The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 26, 1907, Page 1, Image 1

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    ' ; r - - i r
iiUtii M J W
Journal Circulation
The Jovrcsl fellow .you to
give you all the news Iroa-h
, The Weather ' Fair , tonight : an 6
tomorrow; northwesterly wind.' , , ,
VOL. VI. NO. 96 s
r -r jfN i i " , - y T A r a TtL I I
Bradley Makes an Affidavit That He Was Blown Up By Gas and t Not
ALi' 17
JUL! UilLQ)Q)lL,Q)
i ' in . inn mi -" : -i-v. - v. , i. . . I
Orchard Told Witnesses He O''ei 1 1 ... t tatcs. State Secured
. Soucrht Eevenre for Beinjr ; Admissions . From Wit
Driven Out of Idaho
Boyce Declares Federation
Never Counseled violence.
Chesses? lciv Cross-Examiha
' tionvOrchard .Visited by
Haywood. y.
- Defense Charges State With Defamation of Character Al
j Attempt to Intimidate Its ; ready: Infamous. Seems to
: WitnessesLatter Are to Be- Faring: .Badly Editor
-Be Held in Town for the -Admits Authorship of Ar-
! tide ! Defaming Governor.
" ' i ; By John Nevln.
; ' (Journal1- Bpeclal 8rrtc.)
: Bol,; Id., Jun 2S. Direct charfe
of wttompted lnUmklMtinr of their wit-
' 'By Hugh O'Ncni.,'
(Special CommlBloner for th Denver
r Post and Oregon! Journal.)
BoW, ; Ida.,' June 2t.- The "defense
n6sa"are being: "made ijr tne' defense epened Its case for; William D. Hay wood
In the Haywood murder, t-lal against again this morning with a. woman. She
the atate'a detective agencies. It la al-1 wu Mra. ' Lottie Day, who one time
legedvtnat representatives of ttfe mine-1 roomed at the Belmont rooming , house
owiwrV.'fY Colorado have i been given j in uenver.; , Arter Mrs. xay arrirmed
r -ycesAt "courtroom so they can I that Orchard, sitting on a sof4 with
j.V V 1111 tuui uwum . mj i"; ,"1 V w ; " -
ien vs testimony of certain wit-1 her in the Belmont, had threatened to
'.n..rii.. hn in rohMtinl .1 kill 8reunenbre and told her atnrv it
,,e" 5jcontradlct them In rebtrttaL kill 8:eunenberg and told her atory at
v.'ttonali 'duanL-'w'n U in posHelen of all affair, but It proved thatthe-proecu'
the tecords of the so-called military ! tion knew something the defense either
- court and ;ittsens alliance commit-1 flid riot Know or had forgotten. Mrs.
i i.oa civnn a pat In tha court-I Pay had been brought to Boise orlKin-
'.' 4 . . . .1 a . i . .,M I .llv hu )Vi. nmiiMiiittmi Th. nrnaunn.
irlve with the stories they told before titfn had obtained certain information
tnis committee. But if the state thinks from her and then she had been cap-
it can keep our witnesses away by this lurea Dy ine aerense. v
means it is badly mmtaken. Our people "And after Orchard had .told you all
re telling the truth and if any of them mis, saia wawiey, -some otner man
are arrested for perjury it will be on aloame Into the Belmont rooming house
trumped up charge from which they I and spoke 10 urcnarar
will be quickly cleared by the court.
,' ' - lianghs at Charges.
ft MaTor- Naylor. when . told of ; the
charges against him, laughed. - -s
"I'ta here as a witness. I have the
same right to sit in the courtroom dur
ing the proceedings as the defense wit
nesses. 11 1 iruo l vw )U1 mo iciiun.
"And Whb' was It Mrs. Dayf' . 1
"Itwaa Mr. ; Haywood," , said
"And Mr. Orchard 'introduced you to
Mr. Haywood, did her ,
-,-ies, sir." - ' ''.r-'(-' ' -:? : t
3 "And then where did thiey gor ;
"Mr. Haywood ana Mr. orchard went
records, but that haa been known fori into Mr. Orchard's room.'.'
president of the
a lone time.'
