The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 26, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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i :
ntu luuir
10 MIP
Prosecutor Writes Attorney J United States Attorney Bris-
Bristoi ; He Will :? Be Iji I ; ; tol Did Good; Work for
Logging Camp Engineer of
: 'Experience Says Loggers
J Squeeze Employes. ,
Portland to Take Up the
. Land Fraud Cases Early
in July. .
In a letter to United States Attorney
William " C Bristol , today,' Francle J,
Heney announced .nil intention of com
ing to Oregon to prosecute" land fraud
defendant as eoon. a .he situation at
Ban Francisco permit. This 1 i x
pected to be about the middle of July,
although it is believed bv many per
sons that Mr. Heney will be in Portland
on Monday following July 4." - '' .
After the acquittal of Binger Hermann
In Washington last spring, air. Heney
announced nls desire to come to Port
land to prosecute the former commis
sioner of the land office, wbo Is indicted
in seveNi land fraud cases but who
will be tried for his part In the Blue
Mountain conspiracy lease in which Sen
ator Pierce Mays, George Sorenson and
Wlllard N. ; Jones were convicted laat
summer. i '
Mr. Heney did not refer In his letter
to what part ho would play in the case
of Louis B. Glass, the telephone man,
- whose trial for bribery comos up this
week in San Francisco. - It is popularly
believed that Mr. Heney will turn the
case-over to Hiram Johnson to prose
. cute,' although no such information has
been given out publicly by Mr. Heney.
If he should do this it would give him
an opportunity to make his arrival in
Portland earlier. -.
In addition to prosecuting the case
against Hermann. Mr. tieney win aiao
prosecute R. A. Booth and former United
states Attorney John A. Hall. None of
these cases can be tried before July
because, of the lack ' of government
xunas. tni new appropriation dbcooibb
effective July 1 and will be apportioned
by the middle 01 tne monta.
- An engineer who for the past 22 years
bas been employed in the logging 'camps i
ft fh Mrthwt ' fair. MnMAH with
the Land Convention Held th ,oer" ln h,,r .uumt that n
is necessary to cut tne wages or tne
Portland While Attending
at Denier.
United States Attorney William C.
Bristol returned from Denver last night
men and raise the price of their board I
id oraer 10 maae tne wage scais mors i
equitable with present conditions. "
"The loggers are simply trylna- to
squeeze their employes a little more
than-they have been doing," said the en
gineer this mornlmr. 'They have been
I compelling the men-to pay from to i
City License Department En
ters Complaint 'Against
Greek Bestaurant Keepers
Allege Violations of the
Liquor Act.
CZrftA, . raatauranta that ."all 1ln.ini.
tne men-to pav from 14 to 1 .....
$4.60 for board and have herded them with meals only," Where you can buy a
after attending the national land con- together in anything but sanitary sur- io-cent sandwich or a small Cup Of cof
ventlon, and told today of .the fight '"'S?.,-. JSlTS. "TSSEiSr fn. "d drink your fill of beer. "will be
which had been waged to save the Bull wages at least 10 per cent and at the compelled to quit business or be classed
Bun reservation from being thrown I Bme time raise the price of board tolas saloons if the complaint of the city
open, thus savin the right, of the city V?" " 0,?."S'. n, . W.t ' f "cense department is heeded by the
to the use of the famous Bull , Run man who works in the woods, this is an counc11 license committee, which meets
water. ' . ,- outrage, in the old .days the loggers next Monday,
Fire Chief Campbell Busy!
Granting Bequests to Sell 5
Fireworks for Fourth.
. Chief ; Campbell of the city fire de-1
partment was ' busy ' this morning is
suing permits for the sale of fireworks
in the city, granting 11 Jjp to noon.
The wording of the permits was ar
ranged under direction of City Attor
ney. McNary ln orded to Insure complete
safety in the handling or tne explosives
the ordinance regulating the traffics be
ing oDjecuoname in : a . numoer or in
No permits will be issued where cigars
or tobacco are kept for use or for sale
and the same provision holds rood in
Telegraph Companies to Be
Investigated . Jby , Federal
Authorities With View of
. Commencing Prosecution
Under Sherman Act. , !
respect to dry goods, toys or other.llgntl
; . : , (Journal Special Service.) ' . , '.
Oyster Bay, N..Y, June 28. President
material of combustible nature. Roosevelt - today sent to Chier , smith
No person will be permitted to have of the bureau of corporations a telegram
more than 60 pounds of powder In any I. ... . .. . i
. and ' f knnh, n 1nhl. m m WIWU-iUOf UI1WU UIlll
headera within the limits of t the. city the president to proceed against the two
is Strictly Prohibited. ' The Ordinance h(a tala.nnli onmninliK for violation nf
also provides that no fireworks shall be -,,. i.. emith win miar
nM in .r, hinin- in tbt anti-trust .laws. smith will start
Judge Landis Orders Head of
' Oil Trust to Appear in
Court in Person to Tell of
Alleged Bebates Given by
Alton Boad.
