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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1907)
THE OREGON . DAILY . JO'Jfr.NAL", PORTLAND. , MONDAY EVENING, . JUNE 21, 1C07. CODES FOR FOOD Steamer Manshu 3faru WiU - . Take Another Monster, ' Cargo to Japan. . TELEGRAPHEKS' STRIKE AFFECTING SHIPPING British Steamer JIaori King Still at Anchor in the Stream German ' Liner Arabia Will Begin Loading Next .Wednesday Morning. : The Japanaaa ateamer , Manahu Maru croasad in vsr tha bar thia morning, bound for tbla city from Manianlllo, Mexico, under charter to carry flour to the orient. She cornea to the Portland V Aalatia Steamship company to assist the regular. llnera la moving: the heavy consignments of flour recently , pur chased in Japan and China. . ' Tha Manshu Mam wa here In April when ahe aalled for Yokohama with a cargo valued at mora than $300,000. It con slated of 76,511 barreia of flour, val ued at WMll, -and ,41 busheis wheat, valued at 4,ti38. From thia It : will be aeen that tha Manahu Maru la a large carrier, her net reglater being .: 1,264 tona. ., ; Bhlp agenta are at aea concerning hew business aa a result of tha teleg ' raphere' atrike In Ban Francisco. - The greater number of transactions In the Paclflo 1 northweat are negotiated! ,. tnrougn tna - Ban Francisco oinces, which are unable to keep la touch with r- the European headquarters, and hence tblnga remain quiet. The next foreign tramp ateamer due . lo arnv nere win prooaoiy Da me in or : wnalan ateamer Finn, which waa re' gorted ' Saturday as coming here rrom an Diego with a part cargo of cement from London. The Finn ia aaid to be under charter to load lumber at one of , the Puget aound porta after discharging - Tha British ateamer Maori ' King, which addlved here Friday night, after an exciting voyage from ouaymas, Mex ico, is still at anchor in the atream. . Krnest Laidlaw, who represents Frank Waterbouse company In thia port, stated thia morning that it waa not al f together certain that the ateamer would be loaded by his firm since aha arrived after the expiration of the charter. If It should become possible to load . the steamers- Maori King and Manahu Maru during tha present week. June will cloaa with one cf the heaviest flour , shipping records In the history of the - port. The regular oriental liner Arabia will possibly finish thia week. In which ' event another 60,000 barreia will be '.. added to tha flour exports for tha month. The Arabia will ahift to Alns- worth dock thia afternoon to finish dts charging, but it may be Wednesday : morning before aha will be ready, to begin receiving cargo. ' C1IIXESE FIGHT FIRE Nome City, Am. str. -, ..Italnlar K. F. "Sanders, Am. ach. ...,, Astoria Monterey. Am. noli .I-innton i''aJ.JA.anc4. Am. tug. . .Llnnton Msnshu ilaru," Jvs'a,f Astoria I Alliance. Am. str.... umniu ,treet ' lumber Carriers Ea Boats. maoei uaie. Am. icn fr'ncQ Retriever. ' Am. bktn Ban tanclsco Alumna, Am. ach ,.San Francisco Walacot, Am. barge. San Francisco Pouth Bay, Am. atr.,,.. Sin Francisco Echo, Am. bktn. ........ .San Francisco Casco, Am. str ......San Francisco Melron. Am. ach ..San Pedro J. M. Griffith, Am. bktn.. Ban Francisco Sailor Boy, Am. ach..,,. San Francisco Alden Besse, Am, bk.,...8an Francisco Alvena, Am. ach ......San Pedro J. Mnrhoffer, Am. str..... Hun Francisco Lettitla. Am. schr.i Han Francisco Trios. I Wand, Am. atr..San Francisco Louisiana. Am. bk ..San Pedro Cascade, Am. str. ....... .Ban Francisco Svea. Am- atr. .......... .San Francisco ; la Kotfte With Cement and Oeneral. Buccleuch, Br. ah....... Hamburg Urann. Fr. bk , ...Hull Conway Castle, Br. bk. ........Antwerp Dalgonar, Br. ah,,,,., .-.Hamburg Europe, Fr. bk ............... .Antwerp Genevieve Mollnos, Fr. bk. .... .London Rene Kervller. Fr ah..,.,.. Hamburg Laenneo, Fr. ah,..,,.., ....... 8 wansea La Filler. Fr. bk... ............ .London Martha Roux, Fr. bk, ...Hamburg Mozambique. Br, sh...... Newcastle, E. Samoa, Br. bk.,.,.. .Shields Slam. Ger. sh .................. London Thiers. Fr. sh. ......... .Newcastle. E. Vlncennes, Fr. bk. ........... .Glasgow Marechael Turrene, Fr. ok. .iMaraburf Villa de Mulhouse. Fr. bk, .TT. .Antwerp Ouethary, Fr. bk Antwerp Pierrl Lotl, Fr. bk....... Antwerp Walden Abbey. Br. ah ...Antwerp GleneaRltu, Br. an.; ......... ..Antwer , ... kt. T .It y vrSBlllPB. r r w .....,.., General da Boladeffre, Fr. bk. ..London General de Negiier. ZTr, bk London Ravard. Fr. bk. Antwerp Villa da Dijon. Fr. bk.. ...Antweip : Goal SUpg X Bouts Belen, Fr. bk..... ....... .Newcaatle, A. Cot. da Villebola Marenll.Fr. bk ..Newcastle, A. Claverdon, Br. eh. .....J.Newcastle, A. Wlllscott. Am. bk ...Newcastle. A. Port Patrick, Br. sh...... Newcastle, A, St Mlrren, Br. ah., Newcastle. A. Crlllon. Fr, bk. . .Newcastle A. Ardenrralg. Br. bk. ...... .Newcastle A. . . ..... T ,1. . jviainiina. nor. ir.,M..irivwvu,l a. Eugene Schneider. Fr. bk. . Newcastle. A. Bt. ijouia, it. an. ntwcanis, a. Tramp Rtaajnera Ba Bonte. ' Tell us, Nor. atr. ...... ...San Francisco Henrlk Ibsen, Nor. atr... San Franclaco Queen Alexandra, Br. atr.. Madras Manshu Maru. Jap. str.... Salinas Crus Mackinaw, Am. atr. ... ........ .Seattle Qymerlo, Br. , atr .Manaanilo Tnyra. Nor. a a. ..........San Franclaco Finn, Nor. atr Ban Diego alia clung to the etlcka aa if glued thereon. .'" V ; : ; ' Then suddenly a breexe sprang up from tha northwest and a week later tho Sehome circled about the lightship off lhe""moth-of the Columbia, haWng beaten aenlnat an increaaffr.e all the way. Some swift sailing was Te corded after getting out, of the dead calm. . The Sehome la in command of Cap tain Matteon,. who has had her aeven years. She arrived up the river laat week and will finish in about 10 days for a week at the rate lumuer ia pem put on board at present. .. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Crew of Steamer Arabia Dlsplnyi Excellent Discipline. . The Chinese crew of tha Portland aV Asiatic liner Arabia did good work yea terday afternoon when fire ' destroyed the old machine and boiler ahop of the Willamette Iron A Steal Works at the foot of Everstt atreet. Under the di rection of Chief Oltlcar Vogt tha Ara bla'a coolies saved , the Alaska wharf from even being placed In jeopardy, al though tna namea leaped nign in tne aky a few feet to tha south of tha dock. Aa toon aa tha flames were discovered Chief Gifluer Vogt Bounded an alarm and In less time than 1 takea to tell it the Chinese sailors had a hose flood' ing tha decking of tha dock. Tha Ara bla ia equipped . with powerful pumps for fighting Area and they were ready for business the moment tha alarm waa Bounded. ' : ' ' Robert Glenn, special watchman on - the ateamer, aay a it waa aurprising to t aea bow well - disciplined the Chinese ' were. There waa no excitement In get v ting ready-to fight tha flames, although tha ateamer, aa well as the dock, waa in grave danger for some time. Mr. Glenn was harbormaster under tha Pennoyer administration - ana aunsequenuy a ' member of tha board of lira commls- . alonera. . During hla incumbency aa har ' bormaster he continually auggested the need of a flreboat and it waa with great satisfaction yesterday ha watched from i the deck of the .Arabia tha flreboat . , George H. Williams assist in quenching the flamea. Now ha argues for still an other and better flreboat. BECALMED FOR A WEEK" Schooner. Sehome Encounter Very , Strange Weather Coindltlona. ,; The schooner Sehome, which ' la load ing lumber from barges off St. Helena, had a novel experience coming up from San Franclaco. - For six day a after pass ing through the Golden Gate tha lumber drogher jam almost perrectiy motion less In a deaoVculm. Barely a waft of air cauaed a ripple on the ocean and the The ateamer Alliance -will be In the harbor late thia evening from Coss Bay. The steam achooner Nome City went down to Rainier iieaterday afternoon to finish her cargo of railroad ilea for San Pedro. . " , , The ateamer Elmore made a special trip -to Astoria Saturday to. help out the regular ateamer of tha O. R.' ft N. company. .