The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 25, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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CtilSII 10 Llllll
1 1
Seven Biff' Institutions'. Will
Compete -for Supremacy
. -at Poughkeepsic. ,
Sir Warships Are Already on Band
to Cheer Naval Academy Eight to
' VictoryWinners of Intercollegi-
- ate Races in Past Years.
Bellinger and Wlckerbam, th state
champion In tennis ' doubles, wer de
feated In their first match in the handi
cap tournament which baa Just opened
at the Irvlngton club. The victors are
Andrew and i Wilder, i whoV won ; in
straight seta, -,- 6-4. .. r'-'w
-The handicap was owe 4-C In the
Irvlngton club's fall tournament Inst
year BellTnrer-nd-Wfr-kershm were
compelled to give a handicap more than
twice as large, but they won from Wil
der and Andrews at that time, never-
thelesa Wilder and Andrewa are start
ing the Reason unusually strong.
' A. B. McAlnin (owe 16) was defeated
In his first match by Warren (receive
IS). 6-1. -7. Other matches so far
played are: ' "...' , "''.'-.,'..
Men's singles Zelllnger (owe I-),
defeated C. Starr (receive 15 -6). 6-4.
4-4. L. Starr (receive, IS) beat Morse
(scratch), 1-6. 4-t, -.-, - -1
Men's rinnhlna Starr and Starr 4r
ceive IS 2-6) defeated Scott and Raley
(receive IS), 6-4, 6-7. 6-4. Zollinger ana
Ferris (owe 3-6) beat Winch and Cook-
lna-ham Irwrlva IS U). (-1 4-(il-l.
, Mixed doubles Mr. ahd, Mrs. -Scott
(receive SO) beat Mr. Raiey and Jtfc
Ladles' singles Miss Moore (receive
15). defeated Mrs. Nortnrup (owe -.
6-S. 6-S. Miss Lockwood (scratch) beat
Mies-Crane receive-.60)-1.. -0- i Mima
Fox, (owe IS 3-4) beat Mies fihaefer
(scratch), -. 6-1. -- ' '
Just four men are left In the Ladd
tournament at ih Multnoman ciun.
They are Northrup, Ewing, Herdman
and Forbes, Northrup has reached the
final round. Ewing defeated Biancnara.
6-S. 6-S, yesterday, thereby winning his
way Into the . semi-finale. Kats de
faulted to Herdman and the tatter must
now play Forbes, a receive 1 man. Th
winner will o against Ewing In th
semi-finals. - ; . j - ."
(Journal Special Service.)
Poughkeepsle, K T,f June J6, Oar
men irom Pennsylvania, Cornell, ' Co
lumbia, Wisconsin, Syracuse, George-1 Next One to B Flayed Tomorrow
.Intercollegiate rowing regatta on tho I Other Date.
four-mile stretch of the Hudson river
known as the Poughkeepste course.
' Three championship eventa. will bel Th Charleston Jackie and the Brain-
decided th 'varsity sights, the 'var lard Cuba will cross bat on the league
alty four and freshman eights, and the I grounds Wednesday afternoon at 1:30
fight for premier honor promise to I o'clock f or Wielr neat game. , Every af
be full of Interest and excitement The
participation of the naval academy crew
In the regatta for the tint time give
added Intereat to th event this year.
In anticipation of th event, the ad
vance guard of th big army of specta
tors arrived today, and. Judged by It,
th race will be witnessed by a record
breaking crowd, . Th .town wear a
holiday appearance, the color of all the
ternoon the sailors are given a 'hard
workout on Multnomah field and ar In
splendid trim. ' ,
.During the stay nera or tne warship a
number of gamea will ba played with
strong ' amateur teams. So far Man
ager Rochelle ba scheduled game with
the Multnomah club for Saturday afternoon,-with
the Holladay club at Seaside
for Sunday afternoon and with tha Wa
bash Independent club of . Portland a
week from next Saturday. July 10 the
navy will play th army at the league
universities represented belJir displayed rround"- "at Saturday th army won
, , r . , " . v ' , iby a score of 4 to 1 at Vancouver.
