The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 24, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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1:1111 1 . E? S?V JlT .' z ' y y Tf;Tin-1fjrtT:' '1 -vyr r- t .,; Viff,vy yvr ' -Jivt- w '
Remains of Kidnaped Child Found in Swamp Above New
V - : Orleans and Arrest of Hcnibers of Italian Black- '
,N . r mailers FollovsLjiichinff Threatened.
t , ; ' (Jeansl Special Ssrvtae.) , .
New Orleans, June t4.-The fata of
the Italian child, Walter Laman. kld-
- -BRped by the Black Hand, was disclosed
yesterday when th dead body of th
boy was foand in a swamp back of St
Boss. J 5 mlloa above New Orleans. The
boy's head had been cut oft and the
body, chopped Into pieces, was wrapped
In a blanket and packed In box which
floated on a cane raft, anchored In the
swamp The discovery was due to the
iTla-orons sweating of the suspect,' Ig
'naclo Camplsclano, In the Jefferson par
ish woods by the sheriff's posse and
members of the Italian vigilance com
! nit tee. ' '
- The prisoner weakened end promised
to lead the party to the place where the
body was concealed. But for his guld
. a nee, the body might not have been dis
covered for years. It was a tramp of
nearly two miles through an almost Ira-,
penetrable swamp, the slimy water
reaching to the waists of the officers.
The child evidently had been strangled
10 days ago when the pursuit of the
Black Hand became so hot that it looked
as thojuRh the kidnapers would be
caught. Fearing that the child would
betray them, the kidnapers murdered
him on June it. after they had held
him five dava.
They cut off the head, and chopped
up the body, Intending to send it a
pieoe at a time, to the father to prove
that the Black Hand had Kent its trom
lne to return the child In pieces in case
tney uia not get tne, is.vuu oemanaert.
but the pursuit had grown- hotter and
hotter, and the murderers dared cot
carry out their mimosa. .
- The nolle continued their arrests to
day, raiding the Monteleone house,
where they got nine more members of
the Black Hand. It Is thought that the
whole gang will be caught now that the
woman has beaun to talk. There were
threats of lynching today, and Sheriff
Linn swore In TO extra deoutles armed
with rifles to guard the prisoners. The
boy's funeral at the Bt, Louis cathedral
nls afternoon was attended by 1.000
persona, mostly Italians.
RIO liniTTEl! LB
HAST0BL1 fa .oj harmless . cuktituto for : Oastorl Oil, Paregoric. Drops; and
Soothing Syrup3. It la plcicanfMt contains neither OrimHorphiiia nor
Future King of England Is Public Opinion Changes-- ; other Narcotio Bnbstanco.rIts ago is Jfe guarantco.It decoys Worms m allays
Allowed ButaSMiing; , 0ir imtow- iWsto : "It enres Diarrhea and Wind Colic. . It relieves Teething Troubles,
. " . . I , n 1I if -1 TTI . A t I ' . . m va . ". M . ......
cures uonsupauou ana xiaiuienoy. ; it assimilates tno x ood, regulates tne btcmaca
and Bowels, giving ;healthyand .natural deep. . Tho children's Panacca-rTho
Hothefs Friend.'
; Merrymakers Chilled and
"Sunday Complexions ,
' Spoiled. - . "
i ' (Journal Bpecul feartle.) I ,
Kew Tork, Juno 14. -A heavy blanket
of fogj thicker than that which visits
Ban rranclsoo, drifted over Coney
Island Sunday afternoon and caused the
crowd to rush homeward early. : The
foe was so thick that the motonnsn n
trains and trolleys had ' to let their
cars creep back to the city. Fearing ac
cidents, the motormen picked their way
Trips took twice long as usual and
the congestion at the stations was
great. The hotels and restaurants at
Manhattan Beach, Brighton and Coney
Island suffered. Many ; parsons who
bad ordered tables reserved on the ver
anda were balked when they cams to
face the wet. chilling veil that had
rolled in from tho ocean. Starched
ahorta and, walsta. Marcel waved coif
fures. Bundav complexions, and men's
straw hats showed the effects of the
moisture.' It.waa a limoi bedraggled
crowd that returned from the pleasure
rssorts. ,., .. . ...
