i 10 HIE OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE 19. 1007. V Classified Advertise ments received too late for insertion in these pages will be found on Page 13. j; REAL ESTATE ', TRANSFERS. Roman Catholic Archbishop to ', Edward J. Glnsser. lot 88. seo-. i';: tlon 3, or "C," Mt Calvary cera ; etery -. . ! Martin Mot'ller to Goodard Hof San Francisco Office 789 Markct,St.f bet. 3d & 4th ADYETISnESCEWTl AITD SUB . BCKIPTIOWS BECEITED. Oregonlans when in San Francisco nn have their mall eant In car of Th Journal offlcd ARTHUR L. FISH. Representative strand, east of lota 18 and 14. block It. Burraae tract. 1. v TOO George H. Not tare, trustee .et al... ; 'ft, to uoooara Horstrand. west 1 H of lota It and 14. block 12. ' ' Title Guarantee A TrVst com pany .to Fred Zlegler, "lot II. block a.' South St. Johns.,... 200 Point View, Real Estate company - . to rrea .tiegier, iota. ana . 4. block Is, Point View 210 6r.- BELT WANTEDMALE. & WANTED BRIGHT. YOUNG MAN TO v learn real estate, business; excep tional proposition at the present time. Apply 616 swetland bldg.; bet. z and WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MARE (100 to , 1160 per , month; some even more; stock clean, grown on . reswva tlon. far from old orchards; cash ad vanced weekly; choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co.. Top. VOR ABSTRACTS, TITLE 1NSUR ance or mortgage loans, call on Pacific Title A Trust Co., 204-6-9-7 Falling bldg. OET YOUR INSURANCE AND All stracta to real estate from the Title ITrnlil Wftf (Guarantee A Trust Co., i40 WasblngifiaJL W.lUlW . .Jl.. f 11 1 . - VrM Amnio vm Ant to all f hnirdAM1 ral penlsh. Washington. WK GET WORK FOR OUR MEMBERS; . special members, $2,, Y, M. C A 4th and Yamhill sts. . MEN, AT ONCE. FOR" CLERKS ""OR" carricrar Portland- poatomca; oppor. tunlty to advance; ' We prepare you for examination. Call or write Immediate ly. Pacitto States Schools, McKay bldg.. city, HELP WANTED-FEMALE WANTEJO PASTRY COOK FOR home bakery and delicatessen; expe rienced. Inquire 460 H Jefferson. ' J RANTED STENOGRAPHERS FOR circular work, and dictation. . Call at 07 Couch bldg, ' - FURNISHED ROOMSFOR RENT OSBORN : HOTEL, GRAND AVE. AND E. Ash'; furnished (rooms, alnirle and en suite. J. worinrup, proprietor, WANTED LADY CLERK; ALSO lady to do mending and cleaning. . 343 Morrison at' .., .:? wanted-operATOrA 6N pMoNES. AodIv 107 Commonwealth Bldg. WANTED FIRS WAITRESS AN15 A iftn chambermaid at Hobart Curtl. ana jerrerson. ALL KINDS OF HELP WANTED AT the A. B. C. Employment agency, 124 H Morrison at. Phone Main 3022. ' WANTED GIRL TO COOK IN SMALL yninRlcilEUEW; 33 h "R tlt ST. Elegantly furnished; steam heat and Trn3'HEH.ER,i,2fl64 GRAND AVfil Fu rnlahed housekeeping rooms; suites; modern , fireproof brick : gas , ranges, electrio and gas lights;. bath and telo- pnone; rates reasonaoia UNDERTAKERS ;MAX M. SMITH. FLORIST. 150 6TH ! St., opposite Meier, k Frank'. Main 7X1D, I jTpTFINLEY A SONS. SD AND MADI i . son eta. Oftice of county coroner. i Phone Main , NEW TODAY. INCOME INVESTMENT ; 75x100 East Oak iu betweon East Second -and . East Third; solid ground; solid street Wilbur Hotel , -tory building, leased five years; lease guaranteed. Nets Over 7? .v;. Yearly for entire flva yeara. ' New' East Side freight depot to be cross street; Mt Hood Electric line in. " front. , - ', Take a look at - this. : , Price surrounding property and you . will aee this Is a barrain. The ground .alone la worth,, price,. askeLlnsid. of . two years this place will be worth over 121,000. PRICE NOW $18,000 IU, 000 cash will handle, balance at 6H per cent , DON'T WAIT TOO LONG. ' Bee owner. . H. B. McEVEN ., X-' ia now stkeet. Wtonast Kaln 81731 A-8173. : . ; Bargain by Owner $I,000--New modern ' 6-roem house, partly furnished; good location, full basement, gas, all kinds fruit, choice rosea, nice lawn, Improved street, 6-itln-ute car aervlce. Part cash, balance 6 per cent. Call today, 828 E. 11th at north. Phone East 6235. A R. HEMSTOCK. FUNERAL Di rector." East 13th and Umstllla. Phone Sell wood 71. Lady assistant nitVNIVrt M'KNTEK 'A nTOTTTTfj7 1 undertakera and embalmers; modern In every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 430. Lady assistant. zelLer-byrnes 6 ' fI'NerAL i1- rectors, embalmers, tit Russell. East 1088. Lady assistant, t EDWARD' HOLM AN." tNDERf AkM. 220 3d at. ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO.. AND embalming. 409 Alder at Main 8133. Lady assistant CEMETERIES RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES, 110: family lota, stae 10x16, for tl00 and tip wards, according to sice; the only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains and cures for lots. For full information, apply to W. R. Mackenzie, Worceater block, city. W. M. Ladd. president. ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES, $10; family lots, f 25 to $75. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont at and Cully road. Phone Tabor 206. For full information apply to Frnnk Schlegel 601 Commercial blk. Phone Main 2823. FUNERAL NOTICES. if-rrxTT tORl IMWU, Ull Free employment to all: boarders' rates tt.60 per weok; room, 25c and up; spe cial monthly ratea given. .. Anderson, proprietor. FIRST-CLASS HARNESS MAKERS steady employment .The P. J. Cronln Company. ' . . TvO r6y wANfEij to Learn1 tinners' trnde. Inquire 271 1st at WANTED SASH AND D.'OR BILL cutter, man to run Invincible Sander, man to put uo sash and a clailer. Ora- gon Planing Mills. lth and Vaughn sts. family: fair .wages: ,748 East Burn trte. pnone Knst I7. p. isner on iin iurs; wora in year; highest wagea paid and percentage in THE COLONIAL. COR. 10TII,. AND -Morrison,! block west of Portland hotel First-class rooms and board; rates reasonable; transient and table board accommodated. HANDSOMELY , FURNI&HED .COR- ner aulte: will rent reasonable to gen-. Itlemen; batn, not water,, ooin pnenes. 44 Morrison at.; liat jij can arier m. -.....-..-'" - -' ' SOLMER RESORTS BEACH PROPERTY, v The finest beach property ever offered, Joining' Breakera hotel property, to be nown as -' Manhattan Beach"; 260-aere tract, a portion with building restria tlons; other unrestricted: easy terms.. A. C. CHURCHILL CO., . no Second St., city, LOCKSLEY WALL SEASIDE,' 6k.. t)R. P. L. Auatln, proprietor, assisted by L. A.Carlyle; rates from $12.60 per week up; ratea ana reservations may be made now wnn it. Ausiin, annum, najeign Diag. ' 1 block from depot and P. O.i newly furnlahed; first-class restaurant In con nection, home cooking, reasonable rates. Mrs. Q. F. Whltehouse, prop. ' ' business to the right party., A. Kemer, K Wmlilli.tlill .,, WANTED HORSESHOER FOR FLOOR" work. Call 124 N. 7th st - EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES; GOOD wages: steady positions. Lennon's Glove, Umbrella and Hosiery Store, 308 Morrison. , . , . WANTED--A GOOD GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. .. $30 Park at, nqar jMnraet. WANTED YOUNG LADIES .TO study telegraphy; positions at .good wages when competent Oregon College, M uommownaitn Diag. WILL LET CONTRACT TO 8INK 60 foot shaft on copper 1 edits and give Interest In mine far same. w. E. Jones, 291 Alder. GOOD BOY WANTED IN PAPER BOX factory; steady poaitton. Apply F. C. Stottler. )0th and Gllsan eta. WANTED AT ONCE BRIGHT BOYS over 1$ years to learn the buatneaa. jtoberts Bros. WAITED A NURfeE 6tftL FllOiJli Union 3386. ' GIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN PA-pcr-box factory; steady, clean work. F. Cy Stettler. 10th and Gllsan sts. MALE AND FEMALE HELP MEN1 AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN plumbing, plastering, blocklaylng, electrical trades; free catalogue; posi tions secured. Coyne Trad Schools, New Tora ana Ban rrancisco 157 In WE PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Oregon: divorce cases specialty. most cases clients need not appear in court Moderate fees. Address A-318 Journal. WANTED A PORTER AND 0600 11 round man; must nave knowledge of electric elevator. Address B-63. Journal. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PANTSMAK- ers. Nlcoll, the tailor, 108 8d at WANTED AMBITIOUS PEOPLE TO call at 111 6th at and investigate the opportunities open to them by a course of study with the International Corre spondence Schools of 8cranton; no expa- rimem; inuurpcu vy inoumnaa. STENOGRAPHERS. BOTH MALfil'AiW female, good positions open with beat flrma; no charge. Underwood , Type writer w, s am si. AGENTS, SALESMEN AND SOUClf ors. If there is any article you wish to handle but don't know where to get it come or write. Solicitors' A Sales men's Headquarters. 86 6th st Main 188. room In private family; gaa.. phone and bath, close In. 110 Columbia st 1 $10 "mt THREE-ROOM, FURNISHED f flat, close In. west,,al(J, . 63 SevenUi st. pnone Kast ioov. FURNISHED ROOMS mCE, DESIR- able. 180 North 18th st. fTiE dlUND, '-y. bh6TAHo6MH for gentleman, .81.26 per week and up. FINE COMFORTABLE FURNISHED rooms, piano, close in. Inquire 201 10th, corner Taylor. HOTEL AVALON (EUROPEAN) 413 Washington st, 4 block west of Im perial hotel, newlv furnlahed rooms, alnala or aultea. hot and cold water, ateam heat, electric light, bath and all modern convenlencea; . permanent room- era and tourist solicited; rates to gm tlemen. TWO Ga. doublerooms, one with aloov. Bath. Roth ohones. Quiet. vtEL r6VaL-i68 4tk; NiCE rooms. 60 cents, $1 per night; ft to $6 per week. ' ' ' ' FURNISliED " k66M, ELECTRIC light and batn. 736 Raleigh,- Horn phone A-8786. 'm . Furnished ; and npartments at 448 heat and ga ranges. tfNFt'RNistfED Clay' st; ateam FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING $1.60 WEEK UP LARGE, CLEAN furnished housekeeping-room, laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman at, south, Portland. WE WANT ENERGETIC MEN 6r $126 WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED BURKE Jane. wife , of Joseph Burke, mother of Kate, John and Thomas Burke; age 43 years. Funeral from residence, Thursday morning. 9 a. m.; Ladles of Royal Circle take no tice.. Residence 1298 E. 8th N.; Wood- lawn car; one block north of Alnsworth ave. . NOTICES.- SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- ceived by me at my office. No. 7 1st St., Portland, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon of -Wednesday, June 28, 1907, tor the fol lowing personal property located at South Bend. Wash.: One stock of general merchan- dine, inventoried at.. $ 6,877.16 One store building, on leased ground, Inventoried at (Together with fixture and light belonging to the bldg.) Two horses, wagon and har ness. Inventoried at Three cash- registers, : Inven toried at . .' One large safe, Inventoried at. One lot of miscellaneous store fixture 1,260.00 800.00 1,425.00 276.00 1,449.00 1 JREAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. , B. F, Stevens, trustee, to T. O. Lee. block 2, Chicago Center .