Furthermore, It la very that portion of tne , city known . affid I legal proceedings if he finds the point
The convention was called by inter-J 'I " " VkJI IZZiZlAi eiy mat arter July l. when the high designated as tne nre limits. , . weir taken.
liAaMI. I Ih. incnininl'i ttnhllnl.. -u.. ....- j license sroea Into titfnnf an' Ardtnarua I ' umnwiui tor oraiwi iu nil or
la nil nnllrv'. wh ininnilMi to Din I th.i, inir. Th nanux ih, .. I willbe passed bv the counoil Prohibiting
lutlons purporting to express the sen- of the woods with oxen and were com- reetiurants , from selling liquor with
timent of the western states condemn- polled to care for and feed some six Pi"?" clock in the morning,
ing the government's policies.- Before or eight yoke of oxen and pay a driver tn hour that . saloons must ob-
the convention adjourned . resolutions from $160 to 1200 a month to , take . , ' " , u.
were passed to the contrary, and upheld care of and drive the teams. : T0wrfk "eBtVrnts were Investi-
the administration in nearly every 4e- . "At the present time the loggers are f?1"1 by license officials this week, ami
tall. , .. i receiving ill and ill & thousand for I w iM!r. lo-,r"'!U
? . ' ejs"""eBeiep .
(SpcIU DtapaMi'ts Tb JoeraaLI
Hillsboro, Or, June 20. The city
council last night granted a franchise to
the Oregon Electric Railway company
through this city on Base Line street,
and also granted a franchise to the
United Railways company through the
city by way of Main street, with the
right to use either First, Second or
Third streets for connection ' With the
southern limits of the city.
: The Oregon Electric company binds
itself to complete its main line into
Hillsboro within three months, and com
plete the road to Portland by December
81. 180S.'. ' -
The United Railway company agrees
to have its line in the city constructed,
within one year, and the line to Port-1
land in operation within two years. '
Mr. Bristol was a member of the their logs, and one engine is doing the men? ne .revocation or tneir. licenses.
it,.. ,..Ain. mnA it i at I work tit msnv vnkea nt mn . Th. in. I In the restaurant operated bv John Pu
its meetings that the warmest fights gers get their fuel from the woods and !? ' North Fourth street, 125 tor-
.I,,. n.f nr. iha Mnv.nllmi i. I n tha engineer th mnnlflAMil malarw 1 ClgnerS " Were ICund bV. the ; Officials
Journed Mr.' Bristol had been given the j of IS and 1.60 a day, with all lost time lounging around, playing pool and other
title of the J "belligerent delegate from taken out Kme and smoking long Turkish pipe,
Oregon." by the Denver newapapera, sol "This illustration shows Just what Three waiters served the crowd, but the
active was he in. fighting the interests the conditions are in the logging camps, ornclala say not half a dosen dishes
which sought to control the convention. The loggers are making more money were ln sight at the time.'
In regard to the Bull Run question, than' they ever did, and yet all the time The same conditions , prevailed at 2
Mr. Bristol said that a resolution was are trying to add to their surplus out North Sixth street in the restaurant
offered recommending that all forest re- of the margin they are able to clip from conducted by Peter Mitchell, a Greek
serves be opened for entry. It was ap-tne wages of their employes." . I With an Anglicized name.
offer for sale any firearm or. toy piston Boise, Ida., June 2. The Western
i0.?y. .'..V'L.. f.iP1;'1 Union has notined the public that ail
i.i -Jl , ii.VKr.i m,"M are taken only supject to in
of age caught . discharging firearms ( or I deflnita delav , - - -
fnv nlarnia mav nak taart. 1 "
parent that the resolution would pass on
a vote taKen at tne time oi iniroaucuon, i fitru'TfKfYD T 4 ITifVO
ensure uvi x ait U Wll a.
so the delegates opposed'to the measure
proposed amendments. Tne resolution
was finally amended so that no reserves
contiguous to municipalities depending
upon their water supply from the re
serves ehould be opened to settlement
In speaking of his trip-to Denver, Mr,
Bristol said: ' ' r
"Out of 1,000 delegates to the eon
Evidently the business Is proving ex
tremely -popular, for this morning jonn
Marandas & Co. filed an application for
TrvTTvr lmri ttz-vit license to open a restaurant ana "sen
V d Villi ill JUAiaUi liquor with meals only" at (0 North
rounn street. waranaa a piace win oe
aillw InVMl.vilatl Vw tnrm m 1 1 A.rt la
tepecMi tnspatcs to xne JooniiLl triven him. the officials state.
Salem, June 28. John McMahon of 4 Restaurants have been granted per
Grant eountr wha w. ..rvln- - iia, mission to sell liquor with meals for
4 " (JToamal Special, Saryice i:' '
Chicago, June 2 Judge Landis this
afternoon dlreoted his clerk to Issue
subpoenas for John D. Rockefeller, with.
W.;H. Tllford and' C M. Pratt, presi
dent and secretary of the "standard Oil
company in New Jersey, and J. A. Mof.
fatt president, and O. W. Stall, secre
tarypl of the '.Standard Oil company in
Indiana, to appear ln his court July
to' testify concerning the Ailton rebate
case. , He saya he will summon others.
