THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNG 5,. 1S07. IE ALLIANCE is quite, coup i Ambassador Hanard Sails- p J fied With Combination of 'rX'Vl-' France and Japans K i J A PS A TirmTTftTTa TA V BE FIRST ix WORLD Little Brown Men Believe Russia Is , , Only .Asiatic Nation ; Like Them- :.:f selves and Are Preparing to Fight Germany. ;'v''-:VJ: "."; Jt' i prepared it 7" ft u England." ; (Journal .Special Berries.) Paris, .June 15. M. Hanard, the French,, ambssador at Toklo. who ha i " 'Just returned from JapanrtertiTreara' i ' . tenure of office,- has been interviewed ,- . 'on toe subjeot of the alliance Just con- ! ' eluded between France and the great -Asltlc power. ' ; . .; 'It la a master coup," said the am baafedor. "And who Not us. 1 "Then, ; you were not - concerned In '.the negotiations which preceded itr "No,., theee negotiations , took place j J tat the foreign office in London. , ; .. --"The British cabinet opened up her .parlors and brought the whole thing to a happy issue so that-it Is to England -that we owe the benefits that will un- 1 -doubtedly arise far us from this ex- celient alliance." ' '- . ' "May I ak du what feeling It was - , -that' induced Japan to conclude such . ,a treaty r ,, . "Nothing is simpler for those, who . 'v Know the Japanese whose mentality Is , ao different from ours. r - 1 ."The Japanese are at ' one and the . , name time vain and grateful. Their .: -ambition la to pass for one of the first ' peoples In the world. At one moment ' they, fancied they had attained the "heighth of their ambition when they beat Russia; -but now 'by degrees the Russian press has brought it home to .. .them that Russia. u after all only an Asiatic power like themselves, and that the fact that they had beaten her was not sufficient to establish their worldly . superiority. . ., - Germany Is Victim. ' "This would only come when Japan had beaten a really great European power.' So they decided to fly nigh frame, and their goal this time, at the nstlgation of, England, Is Germany. "This idea Vi adopted all the more easily by Japan, inasmuch, as pointed out . above, the gratitude is one of the virtues of these people and Japan has not forgotten "and will not easily forget, that it was French orrtcers who organized their army and made victory poesiDie tor mem."., "And do ' you think that the ne fFranco-Japneite alliance will extend be fyond Ablatio shores?" ' ,-, i "i ao not - aouDi it, out notmng would surprise me less man to learn very soon that In case of conflict be tween England, France and, Germany, the .Japanese undertook to transport 800,000 of their best troops to some French port, which they- would be able to do by. help of the great English navy." .,, .. Ana as i shook nanas witn M,J, na na rd, he assured me that King Edward VII. was really a area diplomat ' The marriage which is about to take place i between Prince de Tonav-Char- ent 'and : Mile. . de la Roche Foucauld unites two families which compose the quintessence of the French noblese. Not that these-great houses can claim an cestors who have been great warriors or distinguished, statesmen; but what is equally, good. If not better, Is that they y have given birth to men and wo men, ,. who have. left their Impress on 1 The Montemarts of whom Prince'fle Tbnay-Charente is a direct descendant, have among their ancestresses Madame de Montespan, whose grandeur and whose immortality are a cart of the age of Louis XVI. The La Roche Fou- ciiiciiGonoiii IS PEKTEOI jurs. rotter ralmer lias a Great Desiro to Entertain : British Royalty. IS WITHIN REACHING , - DISTANCE OF SUMMIT English Women Bleach Their Itair j and. Wear Wigs So They Majr Re semble BIra. John Jacob ' Astor, Who U Making Bit. " , ?'",rt (Journal Special Service.) ' London, June 15. Everybody knows that Mrs. Potter Palmer Is socially am bitious. ' That ' la supposed to be th aiaifl reason, why she abandoned Chicago for London; the United States WCS