BUSINESS CHANCES. Vood location; owner haa other bum " . . tn an ma. .Call nOUBS JI Bum a w uiiws. "?s:r 664 '."2iA lfih Owner. A. A. Draugh b'OODTHRIVlNCr REAL fioTATJS Inst aflak on thn around floor Oil 6th at.. hear Washington. Address .- . w A First Class i , l U . trail 1MM. centrally located, always full, .clearing over $100 per month; to trade jpcre age or Improved property not too tar ,T wn airflnta owiun only. Addreaa .y.18. Journal. FOR BALK OR RENT-HSBiAUiiAni , mill town, all furnished. Call or addreaa r. A. Blackwell, Bcappooee. Oregon. - r'GOOD GROCERY 8TPSJAViit -about 11.000, for 1550. Nelsbn, 14th end Irving ata. ih. . tnnat nromlalnar; Born airenay paying producera; cttal ctlon: flelda; aoma at half values 14 yeara mine management; Inventor and vendor of placer machinery! .glvea you the right tip; atate amount to lnveat W. n. Ruble. Welppe. Idaho, care American mum. . - CHEAP, 1 mT3n at once. "Sei owner. Brunn Co. i lt ana Ai-r, ?OR BALE-CONFECTIONERY AND -lea cream panvr, v rent lit; nap; muat aell on accoun of leaving- Andre-a C-S0Q -Journal.- rr. FOR SALE. .... k .1... markaL InelUdlna horaea and wftaona and wlh Of without cattle. Only market in olty 1 1 . 4 , " w. w. intn t . '..') ., Aurora. Oreron. " BUTCHER SHOP IN CONNECTION T n..rv Inrludlnar all flxtureai p-to-date; will leaaa to aoma reapon- Xi. J 1- Dkn 1111 P6R REN-tjNFURNlSHEp X-ODO-lnv-houae. 50 roomei: good location. Call Hotel Ohio. 66V4 Front at. JkweLrY BUSINESS Iti p66ii VaL ley town of 1.500; good .trade: excel lent repair buaineaa; amall atoclt -Aa- -C all Va ata at I ' ami W"' ui I, r conrecuonarr nice room a. ggi wiuiama t. ' The only eat of abatraot boolu In Ska- man a county, waan. - - ' General mirchandlee atore In tlon of Oregon at Invoice; banked H.- 00int"l.fl5rari oidatabllaliad laundry. In tacome pwparty that will net you 10 par cent?.- . : ' aLe ooobAVi kiLH taurant in an elegant location. Every thlSgTn Vrat-claaa' order. .Caa convince buyer ,thir i jiTZ-.a ::;r,:;.;i...:- D ' ' BCCHTKL K1CRN8. Phone tr..'? 1482. Ill E. Morrieon Bt alio room for barber ahop. 96 North On Tor glll". -- V'mi,m Uve pkYSiciAN w AM 1Kb to taIJJ half fntereat In geod paying drug bual .... a.n1 nraj-tica. Muat have aome Van toe Allakv. i... " 'TTva ai' nnnu HOARDING mikuu . aula - nouae: rent 115; Juat what you are looking for. 141 Madlaon. Main FOR 8 ALE REAL ESTATE. FOR BAIali-FOUR-ROOMTTAVB on Sellwood carllne; a good buy at IUO0: 100 caah. balance $11 i per mo. - Three-room houae near $th and Eaat Bnerman mi., io ' V from carllne; $700; $200 caah, balanee monthly lnatallmenta. a. New five-room houae. all -modern! . " i nnraalain bath. nice nrepiaija. na.aiu.H 1 . . ' up-to-date: at $2,600; good terma. near tlth and Eaat Tayier. . Wft- al , 100x100. corner lot; atoref wiow, room