I 1st ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES, 10; st;. i-oniana, vr up to II O'clock noon famtlv lnliL li& ta 17S flunerintend. I of Wedneadav. June I. 1807. for the fiil. ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont at Mowing personal property located at ana wuuy rona. rnone iwiDor oriou.n Dn, nun.; .. una aioca oi general mercnan aise, inventoried at.... 9 M77.ll full information apply to Frank 8chlereU tot Commercial blk. Phone Main 222. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS One store building, on teaaed ground. Inventoried at..... .; 1.2SM0 iioretner witn nxiures ana lights belonging to the bldg.) 'i wo torses, wagon ana . nar- ness. inventoried at ....... . . 10S.no 100 1 Three casn registers, , Inven- ' - ion m ................... t,4ZB.iil One Urge safe. Inventoried at. , 276.00 821 180 800 P Hawlev. lota 2' and 4. block 48. East Portland ........ 10.000 Utto J. Kramer to Harriet U. and William Irwin, lot 8, block 1, Bon Ton addition E. F. and Dladama Day to Guy Delano, lota 28 and 28. Bralnard John H. and Agnes E. Lewis to Hans Rasmusaen, block . 4, RussellvlUe addition Arleta Land company to John W. ana Harry m. Muney, iot x, block 12. Ins Park .......... John W. and Anna Fllnk to Mar- cla B. Raamussen, lot 12, block 2, Rochelle ' C. McKee to Alice L. , McKee. lot 20. block (. Tremont Park.. George F. and Arlatlne . Felts to Charles W. Tousley, lot II, block X, Albion addition to Ai- bins .... .i Benjamin And Mary E. Rosen- k stein et aL to Ida M. Buell. west 84 feet of lot 6 In south half of Double B "L city .. 11.000 Cerda C Wallin-Hermanson to R. C and M. u. Hunter, , lot . block 6, Monticello addition.. John H. and Alic L. McKeen to Jesse C. McKee. lot 1, block 1L Woodstock addition John A. and Alice L. McKeen to Jesse C-McKee, lot 20, block t, Tremont Park .,..,...,.. John H. and Alice L. McKee to , Jesse C M McKee, lot 10, block u?,. '?? Lel Kn'sylvanla 'ii- Lull' to Angelo and Anna Cereghlno to jamesy ana Jennie u. -MucKie, lots and 7, block 48, Couch . .i i . i m Michael and Ellen O'Brien to Jnhn Hnhl Int. 1 mnA K1A..I. 2. Leah's addition'......' 1.800 n lot niJscellaneous store ',, Phillip Metschan. truatee. to W. . .rutures I.44I.O0 You a 'Renter? ' Total . ...................210,674.14 Terms cash. Certified check for to per cent of the amount offered must Ac company each bid. and the right Is re served to reject sny snd all bide. Inventory may be seen on application ana property .may oe inspectea at soutn Bend. wash. i - Dated at Portland. Or this 12th day Ot WI.' i "L ' "' ' ; t R. I BABIN. No. T 1st st 1 125 NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET- ING. ' - ' .' -. I meeting of the stockholders of the Mld- w,r Oil company will be held at the 20 1 office of Ladd ft Tllton. Portland. Or.. at i o'ciock p. m. on Wednesday, July uvltlon of such other business as may come before the meeting. - , WILLIAM M. WHIDDEN, ..'!, Secretary. BIDS WILL 3E RECEIVED BY THE 100 10 10 county i commissioners of Multnomah county. Oregon, un to 10 o'clock a. m.. July 2, 1807, when bids will be opened for the building of 10.160 feet of road In townships 1 north snd 1 south, range 4 east, known as the Llttlepage road. Plans and specifications snsy be aeen In the office of the county surveyor, Port land. jr. . i THE" HavthorneAve.&48thSt Pay for It as you pay rent 'v' 323 Gtante of Commerce Lots $300 tb $700 10 A KOm one or more. i JOMORE . Interests the. investor ' all the time, because it is an addition of actual value, within the' city limits.'. . You have nothing to pay for, only the lot.. The building restrictions, will .make JONESMORE A district of pretty homes. You have sidewalks, graded streets and Bull Run water. vYou' are on the city side of a district with a population of 4,000; an" established car Jinc with ; 10 minute service runs through center of tract. Ve can agree ' on terms. Remember, the price ' you pay is all you pay. Alfred M. Lull, north 24 feet of lot 6. block 82. Stephens addition. Asa C. and Maud Burdick to W. H. Hudunt lots 17 and , 18, block 120. University Park .... J. Keith Wilson and Mary K. Wilson to Daniel H. Harnett lots 6 and 7. block L Wilson's addition Herman Metsger et al. trustee, to ( Frank Kolmaier. lots s, s ana 10. block 8. Reservoir Park ... Grace E. and Ben F. Greene to, W. A-iBean, lot , diock .