In the heavy fog which hung over
amalca Bay. the Barren Island ferry
loata, Frank . and Helen - MoAvey,
grounded on a' sans bank three miles
from Canaries shore on -. the evening
trio from Barren Island They had
ISO passengers aboard. They wars res
cued by the police boat
' ' (Joans! Special terviee.)
London, June 14. Prince Edward.
eldest son of tho Prince of Wales, re
ceived today tho first formal recog
nition of his royal blood slnoo ha en
tered tho Naval : oollega. Xt was Ms
thirteenth birthday, and It was marked
by the playing of the National anthem
before the whole college, followed by a
royal salute. - - t
The young prince, who has won the
approval of his schoolmates by avoiding
"side." is generally popular. He Joins
In all the sports, , and is regarded as a
sport. By speclsl order alt letters ad
dreaaed to him are opened by the com
mander, the object being to prevent him
receiving remittances of money, which
sympathetic relatives might send to
him. He is allowed a shilling a week
ss pocket money, and he gets nothing
more. Jit is financially, probably, ths
poorest of all student a -
(Joaraal Special Service.) '
, Ths XIagus, Juno 14. Russia received
a high compliment for its methods of I
treating ths wounded In battle from
President Bemeert of the Land War
Commission. In an addres upon ths
subject ths president referred to the
methods employed In the Russian army
as tending toward the modern desire to
softsn the usages of war. After the
addreas ths commission was divided
Into telwo sections. The first section will
be the Improvement of ths international
law determining . the usages of . war
along the lines suggested by Bernaert
The second section 'will discuss the
ignts and obligations of neutral nations
urns oc war. -
(Jonrsal Special Service.)
Klchmond, Va, June 14. A special
term of eourt convened today at Hous
ton, Halifax county,-for ths trial of
Judge ,W. a Loving, charged, with ths
murder of Theodore Estea It is re
ported that there la to be an effort mads
W. 0. Lorlnf, oa Trial.
'Second Trial of AUeged Briber, la
(Joarat) Speeisl Servle.)
Little Rook. Ark- June S4. The r
of A, W, Covington, the former state I
senator under indictment for aliened
Drioery in conection witn tno state cap
Itol bill, is to come ud for its aevin(t
trial this week. Ths first trial , was
held laet April and resultsd la a dls-1
agreement; or tno jury. -
a postponement.
7I:d BipTjoot find! off a Ghco
BOOSt for srfr fa weieif la iWo sMsefTi
writh Urn mmm cmvme mmd Km own tabkt mf vonimoi.
niVSTTZATBl mmgmxkf g 1km mUtmr la mm MJL-nSTIOM
Hmmtf. Tbm mmm prmmamlm mm mvmmwbmtmlng
tbm mtbmm mm swrssoaie tmmmagm mi fhsOmmieO
Omm mf thmmm
Tob ycaxs ago I created a new type of magazioo the ALL-FICTIOM oisgssina
distinct type the ALHU.US1 KA lc.V roagasme.
scfioejsj m mm
Each fa m i
mm fii fas veil mtHJcfmm
Now I am creating another
i nu it ths age oi ipeciacution. I be conventional magazine,
with its smattering of illiistratioos and its imatterisg of fiction and its smattering of special articles, doesn't contain
enough of any one thing to make h satisfying. The ALL-FICTION. magasia and the ATL-ILLUSTRATEO
magazine, Joioed together as a snit, streogthen each other, and make Kmsthkg ically big and forceful and convincing. ..
The Only Way to Know a Thing is tit -Try. It
The two-section tnagaxioe idea fa brand-oew to the world. It, is not eoite new with ms, however, as 1 have
given It, at odd times, four or five year of thought It tint came into mj mmd in response to s desire to couple, in -
' some way, the strength ef ths all -actios magazine with ths illustrated features of ths conventional magazine. It has
been a difficult problem to work out Now that the ides is perfected, I wish to see what there is hi it It looks to
' me to be very good, but the oair way to koow a thing is to try it , ..
