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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1907)
I r , .. - ' OP THE "-v. dOUKNALi THE, JOURNAL AN INDEFBNDHNT NBWSPAPEB. C 1. iMkaoa. ......... not one city or county 'or , district, I these revolver cases. Such tragedies but the whole state.1 This is man i-1 are almost always enacted by means festly . true for,: while a benefit ' to of 'a revolver: We have had many ...rtbiMMt the commerce of the Columbia river similar cases in Portland, and theyh; .Pommm ety wmini tpt ana j Is chiefly! and primarily beneficial I are occurring throughout the coun- ZS7rutkSL jrbmVrtunro;. to the region immediately tributary try almost daily. If this maniacal Letter - From tte ' , People TlicP. P. A. ' Kntared frantn mi ttar, -r .t YheWoffie. rorti.or for -Including- portions of Wash- incarnation; of criminal selfishness Th7 journftii7 i. o tbrocb the u. cond-ciMi J lngIdn7"a'fi(T"Idahorand much-of east-J fead not had a; revolverthe crime through the coiumr A Theatregoer's Protest. ' Portland, June 23. -To the "Editor of my. desire to enter flolumna of vnur n nir arn Oregon ' as waII 'aa rha onnntloa I wrmM tint ho n1uiiniMmKiMl frti. I umImi .. .... ... ,u- I n I rniin ai Main iiia . . . . I. . .'. -i-j ..... - in k. hi. ..moiL Ten eomnrlslntf the Port of Columbia dls-1 heart-broken Barents and tha ret. in putting on their hats before or during op.rh the 4ep.rtm.nt t" f trlct. It is Indirectly and in a less tivesand friends' f''ltliii'.;lniinfit r l act of, a play. Can anything ruKKJGN ADVEKTIBINO B I ... v ... . .km : . . ., . . . I iUn v m vuijiiw rM)nd-BDimin Special ASwtwmr' Aene. -r'v- v n.uw iw m Denina a great hi cartwheel and nrnntwirt UnllfllD. 1120 luiu arano, w :: . ' - Br Wex Jones.'- :-.-. -Oh," sighed Polly, "isn't this Just perfectly awful!" " "I wish we could hit him With some thing," aald I. .-, "I d like to kee-te-ee-eel him," hissed Polly, through pearly teeth. ' , The man on the stage stopped play ing. "The . Good Old . Summer Time" on the bottles. , " . "' 'WW An Educated, Horse Taurfkt Me Small Cliange ; ; Bummer seems to be playing peeks York; Trlbane Bnibttnt, Chkaxo, ,. Snhwrlpttan Term bf mtl to or eddci la (be Lalted Suiw. CinaiU or Mtiico. . . . ., . rtur.T. ' ' ' , One year... .....45.00 I one moath,. I BO One m..,......S.0O 1 On month...,... M r ...... DAILY AND One rear- fT.OO 1 One ,God will understand even ' better than ourselves that life la yery hard and difficult Beatrice Harraden. i'"-'; state. - No great benefit to a large for their murder. And because of try to see the laat and always the most portion of a political division of "ourfthe gun the etate, if It does its duty, lntrtlo- part of the play and all the country can fail to affect beneficially must go to the expense and trouble Jff.S" me wmuw. r . . 1 01 vrying ana naneing tne muraerer. trrinc to aee over a flower a-ardent The higher courts, however, must J 'Crimes Uke.thls by the score, byl" y voice in proteet against :;.... es ; and the ,oner the hundred, occurring within A few udb!ara r10!:. t A ft v Aa rpV. mm A. A a. ... - - . 11. J ' I " ---ew- .u iiaie luyreuiewuri ean,; com it recauea una re feelings of others In ber efforts to ao can probably reach a decision la a I counted murders of innocents, bf I commodate herself. , few weeks, and then we should sun- youth and beauty, fillin homeawith u not shows extreme selfiehnees .... - i - - ' pose, if Judge Cleland's decision (black woe, causing indescribable suf- t The open MBon for waists And stock ings has arrived, All quiet at The rfague yet. But the weather le still cool. . ' ' A ... . e t . . Every :' additional 4r Riin.v Workina la a verv mnnA fn . ayoim ineir vacAUOn. a ' will oui aeoiaeaiy vulgar manners to aae two arms, two or three hat nlna. ' and tiiT ha fn.m.4 l. l. i . I elthftr an oatrl!n farm n, m rlnw.. . . ' 7 Tv,, T r , V TJ . Uarden.-lconiunctlo7iwith a ribbon There'g a cross against that fellow's When the kings tutor presented me, PlP-r-Probably miinV Into effect and be In operation while J who cannot control themselves lave counter and atrawatack come into play I name." , . . i . land a nretty voum nm.n h. v!JIDepr,lvty-" Ju... , during the beat part of the performance. j ' .1 '. L"11? you"f wonn friend, who , K vui iuwia "uu euw wioi w reroiTBr.