The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 25, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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" 7 .
Term Tnr?r.r; Is
Marquam Grand
t "When Johnny Comes Marching Home"
Baker. "The Telephone JExchanaV
Orand ...... Vaudeville
Ly rlo "A - Wicked Woman1
titer.... "The Charity Nurse"
The Oaks
- I'J'Pl ' F: carlln Firtt and Alder
the house of excellence. It la the citadel
of service fitting: for a king. It is the
'only hotel and the only grill In Port
land bavin the personal supervision of
'Nicholas Sargent, the man who as .a
caterer has a reputation from ocean to
ocean. He has len at the head of some
of the largest hotel dining- parlors in
' America. His fame' crowned the ocean
from New jforkj it has spanned Jthe
known in all the first-claaa homes and
business institutions of Portland, and
his anlendld house, the Saraent. Grand
and Hawthorne avenues, but a tew
months under his personal management.
has fathered to Itself the laurels of the
city, and Is today the focal point of In
terest to that large class desirous of
pleasing the Inner man of enjoying- we
are astonished at the revelations or tne
nr-m II il null .ilium in. I u ' p. " .u- imiiiiit-
, tends Before the Railroad
Commission That and
Other Mitigating Circum
stances Bar Extension.
fisttt to be had uoon the banauet table.
"Persons dining at ordinary publio places
Sargent banquet hall and grill. They
are more than astonished. They are
charmed delighted. Its dally 60-cent
dinners and Its 75-cent rate, with wine.
mi HnniiiivB flllin its dlnlne- room
every ' evening, and Us elegant aultea
are afording home for a happy throng
of contented people, seven car lines
I afford ample car service from the bouse
- to any part oi town.
" Civil service examinations for topo
graphic draftsmen and copyist topo-
graphic draf tamen will be held In Port
' land on Jul 16 and 11. Salaries for
thi former nnaltion ran re from 11.000
to 11.600 per year, and for-the latter
from 900 to $1,600 per year. The va
cancies to be filled on the coast and
reodetia survey carry salaries of 11,000,
. 11.200 and 11.400 per year. There Is
also a vacancy In the hydrographio of-
' floe of the navy aepartment at waan
Inrtnn at a. aaJaj-y of 11.000. The ID
pllcants will be examined In drawing
toposraphlo maps, lettering ana tnatne-
" matlcs. The axe limit la 10 years or
over on the date of examination. Ap
plications should be made to the civil
aervlce commission. Washington. D. ,C,
' Cash prltea and trophies awarded by
the committee Af the rose fiesta are
being distributed ; today from the of
fices of the carnival in the Swetland
building. vE. B. McFarland,- secretary
of the fiesta, is distributing the awards
to the successful contestants in . the
rose show, while the parade prises are
being given' out by Manager Hutchln
from headquarters at 125 Swetland
building. Secretary McFarland . and
Manager Hutchio are anxious to close
up this feature of the carnival and
extend an urgent Invitation to all prise
winners to call at either 110 or 120
Bwetland building and receive their
awards. , . .
; A recent accession . to the ranks' of
, the vaudevilllans U W.! II Woodward,
a Portland boy, who made his debut at
. Pendleton last week. His specialty is
character song and dance, and tnepa
pera of that city apeak in the highest
praise of his work. He was the feature
of the bill, and the houae did the larg
est business- during his engagement of
any week since it was opened. Mr.
Woodward Is under the management of
Goldsmith Fisher, of Seattle. , , . .
- Woodlawn is to be supplied with Bull
Run water at the earliest possible mo
ment,' a main having already been laid
Atnsworth street to Columbia
Sleights. Hubert Kublck. owner of the
Woodlawn water works, has refused to
ell his plant to the city and a new sys-
nia in neip or w
the help of the residents who
are anxious for Bull Run water, is be-
lng laid,
o Mr. Craig of the Plummsr Drug com
pany and Dr. Fred J. Grillette returned
Friday from a three days fishing trip
at Big WashougaL Nelth
4nt admirer of trout as i
Knf manv Bf their friends were remem
h.rl -with rlfta from their SO pounds'
"welrht of speckled beauties. Both en-
Joyed the sport and, recreation.