Two Magazines for a Quarter Easy Money
. v : The price oi this two-part magtuilne U twenty-Hre oeatM, which ia equal to twelte ' : i
mod one-ball cent magazine. Most magazine which were selling at ten eeata ,
; hare been advanced to fifteen cents. THS SCRAP BOOK in two part means two
, magsudnca-for twenty -& re cent against thirty cents for two fifteen cent "Hra, .
Now Ready on all News-stands
FRANK A. MUNSEY, . . . New York
..'I S ' ' , iM.'v,
2 O. R- & N.
ens Saturday, June 29
The fine passenger steamer T, J. POTTER will leave Ash street dock at 10:30 a. rru of that
date and regularly thereafter throughout the season according to published schedules, for
Illwaco and All Beach Points
Round Trip Ticktts $4.00
Saturday to Monday Tickets $2.50
THAT TRIP EAST-r-Next Sale Dates July 3, 4 and &
Portland to Chicago and Return $71.50 Tickets t Qeod for Ninety bays
Correspondingly Reduced Rates to
Other eastern Cltie and to the
Get full particulars at the City Ticket office of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company'
C. VV. STINGER, City Ticket Agent, Third and Washington Sts Portland, Or, ;, -
- ': 'j WM, lcMURRAY General Passenger Agent
Theodore EsteaV the Victim.; t
offense. Nevertheless, the so-called un
written law. will ia all probability be
uikuv m, dshis ror tne aerenae. It is
exDected thAt Jni, Tvin m
that at the time of the shootlns- h
honest in his conviction that his daugh
ter had Buffered at ths hands of stes.
. V 7rllLb necessary for Miss Loving
to tske the stand In suoh a defense, and
the community Is on ths qui vlve to
learn how far shs wilt go In her testi
mony to shield her father. She Is de
pended 4Jpon to at least demonstrate
that she gave him cause tn haiiv th.
! worst, however v unwlttlnn-lv it
I given v..
Whlld visltlnsr a frlenl in
try Miss Loving went bumt.rMin, tv.
Estes. According to ths story now gen
erally believed she became faint and
her escort gave her a drink of liquor to
A t. r n " unusea to liquor. It
I maun uvi netrin, nr nnp ninAta
her father hurried at once to the home
of her friend, where she was staying,
snd got a. rather Incoherent statement
from her which led him to belie v thmt
young Eetes had been guilty of a mortal
crime. He went at once to where the
young man. unconscious Of what was
impending, was unloading a freight
Waving two negro helpers out of
way, judge Loving shot down
young man and then marched himself
off to Jail to announce that ti hi
wipeu oui ins siain on nis ramny sama
i J ammmxmmknwmwmmmmmm ' , ' V
Steamer I4ne to Connect the
New York Central and
. Tehauntepec Line.
? (Joeretl Spedal Serviee.) vi"
Mexico City, June t4.The Mexican
government is said to have offered lib-!
ersl Inducements to the Vanderbllt sys
tem to routs their transcontinental traf
fic over the National Tehauntepec rail
road. It is stated hsra en good author
ity that ths Vandsrbllt interests will
establish1-a line of .steamships to ply
between Kew York , and Coatsacoallos,
tns Attanno terminus or the National
Tehauntepec line, and between Ballna
rus, me racuic terminus, ana Call.
iornia ana oriental points. Ths ' pro-1
puanu mrrajiKcineni is saia 10 oe tne out
come of failure of - negotiations by
v.vinuiniib vuueflkVufTCi nave ins rs
clflc Mall steamship llns give its trans
continental traffic exclusively to the
Tehauntepec route, instead of dividing
n. w voumm, wno is investigating
ths situation on behalf of ths Vanderbllt
lines, i now in tne isinmus or Tehaun
teneo for the Dumose of . nhtelnin
personal knowledge of the facilities af-
xoraeq oy, tno national Tehauntepec in
us4iuuisj w irsiiii;. . .. .;
Pally JtlTsr Hxcuraioas ie Oregon City.
steamer Altona leaves 1 Main street
7:10 and 11:30 a. m.. and 3:80 p. m.;
returning leaves uregon t.ltv :I0 a m.
snd l-'SO and 6:S0 P. m. Hound trio 45c.
Tickets exchanged with O. W. P. cars.
and has no. equal for delightful scenery.
