13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 18, 1007. SLOAN READERS GIVE . BY FAR BEST RESULTS TimUims jiliOpjnion. Regarding Books of Mrs. Katherine Sloan as AglnsTTiVfteeiCT- , : ; Primei-AH Hinges on Comparison of Methods. for the system In use In this city the Sloan reader are moat va.lua.Dio. xney lit me metnoa to parrection. , ' . Mla Dtmlck, principal of the Brook lyn achool, and ona of the foremost educators of. the city, says: "W hava never used anything else which hni privet such good -results. The meehan Ira of reading as worked out In Mrs. Sloan's - system Is a moat admirable educative feature. The children have been able with this method to do more than double the amount of work which has been covered wHh any other sys tem wnicn we nave ever useo. The action of the etate 'commission on text books la' ignoring tho first and . second grade readers by Mrs. Katherln Sloan of this city 4s greatly deplored bv Portlaad educators. ,:,.;.;,; v , Superintendents, principals and teach era alike unite In saying that the Sloan readers are better adapted to tho; Use of these schools and give better, results J than any others which they have avoir "used. Tho readers, ha vo been In uae In . tho city' schools for two yearn as aup nt.mnn tar v readers, and ? have been .; warmly Indorsed by all tho teachers who have ' used - them. - It was confidently expected that they .would be adopted by the text book commission and the blow ta a severe disappointment to. too - many admirers of-tnr oooxs. Wheeler Books -Wo XJked- On the contrary, the Wheeler books which, have been PUt.-V r received with small joy.. , The whole question resolves itself into a comparison of 'methods. - The Wheeler- primer has been In use and la well known; tt roiiowe ine oia memoa of word study or eight reading. Tho Sloan method, on the other hand, has grown up tn.the school room, following closely the method which Is apprved by and which has tho Indorsement of froreseor Kigier, ins cny luptnnwnu nt This la the phonlo method, or teaching- -by- vowel -sounds. . Children 'take this method up easily, and -the re sults are really surprising, not oruy do the children learn to read tho lesson In 'the books with ease. but, so the teachers say. they are able after a few months' study with this method, to read nny-book, for the system Is founded on Intelligent psychological principles and is pecuiary adapted to tho ehidlsh mind. . Thinks rhonio Method Best. -One of the teachers' from Clarke coun ty, Washington, who is in the city, ex pressed herself freely as in favor of the phonic method as taught in the Sloan book, above all other systems which he has over seen. YTou know tho value of the method In the city schools,4 she said, "but you can scarcely realise .what it means to the -country school teacher. She has peculiar problems to meet. ' Her time must bo divided between SO or 40 chil dren Of sll sixes and grades. With tho word method of teaching reading, the little ones, are dependent upon the teacher for each word. With the phonic method, they can ' sit down and study out the lesson by themselves, and It rives them a graap of the principles of reading which no other system csn ao- proscn. .-" -i . -V ! x - .,...... "We are required by the state school and tho county school laws. ' says first grade tescher of the city, - "to teach reading by the Phonic system Yet they rive us a word 'method book to teach .from and ignore the nhonlc entirely." : - -. -rrr-tV.- Many of-the principals of the city schools novo expressed themselves as highly pleased with the results which a , rrora tne moan Prtnclnal Xforvun nf tho rilnt-nn V11 v school says: "We. like tho Tender very familiar with tne readetwincTiTTniw been adopted, the - Wheeler reader, we nave fsd tne wneeier primer, and It I objectionable In this respect, that it oocs not rit with tho system which is in use In this city." E. 3 Hndley of the Hollartay school aiao indorses the Bloan readers with warmth. He says that teachers who nave usejt them are more than onthusl aatie ever thuirr and- the results aonieveo. ,4y vVr 0"-' Barer Xeard Complaints. shoe on tho right foot, the body was cumpieieiy nude, it had evidently poen In the water 10 or 12 days, and was that of a man six feet tall, about 190 pounds' weight, broad shouldered, and the hands w-r evuientiy those of a laborer. The head was devoid of hair, except a slight fringe at tha bgse of the skull. This was evidently caused by the action of the, water, which had stripped him of his clothing. The face had been smooth shaven and the color of tho beard could not be