- H. E. Folton, president-of the Union
Tank line and director of traffic for the
Standard OIL and F. A. Wann. a high
official of the Alton, road at the' time
vention. Colorado had and Wyoming sentence in" the ; Oregon penitentiary, present licence Is ISO per Quarter. After
17. This gave them strong aavan- was pardoned today by Governor Cham- July 1 reatauranta must pay 76 per
tage OVer the Other States, but by the Iherlnln. In hl nrAr tnw. .k. tk. nuarla, . tflu Jnl 1 aalnminan tin.
time the delegates wew passed by the governor says that' petitions had been der the amendment to the city charter
credential committee, of which Ralph presented to him asking for executive enacted at the . last election, will be
m . i. k ..h3.. " "n"1 o McMahon and that compelled to pay izoo per quarter.
resolutions had been "eased distributing a number of the. Jurors who tried the Restaurants can remain open all night,
2?2.h!..l? hftinnS llirf' IJU pr!E2n?J ?ad Ip'nod. He says further: but saloons must close at 1 o'clock, and
niV,.hJ fiSL.Tl-i 5 Ti ti "McMahon, although sentenced for life this' Is the reason, officials say. that
n?mr2nfi h.fJ?nJ tJ.S f.nd ?a,an served only a little more causes the Greeks to pen restaurants
one time a faction threatened to aa- than ten ..n.. ....... t . . . . . . . . ,
JSHffl f:"?' .,J.ump 1.nI"V..,b u 16-year sentence, suffered punish- of other restaurants will also be inves- MnP "-r; h hourly readings from
r.?or:.f.T.nM.T.Kr"' first five years of his tigated for aUeged violations of the or-
elf lc operators. President Sam Small.
of the Telegraphers' union, . said last
nignti ., - ....... v -i- . .
"The Southern' Pacifle fficlala have
discharged several operators at outside
points on complaint from ' Chief Op
erator Jerrs or tne western union west
Oakland office; that they have lnter-
ierea witn tne worxing or western
Union wires. The Commercial.. Teleg
raphers' union of America and the Order
a. 1 .1 1 1 . . i
tnlo.llnii. iM i,. i, Hn Ka el1v aa I " naurusu x virg I ayuni a ui America
...u.x . " ... nivi a. wnrlclna- a rrAtmant . Khnuli IIk.
tropical at B o'clock this evening as at crimination axalnat railroad operators
the corresponding hour last night, when ! on compiami or tne .weatern union
- AA A. f vvnuUUQ. 1 11 CIO IB KTITB URIl KRT or iina
lu" "n-rcur, muarmu u m. .ywgrw Southern P.nifln nn.r.tnra hanmln., in.
nnlah "Tfca unnla Tn-tA ... I . ". ..
w ivii. u yvufji, v. va u.mi .a V m w vol VVQ.
tering in the heat, but the night re- It Is claimed that these men were dls
main cooL Those who suffered much charged without a hearing. The West
f rom the heat yesterday came out all ern Union officials declare that the rail
right this morning after a night's good road has a definite contract with the
rest. . , .-- railroad operators which renders a
One man was overcome by the-heat strike practically impossible. 1
yesterday. The vioum of-the high tern- Although both Poatal and Western
perature is a blacksmith employed in a Union companies declare that conditions
shoo at the corner. of Fifth and Davis are improving . It la dsnlare1 hv tha
streets operated by G a Borquist He I operators here that the companies areJ
was taxen to oia.nome ana is out oi peing nopeiessiy flooded with business
danger today. v . i- -j end that they are far' behind. The
The weather bureau records show Western Union declares that it is never
that the temperature . waa higher this more than half an hour behind with
morning than veaterdav. and it Is ha. I business ' and ,hat dla.
restaurants lieved therefore that it mar be even patches are being handled without de-
Ban p,i..i ,., : . . . oiiiciBj ot tne Alton roaj at tne . time
rfv2"fJS," th lleea rebates were granted, will
Strik! uiUtt. th. RoiiXrS p!. al" b ummoned... -
J Vri". .ieni... . 'SJJZ The court announced that he would
Mm. to a a-tl.fiu.torv crtnclu.lon , i. kVk "1 "'" "-aiea lor auegea
--- - - : . i w.a iiiun . unu.uAi ami aa. I 1 n u
... t....l .
reports i rom cntcago say that more
esiunons were passea inaorsing tne yere, having for two years been con
cernment's forest reserve policy, na-1 fined in a a.i. ..,1 Jr
tlonal IrrlgaUon plan., fuel and with- acled a part of the time with his feet
o'clock this afternoon: 6 a, m.. 06: 1 than 1.000 messages are plied up an
6 a. m., 67; T a. m., 70: 8 a. m., 78: that end of the Oakland wire and the
(Joaraal gpeetal 8TTle.)
London, June . 28. Affection of the
English people for Mark Twain was ex
. hlbited yesterday when a luncheon was
given in his honor. .Members of parlia
ment, who were forced to miss one of
the most important sessions of the as-
, sembly, were present and ' the great
American humorist was given an ova
tion seldom tendered, to a guest in Eng-'
land.; There were but two toasts. "King
i- awara ana tne rresiaent or tne united
states" and -"Mark Twain."
