THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 25.. 1007. -i 4 Oilier Classified Ad verlisements will be found on pp. 16-17. NEW TODAY. $11,000 Suburban Acreage Sacrifice . C?nly seven miles east of th court house on section Line roadr . ' ? "40' Acres All tn prime cultivation. , The price, however, Includes a bounteous crop on ; every square foot of It, also that of 20 acres adjoining. A lln modern resl- ; flence easily worth $1,000; good out bouses,, livestock and farm implements. Owner has other important business to - attend to.--'. -'ri ';-';f---T'l,-'W-;.t. f LAM3ERT- WinniER CO. 10T SKX1LOC2C LDQ. 404 2S. AZJ9XX. 10,500 ' V blOcK. ' choice central east side toroperty. paying revenue; 25 per cent . quicKiy. . - .. , . . -' - , .- Lambcrt-Whitmer Co. iOT IBTUOCK BLDOr., 404 B. AXDEB. I Am Forced to Sell My C-roont house and 100120-foot lot at 1456 Rodney ave.; come out and see it, Woodlawn or Vancouver car; fruit, chicken yard, barn. Phone Union 1415. f rice $2750, Terms Chas, E. Short MARRIAGE LICENSES. , ' W. M. Killlngsworth, 228 Alberta st, 29; Caroline T. Gruninger, 24. ' -y- - ' Charley Q. Angler, S60H Alder st. 25; i jveiue neea, ii. -. : R. B. Rice, , Lexington, Oregon, , 22; Laura L. Cobb, 80. - -.' Fred W, Jones, 711 E. Burnside st. Y V , D.1 III U IIUI.l. Y. ' I Marcus Scovlll, Vancouver, B. C. 25f Bessie Mar Stearns, 23. " George Delr. Currlns sssie uar steams, vs. George Dely. Currlnsvllle, Oregon, S; n niur. V. Knlrht 1 Elwood N. Lavneld. Chicago, Illinois, Aiaoei jr. tianor, ss. William M. Leabo, 21; Matilda Mor JL V. Oliver, Walla. Walla, Washing ton, 24; Mabel Moore, 21. Arthur G. Lewis, Jacksonville, Oro- gon, zs; Margaret to. Mainly, ao. .- Orris E. Earhart, Black Bock, Oregon, is; Minerva indent, zi. Raffaele Nisi. 42: Maria Pirlcelll. J 8. Thomas Hughes, 2(4 11th St. 27; Alice xorg, ao. John J. Gibbons, Hood River, Oregon, si; Annicejvi. tt.napp. is. George W. Chester,. 28; Lillian -431m blln, 88. births- LEACH June . 19. to Mr. ' and . Mra Joseph M. ieac T.aura sta.. a dauchter. COX May 28. to Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford L. Cox. 748 Grand ave., a son. LlSCIO June 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Paolo Llsclo, 883 Front st, a daughter. VlAnL'UULT'fUlIP V, .V PIU ' - Frank Ciardullo, 188 Lincoln st, a son. BARRATTA June 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Lulgl Barratta, .187 Lincoln st, a daughter. ' ""',:' ''-" .ALBANO June 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Lulgl Albano, 666 6th St., a son. RICE June 20. to Mr. and Mrs. James ' Rice, 571 Hood at, a daughter. LATTALAMACCHIA June 7, to " Mr. and Mrs. John Lattalamacchla, Haw thorne and east Park eta., a daughter. McLAREN June 20. to Mr. and Mrs. . Charles MoLaren, 108 14 Union , ave a dauichter. DEATHS LE FEBVRE June 22, Louise Le Febvre, aged 6 months and 21 days, 110 W. 80th st; acute hydrocyphalls. BETZ June 24, Bonnie Annie Bets, aged 7 months and 24 days, 698 Van couver ave.; capillary bronchitis. JOHNSTON June , 24, Baby Johnston, . aged 11 months and 1 day, 428 E. Oak st; broncho pneumonia. STRAUS June 22. Lena Straus, aged 18 years, months and 26 days, 144 Keacn St.: pulmonary luoercuiosis. . .. TARRANT-r-June 82, William Tarrant aged 75 years, Oswego; hart-failure. , HANSEN June 23. Harry Hansen, aged 17 years, at uood Hamaruan nospitai; '.septicaemia. BASIE June 23, John Basle, Rowena; pneumonia fever. GREEN June 23, Alice F. Green, aged ,48 years, at walla Walla, Washlng- V' WiT.T.fJ.Iiin' 2: Ma Wella arwl 52 " years, : 9 montna ana za aays, tta Clay et; cerebro spinal meningitis. SCOTT June 22, Benjamin Franklin Scott aged 73 ears ana 1 months, 413 Dover st; paralysis. . -BEECH ER June 1, A. N. Beecher, ' aged 88 years, at Dilley, Oregon; ab ; scess of lung. MEETING NOTICE3. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS REGULAR c meeting of Ivanhoe lodge No. 1, K. P. halt 11th and 'Alder sts. Knight rank. t KMMETT ELLER. C. C. , ..HELP W'ANTED ALALE wantedS5y?ovcr7 1 ' bookbinders' trade; good, opening for the right boy. Lovejoy fc Lincoln, 128 : j-lst stv; ,- ";".?--!- - VVANTED BOY ABOUT IS TO WORK ; in men's furnishing store; good wages. Apply 884 Washington st ' WANTED COUCH AND LOUNGE , maker. 65 Front, cor. Davis. WANTED TWO YOUNG MEN ABOUT1 20. 56 Front, cor. Davis. CARPENTERS, $3.60, rr . . . n 1n . .... .1 nllAil.lif,, $3, 9 hours: free fare; 2 granite cutters, $5, hours; horseshoert $3.60. 8 hours; -carpenters, city, $3.60. 8 hoursrothers. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES, 28 N. 2d st' 250 Burnside st, WANTED TWO COUCHMAKERS. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam ttrl KlTF.DA- FIRST-CLASS UPHOI. sterer none other.need apply. Tul A Glbbs. J VVANTEDFIRST-CLASS SODA JDIS- penser. Call today. Swetland. 278 ?' ' Morrison.-' -': -' - ' 1'; : Wanted a fIrst-class s6Licit- X rs for best sub-division in iClty. H. W. Lemcke & Co., corner 6tn ana wasn- 'ilngton. ;-": ' - . VANTED-IRSt-CLAS t?ABlNfif . maker; none other need apptyV Tull : & Olhbs. - - : - - -' '' . HELP WANTFJX FEMALE WANTED WAITRESS IN OUR lunch room) Call , today. Swetland, 278 Morn won, y LUNOI WAITRESSES WANTED. an hour, at Morris' restaurant Washington St. , , .- - s '.. ,. . 25c 229 HELP WANTED FEMALE LI I'M AN, WOLFE A CO. Llpman, Wolfe & Co. ' require sales women for permanent positions in num erous departments; highest' wages, ac cording to experience and ability. Ap ply, to superintendent, on main lioor. RE SPONSIBLE PERSON 'TAKE 'charge 8 children daytime; no Sunday work. Apply 482 Vancouver ave. Wanted girl to -earn to sew mattress ticks, .power machines. 66 Front, cor. Pavls. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. , WANTED TO BUT GOOD CANOE. Phone Main 2321. WANTED TEAM AND TANK WAGON for hauling water. D-40S, Journal. Two months' job. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, HANDSOMELY FURNISHED CORNER suite to man and wife or business woman. Phone Faclfio 612. - FURNISHED COTTAOE. I ROOMS pantry, cellar, fruit; 112; 6c fare. B. B. COOK, 151 Alder. fOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 12.50 per week. 811 zd st. , ilOOMS AND BOARD. NICE FRONT ROOM FOR 2, WITH board, private family., 181 N. 18th. Paclflo 2917., HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE ;; FOR SALE .'- 4 ROOMS FURNISHED FOR HOUSE' keeping; price 1100. 311 2d st FOR RENT FLATS. FOR RENT FLAT. NEW. . OR rooms; partly furnished if desired; gas, bath, woodllft; in Irvington,' corner of Halsey and E. 8th north. Phone East 2819. SUIMER RESORTS ' FOR RENT AT SEASIDE, NEW FUR- nlshed 6-room cottaae on the beach. facing the ocean, for the season., Phone East 8090. l- BUSINESS CHANCES. . ORKAT SNAP. 8850 15-room roomina house on 8th st; rent reasonable; house full every night; call at onoe. Gunderson .ft Wil liams. 105-8 Mohawk bldg. GROCERY STORE; 8 LIVING ROOMii; rent 110! eatabllshed: will sell .at in voice or lump: price $850. Also cigar stand; price 8275; rent $20. -v " 834 6th St.. Near Pine. ' CAN PLACE ' YOU' IN BUSINESS for 33,000 where you can make $1,200 per month. ' See . Dement King, zz Madison st. HALF INTEREST IN EMPLOYMENT? business for sale, cheap, 181 H Mor rison st - ' ' - - ' - -:- - FOB SALE REAL ESTATE 12,100 6-ROOM MODERN 'HOME; choice location: terms, a. u. ua en. 424 Lumber Exchange. Main t06L Au tomat io A3051. - ............ A RARE CHANCE. . Six lots. 60x90. near E. 87th and Haw thorne ave: 2 corners; price 83,400; easy terms; Just the thing for a -tarpenter who want to ouiid nouses tor eaie. CONKLIN BROS ...j. 1046 Hawthorne Ave. ' $2,000 A RARE"- BARGAIN, NEAR Hawtnorne ave.; wei-Duut cottage; large rooms, natn, touet ana waen naain. ' lot buxiuu. lawn, iruit, roses, cement basement Owner, 1046 Haw- thorne ave. v - i -- - - SfUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. NEW $400 PIANO. USED 1 MONTH; casti. or win rent zor per montn. Address i03. journal. FOR SALE-f-MISCELLANEOUS.' A LARGE TENT, 60x75 FEET, WITH ail eaumments. neanv new. tor sate for $175; can be seen at 848"Mlssissippl ave.- Fhone woodlawn zuj. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. $1,600 EQUITY. FINE 10-ROOM MOD ern house, brick basement. 2 lots; for vacant lots, small cottage or acreage, must be close in; property and owner, 1045 k. wasnington st. : ASSAYERS. WELLS & PROEBSTEL, MINING EN- ineers. metallurgists ana assayers. Washington st CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. PRnFERSORWALLACE. ' - Portland's favorite clairvoyant palmist nd medium; readings 25o. 341 H Mor- rison. corner Tin. ' i. TYPEWRITERS HEADQUARTERS FOR NEW AND RE- built typewriters oi an maxes; soe bur window; if you are going to buy a new typewriter - see 4is before buying", we can save you money; we have parts for repairing all machines; state agents for the Visible Fox; we buy all kinds of typewriters. The Typewriter Exchange, Inc, E. J. Ellison, manager. 84 8d St. : fcLIckENSDERFER TYPEWRITER -' Afftncv SuDDlies: repairs. Raleigh bldg., th and Washington sts PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. WHOLESALE JOBBER3 ; M. A. OUNST CO DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. - PORTLAND. OREGON. fcVERDING ' & FARRELL, PRODUCE and 'commission merchants, 140 Front St., Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC- turing Co. Manufacturers of . furni tore for the trade. Portland. Or. ' WADHAM'1 A Ca, WHOLESALE GRO- cers, manufacturers and commission merchants. 4th and Oak sts. FURNITyBB MANUFACTURING AND special ordera Ia Kuvensky's furni tore factory, 807 Front st. - AtLfcN & Lewis, commission ana produce merchants, Front and Davis sts.,, Portland, Or. ' WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND ' a-la3sware.f Prael, Hegeie & Co Port land. Or. ' HK - OREGON CHEESE -CO. (INC) nets -bought or handled on commission, j 128 bt& St. (Bweuanq ait.. roruuu, Or.1 --' -;'' .' --- - -f ; . ; tEWIS-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY . Co.. Barbers' SuPDlles. Barbers' Fur nlture. Barbers' Chairs. 10th & Morrisoa TRANSPORTATION. i Ho! For Astoria FastStcamerTelegraph Dally (except Thursdays). Leaves Aldet street .dock, T a. m. FSOVS XtfAIar 865, ' - Colambla River Scenery msotrbAToa xxsn stxakxxs. '.Sally esrttos bstweta Portland -aa4- Tha Dallas, except ' Sandar, lraln( Portland at T m, arrlTliit about . al eanrtBf fre'rht awl . pimnrm Splendid eeeaaaoda. tli, tor aotilta and Uvwtack. Court sU 'las bails, fboae UaU 8le, ftrUaaa, TRANSPORTATION. Jamestown Exposition 1017 RATES. nrsvr s, 4, s; AtrauiT 8, c, 101 szv- ' ; - TXMBE 1L 13, 13. .v . Chicago and return, $71.50. . St Louis and return, $57.50. ' St Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Supe rior, Winnipeg and Fort Arthur and re turn, $60. , . , . 3-TlUINa DAILY 3 ;5ir,vV' - neota.eac reservations andadditional information, call on"; Wf address It DICKSON. C P. T. A. ' 132 TKtMD ST, rOXTXAJTO, 024, Telephones; . Main 180., Horn A-2286. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 3 TWPS ft ft' SKtokane, Xnne 14, : 861 J'Uly 18, S6 Ang. . , : Qneen, July 18W . IT0243 BOVTB. ' I. Tmtilla ....Tons 88 ' S. 2L AXASXA BOVTB. gkagwar, gatira. fnaeav and way porta. K. 8L . OO.'s Bumbold8........Jnae 88 City of Seattle .............. ..June 88 Cottage City, vi Sitka... June 30 , MAX rilACJ8CO BOVTX. t . ::: laninf 8 ft. m. From eattle. ' ' president ,,.7ane 88 City of Pnebla. ............. ...Jane 87 Sonoma , . , .Jua 89 and July 8 ; City Cffloe, 84 Waahlngtoa St, : BOATY rACTTIO STBASCSBXr 00.1 Steamships E0AN8KE M . and GEO. W. ELDER Sail for Kureka, San Franclseo and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 p. m. 'i icket office 128 Third, near Alder, Phmes M. 181 1 -H. YOUNG. Agent Classified Aids la Tha Journal reach tha people la the great Oregon country at the right time. 'Rates for Classified Advertisements . ; a Count six words to the Una.) . . On eent a word each insertion. More than two Insertions, 6 cent per line each insertion.. By the week, $0 cents per line O days). No advertisement taken for less than 16 centa . ' - -: "-..-' SOCIETY WILL MEET , IN. ANNUAL SESSION The annual meetln of the Ores-on conference of the Woman's Home Mis sionary society, which convenes In the Historic xayior-street Methodist church, Wednesday. June 26. Dro mi mas to be one or interest ana enthusiasm. Numerous delegates from abroad have - signified their intention of belnr D re sent aa wall as large delegations from the . city churches. -Mra F- W. Brooke, well known in club and social circles, is the efficient president of this organisation. Delegates and ministers and their wives will ' be entertained at lunch and all visitors served with tea or coffee. The meeting begins at 10 a. m. LAB0EEB KILLED BY :.. CAVING IN OF SEWER Michael N. Mlchelson. a laborer, aged 88 years, llvina- at Nineteenth and Quimby streetsT was killed yesterday arternoon at Twentietn ana - Knott streets by the sudden cavlnv in of the Irvington sewer, where he was working. There were four other men with Mlch elson at the time, but all escaped in- Jury. His fellow laborers worked fran tically for over an hour in the attempt to dig the -unfortunate man out alive,' but were unsuccessful. The coroner took charge of the body. ' ' - ' " ' ".....JL ' LI I I ' ' ' '! .. , , '...."J.. ...f J .. Spanton's Home Proposition Is BSBSBSBSSSS . TERMINAL JJiv- I 00rm' . dcpot ; ' - sr Vv m vc5MV CAR LINK '.. - Z ' ' ' : ' I I 'E.BURNSIDS ST ,r ' - llL ' KTnnd I ilTlrrH- " v SPANTOM ffp eSPANTOrp . Ill j d H h - Tract Office- -S "orCrW " E STARK ST BASE, LINI ROAD .',,l I I I te L M3 i ' ' 'J ' JHT TABOR g;; starts hcf2-y r : , S . TAKE THE GAR "WHEREER s V , 1 ' ; III - - THE HEAVY" LINES SHOW ... ' ti ' s ' i s Select a lot in Terrace Park (come to the office and we wiil take you); " Pay $10 a month for the lot for ten months. , 5 We will then build you any style house you like and you may pay rent for the , house; and this rent goes on the purchase ? price. . No other conditions no first payment down just the k rent and you own the house paid for it. v ' WE WILL GO WITH YOU TO TERRACE PARK AFTER SIX O'CLOCK IF. YOU CAN'T GO Sole Agent for the Municipal Railway Company THE SPANTON COMPANY In the Development of EVERY L1MI M IIIS Crew ; of Japanese Steamer Bring Flock of Chattering Birds iVom Mexico. . WILL TAKE THEM HOME , AND TEACH TO TALK Babble of Tongue Exist on Board Big Frciffhter BetsatfeTlie' Biftls Squeak In Spanish While Bailor Parley in Language of the Mikado. When the Japanese steamer Manahu Mara returns to Yokohama every one of the . 