conspicuously In th principal streets. ';- foo, t Juiy t, an opf.n d,te th
sailors would like to arrange for a game
A warlike aspect will b given the
regatta by th presence of six of Uncle
ham's peacemakers carrying nearly 600
embryo admiral from the naval acad
emy. The six vessels of war will be
the cruiser Olyropla. th three modern
monitors Nevada, Florida and Arkansas
nn that H t
Following 1 th Putting erder of tha
sailors: Fa snow, right field) Bohler,
third base: Lehnoff. shortstop; Schon-
oven,- left field: Willardt. first base:
Hodlnott, , second base; Davis, right
field; Yeager, catcher; Newman, pitcher.
(Apecls! Dispatch to Th JoarneL) '
Wllsonville, Or,, June IS. Th base
ball game played on tha Wllsonville dia
mond today between the P. and A, and
the Brantons of Portland was won by
the Snanton boys by a score of 4 to S,
The line-up: '
Wllsnavtlle." Position, v. Soanton.
J. Pnrrutt ...... Farmer
A. Parrott. ......... , Smart
a Todd ,,...,.... Hales
Smith .........Zb rrloe
'V hnm tin ... n . . . . . Riimml
li. Parrott i ...... .c. .. ....... Schults
R-Wool worth ....rf ...... French
Jones ........... .cf ....... ' Karixon
E. Todd .If ........ . Nordeara
Wllsonville .0 6 0 3 0 0 1 0 03
Spanton ...100S00S0 04
Struck ' out Bv Thornton. 16: by
Kummei, 6; double plays smart unas
sisted; Smart to Price to Healea. ., . .
rTUKiLANirb- YErr
I'll - -' ': !. ' ' 1 ' 1
Tail Enders Spurt Has Pu
;Them Only Thirteen Wrins
.Behind Los Angeles. ,
tilts Seven Safe Blngles In .Sixteen
Times, at Bat Casey Fields Thlr,
ty-Five Chances Without an Error
Daring WeekOthers' Records,
end the torpedo-boats Talbot and Manl
ihlnmen ar now tuicinr i
practice cruise aboard thes vessels, and TYrTTTKrJ rlYTFST TT
when they arrive here tomorrow morn
ing and. take up their anchorage along
side the race course the bovs undoubt
edly will show something new on th
. iiuason in the way or songs and cheers
for the encouragement of the crack crew I
or midshipmen which Is to take part
.In th principal race of the day,; . ; ,v,
J ' Cornell Zs rayorlta, :
- Expert who have watched tha work
of the various crews In practice agree
: that the contests : will be very close.
While Cornell rules favorite there are
many who think well of the chances of
Columbia. Whether Syracuse will show
up as -well as in the past, few year Is
a question. Wisconsin ,. and Pennayl-
. vama are counted in the struggle, while
the naval academy is admittedly an un
known' quantity. - Some are Inclined to
mink mat tne miames wiu either, win
- or be the runner up in he big event,
while other are of the opinion that
they will not hay a look In against the
. otner colleges. . -
The first race, the 'varsity' four.' will
' tie rowed at 4 o'clock: 'The course Is
two miles, and the crews entered ar
-Syracuse, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Co
lumbia and Cornell At "4:46 p. m. the
freshman elght-oared race follow over
the two-mile course, with Cornell. Wis
consin. Syracuse, Pennsylvania and Co
lumbia a contestant, and third,'. the
feature race of the day, at 6 p. m., the
'varsity elght-oared shells, four miles,
In which the entries are Columbia, Cor
nell. Syracuse; Pennsylvania, George
town, Wisconsin and Annapoli.
j' The ' order In which the crew are
named Indicates ' the - course drawn In
each . race, beginning from th west
shore. - - ' '
' History of th Jtegatta-
; Kleht-oared shell i racing : has been
held on the Hudson - river over the
Poughkeepsie course since 1895. The
course was selected by the Intercolle
giate Rowing association, composed of
( oiumDia. j, cornen ana t-ennsyivania.
