" THE OREGON . DAILY - JOURNAL; PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 19, 1907. 1; I RED FIRE WILL V Will THIS lil . preparations Completed, for Spectacular Exhibition by ' 'Fire Department. - All aro lights will bt turned off tem porarily on Yam hill street from Fourth to Chapman at 9 o'clock' Saturday night, ..atttuted, while ; the fire 1 department maker a spectacular run ' through fthe streets to Multnomah field. The rail road men's baseball teams will man In .afters the fire 'wagons and play a match game of hall for the benefit or the baby nursery.' ' It will be the most remark able baseball game in Portland's his tory. " -.,:,,., .. . - Saturday ' evening will, in fact,' be the railroad men's own In the rose fiesta season, Mike Roche, Jack O'Neill, Kit Carson, Jim Casey and all the old-timers .advise that the people wait tor the biff how, which la to be pulledvoff at v - o'clock Saturday night, at Multnomah field. C. S. Crane, general passenger agent of the Wabash system, with head quarters at St. Louis, has detailed Col onel Fred H. Tristram of Chloatro, as sistant general pbiMenger agent, to um pire the game, and Mr. Tristram Is now en route in a special car to Portland, , Everything Will Be Double. The teams will be double.' the plays will be double, and there will be two balls, two batters and two of everything constantly in play with the exception of the umpire, who will be pitted single banded against the It men. The line up follows: ) . . Tor Portland -M.' J. Rochef H. 3. O'Neill, catchers; E. ,B. Duffy. J., C. Cummlng, pitchers; J. H.-O'Neill, J..O, Thomas, first basemen; J. L. Springer, hi Lk' uaraie. second Dasemen w. c. McBrlde, Oeorge T. Wlllett. third base men: A. Gavin, B. H. Trumbull, short tnn. 1' n Tnhnanl. Y A Pua.u an ter fielders; J. C. Mayo. H.. K, Smith left ; fielders; C. W. ... Stinger,. ' Oeorge cinury, rigni iituaers. .""".;,;'''' i Foi. Hnnlfmi. W. C ftlmmmmm islM . loinns, cateners; n. a. uawkins, w. E, Manoney. rat oners; A. Tourgee, J. Kennedy, first basemen; John - Maher, Joe Carter, . second basemeii: ' P. W, Bold rick. F. A- Warns! ey, third basemen A. MacCorquodsle, W. S. 6key. short' stops; W. E. Ude. L T. Ames, right fielders; R. L.'Ford, Ed : Furnlss, left fielders; A. K. Ford, J. R.. Knight, cen ter neioers. - . v. , The Period, H. MT McNeill; the Com ma. Harry Haywood.' , Water-Carriera J. Ross. Nagel, W..F, varson. . ..-. Bat Bags Alex Tinllng,. Oeorge . W, Andrews. , Physicians and Surgeons Ir. K, A J. Mackenzie, : Dr. Andrew C. Smith. Official Scorers-John O'Grady. . Much interest the forthcoming 33i3 - i ir w m ;4' IL Trips Shopping are enjoy able, but fatiguing; a cap of Ghirardelli's Cocoa for breakfast helps wonderfully,, it lsto sus taining as well as deli cious. Before returning home dont forget to Order a Supply of Ghirardelli's, Cocoa T st In game is felt in the east, as evidenced by the following letter from the general pasnenger agent of the Wabash system: - "Mr. Mi, J. Roche, T. P. A., D. A R. O., Portland, Or. Dear Sir: 1 have your note of the th, and note with groat Pleasure that Tristram has been selected o officiate as umpire at baseball. game to be played In the Rose City some time this month. .. :,-.'.' "The Only feature that looks bad to me is the possible necessity of his tak ing sides, for or against Portland or Spokane. In all probability, during one stage of the game, he wllf favor Port land, and again he will favor. Spokane. The favors will be received as a matter of course, but how about adverse de cisions which no doubt will 'be forth coming for both eldest The 'favors which he extends will be forgotten, and the 'turn-downs' only will be remem bered. I think the best plan for him to pursue is for him to s-lve such de clslons as wiJl hot4 be .. understood . by. j . w iwavv mniun. rain in . n in gard. I was talking to him In Chicago yesterday, and J understand he Intends to appeny and la now. having hukco tume , prepared, v Tours truly. . ' - ;. .,'... 