The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 25, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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to i. ... '
confesses 10
1 uirru n.wi
Larpro Sawmill , Project by
', Portland People Is
, Launched.
Also m Factory to Supply Califor
nia a(rni tTrado--Glendle Also
and ITealthseekers. " '
I -SpeclIipte7 V TM 7otfhuI.)
"i" Roseburg. Or, June1 J5.-On. of the
1 Ivelleat and most progressive towns in
the stat is the Utile city of Glendale,
Vln the southern part of Douglas county;
V oh th Southern , Paclflo main Jin. It
? la a' thriving incorporated city. u the
7 heart of one of the richest mining and
timber sections of th Paclfiq coast It
Is surrounded with' forests representing
J- many millions of feet of lumber. It is
located about a third of the distance
I from Portland- to - Baa Francisco, el
miles from Koseburg-. Here the rail
? way traveler from the south strikes the
Cow creek canyon and follows its wind
' ing course through wild and picturesque
i scenery for many' miles on the way to
ward jroruflna. inn iuu cuy im pur
George Peterson Says. Offi
cials of Carmen's Union
; Hatched Plan. 1
Matter Is Laid Before San Francisco
Grand Jury and Will Be Probed
- fThreh!y- lyPr5ecuts-Jjai!S-don
and Hear. '
: rounded by a. swelter of mountains and
? tortuous canyons, which, however, con-
tain many, a fertile ranch . ef conald
! erable else.;- - )
i Glendale . is . rapidly becoming one of
' the favorite health reorta of th Pa
: clflc coast. Many tourists and health
' seekers onme iut 'every summer 10 en1
lov the unexcelled climate and the beau
j tiful mountatln and forest scenery, and
the number Increases yearly.
The -lumber Industry! or
Olendal is
"" v rsnldly becoming: recognised by the out'
. . "'! side world and its development in that
. s. line Is now becoming of more than pans
ling notice. Th deal for a big sawmill
A project was launched last week, when
j th I.OOO-acre timber tract belonging to
' the Boi Abraham estate was sota to i
group of . Portland capitalists for $45,'
f wou. in raci contains over u,uwu,
s 000 tent and la intersected by the rail'
j road for on and on half miles. This
tract consists of Douglas fir and sugar
; pine. The parties having th honor of
' jieadlng tnis great enterprise are r. x.
BurkJiart, treasurer ol tne Tltte, uuar-
antea A Trust crnnoanv. and Lincoln R.
Ferbranch of Portland. The plans for
mlllina- th , big body f timber hav
, been put into the hands of A. E. Shiria,
' a well-known mill man of practical ex-
".'' perlenee. They ; wUl install a 16.000
V mill that will hav a daily capacity of
:. i o, poo ret. ? -
V Following this big sawmill project
another industry worthy of special men.
i tion is the box factory and electrlo light
i system to be Installed by Los Angeles
capitalists. Their plant nas Deen or
dered and both the factory for the man-
. ufacture of orange and lemon boxes
and the lighting system will be (n op
eration within the next no oays. These
j enterprises mean augmented prosperity
. lor (ilendaie.
v Jorentor of Typewriter , Adjudged
Insane as tne Result of
, ; ,'. Alixed Berersge.
. :, Joaraal Special 8errk.)
New. York, June 5. Justice BUnch-
ard, In- the supreme court today, Kre-
served decision on th application to re-
j open proceedings in which a sheriff's
1 Jury found James . Bartlett Hammond
: was insane. Hammond la the inventor
' of th Hammond typewriter and i said
to be worth $800,000. Lawyer Osborne
i yesterday asserted that Hammond was
' . f sane. He said that Hammond's ailment
, waa physical, not mental and was
. caused by Hammond's over-indulgence
.'. in a combination , of antlpyrln and
: whiskey. : .
' "Mr. Hammond' is nearly "70- Tears
. old," said Osborne, "and we all know
: : that a mixture such as antlpyrln and
, whiskey is apt to disturb even a
younarer man. ' . -
Osborne said that since Hammond's
soiourn in the sanatorium he was rao
Idly recovering as he, had dropped th
. conwinauon orina.