The ease of William Matting against
k f KAiTi arhooner Toeemite. in which
Mattlna seeks to recover 15,000 for
ininriea he . aUeaes to have i received
. while working on the vessel, was con
. .i,ih hfnr Juda-e Charlea E. Wol
verton in the United Statea district
court yesterday afternoon . and waa
taken under advisement, ,
A spark from the furnace in the fuel
sawdust at the shingle milt of Nordby
& Olsen at the foot of Hamilton avenue
in South Portland called out the fire de
partment about 9:30 last night The
blase was extinguished by the night
watchman before the department ar
rived, VS;'-
Water through host for t sprinkling
yards or sidewalks or washing porches
or windows must be paid for tn advance
and used omy net ween me oouri ot o
end 8 a. m., and S and p. m. It
must not be used for sprinkling streets.
If used contrary to these . rules, or
wastef ully. It will be shut off. .
Owing to the fact that Sunday here
tofore has always been the heaviest
paying day, :t Is believed that some if
not air the Hl.Jonn saioons win oe
1 compelled to suspend business.. Six
lirvnnr rieolers there cay tl.OtO a year
Articles of incorporation of the Case
A Relet company were filed in the office
of the county clerk this morning by
Burton O. Case, Alice M. Case and Rob-
. . ' b.w .1 Tk. i.i will nnHlirt tt.
,-wholesale real estate business. Capital
stock $40,000. , .
; Alleging that only had been
paid on a debt of 12.500. Lillian Patter
eon Lemcke this morning began suit in
' the circuit court to collect the money
from Ernest C. Herlow. It is charged
that a note for 12.600' was given at, Los
Angeles. February 28, 1906,-and that
only the one small payment has been
made. Interest is asked, making the
Easy Work ForVVomen
-The Union Laundry wants them.
We - have , enlarged our plant
added another story to our build
' lng had to do H people da
; tn ended It and now ' '
We Tflust Have Help
To 'Utilise this extra room. We
" pay big wages give constant em
ployment every boss la a gentle
man everybody is happy around
tbla ahop. ' - 1 -
Tel, Ztfala 398.
aoond and Colombia. -
Big ranches and few settlers, saga
brush plains and little traffic, and many
other mitigating circumstances are
given by the management of the O. R.
& N. for not complying with the peti
tion of Pendleton people for tha exten
sion of the Portland-Blgga local east
ward and the Inauguration of dally lo
cal passenger service.
Yesterday afternoon the railroad com
mission met with the officers of the
O. K. AN. at the Worcester building
to listen, to tha railroad aide of the
question. June 4 the commission had
a hearing in Pendleton, at which time
the people of Pendleton told their
troubles ad asked the assistance of the
commission in getting the service which
they were entitled to according to their
arguments. , .
Overland Trains Xte.
Pendleton residents and business, peo
ple contended that the overland trains
running through renaieton were always
late, or practically so, that the cara
were filthy from long use between Chi
cago and Pendleton, that the toilet
rooms were unusable, and that the ;
coaches were so crowded most of the
time that the - Fendleton-Fortiand pas
sengers were compelled to - stand for
lone- distances before seats could be se
cured. ; xney pointed out mat renaieion
is a junction joint and that the trafflo
from there to Portland is heavy .and
uniform, and that extra, service was a
necessity and should in Justice be ao-
corded by the O. R. A N. , 1
At the hearing yesterday afternoon
attended both by representatives from
Pendleton and by the management or
the railroad company, it waa argued by
the O R. & N. Interests that the con
ditions existing between Pendleton and
Portland did not justify an additional
train, '-.'i - ' v .-' - - '"
J.. H. CNellL traveling ' passenger
agent for the company, testified that
tha country was so snarsely settled that
an extra train would not have the traf
flo necessary for its support. He went
Into the Question station by station and
estimated the amount of business which
each gave to the road as a general
thing. He contended that there is really
less business done on the line than
used to be the case, owinsr to the fact -
that large numbers of people had left
the country -surrounding . Pendleton,
leaving the wheat section in the hands
of lare-e land holders, with but few
Sermanent rural residents. Those who
id remain traveled but little.
Mr. O'Neill gave it as his opinion that
one additional car added at Pendleton to
the overland trains would be surncient
to overcome all existing contentions of
the Pendleton people except that re
garding, the delayed trains. This condi
tion wosua D nara to overcome.
. ' OonnissUm : Takes Svtdenee.
running over the Pendleton-Portland di
vision, testified as to the amount of
business done by the regular trains. A.
