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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, 1 MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 24, " 1807. am . .i mjf trtmr , 4lmm "W-ane ejus ""?' ."Nnwrwww rMIIS bfh i frT I'"' . It,-! i lihtl' HI I '.;' 4 Wallace and Oldf leld Broke More Records Before the , Grandstand Packed to Suf focationIdeal Day for , tne Events. . . Yesterdays Auto fteoer&s. e J Pope-Hartford, driven by WU- Ham Wallace, completed 10 mile In 19 minutes, 66 I B seconds, Thla it the world's record . for fully equipped tour In .cars, the preyioua,;, fe)r4 L havina been mad on the Empire track. New York Cltjr by Vaughn In It min utes II 1-B seconds. , Barney Oldfleld drove ' bl Oreen Dragon five mile In 4 minutes i E seconds, establishing a new Pacific coast record on a, circular track. The previous rec ord was 4:8 J, which he made In Seattle. , 'Iff t 1 'Wallace and Oldf leld again received the plaudits of the vast crowd which assembled at Irvlngton track yesterday to witness the second day's racing in the automobile meet. Wallace drew to himself and Portland new honor by clipping la 4 seconds off the previous world s record held by a touring car for 10 miles, and the owner of tbe Green Dragon, the wlsard of space annihilate ors. gave to Portland the fastest five mile record. ever mads on tbe Pacific coast. A grandstand 'backed to suffocation. iu inucii turn iniieia pacnea wnn laaii tlonal crowds and scores of automobiles? Cars lined up for four-mile races William -Wallace, in a Pope-Hartford;-H. M. Corejvla-a" Cadillac; JV A Bennett, in a Ford. ' ' " r ' event Miners wa given a IB second handicap and - the race was fast, ex citing and a fin exhibition of the skill his ; an ideal day and enthusiasm and inter est, t tension point, furnished the basis ci a second oay s successxui meet, -m 1 WaUaeCs Xeoord Drive. - Wallace's record-breaking drive with the same Pepa-Hartford in which he won every racs in which ha was en tered during the two days drew forth r tremendous applause from the throngs of onlooker Ills skill in handling the tourlnar car - was from Ilia start; his comers .wars sliced off at as close a margin as characterises Old field's work when h is throwinar . behind him st the rate of 76 miles an hour, and his steady, unwavering -pace won hint not only the admiration of the . audience, but the place he deserved In the list of world's records. Each-mil in the first flvs was cov ered in . the. same time, only i one-flfth of a second marking the vari ation. Wallace carried one passenger with him and his time by miles was as follows: - . - 1 1:05 1-B J 1:0S -B t , 1:06 1 4 l:0t t-S 6 , 1:05 i-t 1:0 1 ' ........ 1:0 V I 4, 1:05 4-6 .-. 1:06 1-5 10 ....-................ 1:04 A quiver of excitement followed the. announcement that Oldfield and Oreen Dragon would go after: a new record for live miles. He spun once around the track ' to heat the engines and as he bounded around the : last curve onto the home stretch and raised his hand as a signal to the starter that all was ready, a roar of applause greet- aA film 1h. u 1 .wheels r vol vine at ur- riflo- speed and a srreen streak dlun. peared in a tumbling funnel of dust. ruins Vortbwsst msord, - . The first mile waa envarait In KT ,m. ends, as were the remaining four. Time jor tne" nv; miles. 0:4:4i. giving the Portland track the Pacific north w.t record. - . -.: . ,; .. K. . .A three-mile motor-eycl race opened the afternoon's nrorram mi u wn oy ureisneimer la 6:11 -. A Tourist won tha thraa.mtlaj.nin, anout race In 4:17 1-B, and the three mile event, , open to all touring cars, regardless of weights cost or horse power, wss captured by Wallace' in th Pope-Hartford in 4:012-6. He finished about s, quarter of a mile li the lead. iuw ouTini wKing second place. Bruno Seibel was scheduled . for a three-mile exhibition,' but while warm ing up his cylinders the machine's gear slipped and he was forced to retire for the afternoon.- In his place Oldfield drove his Green Dragon against time for five miles, completing the course in 4:47 1-6. - ..... . Wallace In Inman's Thomas 70-hors- power car. and Clifford Miners In Lip man's 40-horsepower racer of the same of both drivers, who held their Ken wheels and fought for margins' on the curves .with wonderful -steadiness and accuracy.. . .. - . . Miners bold the- lead for. two miles out of the three, and it was only at the finish of the exciting- race that Wallace forced, his more powerful machine to the front, winning by (0 feet His Urns waa !: 1-B. y The novelty race, which brought roars of laughter front the crowds, furnished aa much amusement as was possible to crowd into in snort space or lime it took to dump, human beings out of cars onto the ground and a minute afterward take them on board again in any way fostdble, arms, .legs and feet decorating he atmosphere , as - ; individuals were drawn over the sides and backs of the tourlnar cars The conditions of the race wers that the operator drive his car alone the first miie,thn pica up turee passengers, carry these a mile,, then unload again, and so on until, the fifth mile, which he was to drive alone. - The scramble to load and unload furnished many laurhable Incidents. Cover In 'bis 10' horsepower Cadillac finished first In 7 . 