The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 25, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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j -:. --. . ... .... ;: '., ,". i , . . . f. .. at . - . .......... . ;-v " '.. t: . ...
Defense Builds Groundwork
for Overturning Testi
, ! V mony of Assassin.
r..'V s ,.;,
Flat Denials of Alleged Interviews
, Are Secured From , Star Witness
' fur Statu ana t'edpTe Hrought V6r-
; ward to Try to Impeach Mm. '
(Bv Hush O'Neill. Special Commissioner
for. Denver Post and Oregon Jour
- nal.)' - . ' . r
Boise, Ida., June 25. Tuesday morn
' Ins- at 9:30 o'clock, and the sun shining
outside the closed shutters of the dim
courtroom and Harry Orchard again on
the stand with Richardson's voice
booming at htm, reading questions from
a sheaf of notes 'In. hlS-lnd,'Ufvr4
' ' "Did you, sitting on a leather sofa la
the Bslmont .rooming-house, la Denver,
'sometime in 1904, one Lottie Day bains;
.with you. did you tell her that you
bad only loved one woman In your life;
-that poverty had parted you from her;
that Steunenberg- had run you out of
the Coeur d'Alene, making you a poor
man, and that you would get the s
o b some day?" .
And Orchard's, monotonous voice
csme back .emphatically.
"No. sir: I did no. ,
"Did, you or did you -not?" boomed
Richardson; "sit on that same sofa in
that . same room, and tell Lottie Day
that whenever you made a rise at gam.
kiln- .mi toft rnnmt nt it ' With Petti
bone, who kept It In his safe for you T"
nd again orcnara in aeniai.
"No. sir; I did not."
."Affidavit Un Called. .
"IS ' Mr. Redd In , the roomr'
A man stood up In the middle of the
ha'l,ook at , him," said Richardson ' to ,... - ... . -i"ii-"jjtB-t--tj
"Orchard swung round in his chair and
looked at IteOd.
"Do you know hlmT" said Richardson.
M rin" mM Orchard. . i , . v ,
"Did vou." boomnd 1 Richardson
imln. "tell that man. F. R. Redd,i in
ITnlnn hall No. 40. Cripple Creek, no
na ! hinr cIahs cnouah to hear, that
Steunenberg- had ruined you and that
you meant to get even wun nimi
And yet once again-came Orchard s
"Nn mr I 1M tint."
Thi RirhAriHon and Darrow and
John Nugent and Haywood and Edgar
Wilson crowded their heads together
and there was f a long silence In- the
courtroom whjjla the whispered to, each
: Than Richardson said "That's all.
Tha iinfnnM had asked for the repro
duction of Orchard in order that they
might test him sgalnst the forthcoming
evidence of denial and "affidavit men,"
and. considering Wltu W no na
leather sofa, "affidavit woman," ;too,
Bleaardsoa Is Ktnng.
Hawley asked a few perfunctory
Questions and then Richardson took
rr f
t . m V
and .again Itlcharason
'tllno- '
"Is Mr. Joseph gcholts in tne roomr
he boomed. , 1 " " -
A blonde young man with a narrow
forehoad and piercing eyes stood up 'in
the dim rar of the courtroom. r
''Come forward," said Judge Wood.
The blonde young man marched down
tol the railing. Orchard swung around
and looked-at him.
"Did you know Joseph Beholts In
Cripple Creek?" boomed Richardson.
3 "I knew a man iwho called himself
by that name," said Orchard, s - -
"Is that the man?" boomed Richard
son. "No, said Orchard emphatically, "It
is not." - '
The blonde young man at the xalling
blinked. Richardson thumbed his notes
and hesitated. '
"Oh," he said at last, "what sort of
a man was the Scholts you knew f ' ,
Knew Sir Man. ,
"A big man," said Orchard, ' "slightly
bald,' fair mustache, something the
matter with his eyes."
t "Not this man," said Richardson. -
"No, sir," said Orchard.