The record shows that Cornell lias won
7 of 12 victories recorded In the 'varsity
races. , Pennsylvania ha three to her
credit and Syracuse and Columbia one
each. The contest In th last 13 year
sine th Institution of the regatta
Shows the following result:-
1895 Columbia first, Cornell second,
"Pennsylvania third.
1896 Cornell first. Harvard second.
Pennsylvania third. . i i
1897 Cornell first, Columbia second.
.Pennsylvania third."
1898 Pennsylvania rirst, cornea ec-
(Speck 1 Dispatch to n Joomal.t ,
Eugene, Or,. June 26. In an exciting
game her Sunday afternoon between
th Eugene and S- lngfleld teams of
the Lane County league, Eugene won
by th soore of 6 to t. Springfield led
th horn team from the 'start, scoring
three runs in tha second Inning and
two In tha third, but after that De
Nelte, th local slabater, held, the visitors
down and th rest of the gam was
scoreless on their -part The runget
ting for Eugene started In the . fifth,
when one run was brought in by a time
ly hit. Two more in the sixth out hone
Into the heajtsV .the fans, and In the
nintn, wnen fender, tne southpaw lm
ported from Vancouver, showed Sign
or weakening ana was batted rreeiy tne
grandstand and bleachers went-wild.
W'lth on man out th locals mad th
winning run end pandemonium ensued.
The score by innings: . . .
Eugene ..........0 0001100 6
Springfield, ....... 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 S
Batteries De Neffe and' Weed; Pen
der and IjLing. w .
' Stephens Win Good Game.
The. Stephens defeated tha Rrooklvn
Colts Sunday afternoon by the score of
10 to . - 'i he colts were In the lead un
til the last of the ninth lnnlnr. when
the Stephen . took a brace and batted in
the winning runs, leaving three men on
bases and no one out. In the morning
they defeated the Holladay by the
score of 13 to . Thla - makes the
eighteenth straight , victory for. the
Stephens, -
: Preferred Stock Canned Goods. '
Allen & Lewis' Best Brand.
" (Speelal Dlsnaleb t Tn josraal.l
Roseburg, June 25. The ball game
Sunday afternoon between tha doctor
and th lawyer drew th largest crowd
that ha decorated that grand stand this
season. While the lawyer were out
classed they put up a good gam and
piled 1 up tha score to 12 against' the
t)octorsr 31. -
--Th line-up was' as follows:" '
Doctors. Position. Lawyers. '
Vlnrll ........... .p. Hermann
Miller ............c.;...,.. Joaephson
Smlck .lb. ........ Jncknon
Hoover ......... .2b..i....... Watson
Keeiev so , .....Leaven goo
Houck ......... ,.rf.......,,,..- Long
Chapman ........ Marsters
J. R. Chapman ...If... Cannon'
Bacher t ......... ss. Riddle
Coburg Wins at Home. . ; - i
. (Rpeclsl UUpateh to The JoeroaL)
Coburg, - Or., June 23. In a well
played game of basebal today, at Asso
ciation park, between Pleasant Hill and
Coburg. the former wa defeated by the
score of 3 to 0. One of the features of
th game was a hot one-hand catch bv
j. Hcnermer, i'leasant Hills Oiever
twlricr. . v. ,: , -: t
The lln-up: - - ... -
Pleasnnt Hill A. Schermer, first
base; O. Lord, right field; Parker, 'short
stop; C. Erskina, catcher: M. loung, left
field; Mulkey, center field; J. Scher
mer. Ditcher: D. Rankin, third base: B.
Rankin,-second base. ,,- i
Coburg L- Lemley, shortstop; - L.
Bet tie, second base; O. Greene, third
base; Jones, catcher; R. Coleman. - first
base: I. Greene. light field: F. Betlls
center field: J. Mathews, left flld:
. - M
H.eene, piusnar. . ; -tig-.
1 r
, Seaside Defeats Rainier. .