- One of the featurea of the luncheon
was when Mark Twain mentioned notic
ing a placard upon his arrival which
announced -"Mark Twain Arrives" and
"The Ascot Cup Is Stolen." . The humor
ist assured the assemblage that he had
not stolen the cup, as he had not had
.tne opportunity. ,
' (Jouraal Special Service.)
Chicago, June Sc. Because " she
wanted to blackmail her . own mother.
' the woman known as Nlcholal De Ray
: lan. masqueraded as a man for 18 years
and was married to two women. Tbo
reason for this strange masquerade was
; learned when the contents of a diary
left by the dead woman were made pub-
De Raylan was angry at her mother
. because she would not disclose the
IdenUty of the girl's father. She took
the attire of a man and- convinced the
authorities that she was such in order
to be revenged upon her parent, it being
a crime in Russia to conceal the sex of
, a male child.' Later she came to Amer
ica and served as the secretary of the
Russian legation, and her sex was not .
discovered until after her death a short
- time ago in Phoenix, Arizona.
- (Special Dispatch te The JoornaL)
University of Oregon. Eugene, June
I. Antoinette Burdlck of Cottage
Grove was awarded first prise, known
as the Failing prize of 8180, and Max
8. Handman of Portland the second,
known aa the Beekman, of 8100, in the
contest held here - last night. -
. ' Handman's oration. "The Blight of
Precedent," dealt with the Jewish race
and made an extraordinary impression.
Other contestant were: Francis V.
Galloway, with "The Menace of Special
- Privilege": Henry McKlnney. "The
Ideals of Yesterday and Tomorrow," and
John . Latourette. . "Better Democracy
Throngh More Democracy." All were
drawal, but recommended that bona tide weighted with Oregon boots." and in
claim pass topatent; protection of addition thereto was severely flogged
wf.t,er arl5hU a TJ? cnvenUon unquali- md at least upon one occasion beaten
fledly indorsed the government's policy ini i...ihih. . " au
of prosecuting land thieves." The governor gives among the'Veasons
Mr. Bristol went to Denver as a pri-lfor th. nwinn " "Wa.,.a " lrt.Ti ':
vate citizen and not as a represent-1 and because of some extenuatina. .in. of the Pacific coast, waa reelected Mon
Ivintf k rannme?,iwi,tf cumstaiices connected with the killing day to the office of secretary and treas-
; -- " . -. il . . . , . --. j LiiarKeu unn aeienaant, ana oecauae
the fact that he is federal attorney for In hi. .. .nnj.i . ."
in- -i.w'Va.i V-i.C ",".u?l"""lnml'n-l restore nimseir
.r .-i.;aT .kI.Tk- -.7."." a V " 10 eui eitiaensnip."
c rial r man oi tbe uregon Cieiegauone. .
a. m., 71; 10 a. m 81; 11 a. m.. 83; 1 number is rapidly increasing. The
noon, .84: I p. m., 85 '$ operators also make capital of the fact
Yesterday's readings were: I a. m., that the companies are advising their
88; a, m., ); 7 . m., (4; 8 a. $i; patrons to use the telephone wires
9 a. m., 68; 10 a.m., 71; 11 .a. m., 78; whenever possible, although the com-
1S noon, 80; 1 p. m., 94; 2 p. m., 88;- 8 panies declare that this is because they
p. m.. 88; 4 P. m, 89; t p. 10: 8 p. fear outside Interference with the lines.
F.VaBarf. champion checker player l"" 8 g- i ' 5 il.l Pi08". B?" .of. the telegraphors
brokerage offices ' were being : used to
handle public business and notice waa
promptly served , upon the . owner of
chImpion checkeb;
go into the Innermost workings of the
on trust, its subsidiaries, the railroad,
and the other corporations with which
it transacts business, especially the dec-
laratlon of dividends.'
Through its attorneys the trust had
defied the court, telling Judge Landis
that his request for information con
cerning the company' profits wa "im
pertinent and extra Judicial." ,
. Judge Landis insist upon Rockefeller
and the other appearing in court. If
Rockefeller succeeds in dodging the sub
poena H. II. Rogers will be sure to at-
tend. . - - 7. :v'--'-"- fc- 4 j-v.-.,.
Flag Presentation at High School
Election of Officer- Thi After
noonClosing Program.