86 . hands on board will : walk ashore with a green parrot, unless some of the birds now; occupying conspicuous positions tn strangely shaped cages on board the tramp should become sick and cross the big divide before getting across the Pacific. . The parrots , Were purchased in Mansanillo. Mexico, where the Manshu Maru delivered 1,025 Jap anese laborers before coming here, , Every one of the crew secured a- par rot and some bought two or three for their friends In the land of the rising sun. The birds are of the small green varletv ' commonly anoken or aa carra- keeta. They speak Spanish fluently and the more intelligent have already com menced to pick up a word or two of Japanese, One ' whistles an American air taught by a Japanese who some years ago did cooking for a family in St Louis. Sometimes the parrakeet re fuses to whistle and then the . little brown man accuses him- of being "no gentleman." This Americanised sailor said that the birds are by no means cheap in Mexico, although plentiful there. He said the sailors had paid rrom $ to $6 apiece for the birds, so that all told the crew of the Manshu Marue had de posited some $300 with tne Mexicans for the talking bunches of feathers. The birds are a noisy lot and It would be difficult to tell whether Spanish or Japanese Is the official language but for the fact that the Japanese emblem floats from the staff. The Manshu Maru reached the harbor early this - morning and went to the O. R. A N. Albina dock to load elour and e-eneral freight-for Japan in the regular Portland A Asiatic line. She will take out a large cargo and the intention is to have her get away In about 10 days. The Jananese lADorera orougni - to Mansanillo were carried between decks and this morning the crew was busy tearing out the bunks ana stairways. According . to one of the . offcers only one passenger died on the way to Mex ico, although the voyage lasted fully a month. He was buried at sea, according to the rites of the Japanese. The voy age from Manzaniuo to i'ortiana utstea 18 days. The finest kind Of weather was enjoyed. -.. -w v. . The Manshu Maru is still In com mand of Captain Ota, who had her here in April this . year. Captain Ota was delighted with the weather here, say ing that he had Just come out of a veri table oven In Mexico, where the heat was almost unbearable. The steamer was in the harbor only two days, but in that time the tar in the seams of the deck came to a boiling heat. The crew suffered terribly. ' 1 CEMENT ON STEAMERS V...-- '-: -VV'- .;'(. Finn Arrives and Strathavon la Re r ' ) ported Coining Here, ,'' The Norwegian steamer Finn will be at Oreenwich dock early tomorrow morning to discharge 16,600 barrels of cement orougni out irom juonaon lor Kerr, Gift ord A Co. The cement is half a cargo, since about an equal quan- tity was discharged at San Diego. y was discharged at Ban uiego. It was announced this morning that 1ST" here it is- likely that several shipments booked for California ports will be di verted to this port instead. The build ing boom has received a serious blow in San Francisco because of the strikes, and hence the demand for material is not as great there as here: Among the steamers mentioned as coming here soon with at least half a cargo of cement is the British steamer Strathavon. She is now nearly due to arrive at San Fran cisco from Antwerp." - MAKES PAST TRB? Steamer Alliance Break Her Own Record From Coo. The steamer Alliance, Captain Olson. made the run from Coos bay bar to the The Most Generous Offer Ever the Municipal Railway Co., Offer to Build nouses-in Terrace Park on a "Kent Basis" Terrace Park. Columbia river bar. in 17W hours this week. This is the best time made on that route since the Alliance was pup in commission, and it Is the more r markable taking into -consideration- the fact that she bucked a strong north wester part of the way- j. In coming up from Coos bay the Al llanna ran awav from the steam Schoon er J. It . Marhoffer, which was lso bound for the Columbia river