(Joeraal 6pelal Berrtea.) ; . '
San Francisco, Jun 15. George Pe
tsrson, a teamster in the employ of the
California Street railway, 'who was cap
tured with two 1 striking carmen in
battle with th polio following th at
tack on a car near th Chutes Satur
day night, has confessed to Captain of
Detectives Colby that th assault was
th resuit of a plot laid by th officials
of th Carmen's union and that he and
his companions wer acting under In
struction. Peterson has , given th
names, and th matter has been taken
up by th grand jury and indictments
may follow..,;' C. '..'V'T- '-:' '
The prisoner told th police that ha
believed that the two men connected
with the plot wer Jack McDonald and
Charles Cordes. union officials already
under arrest on charges of interfering
with wire. ,..' i - '
Not only has Peterson mad a com
plete breast of th plot In which h as
sorts that some of the leaders of th
union wer the moving spirits, but he
naa aino given tne names or ail tne men
who escaped when he and R. Schmidt
and J. Kyle, union strikers, wer ar
restee. .;.-.. -: '
Schmidt has also confessed to th po
nce nis pari in in crime ana lmpii
cated McDonald. ; .
- Peterson went before the srand lurr
at a spaclal session, called yesterday at
tne.instanc or Cantaln Colby, and re
peated th confession made to him. '
Captain Colby applied to Foreman Ol
iver or tn grana Jury to assist in
bringing th perpetrators of the dyna
mite outrages and other assaults to
justice and a meeting of the grand Jury
was called at 10 o'clock yesterday morn
ing and continued for three hours, both
uistnct Attorney Langdon and Assist
ant District Attorney Heney belnar in
attendance. -.The meeting was adjourned
at j:eu o ciock, out in inquiry will be
resumed again this afternoon and In.
dlctments may be returned.
The statements of Peterson were re
inforced by th testimony of tha nnllra
who made, the arrests at th time of
in aiiacs. on tu nonunion carmen. '.,
Report of Proceedings of Ministerial
Association Tomorrow's Pro- i
gram Led by Women. a
0nral Breakdowa Caused by Saflolsat
Xloo'd Quickly Corrected by
V". This To ate Bmdr. -
A feeling Of general' weakness, poor ap
petite, loss of breath after the slight
est exercise and broken sleep ar some
Of the symptoms of general debility.
Jrou may think that they havf no rela-lon-to
each other and that you will
Worry along, hoping all the time to feel
better soon. This - is a mistake, for
every, on of the symptoms Is caused
by bad bloody .which must be mad pur
and new before health will be restored
again,, A tonlo 'frealmHts"1f.cesS
and for this purpose there is no better
remedy than Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Mr. J. O. Harrey of $5 Willow St,
Chelsea, Mass., says: "1 was sick for a
number of years from general debility
and indigestion. I was never free from
stomach trouble and my nerves were so
shattered that the least excitement un
fitted m for any serious work, y My
sleep was restless on account of terrl
ble pains In th small of my back. These
pains would sometimes lam for a month
or tiro. My sight grew weak, there
seeming to be a blur constantly before
my eyes. . I eouldn t concentrate my
mind on my work, and the attempt to
Bo so completely exhausted m. '
was finally forced to give op a
position I bad held for twenty-eight
years. 'After trying Several' medicines
without help, I read of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and gave them a trial. They
made me fel so much better and so
much stronger that X started In business
for myself here in , Chelsea. I hav
never had a return ef my former sick
ness and cheerful!- recommend Dr. W1W
Hums' link Pills as an excellent nerve
ana blood tonic" . . i ?
- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills bay long
Deen recogmsea as an excellent tonio
remedy fn cases of Indigestion and sen
eral debility, where th stomach and
other organs of the body ar weakened
and disordered simply through lack of
proper nourishment They have also
Deen especially successful - in curing
anaemia, rheumatism, after-effects of
the. grip and fevers.