' (Special Dispatch t TbetJoenML)
(Joeraai RpecUI Serrtc.) , u A eaiem, or., June 28. The Royal Anne I
New Haven, Conn., June !. The for- herry grown .in the yiclnlty of Salem
mat exercises of commencement day at ii,I?. ?1ut 2rJh fPft
yi. ir.n thla itt, v-a. . California. Arthur C Raas of San
Zaie; began thl morning .with pro- Francisco, representing the firm of H
cession Of the officers, graduates, can- J. Lyon A Raa of San Francisco, is
dldates for degrees snd invited guests .--'re overseeing the preparation of some
i" vuaica cuuiiiu. is nmiirr ivv oarreis 01 itoyai Anne cnerrles for
hall I. AMM.vAa.A. .Uk .. , n 1 U . L . . 1 m . .
exercises of graduation opened with the will ba converted inkn man.oi.ii.. ann
'.nfiDf.? ,,lr,t .ouf vrM ot the delight the palate of connoisseurs r.f
8ixty-flfth Psalm, which was sung in IcocktaLs, ays:
iw"., I m. iiiMninj oi -it 18 lAaeea a tribute to the Oregon
S-1"1.?01166 rected in New Haven. Royl Anne that it can meet the exast
J" TIL0"" 5e.e re ?'ef ! demands for the making of that del-
VI..i-...T...A 'J....7. AS."" 3 "5 .y icaie spirit, sine tne cnerry must be i
d stlnguished guests. The dinner of the proper sis and grade, of good flavor
?nn?wiin.hih!L"mr!;.lt3:ntdln,n,r ,ha11 nd- ,n ntlrelr fult!"""0''
KhVriTnT."1, fi ,.Th Salem Mutual Canning company
pWon. At the conclJeioB i of the T din- Preparmg tne cnernes lor snipmenL
ner tnere was an elaborate program of
toasts and ' responses. -The exercises
close this evening with- the president's
reception in Memorial hall for the brad
uates and invited guest.,' , . ,
(Special Dif patch to The Journal)
Helena, Mont, June 26. A cloudburst
LIGHT UP GLEND ALE I yeaterday near Terry resulted In tbo
(Special DUpstch te The Journal.)
' Glendale, ' Or.,' June 28. A 20-year
franchise for an electric light system
ha been granted ! by the. council to
James H. Moore, an electrical expert!
vm. f ui imuu, - wuu una uepusitea a, casn
guarantee to complete a lighting plant
wiinio six monins. ine KOseDurg iqis
electric system was in the hands of
jos Angeies parties waa in error. The
Los Angeles interest is confined to the
highly applauded.
( The Judges were Rev.v Mac H. Wal
lace of Detroit Michigan, ReV. Herbert
Johnson of Massaehusetts, and Judge
mir wj. m aujjjciiio court or ijrcgon.
Victim of bloody
Missoula, Mont, June 28. The nude
body of an unknown man was found In
a bunch of tali weeds near Frenchtown,
west of here, yesterday afternoon, v: The
body was that of the victim of a murder
wnicn na naa ine onicers at their wits'
end in the effort to solve.-. Tha nni. ...
tlcle found on the corpse which might
ji-nn i iuciuuii:.uuR was a uaurornla
t.olltax receipt, bearing the name Jim
l.fnirenta. The face of the corpse was
niGoen wnn an oia snir The body was
revered with cuts and bruises, the skull
fractured and the jawbone broken. The
limn rviuenijjr oaa oeen aeaa lor sev
eral days. . ','..'
A"htrrtnn, June 28. 1
i'.!S nioi'iiiiig that E,
! . ,t i the Alton road
2. it is re
1 H--IiVrlma
4 81.0000 to
an haa
box factory,' which was mentioned in
the dispatch in such a wav na to In.
elude the electric, protect Tha T.a
Angeles people will put ln the box fac
tory, out ineir relation to tne electric
project will be that of customers, not
(Joaraal special Service.) -San
Francisco, June 28. By the col
lapse of the scaffolding around a brick
building in course of construction, one
man was killed and one tally injured,
while three 'Others were badly Injured.
The dead: j Thomas Bennett .Afe-H.-. v.
Men were at work on the second
noor, wnen, witnout warning, the scaf
folding gave way, precipitating them
into tne oasement, pricks on the scat
folding eraabing on top of them..
--. , t ' (Joeraai Special gerrlee.)
varparalso, Chile, June 28. A volcano
which haa appeared in the La Union
district of the province of Ualdlvia has
sioppea tne course ot the apabulun
river with an immense stone dam. An
extensive lake has been formed and the
waters nave fliied the, valley up to the
crater. The pressure has swept the
dam away Inundating the country. Four-
.crcu wi iia.Yv ueen .xuuuu. ' .
I (Special Dispatch' to Tbe Joeraat) -
Salem, Or., June 2. The law 1111
have to take its course In the case of
Hollver Megorden, the Malheur county
murderer, who killed bis wife at Nyssa
and who Is to be hanged here Friday.
The governor haa declined to exercise
clemency In. his behalf. .. .
, Syracuse Win Race. '
(ftpeets! m.pitra to The JoarnL .
Poughkeepsie. N. T.. June 28 Syra
cuse won the four-oared shell - raca
over the two-mils course thi afternoon.
death of a woman and between 60 and
70 horses. The cloudburst struck the
camp of H. A. Whittier, one of the sub
contractors working on the Chicago, Mil-
wauaee ana et. raui, ana swept it zrom
existence. The horses, attached as they
were to grading outnts, were neipiess,
while the woman was along at the camp,
prurauiy, ana peing unaoie to swim.
wa drowned in Sandstone creed." The
scene of the disaster Is about 20 miles
I rom Terry on the Yellowstone river.