. Tha blinking, blonde young man re
tired. And ,r no Western Federation
man usfld hi own name?" came a auiet
Borah. "Mr. JUarrow told us that yes-
a,j(Jjjy. 'J." " ' 11 ' ' ' ' '
Richardson sat down ' and ; Orchard'
marched out with his guards, s f. '
Then cams Mrs. Marv Klna. roomln
housekeeper of CripplcCreek, who told
Darrow that Stirling, detective for the
mlneowners in CrlDDle Creek, bad
room with her " and was sometimes
visited by Orchard. - That was between
January and March of 1904. Miss
Frances King followed Mrs. King, her
mother, affirming also that Orchard had
sometimes visited Stirling. . There was
no cross-examination of Miss Jung.
taadladt is Called. ,
After Miss Kid came Mrs. Alice
Fltshugn. another rooming-house keeper,
who kept the Star rooming-house at
IIS Bennett avenue, Cripple Creek. Mr,
(Journal Special' Service.) ,
.' Chicago, June 25. Secretary
Russell does nor expect conn-,
dential reports from : President
Small because V be can't send '
them secretly. ' ' ' 1 '
The Postal is from 49 to (0
.hours behind. ' The strike fund
will be 160,000 in a month. It
costs 13,000 a week to pay strike
benefits At San Francisco.
a'-i; ...
1 1 n
,1, V t $r
- Snapshots of motor car race. Upper cat show Wallace la Cadillac
clipping the "record. Lower cot shows Oldfleld In Green Dragon finish
ing five miles In 4:47 2-5." Photos copyright by CC. Wood worth tor
use "OA. postals.
IIS Bennett avenue, Cripple Creek. Mr.
Fltshugh bad apparently bought thfl
Star from Mrs. King. She also knew
K. C Sterling., who had room 2 In the
Star. Mrs. Fltshugh was a very gar
rulous person, who had Darrow snowed
unaer wiin ner replies -in a rainuio.
She also had seen Orchard visiting Stlr-
llnr. Urn Fltchurh was wearinc long,
white lisle aloves. and as she talked
she waved her arms in emphasis until
the gloves were ilapping in. the air.
After tha three woman came a man
C W. Allen of Leadvllle, a railroad man,
once of Cripple Creek. Allen said he
kn.w a. C. Scott and K. C. Stirling-.
He knew that Scott was special agent
of the Florence urippie ureea roaa.
He did not know who employed Stirling.
but he saw Scott and Stirling together
often during the winter of 1904 and
the spring of 1905. Allen had seen
Harry Orchard at the Cripple Creek
depot talking to Scott three weeks be
fore the Independence depot waa blown
ii n. Allen said that Scott had talked
to him about Orchard, but the rules of
evidence precluded Alien saying wnai
D. C. Scott ssld about Harry Orchard.
On the afternoon of the day D. C. Scott
had talked to Allen about Orchard. D.
C. Soott and K. C. Stirling and Harry
Orchard had a brief meeting In D. C
Scott s room in tne urippie creea oepoi.
Darrow Tails 3D own.
nirhnrdarm had Droved himself a la
borious and tedious cross-examiner, dui
Darrow showed op badly in compari
son. ' Borah headed Darrow off from
leading questions again and again, and
all that Darrow got from Allen was the
repeated statement that one In Scott's
room In the Cripple Creek depot Scot J
and Stirling and Orchard had been to
gether at one lime.' Ana in cross-examination
by Hawley Allen admitted
that he could not fix the time of tin
meeting any closer than by saying that
it occurred between tha January and
June of 1904. Altogether it seemed a
weak morning's work for the defense.
(Special r Dispatch te Ths Joarast) '.
Palouse, "Wash.. June IS. Several
farm sales at good figures have recently
been made In this district Harry Le-
iwitd iM ISO acres near Fallons . to
Thnm flhennard for S8.000 and M .8.
Hammond sold him 10 acres for $7,600.