- ins mors wo read i Cannot the theatre numnn nmhihii I- arounu, puniea. xne strsn- eocompaniea me, bis royal hlahnaaa nro. 1 One thin . Orchard haa nrtf ni.Aajs convince the federal courts that the of these crimes, and of the almost thl welJ compel them to be r was an athletlo-looking man of pow-1 ceeded to rub our. cheeks with his noe. 5.uiuX he wae never a member of TWrtJITlCIwri . TMT7DirMnirMrP i v z . v . . I 1- . .... . oere me pjay oegineT - erfui build and hla in wu dark upland tweak our .r. .ih hi. n .. lu' : v-oorao, tegiaiac . .o.ivu. lBM cum i ubib maae a misiaae, jequauy ; numerous By EJIa Wheeler Wilcox, Copyright., 1907, by American-Journal Examiner ' .'All laat year I traveled In many king' dome, and made no effort to See a king. But last week, here in my own ooun try. X met the most wonderful king of hlS race the world haa avap Vnnwn. in T- J tH 1 . j. ... , I ... ---- . ia , Mroujt ne going, i American, king! , . ;--;, iioinina ooina on - ine aro." aaia 1. 1 -rhr i.ia .k.. . i. "He haan't played ; 'Annie Laurie on f am verv a..r hn M..M . .Ph l".1 aom ' the Husalan people those belle yef , r, , IU..Mr ".rJl 'I r." " I "v" . cnnc " vote Quite often. w . i i ..u.viv iijiunuBiiun M inn on, iivi i : 'ihl'' wi .1 I . . .... " Tl - - . www... hvvv- uuiii our naiinfiiir aiinrmnnn i. nunnHV .Tirr.i.n .m4.a.. win , i..i- . i u- i i . -. i r--:"""i """ : "" '" r " ne dciii oegan - Tne monarch was attired all In white " regular Aionaar news for a few to Jingie , out "Max WEUUton's-. with trimmlnaa of mldan ' brown." and I WW"T- UKAts are BON nee tingle, tin-1 he' Doeaessed the neraonai nmiiiBHtv I - At thia rata it v.. i m ' ' I Of one rale blue and (nna daan nrnwn i automobllea kill more neoole than the wa we ao anyimngr; ane asxea. eye. . His beauty waa remarkaWa a. man sitting behind me noted Polly's his intellect, and hla dianoaitinn waa af. I We can't h.Tn ; thi.ti. ui. t. . .... .. .. . - r i. .... ... in over , ana . lappeo i xeciionate to a aomewhat embarraeslng I w"r,u. "u " P'oe xor urcnara to mw on xne anouiaer. .... .1 degree. But One must make allowance ""V"' - A ' M ,.' a m i "A a . . a I M 'as. I ' ' . uvm .wmri.', aoia tne airanxer. I ioc tne jaioavnoraalea t,t h -rt The lettara 'T. n ... i rt.k. There'g a. cross against that fellow's r When the klns's tutor nreaantad m lard'a pipe probably meaning "Total j-IIE INCREASE In political Ude ll pendence Is noticeable, partlcu- ; J larly among newspapers, ;, Still more of It is desirable. . We mean Independence founded on con scientious Intelligence and manifest- DRY SUNDAY "FOR KEEPS." rUDOE , CLELAND'S decision of the Sunday liquor selling case was probably expected, "even by most of those whose interests, accidents,, the I I am sure I voice the aentiments bf mn bnllAVA ,. i.dW lit 1- '"V we wian o eee uiapiay , w w..o .v..rf itbv.vipr naia we can go to at Instrument of crime and death and if z.?r p 1ng Itself ia telling the truth, re- real or Imagined, would have been served ' by having an opposite ' de cision. As The Journal stated week before last, the state supreme court has passed upon practically the same question, Jo that there was little room for doubt as to the result of gardless of party. There are still newspapers and speakers not a few jthat In politics will not see the truth, or will not tell It, but will magnify, minify, exaggerate, belittle, distort. disguise or obscure the truth. In or der to be in accord with and loyal to "the party," but these are becom ing less numerous. The spirit off14 wlll not De appealed. This means independence Is rife, and its tongues dry Sundays hereafter. In Portland, 'tire multiplying. . , . l'or w believe any snbsequent . There are those, not a few, though ottben will permit open saloons in not 'stand-patters at heart and In this city. Ia the general progress mind, who know well enough that ot, oclely, including with It an ap- mlsery ought to be outlawed. ' V'. ,.V-.. ' v i t "t. Upon the general proposition that the man who habitually carries a revolver Is a coward, we have re ceived confirmation in an abusive and insialtlng letter from an in dividual who vainglorlously signs himself "The Revolver Ex-Cowboy," but who prudently refrains ' from giving his name. J This alleged ''cow- lrttoaa the privilege of eeelna the D any shop which oee. we nay for ni tha wh'nl of too piay ana not ror a part or it. One who enjoye a play; but not a millinery display. , ri. r AT THIS TUlSATAJfl. erful build and his eye was dark and nd tweak our ears with hla lln. piercing.. - ,, , . I A tbla Juncture It is wise to exnlaln. The Play ure. . -That H- .111 harh.n. K. tu. : . J ( wl.r. ... vjL .'..". Pw '"""JT ng. Ml ..... ... ... . II . m --t - , . - - ,-----r -.-..