Kdwarrf Rovce. first pre
Western Federation of Miners, was the
tar witness for- the. defense today. He
related all the circumstances connected
with Its Inception and organisation. , : He
nald It was born as the result of the
rflrst Coeur d'Aiene trouDies. k ? t "i
"The Federation never counseled vio
Ifltira in any form." he declared. "In
Haywood Tlslted Orohard.
' Previously It has been shown that
Orchard had sometimes visited Hay
wood. Now. by the statement of a wit
ness for ' the defense, the prosecution
haa succeeded in getting Into evidence
the fact that Haywood had been. a vis
itor -of Orchard's.- . .-; - y.'..
There followed a short altercation be-
twMn rniinaal ahmil tha ftatitntlm f
witness while Mrs. Lottie Day of Den-
rrninrado. Wvominar and Montana our ad'
, vocacy of the eight-hour law made us VB- gmliina in the hls-h chair, and
, especially obnoxious; everything was I shortly afterwards Mrs. Day vanished,
done to discredit our motives and cause
disnentlous in our ranns r
' "There never was an inner circle, as
t has been charged," ., said Boyce, emphat
ically. - 1 .
Threatened teunenberg.
' Mrs. Lottie Day of Denver, formerly
of Cripple Creek, v knew - Orchard aa
' Dempsey at the Belmont rooming-house
' In 1804. 'This place was over Petti
bone's Store. Orchard told her he had
a, chance to ue ncn ana mat na naa
. loved only once' in Us life and that he
was separated from the woman he loved
: by poverty. He also said that Steunen
' berg was responsible and - be - would
aural v mil nim. one ioiu mm w wr
' Prior to this conversation she talked
with Orchard about' gambling and told
him that if he went to . gambling he
would come back broke. . Sh h declared
Orch: rd , told her he ; would never go
hrnka aa he always had a little money
to the windward, as whenever; he made
a. winninc Be nut part or it m petti
bone's safe where he could always get
it. , Pettlbone Introduced her to Or
chard. - ' :':!VHvC;':?'--i.-e.!?'' :
Following Mrs. Day came one John D.
Elliott an Inmate of the Boise Soldiers'
home and previously of an Insane asy
lum, who testified to the accuracy of a
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Important Legal Question
AViU Be Decided in the
- Circuit Court, i I
(Continued on Page Two.)
An important question of Jaw. . which
may disturb holders of much valuable
Portland real estate in their possession
of property has; been"' " raised' .'before
Judge Bears In , circuit court , and will
be decided" during the coming week. It
Involves the sale by the original donors
of lands patents to which were secured
from the government '
The case in which the ouestion was
raised involves two lots on Seventh and
Main streets, valued at $30,000. It was
sold in 1850 by W. W. Chapman, origl-
(Continued on Page , Two.)
(Continued on Page Two. )
EARfIS muioiis
ATotal Receipts of Hill Boad
Last i ear in excess 01
., I Anything in History. .
',v . (Jonroal Bpecltl Service.) ;
Boston, Mass.; June 2s. Earnings of
the Great Northern road for May and
June Will break all records. V The June
receipts promise to Bhow an increase of
, over $1,000,000. and will run something
like 26 per cent ahead of June last year.
This will bring the - total earnings of
the year up to about $56,000,000, and
frooaoiy muiv, hui. iuviuuiuk uw faili
ngs of certain proprietary lines, with
the earnings of Spokane Falls & Northi
em, the-Minneapolis and minor lines.
Total earnings will reach $68,000,000.
This means . that the Great Northern
will show a surplus for its stockholders
of over $22,000,000, or about IS per cent
on $160,000,000 preferred stock outstand
ing. Basing operation expenses on-51
percent of the gross earnings md aver
- aging against last year the total net In
come is expected to reach $29,700,000.
, which after deducting charges and taxes
-will leave a surplus of $22,700,000. For-i
eign figures take no account of equities. I
Miss Loving Relates to Jury
Tale She Jold Her Parent
That .Caused Murder.l -
Four-Year-Old Tern Malone Hurled Under Hoofs of Bun
" away Horse-f Wagon Passes Over Him; Cutting in !