JEhglishnian Weds Boston GirL
' : V (Joaraal BdccIsI SerrlM.i
London. June 14.-.At at UiwihI'i
church, Westminster. Miss Marv King
oN,rmn, unuanier or uenerai ana, mtu.
Thomas Sharwin of Boston, Mans., was
iimiwou iuum id oir wuiianv JjOS
Warner of London. Mnnv
prominent in society attended the cere
mony. The- brides-room la tha haat nf
a famous English pubUshln house and
ThoTInd Yon Eavo Always Bought, and which ha3 been In uc3 for oyer
30 years, has borno " tho Eignaturo of Ohas. E Fletcher, and has been Wade under :
his personal enpervision sinco Its 'infancy. Allow no one to decciro you in this. :
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-gqod n are but Experiments that trifle with'
and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiments r
Letters! from Prominent Physiciahs
tfi tlslVsa thsa aan neeskf f s eirtevt a rfma
making the trial for the first part of
October. Ths court has mads all prep
arations ior tne tnai, nowever, ana it
Is believed that Judge Barkadale will
order it to proceed without further de
lay, unleas good reasons are given for
he line of defense Is something efl
mystery, and not ths slightest In. I
dlcatlon has been given ss to what itl
wiu m. Bince tne amine duduo sen
timent in regard to the case has under
gone a considerable change. Many per
sons are now of the belief that the
young victim was guilty of no mortal
t sssass,aiaM.Mriw ' 1
,i i 1 1 1 1 M i, i,
slmilarrrj tfjtFlxjflantJRctfu
Promotes DidntionJQmfi
Opiuiuifarphine norfHaenLl
aesW SmJm .
JbiStmm .
JkttSOH .
, srauaAsVs
SnSaHsTflWssTI M sbWBH
Anerfcct Remedy forOmsfti-
Hon . Sour Stoi.Dtarrhoa
ness andLoss or SlZZR
FcSWIe Signator T
WIMU tt"vjt
I mt Cuarardeed uroWti- rood .
. X)r. T, OertJd.IlIattQsf, ct Baffalo, N. T, says a Tottr Castoria ts rood
for cbCdrsa and I frequentlx prescribe It, alwart obtIoia tha deeired
results.' , ,;-:,:;:v:':;;;y.-v;v;..;;"; ;;
Dr. Gastm "JL Elaentraeber, of Et ttil, iTintt, says; 1 Lsts se4
four Castoria repeatedly la my practice wlta food results, tad caa reoota.
mend It as an eioelleaCinOd end ttannleas remed for children .v. f,
Vt.TL 3. Vtnnlt, ef St tonls, M6-, sajs: "I bare need end prescribed
four Castoria la tnj sanitarlnm and outside practice) for t number ef years
and find It to be en excellent remedy for children - s'
Dr. 8. JL Buchanan, of Philadelphia, Pa, aayat 1 have used yottr Cat
torla la the case of my own baby and. find It pleasant to take, and bite"
btalned excellent results from Its mse :T:r;.;ivV
Dr. J. XL Simpson, of CbJcacpa, IA aysr 1 bare used yonr Castoria In
eases of collo la children and bare found it the beat medicine of Its kind
' oa the market" C ', ';-; -? 7, , ; ; v ? ;:
Dr. XL B. Esktldson, of Omaha, Nett, saysf " find your Castoria to htm
standard family remedf. It Is the best thinf for Infants and children I
bare.eTer known and I recommend U ' ' r . .c :
Dr. L XL Robinson, of Kansas city. Mo, atysr "Tour Castoria eertalaly
bag merit Is not Its ace, Its continued use by mothers threogh all these'
years,1 and the many attempts to Imitate It 'sufficient recommendation! '
Jttrhat can a physician add? . Xeare It to the mothers." 1.
Dr. Edwin y, Pardee, of New Tork City, sits: "For several years I bate
recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to do so, as It baa.
Invariably produced beneficial results." V ',' v : ' 7,
Dr. N. B. Blser, of Brooklyn, N. T says: "J object to what are called,
patent medicines, where maker alone knows what Inrredlents are put la
them, but I know the formula of your Castoria and advise Itanse.")' "..
csriuifio CASTORIA auvayoB;
eari ths Sijpiatara of
saw Mas' " " SW . VT ,jssn m m .