Y''. J' ' -"; . ''-aafafaaaaaaaataaaakajaaasM,''-.;: - -'V
(Special pupates te The Jooroel.)
Astoria, Or, June 26. Dr. - Frank
Vaughn, on his return from a trip to hi
ranch on Prlngs liver, between Saddle
and Green mountains, had quite an ex
perience with a wildcat which nearly
killed him. He took a shot at the cat
on sight, and believing he ' had. killed
it he went up to it Tbe animal sprang
at him. He bad thrown his rifle down
and had onl" a knife with which to pro
tect himself. After a severe struggle
ne succeeaea in anting tne cat. : He re
ceived a number of minor injuries and
many scratcnes. jja-.i,: -rj.i
;:!:vr,:),-, ' i ' ' m i :-H$
,i. u :t-if , r .. . .... .
(flpeelsl DUMteb te Tbe Jearaal.l
La Grande. Or- June 2. Tha attor
neys In the Nat Hall - case concluded
their arguments at 2 o'clock this after
noon., and Judge Crawford immediately
began his instructions to the jury. Out
side surmise as to tne result or the
jury's - deliberations range from - dis
agreement to a verdict of acquittal. .
(Joaraal , gpeclal Bervlee.)
Norfolk. Va.. June.. 26. Six i lives
were lost ln a fire this morning which
destroyed a dosen buildings adjoining
the Jamestown . exposition. The fire,
which was of mysterious 'Origin. did.
property damage amounting to 8300,000,
pesioes claiming tne victims mentioned.
John Kublek. nronrietnr nf a aalnnn
at Russell street and Union avenue, was
fined 826 thi morning for selling liquor
to minora Roy Hayes and Frank
Rhodes, aged 17 and 18,'f respectively,
were found In the nlnrn hv
Officer R. H. Stahl. Rhodes had in his
noPsesBion a bottle of beer which be bad
usi pursnaata. . ,
ji . ....:. '-v-V. .,
' ' Jr' - -
. HELD TO GRAND JURY eTrlvate lines that the7 muTt eViie
i . - . . , j . or luty wouta ua invoivea in tne stnae.
ueorge . savage, TfkTTXT if A nxTTTT rrrv -xirrr T
chargedf with taking the earning of Villi- iiAA V JJA A UXJJU
scarlet women, were bound over to the! . T)PftP TTTIR -TTTirR H ATT.
grand jury this morning by Judge Cam- v '
rnn. Tn default nf 1 find nail aaeh nf I 1 1 . fa.
the men were remanded to Jail. 1 John MacNulty Is Hth name of the
Five women arrested are held under I successor of William HL -Ledbetter aa
small ball bonds and will be used a hydrographic officer at this port accord.-
I Tvi men" captured Tn the id - were n t0 " received her today from
sentenced to th rockplle. Mr.- Ledbetter to H. M. De France who
nmpuriiru naa cnarge oi tne oruce
DISCHARGED -ONES thVtimT baTC'thrciocS
a . T . '..l..r na."lcu",; " present in vvaan-
I ii A H AN F S ngxon city 11 is supposed ne win start
IV.llVUUXi V;AOXiO for, Portland at once, since Mr. Id-
. f i i ' f better left for Constantinople last nTght
Frank J. Snow, Joseph F, Keslng and i? "CnCpf . 2 0"lun commander in
rt . A-. , '' njr.
vwyiiM.., w,.WM.n UUbUUW
from the service of the city for alleged
incompetency, will present their side of
the case to the police commission at
8 o'clock thla afternoon at tha nrv hall .
Joe Day. against whom chars-ea -vara
also made, will be given a bearing later
At Its meetlna. tnnlarht tha . fnnmav.
oy tne ponce commission. Kay left for " . " " " . .
London In May to bring an alleged em- j men Barbers' union will likely declare
bezzler to Portland.
P, E. Berg, Reelected Secretary of
American Checker' Association.
in effect the new wage scale as an
nounced last week. It is also llkelv
that Labor day, the Fourth of July and
Christmas day will be declared full
holiday for barbers. . The wage scale
urer of the American Checker assocla
tion. This is the second tine the honor
has been riven htm. The association
3VBECKEDBY" TOUGHS liaYncr;..e tho'rag.s onartt
thtt no Increaaa In tha charges tn nat.
(Sptelat Dhpatcb to' The JoereaL) I rons is contemplated. . t ,
Tacoma, Wash. June 26. The Holy ' '
rep"re.ent. rX?j UTit "nS" RoUera, who began a campmeetlng here "R ATJERHOP- PTJOTlTTPiTS
hArlrsi rilstvatrsl tf anv ailmlla apm nla. 1 la s -awa&aalr Y,tM V. aaf a viaat a. a. i a I
Pnn art a Mr Wara- raalHea rt i.ll nnrtl, ? I imoaiuqn mil nignt.
