The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 25, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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(Io:::y thouzies :
rjll The Most in Values : '
The jNerrest Btylei 33estWoIlr,nasIxiI,
) J The kidneys are essential organs
for keeping' the bodj freo from im-
Snritlea. It they should fail to work
eath would ensue in very short time.
Inflammation or irritation caused
by noma feminine derangement may
spread to some extent to the Kidneys
and affect them. The cause can be
Y, M. C. A. Is Introducing American Methods in Instruc-
tipn of Jh Youth of the Orient Under Leadership of
joJar removed by using- Lydia
jWpi the CLoicest Skirts Shown This eason200
"faVhionabfe fabriciln1
ienf the cost of materials. , , . ' "r- y' ':. i .- h i( '
that the tronbie wll disappear.
When a woman, la troubled with
pain or weifrbt in loins, backache,
swelling of the limb or feet, swell
ins; under the eyes, an uneasy, tired
feeling in the regrion pf the kidneys,
rlie should lose no time in oom
menoins; treatment with
i . -.vv.ii Jk lltLiVilAl UWJ.VHHJt
The most
' not represent the cost of materials.
Smallest Prices
, Ths blcicAat man In China" are the
eemlnsly boastful words . used - by
friends of etcher 8. Brockman, ra
tional secretary' of the T. M. C. A. in
' China, in describing him. But the fads
with his wife, and three children, are
enjoying-, a vacation after a' long reel
, dence in the orient; 7 " H- 1
'-'Two wealthy easterner on. tour of
A ine China coast, realizing what splen
did work Mr. Brockmsnls doing-, and
eeln ,that he was all run : down, In
Slated on the secretary taking- the Mln-
neaoia at once ror a sight of his native
land, at their expense. 4
The situation of the T. M. C. A. In
i China is peculiar in that much of the
support of the work comes from wealthy
Chinese, who recognise the beneficent
: remilts of the educational system con-
nected with the Y. M. C. A., and. from
; the religious influences. -v-.'..-'?.. '
if;:.' Orsat Changes la; China.
In '.'"discussing affairs 'in "the" orient
Mr. Brockman first referred , to the
enormous changes which have taken
place in China In the last two years.
...the motive' back nf them heln tha
' Japanese victory ln the war with Bus.
'sia. Up to thia time China, as a whole,
, w reaiiy commuted . to ner -former
,, jjuiicj, wmcn waa one 01 exclusion, ana
"of industrial, educational and commer
cial policies that were more than 2,009
years old; but she became thoroughly
t i-unvinccq, wnen japan was-victorious
over the Russians, that the Japanese
success in the world, and their own
Ignomlnous failure in dealing with
western powers, was due to the japa
, Tiese having adopted the civilisation of
trie western world, and, as China felt,
improvea upon ic
- China was also wise enough to .see
- that this was not simply due to the fact
xnai japan naa adopted western methods
Am . warfare, but that It .went deeper
man mat, ana meant at least me adop
tion of western education; hence, two
years ago, the empress dowager Issued
.an edict that the old examination sys
tem which had prevailed almost un
changed for 1,000 years, should be abol.
isnea. ana
a new system of education
adopted. . The new system which has
been adopted Is practically that of
America, not a vestige of the old sys
tem being left
Vfev A'- Was BaJlway Situation.
Along with this change in education
baa come a determination to make a
complete change in the industrial con
ditions of the country, and In answer
. to the question as to whether this
tneans that China is going to put in a
You think, one tea as
good as another? . " :
.-' Why don't you buy at
'. the lowest price you see in
the window? - ' :
(.' Tear grocer returns your tqooer U jse dest
'.. like Schllllat't Sett; we pir hi
' 1
It may be the means of saving; her life. Read what this medicine did
for Kate A. Beam, 620 West 47th Street, New York, who writes:
Dear Mrs. Finkham: "l owe a aeo oi frawiuae w ujai a. jrinic
ham's Vegetable Compound for it has eared, my . life. I suffered with
Kidney tronble. Irregularities and painful periods, and my blood was
' fast turning1 to water. I naed your medicine for some time and it has
made me strong- ana wen. " - ' v. - "
. Lydln E. Plnkhsm's Vefdtable Compound made from native root
rad herbs cures Female Complalnu,noa as railing ana Lnspiaoemenis,
nd rers.nie niaeaaea. Dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage.