discovered, but 'the hair at tho base nf the skull waa Mack. The man was sandy complexloned, but have teen , obtains books. , -. ... -i , -. indorsed by Superintendent City Superintendent Rlglcr commends tnem.. e says: iney are excellent readers and have my Indorsement," Assistant ' Cltv- Superintendent " of Schools. D. A. Grout, who was for many years principal of the Ladd school, has nA haaf tan! In Inrinralnir Mta AlAAffi'a rreaaers. "They are rounded on scien tlflo principles, ho says, "and are ad wlrably - adapted - to the -use . of- our schools. ' We believe in tha ohonlo sys tem wnicn tneao books rouow ana nave hsd superior results with them." Principal Burnttam or tho Cpuch school -t think ; highly of the savs: Slonn readers. The system is excellent nd produces most satisfactory results." rvlng W. Pratt of the Falling school ays: rw like the readers very much and think -them a. valuable aid. In .de veloping tho children." - - . ; , Tit Method to Verfeetlo. Mrs. Watson. principal of the East Twenty-eighth street school -says that 9 . Prmo!pal C M.'Klrglns of the Ladd scnooi says that he has never heard word of complaint of the Sloan readers and that all who have used them praise inem. ir.ev emooay tne system wnicn has been found the most useful and whirh gives the best results. . The reiectlon of th readers liv tha text book commission Is felt hr those who have looked into the merits of tho case to be a severe blow. By falling i innnraB i nana reaaers me commission has disparaged tho whole phonic method qvteachins; reading, they assert, and the result will bo felt not only in this state out in otner places where tho system waa gaining recognition, . L. R Traver tst Pnrtltnn Ih. readers hare been used, points out these excellencies in tne Bloan reeilera! fl The arrangement of tha subject mat ter., (b) tho entire absence of useless metnot round in other primary readers. (C). ThO graded lists of won! a tn ha used In word drills. d). Tha simplic ity of tha method. Ha aavs: rWa ara murn pleased with, tho results of the reaaers. r ,.. . , Indorsed on Bvary Band. Thev have tha. indnraamant rt r TV onumway or Vancouver and of man others who have examined and testei leacner irom -sio jito wno la in the city savs that thev think of introducing tnem in . tha girls school were. .. , . , . - . .. , While 4he flloan readers mur ha ra. talned In tha city schools as sunnlement. ary readers the children are by this so tlon of tho commission obliged to buy tho books of a system which is at varl. ance with the method which' Is uaed here, and teachers fear that tho result Will be confusing- and Will cauaa vraar loss of time. Thev feel, moreover, that here In her own ' state where tho sys tem has been' uaed and Is valued recn nltlon Is duo Sure. Sloan who has scent no many years in perrecting tno system nOIIIillM LANDS WILL BE m III tho color of the eyes could not bo dis covered. From tha heavv chin and Was-cdinTiangnr.:-rtonT' aqnasawrtt ances, aoout so years old. There were no wounds about tha Doay to indicate that tho man cams to his death by foul play, and it is evi dent that he was a laborer at one of tne camps on the north bank and his aeain was xausea oy drowning. Ho will bo burled in tho potter's field. Applications , Being Filed Today, by Homesteaders POLICE CHIEFS SEE " FAIR AT JAMESTOWN fiat Offer . (Joorail Bpeelal Service.) ': -Billings, Mont, Juno It. Tbla was tho first day for tha filing of applica tions . for homesteads on tho Huntley Irrigation tract, soon to bo opened to settlers, and hundreds of homesteaders were on nana to to submit their affi davits. One week is to be allowed in which to .file annlicatlnna and on Wednesday of next week the drawings win ostein. , un mat aav tna rnvm. ment officials will draw one thousand envelopes containing the names of ap plicants, from tho total number flledj '; : (Journal Uptcla) Bet-rice.) . NorfolK.1 Va., V Juno It. -Tho crooks aro likely to fight shy of the James tftaM a.nnltlnH thla '-...Ir 9r.m a, a. I and thO SUCCeSSful drSWSra Will ha nntl tha vl-Itors there sr. tho chief, of po- rl ..r". tho Xmesteaa'act f"; ilea ni an tan Dig ciiies 01 ino counirv i ineir iana. Deginning juiv zx: Uz-h ana ine governors or .ine national ou-i person to wnom a homestead la award reap 01 criminal laenimcaiion as wen. Tho occasion is tha annual convention of Chiefs o: tho International f Police, Association of i B.UI 1. V. . tha. exposition audltor- slons today In lum. Chief Richard Svl vaster, of Wash ingion, u. v, presiaing, ed must pay tho government 114 an aero i for the land. Of this amount 14 