Gavin, ticket auditor .for the O. B. A N.,
presented statements or tne passenger
business done by the different divisions
of the company's lines, compared to the
small Dusiness coming rrom .renaieion.
nev Arthur SDencer also testified re
garding the light business done, alleging
mat tne operation ox a tocai train Be
tween the two points would he a loss
to the company. - -
' At the conclusion of the hearing the
commissioners -i announced that they
would take the evldenoe offered at the
two sittings under consideration and
would announce their decision at a later
data -f The full membership of the com
mission was present. " C. B. Aitchlson
rreMdoil. ah tnree, Mr. Aitcnison, i.
K, Campbell and Oswald West, returned
to Salem last night following the con
clusion of the hearing.
" If your teeth need treatment the
longer you wait, the larger it will
make your bill
Call at once and let u examine
your teeth. We will give you the
best service in every branch of tha
dental profession, and by painless
methods that will meet with your
approval. When dealred you can
have T. P. Wise or my peraonal
W. A. WISE, Denlist
T. P. Wise, H. A. Stardevant and Dr.
.' Huffman, Associates
' - - POW XCAZW 8039.
at the stock
tiieatees :
total amount of
tha Judgment sought
In the circuit court this morning
Judge CI eland sentenced Harry Mont
rose to three years In the penitentiary.
Montrose had nleaded guilty to a charge
of assault brought against him by 14-year-old
Yerna Smith.
"The Boya of 'IS," a dramatic
operetta, win ne grven tnia evening at
the Heillg theatre at 8:16 by the
students of the Blanchet Institute. , Re
hearsals - have been progreseing for
aeveral weeks and an Interesting pro
duction is promisee.
i ; .
Fred Butler, the noted singer, will
rive a grand concert at the White
Temple tonight He will be assisted
by Mrs. Walter Reed and Miss Kathleen
Lawler. This talented company ought
to fill the White Temple. Admission
60 cents. - -
" . i l mi i , 1 V '
White Flyer line of launches will
aka dally trine to the Oaks and I
rn. i Boats leave foot of Yamhill
street daily at 1:30 p. m.? Sunday 10
a. m. , Ttcxets at aoca oriice, iu cenia.
"The Charity Kane" at the SUr.
The Star stock company acored a dis
tinct success last night in Its presen
tation of "The Charity Nurse," a play
that will likely prove exceptionally pop
ular during the week. The play tells
the story of an innocent country girl
who is lured to New York by an ac
complished villain. ' .
The niece abounds In human interest
and is full of dramatlo situations. The
part of . Bessie Chalmers, the innocent
country girl, - fs Interpreted by Miss
Margaret Pitt, the popular leading wom
an of the Btar. She gives an excellent
portrayal of the character and quickly
wins the sympathies of her audience.
Raymond Whittaker, the leading man,
appeared to good advantage In the play,
taking the part of John Fenton, Bessie's
lover, who follows her to New York and
rescues her from her danger. Other!
members of the company appear to good
i "The Charity Nuree" will be the bill
at the Star for the entire week. :
A TTIrVodl n-nnunl it rh T.trti.
Patrons of the Lyrio theatre were
treated to a play of unusually stirring
scenes last night when the first presen
tation w of "A Wcked Woman? waa
given. One climax follows tha other in
rapid succession and close attention and
Interest are held both by the dramatic
Situations and the well-sustained parts.
xne niay covers ' tne intrigues . ana
crimes arrowlne- out of the robbery of a
Corsican by the woman proprietor of a
rariaian gamoiing-nouse. An r;ngnsn
family, high in the social world, be
comes entangled a,nd two daughters of
the family are held in terror by the
woman,, who Is possessor of Informa
tion regarding one of the young women.
The latter had secretly married the son
or the woman villain, but he bad died
and . the marriage was unrecognised.
The Corsican clears the unhappy skies
of the young women by etabblng the
wicked woman and the troubles end
happily for all.
Miss Josephine iMsrey. as tstepnante.
the wicked .woman, doea a conspicu
ously good piece of acting; Her Inter,
pretatlon of thla part Is regarded aa
one of her best efforts.