- .; uinv again,- aaaea tne man. leaning I now on exhibition an hour's jour- leave. oaca in nis Mat. - I ney irom rorty-aecond street Anoinor memoer ot the Dippy eiub,"l ulatlon will also increase. , e fitrawberrlea have luat havim tammw rarnjr iq replace to a email extent I thought to myeelf. t . , e i e . -"Look here. Polly said I. the next morning, at the breakfaat table. - "Ian't iniBBirange: -juyetertoua disappearance yi x a ' a t. t . ... i. .u. . .. . .. .. wim ine river nowina- tnrouan ft . ui aiurr aa ma lutnr loin it r-.i...... - - ... - - i iiiiuflh, A villi ii I luiinr uimmM Tinn.... this suit, and it la aald that there b0y'' tb4t ?e"hM carr,ed a is so little hope of its reversal that At the Baker theatre yesterday Zlnn' musical comedy company began the seo ond and last week of ita engagement in this city with "The Telephone Ex change," a musical - burleeque that pleaaed large audiences at both, the afternoon 'and evening performances. ' The Telephone Exchange" . Is minus i or tne Muaicai Mugrlne thafa the chap you wanted to km at the show , laat night. The papers aay he's gone and not a trace of him left J,'f don't wish him any harm,'' aald v Jl but I hope . he never comes "I can't stand any more of ' this. rony murmured, wearily closing ber eyes. . . i , . v. on the stage one comedian with red four years' time, patience, love tne revolver s nearly twenty year." plot, minus pretentious effort and minus dTawlThT .SpLtick and MS. and "has no fear of any one." If sverything that U not needed for laugh- this cowardly brarrart will nithnr Produclnr purposes. It provides a hlgh ims cuwaruiy, oraggart will eitner y amusing entertainment and abounds call -In person at this office or send m J?retty usio and comical situation. . . . . . . The piece is one of the best that Mr his name and' address, we will take Zlnn has produced to thu city. Thi Dalns to see that h ia arroatod specialties are of an unusually good pains to see inat ne IS arrested, quality and the chorus, which Mr. Zlnn jailed and sent to the rack pile, featuring so prominently, shows ex- . ' cellent tralnina. wnere He belongs., Measured by the Miss Frances Qrey, who, W the way. h n.a.ant t-irr t. m-A I Dreclable moral nnllft thrnnehnnf Ita huv vivovufr uum . tt .o n.uuA mus. i - - l. . I . , injurious - and vicious, and who wnol and along all. its levels, r".r'-Z 7 " " " would b. rlad to ay .o if their arty the Sunday saloons will have to sue- wmer 01 ""er. noes not leaders would say so first, but who cnink the pressure of public aeu1' I fci ' .T !.j J Ghiy, manager of'theteihe eS a ail wasn't my wife (DitriK that was a lady (bang ; rvot a brick In the house." said I. There waa atap on niy shoulder. former evenina. "thara la &v against aach name" -.- V t ' v. rouy and 1 xeat it. -. :V' -.- r, U;y-:- e .-, e ' ' '',- "- i s. -;" '- "Jumping Battlers I" said J.W jonni" you aaw to us. 17- .... . " .'' ' uuuigi mi none when ha waa -wiun. cou, suirenng from dis temper and a bad disposition. The young animal was called vicious, and nwiinsu w aicK ana mte tnnaa nn i . a The youna man Who ' Inafa thrnnrh the summer, calling It vacation, will never amount to anything worth men" llUlllllg, ,-, v,. .... ( If TOOtatnea are amlnar tn ha inn Tnlh for the common people to buy, won't ine larmera oieaaa raiaa ntnra - rnta Degas ana carrot for us. town folks T Secretary ' Taft" nredlcted a hla- rmn of corn in Iowa, and all he haa to do T. -'.T rack and I asked kin tn hrirTJ m. . 1 10 01 tne oeiegation from that me with Y ."Kf "," to bring me fig- state is to promise good prices for farm . ' ' .. . I it. ' . ... . ., iand dairy nroducta. . approached him. Yet in four v: ana - firmness have tnnifnrmi horse into the marvel of the age. Only onoe durlnv alt ih. no oongea to use the whin. Wall rhn.. I Used for a specially violous act, and '" w unureiana mat it was un worthy of his Intellect to Indulge in uch tempers. . King became the most wuouisni ana iraciaDie or anlmala. ears was He proceeded to select tha ard wiffc. out the slightest hesitation. ,. Had the tutor made the ' request I might hava auspected the number was wwaya iyn o oegm tne entertain ment; and that King was obeying' th4 first request with no real knowledge 'what the figure Indicated. But since iimnt rnsua my own selection or a num. ber.eand the tutor's part was slmnly to The Dubuque authorities havlnglp bited spooning in the park, the Te graph of that city remarks: 'Xo laughs: at locksmiths. - If love cannot arranges tne dancea or th niiua. iitmnn. . "i nnnirin' htn i nn. "r.te". "he not only Ttnowa about Mysterlous disappearance of Blockn I i7j T?i 7.w.?,r?In ln,0.M author au mat ia worm Knowing about musical and Crocko, . the Knockabout . Com. hV v . nw xpnation. save showa but ia a oerformar nt rnn.M... hi... ' avnwaaoout oma.that King knew figure seven, by aleht habitually , carries a gun, and it Is ' hi. i. 1 ment. and we believe that Portland's use the party, as controlled by a "ample will be followed ere; lopg ?nJ few leaders! stand, for it. They are other clUe. ,of this ' state and characteristic of the same Individual not honest. They have- no rnoral region. . 