George Speck has sold 40 sores to Mrs,
Rawls for tf.iOQ. or 165 an acre, i
J. W. Comer purchased 80 acres of
John Simons. lour roues irom wwn,
for $2,260. A portion of the land la un
ii w Tana a sent for ths Spokana A
Inland Electrio railroad, has purchased
the Crager , noma on Aiaer iwnmui
(Special Dtipateh t Tba JovrsaL) ;
Tha Dalles. Or, June, ,25. Nemo
Fugihara, who was arrested Baturoay
night on the charge or roDDing me
whtt Hmiae saloon two weeks ago, and
was held yesterday to answer the charge
of robbery, under 11,000 bonds, on direct
information filed by the district at
torney, has made conression to iepuiy
Sheriff Wood. The. money will be re
j , ?
(Journal Special Service.)
Washington, Juno 25,- President
Roosevelt has been reauested to start
air tevEt!sat!3 ie- Jair hetJt9 se sei
the . Postal and Western Union tele
graph companies have entered into a
conspiracy in restraint . of trade. Tha
first - request cams from tha Central
Labor Union ' of Washington, and will
be followed by similar letters from all
parts of the country, upon request of
in American eaeration or iaoor.
' (Joanutl Special ' Service.)
Victoria, B. C.,; June 25 A mob of
10,000 strikers burned the main build
ings, and killed the chief of police at
the Solmoto copper mine in the dis
trict of Miyanoshita, Japan., Armed with
rifles the miners attacked a regiment
which was sent to quell the riot. The
mines were damages to the extent of
11,000.000 ,
, i
(Special Dhpatch to The Journal.) .
'Garfield,1 Wash., June 16. Regular
freight service has been opened this
week on tha Spokane 4k Inland Electric
railroad from Spokana to Garfield and
all stations between. One freight train
is run on the road dally and is being
liberally patronised bv the citizens, mer
chants and farmers of tha Palouse coun
Tba Inland rosd Is now completed to
Palouse and construction is being pushed
on from palouse to Moscow, idano. it
is claimed rails will be laid Into that
Idaho city by September l, . .
A big force is at woric on ma aepot
site at - Palouse and an iis.uuu oepoi
wll be eonstructea at tnac piaca,
. (Jearaal Special Service.)
Odessa. June 16. A new plot to as
sassinate the csar has been discovered.
Sixty prominent military' officers who
are said to- be involved nave been ar
rested and are awaltinw trials, which
will probably result in their death. The
whole Odessa: garrison is believed to
be implicated. Men close to tha csar
are also Involved. s
(Joorral Special Service J
Victoria. B. June 25. A plot to
steal 150,000,000 from theRusslan gov
ernment off lea at Tschita where money
is kept tor enterprises in MiDeria, naa
been discovered ana . su tiussiana ar
rested. They made a 40-foot tunnel
from hotel to, tha safo but were
cougbt before securing tha plunder.
rr-1 -yr- r-. 1 ; ; :
Children's Fine Wash Suits
A SPECIAL feature of our Juvenile Department
-f.- this season is , an unusually choice line of
Wash Suits. We're showing three exceptionally
swell modcls---Peter Pan, Sailor Suits with straight
or bloomer trousers and Russian Suits. Plain colors
with dainty trimmings and smart effects in plaids,
checks and mixtures.
'. Wash Suits 50c to $6.00
Free with every I Suit or Reefer, in wash or regular -tyly
at $3.35 or over, choice of Bcieball end Bat. Roller Skates
or other deilrable presents.
(Contlnutd rom Page Ona)
V. R Redd, a Goldfleld miner, said
Orchard' told him in Cripple Creek ha
would kill Steunenberg, who drove htm
out of Idaho, robbing nlm of a fortune.
Darrow asked ttedd aoout me ae-
J inflations. Hawley strenuously ob
ected and fought hard to keep tha lid
on regarding the actual action of tha
Colorado authorities- in deporting
miners. A verbal battle followed be
tween counsel which . was ' spirited,
lenathv and voluminous, both aides
fighting hard i to, gain tba point they
wanted. ' " "
(Continued from Paga Ona)
- (Joaraal . Special Benrlce.)
Thtt Haa-ua June 25.-4-M. HelldOff.
president of the peace conference, today
received a deputation from the Christian
churches throughout the world, headed
by Rev. William Fremantle Dean Rlpon.
urging the conference to Insure peace
and Justice. The Catholics refused to
sign it or address a conference to which
the pope waa not Invited.