flata above; on It carllne. good In vestment; ,duv. ii- Five-room houae wd lot. Itlller vn Sellwood; $i.o; terma. . . . - .......a nonth $600 buya nioeiy wV AiVi. Vi if PortUnd Melghta, with lovely ylew or river and mountalna; car aervloe con- T NeTl-room cottage between Wood- tv ami Vancouver ." - date; .oodtem.OOO. 1S1 Aiaeroi. C. R. DonneU & CI ovkt. rSTATE. " ' Room H. 168 Stark at vmiMi Hiivft to Hurrv Six big lota, cloae to echool and car, muat be'eold thl. montfc " l;sf and 11-foot bacK iey; c. u ; -ir- ' AW " HAVS - MOVED " from Ralelah bldg. o 70 Hwetiana. . M . a wi n rn t aruuiii houae; 6OX10O :iy.tffl rosea. fOOtt car .""- -j feW XV. "only. rtlculaV.--call on "prem- le". 541 Broadway. , FOR 6ALU 6afeiiS ,10o car xare. w Mi to clear. Reg'"" jT.j.' , 1 7, , .7 i2,000-lV. ACRES. V Arud v I.7.S'.7 i Ca. 10TV4 8d at iririiii. iu .In- Portland ior mo ",x"i:.r;- i i, ,KSf TnXea;; Phone-owner, fcoRNER Lot I-Huok "houseToI? East uurnaiuH. w Y".,l ..?T v.r oiiered In eltv. V-H -4 ""ViT Kini. 22 Madison at. : - . GIFTS TO, - V"lr ia. .nrt.rn hunaralow. .,!J'".rrBS&V wrSrtl ! $40 hew 5f carllne.. 15-mlnute rid v -r 12 BOO O-roora inwu"' v lvw ' carwne; nrcwu ... --. down; terma easy. MnTiMrA t t04Voughrblfg. Poet omen mi ii j. BmIvuiiubt. THK IDEAL HOMlfi "V"""?.; for sale by Commoh - T.-"i" h Trnsf -Co..-th and Ankeny. I' $1,500 60x100, a-room modem home, E0O-60xl00. t rooma, modern.-Eaat A onMox800t' rooma. strictly mod- 1liooBt " COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., CUM Sixth and Ankeny. -- 14 6 n.uL-K.K( HJM COrXAOa:'cOBKH "fit ?th "nd Shaver; furnisneo tUMOriZSYtiitti.-. Pacific -1125.' or Main w i;;; Moin 8990. 4 ' " . . 'wner: terma. if 0 " nd ?5S?2JffUlfc EAtl" DAYS 10-ROOAi HOUSE. eLeC terms r unloa' 2783. - ' - ,. PTTWABN1 THE WlLLAkbl U MILWA.UK1JJJ ut ; "H , mn- frnm iimttr - $850 biTya new 5-room cot. taaye and 60x100 lotl block from carllne; ' $00 buy.acres.aU ta'rWifoi - i..T.iH." Soo feet of river front $2,600. -5ruu.- iffa tracts suitable for plat- " Inr Miiwaiiklw. Or. ' ' Sw 'iTARMB SMALL TRACiTS And - ita tanmina on O. W. P, electric line. o'll'AdTtoS iSTnU. Oregon.. Take Mt . ilTviH ACRES OF GOOD LAlsij VSuBmaa west of Gresham. Inquire Wr&iVvA -CO. 1st and Ankeny. v - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL EORT.tAND. TUESDAY teVENINO, JUNE - "7 : "'" I - - .wra I ft ARTEIl AND EXCIIANGE. ' . I Lr rvT k1v.tWA1. rsTATIL - . : Jr'OH BAlilfc , . - -r- i I . i a an i i muTTTI I i.fMm t,onaa. corner 60x100, well Ira nrnved. near atatlon; $250 cash, b.alno same as rent Choice lota fronting on , w irni. 1 . , ..... - - car. ana ovntr w, Fins new modern J-room oatVl22 ihraa lota? corners 1600 caah. balance am rent Other home ana vacant 10Mak. d.U by phone. Cholea acre lt w. bRUST; Arbor Lodge atatlon. Phone, Wood- . . . iawn hi E6" YW .WAN A LOT ;..;v : Rtruita tn.faat wide: parked, graded and walks graveled;' . ,. water pi pea 10 jjfai . Ai low aa 1210. - -f . . . IT ..r - to aown, o par ""'"... , In cholea realdenca district. Take W. W. oar At Id and Tamhlll ata. And go to Lorrlnton. - , , MOORE REALTT CO.," V ' .. 