A DamDhlet on "Diseases of ' tha
Blood'r and a copy of our diet book will
be sent free on reauest to any on inter
ested. : " ' ,- ,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pflls are sold by
all druggists or sent, postpaid, on re
ceipt of price. E0 cents rar bos. !
boxes for lt.60, by the Dr. Williams
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. x.
i i i
M I'll
TrunksCome Re ra
T Make them. Peerless Trunk Co., man-
, uiaciurers travelers' nee as. ii sa st
1 Showed Xo License Number.
I Astoria, Or.. June 25. Andrew Peter-
1 son or . bKamoKawa, who was arrested
i by the -water bailiff, charged1 with not
I- having a license number on his boat
I pleaded millty la lustioe court and was
I fined $10 and . costs, ' amounting to
y (Special' Dispatch to Th JonrniL)
lurner, ur., June zs. The '- seven
teenth annual session of i' the ' Oregon
Christian Missionary convention has
been in session her since last Thurs
day evening-. Benlnnina on Friday, tha
ministerial association or this body held
an Interesting session, continuing
through Saturday., A practical discus
sion or cnurcn ana preacher problems
gave spirit to th assembly. "The Holy
plrit and Evangelism," "Characteristic
nessages ? or ureal jreacnera" and
Preparation for Our Centennial Con
vention at Pittsburg, 1908,,. by repre-
seni&uv mmisiers. creaiea mucn en.
thuslasm. . .-,...
The following officers were elected
for the ensulna year: Davis Errett of
waiem, president: A. c. Corbln. Dallas.
vice-president; E. M. Patterson, Port
land, secretary. r
- A week's Institute for 1908 was pro
vided for and a course of study out
lined. A prominent Instructor wUl be
secured. The evening sermon was de
livered ay c. r, swanaer oi McMinn
ville. Over 100 ever in attendance at
this cart of the convention.
' The program for Wednesday, to be
carried out by ; women who are promi
nent in the convention ana in cnurcn
work... follows::- - .;....-.:
- Morning o'clock. Bible Institute:
10 :00, appointment of committees, re
ports of secretary, treasurer ana state
superintendent of Junior work; 11:00,
address by Louie Hugh or Portland.
Afternoon o'clock, devotional, Mns.
VL S. Whitman, Pendleton; 2:15, sympo
sium, ' "Our Centennial," . conducted by
Mrs. Ida w. Harrison, Lexington, Ken
tucky (1) "Our Aims." by Mrs. D. C.
Kellems, Eugene; 2) "Our Plans," by
the following centennial secretaries: (a)
Mrs. Davis Errett Salem; b) Mrs. F.
E. Billlngton, Cottaga Grove; (c) Mies
Marrlet Moorehouse. Portland: special
music; $:0O-, "Junior How," Mrs. J. J
Conder, Salem; . 8:45, reports of com-
mmees. , .
Evenlnsr 7:80 o clock, praise service.
Mrs. A. C. Corbln. Dallas;. 8:00, address
by Mrs. Ida W, Harrison of Lexington,
Kentucky. ,
Lone Highwayman Holds Up
Yosemite Passengers Near'
Grub' Gulch.
(Jonraal gpeeial gerrlcat
Fresno, CaL, June 25. Details have
been received here of the robbery of
two Tosemlte stages by a lone bandit
near Qrub gulch yesterday. The high
wayman, obtained $150 from the pas
sengers. The stages, which wer 'trail'
lng each other and both bound for the
valley, were halted at 11 :0 o'clock.
The robber wore a white mask and
had a new rlfl. He appeared nervous
and it is not believed that he 1 the
same man who held us th stags a few
aays ago. s. . .. i v- .
This latest road agent was extremely
gruff and surly In dealing with his vtcr
time, while th other bandit was Jovial
in nis worx. . . ..:;.t
The head stare was travellnsr at a
lively rat when th robber stepped
from the brush and threw- his rlfl on
th driver. When the stage did not
ston ne cursed . the driver savaaelv,
H tthen ordered - the passengers out
with their hands over their heads. Th
other stage was similarly treated. ' On
of the passengers . was made collection
agent and passed the hat among the
frightened passengers, who cheerfully
gave up tneir xunas to aia tne bandit's
cause. When the search came to an
end the passengers were ordered into
the stages and compelled to drive on at
top speed. As long as the passengers
could see him the robber stood in th
road by the side of his pile of booty.
