1 A 4 GOVERMORMRDilM THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, - WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE': 23,. 1007. hot I i . CONVERTED AT REVIVAL Mississippi Executive Confesses His SinsMu ;Tresence! of ' Four Thousand People and Promises Parson Catts to Lead a Better Life in Future. SEGUPiiTY. Genu I no Garter Little Liver Pills. Uut Ber Signature of , -,js jPatv Sialic WrspperBetow. Ysrjr saaeO rci cizzixus. ' rex tiucitsms. roiTcxnauvu. rex ccujTirAnca. rci sallow sxix. rCXTXECCKPLEXICX CURE SICK HCADACHC. , Piters urn James K. Vardaman ' (Joernal Special Service.) ' Jackson. Miss., June S6i Governor Vardaman last night Joined the Ions llat of recruits credited to Rev. Mr. Catts, revlrallst, who - has been winning scores of converts dally. ..The governor has attended ; the meetings regularljr, and last night when the evangelist mrde - powerful plea to those who saw the .wickedness of their ways to come for ward and signify their Intentions to do : better, Oovemor Vardaman,. to the svr prise of several thousand spectators. arose and strode resolutely to the front. In the presence of 4,000 people Gov ernor Vardaman ' wormed his ' way through the crowds and, facing the al tar, said: "I have been a sinner, but to night I surrender ' all and give myself henceforth serve him. t Rev. Mf. Catts work Ills audience up to a nigh state of excitement. It f re- -Antlw kAMWAMM . V. . WAMMAH A M HMD. t tr. . a i ( ( rn t) of Hysterics ana nmvw w w wi UpsM several nights aro and fell from ins puipii. - - mm W, MILLER OF : : f DEER ISLAND DEAD ' - ; .. ''' i1',-'- .vi,-(Special Dttpatco te The Jflioraat)'' "' ; Rainier, Or.. June IS. John Wesley Miller, who died 'Wednesday at Deer Island; was born at Littleton, rows, April 18.1858. He was married to Har ' rlet iallow October 4, 1877. To them . were born seven children, five of whom .survive with Mrev Miller. Two years ago he removed to ' Deer' Island where he .was employed as engineer In the lumber camp. Eight weeks ago he was stricken j with typhoid fever. The funeral was held from the family residence. Rev. Frye of Rainier conducting the funeral services. , Interment was in Deer Island cc-teiery.. 4 ,.: . r : ; ? ; v ;v t '.-: .; 7, . ' sTO ITU92WTS. 0 OA. :Vsi, 'f;:y : MO OOOim. . Our New - Process of Rc-Lnamcling Teeth Is the greatest invention in modern dentistry and has been the most suc cessful of all methods , to restore badly decayed teeth, which would otherwise be beyond hope to their original usefulness, ' . . . . 1 TEETH . w XztractUf Positively without sla .. - o Bad BMlt 50. , '. "' To Introduce our method we will through the month of Juno do ail kinds of dentistry at one half our regular price. Wo give a written guarantee for 10 jeers with all work. Open evenings. u CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS , UZTI lIO WAJUZVQTOsT. If you haven't the time to exercise regularly, Doan's Regulete wilt prevent constipation. They Induces mild, easy, healthful action of the bowela without griping. , Ask your druggist lor them. Z6c - 1 j ' ' 1. , Metsger fits your oyos for II. ill Washington street, eorner t Seventh, formerly at 111 tJlxth street. iii Two asid a iiaif iwatre l tbn.a bottle of rv; our whiskey MEANS that j Dirnot nAn 1 iminpii m unnn in ra . pure natural state, under the direct! J"iiWt Internal Reve-" 1 in 1 1 1 , 111 fST J3 X.' mi. m m m m s, 1 11 fr-, u : VVH THE n Mi 1 hs w "HI . 