-.iv ;. h Atl , ' i iii I v 1 v 1 1 t u ri i in w ii ir iii 111 1 1 c n 1 THE JOURNAL S. Jackano.. ......PsMlahac PoBtWherl wjr owning feieept Senear) nl J Hnndar mnrnlna., at TM jnwaai jssur let, riftn ana laniDUl trl, raniaaa. vt ' Knterarf at tha matarYIra at Portland. Of.. 1 traaamlaaioa turoufo tb malls a saeond-elaae 't - TELEPHONIC MAIM TITS. " ' ill (ttHirtainti reaMied by tlito mmbc. (tia e pert lor the department roa want.. FOREIGN ADVERTISING HEPKESEXTAT'VB Vraeland-Betijamffi Special AdTertlalnf Afw. . flrajanrlpfe Building, 2l'8 Firth areona. New Yorkt Tribune Bnfldln. Ctilcaito. tbe Republican candidate, what busi- was an arduous, dangerous, patriotic neaa has Geer, or Bennett, or, pmith, service that these pioneers, a rem or jp.BL. nybo,3r eI lea"t riant of whom are left to form the all a member;' of the legislature veterans association, performed, and chosen to carry out the people's will, I late and Jnsufficlenti-ijwiiMtf- to say that this man chosen by thelognltlon and reward on the part of people shall" not serve' them? And! the government, They fought for surely the Republican candidate, If (the future Oregon, and after Its on- beaten In such a state, should be thelganlzatlon for the territory of Ore first man to yield to the people'slgon, now three bright stars in the I approbation or th itamao who hav will and say to the legislature: The J constellation "of thdVnlon, without ut8ly v,B,td this port for the -work Letter From , tte People ' J VPet "itfswK, iE-U(ewor Jthe Sea. 1 ' man's Society. . ' w Contagion Presidents t . i or tne Power The: Message of the In speaking of President Roosevelt's The ros Is preeminently the lover's :5jJL C'rfwleuitate sovereignty by flower. V Who among th orientals has not federal power,. CMITerVTIbr S,r.i4 LS o.,xoaea and nightingales, of Un says: J y ,.': . '..jV-'H ',H' fguorous yesan'4"Ka'rea7':fisafii " B......1 .t.t.- V I I J 1 .l1.11 M . , . I . . . littla nuM i ,. V.... ... .. I " y cuiuumonQ iiuaunj luunum, oi mysterious veuea inn.L!.?,!- ?!f!TJ0J?!Wv-t.b! which shows how completely our minds hourls and all the soft delights of trop- are rocuaed on this one thing, chose, for Meal exlstenoe? Society. Portland, , June lT.To the Editor of The ; Journal will you allow me . Small Change - Squander the fosee; there'll be plenty Thosj ulg shameful. weeds on : line lots " are e III VllltOri brtnw th. l I. a?: . m11.""7 ,nd Plesnt for the dear old, pioneers. , v- t ..,, ": ' '. ! '. 'V. ' '"V'."; Nobody should be caught with a rose at Lome Thursday. pallet ottiZtrlV1 I ing to be elected school director, m s ' " '' . , .,.. ",' Thev do nav kr..i.i.i ' . ' ".uiv w & vita niuun keepers rather liked IV after all. v"" ; May there be Indian i (.Muuwtjr for several years yet. x ; '-'"i""-? ; ''v-", . -T-.rf .-r"1'. r 1 : Bushela of FftftAS Will ' KlAAHk laa 4tak days and be ready for tha great display. ' - fc , ,(H ; Oreen and Qaynor had spent alhthelv sfolen money at JisW At least they are In Jali. .. . - v , , -x '.- " e . ; f.,.v,: ; The DODe ttrobahlv (hnn.h) ivaa b.w'1 couldn't do inv .7,:'. T.Z .V" . - i'w .lw vu" wwr their-Memorial day messacea to the And amnna- nur mrt.m mm. beonle' don"t want m.' but tha othr I nrdApa ,ir nrnmntinv Hn " 1???' ?va?.lf P1?" ' .FIlen1. society at ,v,. ..,k.k. .i,...i I v.... ......... ..... .w. ... . - - - - i - vm;n, . " ia cprner oi i nira snr landers streets I " wvjv. ... .uum . mr ju inua ww iv man; elect Mm." , J . ; U., ;' Iwitb no more selfish s motive than for the benefit of all seamen. lrresDeo- PUndr'r line r between the lltue Id erature which clusters about this queen Obey the people. Let the people! the protection of one another, and t,V6 01 ht,onallt,r or cr',!L Mr, Boper, rule. All this talk against . State- their homes, and they are richly &r".'t? n iuouv 4 in mu cub lur uiuvuvf uuo to oe conBiaerea uregon s cniei ergy to please all seamen and to elve J a a. A' IS". '. S - - ing me people s win. I galaxy of heroes today. , - ' them a hearty welcome and also to THE DOUMA DISSOLVED. Like romance of the long ago are make institution in this port a sue- the ovAr-trua talmi thpnn froatv. v " n"r onoria ana me tne over-true taies, mese, irosty kl d ,h. . ...... headed.' veterans can tell of I them from time to tima anA the haartv fHE czar has dissolved -the sec-1 marches, and stratagems, and hair-1 greetings on and all continually re ond , douma. and has Issued I breadth 'scapes, and victories, and ce,v ?n ". seamen who im nvw luvaiva in lau ony or roruana state power, which Is called,. by a. news paper not given to hysterical overstate ment, "the most revolutionary proposi tion ever put forward by. a. chief ex ecutive of the. nation." ' : Mr. Bryan at Norfolk,.. Senator Foraker at Steuben- yllle, and a powerful Republican, Chair- ,'" Snbartipttoo TerM trf mall to an addnM la tl United Statm. (nada or Meilcp. i : - DAILY. . I . ' One rar., ...... .B 00 I Ona noatb I .BO ,.