4 01s movement supported courage.,, They, don't dare tell the and demanded not only by chnrch 'Tlnieo Danaos et dona ferentes," truth. So about other matters.; it members, but by a great many who w'd the Trojan seeress when she is not a question of right or Wrong. are no Phly and formally re- a voice of warning against the of benefit or lnlury to the neonla. "slous. In the popular sense of that Greeks. '', Many of the .gallant de but solely a question of adherence term but wno desire to see and are fenders of the citadel of municipal through ' thick and thin to "the wtllln to help make here a more reform - in this city , seem to enter party f,':':hfA V? moral .city, and one rest day. out of tain the same senim.ent whep called K and sound. Other numbers selected by my friend uiu injrnu were invariaoiy produced. - Then wo were told that King knew how to read and spelL I wrote the Worn flt An tK. K1 i.UKn. .4 . rri n . . : . . . ... ww 111 maioDDT ni rn, iwaii.i ...j . , . . . . . . ror an evening's entertainment wltn t, t ... .1.- 1 my wnn a suspicion or contemot m . . 1 a sail sn i liiw 111 vatri liiiisi m 1 rm n ra v jak sxiaa si.. .... .. auunuunue ui run ana music, tne He waa mirklnr a m,, . ki..v -Zil I i n in ine Drown One, Zlnn company a makinsr an unuauaii was maraing a cross In a black note. also. . , ,,. ... .... ..,,.., or the rest of the week. , v Gay. manager . of the talanhnna . I -,r.'- .1 f wilL.' J.J.1 change. Is also Ttossesaed n VonaMirahT. ..." "..'-7" .'.""L'.i""1 both habits b""':' ,. t to "cellent Vu; hip.-j; should -rt v a iW pnjVlSMWIVV UfJ IIIMUUUUVU I ' ( i. w i It waa in thelnhhV 1 1 ak Ham 1L. . a A ll.l V . . a . Here." said I. 'Wt JL. JP"?1W ?i ntganjMS "SwoUen Wealth," I ' w ' From the Wall street Journal. , In his speech to the editors at James, town ; ' yesterday . President Roosevelt said: - . . Tflaa . mirna T . V uak . tat Uim laa aUsk But Jon the other hand gratify- even haJl be tree. trom t9 uppntto.join hands with certain f of having the swollen fortunes of the lngly, the, independent editor and ev" muuences mat now irom the me latest recruits to tne causev But other jnen with yokes and auditors PBWO"' : :.T'.T?T"." . . , iway.aottoi wam, ununreaanery is or readers,; men who have some hack- - . , PParenir as m tne case or Baui of THE UNWRITTEN LAW. . Tarsua, a great light has dawned upon : them ' and It Is 1 not beyond .. 7' u,t su go o oo some I tninks a cat an Ignoble animal Hut explaining or ril have to turn you over he went to . the letST rack . tSSaed the "ZSZ y- WJ.L .ar ??. ' ."t?" Jer. on 'the . . a . " -jmy up iioor men turned and came to me and anSUrrtiVfc.UlcaMu1n nd 3l0cko pulled my ear. The act seemed to say, ,,:.i;i.; t'--: W i cat..- -a it oiaih a' isa . k -;.iPena ow -P"" that you've never heard of the P. p.' .,r;Try' him." replied the tutor. ii tJXUi f rirj UZ?" .and spell Sam. " , 'U ,T I VI SlJ, Jl U V ' U Ps HOW. ' ' ' Th Playroerr Protafitiv :. mmmnM-1 Knm iVinnf tJ,a lrat ka tat- i- ..1 - -ai . .. . . t II a. .lln a ' i.,i 7 . I rs Aa iv aCIIVO ICL VCt SJ in cuuiury uear in DrDTrariion m in stir i m i wvii. ntj ; cuniinuea. v"m rrMtstat hn. i nn- rsarir enc km ji j a constantly Increasing burden of taxa-1 hnftih1".n ?",Jt,onl)' tfte age. The over .and .asked for a lump of sugar I?e?T,UM" "U?MPot.nt;body of t on bone and moral courage along with Increasing Intelligence, men who are honest ; with themselves "and with others, men who dare to speak the " truth, re Increasing; i Among the better class" of 1 papers " the' "hide bound1 party organ Is now rare. A paper worthy of large "patronage cannot be politically a mere party organ any more. The people want the trnth about ' all parties, and policies, and measures, and public men; not uniform and certain com mendation and eulogy On one hand and censure and denunciation on the other. A man who would be satis fied with such an organ as pendable source of his political In I source of care and anxiety to the pub- me but put a cross agalnat a" perform- back and finish up that word T and be 11C 1 In this little book wd h Th,' president's repeated u.o of the StSmen??:. TSTO - ' 22L 'Jhi .iT?. another at his N THE Multnomah county Jail la I imagination : that their conversion rd -swollen" in referring to ;i the Pik: a1 a Ti.M.T.. m Y.. t . . . I v .... i r,M, rnriit. .m .wt.!... .r. . . . ... a i . unniur wnar jiim . . . mi ... it... I... ... ... ... rwwu .TJtit.. ,""'-'""'"" uai i luiruuncuuiii ami ma Deen tola whoflA ' ' . ' . . I s'61 rortuaes which have been ------ um., viuro jpwiuaueui., is BOl Uieir 0Ut Of the raDld develonment of Am.rt. a Portland husband . . .J tit. " it m 4 . at uanus are re wun me niooa or organ at last arrayed on the side of a. fellow being.