$ 1,400 Mary N. Millard to B. R. and , Nettle L. Galbraith, lot 6, block i 1. Roselawn $75 Anna C. Smith to Enterprise In ! vestment company, west 60 feet of lot 1, block 6, Buck- " ' man' addition; also 17x50 ,- fet adjoining' south of above - lot 100 John and 1 Josephine P. Carlson - to T. M. Word, 2 acres of Sel- , i don Murray Donation Land .Claim in aection 1, township 1 ' south, range 1 east - 6,000 l Cummina Merrill to John H.' Carlaon, lot 7, Merrill' ad dition 700 Mary L. and James Steel to Mary A. Thompson, lot 6. block 64. 1.700 3. E. and D. A. Westervelt to -W. A. Chcaley, lot 3, block 4. ' ' - Sunnyslde addition 100 , . Mary B. and L. L. Cook to C. M. Murray, lot, 8, block 13, , Portsmouth 800 Otto and Anna Welbel to Arthur and Mary Probst, lot 12, block 6, York addition 1,300 Mary A. Thompson to A. Llp - man, lot 6, block 64, Caruthers' " addition to Caruther' addition 2,600 , Cummlng Merrill to Frank C. . Young, lot 6, Merrill's addition 666 , Cummlnga Merrill to Lowell A, Young, lot 4, Merrill's addition. 665 3 John A. Gilbert et al. to M. L. . Holbrook. lot 6, block 2, Market street addition 800 Elteabeth P. Keinath to M. L. Holbrook, lot 8 and south or lot 7, block 2, Market street ! addition 1,600 Cummlng Merrill to - John H. Carlson, lot 8, MerriU'a ad- ? dttion 666 Cummlnga Merrill to Lowell A. and Frank C. Young, lot 6. ! Merrill's addition 666 , KIna M. D. and J. M. Haberly -to Llnna J. Wolfe, wet 33 1-3 feet of lot 10, block 6, Bartsch Park addition 2,400 , John W. and Anna Fllnk to C. . - W. and Anna A. Mowev, lot 8, block 1, Rochelle 600 v Lydia E. and Felix R. Mitchell to Alma H. Crockett, west 30 feet of lot 18. and east 10 feet of lot , 17. block 16, Williams Avenrn addition 2,500 George M.' and Cora E. Haines to Harriet Gumbert, east 2"Vi feet of lot 9, block 308, Coucli ad- dttion 5,000 S. E. Taepleman to -Elliott B. and Mary E. Tufford, southeast Vt . of northeast 14 of section 4, fbwnship 1 south, range 4. east, containing 40 acres 1,600 James D. and Mary G. Hart to ' . -Sanitarium company, lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 6 and 6. block 1. Br'oad- ; ' view, excepting west 100 feet. 1,890 ! Paschal and Tillio Hill to Laurel Lodge No. 186, I. O. O. F.. west t H or lots 16 and 17, block 3, Hills addition to. St. Johns... 700 ; Norris R., and Lena M. Cox to Patrick Berry, 100x100 feet . commencing at point on south ', line of Flanders street, 410 feet i west from Intersection with -west line of ,21st 10.500 ' . Duncan C and Aramlnta Jane ; y Shearer to Patrick Berry, lot 3, 1 block 268. Holladay' addition. 4,500 John B Matthews to Louise Sum mers, lots 11. 12 and 13, block 4. Maegly Highland ' 10 U. S, National bank to Thomas :r P. ana isaneiia u. nanseu, east - H or lots, 1 and 2. block 30, Sullivan's addition . . . - 600 , Security Savings A Trust com pany to J. M. McGavin. lot 13. lock 12, Belle, Crest . . . . - Frank and Mary Schwarxhack to Annette Benbow. subdivision "F," In lot I, Wock 4. Portland t Homestead' L. E.' Simmons to Edith C. Col bum, lot 18. blmk IS. Orljr- , Inat plat of Cltv View Park A. B and JVj-H.' Nunn to William J. flosslia lota IS. 14 and 16, Mock 29, : Willamette Heights additlott Clinton J.1 and Carra jonea to T. 8. McDaniel, lot 8. 8. 10 and 1 J. block 2. Albfna Heights... 10 8. -T. and flattie E. Priestly to Carri Burton, lot 11. block ' U Foxchaso addition 1,100 2, Total . ................ . . tlO.B7.l Term cash. Certified check for . 10 per cent of the amount offered must.ap' company each bid. and the right if'te? erved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen on application and property may be Inspected at South Bend, Wash. Dated at Portland, Or., this 12th day of June, 1907. l R L. SARIN. No. T 1st st. BIDS WILL 3E RECEIVED BY THE county commissioners of Multnomah county, Oregon, up to 10 o'clock a. m., July 8, 1907, when bids will be opened for the building of 10,160 Veet of road in townships 1 north and 1 south, range 4 east, known as the Littlepage road. Plans and specifications may be seen In the office of the county surveyor, Fort land. Or. WANTED AT ONCE. BRIGHT BOY to learn the business; alao boy over It to work a assistant janitor. Rob ert Broa. BARBER WANTED. NONUNION, first class man: good ateady position. 606 Washington st. REPRESENTATIVES. WANTED THAT r well--prrsenfeai'n-' known, to handle a high class security In Califor nia. Free trips to Investor to inves tigate; security. Good contracts, guar anteeing salary and commission. Good man should make at least from $3,000 and up. yearly. Call ' or write, stating past experience. 207 Couch bldg. GOOD CANVASSERS WANTED; WILL start you on guaranteed ware, addiv after 8 p. m.. room 67 Labbe bldg. women; we nay salary and com m in Ion; our agents now making $30 to $60 wee, ti. Alice, ng Htark st WANTED WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS to work In fruit cannery. Apply to Holme Canning Co.. East 8th and Di vision at. HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED: mate or xemaie. n. u. Drake, 206 V Washington st. Pacific 1370. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER. OPE rator of Remington typewriter, can figure lumber and manage office end of lumber business; age 35, unmarried. Add res Q-6, Journal. vhouaekeeninr-rooms. carl or. bath. laundry, furnace heat, yard. SOtVs Sun ton st U car. v THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient roomo, reasonable. . 7th and Flanders et. SUITE OK 4 ROOMS, FURNISHED for housekeeping, 168 13th. near Mor rison. Phone Main 6935. References. BUSINEbt, CHANCES Z -. vjnvr, nwjviHur fTJ. I26H Morrison St., suit t, Phone Main 1668; headquarter for real estate and business opportunities of every description;- also ' few choice homesteads and timber .claims, etc.; few .special bar gains. ' . . ? t - ) ' $7.000 Half cash, 1 buy first-class saw mill with large amount of timber. : $10,000 buy one of the finest 8-room strictly modern, new house on Port land Height; splendid corner lot, ele gant view. See my exclusive agent Th Coast Realty Co. $1,000 buy confectionery store, with 9, living room, very close In city; rent free, a money maker. . . i $1,000 buys SDlendld navlnsr clear and stock of candy, etc., . best location in city, good leaae, cheap rent, going away, ell at Inventory. , ; $15,000 buy first-class manufacturing Business, with stock on hand,-at invoice. $8,000 Half Interest In manufactur ing company. $1,600 buy sho stor at invoice, food location, new stock. $7,000 Well paying dalrWirm, short dlatance from .. Portland, . .other, all prlcea. . . , $7,000 Half "cash, buy nearly new, strictly modern long lease, steam-heated rooming-house of "76 .rooms; beat lo cation. ' K-i- i ,:V-.- ' $8.600 Half cash, buy nearly nw, modern, brick lodalnr-house. beat lo cation. . 1500 Half cash, buys IS room, clos In. others, all sices. , $1,000 buys 160 acres, wheat ranch, in eastern Oregon, coat nearly $2,600; muat sell; other, all lse; also- re linquishment. $500 buy half Interest In large well paying restaurant; look it up. $760 and services secure good pav ing real estate buainesa for live man. 81.000 Half cash, burs half intereat In wellUcnown real estate office; doing an ' excellent business; trial allowed right party. N , ii&o buy weu paving employment agency, must be sold; other business opportunities of every kind. - XMHi tUAHi kual 1 1 - 22ft Morrison st. Suite 2. Phone Main 1668, V FOR SALE REAL ESTATE, f FOR BALE FOUR-ROOM COTTAOW n Sellwood carllne; a good buy at $1j100; $200 cash, balance $16 per mo. . Three-room house near 89th and Eat Sherman ts.; lot 60x100; ' four block from carllne; $700: $200 cash,, balance monthly Installments. . New five-room . house, all' moderns, nice fireplace, basement porcelain bath, up-to-date I t $2,600; good term; near 8th and Bat Taylor. v- v , 100x100, corner lot; store below, lx room flat above; on L carllne; good In vestment; $8,600, w - Five-room house and lot. Miller av Sellwood; $1,300; $400 cash, balanc. terma. - j $600 buy nicely located 4ot on South Portland Heiahta. with lovely view of river an mountains; car. ervlceon" wnranu VaThoouver'" carlHef.'uD-tos date; good terms; $2,000, i, , . B. 8. COOK ft CO., . ' - s-r: - 4J81 Alder St. " ' , C. R;Dounell&Co. ; REAL ESTATE. Room 12, 268 Stark t. ; You'll Have to Hurry r Six big Iota, close to school and car. must be sold this month, 166x50 feet and 12-foot back alley; call on 309 North Park st., or address box 146, Lent, Or. HDLLADAY PARK" "RESIDENCE FOR' sal cheap: I have modern T-room house, 60x100 corner, nice lawn, oholc rose, good car service, best of location; this will be on the market for a few days only. Particular call , on prem ises, '641 Broadway. - FOR flALfi BY OWtfER i-R66li house, -built 2 year, within t block of Maegly Junction, Inqulr 1911 Ex ter t,, Pqrtamouth, ' . $1,8008 ACRES NEAR CITY LIMITS IOo car fare, convenient to 'car line, school, etc. Small house, fod barn and to clear. Register A Co.. 17 4 8d st.;VJ li.UUU 11 auuiw un Awu&n ' av.. near Piedmont, a good Invest ment Register A Co., 107 H 3d t. GOOD JAPANESE COUPLE WANTS situation, man as cook, wife waTT on tame ana housework; both speak Eng lish; city or country; haa good ref erences. Aaoress f-as. journal. HOTEL FAIRMOUNT. Just think, only 60c a week up for bJi?.h' !m;5-.WP .t .THE COAST REALTY CO-. nlshed or unfurnished; above price if taken before th 20th; gas, bath, phona 26th and Upshur, Fair Ground; beauti. ful location. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 809 Seventh st. CALL AT LADY BARBER SHOP. FOUR CHAIRS; jtWANTS POSITION BY EXPERIENCED prompt service. 64 4th at Lady bar-)' family cook. Address 247 M Stark St., her wanted. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BRICK 6ET- ter: ton . wages. Address Portland Brick A Tile Co.; Llnnton road. WANTED STEAM 8 HOVEL CRANES- man; $90 per month and board. Lily- man A Renard, railroad labor agents, 33 H N. 2d t, Portland. SOLICITOR, - HOUSEHOLD- SPECIAL-tles- good pay. Call 262 8d st. WANT1 "TAILORS AND TAILOR esses to work on coats. Steady work. Apply 46 wasn. WANTED MEN n? Ainsworth ENERGETIC Portland and state. L. smith .109 Sherlock bldg. -HARNESS MAKERS AND SADDLE hands: steady Jobs. Chas. L. Maattck A Co., wholesale leather, Front and Oak. Chinese Mission. WA-TTED AGENTS. WANTED A HIGH-CLASS NURSERY salesman for Rogue River country; also Klamath Falls country; exclusive agency given: highest commission paid, outfit furnished free; must start at once. Addres with reference. Oregon rnursery company, aaiem. ur, SOMETHING NEW IN HIGH-GRADE perfumes; price very low; supply limited. R. M. Plummer, at drug store, 260 3d St. FOR RENT ONE room,, furnished $12. 