It strengthens and tones the Stomoh. Cures Headache, General Debility
and invigorates the whole system. . For derangement ox ut juaieys in
either sex Lydia is. rinknam s vegewoie yompouaa exueueai.
Mrs. Plnktiam'a Invitation to Women
-J Women suffering from any form of female illness are Invited to writ
Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., Xor aavice. ans xree.
rietcher, S. Bockman, National Sec
retary of T. M. C. A. ia China. .
No w's the
time to ,
getypixr '
measure in
A Pair of
. Several reasons why we do
It tq keep our .tailors busy
by sitmulating trade, during
,v mid-season; to reduce stock
- of "suitimcr goods,, so we'll
be ready for: fall; and to in
duce new patrons to try Co-
lumbia tailoring.' - So we say
; an extra pair of trousers free
with every 'suit costing
$22.50 or more during" our
yZ summer clearance sale. , You '
'save' drl cost, to begin with,'
and gain" th? extra trousers
into' the bargain. NOW is
when Columbia tailoring is
a better "proposition than
ever. '
number of. railways Immediately Mr.
Brockman replied that it seems some
what disappointing that China is not
putting In railways more rapidly thun
she is at present, but this Is not due
to the fact that China Is in doubt now
as to the profit to the country in rail
ways, but several rears aaro foreign
powers, particularly Prance and Russia
attempted to put military railways right
inrouan the heart of China. . Rail war
concessions were forced from the gov
ernment by these foreign powers.
Unfortunately the American company
which had gained the concession of the
railway from Canton-to Hankow,- con
trary to its aolemn understanding witt.
the aovernment. snM & mutoHtv nf its
interests to Eurobeana. This mads tha
Chinese very much afraid of western
control of its railways, and has even
gone so far that they are afraid of
western capital and of western help in
the construction of the railways. China
Is building railways as rapidly as she
can unaided, but it ia , t&klnr her I
little time to gain the experience which
is necessary. -in ineir construction and
capitalisation. One of the greatest
diows to American trans and influence
f which could have been given was the
action oi mis canton-liankow corpora-
nun, v ( - ' -
, Trade 'Wltk-ITaltsa States.
i Replying to the question as to- what
he thought of the prospects for Ameri
can iraae in ins rar east, Mr. tsrocK-
man saia tnat not Doing directly con
n acted witn American commerce or
trade, ne could not speak as an expert,
but hi work taking him into all parts
ot'ine mr east and Drinsin . mm in
contact with the merchants and officials
or tne leading centers, he waa in posi
tion to say , that he felt very hoDeful
aSout the prospect of an- Immense
trarne on the Pacific ocean. nd that
he thoroughly believed that -the Pacific
was to oe tne center or the civilization
of the, twentieth century, and that there
would be' a much larger trade on the
Pacific than on the Atlantio coast of
the United States. ; 4
Mr. Brockman does not,'however, feel
so optimistic about-the Americans con-1
trolling jrhat .trade unless we awake to
'::V " : ;.:.:- ??y. y-m-
j ' , - : ' i
I - j
( ' "I: !
? .-'.'-AX'-j
A. 3. Higgins, who lives five miles
west of Pullman, Washington, and who
is engaging In strawberry growing to
ouits an extent, has raised a curious
berry freak. The berries, shown In the
photograph, 17 in number and growing
on the one stem,' weighed over a pound.
Only four of the berries were matured.
The largest . berry was indeed a curl-
Solomon Had Only Two Mothers to
Decide Between Here Are Four ?
and Father Besides. .
Elks' Duilding
' (Jowaal Special Service.)