-..'..;'.-',. auHDAX., -, ; One year... .12.80 Ona month....... f H 'r : DAILY AND SUNDAY. tj . ;. One Tr., ,.,.. .$7.60 On month.....;. So j' 1 . i 1 1 ' 1 '' " " n V' 'ii 1 1 ; LET THE PEOPLE BE OBEYED. (fWO , REPUBLICAN papers of j ;J Oregon- one of them edited by "7anT ex-goverhor whoTTf 1 "quite ' . ? generally supposed, may K'be a candidate tor United States senator next year have made-extended ar-l do anything contrary "to the auto-frest of our own country. guments ..against Itepublican : candl- Icratlc will.: If the next douma Island comfortable be their .declining s. so erroneoua opinion they have of .i.. tn tho 1nriaiofnM aK.f .v . ..,. ,.. .. v v. .v. np irom in experience or over . -v iiiw ea1.iBiac1.or7 10 me czar. ana JUS 1 ye, piucorw uu ucarij u iu r-iev rears ana 1 do know that there are scribing . to Statement ISO. 1. urging connllnre it will ai.n - h , .!. nt wa all tt to thaim; anil vtinn. n. . more, true or mora aens tlve i i v.uu, wv h i - - ar - . , - " i rnnn mm. rw th. i.n. that they ahould not thUS bind them-I boItaiI. anl thla nrniaa will .uin. Ufa Ion ' thttv ahall n tn kAAn rnm. I institution, which Is a selves to vote" for a Democratic can- tinue nntil the douma Is a ' mere pany with those who fell in fight S'riiwd conouiw"' 12iiNihL rS3LH flidate for the senate providing he pretense of a parliament, a b6dy for and who have fallen peacefully since, nV.i...nSd..,h.fonn'L ,..?e"?rv.! should receive a higher Vote at the I formal show nnlv. wtthnnr mnv .i maf thlr mmnrv ha always hon. oulte confident that all the seamen who latitude and lonaitude of hla popularity. ....... r.. -. - . I -"j L.,.. ... i...i w v-I u. i " . in., ii. n ik. nolla than Hi Rcnnhlleaii Mndldate. I ",v.i i.nl. j .. .1.. -..it irr.'.T. rvL'!' V: ". w-? . ". -"fir"' , --inci "uwici, muu uuo iubi wui vim, an iuc; mdcji nuu, i yiniiea tnis inaiiLuiion nave oeen Highly I necessity or nuntmg xor riaws, 01 crea.i' the lltUe 'old arata nitai RsaaiAs vnenlrrnrr n ui. 1 i . . l tie Rock, and that - bulging dome at I . Vishnu is said to have found hla bride Washington. President Roosevelt laid I in the heart of a rose and by means of down a policy of future extension cf the same flower has love's message, been the federal power,; at the expense or conveyed since lovers .first began to - A ' M at . . ' -a a . . ' I . a m , A 1 1 SSV T IVVB ilS aillH UKJ VI JT oruera tor me election 01 a I narasnips ; enaurea, ana oi gauani and those, who have lately . left It for man Tawne of tha arjoroorlatlons com jtnira. the electorata tn he raw land, bra va deeda dona in tha far-off Y".1" w.Mp"7 ur ui our strlcted so as to secure a leglsla-1 wilderness, lying unnoted I IVT "w w a ivi b ik aUI 1 (llBll4tWUBJ V UU(V1 WWVUff VUUl" lumu y , suu. ' nrotaat .nlnit tht axtanalon of the f wciai UVWW WU1UU 11 ... V.V1 j ....... loynse. : . . -My 'love is like a red.' red rose," sang Burns, and Edmund Waller writes, "ao,.lovely rose I Tell her that wastes her time and me That now she knows When I resemble ner to thee How sweet and fair aha seems to roe." t-lu the . sadneaa of unfulfllled hopes Mrs.' Browning writes of tha withered rose place. - Of all these, this much may be "yea, and the heart doth owe the said of that on who has the widejt audience: his guesa at what'wlli be) best for ail the people a hundred yeara xrom now is a mue more sure to oe suggested br a complete and uncon scious sincerity. He naa no reason to practise insincerity. Ills grip upon the nearta of this nation la such now, mat if he, on any occasion, had aald the op- oosite or wnai ne . aia say ne wouia not have diminished by a single unit th Hepublicaa candidates for the legV not c attempt to exercise any real lature. these patera J saysbould THE MAN FARTHER UP. maxe oniy a moamea ewemeni, believe parliament, under complete to-wlt, that they will rote for the and abject subjection to the bureau- people s choice in the preceding elec- cracy, and not In the least repre- tion providing the people enoose a BentaUve of the masses of the peo- Kepubiican, out ll xne people enoose I pie. a Democrat then these members, of A delighted with it and hare gone away I Ing opposition, of refusing to admit with better feelings toward th lands-I approbation, if he should feel it, for tho mii uj uauaiix nave leaving I policies or tot party m power. Aim port. Th weekly concert that are th president la completely free from held here ar mnda moat tfritlv. nnt I .. .,...i.i..akink .ii.rh.. tn Mr. NT flWIBAT dflBT of aTmnaihy ?n,y ToT the aeamen of every nationality I Fnnktiwmiv w. da him no wrong in . . - . ,. 