- Another with decency." eood-royernment ani . the brand of murder on him lies In forcement of the law? And who the Astoria Jail, awaiting the de-l.t,.u ... it.-i - vi. t... -v termination of his case by the courts. If both or, either ' escapes the gal lows,; a memory that must cling to each through life, asleep or waking, is a horror-stricken, appealing tace, a reeling victim, smitten : with bul lets, shot to death. Two wives are disgraced, unoffending children are of front it will not "stay put"? Give it the benefit of the doubt. , pp( The P. P. A. doean't tmtmn At n. t notice that T waa ii....i i i men .1 .... .. . r m - - v. u i.- - " to.".. Iu ui-uwn. can prosperity, is becoming a lltUs hVSr VrtSR. StOTJ booSumJi wlth"? tlrAssOmal ainri nailnfiil f a Vila. ' fiAn. I im)arA n-nrewl kw Ua -' rj! s.T u I sa hahhai v..r rlZ1. liir. S- ' a. a touw v n aavu VJ I1W MflQClll Linn, " IIUIBBOUI, UUL WIIQ TnBRfUllf1A TflrT JwM.'.1Vrf,,ur:i,l,ch thln a" 3ut ftv0' th,m 'nU -s." he had given no idei whlch he thought swollen fortuneand there are a num- "We let them return when they're the nrettler, v -j, . f Hi..0 W,0"en?!:iu.lle.'-rh '?'. that Later the tutor said, "King: take this - .v. z. . .. ..... ..vuou mi tuns, iiuc.ii i Hf renf who tne association s I I,Bs tne iaay in tne brown dreaa are the result of wicked manipulation method." . . T ' oa" Kinr laid the Im.ri.n kTSwP. ii and brutal ; methods Of aunnreaatn I "Wh,l'i v .iv..l t . ' . Man .i tw.. ..-V ." r. " . . '.'" "iv. iT.Tri .1 .. . I k11 L" -',,,..uF',n 01 r anoppmg - .us iu cmco oiners I " ',-' ii. oiiici iru aufrar, Healthy boys and girls who are end brutal ? methods of suppressing luiiipnimuii, muai oi mesa swollen Tor tunes are a source of care and anxiety to the public- It would be entirely legitimate to do lust what the nresideni urges, namely. Impose an inheritance half, srrown or mnr tnrn1 mtt nt I tax UDOn these fortunes of such nronnr. v- m a. , tlon as to make their increase by trans- school for the long summer Taca-f mission from on generation to another tlon. will be better off now andrdur- ra EuerTK S; fnrmntlnn ton' ftt tn vnf a We don't say a man should here to no party or should find no l..v..'iv.. t At tit. i ..... I bered that the same lamwHS iu,uicucBi.f vvora is me which the fortune of II Principle upon 00 dependa for choice among them; but he should read both sides, shquld remember that ; pronunciamentos , of ' party leaders are prompted by self-interest. should think for himself and act In telllgently and conscientiously. fntv'ftAfa llvASt 4 fA aaeitl -n'x4V I ATlA this floM tint MA cam ta Ka "ryi Plunged into sorrow, and the public nI "- " .raiira'h UV a a.a , f I vuv aiu aaa uas oeen snocxea ana insunea. Wnravt It ttiA n.f. nl l.tAI "vu . tug uiuiuq Ul iaiLUlCOD-l .. . . . . . . . , liitj 4wi, ui uimt an, auu uie sooner children get their hand in and begin to make themselves useful : rather than ornamental. the better for them. If : the provocation was ample, ben efit has come to none, harm and grief to many. A frenzied impulse, not ' reason, was acted upon, a rash hand seized the ever-read ' revolver. and not benefit, but blight, descend ed. . Two . suffered . Imprisonment, two disgrace, two death, and lnno- rttff Tr rT ntr trr mioti nicTH ' " " w- wvvmo suffered humiliation and sorrow that will follow them through, time and ATpHE DECISION of Judge Cleland I In the Port of Columbia case ' .Ii. does not settle the matter, for our' friends from ' Astoria will Intervene and seek to convince the supreme court that the law Is un constitutional, and If they fall there aay they will go Into the federal courts and carry the case to the su preme court of the ' United States. This Is of course their privilege, though we think the local color through which they view the case is spread on too thickly-and so pre- j There being ' properly , no politics whatever In the work of a state legis lature any more, It would be well for people to quit electing nearly all the, cent and perhaps helpless children mb.e".ff ,n? ,Pfrty and t0 w uiviue me legislature more equally between the parties. Nearly all Re- tlde. The unwritten law may have Its equities, may have Its Justice, may have its occasion when no other law will fit the crime, but whenever and wherever Invoked it leaves its trail of bitterness and blight behind. If, publican 'papers, ' except during campaign, admit that, this would be better for? the state and even for their own party. The rain ' would probably have come Just the same up In Sherman Indeed, It ever furthers Justice, It fa cunty without Rainmaker Hatfield's Justice