from San Francisco via Coos. She stopped at Coos to deliver a shipment of oil for the Standard Oil company. Tha Alliance arrived at Couch street dock at 10:80 o'clock last night and will sail Thursday night. Her Inward cargo consists of mill and farm and dairy products, as usual, and the passenger list was fuit . - eraassm--e-jssMMe MARINE INTELLIGENCE ; Bsgnlar TJaera So to Arrive, d. W. Bolder, San Pedro and way.June 15 Costa Rica, San Francisco. June ji Alliance, 'Coos Bay. . i ... . , . . .July 1 Roanoke, San Pedro and way.,, .July 2 Columbia, San Francisco. ..... ,4 .July 2 fi.--.K;"M,.,SanFj-Anclsco. . . .July 8 Alesia, orient. "..'.....:.V....JtiiyW Nicomedla, orient .July 87 Numantla. orient, .August 18 Arabia, orient ....Sept 1 : Bea-nla lasers to Depart. : AUlance, Coos Bay.,...,....,.. June 27 G. W. Elder. San Pedro and way.June 27 Arabia, orient ...,,JunslO Costa Rica, San Francisoo....,,June SO Rmnnlia Ran Pedro and war... .July 4 Columbia, San Francisco. ...,,i July 6 F. A. Kllburn, s. F. and wary.,,. Juiy s Alesia, orient, . . .. ...... July 27 UlMml, nrlant ......... AUKUSt 6 Numantla. orient ...... . .... .August 28 -'- Vessel la Fort. -Tola. Br. sh.... ,..Elvstor dock Jordanhlll, Br. bk. ........... ...Stream Zinlta, Br. bit.;..., .........East Pine Tellus. Ger. bk...,......,....Knappton Whang Ho, Chinese Jung The Oaks Llllebonne, Am, sch...a R. A N. Albina E. F. Whitney, Am. K .ut. wonns Wasnucta, Am. barge. .University Mill African Monarch, Br. ss...... ..Astoria Chehalis, Am. bktn Knappton nardiner Cltv. Am bktn... .Vancouver Daisy Freeman. Am. etr. ....... Astoria KMhome. A m. son. . ..... ... . .bl neiena J. It Lunsman, Am. sch, ....... .Stella Charleston, U. S. navy.,.,..,,,.narpor Paul Jones, U. S, ,.,.,.,,. ..Harbor ivauoia. nr. sir ............... .imiiui Arabia. Am, etr'. Ains worth Maori King, Br. ss. ............ .Stream Melville uoliar.'Am. sir. ........ .ttteua Noma City, Am. str. ......... ..Rainier E. F. Sanders. Am. sch........ .Astoria Monterey, - Am. sch ............. Llnnton Defiance. Am. tug .Llnnton Manshu Maru, jap SS.U. . ., AiDina Alliance, .Am. str. Couch street Finn, Nor. str.... oreenwicn Svea, Am. str... ..12. W. Mills Geo. W. Elder, Am. str........ Martins Cascade, Am, str, .............. . .Goble - - Ziamber Carriers Xn Bonta. Mabel Gale, Am. sch.',,. .Sac Francisco Retriever, Am. bktn.... -San Francisco Alumna, Am. sch San Francisco Walacot Am. barge..,,. .San Francisco Rmith Biv. Am. str San Francisco Khn Am. bktn .....San Francisco Casco, Am. str. ......... .San Francisco Melrose, Am. sch..,. ...... ...Sen Pedro J. M. Griffith, Am. bktn. .Ban Francisco Sailor Boy, Am. sen Ban Francisco Alden Besse. Am. bk.....San Francisco Alvena, Am. sch.......... ...San Pedro f. Mar horter, Am. sir..... n grancisco tntl. Am. schr..,....San Francisco Thos. L. Wand, Am. str.. San-Francisco Louisiana; Am. bk .......... Ban i-earo sn Bonta With, Cement ana OeneraL . Buccleuch: Br. sh ........... . Hamburg Brenn, Fr. bk.. . ................... Hull Conway Castle, Br. bk,,.. .....Antwerp Dalgonar, Br. sh, Hamburg KuroDe. Fr. bk. .,,......... ..Antwern Genevieve Molinos, Fr.' bk,.,.. .London Rene Kerviier, nr. sn..,...,..amourg Laenneo, Fr. sh.....,.. ...... Swansea Le Filler. Fr. bk ..London Martha Roux, Fr. bk Hamburg Mosamblque. Br. sh Newcastle. E. Samoa. Br. bk......... Shields Clm riAr h ................ . .London Thiers, Fr. sh. ........ . .Newcastle, E. Vincennes, Fr. bk ,,,,.uiasgow Marechaei Turrene, rr. Da,,,.tiamourg Vllle de Mulhouse, Fr. bk...... Antwerp ouetharv. Fr. bk...,, ........ .Antwerp Plerrl Lotl. Fr. bk............ Antwerp Walden Abbey. Br. sh........ .Antwerp Glenessllu, Br. sn. .......... ..Antwerp Versailles. Fr. bk. .............. .Leith General de Boisdeffre, Fr. bk... London General de Negrler, Jr. bk...... London Bayard,vJr. bk. ............... Antwerp VUle de Dijon, Fr. bk..........Antweip -; Coal Ship Sn Boat, i' ? Belerl, Fr. bk. .......Newcastle, A. Cot de Villebois MarenlLFr. bk ....................... Newcastle, A. Claverdon, Br. sh. ...... .Newcastle, A. WUlscott Am. bk..... ...Newcastle, A. Port Patrick, Br. sh..... .Newcastle, A. St Mlrren, Br. sh......... Newcastle. A, Crlllon, Fr. bk Newcastle. A. Ardencraig. Br. bk . . . . . , .Newcastle, A. Mathilda, Nor. str. . . . .Newcastle. A. Eugene Schneider. Fr. bk.. Newcastle. A. St Louis, Fr. sh. ........ '. Newcastle, A. i Tramp Steamer J5n Boat. ' " Henrik Ibsen, Nor. str. ..San Francisco Queen Alexandra, Br. str.,,, ...Madras Gymerlc, Br. str ...Mansanllo Thyra. Nor. at San Francisco Finn, Nor. str......... San Diego Strathavon, nr. str. . . . . .Ban- rancmco ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steamer Columbia. Captain Doran. sailed for San Francisco this morning. The steam schooner svea. arrivea at Stirring "Renters" Into Buying Homes NOW! Known in Portland The ' ; the mills of, the- Eastern - A Western Lumber company this, morning to load a return cargo of lumber for San Fran cisco. , . The British baric Jordanhlll will sail tomorrow morning for Callao, Peru, with a cargo of lumber, r She has been In the stream- for three days waiting for a couple of sailors; Three sailors were killed on the Jordanhlll coming out from Europe. . They fell from one of the yards to the deck, as a result of the foot rope breaking. - The steamer J. N. Teal of the Open River Transportation company, leaves Oak street dock at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning for Big Eddy, where she will connect - with - the steamer . Relief for Umatilla. The Teal is now in regular commission between Portland and Big Eddy. :' MARINE NOTES', ' Astoria. June 25, Arrived at 6:80 and ft un at 10:18 a. m. Steamer George left up at 10:15 a. m. Steamer George W. Elder, from- San Pedro and. way ports. Arrived at 7 and left up at 9 a, - m. Steamer Cascade,'- from ' San Franclsoo. ; Arrived at 9:80 a. m Nor wegian steamer Finn, from San Diego, - J!bHffiiseoJunft,,2,5,- Arrived at 10 a. m. steamers a. Kuourn ana Asuncion, from San, Francisco. - . Astoria, June 24. Arrived at 12 noon and left up at 2:20 p. m. Schooner Monterey in tow of tug Defiance,' from Monterey.- Arrived at 8:80 and left Up at 10 p. m. Steamer Svea, from . San Francisco. : ..,-,;! .. ' San Francisco, June 14. Arrived Steamer Yosemlte, from Columbia river. Sailed Steamer Tiverton, for Columbia river. .-, .. , . u - -:- Astoria, " Juns 25 Condition of tha bar at a. m., ODseurea; wina nortn west, 16 miles; weather, foggy. - Tides at Astoria today: lligh water, 10 a. m., 7.8 feet Low water, 6:42 a. m., 1.5 feet; 1:82 p. m., 2.8 feet CONCERT TONIGHT i -' -' BY ACT0E-SINGEE "American Flancon, Very Ably As sisted, Will Appear Tonight s at White Temple. ' Fred . Butler, the wonderful actor- singer, is in the city, accompanied by hi wife, and will give a concert at the Whit Tempi tonight Mr. Butler-be came very well known Jn thla city dur ing the great evangelistic campaign con ducted by Dr. Chapman. ' f .. , ? : It Is seldom. If ever, that a role of mor splendid power ana beauty is heard In Portland on the opera or con cert stage. He has a voice of remark able scope and melody and has won for himself tho name of the "American Planoon." He wUl be assisted tonight by Mrs. Walter Reed, contralto, and Miss Kathleen Lawler, soprano. Miss race Kemp will play an organ number id Professor Edgar JC Coursen will preside at the piano, . ' UNION PACIFIC CAN f 3l CONDEMN