land. .The summit of Asocial ambition is represented by the enterUlnment of a king or a queen. There Is no cliance of cauld house gave birth to the author of doing that In America, Only the small was with the others sleeping the sleep of the Innocent. v' Never In the annals of halrdresslng was there so much false hair worn. No matter how luxuriant a woman's tresses may be, they are not aufficlent to meet the Immense demands which the style in vogue at the hour makes upon them. The Ohio coiffeur is a mass of rolls, colls and curls. This state of things has been brought , about by the new hats, which are immense, the brims of which have to be filled out somehow to prevent the wearer from looking ridiculous, for If worn on an Ordinary sired head they would look grotesque. 1 Last summer the French women started this fashion gently by pinning on little bunches of curls at either side of the head..' This year they have gone to the wildest extreme with the idea. The price of false hair has consequent ly gone up considerably and any woman with a really fine "head" of hslr can command a fancy price for It if she chooses to dispose of It. PENDLETON'S SCHOOL POPULATION GROWS More Than ' Two Ilundred Added Since Last Census Total Now - : Over Two Thouaand , . (Spaelal Oiapateh to The JoaniaL) - - Pendleton, June IE.- An Increase since last year of 207 in the number of school children In the city Is shown by the an nual school census, now on file with the county superintendent.. ' According to the enumeration taken this year under the ' direction of H. E. Bickers, school clerk, there are i,007 children here over the age of 4 and under the age of 20. - Of this number 858 are boys and 1,- 09 girls. 1 Tha enumeration for last year showed a total of 1,800 children of school age within the city. The en rollment in the Pendleton schools dur ing the paaf year was 1,114, r.i ' , - Planting Rainbow Trout. .... (Speeial Oiapateh to The Journal.) ' Astoria, Or., June 28. !. T. Crosby and George Stevena have returned from Green 1 Mountain, where they planted 12,000 rainbow trout in the tributaries of tipper Young's river. On the return trip Crosby shot a large wildcat which ha Intends to have mounted. When in San Francisco . -Stay at Hotel Hamlin, 1ST Eddy. Fire proof; 100 rooms, 40 baths; rates $1.60 ana up. . isaay-street c cars , at lerry. ! Metsger fits your ayes for It. S4t Washington street, corner s Seventh, formerly at 111 Sixth street, v "Prom Maker to Player e aaataaaaaaaiaittaata aaaaaaaaaasia'aaaaaaaaaaa 15uv iPflAMKo) (d)lr The Maximea, papers which are fresh todav. 200 years after their appearance, as If they had been written yesterday. OREGON CITY BOAT . Sally ftlver Excursions .to Oregon Olty. ' Steamer Altona leaves Main street, 7:30 and 11:20 a. m. and S:80 p. m.; returning-Jeaves Oregon City 9:10 a. m. and 1:30 and 3:80 p. m. Round trip 45a Tickets exchanged with Q. W. P. cars. The only short river trip from Portland, and has bo equal for delightful scenery. , Industrial School of His Own.' v' (Sneeial Dlrntck The JoareaL) Bnokane. Wash.. June IS. David p. Jenkins, an old pioneer, lawyer and capitalist, is going to Duua an indus trial school to be run In connection with the T. M. C. A. He Intends to put 150.000 into the school and select the directors himself. - i V. t The combination of A hot meals and a cool ' ' t kitcheri has always ti seemed - an impossi , bilitv. vet this hannv result is obtained wherever there's a New Perfec tion Oil Stove in the kitchen. The blue flame produced by the ' 7 , t VJkli Blue mm Oil CcotSfcve ' pves quickest and best results. The New Perfection is different from any other oil stove.'' Cuts fuel expense in two. ' ' Made in ' three sizes. Every-stove warranted. -If not at your dealer's,. " write bur nearest agency for descriptive circular. 