17 an1 Rannett in a Ford.' second. Seven cars entered ' the free-for-all handicap which was won by McKeague in a Tourist, Wallace with tbe Thomas coming in -a close secona, . atinougn wnrbina- under the disadvantage or minute handicap srlven to .th Tourist Th. time for the five miles was 6:28. Through an error yesteraay wuibct make, contested for honors in th fifth was given credit for; winning -over Old- field' la one heat of the fiesta sweep stakes. He won over Selbel, but not over the owner of the Oreen Dragon. - v Itching piles provoke profanity, but profanity won't cure. them. Doan's Oint ment cures itching, bleeding or pro truding piles, sf ter years of ,, suffering. At any drug store. ... Preferred Stock Canned Good. Allen 4b Lewis' Best Brand, ,. BETTER WICE nuGrfiiiii rendleton District Attorney HeretoJIeet With .State Railroad Commission.. :i. O. W. Pbelps . district attornsy at Pendleton, Is In Portland to attend a meeting of th stats railroad commis sion this afternoon. Mr. Phelps repre sents the citisene of Umatilla county In th sfforts of eastern Oresron residents to secure petter local railway train aerv ice. - ' v.--- t- "A oecullar thins- about this Invest!. gatlen which was started against th railroad several weeks ago at Pendleton is that Instead of trains averaging four noun ma we nave oeen cniunr neariv perfect schedule slnoe th agitation was started," said Mr, Phelps, "a few more investigations of this kind and w will have better service throuahout the State.'-: ' i ""1 "No effort was mad before th In vestigation to keep cars clean : or to get them into the stations on time. A decided' Improvement Is noticeable in both instances, but we need a local train that will giv th service th country demands." .. ' court Th case was brought her on cliang of venue from Wabash county. The killing of Sheriff Compton re sulted from domentlo troubles in the Kellems family. On th day before the Killing neueme , wir lert ner Home, taking with her their baby. Kellems h Charles Black, and regained possession of tlie child. Mrs. Kaltams annealed to th officers to aid her In obtaining cus tody of the child. The state's attorney gav a letter to Sheriff Compton to deliver to Kellems, which stated that if the child was not returned he would i't'fwttw,-an"' ol.t YT. - i ho was returnlnst with K;!m 1 -tcdy the sliortlf' 'was fir.l !..! f,,- ambush and kilted. Albwrt K arrested, and his father held t cessory. Contract on AVeinharil-Ajstoi Li. ' fSpUI ptapatck to Tlie JoroL Astoria. Or., June it. Norris bt ! acting agent of the Weinhard estacH, reports that Xea1r Leback has l- awarded' the contract for driving tha foundation for the new Welrihurd Astorta hotel His bid was II. 9 J ?... BOY W TRIAL FOR MUBDEBINGr SHERIFF , ' (Joorsal Special leTvlee.) . Albion, 111., June 14. Th caas of Da vid Kellems and his 17-year-old son, Al bert charged with th killing of Sheriff Alexander Comnton near Keensbura- De cember 20 last was called for trial to- T7T l'itns-la.: J iXVC GoIc3en --: '.Gate - . SOLDlOKiMEam IflSO i I I 7T1 The Entire V Block On Yamhill From Third to Second , Streets POiiraiiB era mmm so Ol lftrrfT ri rsrvc aiiviimiii a-ri -. r " H The Entire j. v Block PI On Yamhill From i" L Third to Second o'il ; Streets Last Gmrice ; : Giant Crowds Flocking to the 02EA1T EMGSOSiDDDEOglY SALE Portland never saw the like before 150,000 yards of the finest Embroideries thrown out on the counters at prices that give you the greatest bargains you've ever known anywhere. Every Yard at One-Third and One-Half Price Is it any wonder that the crowds are the greatest that ever packed the store? But come and see for yourself you'll find the "bargains greater than you expect? All .kinds, all styles Edges, Insertions, Corset-Cover and Flouncing Embroideries nd, all at prices that give you .two to three yards for the usual price of one. , , ' '" . 1 . WeWillGive $100 PortheBestBusiness Phrase Sent us not later than July 1 It lan't nasessarv to Ba a busi- naaa man or woman to carry off tbls prise. A mere school girl sua-gesiea ' ounny jim me . mat dral tiniiaa that afterward mad him famous and tfc girl turn, tm wnoi requirement is alsrtMsa, Read the Details Then Go In to Win We want you to tell us who we are; you can find out by col lecting the letters of our firm nam as they appear In this se ries or eiint advertisements, ins first one having; appeared June 21. the second June II and th last to appear mis comma; es,iur day, June 2 . waicn ins papers each day. and setback numbers at the newspaper office, .if you have rmasea mem. xou 1 must send In our Arm name, made up at tness letters, loireiner witn your suKfestlon for a good busi ness phrase, such as "You press tha button.' "See that humn." "House of satisfaction," eta sometblns: suitable to a lartre msrehandisins: establishment sell- tng a -commodity that goes into every home. We ar well known. to ' you through our advertise ments in this paper. . .. W will srive 160 - additional prises to those sending- merito rious nnrssea ana our nrm name: we know your effort will ' be worth the prise. 