1. hut f?r the residents of this city utterln It that the Ohio senator Is I for Aba Rnef would be1 mis-1 who have been attending tham. . t. u..' v .a . .We also wish to thank the ladles of placed. He has been of a good th w. c T. u. for coming each week deal of service to the srosecu-1 and. distributing the fragrant rosea for - i wnicn inia nnri la nmnn. h.ii... ... Tf la .k. .vi. v . . v Ittnn hnt hm nnlv tnM as mnrh aalao few floarara tha l la .nit. . ..... io uauuc w luii uu vwu l i ,v- : r- .- . . . i in tha nuat hiva Been sucn as m create i n moin laguaana roses or ni i..i..j . the legislature if, elected will not the Russian government's design was necessary to secure some degree opened. only .bout-confidence in them now. On th whole. Tea. but wher leaves.th roa of y. r. "uu. ratuy tne people s cnoice, More love, dead rose, than , to any roses bold, . . , ... .; . Which Julia wears at dances, smiling ta still upon this heart, which breaks , below thee." Of th gladness of lov th poet Elmo sings: "I hear her singing In th glen Vv't And through th flowery vale. My bonnle Belle, my own dear love, V I My Roae, my Nightlngai." r ; , . Referring to the old legend of the love of the nightingale for th roa and th tradition that tho bird never sings o sweeuy as wnen pierced by its thorn, Archbishop Trench haa written: AaSDsagiiiiK an w nuaiim nn am Tuiinrsn vnnvn s .a . not so much a disinterested statesman. I For sweetest songs of saddest hrts t1J,n,n'. WM L the last with eves fixed UDon a hundred yeara I ar born, I . . v . , "." 'V : Y i; - rt hence, as an advocat for thtereeta morel And who my here dissever love and gome persons who on in fnnn.rn.il in Hra and Now. - Moreover. I paint"" I..5- Tw.?..!L".T"0.-.on-"'"f wont i,..i.r nnnaavaifa ethical lmDulses Exclaims Omars - - ; I w"" ."na ?!8n again som Those who haven't June hrMaa . al. ready secured or annni Wm.i k..... . . . D nwM.M irailCI nusue. t. . . yv e .. 'v.. . It won't be verv lnnar till. th. V..... and dogs will need those proposed water fountains. . . , . . . Harvest time soon tar anma time for nlh.r. tha -n .i3 Urn for all. , h!'! Writing It tnnVa aa It tha weather bureau wouli,"erv a vote of thank and a bouqu , .. . , . . impulses! txciaims vmar: - I ' in the past have been Such ae to create "Each morn a thousand roses bring -d o, not t . ,n; wnelnr S ahnad nf tha neonla. Aceordlna- toK.i. . . ui. ...t. t. nvai M 'n. li.lif .M.r' K0Jr.. ,n PM'. opinion 1 .- ' iic vi if iv luieuuiug iu lnaj goT-i"" ..a.v. v. mt rigni man in tne nght pit lace. He and Intention all along. It never In- of Immunity, though Heney says he I'ed n. " ? ZJy.W Here it is again-putting party I tended to keep faith "with 'the-o'eo-Iwlll "send Ruef to the" penitentiary, (amongst m all seamen visiting these I the ria-ht man In I these partisan casuists, members Of Lrnm.ni'. air- ... hnwATtr. not entv because ".'of the h"A hl ome expertenc of the sea hlm- the legislatnre should do as the peo- oromise was 'made, that intnntinn fractions of truth that he has told, wants. With all th freedom and cour. pie direct as long as It suits these was; changed as soon as the I war bnt because he is not really the head Iiise ta VeaV-a n wer" r memoers- parusansnip nouons, out u with fapan was ended and the worst man of the corrupt and corrupting mt y tSiS JSgi i uwa ona foov to pay inern a Vlalt 00-caslonally. jrnE.IJjE.RICK KETMBALT Chief Officer British Ship Zlnlta. The Play the people direct, them in a given 0 the outbreaks at home were sup- J combination. The Pacific Outlook Instance to do :, something -contrary I pressed. When the. Russian "devil" expresses a very common opinion to these notions, they are to be dis- Ba(j rec0Tered his health V little, when it says: obeyed. ? Thla u to make a mockery bi8 gaintly pretensions ceased. The Aftr all, Ruef is but ah incident H of the most vital principle, the very douma must do what it is ordered to ,rBOt nh B,an beh,nd- hM beeB soul, of the law. That is. that the do . and must r.fr.lu from "otnln but a go-between. Th intel- . ' .' .v.i.- tn .v. ,i ' a u" rerra" irom aoing ngent p-opi of California are morally yrvji.- auvum iu, .mcir ...i .uoum anything contrary to the will of certain that they can lay their hands on be done, when expressed, and the the government, or it must cease th" arch-crimini ofthemalL- Andthis lAtrfolaTAii ve ' vyinanBAn tntlva aVi i 1 I I . ' . Jj I tnn, m m mi mk ka 1a af awl I e 4ha Maahaai a .cs..w. , . -nul.u,. to exist. The second douma profited " , " t -Tha Fortun Teller." a comic opera bv have no contrary will whatever; His .v.. v .v. a... .a . " the law and punished for. th crimes of Dlr.v .v. ... "i - - 7I . . , ,. .. . . -1. P"""""- "J luo ol lae urBl which he has been th author or all th "h v I vT. 1 . , whole duty is to do what the people ftnd attempted very little in the peo- work of Spreckei and Heney will count ! , - - "ertlrt 4 x wa tell him to do. and not otherwise. kia'a r.h. if k ..t Ifnr.r.,ht lNoiriou ,wi nnit h. orilMl"r produced by th Alice