-a." ... Cherrvdale ....... Nellie and .Thomas J. McCam-. bridge to Olor monquiet. lots 7 and 8, .block 11, . M. Patton addition to Alblna r J. Anil I.ihhle M. Mason to An- My 6-room house and 100xl20-foot lot! drew McMaster, lot 10, Lamar- at 1456 Rodney ave., come out and seel gent Park No. 2 it. Woodlawn nr . Vancouver can friilt. I nnr H ,nr1 Olive J. Pllrer chicken yard, barn. Phone Union 1215. to Marie Hahn, lot 7. block 66,' Price $2750, Terms ChaS. E." Short E-!?-ni ima ' &v "HoimeV "o block 66, OREGON LIBRARY COMMIS- slon hereby Invites bids for furnish ing school - library books for the pur- . 1. - . AAO . . . . 1 . Lll. I , . " I Oregon, In sceordance with provisions I of chaDtetrl22. lawa of 1906.' Lists and .7fl information -will be furnlshejt upon ap r "v I plication to secretary at Sgtiem. Bids win oe opened July 16, 1907. SOBER, ' RELIABLE MAN, HAVING references and some money to invest can secure splendid situation; profits Unlimited. Call or address 22U Morrl- son st, room 2. . . WANTED STEADY, . RELIABLE boys, llvinr with parents, between ages 17 and 20, to learn-the molders' trade: must have first-class reference. Apply Willamette Iron ft Steel . Works, foundry, 28d nnd York sts. - WANTED FIRST-CLASS FURNACE man.' J. C. Bayer Furnace Co. i WAhWED SADDLE-MAKER; ' G06d mechanic; steady Job, at 24.00 per day, Address u. M, 1 otanord, Lewistown Mont. . WANtED-kDtTfiAtE& " V6UG' "MEi! ' to ' study telegraphy.' ' Positions ' st good wases when competent. - Oregon college, hi commonweaitn oiqg. WANTED BOY , WITH WHEEL. Jones' Book Store. 291 Alder st WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG MAN TO learn real estate business; ' excep tional proposition at the present times! Apply 616 Bwetinnd bldg., bet Z and 4. WANTED tO$& ' AND LOUNGE maker. 66 Front, oor. Davis. WANTED TWO YOUNG MEN ABOUT HELP WANTEDFEMALE WANTED YOUNG LA DIKS TO LKARN TELEPHONE OP-" KRATING; ', GOOD SALARY, SHOUT HOURS, PAY WHILE LEARNING; LUNCHEON, SERVED FREE OF CHARGE AND LOUNGING AND REST : ROOMS IN CONNECTION. AP PLY CHIEF OPERATOR, TEL- ' J5PHONE BLDG., WEST PARK AND ALDER STS. AVAX1ED -TO RI2NX'. WANTE1 TO RENT ABOUT A 14X18 . - .) up II .Mil m.iiiw. . . - Commonwealth Trust Co.. 6th and An keny. phones Mnln 394; A-24B5. LiPUAiU, 'woLfe & Co, LlDman. Wolfe ft Co. require sales women for permanent positions In num erous departments; highest wages, ao cording to experience and ability. Ap ply to superintendent, on main floor. , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK to. go in country ror summerj wages 930, f7 Taylor t. BY. REFINED. Ployed, room private family: 42. or N-40, Journal. YOUNG LADY, EM and board in refined porch andard. Main . WANTED KEAL JJTATE , MR. WANT MQNEY, IF YOU WANT 100 men to sell your property to their" friends, list It with me; new plan.-M. D. Howse. 6 th st Main 8188. 1 HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR GOOD Income property, farms and lots. What have yon. Cyril Harland,. 848V4 " Washington st. n . 1 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTH lng and shoes: we also buy household furnlshlnga; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 2 l. Sd. Phone Pa. rifle 1722. ; ' DO NOT SELL YOUR HOUSEHOLD" f roods' berore seeing us; we pay best res. Austey Bros.. 226 lat at Phone WAHTl.-rk AnVANCKD fiTTTDENTS IN Paclflo 1970 t . .'- telegraphy? main line practice posi-jWE HAUL DEAD. HORSES AND CAT tlons when competent. Oregon College,"! . tie free. Oregon Fertiliser Works, or 603 Commonwealth nirtg. -. j,notiry barney s veterinary, 4to and AtiWttm WAVTa'A dtiT.w' ROOM ro'"""...t.