4,, c. B. CRANE."' LAWN,MOWLRS"-GARD PP ASLMiNT DLrX ) SPIRIT OF DEPARTED HUSBAND REVERSED i - SpcUl . Dispatch, to- The . JooroL) : , Olympla, Wash., June 11. A reversal haa been handed down by the supreme court. In the Snohomish county case of Harriet A. Ervsy, respondent," va, Al bert Hill and wife, appellants, in which Mrs. Ervay claimed that she had been Imposed upon by the Hills "and other Spiritualists." who through a medium placed her 1n communication with the spirit of her recently departed husband. wno aaviaea ner to aeea ner property over to Hill. The first seance realised 11,646. Mrs. Ervay tee tilled, and the shade of her husband loat no time In advising her to give Hill a power of at torney upon which he was said to have realised it.. Mrs. uii-vay r judg ment in the court below and the re versal is only for the error of the trial eourt In not allowing the Hills three lota in Edmunda which they claimed as their "homestead." which under the law is exempt from execution. - ..... OERVAIS MAY BUILD MORE SCHOOL R003IS . . (Special PI irate- to fa JmirMLt nrva.fa. Or June 19 At the annual Chool election Irvln E. Cutsforth was elected director for three years and F. Mangold clerk for one year, ihe prin cipal haa not been chosen but - the primary department will oe in cnar-3 of Mrs. Minnie Siegmund. The d strtet finds it la handicapped ror room and the meeting resolved to call sneclal ' meetlna to consider adding more' rooms and to Improve the grounds and levy a tax therefor. It la possible also that another teacher will be em ployed as noon aa ' more room can be secured. The district turned back $518 unused money Into the school fund as provided by law. s ; Tomorrow nosltlvely the last day to receive discount on east aide gaa diiis. - Joseph's Good Postmaster. (goeHsl DlfMtcb to The " Journil.) " Joseph, Or.. June 19. Postmaster Eva Rumble has been havinr a number of Improvements made to the postofflce building, tne cniei oi wnicn enaDies. natrons to aet mall on Sundays and evenlnas. Heretofore, this has been Im possible and the patrons feel very grate ful to the postmaster for making the improvements, as tney were entirety voluntary. t ATTRACTIVE arid DEPEND ABLE, STYLES IN FOLDING GO-CARTS and CARRIAGES No less than 50 patterns displayed in our line of this y. season's go-carts designs that offer the variety for . -pieasmg , seiecuon piain- aim laucy enctis in reca , body "designs, reliable folding construction, most de pendable; gear. Upholsterings in appropriate color- ;v f ings, parasols to match,4 and in dainty Brussels and ; Point d'Esprit net. We have folding patterns from $3.00 up. ; . N 'flSsBaBBwtSasWsat1 qjgggrlfmyn!:r$ g ! mill s iaiiiissii J im aw i: :1m DR. PERKINS' SANITARY SSSBSlSSllBBBBaBBSaaBBSSBBsasBBSSBBBBBBBBSBBaBBB .r REFRIGLRATORS Are so constructed as to in sure a positively pure fresh air circulation. By this prin ciple contamination is ren dered impossible, as all air in the refrigerator is continual ly beng expelled by the in flux of fresh air. This method of ventilation is perfectand Lpy! from a sanitary standpoint is unequaled. Dr. Perkins sanitary refrigerators cost no more than the ordinary refrigerators, and their scientific construction effects a great saving in ice. We are showing,the jnany . sizes. andstyles .of .the. "Sanitary" line in our Basement Department. 