The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 25, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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3M , '!' i hi 1. L ' " , M .1 ' . ! i ll. i II i l 1111 111 1 i
;.. .. I0E; BIG. BMGMJ ST03E-. V
lulVj 11 iiiUULl .llDlL hSA From SECOND to THIRD
FasfesI Growing Slcre Id the WorM'ssd the Cosiest Store la Portland
Fastest trowing Store In Ibe Worll aad iSe fiDsicBiSore -h rcr!:;-J
rmnnTTiTTh n rmTn n rm
r7 . (diTin cloc,k c:i YAMKiLi,rno:4 zkd to swx 7jp
.110)11 MfiMKiM WiliO) WMVUMlii 4
Forced Out of Business by Unoeaoonable Weather Conditions -Entire Stock Sent to Auction and
. ""We'Gaptured.Over lO.OOO of the Finest Waists at Less Than Half Price ,
' A JWaist Sale of such gigantic proportions as to almost astound you. Waists I Waists! Waists! 7 Thousands of them, twenty great table-loads in the Suit Room afone, and other numerous bargain
waist tables all over the house in order to accommodate this immense and stupendous purchase. -. Over 100 different kinds and styles. Made of finest white lawns, mulls and lingerie. ' The
ee the. ' Jfail -: '
Third-street window display and be here when the sale begins at 9 sharp tomorrow,
your. chance. to buy :an entire season's supply for the price of a single waist Comet
99c for $2.50 Waists
Twentv?diferent styles or more, and every one a beauty. ' Made of extra
quality sheer 'white lawns,' full embroidery ' and - embroidery , inserted
fronts.' -Others? I beau t i f U 1 1 y ' lace" ;f .'.
inserted and trimmed. Many with finely'
tucked yokes. , Long or ' short sleeves,
open front: or back, every one fully
tailored and well made waists. that were
made for .'the finest trade, all $2.00 and '
$2.50' values, and jrbu can't match thefn
anywhere for less. It's by; all odds ie
ereatest OOV vitft fcargain this city has
ever knoWni and there's' three .huge table-
loads to pick from. Choice. : ,
.98 for $5.00 Waists
$1.49 for $3,5.0 Waists
Every one of them a really charming and high-
class creation. Made of exceptionally sheer
lawns and batiste, in a host of this season
prettiest styles, including all the newest yok
(tmfm nfh 4ainfw tal laf ln.4iAn ' rtA fin.
ished with medallions; also, the handsomest of y
allover embroidery fronts, with lace combina- "
tiorts, long and short sleeves. Go where you .
will, you'll not' match: these anywhere", short , '
of $3.00 to $3.50. Choice
1 1 1 1 1 1 44
Waists that are the most exquisite models you've ever seen,
the finest and most expensive white mulls and lawns. Many
tirely covered with lace and embroid-
try. Other finely tucked,; and many .;
trimmed , with the most expensive lace :
medallions. ; Every one of - them the (
smartest and richest of : this season's ft
styles and 1 the sameX identical waists fY
you see In every store in town' priced at Ij ;
$4,00 and $5.00. All sues and plenty of .
them.' Pick our $5.00 waists if you ;
want all are on sale at the one price.
Choice ......... .... . . . . ... . . . . . .....
Made of
almost en-
; -50c BOXES 5 NECK CDP ,
; UCHINGS foreDd ;
5,000 boxes Neck Ruchfngs, 6 strips In box, all new designs, plain and
silk effects. ' All 50c values, at half price, 25f box. Only one box to a
'customer, ; . . , " ...
100 doien only, 100 in all, and those that miss this sale tomorrow over
look the season's best bargain. All pure linen finish and hemstitched.
All width hems and full aixe. Guaranteed positive 12c values at 5e ea.
Cotting Prices Deep la
Draperies and Portieres
And all the best grades, too; qualities that1 are
as fine as any shown by the highest class stores.
: 92.49 Worth 03.50
100 large full size Tapestry Couch. Covers, fancy
patterns, rich colorings. Our finest &) AQ
grades; special ................. p.-x
$4: Portieres 03.25
Fine Tapestry, - largest size,'' with knotted
fringe at top and bottom and finished
' ' with heavy tassels. Bargains at y d0 OP
. $4.00 ; special ... . . . ...... .... . . . $dCd
this sale is for the one day only. ' Choice
ie Sale of MM Soap
Thousands of cakes, the finest 5c to 8c kinds, at 3e a cake, and It's only through
. a gigantic purchase of over 800 boxes that such a sensational offer is possible. All
the best and highest grades, including Lemo Olive. Turkish Bath. Glycerine. Pairv.
Uneeda Bath, and others of the best makes. All large, big cakes, highly perfumed.
None worth less than 5c and most all 8c qualities. Buy all you want tomorrow for
, ' 5,000 .Writing
All 3c
onea go
at, each ..
Fancy Box
r 15c
at 25c ....,1 UW
vr fef a is ,
Large Size
All Our Best
Fancy Box
regular - "g
10c ones,
price ,vrr.