, , Two, Little Cart in Which He ;AVas Riding. , v J
Little. 4-year-old Tom i Malbne,': who
Mves with his parent at 391 Chapman
street, miraculously escaped : death - be
neath the Iron hoofs of a runaway horse
atr Fourth and :f: Yamhill street this
morning. The wheels of th wagon to
which" the horse , was attached ; cut . in
two the little cart in which, he wa; rid
ing and the child himself was hurled
beneath the flying team, but he escaped
unhurt r-1-
The wonderful escape from death was
witnessed by a , score , of persons. As
the runaway team bore down upon him
shouts of warning were uttered, but the
lad did not . hear. The horsa ralloned
over, him and the wheel of the wagon
truck the tiny cart on which he rode.
The wheels' completely 'demolished the
art,- throwing the boy beneath the
wagon. . . .-, , s
irariea under Horse Soofs. . I
Tom was down town thla mornintt nti
an errand. . He was accompawled by an
other boy with a little red wagon.' After
going"- the Butcher they- started
home and had reached - Fourth: and
Yamhill streets.' " The street was, clear
and Tom Insisted - on iriding. i He was
rropelllng the- wagon in the middle of
he street -when- a horse- attached to' a
delivery wagon of the united States
bakery came -dashing down- Fourth
street. ; ....-..
. The ; horse became frightened Z at
Fourth and Sarmon' streets and'desplte
the efforts . of . Frank .Murtaugh, Jts
driver, rusnea maaiy aown -tne street
Captain Bruin and Detective. Price saw
the animal start wild career and
attempted ' to . check the runaway but
failed. Others Joined them, in the chase
until there wa a large crowd at Fourth
and Yamhill as the horse dashed around
the corner. -' y , -.'-'(.-: -., v ::
A short distance away the small boy
In -: the little . red wagor) " was - enjoying
himself immensely. He did not see the
danger -nor-dld he hear the 'shouts of
warning from tne crowd.; ill boy com
- (Continued on Pag Thr.)
(Journtl Bpcit CerTke.) . c -Fresno.
Cal.. June 26. Mayor Lyon
has dded to the list of attractions of
me glorious jrourin an . auoretner
unique feature, v He proposes to have
brought' Into town 10.000 jackrabbits.
Some of these will be dyed in the fash
ion of freak animals at the circus, anil
the entire herd-let loose to scamper
through the streets and make sport fur
the people,, , it wa ueBt4 .that this
might be a bad thing for th country to
have such a number of these pests loose,
but the mayor argues that tnev can do
no more harm-by being captured and
turned loose on their native heaths
once, more than bv remaining in the
fields. There may be some features of
a rabbit drive Introduced, but details of
the freak Innovation have not been fully
determined by th mayor and commit
tee, , , .
n (Jooroil Bpeelal- ReryleeJ ;
Houston, Va.,u June 26.-r-Ia." order to
save her father "and Jnstlfy th "un
written Kw,"- Mis Elizabeth Loving
ha told the Jury -the -story of her ruin
by .Theodore, Eates, Judge, William C.
Loving,' h father of the pretty, wit
ness, i on trial charged with murder
for killing Estes. -:
Miss Loving told of Estes. coming to
the Kldd home, where she was visiting,
and urging her to go buggy-riding. She
finally accepted, and., after they .had
driven" for a4 short distance she wa
urged to drink from bottle of whiskey
Estes : had in , hi , possession. She re
fused Kt first, but wa finally prevailed
upon to partake of the- liquor.
No sooner- had she- taken the drink,
she said., than her head began to feel
strange and sne leit tnat ene was los
ing consciousness. - She begged her es
cort, to take her home, but he refused.
and driving her to a loneiy roao. ao
comnliahed nor ruin.
-Judge Loving took tTie stand on hi
own behalf, and told of coming to the
Kldd home and there finding hi daugh
ter in state or collapse, tit immedi
ately secured shotgun and started out
to rind .Estea. Discovering him on ' a
railroad tratn, he entered -ne car and
hot him to death. 1
-Th cross-examination ha not shaken
Miss Loving's jBtory. . v, . . -' .
Secretary, of .Wrecked Tilla
mook -Railroad Gives In
side, Facts"Regarding the
, 'Smashing of the Line by
Harriman :
Misrepresentations in Pit
tock's Newspaper Correct
ed Affidavits arid Min
utes of the Directors and
Stockholders Furnished.,1
Io man in Oregon i " better ac
quainted with the history Of the de
funct Portland, Nehalem & Tillamook
railroad than William Raid, who was
secretary of the. Ill-fated t corporation.