."A Wicked Woman", will be the bill
at the Lyrio for- the entire week. Its i
presentation last night ' by - the Allen
stock company was a decided success,
Alt natrons of Tha Nlckelodlon,,r' the
movine- nicture show. ISO Sixth street
will get a chance to try a cup of the
world-famoua pure cereal coffee called
"Golden Grain Granules," If they visit
The Nlcaerodion - today. .
' Steamer Jesse Harklns. ' for Camas.
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock 2 p. m. .- f
Sweet cream buttermilk, cheese, but
ter, ham. eggs, coffee. '-.tot Oregon
Cheese Co., Swetland buUdlng, 12S
Fifth street ' -
Will sell frame of foreign exhibit
building. Portland Development com
pany, Lewis and Clark fair grounds..
Vhy pay; inoret Metsger fits your
eyea for il. 342 waan. St., eor. 7th,
formerly at 111 Sixth atreet .
both sexesi
swimming plunge
tes. private it
386 K. Jrforrleon st
now ready,
essons. Open dally.
East S670.
' Acme Oil Co. sella the beat safety coal
oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 789.
Woman's Kxchane-e. 131 Tenth street
unch 11:30 to 2; business men's lunch.
Fishing pole or box of candy with each
pair of children's shoes at Rosenthal's
E. W.
expert photographer,
Elks' building. Seventh, and Stark sts.
Diamond W It's a coffee ask for It
-at your grocer's.
IPnr ice ball Main 124.
Co, 361 SUrk.
Ice Delivery
Oregonlan ConfecUonery, 131 Sixths .
- ' i , ;
D. Chambers, optician, 12 Seventh,
, . . " - i
Berger signs 284 Yamhill phone.
Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. ' ..
..There Is a bill at the Orand this
week that will appeal strongly to pa
trons .of vaudeville, ' The . refreshing
temperature of the house will also ap
peal 'strongly during these hot days.
A conspicuous act. and one that would
be conspicuous on any bill, is that of
Fred P. Russell, who until recently was
one of the principal comedians of a big
minstrel organisation. He is Immensely
funny and there Is no- apparent effort
about It. His songs are worth hearing
and Indeed his .-act alone Is worth the
crlce of admission. -
There are several other ; first-class
features on the bill this week. Pauline
Cooke and May Clinton, crack rlfl
shots, provide a decided novelty, and
Mr. and Mr. Swicard have a singing
act that the audience receives witn evi
dent pleasure. - -
"The Ice Man" Is the name of
playlet by Adele Palmer and her com
pany. It is amusing and the company
gives a really good performance. Other
features combine to make the bill at
the Grand this week one that will be
especially pleasing to vaudeville pa
Great Production at Marqnam.
'When Johnny , Comes , Marching
Home," presented by the San Francisco
opera company at the Marquam theatre
last nignt, was pernapa xne most spec
tacular musical event ever onered in
Portland. It-onade a decided hit and
will likely prove the moat popular offer
ing or mat company during its engage
The Tale ot Heart. - -
. -The Charity Nurse,". the attraction
at the Star theatre this week is the tale
of a heart a love story which made a
favorable impression on a large .audi
ence when it was presented for the first
time in tne west last nignt. xne plot
m new ana tne situations are not old
and stale.
ZJnn at the Baker.
One of the brightest breeaiest an
most laughable entertainments ever
given is the "Telephone Exchange" bur
lesque as produced by the ZJnn- com
pany at tne Bauer tnis weeK. At Times
the stage is alive with attractive and
brilliantly 'costumed women in songs
Jeweler 205 ; Alder. .
Dr. S, C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam.
Klser. Scenic photos. Imperial hotel.
Exclusive Scotch and English novel-
t ton. Hoi brook A Leveen. tallora. Couch
buiiaing. ,.
Stops its falling out, and positive
ly removes Dandruff. Keeps hair
soft and glossy. -Is not a dye.
Guaranteed perf ectly pare.
Phllo Hay Spec Co.. Newark. H.J.-
50o. bottla-s. all drvUtt
. Every package of GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES is VERY HEAVY, Ask your grocer
to prove to you that you get full weight. GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES Is the grain coffee.
Do not say that GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES tastes like other cereal coffees, because it
does taste like 45-cent coffee, if made right and not too strong. (Remember, please, that water
V I,
Golden Grain Granules Can Be Had in All Up-fo-
: Date Grocery S!oresTin !he United-Sfaies and -
Canada, and Also in the Following Cities:
in wo5dburn, or.