goes mj n, inaians ana mo remainder to the government, to aerray the .oat of the irrigation. canaL.. Tha-homesteader is to De given ten veara in which tn nav for the land, Tho first year ho must aK..5jiu1jSi GENUINE Panama Hats $5.00' One of the questions to bo 'discussed I Pay $4.0 an acre, tho next three year a by the association Is tha proposal to 11.78 an acre, and for tha following six have keepers of prisons notify tho ss- I years I J an aero, soclstlon of the discharge of Drlsoners. I Tha tract to the object being -to assist the depart-1 prises 80,000 acres, to be divided into RECEIVES TITLE 0F D.D. ANOTHER EXGINEEB FROM THREE COLLEGES ments in keeping track of discharged I about 700 farms of 49a SO acres each, prisoners. , . -v I to bo watered by the new canal aystem. . Among tho . officers and executive I The trsct Is idcatad l) miiaa committeemen of the association, nearly I here and was formerly a reservation for all of whom wore present at the open- tho Crow Indians. It Is crossed by two mg, ara .nieia v;arr oi urano napias; i greet railway - systems, the Northern moo re or ijnngnsmpion, in. i.; jjay orifacinc and Burlington, affording un Bcranion; nowin or- uaiveston: iviur-i usual racintiea rnr tranannrtma- rrnnL pny oi jersey t-ityj enerwooa or una-1 i n government has bunt a highway wa, Ont.j Donahue of Omaha; ; Dalaney I parsjlnl to the railroad, affording a df- or uenver: jwney -or ietroit; Mat-irect lino to travel up -and down the thewa of Providence: Knhler of Clevo-1 valley. At short distances ainn tha land, and O'Brien of Springfield, O. I railways tha government has laid out townsites, and these aro ss located that MECHANICS BEGIN - XTroiS SZ" .ntmna nair n-nnn-rNivr . m nAMtinr .?" ". f the region is or remark. D!!.OdlUJ AT JUaUD, rertlllty and, when watered pro- i lauces Dountnui crops, ine climate ana soil are adapted to all crops of the (Jonrnsl BosetaIarv1re.l - ' norm temperate lone. Apples - any! B..aa K . . - Y .. .. , fi T VfaMl.1 I IPJIlll fr-ltlta M M ' H I MmA . ailAa,altSll 1 , Wa.VIa, H,Ha M Ull, IB, , IIV WlIIfliatl " . ...... .h.vuv. a.M.ba.na w.a j , session of tha National Council Junior I also aweet corn, tomatoes and melons. Order United American Mechanics be-1 As there is a large range country sur nn In thla rltr torfav with an attend. I rounding this section, livestock raising anco of delegates representing tha orderl ' a predominant industry and furnishes thrnnarhnnt tha ITnited Rtataa.. 7 s "' la good market for alfalfa and hav. i no irrigation warns consists ox m canaj. le, Rer,' William Hiram Foulkea Hon ored In Unnaual Manner by; , InstltBtlons of Learning. ; 13 miles long, with branches alz and one-nan miles in - length. Tno work taaa pnmnUtMl hv tha vnvnrnm,nt at an 1 1 K A V H S Hit. I , A l A 1 1 1 expenditure or more than 4J.ooo.oou, (Journal fkttcltl Service.) Washington. Juns II. Joseph Ripley I Stay at Hotel Hamlin. Eddy and Leav has resigned tha consulting engineer-1 enworth. Permanent and fireproof: 100 -k.i - at.. t... ,.lrl- I . r . IBIIIff VI L 1 1 V aV SIHIUIft . 1 1 at wU B l'J sltion with a greater salary. When In San Francisco rooms, 18 baths: rates ll.tO and: up. Eddy-street cars at terry. Dcrit Crown and Telescope Shapes All Sizes . I , . Mil I aaaSBSa.. I M ' ' aB M SS A i The Gentility Shop 311 Morfisoii Street ; ... Opp. Postofficcj 1 ' When college or academy girls beat tho boys at athletics, as soma havo done lately, it would seem that tha poor male things havo died In tho last ditch. What can they point to with prlda any more? What do they amount to anyway? Tha woman is it. ,v. ,; , -,.;..-, 1 Preferred Itoek Canned Crooda. , Allen Lewis' Bast Brand. - For cool cooking, lest work tntj least fuel-expenae uia a . rttPHlFECHON . . VMU Blue Hale Oil Cooli-Stove the ideal itov tot summer. Does everything that any other kind, of stove will do. Any decree of heat instantly. Made in three sizes and fully warranted. At youVdealer's, W write our ; nearest agenqr iot. descriptive, circular. f : ; ' ;. V Tke mie. Hade of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly con structed; absolutely oaf a; naoaceUed ia light-giving power ; aa ornament to any room.