Experiences of Portland Citizens Are
Easily Proven to Be Facts.
If you want to paddle your -own
canoe, alt - in the stern -and
No vacation is complete
unless you're; replete witb
pleated .negligees.
.Here's the finest cargo ever
. unloaded at this wharf.
- -Green and : brown 3 striped
patterns are leading.
Madrases in tan with lines
. . in. blue, or pink or violet
V Blue chambray a nov-
ICS and IC3 Third St
ilehawk EuiJdin.
(Special Dispatch to The JoamaL):
Astoria, Or., June 26. The gradua-
! tion exercises of the Astoria High school
class -will be held tomorrow night st
the Astoria theatre. .The. program . fol
lows: "
Orchestral selection. High school: in
vocation. Kev. W. S. Gilbert: vocal solo.
Professor John Claire Monteith of Port
land; address to graduates, J. C Km
naugh of Portland; 1 chorus of mixed
voices. Miss Elmore, leader;' presenta
tion or ciaas oy rroressor L I, uarman:
conferring oi aipiomas by Director J.
E. HlgglnS. : V .is.-.,-
; Harvey A. Allen wUlt deliver the salu-
tatorv and Miss Marv A. Adair tha vale
dictory. Orations will be delivered by
A. Hamilton Garner, Miss Mary Clark
ana rercy "ragg. .
The members' of the graduatine class
are Esther n. uearnart, uiga M. Moore,
Mary A. Adair, Mary C. Clark. Sidney
S. : Sovey, Yvon D. Oullliume, Harvey
The most superficial Investigation will
prove that the following statement from
a resident of Portland Is true.' Read It
and compare, evidence from Portland
people with testimony of strangers liv-
lng so far away you cannot investigate
the faots of the' case. . Many more cltl
sens of ; Portland ; - will endorse our j
claims. ,
Mrs. u c Heidleback of B2 East
Tenth street Portland, Oregon, says:
"In my experience Doan's Ointment Is
the best : remedy I ever used for thai
complaints it is guaranteed to cure. It j
brought me almost Immediate relief-
more than I ever expected for I had!
been annoyed for a year or more with
itchlnsj . hemorrhoids, which, although
not serious, wer very annovins. II
I a ni. i m e r . a t. , . .
(Joaroal Special Servtea.1
Chtoaeo. June 25. Mlas Rdirh. M.
Orlffen, the blind graduate of McKin-
iey Hign scnooi, was greeted as the
most successful -girl ; in Chicago by
mousanns or i nio ia-o h r i nihnn atn.
denta ,8he vlsitd a number of schools
tnai sne mignt talk to th students.
iShe is a student of Latin -ana Owk.
artd srpeaa French und German, rtho
writes CSSNV cn nhllnannhlral wnrti
of Herbert Spencer. Thoreau and others.
She la a t 'snist 'it irori than mriinxrv
i ability and danoes and plays cards- Bh
'writes M (If typewriter, sews, makes
beds, U'.ljt tljl. arnrl nrvea nthur hnimo.
: Work. tj-.O lata written earava ni lav.
1 aoda, tilklox w an4 j lhology, .
a box at a drug store. Its us gave m
the highest opinion of such an effective
remeay," .,. - i . . . -.
For sale by all dealers. Price B0 cents.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Kew Tork,
I sole sgent for the United States,-
Remember the name DOAN'S and
take no other. i i
or tea! - or both: SchiK
lingf's Best at your grocer.
Moncybaclcboth: : . ! :
. Tour crocerretarns year meaerUyei dva't
s -1
, j .fi
We will dress i you out in fine
style r nobby S u m m e r S u i t s
made after the latest models
and you make but a very small
cash deposit, then pay only ' -
As an extra special inducement
this week, we offer our best Q30.00
Suits, if ordered by Saturday, nighty . 4
r for only : - :
These are fine fancy Worsted Suits,
hand-tailored v lapels, hand-tailored
button holes and otherwise exhibit
ing first-class workmanship '
sssssfcesaw. FsBBSjpssaatsjjBsyK , w bssjh
GOiinrZ DCIvBoundco Br ViKc-u nsr Akd Skdnd Srs Rdrtlano