The atory of th wrecking of the -road
aa set forth in th sensational suit for
$600,000 ' damage, brought by sH. M.
Walker against E. H, Harrtman. IL L.
Plttock. John McCraken and others pub
lished yesterday'tn Th Journal, la fully
confirmed in all details by Mr. Retd.
For manv months Mr. Reld - has re
fused, to make any-.. nubll etairtfit
concerning the wrecking of this road.
but the persistent . misrepresentations
luoiisnea in wr. ritiocus newspaper
ave tinally Induced him to state the
facts. . This he has done In the follow
Ing ' communication addressed to The
Journal, in the course of it he makes
reference to ' various official "documents
and to the minutes of the ...directors'
meetings, but owing to their length it
is impossible to - publish them today.
They will appear later. Mr. Reld' let
ter follow: , :
- .Trn Klstory f the Boad.
This morning Oregonlan contain an
article in regard to the suit of H. M.
Walker versus E. H. Harrlman, - John
McCraken, H. L. Plttock, George T.
Myers, John Stewart "and others, includ
ing myself (made a defendant for what
cause I cannot understand, as I never
was a director of the Portland. Nehalem
Sc Tillamook railway merely its secre
tary). I refused in March last to alve
Mr. Walker any Information, and have
also for 18 months past refused both the
Oregonlan and Journal . newspaper re
porters the facta or any Information
whatever. - But the Oregonlan and Col
onel McCraken having in this morning's
Oregonlan endeavored .to i distort . the
facts, I think it-is no more than neces
sary in self defense to produce as I now
do the identical contracts made by Plt
tock. McCraken and the directors, both
with H. M. Walker, for the -London
Share A Debenture company, with the
Atiaa contract supply company, ana
Edward Records, and which contracts
bear their signatures; also a resolution
! :!--i - ' . .
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Six Hundred Wounded When - Troops Attack Marchers
.Who Parade Denouncing King and Queen arid De
' ' ' manding Overthraw .of Miminhjl'M 5 -
(Continued on Page Two.)
v.,:.-.,.!. Uenrasl. Bpedal Berrfwe.) -. ' ' ,
Lisbon, June . 28. -One hundred ..per
sona 'are' reported to 1 have been, killed
and 800 wounded In riots , between mob
j and the oidler. At Operta sis battal
I ion of 'artillery , are .reported: to i have
Feat . Performed Without
Hope ; of Success Patient
T Is Now RecoyeringJ ?
., ;-, - (Journal Special Berrlce.) 4 , . - -7
San - Bernardino, Cal., June 28. On
of the most, remarkable surgical cases
ever coming before the- profession of
this aection la just now attracting great
Interest at the county hospital, where
Edward Ortega-lies on a eot with hi
spinal cord severed, ,a large : portion
having. been taken away,': and the cord
tietd together,
Orteta is but. 15. veara old. . He made
a heroic effort to nave his sister, two
years his junior. from- the attacks of
two atrangers. ana in- the strucald
which followed, the sister grabbed a re
volver, from his pocket and in-.trying
to shoot one of the assailanta toi-
dentally wounded 'her brother, the bullet
passing into me Doy s cacK, rracturlng
his spinal bone and -severing the cord.
Medical Superintendent Sttraig and Dr.
Thomas B Heard attended him. The
entire lower portion of his body ' wa
paralysed. -The wound was probed and
fragments of the spinal bone taken
away. A surgical operation of th most
Checks and Cash Amounting to Seven Hundred Dollars
y, Taken FromBeary's Esatblishment on Morrison f
Street thieves Crawl Through Transom. ' '
Burglars entered . the confectionery
tor of Samuel L. Beary, 123 Morrison
street, "last night and. secured approxi
mately $700 In checks and . cash. En
trance Into th store . was ' gained
through, one of the transom beneath a
shOw window.
"Both Mr. Beary ' and th ' detective
who were assigned to the case believe
thkt th crime' wa committed by a per
son thoroughly familiar with the place.
The contents of the safe and of the cash
register were untouched.