Waatngton, D. C, June . 15. Federal
officials having to do with the regu-1
lation and control of public health were
surprised to learn that the ' publlo
health officials of Texas. wlU soon Issue
iavcvi viu.a w u .utu. - ao-alnat , all. twranna affects With tha
" vi,u. iuwi --I advanced a tar Fa of tuharrulnala niacin
uiwj icoi . uiviupciTn wca vuvush .viv inem iu me same cttiexorr wiid small
en a yearlvlded for In possessing one father and Pox nd yellow fever, according to a
tha tharal .),,, v,,. if lutia" Aiic Vat-tn-Tie "port which Is beinr issued because of
i.mvrl L mothe5' nut, v little Alice., Tet-to-Be l th increased Immigration of tubercu-
atients to the dry climate of
oalty. 1 It was flat-shaped, not unlike
a butterfly, and Just turning color. In I
the center was growing a small green
berry, whl h gave the larger berry the I
enrect or a small ' sunnower witn a
green center, ; The variety of the ber
ries was tne men Alary, a new one in
troduced in this section. Mr. Higgins
is marketing a large number or crates
dally from his catch, receiving $1.60 1
a crate ror tnem.
Its importance. The JaDanese are verv
aeen aoout comnetiiora. and
nowina- mora lar-sis-nteaness ana inor-
oughness in dealing with the present
commercial situation than they did with
tne military situation tnree years am.
Germany Is also a competitor that Is
putting brains and science ss well as
enterprise into , capturing the oriental
trade. ; :. .. -f- - ; :
Interested In T. BC. 'o. A. Work.
Revert In ar ta 'tha T. M. f A.:- Mr
Brockman answered the inquiry, as o
whether he found the orientals inter
ested In the work of that organisation
to tne eriect mat during his nine years'
residence in ins xar east notmnr nan
surprised him more than the eagerness
witn wnicn ins cninese, tne Japanese
and the Coreana had taken ta tha V M.
C. A. in Toklo there ia a membership
of more than 1,000 Japanese young men
In the Central City association.
The Toard of directors is composed of
some of the men of the greatest bril
liancy m the city of . Toklo. lncindina-
a meinoer pi parliament. . Tnere are also
in the same city associations among the
biiiiivia aim wurvitn Biuueuia. . -
There are 15.000 Chines atudenta tn
Toklo. most Of whom have - aatAt, Avar
auring tne jast two years. Awork was
organized in nenair or these men
SRO and In less than sir month;
evenln classes? -uve.nry Name(1 w,r, old enough to choose for
- m , , 1 iiciaoi, 0 u, . vuuiu nam ilia . vuui
mm anuiui, . n i Tour 'seta. Hnma tlma aan aha waa
Chinese have also manifest a 'iun I taken frnm an inatltntlnn In Portland
Interest In . the reliaioua work of thai when ( months' old hv A Mood River
ssosiauon. Heverai thousand - were I woman who intended to adopt her. The
would-be foster-mother feel 111 and was
unable to care f car the child. - A friend
of hers took the "child temporarily, but
became so attached to it that she asked I sustain such quarantine before the au
to be permitted to adopt it. wouid-De i preme curt.
present at a series of evangelistic meet-
rs which Mr. John R. Matt with oth
ers Conducted recently In Toklo. At the
meeting oi tne, world's, Student Chris
tian federation in Toklo recently most
signal indications or the Interest which 1 foster-mother No. S thereupon appeared.
ole na"on n the assocla-1 claiming a better right than that of
w.;:i;;r. -Jl" . aTwY7uS'"' " JNa I, In that she belonged to the same
TlgAjlB'i Bfiron. ?t0 th head of fha officials of the Portland instltu
ino .'ouuinern jyiancnurian raiiwav. md n ..lul -v-; .(.m. v
, u j,in:.,vi ri- iilz-' I"v: I lion.1 irom wiuw-ii inn viuiu iiau uwn
KT?,,"r : lrquis tto ).,. wer, agked to setUe the matter.
a7 i iSS fci-SSTJ1 -mSmPr??i? They gave it- full i consideration aud
a contribution of 15.000 arold toward Its
vuitBui expenses... .... ... 1 " " i . -:.:., ,,
: But now comes a new element of dis
turbance, in the discovery that the child
has a mother and father of her very
arid Texas..