bought at an awful price. ' THE REVOLVER AGAIN.' efforts, but since it did come farmers up there can afford to give ' htm credit for it. 1 1 Portland Is pleased to pay Its re spects to Admiral Swinburne as a distinguished representative of Uncle killed a youna woman because Sam's navy, and to his officers and could not love him. and her men. and wishes them a nlnasant a TRAGEDY similar to many that II have transDired occurred Vi. vents a Just consideration of It. We J' day in Spokane wen"a Wan cannot perceive now tno operation of tne law would, harm Astoria's In-she tereota ea-i m w n iwua imagined that he -loved . her fiol visit tr. the Roa City. me pilotage anu towage ousiness out "madly"-rthe word Is appropriate Vl , OT, uv a,v BU sucn;a case mat ne could not live It was a nice, quiet, decent, dry oug wutroneu put H. in tne Without ter.C Of COUrse he did not S.inday in Portland vfArda and hands of those who handle the com- really love the girl at all.1 What he the lare majority of neoDla were w wo .Htw. ,.uopreBent was "madly" m love with was his glad of It. puma aw yuui tuiuiuiHsioiiers Demg i aepraved and murderous self. ; The Astoria men, and having their homes unusual and additionally sad feature there, u is quite natural for their of this tragedy is the murder, not neignDors to stand oy them, but if 'only of the young woman, but also the commerce of the river shall be well handled, :' Instead - of poorly handled, aa has sometimes seemed to be the case, Astoria as well as all other Columbia river ports would be benefited rather than injured by the change. I i - Judge Cleland's decision is based on the broad ground that the law is not a special one, within the mean ing of the constitution, because It Is c-LuIated to affect and to benefit of her little brother, whom she had caught up to try to save' him. from the assassin's bullets. , Having -killed these two innocents, .he tried, or' pre tended to try,' to kill himself, but failed, whicbvls tp be regretted only in case he Is not convicted and duly hanged.1- A few weeks of mental suf ferings before; he Is sent out '"' of ra world In which he is an Intolerable thing Is little enough punishment. Observe that this Is another of A Poor Proposition. y " From Young's Magazine. The unhappy male thing bent' over and took the peerless one's little hand in his. - - "Do yod know," , he began recklessly. fervently, chokingly (for other adjec tives,' see dictionary) "ever since you came into my life I have been crasy wnn ivve tor your' ' ; h : . "You tdon't say so?" she eiclaJmud lovoualv. smilingly. ionuRttiahlv . -rrnr otner aajscuves, see aicuonary.j. .-"Indeed, yes; your beauty has blinded my eves, set my brain awhirl. taknn mv breath sway. I have quite ' lost my heart -Will you marry met'- The neerlesa on laughed, tn the nn. harpy male thing' face. ' v .. lt 'What . marry a man who- is " blind, windless, crasv and mha aun'l .v.n a iheaxtl Wevr , Its protection Is exactly the same nrln- cipi, which protects ; the fortune of $100,000,000. If the fundamental upon which the. swollen fortune; rests are weakened, the small fortune is put like, wise In -peril. At this time the rights of priva An assai against swollen wealth property are under atturir An bu(i ia oeing maae, not' merely all acts' In roution," said the stranger. i snoox nis hand. "Long Hv the P. P. A.. I said. , Today tn History. 1114 Bruf!a dafaafail lh. trnil.v Bannockbnrn. - 1580 Spaniards defeated tha vnr. gue at AlcanUra. lJJer-BenJamin P. Butler of New A .I .DP" wney-generai of the United States. 1860 iscount Kitnhanai nt Trv. ... famous English soldier, horn . . ' 18B Balloons used at battle of Bol ferlno. ' . .... ,18i 8tatue of Henry Ward Beecher unveiled In Brooklvh. - - . 1894 President Carnot tf France a- BBHinatea at tyons. k..4. Tt I 1IBK U.Pin a -A C.I I.V.. i.j W '" UBUU. Will CXDiaiH wealth crlvately ownad an fTtnimli. the British vremiershtn. - ui inis norse to not It ia i.. inconceivable that this stuck Norwegian Arctic expedition on should be successful, but It necessarily the Fram sailed from Christlanla causes more or less uneasiness. It 100 Thirty-five lives lost In South would seem to be the duty of states- rn railway wreck near McDonough. manshlp at this time to strengthen the Georgia. - foundations upen which the rights of '10 Kin Edward VII operated rn ii w i ." 4Ki.ra give tne i .vr afpenoiuitis. ti, 'wui(ntni to its anemiea ..f " . r';v ! o swollen i tim.... wealth, which would be ntirl at another time, now serve tn m I .' " tv v Ta.. and encouragement to the socialTstlo at- In days 6f old the highwayman bold I asked him to talra a hlna Mrs. F. He obeyed instantly. -Then the tutor gave another test of the animal a knowledge of colors. "Take the red cloth on thejfloor," he said, "to i in, lauir wnn nu ran-tn nat. iim,. t. did not for an instant seem nrnhahu ir A.thehor"" eoxxli oby this order. Nothing had been aM tn hin n. duction about the glimpse of red vest In my friend's costume. Yet he walked straight 'to her.