(Railroad Center.) , .
4- -J. A. Austin. ,. ;
' Bcebe & Whitman.
Haskell &Colvin.
(Woolen Mill, Flour Mill,
, Fred Rock Mercantile Ccv
In graham B ros. & Co.
' C. & J. Gehlen. .
' W. A, Wright.;.,
Kerber & Klecker, '
. G. D. Trotter.
(A Beautiful City.)
' Ebner Bros. ' '
J. W. Ebner. "...
($15,000 Payroll Per Month, ;
-. Factory Center Paper
Mill,. Etc.)
Millsap & Son.
' G. T. Cotton. ' :
'. Bach & Buhl.,
George L, Allen. ..
(Has the Agricultural Col
lego of Our State.) - .
E. B. Horning. - '
; Victor P. Moses. ' ;
. 1 A. Hodes.
. R. L. Taylor.
- Thatcher & Johnson. .
(Hops and Lumber Center.)
- George Cusiter, '-
' ( Julius Aim. -Thompson
& Dullum.
t:: B R. Bentson. r
(Railroad and Distributing
t. Center.)
Owen Beam, Co, '
; W A. Eastburn.
, S. E. Young & Son.
C E. Fox.
W. I, Christy.
' Ellis & Son.
Any out-of-town grocer desiring a full-sized package can get one free , of charge by writing
name and address on letter-head and mailing the same to Golden Grain Granules Sales Head
quarters, 12 Front street, Portland, Oregon.1
Allen & Lewis; Lang & Co., Mason. Ehrman & Co., ffadhams &
Co. and Wadhams & Kerr Bros. Supply Retail Grocers in Oregon
ORviee o, r.
Opens i Saturday, Jiirie 29
The fine passenger steamer T. J. POTTER will leave Ash street dock at 10:30 a. m. of that
date and reerularly thereafter throughout the season according to published schedules, for
Itlwaco and All Beach Points
Round Trip Ticket! $4.00 - Saturday to Monday TlckeU $2.30
THAT TRIP EAST Next Sale Dates July 3, 4 and 5
Portland to Chicago and Return $71.50 Ticket Qood for Ninety Days
Get full particulars at the City Ticket office of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company
C W. STINGER, City Ticket Agent Third and Washington Sts., Portland, Or,
,-; ' ' WM. McMURR AY, General Passenger Agent
Prom Maker to Player',
Pianos Sent on Approval s Sixth and Burnsidc
and dances, and the comedy work brings
forth laugbter. -. - ,
f , mm Mining Si
, MA Wicked Woman" at Lyric.
"A Wicked Woamn," at the Lyric this
week, is causing more talk than any
recent eensatlon at that playhouse.' The
Allen stock company is appearing to
perfect advantage in; this sensational
society problem drama and everybody
who has seen it declares
of the b,est bills ever t
ijyric. - .
Successful Specialties.
The Grand theatre offers one of those
well-balanced vaudevills entertainments
Mfc ' mnkA : neadwar In popularity.
Thre are many acts- and there is not
'THier" in . xne wnoie lieu cuitrorn.
it to be one
ffered at the
- reams abb raw
people who know how to take care of
themselves the majority do not The
livar ia a most important orran in the
body. Herbtne will keep it in condlttoaj
V. C- Slmpklns, Alba, Texam writes:
"I have used Herblne for Chills and
r.ver- and find it the best medicine I
ever used. I would not be without It.
It Is aa good for children as it is for
rrown-up people, and I recommend it.
It is fine lor La Grippe. Gold fey all
Arugglsts. s . . , - x
the headllner, lias an impsrsonatiqn and
lightning cusnge act wnicn is a in&rTci
Children's Pay at the Oaks.
. Hundreds of children are visiting tha
Oaks today, for it ia being observed as
sohool chlldren's day. v Those 11 years
of age and under were admitted at half
price and a souvenir present was given
each ' one. Games and special events
were arranged in their honor.
The two happiest persons about the
Imperial hotel yesterday were Laura
Lee Cobb, of Kansas City, Missouri.
nrt R. H. Tllee. of Lexlna-ton. Oregon.