Neiu . t I fV ap ; vvuau, WU UVb 1 " -" " ' But these gentlemen, still bowing nd mini.ti rth rnomW- ' Wlied y cutting off the stalk A can- dnwn trt nartv.' wnnld hava thla u ' . . . . ' fiW cannot b eradicated by : external "I.".". V "J " lD9 government ana speak treaftntint W muat iet at' th root. his gueas at what muat be for all an Intellectual peeultiw,-wht-wiU be beat for the fourth generation, naa a big advantage over all others by reason of his sure disinterestedness - and his freedom from shackling convention of thought. , ' Novelty, need not terrify. Th mighty prominence of the source of this new idea will focus upon It the thought of K.v' nat An an1 n 1 Baa tl si all fiTa flT It. Will furnish Interest In the : f abrio of our government. , and. Intellectual stimula tion, high and low. All this is well, and aa a practical matter there la no occaalon for hysterica. - The president s dictum does not becom law by hla say so; .even though congress. If they.ar nannaillkl .11 fa VOod. Should makS It a Uv, yet after that the aupreme court can unmake It' Only they,, the Nine ludsrmeni. - can sanction terdayr( A f??lVinV70M orTterday, aa pre- nomination for president if it la offered Senatoe ,JCnox.ay h-Hft aeeeptthw-'l a J . - " w W a wU atva v A A at. Ii :..;Tr. '?fm" na songe or many him. and doesn't say whether he has ;-""" raiauca auuwn im securea leaay s consent or not ... yeare. . .,,,...) ,. . e . . ... a a ' flo'Jer. "Vina an 'ofd Si' Mrk Twain Is wrltln a book to b Queen of flowers, a. Scott who'sayi, liXSTV1 Tor th next to th. last wek of Its 'in-this "fovernmenrao viuiai engagement at tha Vfammm tha a I tha nraaidant nroDosea. -Lacking the Franclaco Opera company Is presenting stamp of their deliberation niPPr'J TU aay aha looks as clear ' a I ,1.1. ... .....Inn haa nr. mora DOtenCy I Aa ninrn n. The roae is fairest when 'tis budding now, And hope is brightest when It dawns ' from fear."..': -.., , ,. "Rose, earth's jst grae In spring." said an ancient writer, St' Bernard, a preacher of crusades. ( . , "Every rose Is an autna-ranh fmm h. hand of Almighty God," says Theodore Parker;, and Bryant: . " . "Th roa that lives lta little hour " Is prised more than the sculptured - flower." A uh.v..... . : : . - , Oregon SiJeliglita v. Jl. V 1 .- ; u-eainrenk . muoi ol ii vna rout. versed, they, would, disobey the peo- for the people, so it is abolished; And th root of th iniquity which has pie at the behest of party. - (perhaps the" third douma with a overwhelmed th 'entire stat of Caii-j son company and was on of her most successful .offerings. .This is th first presentation of th piece in this clty -mere was a Dig auaience at the Mar- qoam jast nnrnt to witness the tKia anva-aatlnn- has no more DOtenCy I As mnrnlnr rnaaa n.a.i ..v.a V...m.nllr.n tn tha Con- .-.r , iirail a i vvvhhmwmi.---- . s nellsvllle folk to b gooa to tneir wives, to th Michigan farmera to raise large families, and to th nature-writers to be truthfuL Better indeed than law or flat more effective for' Individual happiness and right giving- than any chinge.b may effect .Mi tie oonstitu. Hon. are these i homely counsels, th holding up of simple virtues, the ener infdumv,rtio tion. and It ihoroughly enjoyed the 'pi?- which th president from, rearplat ff. "0, "k. i'iWrl" .w TT? in beau, xorma and in puouo "J.." which wer seriou.lv t.. .i a. 'J. If hops wer only potatoes! ' -. e e , ..; . Prunes looking up rn southern Ore gon. , , '(, . . . . . a, e e Polk county may build steel bridges hereafter. , , . .--' " i. Farmers east' of th mountains ar all Jubilant . . , o y . Th Baker City nna toff Ira hadiv naaia Th valu Which attaehaa tn tha more clerka. ?v Jrt'e In early timea to a belief In . . - ' ' ' lta efficacy aa a medicine, so Tn Greece . Lacomb dog has one bead, two bod. roa leaves were prescribed both ex- les and six legs. ... ternally aa a poultic and externally. . ' . . -inw was probably as good a specific as saunar allied ei chickens at On the first fern seen In tha nnrin . visit near Pendleton. cure for toothache one cannot but won. i near Echo yielded til ''an ana wnear uay. tt might happen that the people i.- v. fornia. mor particularly th city of Saa I formanc. The OMra abounda in hiv..! I rnrma and in Dublio communlcatlona, IsT "hfnva la ! - ' ' .i. . , . ... . i r. "u vi. urn ycuiiip uiD-i ... . ,,.., ,u. ..,, tiful n,i,.ii . .T :,i.i iir. H DDiltlon slvM ".uv ;.."."r"4' rocomrnenaaa ana On day laat week 0 ooo aha.n w.r. wouia elect a legislature a majority franchlsed. Will ; be entirely tract- ?Z ore 'fun' thin any" of tl,r San rZ hlmh powerand he has' th. impulse, 0h iZVlVJ .r City to V Montaw to max in len corarai the rose.