- Every lamp warranted. If sot at your dealafa, write to ear nearest ag aaey. . STANDARD OIL COMPANY 't'oSV an raratoo,. , A striking coincidence occurred last week In tho action . of three - colleges ! which simultaneously conferred npon Rev. William Hiram Foulkea, pastor of tho First Presbyterian church of thla city, the title of doctor of divinity. . Mr. Foulkea waa invited t iva tha I annual convocation address st wnit- worth college, Tacoma. last week. At tno conclusion or tho address the board of trustees tendered him this ' honor wnicn was entirely unexpected to him. On his return homo ho found telegrams from both his alma mater, Emporia, Kansas, and Lenox college, Iowa, con veying to mm ine tidings mat on tno samo evening both of these had also made him a doctor of divinity. ' -. Mr. Foulkes has nrevlouslv declinari a similar action by Lenox and has only I ov , nis nersonai reenn nraventaA his own college from conferring upon him tne degree perore. ho admits, however, that this triple honor can hardl be I declined, so accepts it with a recogni tion of the feeling which inspired the gift and of tha. high responsibilities In volved. At tho commencement of Tatnnw wnen tnis degree was conferred upon Mr. Foulkes, Dr. Edgar P. , Hill, for merly pastor of the First Presbyterian church of this city, delivered tha con. vocation address, . ; ; Dr. Foulkes will deliver two addresses nerore tne annual conference of stu dents or the colleges of the northwest at uearnart this week. WAREHOUSE DISTItfCT ATTRACTS INVESTORS Choice Sites Continue to Sell Sales Occur Almost Daily at Good Prices, j , M.d I UVk V VXXVVXV.VVVXNA.N.SVS.VVO, t V 3 m Tho Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which has been in me ror over so years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-g-ood " are but ' Experiments that trifle rith and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CAST QRIA ' Castoria is a harmless " substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, -Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It . contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms . and allays Fererishhess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind , Colic. I It relieves Teething Troubles, caves Constipation . and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. , The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. CENUiriE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of wnoice sites in tno ' Portland ware- I "house district continue to attract the attention of tho conservative investing public. Scarcely a day pases that a lot or quarter block in that section does not pass into the hands of a local whole sale or manuracturing; concern. The Quarter block at the southwest corner of Kearney and Fourteenth street was soia oaturaay to jay smith by the irwiu-nuuaon company tor (Zft.UUu. It Is known that ona ral aatata Arm is closing up transactions whereby three other warehouse sites aro purchased, the total consideration going above $100,000. The Portland Trust company of Ore- son naa laxen line as trustee tn 10 acres near Woodstock. Tha nrnnarrv belonged to the Society of the Sisters of me oiy name ana was sold for 1 10,000. J. B. Bridges . has sold tn w IT Chapln 40 acres east of Mount Tabor ' Mrs. Eva Andreas nurchnaaf vt. day a house and lot in City View park k. oiurer lor l,uuu. SUES GARBADE E0R , TITLE TO PROPERTY .fa . . '11' jr.. IS. J. Bliss' BeUcves Himself Victim of Misplaced Confidence and ; Goes to Court. The pd You Have Always Boug&t fn Uso For Over 30 Years. V THgeswTswaaoiisaMv.rf trassAvaTRcrr, SKwyeaaairv. r' Alleging that - Theodore A. Oarbaae I sold him two lots in Atbtna to which I ho had no tlUe, & J. Bliss ' has brought suit in tha circuit court to ro- onvr .. frnm r3ai.Ko,ai '' .4 AAA, . ml.. charges that Garbade sold him tho lots ror i,sot, ana told him ho owned them and that It would he a useless expense I iur xjiibb 10 nave ine titles examined. Relying on this statement.' Rltna uva he took the warranty deed that Oarbade tave him, and later trie' to sell the lOta ; . .'-....' A real estate firm was engaged to find a purchaser, and when they examined cna sustract it is alleged they discov ered that Oarbade had no title to the lots and the sale could . tint ha maita The real estate men want I2O0 aa thair commission, ana Bliss asks tha court to direct that Oarbade pay this sum In ad dition to. 12.000. ; ,- , BODY OF DROWNED " MAN AT THE DALLES (Spectat Dispatch ta The JearaaL) The Dalles. Or,. ' June II -A - dead body was Yound washed ashore on the river bank, about a . mile east of tho city, at f o'clock last evening. The coroner, feeing absent, the undertaker took the body In charge and .brought It to bis parlors. Except a rough, heavy. &4 ,f..,.' ' I., ; viVivj,... . .r- ,....ii-.--t".3J -E-:si ;V :. ; V - .' - . "1 i- 7 J ... . , - i - ."-' a' ' - " ! ' "" '" . : " ' ... . a , . '-' '" - - :--.-r.-- )-., . Vy-'"- '. 1 :' ' .' '': ' V ' ' '' ! " ' - v" fT-" ' ' - V : ir ; t-