-.l. Main 1968. with or without board. from 2nd CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SAVi Of July. Address X-809. Journal. age ft Pennell. 346-847 1st sV Phone niDT . cum. r-iMTiv. c A HV 1 Paclf 10 260. ' . ' furniture and clothing want: ed; highest cash prloa paJd. Fox A Brower, 82 N. 8d at Phcm Main 2111. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE. - PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, .: m.nn nnoo. ill in st. GIRL SMALL FAMILY: EASY work; (rood wages. 90 K. lfith st 20. - 66 Front, cor. Davis. WANTED BOY OVER 16 TO LEARN bookbinders' trade: good opening for the right boy, , Lovejoy ft Lincoln, 128 1st st. wanted Immediately", (experI: encea ornce man ror out or town; per manent position. Address E-40S. Jour nal. ' " WANTED PARTIES TO CUT , WOOD at 11.60 Der cord. . u. a. lleeeie. lenta. ur. VVAt,ED-X G60D" FiREkAW. 6rS- - goo, r ifrnjiure Aiig. vu. auacaoaoi roaa. LETTER-CARRIERS AND CLERKS AT once, to prepare for coming civil service examinations: permanent post tlons and good salaries. Call or write Pacinc . States : Schools. McKay Bldg. city. ' - f WANTED ONE FIRST CLASS WOOD turner. Oregon Planing MUL 18th and vaugnn. WANTED-1-SMALL , PONY BROKEN to ride: must be arentle and sound. Apply Portland Riding academy.. ' FIREWORKS. .... Kwang Sang Wa comDanv Is located at 810 1st st, . and has fireworks for sale, wholesale and retail. WE WANT A FIRST-CLASS SLAUGH- ter-house butcher: we will rive steadv Job- at best wsges -td a sober, , trust worthy ' man. ' Frank L. SmHh Meat Co.. ZZS-J28 Alder st. Also casing man. CHERRY PICKERS r WANTED Work In- city. Call today, or early Thursday morning. 128 Front at. Phone evenings. Tabor 628. 'v' -" WANTED 2 FIRST-CLASS, " EXPER Take Nqtjce-oniy ajew Portland Realty &TrustCo. acres left--each acre a for- J wcojtd t. tune. Price, $1,000. - Buy Am porced ,n Se 1,400 450 62S I 1,000 IBID8 FOR FOOD SUPPLIES WANTED j ' dv xne -ort or fortiana aunng July. 1907. will be received at the office In ienced cabinet-makers; none other iiinu aiptTi nvme .ivicuuuiv ui. it. I and Barnslde sts. ' - "' - HELP WANTED PE3IALE"; City hall until noon of July 1, 1907. Aul nias must pe made on forms which can WANTED WAITRESS IN - OUR be had bv applying at the office. John Iu"?n room, can toaay. Bweiiana. P. Doyle, clerk. - i?" KorTp LOST AND FOUND LUNCH WAITRESSES WANTED, an hour, at Morris' restaurant Waahtngton st 25c 229 WEATHER RETORT The north Pacinc higlt pressure area was central tnis morninar over wvominar and South . Dakota, and the barometer j L-uminuea relatively low over caurornia, I .-.i mwnalte of Alblna Arlsona. nnl . New Merino. Th. mull I j ,nal '2.wn.SIe. '5.Ai?,mJ. lor. lots 8 and 10. Peninsular addition No. 4. Fleichner and Louise 8. Linn to, William . Whiteside, lots 6 and 7. block I. Bingham additbn,,, . MrsjvE.1 A. McKensie to S. A. Matthleu. lots 19 and 20, orlg- 1,2001 610 250 650 FOUND A- PLACE . TO HAVE HAIR WANTED GIRL. TO ..EARN TO SEW mattresses renovated and returned 1 ' mattress ticks, power machines, 66 same day. 228. Front st Main 474. 1 Front, cor. Davla. . , . Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Mats- HELP WANTED UNI 6n LAUNDRY- riuiincivr, i 'company. LOST BROWN JERSEY COW; TOP HANSEN'S LADIES' : AGaNCY1, ' til hi ' of horna cut Return to 77 Morris St. I Waahlnrton St.. corner- Seventh, tin. LOST PLAIN ' GOLD i BAND RING tsirs. Phone Main ,2692: Female help I with" the letter "M."' Return to Mar- wanted. .,-....... , cub. Journal ofllce and receive reward. GiRig , WANTED OPERATORS TO 1X)ST LADIES' - BLACK POCKET- I work on shirts snd overalls. Lessons book, at oaks. Bundav,' Finder keeo the I given to inexperienced. Apply at Btana money and return contents to Journal ard factory No. 8, Grand ave. and East office. . (- j Taylor st-''- . . . , LOST ON SUNDAY, ON CAZADERO GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD car : or near Gilbert, an emblem of I - factory NO. 2, Grand ave, and East WANTED GIRL TO HELP IN KITCH- en: German preferred: 215 per month to start, and room: easy, place. Apply 878 Taylor st, near 4th, between 1:30 and 2 p. m. . . Wanted - good , lady demon- atrator. Call 69 H 6th; room 4. Call m. " WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER ON IF YOU WANT TO SELL. SEE US'." 