-as if anxious to compare. the two shades of red. King also remembered our names and never once was obliged to beg our pardon for mixing or misplacing them. LJiow.' .th" things occurred precisely af I state them. . r : 'Just how tha flm.r v..ji Doubting Thomsses who are always ready to see a "trick" In anvtHin .K. I . , . Wlll CALHHin TH, .Minna know . T. i. easier for ma to see the possibility of awakened lntellectualitv fn ik. W . than to find any, "trick'1! in his. achieve- ro- ele Xove spoon in the park whan tha pollcemaa ia there, it can spoon when he Is not thre, and If he Is there all the time It can spoon somewhere else." Oregon Sidelights' V'y: - aaa ii , ',. -y: ;,':v"!-.:...- . The other day there wasn't a hobo In Albany., 'V""' '''''"'"'' A Palls City t-months-old calf dressed $50 pounds. , , - . , Many people are building log cabins i, railroad land claims. . - The prospect for a large yield of hops and fruits in general ia good. . e Dallas 1 1 handloannad by a lack of carpenters and other builders. A Chehalam woman SI Vaara nM baa lately received her second eyesight. . e a John Day News! The" valley la m. sounding to the merrv mualo of mnwara. : Alfalfa is king. 1 , , , There ware 5.000 cunnm nt maaalaa In Pendleton during the SDrlng. but naarlv all were light and tha fatalities were Carlton has begun to grow and busi ness is Increasing.' A busy hum haa taken possesion of the town, and all be cause of the establishment of the large sawmill. Yes: Salem la going to nave. Inalata the' Statesman. And tha Mehama eleo- trlc line is going to be built . And the IF0.000 building for Willamette univer sity, and the endowment fund increased to a quarter of a million. And soma more motor lines, besides tha one to Portland. -. , .. .. , .. . . , ' Enterorisa Newa-Record: ITraxUp Craig drove fourteen head of hogs to market last week which weighed on an average 321 pounds. On of them tipped . the beam at something over 400 pounds. As the price of hogs at present Is H cents per pound, he received for hla i " hogs $247.17. - .;v :-;--v,v;v. ..,:' " Portland the pose City. " By Mrs. Thomas Moffett Rose City Portlands . As rose is the queen " '. In ' the kingdom of Flora, ' Bo it would seem ' " Most fitting cognomen y - For this pride of-the Iwest, . Which ever aspires , To the highest and best Boss City Portland, .With thy rose 'broldered lawns, Most beauteous to see . When the day early dawns, '. And fair as a dream - ;- Whenthe sun goes down ; With roses about thee Like s fairy's crown. With peace and with plenty In reach of the hands Willing to work for it, . . Our Rose City stands . -A monument ever' To our loved pioneers Who wrought Its foundation- J In hardship and tears. , 1 1 Who lived to see homes ? Where forests they knew, And roses galore Where wild briers grew. This dream of a city . Each kept tn his heart; , Theirs In its beginning . , - -Was the greater part v . ; Wanted to Fix the Engine, f From Young's Magazine - Jack Barrymore, leading man in "The Boys of Company B." went a,, crowd of iory-.eiicrs in orowne s one oetter the other night with this: s v it waa on a western trip and I rode Many other tests mM Mimii '.ji in not on Instance did King fall. .When we realise that such things can be accomplished with the brain of an animal, through patience and love, , does It not give us hope that the most vicious the most ignorant human beings on .esrth may be made Intelligent, and Rod a ariinrt nn a f.n. niia.uie, ana userui. If the same meth- A ? ?! ?- . Awaken thT.k. ",.lA ". laiien nis oag. . i an. '.h.,h.i. .un.. ! colch PPraCh tb9 ,umbrin thV world:" ioVnlsed"'eor?,"'.t siyiy As It , .ploughed through the sludgy shallows. i I TO be met, perhaps, by some pistol- y,ln'm aucation tnan now ex ists? Ought tt not to stir the religious 7C, ' " ut consiaer tne pos jylminynortallty of animals, as well as .Ought it not to make every clviliged "Chrletlan'Mand on earth ashamed of having one ignorant or vicious child or young person in its limit. rt..i Those burdened with plunder and pelf lanri T riMini . Tii miS colle lln a .0-horsenower th? scoundrll "wlli f o.cholsr Ih. Imam.... . . . ' croud Chans. And dance his last jig on the callows. I The robber today haa a pleasanter wav r . Pleasant, that is, for himself a.Ai. : mn.' . ' - V, .Vj'i lint UMaV inCrtala Kf firim. . Ik. ."inn country anear inn arar . . L .: .. ... nis Disannear In his om..liVa I teachers . . . iouu sniariea o put rational methods In tha eourss of the v. L"10. PS. or " reenratlon of the there'll appesr . . . wi..',;. k. .u And A titrate whoUl sail in th air. ? wUhr,ah Vrion.'001 " W' a' With sick or yicioui children in 10. .wAth .WP. : . . . - h- Were . the i nation to aatahiiah - a alnai vicious eolt In four years Can be done upon And then we'll be halnlaaa fn fai i ne roDoer a , reliance is based science: - . But somehow we're slow to rejoice that - our aougn . rf. j.