Business Change at Colfax. ,;
(Special Dispatch ; to The Jon raal.) '
ilf.. Wuh . Jnn t&.C! K. Averlll
and W. fe. Southwood have sold the En.
terprise hardware and implement house
and tha new owner. F. E. Empy of Spo
kane Is in charge. Mr. Empy owns
hardware stores at Pasco, Hatton, Ross
lnnit nd Colfax. Messrs. Averlll and
Southwood have purchased 118,800 worth
of property in Spokane, consisting of
several dwelling bouses and about 100
city lots
Local telegraphers are confident that
me Han ranoisco sinners wiu win
their contention. . News from tha scene
of trouble brings notice of no new do-
veiopments mere, enter uperaior uur
kee of tha Portland Postal office and
Manager J. Dunne of the Western Union
at tteatue nave been caiiea 10 Ban d ran
clsco and It may be posslbls that they
will ba the cause of Portland operators
walking out, though it la not probable
nnder present conditions. Kumor has
it that tha companies Intend to draft the
loyal men rrom roriiana ana oeaiiie 10
take tha keys in San Francisco, but no
tice has been served that such a course
would mean a strike In these two cities.
It is said here that fully 88 per cent of
tha nnerators in Portland ana Beatue are
members of the union and would not
support tha company in the event - of
anv attnmnt at drafting. .
ft Is expected among the operators
that unless the company shows some
evidences of a conciliatory spirit within
ba closed up in sympathy with the San
Francisco strikers. Where this step will
taken is only a surmise, out it is ex-
i ected to be one of the Important cen
the service by its Idleness, Chicago Is
chosen as tha last resort and will ba
called out when tha chain of cities
marked for strikes is completed It Is
tha plan of the strikers apparently to
draw tha fire of the companies to San
Francisco and then suddenly open fire
on a new point In this way they hope
to either force the company to accede
to their requests or suffer a gradually
spreading and unbreakable extension of
tha strike throughout tha Ignited States.
Proposes Arbitration. ' . '
' (Journal SpeHal Berries. '.'..,
New Tork, June 85 Konenkamp this
afternoon sent a letter to General Man
ager Nally, of tba Postal company ask
ing for a conference for the purpose of
(Journal Special Service.
1 -ritnrliL n. f!. June 15. Tba Em
press of Japan brings advices from
Toklo that Yamaska Otakicht of Seat
tin. who with Yamada of San Fran
Cisco. Is in Japan arousing public opin
ion sgainst tna united states regaruing
the San Francisco affair, in an inter
view with Viscount Hayashl, urged the
adoption of the proposals that japan
reject the American-Japanese treaty
mutually ' restricting immigration. 1 A
request was made that commissioners
ba sent to San Francisco by the Tokio
government to investigate tba trouble.
(Journal Special Berrlee.)
Victoria. B. C June 25. Hongkong
advices say the refugees are flocking
there from tna revolutions in soutn
China. Tha rebel forces are movng
toward Canton. Huichou Kowleen, on
r?N Eeit Kafcber
Cood Set for
Sama - kind alt"
our reliable
dentists make;
only difference
Is they profit
we ask."
Bridge work
or teeth, with
out plates, per
tmtH a no
to S&.OO.
Gold Fillings, up from.... J1.0O
Silver Fllllngaj. up from... -50
Enamel Fllliogs, up from.Sl.00
Crowns, gold or v " .. mj '
porcelain ...... .83.00-S5.Oo
Painless Kxtrsction. ........ 50
f A guarantee for 10 years with,
all work. Lady attendant.
Lily Dental Co.
raran an OOUCX sTTXXSTS.
IV.I. until a anil
1.UUIH . ...' wuv.w w
Sunday until 1 p. m.
" Home Phone A1010.
Vaolas states Phone Padflo 1853.
j CTX ' tl ,
I a -V
ft... m ...- -
been ' captured, tha government troops
being worsted. At Hongkong a customs
official was killed and the rebel ban-
nnra anrlnkled with his blood. The of
ficial family drowned themselves la a
well. .