955&Xl ro-w.i.7, - rJ i NEW PROCESS RANGES $1 DOWN-t$1-WLE.K The woman who cooks will appreciate the con venience and comfort of the gas range during the summer months. "New Process", Gas Ranges em brace the most scientific features, combining for economy of gas and efficiency in operation. , These ranges are made in many styles and sizes, to meet all demands. We show the complete "New Process" line in our Basement Department.Wewill install V one in your home on the above easy payment terms. UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN OUR CLEARANCE, SALE, LACE CURTAINS, DRAPERY GOODS, Etc. T J-sfl lfiK:m:n ,- V- V-.. s7wytr. W i w ; ; ; Something about Pabst, - ; - "For over dxtyycars Pabst. has been brewing i f r "The best materials! the best workman and the i 9p oesz metnoas-tnesc maxc inc uvsi Deer. 19 Bit Ii 11 lis U1C luutu V wi UMi lucui, uwuwumjrviuw 0, hops, the quality of the Pabst methods that make v . - . , , .... ,i i i issaaaBsaaaaaaasal sssajsaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT aaaal aaaaM T saa Baaaa a I . i,17l W ' 9 311 Artistic and Restful Furniture for Porch and Lawn YDttt CREDIT It 6000 IC0MPLETETOU5E-FURni51tER5 NAKC YOUth Garden Swings and Seats Hammocks Etc 3 BlueMfofeom - Tne Beer of Quality "There is a reason for this Pabst quality, - For four generations the constant aim and purpose of "Pabst has been to brew quality beer. -1 , No task has been too great for Pabstno detail nas ocen. too small only the final results , have been considered the perfection of brewing:. 'Order a case of Pabst Blue Ribbon today and satisfy yourself that quality in beer, like quality in everything else, is worth having. riANO DEALERS MEET AT CHICAGO HOSTELRY : y - f Jouroa! SmUI 8rrWa.) r-ii.-A Til . Jurm U. Ifembara of the v.ti, rt I isdAAlst nn M PlanA FlslAra of America goi wgner i me auqi- t.i..M hAst Vi ls a ft amnion tfr n thrAA days conference on various maer i; recting" tne traae. ji is mo sum vnnu it A tVia, tsni1silrkn whlrh in rem vcuiiuii u vi . i eon' - v . . . . , ... eludes In Its membership leading dealers througnoui Ull country. rrraiuoni P. Byrne of this city called the conven tlon to order. ' . ' f v FAMOUS HEX GIVEN VILLAXOVA DEGREES (Journal Spsdsf Bsrvles.) ; : - . Vlllanova. Pa., June: 19.Monslgnor TTainnirt the BDOstolic delegate to the United StateaTpreslded tQday at ' the most notable commencement celebration In the history of Vlllanova college. The i aarAB.A kaM .hi. iftarnnnn lit t Via. college auditorium, which was filled to overflowing wun vimiurs iruui .i wvei tne country. Tka rrra. a rtftAl flf llWI Atlfl let ters was conferred upon Enrique C. Creel, Mexican ambassador to the United States; on Edward W. Bok. the well known editor: Rev. William Ambrose Jlyan, of Utlca. N. Y.. and Rev. Farrell IVIartln, D. D., ofaterbury, Conn. Dr. Maurice Francis Egan, recently ap pointed minister to Denmark, and Rev. Chafler"Warren Currier, of the Cathollo Indian Bureau, Washington, D. C. re ceived the degree of doctor of philos ophy. Several others were the recipients of -honorary- degree m -"--- - jJ ! ..J i If You Carry Large Responsibilities in . 1 M : -'Order a case of Pabst Blue Ribbon today and satisfy yourself that 4 If il ' V . quality in Tieer, like quality in everything else, is worth having. U m. . 4 Made by Pabst at Milwaukee Bj VSl " V And Bottled only ;at the Brewery. HI Vn " Pbrls Kohn & Co.,- HI 55 , Cor. 3rd & Pine SU., Portland. . xrvL j a. l IV J- rt n, k. a . v.s ' .av 'St -x7VBBasniiMaSBBBaarwiiai si,u spijiw mm m-,,'tmrmw ,- A7 i ? - - r ' r ' . a . r I - . . ....... ... . . . ,. .. ... .. . .- trn.iMt flni hnvlntr hsr removes a load from your shoulders and provides aur p.erlor qualities of shelf and heavy hard ware at leaat cost. Avery (Si Go. ' 48 1WXXD BT. .' - mm jCQFEEE' SRICES BAKING POWDER . 