264 Jefferson, LARGE FRONT for housekeeping, cor. 3d st ' 14&H 6TH. 2 LARGE HOUSEKEEPING rooms, facing 6th; gas ranges, laun dry. light and water. 2 NICELY-FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms, for quiet man and wife; $10; 421 6th. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED housekeeping. 611 H Gllsan st TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 251 6th St.. corner Madison. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Gaa, phone and bath,' rent reason- able. 892H E. Burnslde et. FOR RENTwHOUSES HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED TO ' KNOW THE WHERE abouts of Owen Wells: last seen on the 18th. had on blue cap, blue over alls,- light waist; hair light; eyes blue; aged 9 years. - Please notify juvenile court. MEETING NOTICES ATTENTION NEIGHBOR Something Doing BETTER COME MEET ME, NEIGHBOR, Tomorrow Night, And Every Thursday Night In Our New Temple, f 128 Uth st WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN TELEPHONE OP ERATING; GOOD SALARY. SHORT HOURS) PAY WHILE LEARNING; LUNCHEON SERVED FREE OF CHARGE AND LOUNGING AND REST ROOMS IN CONNECTION. AP PLY CHIEF OPERATOR, TEL-' E PHONE BLDG., WEST PARK AND ALDER STS. AGENTS WANTED SALARY AND commission to good men. Apply room 67, 227 H Washington st. AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL goods? If so we need you: comDlete outfit free; cash weekly. Writ for ' cnoice or territory. Capital City Nur- sery company, ttaiem, ur. EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE" DIP PERS HIGHEST WAGES. GEORGE A. M'NEIL COMPANY. WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS, 110 N. FOURTH ST., NEAR GLISAN. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. 26 N. 2d st Phone Main 1526. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. ..Phone Paclflo 239 , .Phone Pacific 1300 205 H Morrison st. 27 N. 2d St. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a spe cialty. 20 N. 2d et Phone Main 5296. We pay all telegraph charges. - WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT tages, flats, stores, offices, rooming houses, etc. ' Landlords -will do well to call on - PORTLAND TRU8T COMPANY. OF OREGON. Phone Ex. 72. S. E. Cor. td and Oak. HELP WANTED UNION company. LAUNDRY 48 A. F. A A. M Stn?ed I WANTED-REFINED, CAPABLE WQ communicatlon this (Wad- man for responsible position, with op nesday) evening, 8 o'clock, I portunities for advancement Vlavl cam- .HurKnara bldg. work. M. M. '"' ...""" """"" - degree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, See. M. W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. 6,976. Mondays, 17th and Marshall. VlBitors welcome. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMf1, 5,466 meets Wednesday evening. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. ' BUSINESS NOTICES HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 343 M. Washington St.. corner Seventh, up stairs. Phone Main 2692. Female help wanted. ; INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co.. 427 Fliedner i maphikR fiPRBiTOR ANn tttntkii STRONG GIRLS FOR CANDY FAO tory. George A, McNeil company, wholesale confectioner, 110 North Fourth, near Gllsan. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO work on shirts and overalls. Lessons given to inexperienced. Apply at Stand ard factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor st bldg Main 2891. er , on pants. Charles Goopey A Son, A JEWELER WANTS TO RENT A store or part of it centrally located, tor tne rr jnth of July or August Ad dress W-391, Journal. . WE RENT AND 8ELL PIANOS. SHER- man. Clay A Co. FOR RENT AN 8-ROOM SUBURBAN house; modern, large yard, flowers; some small fruit; 1 block from carllne. Q-86, Journal. ' 6-ROOM BUY - STRICTLY MODERN cottage, 1078 East Washington st, Sunhysfde, Installment plan. MODERN HOME. PORTLAND Heights, 9 rooms, finely furnished; batns; unexcelled view: fine grounds; for rent, 6 or 8 months from August or September. Owner 807 Macieay bldg. HOUSES TO RENT COMMON"- wealth Trust Co., 6th and Ankenyst. 6-ROOM HOUSE AND 4 LOTS; FENCE and chicken-house, electrio lights; 8 blocks west of Nashville station. Mrs. Mann; $15 rent 4-ROOM HOUSE AND 8 LOTS, EAST 30th. Apply 188 W. Park. FOR RENT A NEW, MODERN1, 6lX- room house. Inquire at 771 Roosevelt st. or telephone Main 624. 10-ROOM HOUSE AT KENILWORTH, - on carllne; cement - walk, . electrio light Phone Union 2768. ROOMING HOUSE HEADQUARTERSU- Strange can rent your room lor you. can si H 6tn st. ROOM Headquarters for Real Estate and Bus! ness Opportunles of All Kinds. Phona 1568. $15,000 Splendid manufacturing bus iness. $10,000 One of the finest homes on tne Heights; others all prlcesi -$8,000 First-class manufacturing. $7,000 Well-paying dairy farm: oth era an prices. Choice homesteads and relln 'shments; also timber claims. $7.000 Half caah, nearly new mod em house; nigh-class rooming. i7,uo(MHair cash, nrst-ciaas sawmill. $3,509 Half caah, modem brick, t room. $1.800 Good house and 5 lot In East Portland; also vacant lot from $250 up; easy terms. $1,000160 acres level wheat land $1,000-Half cash and services, half interest in well-paying real estate busi ness. 3800 Restaurant averaging $65 