They were united in marriage at Grace
M. EL church last night. Hev. C. L. Mo-
Causland, of Corvallis. preforming the
ceremony.. Miss Cobb came all the way
from Missouri to meet ' ner; nusDanu
who is a large wheat : grower. The
happv couple will leave for Lexington
In several day to make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. T. c eimok na ra ro
ily, of Walla Walla, are at the Imperial
hotel. : They '"will leave tomorrow for
the coast where Mr. Elliott and the
children will spend the summer.
- Phil Metachan,' president or -tne im
ierlal Hptel company, has returned
rora a vUlt ot several dart at Kew-
Makes tha skin like you vast iU
Doea-iHn a moment.
1 ,f i i T V
efflagnotia Batnu
A liquid preparation for Face,
. wecK, Arms ana rianas.
It is neither sticky nor greasy.
It's harmless, clean
, and refreshing. .
- - Cannot be deteoted. -
Two colors Pink and White.
Use it morning, noon and night
. winter, spring, iummer, raii.
Ltox Msa. Co S. Fifth St, BreeUya, K.T.
To Wi"f
sac-fc rf
tav v !r""1 P'M
a month. Use IJgU-
or roBTUuto oaaooM
V Lmw Statt wf Onfo
. - (im'.SWMW -WSJMnM1,
: Wis.KltahbT.riM. K. K. Orrna 0n1 Uf
Ut & mS OOTMfrf CouomI '" ,
' MSMBEt. '
Vardans Chamber rf Onowret
rortlaad Boars ef Tti4
:':'.' uysiua9
Om0S Treat and for top Bank rwdaed Cfsi
. t The Braaaueat Canpaay
p:-' S. O. (as A Co. Cinanlel Agaaey ' '
j;- W SMke ae ateaiat we da set tettS
. W ghe roe a iqaart id Laek at a " ; '
i Cm raUtae) ami Sixth twit 4 Om.
We wint a .business
phrase ; you want these
dollars; see elsewhere in
this paper how you can
get them. y .
Phone Main (.
Tonight and All Week.
San Francisco Opera Co.
Prices 25c, 50c, 75c. Mat ZSo, SOo.
America's Greateat Tragedienne.
Second and Last Week of Zlnn's
Musical Travesty co. m
With All the Great Beauty Chorus
' Snlendld Costumes and Effects.
"Evening prices 15c, 25c. SSo, I0&
Matinees lc. zoo. Matinee onxoraar.
Neat Week llnkens" oreai nay,
I The Great Heart Story of Modem Ufa.
Matineea Tuesdays, Thursdays, Batur-
Idavs and Bundavs at 1:30. Prices. Ida
and 10a Every evening at 1:15. Price a.
i lev, loo ana oc
Phone for Reserved Seats, Main MM.
' " Phone Main 485.
This. week the Allen Stock Cnmpaaya
Presenting . tne Tnree-Act Dnuia,
Matinees Tuesday. Thursday, Satur
day and Sunday. Pries 10c SOo. Every
evening at t:l&. Price lOo, 20c, and 10o.
Reserved seats by phone. Mala 6oi.
Office open from. 10 a. to. to 10 p. m.
A Few of tha HeadUnars:
Bsbsrt ralffora, Adele Palmes Oook St
cuaton. m. aaa h Hwioara,
Aad Many Othem.
Next Week DO LAN A LENHARR, th
Greatest Sketch Team, on tarn
i American Stage-
The Grand
' i ' 1 ' "" 1 1 1 """"" " -'-'i .i
mil. imi nnin ! Mnn.imr IU ' I' .,' , , "... '"A
i s
i t
No Uquoryi
Concerts today. 1:00, 8:15, t:S
and 1:40 o'clock by
Scenes of Unexampled v En- 4
- thuslasm Greeted Their
Performance Last
8 The Great Davenports
. Monarchs of High Wire.
Chorus of TS Voices la ft
Festival of Sons.
- rBxoAT.
Everybody , Who Wanta t
Help - tha Less Fortunate
Should Help the Fresh
Air Fund. Tha
Oaka Leads.
; Bzo swrsrwrnra bats
f . Now open wide management
J Instruction la swimmi&ff,.
for ijo:ibj c::lv
Pr, gandenoa'a Cnnnf t .
-. aad Oo to boot ku.m. . i
pad enl rlliiM rn-'r t i SfkHluui. Cu. t t
batlnale tm la I l I
IMT box. BloMrd ta CU 1
Br. T. 1. ri&MlS. IMI k ut
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