(SpmUI Dlioatrh to Tb Jnoraal.t : '
Seaside. Or.. June 25. The Seaside
Gulls baseball team won an 'easy walk
over' at the local grounds from the
Rainier baseball team Sundav bv tha
safe margin of 26 to 8. - The feature
of the same was the hattlnar of. the I 'Th number' of
Gulls, who mad six run In the first I Klamath Fall public schools during the
Ther will be no mora Coast league
baseball In Portland for th next three
week. Th Portland. team went south
Sunday night Toda It will ; open
series with Oakland, next week It will
play in Los Angeles and tha following
week the Seala an A Beaver will cross
bats In San Francisco. ; Tuesday, July
It,' )fl th data of the next, PorUand
gam. ; -- -.
Tha' Beavers went south with a sub
stantial boost In their percentage. For
the first four weeks after coming
horaa poor playing combined with really
bad luck lost them more .than two
third of their gamea Then suddenly
the Beaver -twiners got Into form, th
Holder took ginger and they won three
straight from Los Angele and four
out of six from Oskland. If the Beavers
keep their winning streak during their
absence the clubs will be bunched so
close that you can lay a blanket over
me rour oy in lime- tne season is naii
over. , - ., ; y
H. 3fot On of Baoa.:- ,
v The past two wseks has shown that
the Beavers are not out of the race for
the -pennant by any means, with more
than 100 same to go. they are only IS
Win behind Los Angeles, the leader of
th league, an they have lost only
seven more games than Oakland. While
on th southern trip Walter McCredle
promises to- use every effort to
strengthen his lineup and It 1 not at all
Imnossibl that hi bunch may be far
above the .400 mark when tbey return
bom next month.
The Beaver pitcher ar twirling in
much better -form of late. Callff, who
waa an easy aiark during the first few
weeks, I his eld self once mora Dur
ing th week just past Callff pitched
two gamea. shutting out the Com
muters In both ' cases. - In the , first
game ha allowed , but two hit, In - th
second lx. - .- .,. -v -
Staoord of .IMtohera, i . ;
' Groom's form was next best, but hi
luck wa not so good. Groom twirled
one whole game, winning-after 11 In
nings.; Ha allowed but five hits. Twice
during the week he took Ktnsella's place
in me eignin innipg. Tne nrat game
was won by Portland, but Klnsella gets
the credit because Portland Was ahead
when Groom went In. The second game
was lost and Groom Is credited with tha
defeat for- the- reason that th score
waa tied ' when ba want to the mountain.-
i .-, . -.-. v , -
Klnsella twirled a Dart of two nmn
He was not In as rood form, as dnrlntr
ma opening weens ana Alec red! took
him out in each case at the end of tha
seventh lnnlnr. . , , - - .
Hartman pitched one game and lost
It, largely through poor support.
Vv Moor Bats .437.
'. Moor. ! Portland's . chans- i ratchet-
made the best batting record during the
past week. - Moore's work was extra
ordinary, as he hit the spher at a .48T
clip. Of the regular player McCredle
wa second and Mott third. During th
week Moore Dlaved in flvs a-am
at bat 16 times, made seven nit, one of
mem a two-Dagger, thre run and three
sacrifice hits. McCresle clayed in six
Structural Steel Workers
Joarasl Sptclsl gcrvlea.)
Chicago, Jun 25. Two employes of
th Illinois Steel company at South
Chicago fought a desperate and . deadly
battle while suspended 80. feet In air
on. an electric crane. One of them was
truck on tha had with a ateel hammer
and probably fatally injured. He fell
Into th arm of jpne of th hundred
of workmen "gathered to " watch the
Gustav Plerson, a machinist, struck
the blow. Georg Bernanchak, a helper,
waa the wounded man and is In a dying
condition at th hospital' of , th steel
The fight was thrilling, and 800 men
stood below th combatant watohing
them with breathless Interest they
battled for-thelr- lives. Plerson, th
machinist, commanded Bernanchak, th
helper, to perform some bit of labor.