1 Second Hand Palace. Highest prices Said for second-hand poods. 867 Flan ers. Phone Main 2518. ranch; no objections to a child; more HIGHGEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL Hinan oi Htfcona-ncna gooos. union Kxcnsnge. tB f ront st. Pacific 1481. for comDanv: one man and a bov to ennk fnri nice . nleaaant nlace to live. State wagea wanted, etc. F-403. Journal, f tEFORMlfY APPLIANCES MADE TCi WANTED A GIRL TO. ASSIST IN oruer. jj.. k. Kariaon ft CO, 861 An- housework from 8:80 to 12:30 every keny st.. Main 6280. day. Phone East 4818. WANTED FURNITURE ANDh6U8E" " WANTED EXPERIENCED MANGLE . hod . rofds . of every description v gins ana irnners i mo jracma iaun-j r, j , ,.,7 ,7 ' V...ti dry. 231 Arthur st. . 1232 1st. Main 8874. Home A-2S27 WANTED GIRL OR MIDDLE AGED WANTED TO BUY GOOD CANOli woman for Uirht hnilaewnrk mull I ' "" mnin loti family. Phone East 628. WANTED BOOKKEEPER AND TYPE- wrlter for office work; give phone numner. Address euz, journal. WANTED A COOK FOR A FAMILY; ' no washing or ironing; Apply to- Mrs, thorne ave. WANTED YOUNG good wages. Burrell; No. 828 Haw- dress circulars LADY! TO and act aa cashier; Wanted team and tank" WAdotf ' for hauling water. .Two months' Job. -B-403, Journal. ; . r WE WILL BUY YOUR H6USEHOt,'b" goods and guarantee best prloea. Call, phone or write. 6. J. A L. Rubensteln, 175 Front St.. opposite NaUonal hotel. Pacific 1401; HZ. Wanted peterbow dJhioE, '," i" i?i; : state areSand nrlee. cash. ill. AA,SAiA m .iiu . mim . , i ... , , state STneHenne Itiil aalarv evnecteiL I dress X-403. Journal. . Address H-402, Journal. WANTED-OIRL TO WORli ff ICk cream store, FINISHER-S Call at 423 E. Morrison. "ON" WANTED ON PANTS: steady wont: gooa wages.,. ivt com monwealth ' bldg. v - ' WANTED BOOKKEEPER FOR LAUN- dry In city; state age and experience. Address x-402. journal.- IRONERS Will pay' cash f6r s or 4 cows- 1 I musi ne cneap. oive description ana- ! price; nrsi tetter, give pnone. Heath, 1288 Missouri ave. -r ' , , FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT . s 4 COMPLETELY FURNISHED ROOMS. ' the lower floor In a good neigh- borhood; 60 feet of parka; easy walk to ousiness; rent ror July snd August; - WANTED HAND IRONERfl ANf mangle girls, r Hotel Portland laun-1 inquire at 350 CUy at, or Joseph L. dry. . I Melrath, room 17. 227H Washington st If none wain e7s, or icmo 6sb6rn h6teu grand AVe. aS-B E. Ash: furnished rooms, slnrla and STENOGRAPHERS, BOTH MALE AND en suite. X Northrup, proprietor female, good positions open with best rwBi bfUM Itftt iiii i iwi ' it m firms;, no charge. . Underwood Type I Elerantlv furnished: stesn heat and writer Co., 68 th st WANTED--WOMEW, BOYS AND GIRLS THE GRAND, 4&U N. it) St.-R66Md L',r.0rAJ", C"An..r,i,vA.IPi3rT.t.? for gentlemen, fl.25 per week snd up. vision sts - tauTEL ROYAtlWWH; NICH Wanted-ambitIous people t6 perwk.60 Cnt"' 11 Pr n,hti 11 ! 5 oprt;nitetVXotnemTyt,cour5: FURNISHED' R66M. 1 mbftftsf of study with the International Corre- . flat; walking distance. 96 North 12th. spondence Schools of Scranton; no ezpe- THE COLLINGE NICELY FURi rlment; Indorsed by thousands. . nished rooms. . hot - wate4n every AGENTS. 8 ALES MEN -AND SbLicW- iZVAi." ph.?Ju.A1!Ld .HV.v'- AA ,S ' ore. if there is any article vou wish Ir week; no children. 821 4th. cor. Clay. to handle but don't know where to get 1 FURNISHED ROOMS HOTEL OX- it. come or write, solicitors Bales-1 rora, etn ana uan; sweu rurnisaea men's Headquarters. 66 6th st Main I front suites $7 per ' week. Also bath 6188.""'.' .,-.- ...,-,...:.,. '; j suites. ' 'h'.