-i "', - ' ', -"' . The ateamer T. J. Potter leaves for the beachee at 10 O o'clock next Satur day morning on her flrat trip this sea son. . - -, Pasnengera who came from Camas .on the ateamer lone yesterday afternoon allege that they were Insulted by a cou ple of drunken mernbere of the arrw. Complaint will probably ba made to the United States Inspectors who In turn will hold the offlcera responsible, since they have no Jurisdiction over tha sail ors. . '.!- The longshoremen of union No. !M are diacuaslng the advisability of estab lishing a uniform acale of wagea along tha waterfront. At preaent aome trans portation companies ara paying higher , wagea than othera for tha aame clase of , work. Tha matter will probably be i taken up at the next meeting of the union, which wilt ba Held upon a can of tha prealdent , ' , ; , UABIXB NOTES '. ' T' - Astoria, June 14. Arrived down at midnight, ateamer Dalay Freeman; ar rived at 10:30 a. m., ateamer Alliance from Cooa Bay; Japanese steamer Man ahu Maru from Manaanillo; sailed at 10:30 a. m., barkentine John Palmer for San Pedro. , , , San Francisco. Juna lis Arrived. achooner William Ronton, from Astoria. Astoria, June 33.Arrlved down at midnight,- gasoline achooner- Berwick and barkentine John Palmer: arrived down at :30 and Bailed at 10:60 a. m.. ateamer Asuncion for 1 Ban Francisco; Bailed at 10 a. m ship Emily Reea ror Ran Francisco: Balled at lo:i a. m British steamer Ascot for North China. achooner King Cyrus. ; via Seattle: arrived down at , II noon. San Franclaco. June H. Sailed at S p. m.. ateamer oeorge- w,. miaer ; xor Portland and wy porta: at p. m.. ateamer Joban Poulaen. for Portland; arrived June 14. ateamera Roanoke from Portland and Washington, from Colum bia river. . v . - Astoria. June 14. tonaiuon ei tna bar at I a. m., obscured: wind north west 10 milaa; weather, foggy. Tides at Astoria toaarHign water--. 1t:07 a. m., 7.0 feet: 11:40 p. m.. .t feet. Low water 5:61 a. m.. ?. feet; :4 p. m.. 1.8 feet. EXCURSIONS ON RIVER t - Society Linnea Entertains Immense .i' Crowd on Steamers. ', About 00 people attended tha Swedish Society Linnea's excursion to . Oak park, near St Helens yesterday. ' The ateamera Beaver and Joseph Kel log carried the crowds and those who 'went voted the outing a moat pleasant affair. - The excursion "waa the largest given out of this city on the river for manv years and, speaks highly for tha popularity or me society, i-,-' The ateamera left Couch and Davis atreeta wharvea at - o ciock . and re- W.' turned at J :U in ine eveningv tna frn ok Park waa made in two hi I JMihder alow bell In order to give the ex- , curslonlata tha opportunity to view the " scenery rolled up on' the slough route. -Returning the boats took the river route. Thia waa the first excursion car - rled on the Joseph Kellogg aince aha ; was rebuilt last fall. . Many smaller river excursions' "weaa v enjoyed . yeaterday. The steamer El kArier carried a private party to St - Helena - and - return and a number of 4 launching parties spent tbe day on tha ' islands in tha Willamette. The day waa Ideal and everybody aetmed, to return home happy. '''MARINE INTELLIGENCE ' " Ztfr . Begnlar" Xutsrs Boa to "ArrlTa. ' . Alliance, CoOs Bay Juna 14 G. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. June ft ' Costa Rica, Ban Francisco... ...June 17 : Roanoke, San Pedro and way, ...July! ' Columbia. San Francisco... . :. i ...July 1 P. A. Kllpurn, San Francisco . . , . Jul y t - Alesta, orient. . ....... , .. ... ...July 1 Nlcomedta,: orient,..; .July 17 Numantis. orient. ...... August 11 ' Arabia, orient, ......... . .Sept , 1 ..i: : -Kemlaa Zdnaxa to Senar. -jf Columbia, San Franclaco .Juna 15 Alliance, vn atir. .......... ,,,uu G. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. June IS Arabia, orient . ............... .June 10 Costa Rica. San Francisco. ... ..June 30 Roanoke; San Pedro" and way. ...July 4 F. A. Kilburn, 8. F. and way..... July 6, Alesla, orient . v. . ... ..... ... , . .July 17 Nicomedla, orient. ... ........ . August 5 Numantia. orient .Auguat It sr. Vessels In ort :s Tola. Br. sh.... ....... ..Elevator dock Jordanhlll, Br. bk , .......Stream Zlntta.Hr. bk. ...... .. .... .East Pine Tellua. Ger, bk...............Knaptton Whang Ho, Chinese junk. .... .Tha Oaks Lillebonne, Ara. ach.. .O. R, ft N. Alblna R. F. Whitney, Am. bk... ... ..St Johns Wasnucta. Am. barge, .Untvaraltv Mill African Monarch, Br. aa. ....... Astoria Chehalla, Am. bktn.. ......... Knapp ton Gardiner City, Am. bktn.;,.. Vancouver Daisy Freeman. Am. str. ...... .Astoria Sehome. Am. ach. .......... '.St, Helena J. H. Lunsman, Am. sch...,.....tella Charleston, U. S. navy. .Harbor Paul Jones. U. S. N..,......... Harbor Kallbla, Br. str ......Rainier Arabia, Am. str ...Ains worth Maori King. Hr. ss.. ......ptream Melville l'oliar. Am. str.'. ...... ..Stella cuiumlia, Ani. utr..., ,,AlnsworU ,' :: INVESTORS' Lend Us Your EAEt He Have the Following Bargains on Sale: 15,500 -A. whole, block of ground, with frame buildings on ; , part of it; brings 6 on investment; balance 'of ground vacant . ' . f .840,000 The best bargain in city - offered today in a WAREHOUSE SITE, with frame buildings orl same which are paying fair income; by improv- . ing can be made to pay big interest; close to termi nal grounds, . with sidetrack ; ground 97i xlOO feet." 810,000 A fine 8-roorn house, up to date in every respect, on quarter block in Holladay. addition. Half cash. 816,000 An elegant 12-room house, finest of finest, with . quarter block, in Holladay addition. Eay, terms. - 80,000-Eight-room house, sightly location on Portland ; ; -:: Heights,' on ground 87x100 feet; only one block from ; 7- ' ' ': car. - " r . , . v We also have some smaller houses in Sunnyside from 82,400 v to 83,000, on easy terms. Title Guarantee St Trust Co. Corner Second and Washington Streets. Purchasing Inducements to Piano Buyers Player - Pianos 1 ' - From ' " $500 to. $900 Wa have tha only 88-note Player-Pianos to Existence. , $250.00 values for. . . . . .8172.00 $275.Cr0 values for..:v.iS177.00 $300.00 values for $102.00 $310.00 values for $199.00 $335.00 values for: $250.00 , $350.00 values for $265.00 $375.00 values for. . .', ;S285.00 $400.00 values for. . . . .$318.00 See us we can interest you. ', As a Comparison in Player-Pianos Weber Pianola Piano ;Plays Only 65 Notes Knabe Angelus . Piano Plays Only 65 Notes Sohmer Cecilian Piano Plays Only 65 Notes A. B. Chase Player Piano Plays Only 65 Notes Melville Clark "Apollo Piano" Plays fthe Entire Keyboard, or 88 Notes. 7 Which is 23 NOTES MORE than any other player-piano. We are the exclusive agents for these wonderful instru ' ments and cordially invite you to come and listen to them.:-, , Hbvenden - Soule Piano Co. . 1 Corner Morrisoa'and Park Streets. -J 3fc 7 O.71 vYy; n v-7---:V,. Monflay,: Ti m.Mi 0) (?(? 7 s m jm. I -a - 0) k' " 7 ;' ' ' ' ; 77'r"7 "",' ' :: r 77 :::;rr Vl: ;y. 7 :;-'7- Tuesday, Wednesday : The richest, rarest bargain-giving we, have yet presented. Beautiful Buffets going at such remarkably low prices that the buyer will be bewildered, surprised, astonished; "Seeing is believing," so do hot take our word ' for it, but come and see. Here are values riot to be ' obtained at any other house in Portland. These Extremely Low Prices for Three Days .1 CjEVURTZ. No..3615i a- ! $60.00 Buffets, now ovly 1:11.1. $38.00 $48.00 Buffets, now only -7;. $35.00 Buffets, now only ! We cannot illustrate all of these beautiful little buffets in fact, only three. are shown here. If you are in the market for one of these handy little dining-room ac cessories, you should not: pass this sale by. We assure you that you'll be amply re- Warded for 'inspecting the many styles numbered in this great sale. You have per haps learned-to know what a Gevurtz sale means. If so, you will need no urging. to be on hand during the three days named. 