"It's too dangerous." th men below
heard him shout.
"Do it anyway," commanded Plerson.
"I will not, am answer. --
"You -will," shouted Plerson.
Then the first blow was - struck.
Within a moment tha two were clasped
In a tight embrace, each fighting to
sustain ' a foothold upon : th , narrow
crane, . , . ,.. v....:... ,
Much of th delicate equipment of my of
fice and hospital' 1 specially constructed to
meet -th ' requirements of my distinctive
methods , of treatment .which Involves tha
scientific application of every curable Influ
ence known to be- helpful In treating tha ,
class of disease I cur.
, I hava stopped at no axpens that could
add to th efficiency of my work or th com
fort no otbar.eq.uar
, . j. c,tt-i iy eqmppea insinunon ror xne treatment, or
ICC leSSH! apCCiailSI men's allmenU in th Pacific "Northwest ,
ii MY FEE IS (Tin
, ONLY y
In Any Uncomplicated Case;
Cnnanitaiinn and advice free at office or bv mall. If you are af,
fllcted consult me. . Tou can place Implicit confidence, In what I tell you.
nd if I accept your case you can rest assured inai a compiet ana per-
!J manent cure will follow my-treatment
j Specific Blood Poison
if T IKIas Unernii at f 1 sail at
That ZS Stirring "Banters Into Bnjing
Boaass Bow.
Th most generous horn offer ' we
hava read of lately Is the Spanton com
pany's idea of . buying a home. - How
they can make so liberal a proposition
is a question; tney say, mougn, it u
good business, for It' builds ud a neigh
horhood thev are heavily Interested in.
"If you Increase, the value of one lot
and hava two left.-the anhanced value
of the two lots mor than offsets what
It cost to get the other on improved."
Thla is the way the Spanton people put
it. Terrace t-arK is an meal spot, any
way, anoV now that - the 8panton com
pany Is offering completed house to
desirable people with no payment down
except the monthly rental. It will be
wlthlit a very few months a fully set
tled suburb of the city. Th Spanton
company is one -of the - newest real
estate firms of tha city, but they are al
ready the best known, for' they - do
tnings: tnev nave airenay nuut ud an
Immense patronage. Their office, 270
Btarx street, is orowaea an aay. .. ..
- (Speeltl Dlspeteh te The JonraiL) ' .
Boise. : Ida.., June : 25. Commissioner
Balllnger of th general land office at
Washington, who Is in the city, has In
spected the local Uand office and ex
pressed himself well pleased with th
manner in wnicn it is conducted. He
spoke similarly regarding other federal
omces ners. .- ' - ,
National Forester Gilford Plnchot baa
arrived here and Will deliver an address
at the Commercial club room this
evening. . "
I cure Ihls lenrous disease com
pletely. Th system Is thoroughly
eleansed and every poisonous taint
removed. Th last symptom van
ishes to appear no more, and all Is
accomplished by the us of harm-
.less, blood-cleansing remedies.
- Contracted Disorders .
I have reduced tha time required
f or - curing contracted disorder
about on half. This Is an Import
ant achievement - It replaces dan
ger with safety. It forestalls
chronic complications. It removes
: the infection and Inflammation be
fore that vital center, the prostate
gland, can, becom involved. .. To
many men It means th difference
between perfect health and a life
time of . misery and functional
weakness. My method Is mine
alone. My treatment la original;
in some feature it resemble the
ordinary.- In its chief essentials It
is different ' In' results It Is en
tirely different It Is safe, 'prompt
and thorough.-,- (,, , :.
- 3Cy nocs ta Permanently Cur
ing That Condltloa Oommonly
Xnown as 'Weakness" STully Dem
onstrate tha Absolut Correctness
of Za Method of Traatmrat.