-,... ... HELP WANTED AND ' " SUPPLIEDT THE CHETOPA NEV,- MODERN . male or female. R. CI rHralca. ao(u I anartmenta. now onen. . corner 18th Washington st. Pacific 1870. - land Flanders sts. Clarence J. Wheeler, ageni. witn 'l ull uidds. fine DI-ODOSition. Call at 201 Flle'dne- FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN FLAT. bldg. ... - - I 6th st. , Telephone A8350. Or : , ; uommonweaitn Trust Co. - '" . SITUATIONS WANTED MALE , HANDSOMELY FURNISHED' tORNER k , i. j,. ,-,--1 ,- j suit to man and wife op liuslnaaa FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN OF BU8I-I woman. Phone Paclflo 618. ness ability, at present representlna I r-nn ' ur'n ' fc-rTtjujraurn-K tAA- AddVess QcFL. gnUhotT FOR ' RENT-C6MPLETELY , FUR- PAtENT MEDICINE - SALESMAN. InrtSiZFS ' Well ' connected In Chieas-n. la nnan for a proposition where ability and salesmanship . will Insure good salary. Address R. H. O.. Eaton hotel. " - HIGH-CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD. disturbance yesterday over the lake re-! f ion nas increased in energy and moved o the upper St ' Lawrence valle. Fair weather continues on the Pacific slope, with temperatures slightly above nor mal. Showers and thunderstorms have i occurred in Kansas. Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee the Ohio valley; lower lake region, middle Atlantic, and New Eng land states.. It la cooler In the lake region, and slightly warmer in the At lantic States. . , ' " i Hv: '- :..,;,'.("" The indications are ror fair weather i F. Orahirn to Robert E. Menefee.; lot 1. Glenwood Park, 11,000 j. w. ana uertruae r: nimmona to Rntntiel Kinder, lot . DIOCK 8. North Irvlngton ....' 1,800 William end Chloe Flledner to A.,. ; SPhllan. west 6 feet 6 Inchea of t : r Jnt A mnA mromt S fat A InrhM i in south 20 feet of lot 8. snd ; r east 39 feet 8 Inches of lot v , 6. and east 19 feet 6 Inchea of a- - .1 JJIIU. . : ,ZDW I order of Eastern Star, reward. , Address Taylor et.' M-4a, journal. .. -- .. HELP WANTED MALE. EXPERD2NCED GIRL FOR GENERAL -. housework In family of two; must know how to cook: good wagea. 804 Mortn Z4tn st: In this district tonight , and tomorrow: er.n.1',?- n?; ,Yrlfa ViS It will be warmer east of the Cascade , Winn e Carey. J " mountains. ' v J 40, block .,56, Peninsular ad- ; 3.210 WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE I girLs TO WORK iN CRACKER FACV iuv io-iDv per inonin, umi n . short hours, best wages, work more; stock-olean, grown on reserve-1 clean and light. Pacino Coast;3lscuU nun. mi yrviin.iu. vau u- company, 12th ana pavis, dress Washington v Nursery Co . Top- penish, waahtngton. ' ' f -Temp. Max. Abilene, Tex. ...... 96 ' Chicago. III. 80 i Denver. CoL .....'. 74 -. El Pa so. Tex. ,..v160 Helena, Mont 71 v Los Angeles, Cal. , 74 x.. New Orleans, La. . 90 Portland. Or. ..... Roseburg, Or. -, . Sacramento. CaL . St. Louis, Mo. v.V Salt Lake, Utah ., San Antonio, Tex., Snn Francisco. CaL Tacoma, - Wash , . Washington. D. C.. Yuma, Arls. .......100 THE RfVER. 88 90 tt. 8 , 80 66 84 60 84 -88 Min.' Preclp. ,.01 .04 . .0 .0 .0 .26 .0 ' .0 .0 .0 .01 .0 .0 72 60 -60 i 64 46 iti , 1 ' 74 t 65 , 66 "- 68 64 ' il 74 68 .0 ,0 JONESMORC Lots are 50x100 feet, $350 to $500. GEO: D.SCHALK The' river will remain nearly station- ditlon No. 4. ! Jarec C. and Ella Aiken to Ernest E. and Lydia ri. lunng, lot s, block 1,- subdivision of north- . east 14 of tract "U" M. Pat--; -ton tract i . . . Freldrlch and Therese ; Flch to, Dora ThormahleTji lot 7, block 82. Woodlawn v ., . . .... . Abram and . Anna . Dllley to E. C, Cousens, lot 9, Deiasnmutt & Oatman's Little Homes No. 8. - Pumroy and , LnurA Bishop to Henry ! weeaKHn, ' .acres pe- ginning at point in center of county road. 1.367-63 ; feet-east of H corner. on west side of, section 88, township 1 north, ranee 2 east ................ , Real Estate Investment assocla-' . i tion to Mflttie D. Carpenter, lot '. ae .i i-Sjs (1.11 1 1001 WE PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS IN Oregon. Divorce cases a specialty. In moat, mm, nllantM nef not Inn,,, In i , . tn rmm it r u i. pad m t irir uuta. I : - . . . ' . . . . ... . . n" u-c, - vx,. . vi. .vui.,. y'"3' I court.