dally. $500 Half interest in well-paying UUUIIUM, $150 Nice little employment agency. Other Business Opportunities. Call, write or phone. Main 1968. v THE COAST REALTY CO.. ' -22H Morrison St., Suit FOR SALE GOOD . MECHANICAL shooting galley. Apply J, J. Russell, the Pake, Portland. Or. FOR SALE STOCK OF MERCHAN- dise, in country town: will In vole about $3,000. Address. P-311. Journal. FOR SALE A GOOD FIRST-CLASS bakery and confectionery store; good paying business. Write for particulars to th Springfield Bakery, Springfield, oc 1 $1.850 THE BEST' 6-ROOM COTTAGE) j in Portland for the money! East '82nd st Larg basement, 100 feet from I car lines. Terms, easy. Phone owner. Pacific 1474. or call 107U 3d st. MlLWAUKlfl. M f Htf wlLLAMEtTlS river and O. W. P. Ry 1 mil front city limits; $850 buys new 6 -room cot tage and 60x100 lot. 1 clock from carllne; $1,000 buys 6 acres, all Unproved, near M II waukie; 600 feet of river front $2,600. We have large tract suitable for plat ting; cheap acreage In small tract; lot cheap, on easy term. Harlow A Dowl lng, Mllwaukle, Or. ' $400"bUY8 6 ACRES OF GOOD LAND 1 mile weat of Gresham. Inquire Forbes Fngraving Co., 1st and Ankeny. FOR 6 DAYS 10-ROOM HOUSE, ELEC trlo light, cement walk,- $2,200; easy terms: Union 276S '. LIQUOR STORE FOR SALE, WITH or without stock. . Good chance t6 make money fast: good reason for sell ing. Address B-314, Journal. COTTAGE, WANTED REAL ESTATE MR. WANT MONEY. IF YOU WANT 100 men to sell your property to their mends, list it wlta me; new plan. m. D. Howse. 66 6th st Main 6188. WANTED TO BUY 1 OR 2 LOTS, west side; give exact location and terras in first letter, no agents. Ad dress K-31S Journal. I WILL SELL YOUR PROPERTY1 wherever located If listed with me. I have quick buyer. Cyril Harland Bian waaningion mi. WANTED FINANCIAL. IF YOU WANT A $450 REAL ESTATE mortgage secured arawing, i per ceni, call at room 16. Lafayette Bldg., Cor, win ana vvaoiiiiigiuii... , SKELLY CO.. 14TH aNd FLANDERS; J room 3. 88 Third st flour, feed hav. B-rnln. Phones A.1K11 Pacific 611. . ' L. C. HENRICHSEN CO.. JEWELERS", and opticians, 284 Washington st GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD factory No. t ayior St. 2, Grand aye, and East LOST AND FOUND I WANTED GIRLS TO WORK ON hemming. Inquire Fit-Well factory, 75 First st. CANDY FACTORY WANTS GIRLS; steady employment, work light, good wages. Pacific Coast Biscuit company, 12th and Davis; FOUND A .PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned same day. 228 Front st. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Mts ' ger' Proprietor. ' $10 REWARD GRAY ' AND WHITE horse, branded anchors; strayed or j stolen from barn, east side, June 8. Under notify Andrew Kan & Co., 287 Morrison. i LOST RTP JVPfi ro otoi ivi ! White i-nd black English setter rioo- f GIRLS TO WORK IN CRACKER FAO (tan face). Liberal reward and no tory: short hours, beat wages, work I ones ions asked. Address P. O.' box 'clean and light. Pacific Coast Biscuit i 21F: Phone Main 2025. I Company, 12th and Davis. L LOST EASTERN STAR Pltf A'! OAtfS ! WE PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS IN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework in family of two; must know how to cook; good wages. 304 North 24th St. ' " STENOGRAPHERS TO REGISTER I for six positions now open; no charge. I ""e Smith-Premier -Typewriter co. Monday nlnht. valued as a keensaka: return to cashier Journal office. BIRDIE-watch. I HAVE FOUND 392H 6th, room 4. YOUR 10 600 LOST-ON EAST tiTH ST. AND HAW thorne ave., a fox dog, all white, with white strip on face; remainder of head black; -and brown; no collar; 7 months old: reward of $5 for return to owner. J. Pitman. 421 E. Hawthorne. , HELP WANTED i-MALE A HUNDRED FIREMEN AND BRAKE- men wanted on rallroaria in n.nn I and vicinity to fill vacancies caused by i promotions; experience unnecessary; 000 j firemen, $100 monthly, become enrl " . i neera anil rsrn t'fdti- t,rr.lAnnA-. tit i?- , . , ....uuigrs, earn now; name po sition Preferred. Railway Association, room 44, 22 1 Monroe st. Brooklyn, N. Yr- EnPloynient headquarter for all North American railroads; distance no bar..- Positions guaranteed competent men. - ,.-.. 2,560 WA NTED SASH AND DOOR SALES man. Address, B-64. Journal.' WA NTED 3 FIRST-CLASS MEA cutter. Frank L. Smith Meat Co., $28 Alder at, Oregon. Divorce cases a specialty. In most cases clients need not appear in court Moderate fee. Addres N-312. Journal. WANTED AT ONCE. EXPERIENCED salesladies in glove and suit depart ments. Robert Bros. WANTED AT ' ONCE EXPERIENCED salesladies tor giove ana notion ae partrnents. Roberts Bros. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF" CLOTH- ing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings: highest pric paid. ? Call at the "Fair Deal, , z . a. ; rnont ra- ClftO 17ZZ. WE HAUL DEAD HORSES aJmD CAT tie free. Oregon Fertiliser Works, oi notify Carney's Veterinary, Gllsan sts. Main 1966. 4 th or and GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 718 wayno st Wanted st arch work ironers. flannel ironers and general laundry help; East Side Laundry Co-.-E. Ash and 6th. Phone East 809. WANTED GIRL . FOR GENERAL housework; steady place and a good home. Inquire 401 Holladay ave. Phona EXPERIENCED IRONERS' MANGLE girls. - Independent - Laundry Co., 266 unsfln St., net aq and 4tn st. LADY VOUNQ . tore.' rison. - CLERK FOR OUH Call today, Swetland, 273 Mor- W ANTED DININO-ROOM GIRL AND Ub.waahert at 78 YaaolU t. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SAV- age A Pennell, 845-847 1st t Phona Pacific 860. FURNI 'URE AND CLOTHING WANT. - ed; highest cash price paid. Fox A Brower. 82 N. 8d st Phon-s Main 2111 WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, ; Main 6655. 211 1st st. TKi vniT WAMT Tf HTTT.T. BIT1? TTiS Second Hand palace. ' Highest prices paid for second-hand goods, Z67 Flan dersi Phone Main 8518. j . HIGHGEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL - kind of second-hend goods. Union Exchange. 262 Front str Pacific 1431. deformit y Appliances made to t order. . K. K. Karison A Co.. 861 An keny st.. Main 6250. : , WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSE- hoid good of every description bought .' sold and exchanged. The 8. zsz tsi. Main BBYt. Home A-ZBZ7 WA NTED DUl3rSHOQTfN71 ' pRfi: erv' Hive . nrltut. , locution ato 0-19. Journal, 4 WANTED A FEW OOOD 8ECOND y hand typewriters. 206 Coueh bldg. WANT TO BtfY 6 VOUNO PlG6. "W. A.: Yokom, R. F. D. No. 2, Portland, Oregon. - . WANTED TEAMS - FROM 1,200 : pounds up; ,$loo pe)r month and all found. Call at onco on AB. Rlctor, old Jerome Smith barn. East 6tn St., Van couver, Wash. ': ' --'' ' WANTEEaA -POWERFUL GASOLINE launch for: towing; must have - at least 20 horsepower; . give, six of boat and else--and make of engine: - A. D. Walker, p. O. box f82. Seattle. Wash;' WANTED--ROLL-TOP, DESK; MtvSt ; be in good condition.; Journal. . . , Address G-391, FOR RENT SIX 195 N. Zlst STRICTLY MODERN. NEW. 6 ROOMS something nice; $30. 689 E. Pin st, Phone 8ellwood 69. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTT, Broadway. . Inquire ONE 6-ROOM HOUl near 9th. Phone East 1270, 403 233 Washington. 472 BELMONT, FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUBE AND 1 atre at Evlonstation, on Mt Scott carllne; rent $12 month. Apply to is. M. Rhodes. 611 Morrison st. FURNISHED HOUSES FURNISHED lt-ROOM HOUSE, CLOSE in: west side: from July l to aeptem ber i; rooms can bererented; reference. Phone Main 644 or A-3444. MODERN HOME, . POBTLAND Heifeht. 9 rooms, finely furnished: abundant fruits and flowers; unexcelled view:- fine grounds; for rent,- 8 or , 10 month f.-om August or September. Owner, 807 Macieay mag. DESIRABLE FURNISHED FLAT FOR Mnt nn rhIMr.n Poll mt 'SKI V.sutt rent: no children. Gllsan. - FOR REPTT FLATS , FOR RENT FURNISHED 6 ROOMED flat for July and August Apply 766 Irving, zaq ana trying. , s $10 AND $154 AND 6-ROOM UPPER flat. Hlgntly, modern, . convenient furnished or not 'Key at store. 667 E. 26th. r call at 762 E. 83d: Woodstock car. - ' - - v-; v-- HOUSES FOR KENT FURNITURE . FOR SALE. .-.... 8-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNI- ture for sal, 81 7th st, corner Oak. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FOR RENT ALL OR PART: ; OF ground floor space Bank of British Co lumbia bldg., Front and Ankeny sts. Apply R. T. Cox, Main 422. A NICE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT, Madison bldg., 3d and Madison sts. r'- GROUND FLOOR OFFICE . ON w6TH ST. near stark, inquire-at i 6tn st. FOR RENT STORE ON 6TH ST., near Washington; rent reasonable. Ad dress A-814. Journal. . - : AFTER JULY j- 1, - 1907. WHOLE OR part - of ! building - northwest corner Eas( Pine and Union avenue. , Lease if desired. . Inquire of Brown, 126 Ablng ton bldg. ' r - FOR RENT FINE , STORE, . 80x60, suiiaoie tor inuurnev, repinurant. nry- goods; shelving in; splendid location; rent very reasonawe. 44-4 w. tn st FOR SALE NEW STOCK OF GRO- cerles and fixtures .for less than In voice. It will Day vou to Investigate. Owner, leaving- qlty. 487 East Wash ington st- ' ' FOR' SALE AN UP-TO-DATE MEiAT market and grocery store dolna a business of $2,000 per month. Positive ly th best location on east side. Will sell at invoice, which la about $2,250, a snap. Must be sold at once. Address C-390, JournaL '- ' We iUve tHE fiwELLfisf LIT TLB ! 26-room cottage on tbe market, tran sient lease, rent $75. This can b bought for $2,200. - 242 Madison. FOR SALE NEAT 2-ROOM SCOW. partly furnished. Apply 95 7th st. GOOD THRIVING REAL ESTATE business with good money making lease,- on the ground floor on 6th st, near Washington. Address K-382 Jour- nat - ' : ' ; - - Arfcor LSgc" Snaps: 6-room house, corner 80x100. well Im proved, near station; $250 cash, balance am a rent Choice lot. fronting on car and other lots;, term. r Fin new modern 6-room houe with three lots, corner; $500 cash, balance same as rent. Other home and vacant lots; terms. Make data by phon. Cholc acr tracta W. B RUST. Arbor Lodge station. Phon wtood-j-- lawn 136. bo.. y6U WAKf A. L6; " 60x100 feet? ' - . Streets 60feet wide: parked, graded and walk graveled; water piped to very jot. A low a $$10. '$5 down, $f per month. In cholc residence district; Take W. W. car At 3d and Yamhill sts. And go to Lorrlnton. MOORE REALTY CO, 268 Stark -St Agent always on th ground. At Lorrlnton. NEW ADDITION F'lNE LOTS ".60xlo6.' streets. 60 feet, near ' car station at Lents. 6o car fare: only $116; terms. Take Mount Scott car. O. R. Addition. Lent, Or., 6c fare. 1 ' riODOWN: $5 A MONTH. - Fin building lot. $275 to $400 on above terms; 15 minute from business center; three carlines; now do not say you cannot own a home. MOULTON A SCOBEY. 