1 :-;rmm ; " ; ; ' andistMbest " and safest all-round house lamp made. Gives clear steady light ' Brass throughout and beauti fully nickeled. Equipped with the latest improved burner. Handsorne--simple--satisfactoiy. Every " bmp warranted. : Write our nearest agency if you cannot get it from your dealer. ,T. . - ' v STANDARD OIL COMPANY ; " J " -yj?-.if'i. aeatFe)aTE , v ' i-v-' fry royalties go there, and that only on rare occasions. Then they are made the guests of the nation and mere Individ uals . have no show to capture them. England is" the land where American dollars , may - carry one c to tha giddy heights of social triumph. Mrs. Potter Palmer has been here for soms years, But somehow she hag never reached the top. Bhe has spent money freely and entertained lavishly. Bhe has leased tha Duke- of Abercorn'fl London residence, Hampden house, and furnished it sumptuously, as the duke could never afford to furnish it Still royalty has never graced her festive board. Other American women have come and con quered, meanwhile, whose bank accounts are no bigger than Mrs. Palmer's and whose pedigrees are not half so good. . Sticks to It. But Mrs. Palmer atlcks to It. I ad mire her pluck and persistency.- Bhe certainly- deserves . to succeed.- And, therefore,1! rejoice to be able to make it known in America that she is making I progress. Mrs. Oeorge Keppel attended the concert with which Mrs. Potter Palmer opened her aoclal campaign for the season at Hamttden House. Mrs. Palmer nald marked attention to her. i Bhe sat next the hostess at dinner, and talked freely and arrabiy with her. mere is more in tnat tnan meets me eye of the American reader, Mrs. Oeorge Keppel is not ricn. Mrs. f otter palmer could buy her out a dosen times over without bankrupting her. nut Mrs. Oeorge Keppel is a great favorite of King Edward. Bhe goes to nearly all the country house parties aotten up for the king's entertainment She has great Influence with his majesty. If she chooses to exercise . it and I hope bhe will it will not be long before I shall have the Dleasure of chronlellna- that Mrs. Potter Palmer has "arrived'1 that I too ' she has so long been climbing, and basks I m tne sunshine or royalty s ravor. ftlrs. Astov Zs Beauty. Mrs. John Jacob Astor is unauestlon- sniy tne Deeuty or tne london season, i Wherever she is seen this regal Ameri can woman causes a sensation. Crowds follow her about a room. Her height, her snowy hair over m fresh young face, her amazing gowns . and : historic jew els have fairly daaaled London. Twice lately I have seen her In a "creation" . m. ' 1 ,.u .si - r mimm Pianos Sent on Approval Sixth and Burnside r V t w w fffTffff IN J .''J r tt- itt . skc4 i lw,,t n. won irfnl MARYTL, tproy Th Daw VNtM jrt. Jit If hernnotupply the oUmt. but mxk! auuns foe llluitratMl bnok-MM. Tt rtrM (nil Mttleolftn and rttraMirma in. TKluabUtnlaxliKa. MtHVtl, TOw WO0DlAD.CLAail 00. "kb tAVX-SATia PEU CO S szoaES. II11NHH UIUM ' jf Scott's SEntal-Pgsi! G:;r:::3 A PCSITIYE C'JDZ ForlnflamsiMloS OTf)Urrhnf Mil. SoU mti. aeociiaeAi. tui-e qakkly and frmnntir th wont ruM of baMtrstM and Cll, BOUttrof bow DfataaaiDS, aesoiaieiy Bota ey tnnmi, rmiM. Prlo 1 1. CO, or by vol eM, SUia,! VaSM. BeUatoatalaa,OBl, ky An Pnntrts. 'in CONSUMERS COMPANY TO RAISE PRICE OF STOCK Immense Piscoveries of Larger arid Better Veins of Coal Influence Local ( Company to Take Action. - : LAST EXCURSION TO BE RUN NEXT SUNDAY Work on Cowlitz Valley Mine Progressing Rapidly New Supplies Shipped Last Week and Yesterday Make Shipment of Coal J ; Certain Not Later Than Middle of August ' ' - Freight Rates Being Arranged. ' Tremendous finds of excellent lignite hlch for originality and beauty I have! coal: veins that seem to grow in slxe never seen surpassed.. On the first oe-Itne rartner iney are aToiupru- a wr- caslon she wore a costume or allverr ceptiDie Dciiermam in v.ui. scales which fitted her figure close, giv-1 coal and a realisation of the fact tnat inr the Idea of aome wondrous mermaid the market is almost Insatiable right from tne aeep. Tne top or the bodice