1 I . ' III . C PcrcinndcrvoEcGcnco RESTORES TITAUTT Bate eared tbeeeaade of eaaas . ef Karroos Debility sad lasoaala. nay elcer the brats, streagtlwa the elrcolaUoa, make dlgeatloa perfaet sad Impart a aaagaerle vigor te the whole eetng. Ail oralas sad loasee stepped pernaoeatly. . (1.00 set bos. eozea. gnaraBteed te eare or reread stenty, IS. . Mai 14 aealed. Book free. Perslaa Mad.. Co., , sag Arch St, PbUadelphls. Sold la Portland eab by .Woodward. Clark - Co. ,J , ft. i: AFREESITEIS: day city o;r TIHAKOOX DAY : Bay City" Is If 'miles directly west of Portland. . If . BUrk street -were con tinued along the base line to the coast. It would pass through 3ay City. It Is beautifully ' located on the et shorn of TUlamook bey. By the Pari fie Kail way A Navigation, company's line, now snder eonMructlon, the ride mill V 5 miles and B..K. Lytle,. who Is buiidie: the line, eays the run can be made tiv less than two and one-half hours. Tilla mook was named by the Indians end means "the gathering of the waters.' This name wae probably suggested by the fact that five rivers nter the bay.' They are the Traek, Tillamook, Wilson. Kllchla end Miami These rivers drain one of the richest sections of the Unlte.1 States. The Nehslem, 11 miles north, passes through another very productive region In Oregon. It Is also tributary to Bay City. Its ocean shipping point Bay City is the only market in en empire of exceptional resource. TW mook county has an area of 1.10O square miles. It ie Oregon's best and most profitable dairying country. There is grass all the year' round and 10.000. 000 gallons of milk were produced last year. Tens- of thousands ef -acre or land are available for this use. The average profit per cow, per year. In WW wsav - V----V ' i v- ' Here Is one of the richest timber countries in the world. It Is estimated that there le now standing, ready for the axe. 1,000.000,800 feet of sprure; 1,000,000,000 feet of hemlock and SO. 000.000,000 geet of fir. Sawmill oppor tunities are unexcelled. Bay City can not help becoming one of the greatest lumber 1 exporting ports In all the world. It will take 100 years to exhaust the timber now standing. Bay (City Is the only outlet. . , ' The country around Bay City Is not excelled anywhere for Its fertility of soil. Garden, truck of the very highest quality Is easily raised without Irrlga Small fnilta and annlea are arreat S. " 1 or iwmea 1 i;imw vi Bay City Is the only outlet and m The Vead of deep water navigation on TUlamook bay Is at Bay City. The "Lytle" road, the Paclfio Railway A Kavinttoa company's Una. has its headquarters at Bay City. This road already has le mues in operation irora Hlllsboro to Buxton. A contract has been let to the Portland Bridge com pany for the construction of 10 miles from Bay City north. By October, more will he ready for operation. The line will enter Portland over Us own tracks by next year, t . . Bay City hue i within Itself the re quirements that promise to make It the largest and best city on the north Ore gon coast. Its destiny Is a mere mat ter of development, r It Is already a thriving town; growing . rapidly and when within two and one-half houra ride from Portland It will advance rap Idly enough to, make Investments In Us property a substantial source of profit to all who purchase now. It Is the history of all new citlee that the great-, est profit Is made by those who buy be fore rail connections are built and hold . their land until the road Is completed. This Is certainly true of Bay City, producers. beaten. THU FIRST. SAWMILL LI j u Specif Inducements are offered for factories that will locate In Bay City. . Opportunities for prof itabk investment are better in Bay 6ty land right now than in any other part of Oregon or the northwest It if half as good as we say it is, it is good enough to Jook into at once. Complete information given and all letters answered personally. Address either of thftoifices mentioned.below. BAYf y BAY CITY BOARD OF TRADE Portland, Oregon. BAY CITY. 0BEG0N BAY CITVLAND COMPANY, 170 Commercial Street, r Salem, Oregon. nue faOUIcers.M . mvvij vutti. wa 'ujioyii, PURE FOOD Is seated with this Greta Stains upon which the Government has had printed the exact Afflc Strength, and Quantity of whiskey in the bottle. By demanding Sunny Brook you will KNOW that you are ' "getting; an honest, natural whiskey, scientifically distilled and . mellowed py age oniy wniie aiorea in u. 9. Bonded warenotisea, . 