1 If you think and bMrrw you am tout to wta. Vote -In answer to many read- era who have written to know why we had o advertisement la Saturday's pap, we-wish to x- plain that ws saippea eaiuraay s tnataa. The content waa an. Bounced June 11, rlvlngr two let ters In our nrm nam; aunaay w gave two more letters; today w a-iva tnre tetters. Additional iat. f.trm will appear In this paper each oay up iv uu wvAuuius nuat as. Watch for thems Three Letters in Our Name Are: f- 4 and 5-inch Embroideries, worth 12c all in 1 lot, yard.. 5-inch CTJ . f 8-Inch Swiss f X . videries, rJ and Nainsook T I fl jf 12 and 15-lnch wide Floune ing-s, all 39c kinds. lit Finest of 50c Corset Cover Embroideries, choice, . yard. tmi Less than half price 1,000 bolts of fine Val. Laces, Edges and Insertions to match, in the daintiest and handsomest of patterns, all widths, full 12 yards in the bolt. It s by all odds the season s best bargain. Plenty in the lot worth up to $1.00 the Accther Amazing CKerxsd It's Hit Cest Tel Women's 15c Glove Sale One .hundred dozen, of these "Women's ri Spring and . Summer Weight Fabric I Gloves, in tans and grays, jersey wrist, I I , all sizes. Not a pair in the lot worth less I I i than 25c. One day only, choice....... And Here's Another Store-Crowdins Offer 20c Tan Hose Only enough for a one-day sale, so come jn f? early. Ladies Fine Gauge Tan Colored'i 0) r Hose, double soles and heels, all sizes and full fashioned. Never sold under 20c and but two pairs to a customer. Pair. . This week will end the sale of the Beutgen & Fearey. stock of ladies' ari"d children's Shoes. An out-of-town , merchant hEs bought every, pair that is left after.this week's sale is'ove'r. ?. ' ! W.' , ' ' . - ' " ' ' 1 , ' . . "' i ' T I ' The KnifeGoes Into Prices Again r " Jenness Miller M Shoes, cut to, - C O C A the pair.-:.:. : JOm3 Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords, cut 1 CO Jo,, the pair . " That out-of-town merchant should not ge a pair. Women's Muslin Uriderwear The Reason for This Sale : We are. going, to, conduct an exclusive Mens Shoe Store, selling the1 Burt & Packard "Korrect Shape". l aT n kI AtAnf' Iai f fsBtw nm am A ; tirmt ail VI , .JJU11 ujapa uai auivv.u ouvtS . $3-50-$4.00-$5.00 the Pair All $1.25 Values A . small suction 40 dozen and one best" baresin lots . yet offered. The .finest of muslin gowns and skirts; gowns with high' or low neck, lace insertion and richest of ? embroidery ' trimming and tucked effects not a garment in the lot worth less than $1.25, 'choice 89 j etch.' The Most Sensatitnal of AH Handkerchief Sales Women's Finest All Pure Linen Handkerchiefs Worth 35c It s i an offer that's never " been equaled, a t : i i". II xwcry one guaranicca sneer pure xinen, im est 2200 cloth, and you know that's the best , XA and 5-inch hems: every one hem stitched, worth 35c of anybody's money, Li and not a cent less. Choice 3 for 50c, or each Great Sale of Wash Goo& 20c 2nd 25c Vslses Second day of the big sale Ja'P the finest of voiles, j batiste, organdies, lawn u and madras not a single solitary yard worth less than 20c up to 25c pick 'em out at, yard, 8 1-3 e) . - '- . ter Our tastPictae Sa 'And what a sensation it created. Well, this o ne is greater yet and from every standpoint the most tremendous picture-bargain ever offered on the coast. Genuine Oil Paintings Three great lots of them for we closed out the entire surplus stock of one of New York's largest dealers every one a real oil painting- genuine hand painted, in a great ariety of subjects, in elegant gut ana wainut trames every one reaay to nang ana just what you want tor the lots at about half price. - in parlor and dining room decorations U in three great IHT 1 Genuine Oil Paintings. IV I . . mnMA ' e-1 frtmn al If) solid gilt frames, sise 10x12 inches, worth $U5, sale price lilT 7 Choice of large 18x224nch LU1 t pictures, In soUd gilt and walnut frames, $2.50 values 98c IflTl Large 18x22-incn Pic Wl n tit anlif rll tares frames made to sell at $3 nca Pic- ( 1 But Remember, These Specials Are on Sale Only at The Big Bargain Store cr.J No Phcc .' , . . . X. W. SKINNLR :. ' : " ' ' . .',.,. '. . , , . '293:'Mor-risori;Si ADDRESS: , Entire DIoch on ya..:!I!u. mo:.j n n 614 Bsichnnhn B!dg. V I 1 C- ' 1. ' f f i)trtflr I Li i;...Js Uict.l THIRD TO SECOr.D U mm