nere in rwuum vo uu i- "i, 1114 ia iiii .fiim. t, ..I....H.. mn mil directors of the. Consumers t- mm. m ,k-o . Thm I Pah I Pnmnnjiit to ooneider the advlsa- preas Eugeaie's famous pendant of bias- billty of discontinuing the sale of the in diamonds. , stock of that company at thepresent On the other occasion she 'was ' at- price after tne first or juiy. ror tni tired In some black cloudy-fabric, which reason the final excursion to the proi mmmm,mA mm,mmm 1.. m.xZT rtiS Will I SiVCn USXt SUhday. Th no opening and not a single Jewel. Above excursion would not have been run at this, thrown, into strong relief by the all, had it not been for the fact that contraat, rose her flower-like face with "had already been advertised. .The itm rrnwn nt whit hair 4nii in ht officers of the company - seem to be curia - -in wnicn gown sne 100 more striklnir it would be hard A man who was present the other night . . . . mmU.mmm-m mmm Mn...!. Itfih H ilna- Mn Amtnr "tnnka .v.rr nth.rl aay aiiernuuu.' tj nuuw seed In bia officers of tne company seem to oe looked the somewhat Indifferent as to whether any lard to say" more stock i sold to the publlp or no. "her night "Why should we careT said J. C. VfA "RhB" Lee. secretary of the company yester- mnkAn day afternoon; We know we have woman appear insignificant and com- f,oalJ 5TtJL!l i.Jn'K SkiV.V! meaning Mrs. Astor; monplace. SCaay Bleach Hair. . , 'Xi, tj.'ci'! v :m : - ; : f4: -WW it S to Sliliil ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AXgetabteRtDaiimlflrAs. slmilarina tutFoodanJRpdiia- tinglJieStonadisaiMiJoutkof IVomotes Ditionfliecifi ncssawlRestXoaitatasiKlilB- Opiuraforphine nor&icraL! mmXtpmf&iI)CS8121fflWR flmrtmSltd-, JUStam Jbmtti yfwwwiw s DuartMiukSmk Hrm5rrd Anerfijct Remedy forCtJnsflia- nnn.2tnin-ammarji.uidii.H WormJConvulsttmsjevcnsiir hess and LOSS OF SHXP. - ., .saaaisjsjsMBBBseafBBgJsaSBaa .': ' racSlmile Signamre of . NEW YD1?K. tt For Infants and Children. The Kind You. Have I Always Bought - Bears tho: Signature tia tha.t we believe we will make a fortune for ourselvea this win- Many women are bleachina their hair i"'. I'y ".. ' 7 v . "tm tlT?hffdihMJ5Lh9J5H samplea All of them have 11?..! l-,"A.nJ!t,l--rt-weftIln5 told me that the quality of the coal is "" - . . ui mo mn. nAtlHfactorv lor tneir purposes ana i frequent y. but she ha never before Jave fund that I could easily mak any made quite such a sensation. She looks aambir ot profitable contracts. We are utterly unconscious of the admiration .1. i hi. mn. 'I she arouses or is it utterly Indifferent? "" Z uT 1 -'" ;"") w should aet cnaritaoie, aii or a sua- pression or oeins; particularly nappy. fleV and divide our good holdings with , inor uiuusni. uiic.i .crra jr away iiora BubllcT inn KKiciy in wnicn ne- m ins urmnt 1 tv.i hnniur ihi( w particular star. Occasionally there flits .dvertlsed that we would sell this stock "" " t l,"r' until 5,000 shares naa oeen sota. ,1 pe- giving tne pupuo ample iv ir znftv Trian en nuv. all we care 'to sell, but to will, fn Ml In An thl fiffAr ina a word that was being said bv those I 5 Vi. k.- m. -ii . a iimir around her. ; But all shis only adds to :w t shares for the balance-of auv iii.T7-7as shitj miudcc, it' euRgrjBii 1 tki. w-isr n'rtakn ' win - nrnna niv a hidden sorrow, a burled romance, and tne priee of the stock to $11. and things of that sort that inquisitive folk wUl raise it $1 a week aa long aa we 1 imo w .iiKuun "' car to leave It on tne maraet. My Wttl Save O00A Tlaia. preference is to close the sals at Once, tt-.Amhnaiiarlnr Dimiti nrlll " . h- I aa it 18 tOO STOOd a Proposition tO Stand very good time when he passes through 1 open too long." " 'j-r. - . AW - WW : I imT .. : London on his way to Holland aa head df the American delegation to 1 The Hague peace conference. Many InvHa- tlons rrom inaon nave reached him. but,, he has promised to stay with his old mend. l,ora cunon. at liackneaa Park, the magnificent seat he