601 Columbia bldg. 865 Washington st HAVE YOU BEEN OUT TO WlBERO Heights? Take Rose city Park Una out Sandy road and get off at Wlberg Lane. Agent on the ground. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Cuch Building. HOMESEEKERS W RITE" TO THhJ Willamette Valley Real Estate Ex change, Woodburn, Or., for a large list of farms. SMALL HOUSE WEST SIDE, CLOSE to car and a snap at $1,800. J. W. Rutherford, 517 Commercial blk. Main 6120. 64x100 HOLLADAY'S ADD. ON 18TH st. close to Broadway car. This la the best buy on th east side. J. W. Rutherford, 617 Commercial blk. Main sizv. A First Class ' Rooming-house ' with 2-year lease, centrally located, always full, clearing over $100 per month ; to trade for acre age lor Improved property not too far out rxo agents, owners oniy. Aaaress v-818, journal. FOR SALE OR RENT RESTAURANT In small ' town, all furnished. Call or address FM A. Blackwell, Scappoo, uregon. - - .. , - GROCERY STORE, VALUE Nelson, 14th A "GOOD about $1,000, for $560. and Irving sts. PLACER GOLD MINES A FEW O the most promising; some already paying producers; careful selection; high-grade and - cream of northwest fields; soma at half value; 24 years' mine management; Inventor and vendor of placer machinery; gives you thu right tip; state amount to Invest W; N. Ruble, Welppe, Idaho, car American mine. - SALOON FOR SALE, CHEAP. IF taken at once. He owner. Brunn A Co., lt and Alder. - JEWELRY BUSINESS IN GOOD VAL ley town of 2.600; good trade; excel lent repair business; small stock. Ad dress q-4i journal. FOR SALE A GOOD PAYING RES taurant in an elegant location. Every thing in first-class order. Can convince buyer thlsls a payer. - . w BUCHTEL & KERNS. ' Phone East 6422. 862 E. Morrison St. $600 BUYS 24-ROOM BOARDING house: rent 825: lust What vou are looking for. 142 Madison. Main 6202. WANTED YOUNG LADY-BETWEEN the age of 25 and 85 for partner In ic cream and confectionery . parlor; IF Y'OU WISH TO BUY. SELL OR EX-change-your property, call on or ad dress George w. Turner, 308 Wash ington t. Portland. Or. lRVINGTON $1,800 FOR -CHOl6Bi 75" by 100 on Hancock st. between 2 2d and 23d. Apply to Mr. Strong, 214 Lum- ber Exchange bldg. BUILDING SITE, BLOCK 22, TOLMAN addition, near new school; level and dotted with natural trees; unobstructed river "view; Id minutes' rid from 1st and Alder; this 1 really something nice, J. W. Ogilbee, 145Vj 1st. ' SAVE COMMISSION BUY FROM owner; a 6-room Queen Ann cottage, with gaa and electrio fixtures. tint?4 walla, eta; will sell cheap. . 696 Kerby, cor. Cook ave. 1 TO 20 ACRES, CLEARED. WEST Dr. Fehren Bide. 6a far, for sale. bach. 241 1st st M.- b. HbWSEl. ,s6L1C1t6rS. AMb" salesmen's headquarters; eastern manufacturing firms represented; real estate quick sales negotiated; petition circulated. 66 6th st. Main 6188, NEW HOUSE. EAST 27TH ; AND Alder, $8,400; ' Installment. Charle son A Co.. 411 Commercial. A SNAP $500, 100x100 F. feQWARET on Mt. Scott carllne, 1 block from sta tion, Woodmcr. Owner. Phon East 2683. . -...... ., ; HE DON'T WANT THE EARTH. " Howse. the real estate man., at 66 6th St., therefore can furnish you property of alt kind In all part of the city and at prices to defy competition., Also a few choice railroad timber claims, cruls- I . Q Ann nnn . n ...... . . . . . . ui($ t.uur ,uvivii fai iu.ihi uf, iiur rev fees, filing and locating, combined, $25. - " ' FOR FINE LOTS COMEl' OUT t6 Ur'li st. 2 blocks south of Hawthorn ave.. on 44th St., graded streets, water; $600 end $650; good terms; owner on ground. r none x aoor to. , FOR SALE 4-ROOM COTTAGE AT 665 East 17th- st. - , s-room house, l6t iooxioo, frjSit? Price 61 BO character.. Call at 874H 1st st WELL-DRILLING trees. 2 blocks from ear. must have' a little capital and good r,,BJnn '-" ".u T. i.:..1-0:1: fWoodlawn 448. , ";: - j 6-ROOM HOUSE. $2,260; TERMS TO OUTFIT, COM- C. W. Steph- plete: cheap for cash ens. Orient, Or. A FINE BARGAIN A HOTEL THAT will clear you $600 a month. Look this up, a . party will have to leave town. C. 8. Arnold A Co., 861 Mor rison at Phone Main 7311. - FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS HAIRDRESSING ROOM. WITH TlOT and cold water and compress air. V207 a a si BARN TO RENT. 637 JEFFERSON ST. jroom for 20 horse. Phone Main T158. FOR RENT LARGE STUDIO. twO grand pianos for July and August W. Q. Nash, Miera Piano Housa , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CORNER LOT, S-ROOM HOUSE. ON East Burnslde, close in. $1,900; terms: best bargain ever ottered in city.. Call on Dement A King. Z4Z -Madison st suit. Owner. MODEL Phone East 676. 6-ROOM A HOUSE. EAST ; monthly payments. Phon East 675. - HC-LLYHURST, THE IDEAL HOME tract ' Lots for ; sal by Common wealth Treat Co., Btn ana AnKeny. HALL "AND BALLROOM. "NEW WITH - modern conveniences. Phon Main 186 9.it i.aoo 8-ROOM COTTAGE. CORNER lot 9th ana Bnaver; rurnisnea 11.400. $1,400 South Portland, corner 85x110. near school and car; 201.4th, Pacific 2125, or Main 8990. $1.600 MODERN 7-ROOMTHOUSE, BY owner; terms, toot Maryland ave. - - BALL A BROWN HAVE MOVED Xrom RaleUn bldg. to I0 Swetland. The "servant girl who advertises has - a, choice of offers, which makes it simpler to find "the kind of a plage" she- is looking for, V ; Try The Journal when you .want to bet ter your condition. Rate .1 cent a-word, v ' , , f ...