It was said here that under the
federal statutes tuberculosis is not a
quarantable disease, but Immigrants can
now be kept out of the United States
when afflicted with tuberculosis, under
the new immigration law. The opinion
was given that it may be difficult to
:A,Am: .,'.; -'
R. W. Montague. ' who managed the
made The award to Mrs. Snyder, the Z, A. ',ZZr;:
aanarmia friend of the invalid In the rWveu an spprecia-
r- B. E. Falmer Promoted. ,
(Rpeclsl Dispsteh to The Joaraai.i
Tacoma, Wash., June J5. B. E. Pal-
mer, assistant general superintendent of
tne iNortnern facinc with headquarters
at Tacoma. has been promoted to he
uoivi or;, his efforts yesterday In the
shape of a beautiful gold watch pre
sented to him bv a number n nthn.l.
asiin rrienna. to . tna . v.n.rDi.htn
own, who nave appeared on tne scene Mr. Montague is accredited much of the
and nhlnct . to- the .- vounsrster belnK l success which crowned tha T.nna am.
legally taken away from them. At res-1 palgn and the friends who presented the
ent Mrs. anyaer nas pbb.-!ioii ui inn
baby and Is trying to secure the consent
I gift yesterday take this means pf show
ing their gratitude to him for his
anaral annarlntanrint (it v -I it- nrnli to a iea-n.1 adnntlon. tin- I month-Ions foraretfulness "nf neraonal
nown as the western division of the less she can do this it is stated mat sno ami private
road. Mr. Palmer will have supervision will relinquish - all claim to the small civic good
Dunuie or numaniiy iiutv uai cauaeu
much stir already in her short career.
business for the
of the lines of the system west of I bundle of
Trout creeK. Montana, his nrnmntlon
becoming effective July 1. - He Is one
of the best-known officials of the road
ana a man or Droad experience.
A$3r ).
'Special tlpttch to The Joarnnl.1
RnnUana June 25. Carelessnejs on
tha nart of the flaa-man at tha finraffuc I He
land Division crossings of the Northern I Cameron.
' Pacific was the alleged cause of a col
lision between a freight engine and a
buggy containing Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
B.k.l.. th , . fdrm.p . 7 n , vera Aid
Sebrlns'a chest was crushed In., while
Mrr. Pebring's legs were broken. Both
were bruised badly besides.
v.v witnesses snv the flarmsn made
no effort to keen the bus-cry from. belnx ;
driven across the track when the engine I
was backing up unseen by Beeorlng.
' Salem's Orators on the Fourth.
Salem. Or.. June 25. The Capital
City, it would seem, is the fountain
Life Terra for Murder.
Spokane, June 25. Johnnie McLaln
has been sentenced to life Imprisonment
at Walla Walla for the kllMng of Wil
liam Cameron two weeks an on tha
Colvllle Indian .reservation. He has
serveo two terms in tne penitentiary,
1. T A , 1 A n A 1 . m.M IV . ' .... .
buuit v. me murocr or
ucuun. ii t nair-oreed and
has lone been feared in tha nkannnn
vvuim j. ' . , ...... v '
A Sensible Act
There's n Interesting bit
of reading matter . about
these . silver dollars 100
of them on another page I
head for patriotic oratory, many of the
strongest speakers in aaiem naving re
ceived invitations to speak at Fourth
of July celebrations. Among those who
have accepted are: Governor- George
E. Chamberlain, at Jacksonville; Con
gressman Willis C. Hawley. at Cor-1
vallls; Attorney-General A. M." Craw-
n-mA - T.fM U T. .........
at Dallas; W. iL Kaiser, at Mouai I
the most nourishing food
. In existence.',
Trial Proves!