EXTRA SPECIAL--200 Regular 50c and
75c Post Card Albums
Oqr entire new lot, . fancy styles, best
quality paper, - and extra fine cloth
backs. Each one holds 100 cards. Never
sold under 50c to 75c
WUI It LasU-5000 Ytrds M01 Ends
15c Yd Wide Percales
The famous Puritan make that sella all
over at 15c. All light colors in dots and
stripes, good leneths. Buv what you
want tomorrow of this : 15c Percale at, ,
cnoice, yara.. ..............
4 and 5-inch ;
worth 12c, v
all in 1 lot,
8-Inch Swiss
and Nainsook
' Flouncings,
worth 25c,
12 and 15-inch
wide Flounc
ings, all 39c-
kinds, ' ' '
Finest of 50c
Corset Cover
Wednesday's Great Bargain Sale of
A special purchase of 50 casks at
a ' full third under value, single
pieces and sets, and every piece
the genuine : German ; make, real
imported goods, fancy shapes, rich
decorations and in ail colorings.
Rememberr every ACE1
piece is pneed one 1A Urr
third less than reg.; '
Decorated Tea Pots, special.. 25
Decorated Sugars, special ,.;.20
Decorated Creamers, special; .
Decorated Cracker Jara, spec. 50
Decorated ;j Chocolate Pots, spe
cial -... . ..., .SOe.
Decorated Salads, special ; ...25
Decorated Cake Plates, spec. 25
Decorated Tea Tiles, special. . 15f
Decorated, Tea Cups and Saucers,
special 151
Decorated Chocolate Cups and
Saucers, special . . . . . . , . . . . .
Decorated Celery Trays, spec. 20
China Sets
7-pc. Chocolate Sets r.....?1.25
?-pc. Cake Sets ........ ...1.85
7-pc. Salad Sets 850
Bread and Butter Plates, set. 45
Tea Plates, set .50V:
Tea Sets, 3 pieces ...60
Sugars and Creamers, set ..,.350
Oat Meals, set ........4.... .600
Fruits,, set 450
Exciting Selling of the Famous R. J. R.
For all know h's the same silk that all agency stores sell at $1.00, here at A g
400 yard. The real imported R. J. R., in all wanted colors, full 30 Inches
rl(te, A dollar trade everywhere: 'special, yard i
27-inch Jap. Silks, ia, all colors, pure silk, odj 'ramemberr Aese are. not ' the Afk
narrow ones, but all full 27 inchea wide and worth 65c,'yard iUiit.,.. ..J.. Hi;?tVL
Now for a Great Sale of the. Much in Demand and Wanted
Cream Dress Goods
. . , . . . .
' Just two special items on which we . are overstocked, but at the reduced prices every
single yard should be cleared tomorrow.' ' , ' , ; . - -
36-Inch Cream Mohairs A - l 50-Incb Cream Seroe f O
Five pieces of it. 36 inches aVI . II Pure wool silk finish and TSsTll!
WW M . WW 4 , tfr :. 1 VMVHT m MBy J SM VS
Another Day of the Great Sale'of 20c and
25c Wash Goods at 8V3C Yard
It's the one bargain that's lining the counters with eager buyers; all the newest of
this season's fabrics, voiles, batistes, organdies, lawns and madras, 27 and 30 Ol
inches wide, all fancy patterns and full pieces. None worth less than 18c to 20c. 03C
All broken lines of our finest imported wash goods, grades worth 35c up in
to 60c While it lasts, yard , , . . . 1 J C
n, -. rri-rk.',TT
s Riding Habits.'
' Those who know say that the custom
of riding astrldS la now morv aneral
than ever before not. so much' In New
York perhaps' "as In the suburbs and at
resorts In the south and west frequented
by New Tork women,', some of whom
'.'saddle .wliea la iCeaUal I'arl Jsu; aa
soon as thev shake New York's dust
Srom their boots exchange the side sad
le for a man' saddle.
A Jeadtna- ' tailor of - Gotham says:
"The ponularlty of-rldin astride can't
be ludg-ed by jCentral Park. I have or
ders for twice -as manr rid Ins habits
thiH spring- as I had two years aao, and
instead of making only the : divided
skirt 1 have two other styles equally
popular. - Both of these have breeches.
One is worn with a short skirt and with
a long-tailed coat at least a long-tailed
coat is ordered -with the . breeches, but
often the breeches are worn with a short
jacket or only a, shirtwaist - The long
coat ie for dress up.'', . .. ; ., .
The breeches displayed by ' the tailor
were cut a trifle fuller prhaps than
those worn by a man, a puckering of the
material at the inner aeam aivina an In-
ci eased looseness ' over v the knee, but
with- this exception - they - were a 1 f ac
lmlllf of another pair displayed which
will be worn by a man rider. . The long
coat to match the breeches made -also
of -very' dark brown habit cloth crossed
with' ffne stripes ef 'mixed green, -was
not unlike a , man's long double
breasted f rdck coat, fitted smoothly at
the bark; and Sides, the skirts-attached
about1 three below the waist line.