recently 1 purcnasea irom ixra tjoiton, in the hnii hMn chartered for next Sun day. - The boat will leave the foot of Salmon street at 8 o'clock, In the morn ing and tickets for -the trip must be securea at tne oiiica i ino v-wmmun. wealth Trust company early this week as the passenger, accommodation of the wilds of Hampshire These two public ?5,VD. SiMtmrrimir- m.n hivo lonar bn An tftrma nf mm '? f be disposed I Of DCIOre i riaay. Mine - JUoas, neieey.v wno naa -ruu men have long been on terms of warm friendship. When Mrs. Choate waa here representing the American government iim-thmiiV-TmmttT i laona beinr at that time in India. The Choates did some really brilliant enter taining there. It used to be said, from : the, king downwards, no one ever re- He also assisted in ordering a' car load of new supplies. One of the difficulties, that is being fast overcome by Kelsey is the employment of miners. v Therv were so few in this section or tne coun fused an invitation, ir only to a cup of I try at first that it waa impossible : to tea, at the embassy of those days, the K enough to mine the coaL. Those that attraction being the host himself, the J are now employed, however, have writ ten to friends, telling tnem or-tne quan tity of the coal to oe rouna ana man ji f haranteed under li r H " I) Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Fhfrty Years Wm vmc dimtaus imnnt, mrm vena emr. iTIiTO 1 mwm most genial ana tne wittiest man in society. A well-known - American , millionaire I ara flocking to the properties every and his wife who spend much of their I day, asking for employment, which . Is time In London and their week-ends ntLiv.n In moat cases. ' - smart country houses are belnr much I Twenty tons . a day ; will . be 'taken chaffed over tne "experiences" or their I from the nortn canyon next weeK, ac 1 small son during tneir absences rrom London. They recently received an anonymous letter, which has sine been traced to one of their own servants, statlnr that if they -were to visit a I certain house in Ablngton - road, Ken sington.' they t would - find their adored son and heir reposing with , a dosen or so plebeian, young persons of his own I -f-V-- ssmsni . aim away,. , One Saturday recently tha pair In questton pretended to leave London aa I usual ror tneir rurai trip, xney reaiiy went to a friend's house elose .by and about midnight returned to their own residence to tuia tnat the - nurse and her charae had flown. Two of the I other servants were also missing. The host went to nis garage .and got hla moter and with his wife drove forth with to Kensington. : a aown-at-nei "domestic" : opened the door 1 to - them. and on being aaked ir Mrs. P maid and baby were withla. replied, with an emphatic Irish, b rouge, 'Thel.iJivil a I bit if I knows, ma'am, but sure, come t Inside ye reel f. , Tou mustn't-interrupt the dance. , but you ran look for' the babv He is very . likely alone with I all the' other little angels, bless their hearts, the little dears, walk as asey as ye can. jna am. - ror, tney ra an fast asleep." - . .: ; - tughc enougn ' aiitk t s -anget- eordlng to Kelsey. By tha first of An. frust. there will be 100 tona a day from he south canyon, while the north fcfln- yon will be shipping 100 tons a day by I September first. The coal that is being laaen oui now is storeo ana reaay ror I iiiiunaiii. u soon ii me ounaers ana 1 tramway graae nave been completed. Men engaged In working on the tram way grade are progressing rapidly and will complete the work on contract time, (jars ror naunnr ui cm fmm the interior of the mines to the bunkers are oraerea ana being built In -Portland. Carpenters are on the ground repairing and fixing the buildings and bunk I nouses, xne entire scene la one, of asv tivlty, while the mine is being visited daily by scores of residents . in - tha neighborhood. All express themselves as being well pleased to learn that the mine la to be reopened. -Among them