Twent7-third street " nr..r.n, : S.ta"nf- m.Vh
plaints were made to the police, who
reiusea to suppress mem. -Toughs set
tled the matter, and the Rollers may not
JANITORS COMPLETE the tentCwas torn down ?h. Ro!ier tSk
refugs in their chapel, where service
Th. list of janitor, for the variou. ed the "clpel.eak? a 11 "1$
(Rperlal Olspateb te Tbe JooraaL) T ' vf . I
Newberg, Or., June 26. Th featur.
of the several days' program of tha
state O. A. ,R. encampment will be the
election of officers, which will take
place this afternoon.: Prominent .can
didate are: - 8. F. Blythe . of Hood
River, for department commander;
George W. Allen of Newberg, for senior
vice-commander: Mrs. Helen N. Packard .
of Portland for department president of
the Woman's Relief Corps.
The popular feature of 'the day was
the parade and flag raising. A beau-;
tlful flag wa presented to the Newberg .
high school, tbe presentation belmr
maae py tne past commander or tne w. .
R. C. In the parade were the O. A. R,
W.R- C. ladlea of the O. A. R., Sons .
of Veterans, Woodmen of the World ,'
and citizens. A W. O. W. drill closed
the parade portion of the program.
About 1,600 delegates arid visitors are -assembled.
' . .;
This evening' thecampflre will b.
held. A concert program will be a fea
ture of this event
An excursion to various local point
of .interest will be given the city's
guest tomorrow forenoon. In the after- .
noon a joint installation of officers will
be held. The farewells will be spoken
tomorrow night , ( ,
Numerous Blaxeg Yesterday and Tills
- Morning Rob Department Men ' i
. , ofsTbelr Sleep. . ' .
school building in the Portland lnde-1 windows, hailing stones on the roof arfQ
pendent - school district was completed i""nAv',. or tne ranatica
this mornrng.: Following is the list In
alphabetical order of schools: -AInswcrth,
8. W. Hunt; Arleta, O. 8.
Worden; Atkinson, C F. - Eastman:
orooKlyn, w. A. uguoee; center Addl
ward Dunn; Clinton Kelly, E. O. Kester;
uoucn, james jynscoii; .uaris, jl. c.
Sloan; East Twenty-eighth, J. H. Brown;
railing. A. , r. Evans: Kernwooa. Mrs.
M. B. Hewitt; Fulton Park, Mrs. J. S.
Rollers refused to give names. .
i I '(Journal Special Service.)
Norfolk, Va., June 26. It " develops
that.; two: are dead and three missing
I'll A a I A. M 1 9. W. 0. I . . . .
Cheek; Glencoe, D. Angelo; Hawthorne, XSZWm ?JLF reBUI r
tj. Li; tiusman; isast sine wign, u. B.
Farley; West Side High, John White-
hurst; Highland, - W. E. Crerar; Hoi- A entire diock m the Pine Beach
man, i'eter wnneim; xiouaaay, w. x. """-v. '."Df i" .ruauo.
Wooden; Irvlngton, A. N. Rice; Ladd. Berkeley, Powhattan and ' Caroline ho
H. W. j: Mitchell; n Lewellyn, W. H.- tels were destroyed with a large part
Moreland: Marquam, James Hewitt: oi tne outsiae war pain.
Monta villa.- . w. uraxe: Mt Tabor, c.
B. Sawtelle; North Central, J. F. Burns; UrTCQTWT A 1?Tt?Q TinT TV '
Ockley Oreen, Frank Brown; Peninsula, Ml00lUl AitlJLa IIUJUI ;
Mfucoim; forismoutn,
Sharp: - Bellwood. Thomas F. Farley:
Knaver, Alex Mcrtae; tsnattucK, M.
Sehell: South Mt Tabor. C. L. Smith;
Stephens, U, B, Phillips; Sunnyelde, lTh Oregon conference of ' the
John Wallace; Terwilliger, Mrs. M. Woman's Home - Missionary society is
EicnocK; i nompBon. wuuam r;. i xoung: I iiuiuina; an au-aay meeting toaay at tne
Williams Avenue, . Albert ? P. Farley; Taylor-atreet Methodist church. Dele-
wooaiawn. u. w. Lee, ana wooa stock.
airs. w. it. w at son.
Oswald ' R. "Ball, manager of the
American Type .Founders company of
Portland, and Miss Nettle Belle Ahrens,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -William H.
Ahrens of White Salmon, were married
at the latter place June 17. - The cere
mony - was performed at the home of
wlll be at home In Portland after July
the bride's parents. Mr. and Mr. Ball
15 at 41 East Eighth street
Meningitis Claims Victim. , :
After a day's illness. Earl If. Gaus.
211 M Second street, died Monday after
noon at St Vincent's sanitarium of
erebro spinal A meningitis, - pr. J..D.