8urgery Is not only harsh, pain
ful and dangerous, but is entirely
unnecessary In the' treatment of
trlctura - I - employ a painless
method by which th obstructing
tissue Is dissolved and all the
membrane of th organ Involved
thoroughly cleansed , and restored
fo, a healthy state,' '
' Varicocele'
Th perfection of mj method of
curing varicocele- is no less than
. a marvelous achievement, and af
fords a striking exampla of th
wonderful possibilities of mild
and gentle forms of treatment
Equally forcible, it demonstrate
the folly of resorting to surgery
In the treatment of thla - disease.
I cur varicocele In on week. ,
without cutting or pain, and sel
dom la It- necessary to 'detain tha
patient a single day from his bust-.,
ness. A cure la a certainty in each
Instance, normal, circulation is re
stored, and the natural processes
of wast and repair are again es
tablished throughout the organlo
system. Why suffer varicocele and -endanger
your health and manly
power? I offer you a radical cur.
mi a fmiturts that rharacterlza tha "1
methods usually employed. -
Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal Ca,aaiXflMaMMiiiaBaiama.aBa,auMaiNB
games, waa at bat 16 times and mad
five hits, one, of them a three-bagger.
Only two of the regular players hit
aov .300, while five of them hit below
aide's catcher, Guy Detweller.
people enrolled " In
uriiaiii jpivwn vi winicrion. rt. I .,
a very remarkable experience; ha
i: "Doctor got badly mixed up
r me; one said heart disease; two
Badly Klxa tp.
Abraham Brown of WInterton. v -w
called it kidney trouble; the fourth
Diooa poison, ana ine nrtn stomach and
liver trouble; but none of them helped
me, so my wife advised trying Electric
timers, wnicn ar restoring me to per
feci neaitn. une Dottt am me more
good than all tha five doctor pre
scribed." Guaranteed for blood poison,
weakness ana an stomacn, liver and
aianey complaint, ty xtea cross Fliar
macy. 60c. .. . : -..... .... : ,j, .. .
M tha wont 4lsei
on earth, yet the
easiest to curt WHEN
TO DO. ataay bar
pimples, spots ea the
skin, sores Is the
month, alcers, falling
balr, tons pains, ca
tarrh, anil dnn'r him.
935 Arch St.. Pbllsdolnfala. Panau t
BROWN'S BLOOD CURB. - 12.00 mi hnM.
lasts one .month, gold la Portland eair b
Woodward. Clark ft Co. v
onii9KennSsVvanrida first v wLconsin New Executive Has Accused
second, Cornell third. , I - ; T i "ir ' i. as
xxuiiuiieut iiieiiiuers vi
: CaipentcrsMJnion. '
1900 Pennsylvania first Wisconsin
second. Cornell third. .
y 1801 Cornell first, Columbia second,
, Wisconsin third.
1902 Cornell first Wisconsin second,
Columbia third. .
" . 103 Cornell first -Georgetown see-
ond. Wisconsin third.
- 1904 fSyracuse first, Cornell second,
.Pennsylvania tnlrd. ' .
1805 t'ornell first, Syracus second,
Oeorsretown third. '
1909 Cornell first Pennsylvania sec
ond Kvracuse third.
' All of these races have been contested
over the Hudson river course at rough
-keeps!-- with the exception . of , that of
18 ft. which was rowea over, a inree-
mlle course at Saratoga, k j v. : - - -BOBTP!'
I 1 t 'Jl ' V '
. Don't let your child suffer with that
rnu ah when you can cur it witn Jbial-
-lnrd's Horehound Syrup, a sure cur for
"Coughs, Bronchitis, Influents, Croup and
pulmonary Diseases. Buy a bottle and
.-'tnr It. :- . .. 'r.V' -S',-
B. B. Laugher, Byhalla, Mis., writes:
; "I have two children who had croup. 1
tried 1 many different remedies, but I
must say your Horehound Syrup 1 th
best Croup and Cough medicine I vr
used." , ; Sold by all druggists. ).; ' . :
' 1
1 1.. V
What Is the cpmmonest
expression you hear on
people's lips daiIyCood
morning:," isn't it?'.That
expression made firm
rich. Send us one as good, and
it will make you $100 richer.