- fin a f th... tiu. "".'Z I - legena, xnaae mm m noi( u.v.i.b, in setting up ideals, have this powerful help. - Men wno never saw mm are, as publle officials or simple cltlsena, stim ulated hv the mere contagion of his example and the energy of hi precepts, i when worth lOUght which Steal he i calla association expresses with ' men Gold Beach e e haa been worth a "liberal education." Thla T . -a una ucen veiling a oauy th tale aa told bv tuSSt?-.!.. t.1',.1! PaP" .on,'r..bo" .two a week lately. poet:., - compiaina inuioo. - "I was taking a; walk," h aaya " ' "when I saw at my feet a half -dead PeaM m"n has hogs eight months leaf, which exhaled a grateful frag- 01(1 that weigh 300 pounds. , They have J.?.6":. . P'eked It up and smelled It bad no grain feed only skimmed milk. delightedly. Tou that exhale so sweet Jr :?-W h rH you the to r Ther IS now a very stringent stat o, was th reply, 1 am not the rose, law about allowing Russian thistles to DUt t have lived some time with ha arrow and (I nn.ht In ha alrltl an. . . n ,,, .. - - ' umwjuiu wi. v iu. , Duumorq , jravilic I .1... . . . . ' - - aoie 10 IDS autocratic WilL Thus haa corooratlon.' Tta 'nam la Herrin Rnf nh... u u.T.v.. t.r ."Tf I .r. ..U . iia hnn.it amrtn 01 ines is tne Persian the same time would give a Demo- the mnch.heralded ' monmt for ha. said ao already, and -Knrt -know-, th r rf-rwiUfS STMWW, !': which "haa h2 Jiai.. -w.t AJW.H?!W . L b ''""" uo U141' w wwmib- ended already, strangled in lta In. Kv . "17." f.I " -Il v T" . la v""'-1" or cer.lAn wem- ture in such a case la Inst as clear . " r., " r .... ion. career oi j wmpany w permit tn pjec - . - iciujency. ... . I criminal nractlce in corruntlnar nuhtln I w ""S. ueprivina 11 10 a certain extent and plain as if the man chosen for That thd czar's - promises have or',clals Rudolph Sprockets may as well uUhau8Ma"gV senator and the majority of the leg- been ruthleB',y broken is shown In hv. kept that HOO.OOO In the bank. In thla cltyf T 7 Productions Islatnra wura Wh of tha aamA nartv : uroea " nown lD But HeneV wUl "get" Herrin If both Such charges might succesefully be . - - " - I ma notice to tne nrpsa f hnf nnthino-1 n. . .., tt , . .. I made acalnst Mr. Havdn in nart inula. I 2. n. - mt..i.. ThA TiAohlA hv 1-l.rht thai a dts. I . ' . .. ' o .i r r.n, wnemi; wnose wh. aaptat,. -ther rar.r: tZ 1 OW""a . --' - - -t.1 I displeasing 10 tne government can I money haa Herrin used in hla rnrninf Ui.v. .ira. . i z: ...... I t....,gi.nt....iM th. ; . tr.iid criminate and ; their Instruction to b- nnhtlihul ' An. r hi. n.nmi.a pracUceaT .We bid Soreckels and Henev there was a real fault with the nrndi.n. I States senator from Wisconsin, waa tha legislature is DOBitlva and em- . godspeed. . "on. It was undoubtedly due to the fact born June 18, 1829, near Frederlcton, - " - - i rcioruia wnp.n janan ann Hiinninn i - , o . i or tha initial nr...ni.ti.. m m n Hramw ck. tin emiaraien io wis- l..-.. . "2 .. . uer, ' phatlo Indeed is all the more so on -k- a v. "ISZ: 1. 1" A if bcompieteiy r was l "years bid and M",w" "" swtnss i poss.a.' I "iVUO AX CAVA AAA AAA LU1UT310U W2&H A I rWl I I TT... 1(1 a a. . . account of this differentiation and forced. Today he la tv ror tha atiir.aaa I aaio w mo - ncituiv himi iu kiiq i dlarrlmlnatlon. Tf th non1 elAct . llaturA to rlu tha H,,nd. i. of Ah piece so far aa the musical num. state. In t" summer, during, his early ' -.- - excuse, ne enslaves tne press, or . ' bera ao. as Muaetta. a f. manhood. he ploughed tne fields . ana press, and now, without apology or It would ha waII for tha nrf iai. -..."'" "m.m; "e greater . - tVZ . . .. wv IV6U- i pan oi me responsipiilty xor tn success sentiment "tippling rooms" with some other places that' are not so objectionable. The present law couples singing opportunities. Miss Hem ml has i'ire"' in cjivaiicut voice ana was never near a to 'better advantage than laat nla-ht Her sonar. "Part " Tn Italian, was the big feature of the per formance and was enthualaaticailv. an. cored. . : . -.- . There Is 4 a trio of funmakers thla week who provide enouah laua-ha tn cause an almost continuous uproar. Mr. Webb of course takes th lead,, while close upon his ' heels In thla hllarit ; a legislature and most other candl- takes awav what Htti Hhortv it had making It conform more nearly to teller, and Irma, a, pupil - -dates of one party, and a senator of been permltted recently to enjoy. pr&ctIcM needs and present public S'peand a. AAti hsb eaitl -4 A a. 1. j.1 .a aa1 A a. a. A I f ' " 7 I aaailM A . All. a. a " . I alHUa. a.. a UI a l ,- .LVlur v..v, n auuws t.ca.n, um Tnug i8 all movement for a freer . they, did the' latter deliberately, dis- Ru8Bla at once suppressed, and old crimlnatlngly, purrosefully, and conditions are reinstated, there is in such a case" aU the more : It i. doubUess true that the Rus- reason ior oDeymg tneir mandate, a,, people, a conglomeration of That's right; get the Sunday clos because it peculiarity makes it em- diversified conflicting peoples, with In matter before the courts at once - ,phatic and leaves no doubt of the no commonUraditions. history, aim. "d get a -decision; The llauor people's real wm , sympathy or purpose, are as yet ut- dealers ; show a disposition to obey racTar? KMSniTml DlolB7ul "Y- luo v"1"1 terly unfit for absolute self-govern- P law. be blamed, since of the law relatlnc to the election ment As yet, a czar or a dictator official lawyers and others do not vL i.aiu.it scuatu.a. ran- Beerng inevitable, but the pity of it aKree- for doubtinsf what the law Is. . 