Sternberg, the attending physician,
states that it was the most malignant
case he had ever seen and is of the
opinion that the warm weather does not
tend to kill the germs. It is not known I
wuwv iu aioea .was coairaoieo.
gates are present, from many ... outside
towns ana mucn interest is manifested
in' the home missionary work of the
state. i.uncneen waa served the dele
gate at noon. .', 1,
' Judge Charle E. Wolverton fined the
firm of Manvllle A Kinney of Eugene
220 this morning for entering into the
zurniture trust, against which indict
ments were returned by the federal
grand jury several week ago, Mr. Man
vllle appeared in court and stated that
nis nrm is engaged in the second-hand
- ; Small Boys Run Away,
Lawrence McGrath' '"and Rudolph
Schults, two small boys, who ran a wav
from the Catholic home at Beaverton,
were arrested thla morning bv tha nn.
lice at Portland Height. The boys,
hungry, bareheaded and .barefooted, ap
plied to 8. W. Hunt. 896 Twent v-flr.r
street, for food and the latter, while
granting . their reuuest telenhonad tn
J2tu boIc station, . (
Master bakers of Portland have an
nounced an advance of from X to 40
per cent in tne price or bakoshon
products which will become . effective
juiy,. ine price include
pies,' doughnuts, and similar article.
hey claim the cost of . flour and labor
nas increaaea to sucn an extent that
their own-products must be increased
in price.
, ' (Joarnal Special Service.) ' ,
Washington, D. C, June 26, The state
department has received a - cable mes
sage from Minister Mery at San Sal
vador, and from Minister Lee at Guate
mala, that the NIcaraguan forces are
being concentrated at strategic polnta
for -the '-purpose of lnvadlna- RoJvnrinr
ana uuatemaia. - v
Suit 'was filed in the United Rtatea
circuit court this morning by Matthew
Voney and others against H. White.
asking for judgment- amounting to
22,682. The suit is in equity and arises
out ot the famous Williamsburg mining
case wnicn nas oeen in tne courts ror
several years.
' (Journal Special Service.) )
Oyster Bay, - June 26. Judge
1 William Freer of California was
e today appointed governor of
Ha wall to Uke effect August 15.
: T, :
; Monument School Officers.
(Special Dl'Piteb te Tbs JoaraiLI
Monument. Or.. June 26. At the rear.
ular annual school meeting of dtatrint
No. 8. Monument, the following offi
ce were elected; B. W. Bass, clerk: 5.
H. Anderson, director for three vnara-
W. E. White, director for two years.
Child Swallows Deadly Toisonu
"iSneehil piaptteb te The Jonra.
Hillsboro.' Or.. June 26. The two-
year-old -thlld of W. A.- Thompson of
this city, swallowed by mistake a cor
rosive sublimate tabtet and but for the
heroic work of the nhvalcian would
have died. Xb. child .will .recover.
A. number of, smull fires called the.
fire department out several times last
night and early this morning. The
most Serious was a blase ln th Oriental -Beauty
parlors.- a hair-dressing estab
lishment at 364 Morrison street. The
loss was about $2,000. some of which is
covered by insurance. Tbe cause of
the blase is unknown but was caused.
presumably by the crossing of electric
wires. : The alarm was sounaeo a pout i
o'clock. The tenants In the building,
were greatly frightened, -but the blase . :
was Quickly extinguished with a chemi-
Another bJate at sis Couch street did
about 1200 damage to a roof earlier in .
the evening. A couch at the. FalrmoCnt ..
house on North Sixth street caught Are -from
a cigar and a' burning flue ot
Third and Davis called out the depart'
Fire brok"out at the works, of tha
Pintsch Compressing , compuny, Ninth -and
Lovejoy streets,' about 11 o'clock
this morning, A window i was broken
and other damage dene amounting ti j-'
626. The Plntaeh company is- locatedW
in the terminal yards of the Northern
Pacific and furnishes gas for consump
tion on the overland coaches.
Two husbands, asserting that- their .
wive had' deserted them, appealed to
the circuit court this morning for di
vorces. ' O.' P. Chamness charge that
Viola Chamness deserted him after they
had lived together 62 years. They eero
married in December, 1874, and the de
sertion is alleged to have occurred In
May, 1606. Chamness asks the custody 1
of two minor sons. Ken nit h, aged 17,
and Ernest, aged 16 years. - - - '
Harry B. Davis alleges that he was .
married to Georgle L. Davis at Dallas,.
Oregon in May, 1901. and that hia wife -deserted
him in-May, 1906. Hs asks r
divorce and the custody of their t wo
children, Gladys, aged 6 years, and Fay, "
aged 2 year. . - . , , , , .
Carl Koch, delivery wagon 'driver' for -'-
Closset eV Devers, was thrown, from a
runaway wagon yesterday afternoon on
East Burnslde street, receiving painful
but not serious injuries. The young
man lost control of the horse soon aftec
it began to run and was-thrown to the-
pavement, - fracturing hi, collar pone
and bruising his head. '
; Kocji was -carried td Love's drug , '
store. East Burnslde street and Grand -
avenue, in an unconscious condition and
wa afterward -removed to the ' Good
Samaritan, hospital,, where he recovered -consciousness
and is reported to be '
resting easily, .
Death of O. W.' France. .
(Special Dtapatrh te Tb Jaanjai.) -y
Hoqulam,. Wash.. - June 26. G. W.
France, postmaster at this place, is
dead, aged 66 veara. Wa had auffsrerf "
intensely for many months with a can--eerous
affection. He wns a veteran of
the civil war, He had been postmaster
here for two terms. lis leavea a wife
and children.