- iuooeraie , lees, Aaaresa tt-l, sno rsmniu sis. flannel lroners and general laundry help. East Side Laundry . Co., E. Ash WANTFTW STARTHWORK iHONffiRA . . . . ' . . . . . union iioiei . si xm. BiJixn si., runiiiAKw un. i and "Jth.' Phone East 809. iftaVL? week?e?oom 250 un-nt! OUNG LADY CLERK FOR OUR 3.1.50 per week, room, 2 Bo and up, ape-l r. tA(,p avt,tian. tit utor. 1,200 400 1,350 4,000 i "JTLJl--"-'' f rison. L. inT.M.Aiia 1 'ttiBNrsn m av f.b- ALL KINDS OF help wanted AT ' VteVdf Employment Thi P.T. CrVnln ..I1,1? 1.5:-..BmL'?nnA.. am - . . . . "' , . ., . -i I W7sT JTl"" IOUM Bl, i JTJ Jl C. 1 1 1 OVaSl V wrr.r. let nONTHinr Tft sink ro. I t5Tr C.rr.. ! lnte0retst"n minS 2ft W tWANTBD TO WORK IN PA jf Alder. -v! " .-'- I ; per-box factory steady, clean work. MEN AND BOYS WANTED T6 LEAR LU" Jj T'"" nlumbing. - Plastering, blocklavlna-. vjrn, r v i ,- trn x oi- electrical, trades:, free catalogue: posl- i clan with .or without experience in tlons secured. Coyne Trade Schools, ?rcuc,f;?0;2i c?nc for advancement New ' Yorsr ana Ban Francisco "''. i1""' ary . tomorrow and fall at the rate of Keal . Estate ..- Investment o- nletlnn to Lewis D. Caroenter. lots 1 and : 2, block , 74, Sell wood ... ................... . EL ;W. and Josephine L. Jones to John Gartner, lots l an zo, block 4. Flrland t. . , . Moore Investment company to O.- O. Smith, lot 3. block-,65, Ver- non ..... . 264 Stark St. Both phones, Main, 392; A.2391 Ho! For a Home I lAViTIIOHiilE AVENUE end 48th Street . Ride nut and see the building aetrvlrj here. Buy now and double your mone To see property take Mt- Tabor-Reser-or or iut Scott car. First snd Alder etreets. '.-' o v. I Pcrl!:nd Cecity fiTmstCo. set crcosrs st. two tenths of a foot a da" during the ! remainder or tr.e weeK. ? . r MARRIAGE LICENSES. George " W. Chllson. 52 Fifteenth street, 82; Laura Teresa Sharp, 26. .Eugene O'Hara, os Tnirteenth street, "ia-M'Rrowiolu ' Kt' Morri.n ftitle guarantee A Trust company troai II- lnMA fSinfitna-hank -IS.. . to W llliara J. orein. IOI 1 f ana IV Cleea- 11- Mettle M. Cunnlns'-I " south of lot 16, and north 14j Frank.'wVtlowM;!iJe.niU ?r,& rwon l Henry end v i wmiom fnw ttF . ttsi I north Vt r nortlv of oth nrariuf8. 17 . ... . ; i v . . , east M of outheat 4 of eec-. I I tlon 25. township 1 nue,.4Uj Anna u. Karstena, 30,5-) Aiary i-inizaa, m, -. Gregory MacGregor, Jl; Jean Mac &.innon, is E. J. - M street 28: Olive E.. Stone. 20. Ernest E. Gilmer. 206 Stark street. 21: u. May Anerna, is, 1 ' WE PRACTICE IN ALL' COURTS, IN WANTED CHORUS - GIRLS; . GIRLS 100 - Oregon; divorce esses a specialty.1' In L. 1ol chorus, with youth, good looks and most cases clients need not appear In pnenct nov necessary f sing court Moderate fees. Address A-S16 "d dancing taught.4 Apply between I Tn.nii 111 and 1. stasre Baker theatre. ' t 400 I LADY BARBER SHOP. FOUR CHAIRS'; WANTED-CAMP COOKS, FLUNKIES. prompt service. 64 4th St , Lady bar- I :- waiters, j .waiiresses, . cnamoermaios, ber wanted . " . , , , f hotel cooks, short-order cooks, dlh- 8-" Wanted energetic men ii w",neI!- SBiKn??"Sl north, i tion j 2 5, township ranc-e a east T. A. and Anna Baker to Fred-' erlck Moeiier, lots i , and 3fi block 4,' Gray's addition to, A1-" blunt' , '" Matteson. ..389 JCast; Biirnside George Bsmrpra,-- administrator. fo n. jsamioro, unoiviaea 1-5 of lot 1 and north 25 feet " of lot 2. block 122," Stephens' ; Wedding Carda. W. G, Smith & Co, j To2L w-in lAMmiUiAi ' 'i ashlnirtin bldg.. corner 4th and Wash-1 ?5,.R5 '' KJ,nw imJ-ni8t.rt.0.r:, 375 800 800 750 300 Portland and state. , L AIna worth V.' - " f'.V? 4 svi7ji iiiui i invu p.) . g wviu w. WANTED GIRLS Smith 109 Sherlock bldg. WILL GIVE RENT OF SMALL DIN TO MAKE F1TZ wen shirts and Boss of All overalls Washington bldg.. corner 4th and Wash. Ington sts. - -'-i-'T v.-..-. Tonaeth & Co.. florists, for flowers of all kinds.