5 Mi. Opportune Buffet Bargains ' ' i;;. .'-.'-.if- .' ' . : '. . ' t .. ,. . No. 361. Golden"oak, hand polished, like cut, ' French bevel mirror,' regular price C 3 A A fl $48.00, now ....... ......... ... ..4)f3UUU " No. 58. Weathered oak, like cut, large French plate bevel mirror, regular $50.00, 2 Q A A ..yuy.svu now V No. SS. " No. 351. Golden. oakt hand polished, ' French i? plate glass, like cut, regular $46.50, J T A A W.Ulf now gygj J f vNo. 351. . I 1- No. 109. Early. English finish, solid oak, beautiful pol ish, large ; French plate, regular $45.00, ? 2 C A A ,PUUiUV, now No." 133. Golden oak; beautiful polish, d A A A A French plate, regular $65.00, ,now... . .;.t)T:yUU No. 345. Golden oak," a vdry handsome piece, with French plate glass ; doprs, , etc., regular dj A A A A $70.00, now jnty.UU No. 303. Golden oak, beautiful hand polish, French bevel mirror, regular price $40.00, -'2A A A ....tiv.vv J10W No. 301 Golden oak, hand rubbeji, bevel fcfJL C A plate mirror, regular $32.00, now; . ; . . . . . )wUs)OU No. 179. Golden oak, very handsome little buffet, with French plate mirror, regular $35.00 : , iC C A ...tilaU.UV now YOU CAN HAVE EASY TERMS IF SO DESIRED. " Alaska" Refrigerators r Old . j Reliable A rCW COLO FACTS AND LOTS OF COLD COMFORT , -: IT will keep . proviiions longer and use lets ice than any other. IT gives the - maximum . amount of cold, dry air possible. ;.- ; . IT has an absolutely sanitary provision chamber. . ;..r IT affords the very greatest sim plicity of operation. A These refrigerators meet the de mand for a first-class refrigerator at a medium price. "They are fin ished by a new process in imitation f olden oak and are very handsome, hey have patent' steel casters, brass surface hinges and patent au tomatic lift-lever brass locks, Ro-r man' gold finish, removable ; pipe and trap. - - . ' , several' damaged by water are reduced v in price 35 and 40 per cent. Gevurtz Go-Carts Reduced v " Our Go-Carts are great favor- N ites with the ladies, and with the babies.. They are light, pretty, smooth-running and ' comfortable, while at the same time they are immensel y . strong. We have all sizes, all kinds, reclining arid , folding, wun or wiinoui parasuis ui si-t - A.CvV-'''V"v4. ftia jifrn RatinrtTndia lawn, ti V "'-cxW V oaiin uc iyon, lace anu piaui net. ONEFOURTH OIT , On all old stock of carts during . July and August, t SEE THE FINE NEW CARTS OF ALL DESCRIP ? TIONS A carload received on Thursday last, t : : 111 m sW7 1.!.' Gas Ranges That Fight the Gas Trus t 7They have patent burners, so constructed that they burn, ONE-FOURTH, less gas than the ranges sold by.the GAS.COMPANY. ;,They are the: kind.'of range - you'll want' -Investigate this "New Method" Gas Range. " ' Prices are lower than Gas Company s ranges, and we sell them on' easy pay- rf e ! .--,-,. ' t ments. 4-Biimer Ranges $16 $1 Down, $1 a Week V f -or A Rings or Diamonds ' K , Our Jewelryj Department! has been -greauy eniargea ana piacea in cnargc ftf a rnmnf pnf vnMt " . lift '"-1 7 7 oleased to suddI v vou with the finest Ring or Watch in the stock for a small cash payment, f XA ,77 . T We , carry; only t standard go6ds-the.same goods- car-; ried vby .the first-class- jew- "ehhouses-and sell ; thenf at rf miich lower .price'' v " - 'iMVlEITZ SIX3 IT POI LEC3" Cook's. Linoleums Qfe are ejcclusive Portland agents for these celebrated Linoleums, and the price is made to undersell any other standard make on the market You can save money, by choosing Cook's. ,7 - , - i - ...Hi j Carpet Room Special " V 7"'v -A 1 I f I (irv'TrZElCCC2c.''D&rY-?rju r