' . This coat ' reaches : to within ' six or
seven Inches of the floor when ' the
wearer is . standing and when- aha ie on
the horse the tails reach the stirrups.
The short skirt to be worn with the
breerhea Is novel. It , is about the
length of the skirt usually worn In play-1
log golf ad- la. gone what, circular in
cut with pleats back And front. It but.
tons from top to bottom, back . and
front under a fly when worn off the
horse. When riding It becomes a St9e
short divided skirt by unbuttoning the
two parts.
The divided skirt most in favor at
this tailor's establishment is bloomers
and skirt combined formed of - deep
straight pleats, which suggest pleated
trousers more than a skirt
t 4 H . St St
A New Way1 of Preserving Fruit.
... X new process ; of preserving . fruit
which does away with much of the trou
ble and heat attendant on the old meth
ods la described by a writer In the June
number of ; the Ladles' World.-- The
method is so simple and so little trouble
that It deserves passing on to eother
housewives. - - -. ...
la the first : place, , one should have
on hand a quantity of clear, heavy syrup
made by combining seven pounds of
sugar with five pints of cold water.
8tir and heat slowly over the fire, but
without allowing It to come to the boil.
This svrun should then be set away and
la ready fur use at a moment's notice.
. The iruit to m put up should oe
neither too ripe nor at all damp. It
should. be clean, so that it does not heed
waKhlng. Sterilise the Jars, tops and
rubbeta as usual. Fill the jars with
fruit and nour in the heated svrun to
averXlowing; adjust rubbers and aorew.
on the tope, then place in a large crock,
which is batter than a boiler, as It re
tains the beat longer.. . . . Pour boiling
water around the jars, which should, be
so placed tnat .tney, do not-touch each
other, until the jars are submerged.. Put
the cover of the crock in nlaca - anil
throw over if a large rug or carpet, or
evrn a cpmioriaoie win answer. iet
stand for 14 hours or until the water is
coid: tignten tne lar tOD tr it la necea.
sary to do to. while they are under
water; wipe oft and place In etore-
ruoou ......
st st n
Silver In Vogue. "
That French duke who said American
women wore too ' many jewels In the
daytime and 7 were . too, fond - of ; pearls
and diamonds - should- be- Interested - In
hearing there la a strong liking for or
naments in silver. They are worn In
the morning with simple attire. Miss
Oladya Vanderbilt is especially fond of
silver, and has a beautiful belt buckle
of that metal, with a brooch to match.
Thev are lace-like in effect and of ex
quibite workmanship. Many persona
have old-fashioned silver trinkets which
were atoweri awav man veara ira
These should be got out at once to take
the place" of ornaments that have lost
their vogue.
1- Preferred Stook Canaed aoeda. r :
JUlea a lAvda! but JUrandt , . V.
Jfacobs-Stine Company Boyally En
tertains Oueata at Port
land Hotel. ...
Wishing to show appreciation for
services :. rendered, the ;r Jaeobs-Stine
company tendered a banquet to Its corps
of salesmen and a few other Invited
guests laat - evening at. the Portland
hotel. In all SO participated, - Fred
Jacobs acting as host in the absence
of Mr. Btine, wno is in Ban ranoico.
Tha affair - was Informal and each
salesman present waa called upon dur
ing tne evening to relate uia experience
in disposing . of .lota in the rapidly
selling Berkeley subdivision placed
upon the local - market about three
months ago by the firm. - It developed
that l.aoo lots offered for sale all
have been purchased aave J00. '
Perhaps the talk . of the evening
which created moat enthusiasm was
that of A. H.- Butterworth, a prominent
real estate operator of -Loa Angeles.
Mr. Butterworth was fct one time
deoutv warden of San Quentin penlten-
iry, CaliXorula, aud later xemoyei lo
Iyoa Angeles to engage In the real estate
business. So impressed has -he become
with Portland and. its future he an
nounced last night he would soon re
turn to California,-close out hie Inter
est there and remove here. V
(Special Dispatch to Tbe JoomiL) -Boise,
Idaho, June 15. It Is reported
that Andrew Gilbert; who escaped from
the penitentiary here about three week
ago and for , whom the penitentiary
guards bay sine been scouring the
country, is In i 'ding in the vicinity
of Grangevllle, the place from which
he was ent to prison. It Is thought
he is in the section for .the purpose of
killing some of .the jurors who sat on
his case. Before he left Boise he
stated that if he waa ever released from
the penitentiary he would do so, and
there is considerable apprehension on
tbe -art ' of the jurora -lest he carry
out bis threat Several officers are
now on his trail and are following
him .closely. - - -
V Boise Boy Drowned at Nrsa.:
(Special Dtopatcb t The Joornl.) ' -Boise.
Ida. June 55. The report haa
just been received here of the drowning
of ta ju-yeajr-il soa ox Mt. aoiWie,
If you ,skip everything
else ; in this paper, read
about the $100 cash-prize
offer; you'll be good and
sorry if you don'tl :
O. S. Lovelaca of Bol, t
river at Ny, Orvaon,
line, lie a In a r v.
ojt sad the. bua( cju-.1