268 Btark-St- . Agent alwaya oa tha ground, n mirnniMii. , ,- .- atraeta CO feet near car atation ai Lenta, Bo car fare; my .17,7"" Take Mount Scott car. O. B. Addition. Lnta, or., eo rare. - 110 DOWN: A Mi-,A cine uunuiiia ,., -.- --, i - a. iu u mm buaineaa center; three carllnea; now do. not ay you cannot own a n". ; 4 Ml Columbia bldir. Waahlngtonjit. HAVE YOU BEEN OUT TO WIBH.K' tJli... . ir.k. Pna ilttr Park line out Sandy road and get off at Wlberg Lane., Agent on the ground.;--- - uoucn nuiioini U6MESEEKERS WlRiTK TO THK change, Woodburn. Or., for a large llat BIVaLIj HOUSE ' WESt feilJE, CLOSHi to car and a anap at f 1.8 00. . J.W. Rutherford. ; 517 Commercial blk. Main I no jlxTOOHOIaLADAY S ADD. ON HIM at, cloae to u roadway car. avn the beet buy on the eaat aide. 3. W. Rutherford, 517 Commercial, blk. Main If Y6tf wlsk' to feuy', selL or kX. change your property, call on or ad dreaa George W. Turner, $01 Mi Willi- JZU. invton at.. Portland. Or RVW6tbN-ii..6o Jok CHotCa. bv 100 on Hancock, at, between lid and isa. ; Appiy xo jar. ivvaii aum- - . - . . . .11 t .. h. . ber Exchange Diag. bulLDiNQ ells. BLbek ii. tolmAI dotted with natural treea; unobatructod river view; le minuiea- nw u and Aldari tola j-raaJlyaomeUta J. W . ynillgqr " a .ii in i ji M F MuufsKinM BUT FROM w citriinee. iiiw owner; a -"" with gas and electric fUturea. tinted ILiia Vtct wlU aeU cheap, Kerby. cor. Cook ave wa. tw. a 14 100 MODERN i-ROUM ttuuBCM Sunnyalda. Built for borne; corner, ,..ZJ f irenlaoe. fine lawn, roaea, fruit lajrg. porch, terms. Owner, fore noona. i.m '"'i TO M ACRES, CLEABBU, Wli-a-. mA: ta fare, for cala. JJr. auren it b. faOWSE. S6L1C1T0K3. AKJLi alesmena nraaquMw.., " i manufacturtng t Irma represented real iitita oulck salea negotiated; petltlona circulated. 8 6th at Main l8. L .miiou iriOT 9 7TH A rs 1 J Alder. 3,vu; imuuiu A SNAP-$506. 100x100 W-9V on Mt booh carnno, a v wnodmara. Owner. Phone Eaat $881. - - ' '. . 7 " , ,. .n at tt tth A?r."i.i"r '.J ;r,;;r.h roDartT "?from 000.000per quarter up; attor- ner lees, juing- wok fine Lots c6miS out to UtM and $650; good tennaj owner on ground. Phone Taoor to. . , . , . . f--Tw tnrvmA to eA- FINE COUNTRY WUMUa. rtftce beautiful hbme fronUng on river. Short distance from Portland. . . si acrea are niinij luiii.vT.u. velr-a crop VUl nearly pay for the P Elegant 11-room houae and flrat-elaaa outbulldinga. fine orchard. Boat land ing on place. Near new, electric car JJ Ta stork, machinery and Implements, all go for $4,500. Don't ttlae this snap. Address W-oU, journal. Vernon nice lot, ciaEAKhiu. -ready for building. 