; Tlxo Greatest VolulZvpSied
100 Panama. Hohair and Mixture Skirts
lb plaited and gored model, some with tailored strapped trimming;
values to $6.00 '- - ' w V,W-v :'
. - ' WILE THEY LAST f3.00. , . ;
v 100 Tine Chiffon Panama Skirts
In black, brown, navy, green and gray; also great number of skirts
made from Tamestown worsted , and imported suitings, in stripes,,
checks and line plaids. : These skirts are all made extra full, in
pleated and gored models, tailor strappings; values up to $12.50. '
- Coais at Q4.50
-These coats are all wool mixtures, stripes and plaids; also all wool
cream serge; tight fitted coats, Pony and loose box effects, some
neatly trimmed with velvet; worth $7.50." r. ' ; , v
: ; ; . 1; V 7' Smart Dresses lor Children
Is there anything' prettier, daintier; more charmingly lovely than a .
cutely dressed child? Choose the little one's frock from this stock
and she will ' be fetchingly attired.,- Prices, as usual, run; with an a
economical step. 'AH sizes from 3 to 14 years.' ' " '.' c.
S0f, 75f f l.OO, f 1.25, AND. UP TO fS.KO.;,
Smart Tailored Jackets ,
From fine covert, cloth and black broadcloth, lined all through with
: good quality soft satin; : ."v'.-. r. .-: -;1
Heatherbloom Petticoats Special 02.25 ;
These sre very pretty Skirts, made from genuine Hydegrade Heather-'
bloom, Taffeta on a liberal model, with deep shirred xuffle, finished
with underlay and. dust ruffle. - Heatherbloom has the swish and ap
pearance of silk and, will wear far better. None genuine unless 1
labeled "Heatherbloom." ' v..r-,V-'-:
AvMU '
There's a world of comfort in the Oxfords we sen. . There's daintiness in the faultless femi
nine shapesthe mannish walking designs as well mark the distinctiveness of our Oxfords. The
7 infinite number of sizes and widths provide always a perfect fit.
Many new lots of Oxford Ties will make
their Initial bow tomorrow morning. . Come
see the Ties. They are the very quintessence
of stylishness. . Note the Special Prices -
Women's $3.50 pt eolt..vici kid Oxfds S2.3T
Women's $3 pat. colt, plain and Blucher S1.77
Women's $2.50 tan and black Oxfords S 1.00
Women's $2.50 white csnvas Oxfords, light
or heavy ....i..........i,,-..,....i,.f2.00
Women's $2.00 white canvas Oxfords, good '
values, . .V. . . . . ..' . ". ... . .8 1.50
Women's $1.50 white canvas 'Oxfords, Blu
cher cut ..,...,....................,..$1.00
Black Dress Goods
Extra Good Values .
Black, the absence, of .color, and yet always becoming, always ap
propriate, and this season more fashionable than ever. Prices like
these would almost make the unpopular popular. You need them
anyway you1 pay full prices for the same fabrics usually. It Is the
combination of special timeliness with special small pricings - that
, makes the marvel of this sale. Many different fabricsand as many
reasons for their sale here under-priced. Reasons would take too
much space to tell space is valuable today. So here is just the
bare list of bargains.
"46-inch Black Voile Spotless black, sponged, all ready for
the needle, strictly all wool, special priced at................ I DC j
48-inch' English Voile Fine crisp finish, pure woot, fast ' QC, i
black, spot proof; specially priced at... ..................... ODC i
44-inch ' French Voile Deep, rich black,' crisp hard fin-, df Isfl
ish, excellent to shed dust; uneqnaled value at........,....ylUU
45-inch Wove Voile Very fine weave, beautifully blue d OC
black, perfect finish, spot proof, extra good value at......, vleaesl
46-inch French Voile Made of finest select yarn, rich
and elegant; absolutely fast black; specially priced at...;.
Priestley's New Summer Weaves in Black
v7 . IJnequaled
Black Woolen Sum
mer Dress Fabrics
40-in. Black Wool Tamse.
40-in. Black Empress Poplin.
40-in. Black Crispine Poplin.
42-in. Black Wool Taffeta,
! 42-in. Black' Silk Eolienne.
40-in. Black Wool Batiste.
40-in.: Black Crepe De Paris.
40-in. Black Queen's Cloth.
44-in. Checked Panamas.
46-in. Silk Finished Mohair.
52-in. Black Chiffon Panama.
V) (fh a ' or Colored Dress Goods
4tS C Worth 01, pl.25 & 01.50
The climax of values given is reached in this most extraordinary of
fering, in tne. lot you win ima tnis season s most popular patterns
and colorings in a great variety of weaves, only a few of which we
mention here. , , - .j!"..