FOR TUNNEL Supreme Court of Washington Ef face Technical Inhibition in an "'Ancient Statute. ' (Bperlil Dtspate to The JeeraaL) '. Olympla, Wash., June 25. The su preme court - today put a quettis upon the effort to prevent the Union Paclflo from condemning property In Betatle for tunnel purposes, under the provis ions of an old statute which declares that a f orel an corporation shall not en- JaTl r tne ngnt oi eminent oomain tor lroad purposes Until It ha actually These, silver dollars, on this very tray, are wait ing for "you in Woodard Clarke's window; go see them. But first read the details of how YOU can get them, in this paper. "mmmmm """" '"""O SEE PA0E"l8. Spanton Company, Acting for We make this proposition because age house-building in Terrace Park . NOW. With a hun dred families in Terrace Park, other property we have in the neighborhood wilt have increased in value much more than we have lost in advancing you the money to build. Full-size (50x100) lots for $300 $10 a, month. See us after,6 o'clock if you can't get around before. ' 270 STAl STlIlT, C,; constructed a railroad Una UM:i t state. The action was brought by Mirr M. Meller, who sought to enloin n i -. r I i Judge Griffin of 8attle from n ...-.--1-inn with a condomnatfon cse .by t-i h the - Oregon A WanhlnKton liailrim.) company sought' to condemn some of her property in Seattle for tunnel pur poses. While the company hue eimnt millions of dollars for terminal prrir tles, it has as yet built no rallroml l,n. - The supreme court holds that botli chapter 9, session la.w of 18K9-90, n l chapter 17, session laws 1889-90. b-arlnt on the subject must be construed to gether, " and as so oonstrued the pro-, ceedlnffs begun In Seattle- must be al Jowed to proceed. . ' ' Four Michigan men, with some mem bers of their families, arrived In Philo math last week. - : I! O I ROGERS STAMLC8R FINISH i Rogers Stainfloor Finish is absolutely the best floor fin ish made, and is also the best general finish for furniture and all interior woodwork. It makes old floors look new 11 and all floors and all wood- ll work look beautiful; it pro- O duces beautfiul effects on all h ;woods, whether .previously n finished or not ; it makes pine j floors look like hardwood. It h does not scratch, mar or SI show heelmarks; it is not af- $j fected by watervery tough wears ' UKe ; ruDDer re- jj quires but little attention i easily, cleaned by wiping with a damp cloth. "Rogers U Stainfloor Finis h comes il ready for use easily applied by anybody dries overnight so that the floors can be used next day. Made in all natu ral hardwood colors. One gallon covers 300 square feet two coats and costs, S2.75, half gallon 81.45, quart 75, pint 45. Book- 5c let, "Care of Floors," free J for the asking. . M mm cress & co. - .YV; V't -4- sham ''.-' .'- V- ) " Si 145 first; STREET 2hon Jaln S023 X . Tke WsltXaewa , Eallakle CHINESE- 8Ue aad Ztee ' DOCTOR Bss Bad a life srady ef roots sad serfes. a Is that stsdy dlwonr isd Is slvla to tb world his wonderful rvmedlra. JTO XEROUBX, POISONS OR SRVOS PSTO Hi CUBES WITHOUT OPERATION. OB ' WITHOUT THX AID Of A KHITX. Be garantMe cere CaUrrti. Aatbata. teas, Tbroat, Rbramtlaai .NervotHnma. Parmas DW;ity. ; Stnmaeh. IJvsr, K Idsef TnmblM; slw Lost Manhood. FfSiale Wtak MM snfl AH Tr... . A SURE CAKCER CURE Jaet Seeernd Tram TVrn, China. Safe, Bare . aad SUliaUe, , -VW TOO ARB AITttCTBD. PONT BXLAI. - - , SELAT9 ARB DAMOKSOCS. , - If rx eaaoot can. write for eyaiptoai bias aad clrealar. Inclose 4 cents la stampe, CONSULTATION FREE XSt O. OEB WO CHntZSX KEHlCIXX CO I68ik first St.. Cor. KonUoa, PortUnd. Orcoa. Ylaasa tfeattee . Thk Pasw. we want , to encour BEFORE. Vi . -. . i , ID8MmtS)09MOMdlCfi2Cj CGeeVo