Tha monev was keot in a drawer De-
hind the counter near the front of the
store. It was in a small tin box and in
a leather , wallet v Both the wallet and
the box were-, at th bottom of t the
drawer, beneath large piles of papers,
The cash reKlster. is immediately above
the drawer, but it was untouched. The
safe is in the rear of the store, .but ap
parently no effort was made to open it
ivnen ui iun waa uponou una mum
ing the drawer was found to be open,
Paper were scattered about the floor
In the utmost confusion. Near by 'wa
the tin box in which the monev had
been kept. The leather wallet 'had
been stolen With the money. Two r&
vol vers which had been left Inside the
drawer were Ivlna unon a eheif.'
: Mr. Beary is unable to tell how much
of, the amount- stolen was in cash and
how -much in checks. ' He had cashed
a great many smay checks sine he
naa Deen . to tne cann- ana a consia
erable sum may have been represented
on paper. He has ordered . payment
stopped on all he- can remember, but
he fail's to , remember the' name or
the amounts Of a majority of them.
! .-"Ther were also- eome mor.oy orders."
aid Mr.-Beary, "for I have charge of
certain funds belonging to th. Knight
or fyiniaa. ..... t naa negiectea.zor several
days -olng to the bank, though I fully
intended to - go yesterday. There wa
In .the neighborhood of $700 altogether,
though I am unable, to say-exactly how
much wa there.". -.?;-. j, . 3.
.(Continued, on Pag Two.1
(Josreal Special Service.) " s ' " ;
J Washington, June 28. To , reassure
the daughter of Justice Collin of the
supreme court of th canal sone. Presi
dent Roosevelt has given to that bit of
earth's surface a new marriage system.
- Miss Collins waa married in May, but
he was not .sure until -June that the
ceremony which had been, performed
va iagally binding. By executiv ox
der. issued on the last day of May, all
marriages celebrated Under conditions
similar to that of Mlas Collins' were
validated and a new marriage syetem
Was provided for the tone. ......
' Under the amended law m(s CoUIn
was married. After Die rermnny the
question as to its leeuMy whs iMLsed m
account of the word "r ot-rnZ(.j 1 i.e
law of Panama r.-c -.i.. .4 v.'r i.,o
Catholic religion
mutinied-and a general revolt 1 vndep
way. The mobs and mutineers are bent
upon overthrowing King' Carlos for at.
tempting" to' run the government with
out purllament and the country la In a
still worse plight, through the fact that
it faces .bankruptcy. -
The trouble- tarted when mobs were
formed and paraded the streets denounc
ing, the king. ! The cavalry was called
and charged the crowds. Cavalry horses
wampiea men. women ana children nn-
der their feet to a horrible death. Women-
In the revolt poured boiling water on
the head of the soldiers from point of
vantage In window above.
' .' ; ' . Plot '-Seat of XingvK:;X
King-Carlos and Queen Amelle are
practically - prisoners in . their palace,
while the city bears the aspect of an
armed camp. Soldier constantly ! pa
trol the ' streets and clashes ara fre
quent k- Plotters are busy and numerous
schemes, for the -assasslnstlon of the
rulers have been frustrated dnrln.
past few. days. . --,- .--
-,Wort of all the features of the up
rising against King Carlos is a plot to -
(Continued on Page Three.)
Spokane Case Will Bo Heainl
! . rby Commerce Commis
.L ' . sion Tomorrow. ,
(Watblngton Bnrea of Th 7ooraal.)
Washington Jun- 28. Th Spokai
rat case, which wa set for today, 1 1
postponed to tomorrow. The entire ar
ray of counsel 'wa present befors th
commission today ready to proceed wi'i
the argument. The attorney are: II. y.
Stephen of Spokane and Brooks A ' 1
of Boston, for Spokane W. C. fv,r:-..,.
for the Union Pacific: C, W. r , . '
St Paul and Charles Donnelly ( ' :
ena, for the Northern Tai-trie; I.. 1 .
man. for tho Grent Northern, r 1
Teal of Portland arid Sfth ?' .
Francisco, f r 'tTie Pnfi.j 1
The a i:l fwt-,-, - '
1 I'l-i '' .iv. rni"i 1 1
V '.-.'! I t 1 .