1 In Sunny Brook you are getting the heat. Old 'Kentucky ore-il r duces in. wnisxey .v , . , . . BLUMAUER ft HOCH, Portland, Oregon, Distributors. IXl i afllbUM UUilUt W IfY rOyl T V ' QregonUa BldgH rorttand. Or. 1 I 0 teTWinrirwt) A - - . ; Br. Morrow's Aoti-Lean JSAMBS U5AJT PXOrX,X A Through the nervous sys- rt.: system. It U s purely vegetable compound. Contains no oils or fats or sny drug that Is Injurious or name to produce a habit. TT IS THE GREATEST TONIC IN THE WORLD Each bottle eontalna '' a month's treatment and costs f 1.60 at any flrst-clasn drUg store, rreparea by the ANn-LEAN UEBICME CO. IN -2Se' H V BANK AND OFFICE RAILING , WIRE AND IRON FENCING . Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc - PORTLAND VIRE AND IRON WORKS fhone I Iain 2CC0. SECOND AND EVERETT. STS. 1 Au-i n. HAVE YOU SEEING M Tray Fill ' of Silver Half Ml IN WOODARD, CLARICE'S WINDOW? If s for Someone You? - It's the Excitement of the as II VVIl see Evcrybody'ssworking on the prize name-and-business phrase contest! It can't be wholly an interest in the cash award of $100 or tthe chance to.win one of the additional 150 prizes, though we acjm it all this is well worth the small amount of time required. But ,; it's a fact we've struck a popular chord I Every one knows the inventor of clever advertising ideas goes to the top among the t money makers. And we are certainly giving the hidden genius achaIlce'toshowhimself.:We are raking the whole .-northwest v -; With a fine tooth comb and we'll get the live ones 1 Any man, woman or youth who wouldn't wake up and try for this prize will " -sleep right through the trump ,of doom! The $100 is worth the effort, any one of the ISO additional prizes is worth the effort, and - ; the opportunity' tb 'present, yourself before one of the biggest firms in the northwest a firm that advertises like hot cakesas the ' originator of a clever advertising phrase is worth 100 times the effort. It may mean your fortune!' , . . . , ' ; -t Get the back numbers of the paper as far back as June 21 and read up on this vitally importnt contest. ryGet.jmbued'Witb.the , spirit pf it I fill up on it! Then show us what vour brains are worth. . - - ' 1 . " : Here are some BUSINESS PHRASES well known to you. Can you beat them for MEATINESS, TERSENESS, ATTRACT- ' IVENESS? 4The Most for the Least," "The Big Bargain Store," "See Us We Can Interest You," "An East Side Bank for East , . - j V C;a PxftU ' WsfPw A Par P-nf H "PnV.e tti. C,ra rriA ritn- Flnirirr Vtr, f iniit " "Olrlef anrl "Rrf A if A Trial Will Convince'JWhen You See It In Our Ads It's True," "If ot Right Welch Makes It Right.",' 1 " ; THE REQUIREMENTS - It is part of the game for you to tell us what large, well advertised firm is making this offer ; it isn't guess'work here's the ? ' ' key: ; We have jumbled the letters of our firm name, and in each announcement we print several of them; we beganjfune.21, and on r . ' . t ' ii .1 t . rrt . .:,'. . . - il !.,.. . . . . . 1 . . . i .. - i - ' ' : .oaturaay,;june zv.we win grive you tne last ones. 10 enter inis conresi arrange xnese leiiers correciiy 10 spen; our name aim paste them on a sneet 01 paper; man tne paper to tne aaaress Deiow, togetner wiixx j uuk juuu.ohuw juk a uuyy .BUSINESS FHKASJtfi, so as to reach us WOT LATEK ,1x1 AIM J UJux 1. 3 Additional letters in our Firm Name are: Address Us Plainly: ' ROOM 614 BUCHANAN BUILDING . ' PORTLAND, OREGON ., . . ( C ) ) " '( V