6 aTICAGT5c " " 1 0USFRI0HT: CLOSSETia'D-VERS LOOK OUT FOR JULY 17 th, 1907 Grocers who sell the only BEST CEREAL COFFEE, which is made on this or any other continent, THE AMERICAN CEREAL COFFEE, all sell f . Men toil It is the only pure, rich," nutritious "GRAIN COFFEE (not bran) which is made onlhe "green method.1 giving the consumers ALL the health the grain contains. Consumers will please remember that grain ia richer than bran, so it takes less of this coffee and more water to get . the flavor right. Ask your grocer to give you the weight of the package and compare it with bran preparations named cereal , cof fees. IT TAKES ONLY 5 MINUTES TO BOIL GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES. . - Golden Grain Granules look like coffee, which so many 'drink to ruin their kidneys 'with, it smells like it and tastes like it, but it works the other way it builds systems, it strengthens - young and old, it is the 100 per cent health drink that nature has intended for us. IF YOU TRY 'IT (dont make, it too strong) YOU WILL LOVE IT. - .... You can order it from any first class grocer in WASHINGTON, D. C in NEW YORK, in CHI CAGO, in PHILADELPHIA, in SAN FRANCISCO, and in any city in this section of the country. ALL FIRST CLASS; GROCERS IN PORTLAND. ORE, SELL IT. ; . - ' XV KEDrOBO, OB. ' Henry Mets & Son nr X.EHTS. W. 3. Price M. J. Chauncey J. H. Donaldson T. W. Crandell J. C. Howe N. E. Farnsworth W. P. Hansen nr zotv Fist, ob. - jr. R.-IouKlaa , . XX ABXJSTA. ' A. Chlaholm Llmola & Davis r. J. W. Dunlap , All grocers In Mllwaukle, , Oregon. All ' grocers In Sellwood, Oreiron. All grocers in St Johns, Oregon. . ZH OBEOOaT CXTT. (Which Is built on rock. H. P. Brlshtbill - Qeo. Reddaway;' . ;, A. Robertson .-. :' Seeley'a Grocery ,v J. - E. Wassoni Rochdale Co. ' -A. F. Stokes of Canemah, Oregon Practically all grocers in Vancouver, . Wash., and all stores in the state of Washington. In Idaho and ' California ' all the best stores are allowed to sell this article. ' XV BZXilSBOBO, OB. (Where farmers' Aught to locate.) - O. J. Palmater R. C. Vaught ;. John Dennis . . Emmott Bros. . . . . . ; , . ,.4.. ...... XIT COBXfZ&XUS, OB. (A 'coming community.) Henrlcks A Son Wilkens & Challacombe xxr roxuBST obotb. ob. (Where archery manufac tory la located.) S. E. Williams Wi P. Schulta . Hoffman-Allen Co. "Abraham Bros. Nelson B. LaCourse John E. Bailey It E. Nicholson & Son XXT BXXAZT. OB. , ' Brlggs Bros. nr v. YAiuaxj ob. . Epley & Hutchcraft n; OABX.TOIT, OB. ' (Where two new houses are being built.) L. S. Harden - ' XV SnXVOBBOOXC, OB. (Home of the Oold Dollar strawberry.) . Christopher A Toung ' XV SKSBWOOXt, OB. 3. E. Morback - I McConnell & Halt E. W. Johnson IV DATTOV. OB. (The garden spot of Oregon.) Lltscher A Detmerlng E. V. Flier A Son , - - . O. B. Rlppey A Co. J. C. Nichols A Co. xv ' sbioKxxarrxx&B, ob. . -(Where brick buildings show prosperity.) . C. C Murton" Kliks A Olds -Christensen Bros. Henrlchs A Co. Miller Mercantile Co. 1 " L, Q. Laughlln " j' Irvln & Feeley . , . J. R. Stewartion XV VEWBSBO, OB. ' (Known for its hand soma women.) D. R. Jackson ...., :' ,. : 1 1 : Andreas Bros. iz ' 'J. C Porter A Ccv '"'V Patterson. Parrlsh A Co, ' Parker Mercantile Co. . Wilson A Hanning. , W. Rich ' XV OASTOV, OB. - . ; (Famous for duck hunt ing.) . ., r, f.'A."' Everas - ' . v'V , j J. IX . Hibbs ' ' XV XOVTATXUA. OB. Kling A Allen ' ' C. B. La Koletta J. E. cCaslin A Son u . : xv obcbabo, vinv ."F. Mobley - ', , , V ' XV BttSSEIATIXXB. Marshall Bros. All grocers In Woodlawn. . Oregon. . IT TAKES 5 MINUTES TO BOIL GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES. Grocers can get this PURE 'cereal coffee 'from ALLEN & LEWIS, LANG & CO., MASON, EHRMAN & CO, WAD HAMS & CO, WADHAMS ft KERR BROS. .-. Read big ad in The Journal Saturday, June 22, for free ice cream and free f?rrworVt f " t' rr ' '- - ASK YOUR GROCER TO WEIGH A PACKAGE OF GOLDEN GRAIN CT..:rj:,' Z. It t only $ minutes to bo!! Golden Grain Granules. .,;.' P0RTUND.;ORE.r. . ' " ', ::? '-V. '-sv''-;.-.V" "