Novelty Panamas, Noveltv Taffetas, Novelty Batistes and finest
French and German Novelties in all-wool and silk and wooL This
indeed is. a splendid opportunity to buy rich, stylish, effective, high-
class fabrics at a wonderfully low price, regular values from-$1.00
to a yard.- -, . T - s , ,
I YonrjChoiceiyo Gents
How many kinds of Belts! These belt
makers are as ingenious as jewelers in
evolving novel effects.' This offering is.
of plain and novelty belts modish belts ;
all of them, charming styles hundreds
and hundreds of them; and the best of it
is there isn't an old style in the lot. -For
tomorrow prices run like this; . n
v - ' 73c BELTS 49 : i .. , . t.
Women's Kid and Leather Belts, the newest effects for' summer
wear in fancy shades and black, red, brown and tans. Very neat
ui oxoaizea ana swasnxa oucwes. Keguiar ic values. 4fl
pecial at 4jC
; -35c WASH BELTS 25. -
Women's linen and duck embroidered Wash Belts, new patterns for.
summer; neat gilt or pearl buckles; adjustable clasps. Reg- 9C
r , joc values, special at , . . . ................ bvi.
Women's-plain and gold-mounted i ack Combs in shell or
amber; extra good value for 5. LZ
White India Linon
AT laf White India Linon,
full 30 inches wide,., nice even
thread, fine finish, unusually good
value at this price. ., ;
AT 1S White India Linon, full
30 inches wide, nice even thread,
launders nicely, soft and durable,
excellent 3 value at this price. : : F ;
AT SSWhite India Linon, full
36 inches wide, beautifully finished.
just the thing for smart outing
suits; usual 35c grade. '
AT 25e -Mercerized Batiste, full
42 inches .. wide, very sheer and
dainty; usual 35c grade.
AT 35f French Lawn, 45 inches
wide, beautifully finished, sheer and
fine; most desirable for light, cool
summer dresses; great value at this
AT 18f Dotted Dress Swiss, 27
inches wide; comes in small and
medium size dots; very dainty and
chic for summer wear; excellent
value at this price, ,. ,
AT 15 White "Lawn, full 40
. 1 e .'. .
incnes wiae, nicely tinisnea, ot
medium ' weight; suitable for
aprons and children s dresses; ex
tra good value at this price.
Sample Hand Bags
A special ' purchase - of make r's
samples. There are some very
choice ' examples i of - the leather
worker's art in Hand Bags, Pocket
Books, etc. All two thirds to one
half less than regular prices..
, $1 Handbags at 69c . , .
Women's ; small size, v seat .grain
two strap Hand Bags, regular $1
value; special sale price, .,...69e
$U5 and $1.50 Handbags at 98c
A ereat assortment of f afic v col
ored Hand. Bags, as well as the
latest novelties in Cotton and Bead
Bags; also : strap purses; regular
.$1.25 and $1.50 values; special sale
price . ."Vv . . . v; . . . . . . . . . 8t
- $175 and $2 Handbags at $1.25. -
Women's teal ; grain Hand Bags,
leather ; lining,? neatk coin purse in
side, .riveted frame and small bag
strap handle; flap . side with mir
ror; regular $175 and $2; special
sale price v, . . .S1.25
$2.50 Hand Bags at $1.89.
Good quality seal leather Hand.
Bag v in all the newest shapes in
black, brown and tan; fitted with
neat com purses and leather lmine;
regular $2.50 value; price. ..Sl.&J
Curtain IIatcrir.!b
At 15 Whits Curtain 8wl, full
SS Indies wide; come in a large As
sortment of dots, ligurea and strlpf-i.
At 25 Whits in4 Ecrtt'BoM.b-.
full 64 Inches wlile, good r-.i.
quality, great valus at this priw.
At 18 Curtain !at1raii full
inchf wlili-1. rrfty rruM tr'i
snnwflAke : t. In s'l v
At tr,tc-- -
1 . ' . 1 R - .
fi!i..i, h i L