1 .' a4la4AWAav IrU .VMA. 1 awfaa1 ak ex A., - aaa. la 1 . 1 " -.. w -uu- u tDat a great man doe. not arise fivtnaAl TA f w tinrnAiKflaif MasaIw Aara I . .V T. . Vv. 7 r 7 1 to ,,n at';-place. one who would he Indian fighters of half a cen- r; t ,7 "y s" lead and drive the people upon com- tury ago made no attempt at "benev the United States senator whom the mon hIgner ground, and that Russia olent assimilation." of the savages. nAnniA liovA n noon wMl jawv I . . I . o thrna;;,;:. , r : 18 rulea nom,ni by n but beiieved there wa. oniy one v , I v ,v 7 . ; ; : we&Kns. ar who is the slave way to make a hostile Indian good wna-a will llrtt nHarrlTA in Uta. I t I , . uwu : " ":v , I , i 01 a Kroup of race-robbers, and toent says In effect that he will not Whose word to his people is not v vu, . mil ouu lusuruc- worth a sailor's oath. uou uniesB trjey emme in with the The Village Blessing, small,, old-fashioned ' Woman trine e When the wheat harvest onena ' in Umatilla county this year at least 340 combined harvesters . will be In opera, tion In the county. . ... - e - e That 12-year-old girl on a dairy farm near Lake Lablsh who milks 14 cows twice daily is truly a 'dairy maid of the genuine type. But isn't that over working a nerson so vounar In vaara? aaks the Salem Statesman. 1 . S. Lens, a "soldier of the Boer war. and whose property was confiscated by ine uritisn government, nasoougnt 'is acres near Hillsboro, and will eatabllsii a poultry yard, stocking, his premises with Rhode . Island Beds. He already has a flock of about 1,000 chickens. Th wheat-fields on all sides of Echo i 1 i. k. i ii-. . in in. wiiiLtir unuiou iva. 111 uu lull. i -u.. . i 1. 1 . . . . .i u.o umiot i .oca ... .... .k. I wniiaieu lace la ammnar. ahfvl a.ith Whlfh Ml.. I lr regiuil. .in loow III. went, nuu mu I Irlnrlnaaa ar. V... t..m W abundant lumbwln, b.ln.s. on hi. own account Ana JMfX!: IV. ,w I ana rapiaiy ucquirea woann. .. tie waa i . - K-- -- -v, un; . . - . r . . v . I bbb n,r rtn nrr aa v. tne rirst man io tow oarares on iaae i t j. ... Michigan. H-i was one of the organ. " , rT J?i?rV TUI' oS to uers ior tn aiurgeoti , isay uanai com-i ' i . w . pany, whose waterway was afterward! ,u. . .... . . sold to the government . He la th " T-.1 ea.IJW0,com: owner of large farm... stock ranges. Bh. J,n. hhVd!ie:.??lfi,14 luniber concerns, and. In fact la inter- Hn "hS" m-J ?mlnT ches for every ested in most of the great enterprlaes ' 'JtSl ln&,br ld?: . ,., ' of Wisconsin. H haa been active In Ana ti?r' n' hand Ilk her hand Renttbllcan DOlitics sine the formation I r"f ine weaoing caKe, of the party In 1868. Hfa first public vr "ml"..?ome?li toubles which com squeak, of his. party tin god. Here Is a state normally Republican by some 30,000 majority; now if in fepite of this a majority of the peo ple, necessarily including thousands of Republicans, - should instruct the INDIAN ' WAR, VETERANS. Every year Portland astonishes the pioneers who see It only annu any, and every year gives them if possible a warmer welcome. T HE. DAYS when Indians were The word J'fiesta" isn't In tha lougnt oy rrontier settlers seem English dictionary, but yon all know to tne new generation far off near enough what it means, or will n tne aireaay misty n&st. Yet hv fintnrdav nio-ht !..!. . .1... T-v . . I , . ' " I - ---V "!!"- icftio.ovuio ciccv to mere were scraps With Indiana In 4 a mesr a fa , wa Vi w Kif . I . ... '"::r:-S-ZrZt'r J 9 racu,c nort. resulting in a Anybody who doesn't love those muc' w - "u consiaerabie number of fatalities, 'as old pioneer mothers and grand- llli C,mman1' ,ate M 1878. The other stalled mothers is an undesirable citizen. v .v.,u. . avmuowu com- wars or this region occurred much mand, as that? Yet this is .exactly earlier, beginning with the Whitman what, Editors Geer and Bennett are massacre at Wailatpu in. 1848. nrglng. They urge that in a given These combats between - the ad instance the people be disobeyed, vanclng and the receding race mostly ,rr ' ' wv V , occurrea ltner ast of the moun- . Since Walt Whitman went on, why sit down, that they don t know what tains or in southern Orea-on. but han't .Tn,nnin Miliar a a they want, that the party tin god is many Willamette valley s settlers- gray poet"? maeea there were scarcely any set-' The rose bushes are doing their part now; , do yours when they are needed. above them This is the fallacy and futility of . their argument: it seeks to put the people in the background again, to disfranchise them, to override them, to tell them that they don't ; know what they want or what Is good for them.