'.7 1
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
The Kind You Have Always BougM
' vs MmM MiHn, rreeaaev evaasiv aswvaaaeers. ;
, Every package of GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES is VERY HEAVY. Ask your grocer
to prove to you that you get full weight; GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES is the grain coffee.
Do not say that GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES tastes like other cereal coffees, because it
does taste like 45-cent coffee, if made right and not too strong. (Remember, please, that water
is cheap in Oregon.) . , .
Golden Grain Gri Can Be Had in All Up-lo-Dafe
Grocery Stores in Uie United Slates and
Canada, and Also in the Follbwing Cities:
(Railroad Center.)
J. A. Austin,;
Bttbt &. Whitman. ..'
- Haskell &Colvin. 7
(A Beautiful City.) ,
Ebner Bros.
' J. W. Ebner.
($15,000 Payroll 'Per Month,
Factory Center, Paper'.
r . MUVEtcV .' -
Millsap & Son. ,
G. T, Cotton. " ,
Bach & Buhl.'-,
"George L. Allen. , .'. ' "
(Has ' the Agricultural 1 Col-
lege ot uur state.;
' E. B. Horning. , -"
. Victor P, Moses. ,
A. Hodes, -r
" ,R. L. Taylor.
Thatcher & Johnson.
(Woolen Mill,. Flour
' 'Sawmill). t
Fred Rock Mercantile Co'.'
Ingraham Bros. & Co.
7 . -C. & J, Gehlen.'"- ;
- t W. A. Wright
'; ' ;kerber & Klecker. ' "
. G. D. Trotter.. ' '
i'J.V,. -7:': . . ; i ' .. . -. , ' "J
Anv out-of-town erocer desiring a full-sized package can get one free of , charge by, writing
name and address on letter-head and mailing the same to Golden Grain Granules ales Head-J
quarters, 1Z Front street, rtiana, uregon. ; , ; . t . , 1 ; f .t ...v 1 '
Allen & Lewis, lang & Co., Mason, Ehrman & Co.- JE7sdbams &
Co. and Wadtiaihs & Kerr Bros- Supply Retail Grocers in Oregon
(Hops and Lumber Center.)
"',,' George Cusiter. ;
' Julius Aim,' ' ' ' .
. Thompson & Dullum.
B, R. Bentson.v '. ' 1
.'" ! ,, j '' "V ' '
(Railroad and Distributing
f" j $ Centef.) j .(7:
4 'f 7 Ovrtn Beam Co.-; ' .yu
' W,'A. Eastburn7"T
- r S. E., Young & Son,' 1 '
V ' W. I. .Christy.
EIHs & Son. ' '
n the author ot several books of travel.
ir has a handsome town house ana also
a mag-ninoent estate jn eurrey.
It vau ' haven't " ths tlms to ' exercise
constipation. Ther Induce 4 mild, easy,
Aealthfui action or tne oowets witnout
griping. ; Ask your druggist for them. 15o.
- i;..---,. ' i '"::f':7it:":.,7
. u Ooerasl flpeclsl Serviee. I ; , .
Plnrni fl n Inn, i4.1rtM.. nf l.
Corporation were filed today tot . the 1
with Faterson, Kew Jersey, and Delhi,
New TorK, parties as tne incorporators.
The authorised capital stock Is $60,000.
000. The' road Is to- start at Portland,
Maine, and run 1,000 miles to San
Francisco, touching New York and
7- Man Missing at Astoria. :
Astoria, Or., June Z4. H. Morgan, one
of the crew of the echooner Fred E."
Sander; loading; lumber at the Clatsop
mill for San Francisco, has been miss
ing Bince Thursday evening, and Is sun
posed to hav been drowned. When last
seen he wss lying on the dock in an.
Intoxicated condition. It Is believed he
tell evsrboereV .
The world, is full; of a
, nonymqus - coffee: "Java
and Mocha." v
Who : r e t'u r n s your
money it you don't like
Vm? : -
Tear ire est rersros rear neber It ss s'oat
Cks SceUUsf's Bst we pat siav - ;