-. -'133 6th st - - ' Clarke Bros., Florists Fine flowers Ing-room. kitchen, parlor and bedroom IvTaT". A1"!? In new hotel in exchange for board for " " " two persons. Inquire 206 let st. TWO SALESLADIES PERMANENT ONE MARBLE POLISHER AND (ONE aJPlo,n't0 HQL CaU on ail around marble and granite cutter I , ,l i''",.. . v""v ..un wanted at once. Apply to F. w. watts, t v- m. ; i ne i.'aiiea, ur. - i . w aim x tui x kivss LiAux Hi JiJNUUKA- MAN TO WORK FOR LARGE COR- Per. and bookkeeper Apply Portland i vest 3100 cash as security; only hustlers WANTED EXPERIENCED i wanted. zzs Lumper Exchange. PEERLESS COMBINATION DEATH. sickness, accident, quarantine, hos pital, medlcai. surgical and other bene. ins: easy-to sell; -nig commissions; county managers wanted. Oregon and Washington. Union Provident League, roruana, ur. ? George C Bamford. undivided l-i or soutn e reet or lot li and north 23 feet . of lot , J." block 122. Stephens' addition.. 100 1 FOR ABSTRACTS. TITLE INS1TR. llbd " Full dress suits iTor rent, alt sIsesL Title Tmst Co.. 204-5-6-7 Falling bldg. Unique Tailoring Co 809 Stark st GET YOUR INSURANCE AND Xll- ' ' " " ' " streets to real estate from the J Title i v BIRTHS . .. Guarantee Trust Co., 240 Washington --jm- - '- i -. i -, -L - .-. r,: -ur st, cor- 2d-' ' r '"'u " -' ' " HARTMAN June .21, to Mr. and Mrs. ' 1 1 - Yl E. A. Hartman, 454 E. ,i Thirteenth MEETING NOTICES. V street a eon. ". - -.''' Vl! '. ' ,' - a-.. . f . . - lr:j: MIRANDA June 24. to Ml", snd Mrs. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 6.466 Frank Miranda, 881 Francl avenue, meets Wednesdny evening! Ailtiky daughter.. . . . ... A ttldtv. 8d and Morrison sts. , , ,.t ladies rforvf waist '-deDartment- also salesladies on ; cloaks and suits. None but experienced need aoolv. Call In the afternoon at Sllverfleld's, 4th and Mor rison ets. - - -- . - - -- - -, - ... , t WANTED BOOKKEEPER AND STE nographer at the Paclflo Tent A Awn. Ing CO.. 27 li. 1st St. - - foreman: Wanted -to ,do ... tad waitresses -wanted At naeve'-s feat work and take charge of ttphol-1 restaurant: wae-ea 310 ner week. 12 Birring; room. , uregon i tnair . company, i otn St. lisp Maoaaam road. '; - ' WANTED FIRST-CLASS SODA DIS penaer. Call today. Swetland, - 373 Morrison."---- ... ! -''-- . --..- : WANTED , SHIRT FINISHER; starchwork lroners: also flannel Iron- era: nice, cool place; good wages. Phones B 1585 and East 809. " East Side Laun drv C.( E. 6th and Ash. y : ore for best sub-division In city. H. J WANTED THE COLONIAL. Corner 10th and Morrison, 3 blocks west of Portland - hotel First-class rooms and i board: rates reasonable; transient SPECIALTY SALES- man from east at Dreaent well con nected.- desires chana-e so can remain west: best reference.. Address w.sso I. .j 1.1.1. 5 . . ; 7 - , . . - - . nun - lau.a u n(.:ui..ii.u.i.ioui journal. - - - i wt.. . " . 1 .,..r v.," gas, bath, phone. 381 E. Davis, cor ner Union ave. - FRONT " ROOM WiTli " b6arD" x01lI two young men, at 83 11th st; pries 36 per week. FOR RENT NICELY FURKtSHBD rooms, with rood board, at The Hart man, -428 Alder st. - WANTED POSITION BY EXPERI 2 enced family s cook. " Address 847H Stark st, Chinese mission." SITUATION WANTED AS ENGINEER Journal. or fireman. Address 8-403 BOOKKEEPER 6 YEARS' EXPERI ence; gusvantee Industrious, Intelli gent faithful, competent service; mar ried;' possess no Immoral habits; city rpierencea. Aaaress M-4H. journal. SITUATIONS WANTEDFEMALE, i r FOR RENT IIOUSEKEEPINQ $l!6o"WEEK TJP LARGE, CLEAN A RESPECTABLE AND EXPERIENCED rtJf n?.i, n0Ti r'IIS0 -if U." woman wants a position taking care .,nA bath- 184 Sherman st, south, trTk f8f" 31 25 'WEEK UP-CLEAN. FURNISHED Work; can t show references. Call or ' .,."'m' ' write to Mrs. C. "Young. 776 Minnesota. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING! GIRL WANTS POSITION at p.emkr: .ni.tnB,enA room. reasonable. 7th - al housework. Phone Ei 4461. " J"'nger ' Just think, only 60o a week no f; new. bright rooms, worth 21 i. wuk . Hotel Falrmount, first open4 since the fair; housekeeping or single rooms, fur nished or unfurnished; above price -If ' taken before the 30th! gas, bath, phone. 