- Suppose the people-4the peo ple, mind yon of a supposedly Re publican state: do say, consciously. intelligently, thoughtfully emphatic tally, that Xhey want a certain Dem ocrat for senator In preference to tiers elsewhere In this reglon--went out to punish the red men for their criminal mischief and protect the pioneers' homes from further as saults. During the 20 years reign of Dr. McLoughlln, he maintained friendly relations with the savages, except- on a few occasions when he visited punishment npoa them.; The Indians aid not object to the trap pers, but looked upon permanent settlers with less friendly eyes. ; It ler. As Fresco, the ballet master, Webb uas a pan in wnicn ne revets, ana with his part alone there would be fun enough for any show. Mr. Kunkel and Mr. Miller, as cosiedlahs, appear to bet- Office waa aa a member of the Wiscon sin legislature from 186 to 1888. From 1883 to 188B ne was m congress,. ' ,.' Today in History. . tiA Hllah AfmmA ' fc. v Tn. n teradvantaRethaninanvnrevlniianrn.il.. d.i. ductton. f I 1 iaHamndan Htlllad at'iiattl'--' a'f Mr. Wallerstedt has cohslderabl slng-IChnlgrove. - ' ,r ,, ng opportunities in "The Fortune Tel-1 1812 War between England and th ir ana aaaea areatiy to in popular United State commenced. - . favor in which he is held. His aong, 1818 Power of Napoleon I crushed "Slumber On. My Little Gypsy Sweet- at the battle of Waterloo. ... heart," was an especially pleaiinjr num- 1817 Waterloo bridge, across th ber. Themes at London, formally opened. Miss Leicester Is a very striking! 1829 Isaac H. Stephenson, United Mue. fompom, a prima donna, and gives 1 States senator from Wisconsin, born. a pleasing performance. Miss Slnnott I 1890 England ceded Heligoland to ana pany'g apt to make. Th children run' to meet her, and they hanar unnn ha. airi.a. . i ' Sh nVer frOWna or annlrta than. th...k I ara In . flna nnnriltlnn and hM fair lit . their hand be black with dirts ? I produc a wheat crop unequalled In th And in her old-time "ridicule" she loo If a I history of this county, says th Begin. w, nndi sweet drops,'. - I ter. Thousands of acrea of heretofore Which with A cheery greeting in esch I raw land are thla year producing in ,, "iuu . wuuiu, ane pops. , . maa aounaanoe, anq insieaa oi m to i, jhi v.. v ui u. H '.. . bushels, all predict a yield of from S5 Bh has her thimble with her when sh to 85 bushels per acre. A a result A-a''".'Sfi t0 ,et ?wh,le." : - land value are going up by leaps and lu.ciicaa anu iniy no one can I bounds. reconclla Er long with thread and needle she's - Sure to lanit a hand . With tuck end hem' and ruffle.- with seam and gusset band. 1 Coqulll Sentinel; P. jHmm n.a, ........ I. . .a .ju.vj c l. v. . . ... luiiiui i in ri. i ininiaiii. i . . . . this week. I . 1896 Jury In th Laidlaw-Sage cas Bring out -th mending basket!" aha .........A ....1.1 .V. .I.I.IK. a.. I - - talla tha n .1,. ..." ;.-"- $40,000. Whose four great boys and stockings - 1902 Serious riots at th strike of ar in perpetual strife. " silk dyers In Paterson, New Jersey.,; Then In cheery conversation ' the two' 1 AnA-nnvrnnr .Tnhn M P.lllmn nt are nearer drawn Ohio died. " , - . , while beneath their nimble flnrera the In tha. nan Una of communication. The chorus Is " stilt ona of th mnat pleasing features of the -company and gives' eminent satisfaction in thin nrn- ductlon. The drum . corps. ? when Jt learns to keep time, will likely be im mensely popular. s "The Fortune Teller'Vwlll be the bill for the entire week. The company will conclude its engagement ., In this city next week with the opera, "When John ny Comes Marching Home." : iy--. L. 'Phelan. th Myrtle Point member of the commltte , on Incorporation of the AJOUgias-Cooa. eloctrio line, yesterday rooming re ceived a stock-subscription book, and within five minute alter opening th mail h was besieged by appUanta for the stock, and aa soon a word Was passed around a string of stockholders commenced to com In with a steady de mand for their vouchers of ownership ; PIoneerB, Development League, Fiesta Portland's busy week. Tomorrow' the grand old ploneera have the right of way. T , ' . For, this rose-producing . weather. many thanks. :" ': :, The Echo Commercial club haa - se cured by subscription a considerable sura to Improve ' th bridges ther and roads la the, vicinity, , Our Friend, the Jap. . ;. . From th Los Angeles Tim, . There can be no more lack of gayety among the nations. The Japanese can mane enougn opera bourre for all the world. What thev come short in. Uta. land, their ally, can furnish. . . "The Mikado" was