It often happens that tha mosquitoes
? ected to be one of the important cen- toward uanton. iinicnou. aowimn, on vuo iinm
era, which would still further paralyse the mainland opposite Hongkong, has bite mora than tha fish.
bt v. i
Let Nature Aid Mure
Wrinkles and crowfeet, which have come all too early in life, can be coaxed away
with these harmless aids to health and beauty. ' -
Egyptian Complexion Lotion $1.00 :
WiU remove pimples; freckles, tan and simitar blemishes of the cuticle.
n l " vrL-. ' : r-1 v
Department 6f Toilet Requisites
Where helpful and valuable advice on the care of the complexion will be given
by the . lady; in charge. ' - . ' "
(SWEDISH TREATMENT) Absorbs the oily excess in hair and scalp. Makes
ana Keeps inc. nair ary ina nuiiy. .. v, -
Concord Giape Juice
"i 1 1) uiual ucuuyus OUU UMIUIIUI UiUU UIMVIUUI
ft fl I coolinS Prevents accumulation of bile, it keeps
lU ' ' 'the
the whole system toned up.
Woodlark" Grape Juice
h I Is the pure, expressed juice of rich, ripe Concord grapes
ftAHyjutf I without suear or tireservatives of anv kind. Thousands
rtar:.l:?jV,-- are drinking it every day,' gaining health and strength
Cross" English Leathers
The latest and most exclusive styles and shades in Belts, Bags, Cases, Sets.
A thousand new, useful and desirable fancies. We are sole agents for this
exquisitely beautiful ware. .
"MI-O-LE-NA," the sweetest, most fragrant and lasting of perfuraesj ounce, f 1.'
VIOLET WATER, Marcelle, for the toilet, 7Sc, and bath, refreshing and invig-
"WOODLARK" SACHETS, lasting and fragrant, 10c, violet, carnation and La
France Rose.' .....
"CALENDULA" (Marigold) toilet soap, antiseptic, healing, a delightful toilet .
soap, box 3 cakes, 50c.- '
You'll Be Sorry
Some day if you keep on wearing' a pair of ill-fitting glasses.
It's just as easy to have them right. Our optical department is
in charge' of a skilled optometrist; conveniently located on the
first floor. We guarantee satisfaction. - ,
, Two 'gross solid back' Siberian ; Hair
j Brushes, regular $1.25, special 98t
UEVJ1QQ0 Fancy Japanese Fans .
In colored split bamboo to 45i 2,000 Jap Porch Cushions ...... 40e
mmf new . -
Jffisi ' Art ' '
"-1. 1 Posfals
All Our
., 3 sgj Pvviat y a,v9
this week.
$1.58 $198
- $2.57 $2A9
200 50-Foot Lengths Garden Hose at $3.85
Each length with coupling and nowle.
" ' f IUIJtl in ..LL , n ( i Jm in- i. .r i - " S 9 i.
S.000 Rolls "Nero" Toilet Paper at S5 dozen.
Whitine at 25?. Keep'your summer shoes clean and white as alabaster.
Golden Rod Skin Food
Is just what it says Skin Food builds up the
depleted tissues adds softness and beauty to the
complexion; 2 ,
A delightful deodorant, '.harmlessly prevents ex
cessive or offensive perspiration.- 4 ;
HBJ thereby ' Pints 25, dozen $2.50; quarts 50?, dozen
'KOCHI WARE,' our latest Japanese importation. See the dis
play of artistic, and beautifurpieces in our Washington street win-
' dow. Vases, jardinieres ana Kose uowis.
Get a Victor Today
rAnd not one penny down.- Just select your
records, pay . for them, and begin your
small weekly payments on the machine
next month. You'll get more real pleasure
from a Victor Talking and Singing Ma
chine than from any other instrument
made; , f20, ?20, f 10.
We want your monthly accounts.; Do
I, your buying by Phone. Private Ex
We send for your pre
and return them pre"
chrc is rr.r.c! fcr i
change 11 or Home Phone, A-l 139.