26th and Upshur, Fair Grounds; beautl- ; WAITED AGENTS. SOMETHING NEW IN HIGH-GRADE nerfumss: nrice verv low: sunnlv itmitea. tt, m. riunmer, at arug store. sou oa sx. AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU BELLI fl location outflrJeJt' ;,iTweetlvy0U 'TS ! OUR UNFURNISHED HOttSEKEEP ?hofcV OTsrriSrrTS W aS?- 1BS5S?", P Main 75. sery company, Salem, Or. hr..n ," j, .n.-viD .uaani i n(aia neat and gas range; furnished also- Klamath Falls eountrv: exclusive l'-. 1". "' """.l"' . " y""'. , gu Klamath FalU country; exclusive .T "Tx,. w r given; highest commission paid. H0 AIfD-.WEWLY FURNISHED """"vie v. AuiTs so, near Washington. agency outfit furnished ; free; . must start at once. ...Address with references, Oregon Nursery company, Salem. Or. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES , FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS with phone; 164 N. 10th St.. - FOR RENT i f FURNISHED HOtJSKC keeping-rooms: arround floor. ia nu GERMAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT 1 wood St.; "L" car. h Co. Railroads: ? loeerlne: rarms: HfViFTT-pxTTCitjK Ti,Ai.v fa. '..ij-- noieis: rurnisn .witn nem or BU;iinaa h: en r . -.j:r?r.v nn .h,l y Tn, .na 'PW Xt.ln "'""' v t.. clTTlBr lltn. 6496. 233H Bumslde St HANSEN'S . EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR. MEN. -?r 26 N. 2d st - V Phone Main 1626. il.25 PER WEEK; LARGE SLEEPING rooms? phone, bath. -482 Stark at V FIVE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPCi ? ing rooms; eltctrlo lights, gas. Faoin'o? ' 8414. 497 Columbia. iA. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. A ' 205 Morrison St. . ..Phone Paclflo 239 THREE FURNISHED FRONT HOUSE- i 27 N. 2d st.- i -v. ,W.. .Phone Pacific 1300 ,keeE'n?. foomaj first floor; room 23, . I RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a spe cialty, -s 20 N. 2d st Phone Main 6296. We pay all telegraph charges. - t ACME EMPLOYMENT CO.-ARM and logg-era' heln soeclalty. 34 N. 2d St., or Main 6437. ' - - - i WANTED TO RENT Ington. - -- ,- - ' WANTED TWO COUCHMAKERS. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co- Macadam GOOD V SEAMSTRESS. Room 61. Cambridaa bldg- cor. Srd and- Morrison sts. .. , -, FANCY IRONING: SHIRTWAISTS A specialty. 683 water aL Phone Pa- clflc 239. - . , , . ... 4 . WANTED MACHINIST, . MACHINE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; hnd, at The Dalles Iron Works, The good wages. Call after 1Q a, 273 viuiCB, v- v Morrison su WANTED TO RENT HOUSES." COT- tares, flats, stores, offices, rooming- houses, etc. Landlords will do ..well to call tin PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY ) OF " r-. OREGON. Phone Ex. 78. 1 S. -E. Cor. 8d and Oak. Wanted to rent 7 or s-room cottage, furnished, close In. for 6 or 6 months. Address G-40 3, Journal. WANTED TO RENT 10 TO 25 ROOMS for -rooming-house,-in Portland, St Johns , or- Vancouver. Address "M,g nolia." care H. F. Todd, N. E. cor. 5th and Everett ets. y JAPANESE WANTS A SINGLE FUlt nished room with or without, board from July 2. Address X-309, Journal. 91 H First. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMi 32.60 per week. 811 2d st. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE- ' keeping; gas. and bath; 31Q. 480 E. Washington. ' TWO NICELY. FURNISHED MOUSE ; keeping rooms for man and wife. 61 a. - 421 th st. - - - , -. - HOUSEKEEPING SUITE,' 2 ,iROOMti" , - with phone, 33 and 310. li month. -14 N. 10th st. . y' - 8 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ground floor, . cottage; call ; j evenings, after 6:30. Home A-2488; Pa cific i492. - ' I:,.,, .J, FURNISHED. HOUSES MODERN r HOME, ' PORTLAND ... . Heights, ' rooms, finely furnished; , abundant fruits and flowers;-unexcelled view; fine grounds; for rent, 8 or 10 months (.Dip August or September. '- Owner, 807 Macleae bldg. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE, FUI1 " nished; large ground space;1 also, lot of Xrttlt. 401 Marguerite ave. 1 ,