are those who have used the ooal for vnara and believe that the exorbitant prices they have been paying will be dis counted wis winter by the low price at waicn wis coal can Da marketed at a profit. . , ; 11 was announced esterdav that there will be a thorouah steam test of tne coai maae at tne Vancouver brewery rveuiioBimjr. iwo ions nave oeen or dered shipped there, and after tha teat. an announcement will be made bv the consumers coat company as to the re sults mat are ODtainea. . . . Several days aao the offirinU nf the Consumers' Coal Company announced that they would rive f roe 100 aacka nf coal to all who would give it a fair test, xne rouowmg day there were enough applications to dispose of the entire amount, mere nas oeen consider able delay in gettina the coal to Port. land, owing to the Inadequate transpor tation facilitlea It. will arrive some I time today, however, and will he -delivered this afternoon. Those who have signuiea tneir wish to test the coal ill have ample opportunity to rive it a nrsi ciass try out. 1 ne ODject or this free distribution of sample -ooal is to secure a concensus or opinion that could be obtained In no other :; wav. Those who have burned the coal state that It 1 nrst Class. - Rlnnrlm.nli ha.vs been made by the officials of the company both at the mines and in their homes. All pronounce 'It -the eaual of any 'western coal they, have 'ever 'used, but - the senae of fairness of the offi cials of the company required that a more general 'test would b, preferable, V Secretary LeA it underatonrf h. already made preliminary, arrangements lor me snipmeat or tne coal to Portland The work will necessitate the use . of scores 01 pig Darges. . mere are many of them now in use on the-river and the company wun wnicn Mr. Lee has Been negotiating has an ample supply of them. Mr. Lee would not stata what rate had been made but Intimated that it was very low and that, the coal trust wouia nna suincient competitions when CQwllts coai was Anally.: placed on the Portland ' market No arrangements have yet been made for the storing of coai in f ortiana. xne shipment of hun dreds of tons dally will require yards at some eonvenlent point along the river ana mis is a point mat la to betaken up by the company In tha near future, finbV:;:'r ma -'H' IS To the Properties of the. mtmrn CO. -Next Sunday, June 30, we again'invite all who are interested in coal mining to join us on the STEAMER - Certain developments which we are not now at liberty to announce, compef us to state,that we will, from now on, re serve the right to either raise the price, of stock in the CON SUMERS' COAL COMPANY or withdraw it from the mar-, ket at: any time we see fit . To avoid disappointing anybody, however, the excursion advertised for next Sunday will be run in any event. ' 1 Commonwealth Trust Co. Commonwealth Building, Sixth and Ankeny Streets. JOSEPH KELLOGG For a trip to the mines, up the Cowlitz river. i You could riot r"take a'pleasanter excursion than this, besides combining profit -.for all those who jsee ran: opportunity for investment in, this - stock, i The Kellogg will leave the1 foot of Salmon street at 8 o'clock. Lunch will be served ffee on board before reaching ;the property. " After a careful inspection of the mines and the i work-that Js being done,1 the boat will head for Portland and supper will be served free on the return. ; . ' GET M)UR Tlft EARLY ; There is only one way to get your ticket. Many were . disappointed on the last excursion because they could not get v a ticket at the boat. The ticket must be obtained at our office. Call any day and we will be glad' to 'accommodate you. Our office will be open .Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenir !t until 9 o'clock, enabling "all who' wish to get their transport i tion in plenty of time. No tickets will be issued at the boat. THE KAISER CP tickets is LIFTED CET YCLT.S ir Ccmmorirsrll cc::r:v,EAUii clcd. r ajc- r- i