V; (Jonrnal Special Serrle.)' - ' .-.
Eureka, Cat, . June u 25. Mayor-elect
H. I. Rick has created a sensation by
an interview in which he ' charged
Charles Hess, a1 prominent member of
the Cat-centers union, with aDnroachlnc
him ; prior to election - with a proposi
tion to deliver th union labor vote for
a .consideration of $5001250 down and
Da la nee some time after the votes were
counted. : Hess said $250 was for him
self and th other 1 2 50 for Perry Bur-
llngame. another y . prominent - union
leader. ,."-.-.-r -.; -'...-'-
Th Carnentera union held a meet
ing and. upon Its invitation. Ricks waa
present - , He reiterated bis charges, but
sata he had no proor or ' suriingame a
connection with the affair. , A commit
tee of two waa appointed to Investigate
tne cnarges ana report ; next .' Friday
night Hess admitted at thb - meeting
mat ne went to kicks' onice, put claim
that tne money demanded was In com'
pensation tor services and-to electioneer
with. - The - mayor also asserted that
graft In . every form was rampant In
this city, merchants, saloons and others
being called upon for tribute, which, ha
asserted, went to a political ring, warn
ing was riven - tne saloons that thev
must ooey tne law. Tn grand lury.
which meets In August. 1 ex Dec ted to
investigate tne cnarges. ;0 ,
Pair of Sea Monsters in Deadly Con
flict at Point Off Sten.
i' . .-: . . ;- uui'i TtAyli . - ...
' (Jonraal Special Serrlca.) , :
San Rafael, Cat, June 25. Residents
pf-Stenson's Beach, near Bollnas, : wit
nessed tha rare sight of a fierce battle
between a thrasher ' shark' and a large
whale last Sunday.- For a while the
spectator became excited as the , pair
of sea monsters gradually worked shore
ward. Their 'expectation of seeing the
monsters stranded waa not realised,
however, as the big fish finally changed
their' course and disappeared beyond
the horison, leaving a bloody wake to
mark their courae.
Attorney George H7 Harlan of thl
city, who . spend bis Sunday in - hi
bungalow at Stenson'a Beach, said:
"It waa one of the grandest specta
cles I have ever witnessed, and I would
nice to nave nau a picture .or th fight.
We watched the fight for hours, and it
was wonderful rapidity with which
thrasher would atrlke the whale and then
get away in time to escape tha fierce
lashing or th leviathan a tall."
i.-. . (Speeltl Dispatch to The Journal.)
Boise, Idaho, June ,25. There seems
to be , considerable animosity between
soldiers at Boise barrack -and a cer
tain element in this city. -; Severe
clashes have taken place recently. Dur
ing , the week Private , Marshall .' Gar
rett was severely Dea ten ny an enragea
citizen in South Boise, thought to. be
a man named Adams. Garrett s, nose
was broken and he was otherwise much
bruised, necesslta tin- th services of
Post Surgeon Tukey. At the time of
the encounter the soldier was in com
pany of his wife and her sister, leaving
the street car on which tha other man
waa also riding, . The man who made
th ' attack used brass knuckles and
tha soldier's face was terribly cut. It
is aald the man had no provocation
wnatever or tne onslaught, xne auth
orities ar investigating and a diligent
search 4s being mad meanwhile, for
" (Special ntsnatch t Ttie Journal.)
Tacoma. Wash,. June 25. Scandina
vian Holy Roller ar ahvlng a camp-
meeting on eoutn. mieventn and - u
streets her. -The sect Is making so
much noise that tha police have been
importuned by citizens of that neighbor
hood - to suppress tbem. Night after
night their cries and howls make the
locality hideous. A large tent In which
th meetings take place wa bitched 10
days ago, Oa several nights since that
time they have kept up their fanatical
oDHtreperousness until morninav Af en
and women . roll ' and - kick about' . the
floor. Other alt with their arms, lea
and heads jerking, and the preachers go
about shouting admonitions and - fre
quently embracing one . another. ,
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