-i-.-. , Is copped in a civilised way. a Certainly Cheap., , One lone student ' is enjoying the benefits of the school of bricklaying. one of' the departments tn the big I Carnegie Technical institution at Pitts-1 and he pays 10 cents a day for Instruc tion from-a $H a day professor and a a. u.j juunityra.n orioaiayer. v -v v Oxford unlveralty has conferred upon Alexander Graham Bell tha hnnnnr. degree of idootor of science. This across the prairies In a train that hardly recognition i Is given because '6f went faster than a walk. Cattle, doss and tramna. nassed ua. .. Flnallv .in desolate mace tho train Stopped. "The passengers began ' to fume 'and fuss. Why this stoppage t What could be the matter? - "In the midst of the angrv turmoil tha conductor came slinking through the car. He bent Over me and with a Bjininriaccu au- wuisperea: scientist's work In and dumb to speak, as well as in ac knowledgement of his success in In venting the telephone. tha teaching the deaf Lost! -- From tho New York Herald. President Roosevelt told all the ora- tftra at. a' ClsknrtriiL mUK..Ia. .. w.,., i . .vl.?yh5vJ0U t a piece of atrlng short." That settles It Even John i.0uT W0 wnt ? tb n- Temple Graves can't swlng the Wate" - ijnelon state for him, after that. .a dulo such an educational System it rvuiu ,uun un m oispenss with its penal institutions. .. , , , ' ' Sherlock Again. Sherlock Holmes languidly . drained the bubbling, hissing prussie acH his last most deadly habit . . 1ear w,t;oi1'" h6 murmured, "my tie is crooked." ' I started, as he knew I would. ' "Now. Holmes." T aaM 'hiw m. be aware of thatT You haven't nut your hand to your tie for the last two noun, ana mere isn t a mirror in jyght You claim to have no supernaturalglfts In what way, then can you possibly know that your tie is crooked V t 'That man oyer there.'! said Sherlock Holmes calmly, "looked at my , tie a moment ago, and then straightened hlj own tie with both hands." "Wonderful!" I cried. . - "Amaslng! Only, Holmes, -your tie isn't crooked." ( " How They Do It, , From : Harper's Weekly. First Little Girl Whan yon grow un are yru going to advertise for a hus band T - . Second little Girl No, I am going to be a widow. They don't have to, , Tha Baker. Irrigation com nan t haa fourteen miles of ditch completed over ma urge area or iana wnion it ia irri. gating. A large force bf men are at work deepening the main reservoir so that a sufficient body of water may ba obtained for even greater extension of the network of ditches.. , . Everything is moving along In a way that indicates a real, lasting boom . In Eugene by next fall, says the Guard, which predicts that Eugene and Spring field will have a combined .population of 12,000 people within two years, and that they will be built so closely together by that time that they will get over being' Jealous of each other's prosperity. . HJllsboro Argus: A timber cruiser Who is estimating timber for a Hllla. boro timber dealer, while in the woods the other day, heard a grouse cluoklng to her young. He was with a mountain-i ear at the time, and anked aa tn tha' sources of the noise. The mountaineer told him it was a bear fussing with her cubs. Just then a bluejay made a swirl through the brush and Mr. Timber Cruiser started to climb a tree that waa six feet in diameter. . , , . ' . j Inconsistent. . s i From the St Louis Globe-Democrat ; The disposition of the Japanese peo ple to get unduly excited over trifles is hard to reconcile with their admitted levelheadedness on the firing line. i "Aa S1 Side Bank Bide People." fog Burt THE RIGHT WAY . To save money la to have a say ings account and add to it regu larly from your earnings. ' - By this method you have aoon stantly growing account and one that will be of great use to you ' in case of a rainy day or when opportunity fort Investment pre. ?sents itseU. . ... s. . If you can open an account with no more than 11.00, you should do so. ; We lnvlts ; recounts of 11.00 and up from men, women and children, on which we pay 4 per cent interest, compounded s semi-annually. . i , THE COMMERCIAL : SAVINGS -BANK ataroTT Aim yrtxjuxAu ays. ' Gaprge ' W. Bates ..... . President J. & BIrrel.. 4.. ...Cashier -