never so f unnv since Gilbert and Sullivan first snrana its melodious measures and delicious satire on the world aa it Is now. The rreat Enrllah Pooh Bah. or Lnrd High Chancellor, actually , forbade the production of the -opera In England , be cause It might offend the very delicate sense of patriotism of a few Janane.se officials who happened 'to be in. London. i ne piay wa proaucea outside in the "nrovlnnes" anil hla Indahln. with n... deroua'dlanlty and . the ' wisdom ..of an owl, proclaimed that It was at tharisk or me-producers..? bo rar as heard from, the play-folk are carrying the risk with out asking th aid of the forces of th empire on land and sea to help them. In Brooklyn. New York, a company is also producing the opera, and they con sulted the representatives of Nippon as to their -feelings. , Actually . these "statesmen" who take themselves so very seriously since the war ; in . Man churia, said the pjay would be offensive to them. How -very sensitive! We make comlo operas and Orpheum circuit Jokes on our own presidents, and all the crowned heads of Europe have been caricatured In comio opera and roaring farce time out of mind. "The Mikado" was not withdrawn from tha hnarda tn Brooklyn and our Japanese Visitors will b obliged to look pleasant and smile." , 1-1 A . ST v .'IT -jj i. . vn aa.. At . I wwn lM rmwmm uinnoay. xh. ms.folk, lik their women-kind Robert Marion La Folletie, United with 1oy her visits greet. ' States Senator from Wisconsin, and who And aver "In one partlkler our town candidate for the presidency on the Re- For we'v an old maid in It who Instead publican ticket next year, was born at 4 '.: of spreadin' woes, Primrose, Wisconsin, June 14, 1888. Just bears a ray of happiness to ev'ry Senator La Follette's two most consplc- ' place she goes!" nous qualities are his aointy as an ora- """ xuuocn, in tn Housekeeper. tor and his ability aa a political or- - i n ganlaeff H received his education at - Three More Opinions. the University of Wisconsin and after ' ' . - , his araduation in 1879 was admitted to From th Woodburn Independent rReeV. the bar. From 1885 to 1891 he waa a I In the defeat Of Devlin . for mayor of I ber'of thV wa,v. and' mean, commltte ' Z. g",n he had a prominent part Jn framing the Ejea5,iH? P' McKlnlew tariff hill.' In 1901 he waa 15 f 0,"0." a oolltlcal hack upon . . . . . . - . . . I ine DUDiin.- .in ottm rnr-ii .m-.1' eieciea fjovernor oi yvisconsin ana con tinued In ' that office until chosen sena tor, .j JJuring- his term as governor he gave especial - attention ' to . legislation affecting railroads and was most active In securing5 laws in Wisconsin to curb the alleged abuses of the railroads and other big corporations. He was one of the first to advocate the control of. rail-! road ratea within the stat by a state commission, and he brought about the adoption or a measure to tax railroad property by th same system and at the same rate as other taxable property; He also led a movement to nominate all candidates by direct vote, which was enacted into law y the Wisconsin leg islature In 1904.' : Larger Than Ever. From the Atchiaon Globe. 1 The warm weather haa developed that the crop of peek-a-boo ahirt waists waan't Injured by. the unusual spring; only delayed. -Indeed,' the peeks seem larger than last year, which waa' a ran. 6rd breaker. ' - v ,; tne public "in office for. m i. I enough to defeat any man. Republicans biiuuiu mi wuir juugmeni at in pri mary. . "1 . From th Newberg Independent (Rep.). . Independent voters are becoming mor numerous each year and as a result Are getting better, lawmakers and better laws. The reelection of Harry Lane, a Democrat aa mayor of Portland over a strong i Kepunucan majority, simply demonstrates that th people are disre garding party lines ana are voting for clean men. ,,h:t From the North Tamhill' Record (Rep5. Th Republicans of Portland deserve pplaus for laying off the old parties n garment and giving corporate interests i and north and hv.t.r. a .aai imkhi.. i When. J.000 Republican voters decide to break away as they did in the recent election, certainly ought to be a warn ing, and that there are som voters yet who put principle nv good government above ; party. Portland ha redeemed herself. , . . -An East Side Bank for East i Sid People." It s Easy to Save Money . if yju do it In the right way. : The right- way Is to hava al . savings account and add to It' '. fi.t'i. von t-nn ana re tha-" i money, . . We invite savings account of $1.00 and up, on which we pay - interest, compounded semi annually. Many rich men started with . a dollar, and - increased their '.. deposits as fast as conditions - allowed them. ,r v :. Wouldn't you like to do the , sameT Call and see us. , 4 - - Gommercial , Savings Bank f ' xhott Aim wtujaks atb " OeorgeW. Bates..,. President J. S. Blrrei.ii Cashier 1