68x00; Bull Run water; $ blocka car f lM caah; owner. Apply 1140 K 24th et. N. Sew koMRN 6-r66m cottage , ana one lot, s Dicnuia i ; v Oe'der cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. $1,60080 ACRES NEAlrt E8TACADA, o ia. ...itiifatinn. SB eaallr. cleared. 85 ood timber; by aawmlll. good buildlnga, AV JII uyiMT."-' . . . . nnffrnlt treea. inquire tu .ppereoo. TT.o1a. Or. SlfcSIDENCE VjA-f fl tnA" SALK. Terma. HOUsea. iota inta and acreage.: in AAVWav.. . Iden'1 ADbiTi6N i Lots to be 10 THlflUl.VB iivui - Zjt ?erms. $76 down, W0 . .month Take ad vantage ana aecur- .aD7i S the east wae. - j. vp,",;,". ave. rnorm aa jut. ,. , KeW 7-RbOM rioufeit PARxLl' J uli: tafn. and. ahadea; .beautiful yarS and aV 1A"A '' i5,004-?-RO6aVI STRiCTLX MODERN Kouae on Eaat Madlaon at, walking distance. Fine - lawn, cno0",,. '"e neigh&ornooa tne.Doai, mm vaing-' tTTr-wr.Tr . FOR SALE 4-ROOM COTTAGE AT 655 -rcaat 17th st. ' , , eROOM HOUSE. LOT iOQxlOO. FRUIT ti.a J blocka from car. , Price $2,800. Also l-room house with, 50x100 iiot; $1,809. 937 K. th , at N or phone VY onu in rr u ii" ROOM HOUSEH.250: TERMS ,TO suit Owner, t-none HodeL -room house, bast monthly paymenta. x-imn-igg. .., -ETT cnATVU RLOCkTlM PROVED, ii".ai fc. , Yamhill ata.. $3,150, Rich arda A Cornell. . .. Inquire 803 E. TSmhm nmu ata.. ,iw. avin.ii- st. Fhorie f:aat ihd. ' FOR SALE FARMS : s " '" Ml& VVWA,AA . . Owing to deatlv wldow forced to i sac rifice beautiful home fronting on river. Short distance from Portland. ; 13 acrea. are highly Improved This year'a crop will nearly - pay for the lElegant ll-room house and flrst-elaaa outbulldinga, fine orchard Boa it land ing on place. Near new electrld car 1 ne. Stock, machinery and irbTeraenta, all go for $4,600. Don't miss this snap. -t" - . .MI,Ea FRQM EUGENE, Address w-a. J"") " Vr-mroved. good - buildings, all new iv in icy,.-m. wrlfe ' John Ingham. 1 LANDSlKERS. ATTEN newly fenced, telephone. Price mo per lay terms, Call tKK Portland. Or wi uq tFuy"o"' - -- -. t LAnDSEEKERS. ATTENTION! WAT- 1 -a mam TWrHAn lA filA and IO Eugene, or. vitiroad landa- In Oregon: take Vaa " " .. 1 ,.W MVnil'll 1. . ... avintma or inia u to hurry." Address F-311, Journal. KELSO EMPLOYMENT & ,REAL ES ..T; irk. u Hat of farm, tlm- J.a.-ll- aA,t. ner. stump una . Washington: hotel restaurant, for ! or lease. M. Plxny jr. ' c a , M17 a PflKTLANl) rlch aoll; prlcea advancing: send for Dixon, canny, ur. ij ' . : r m ri tr nirrii.LVVJ nail, wi ,- . - wi locatef homeateada. deaert claims of UOMESEEKERS. 8Z0 acres; no ooner a " wrld. Addreaa Auten V. Barpee, Lake- .vlew, Or. . i , , 10 acrea. 18 acres highly Improved, ,tlnmoran- Vervgood buildlniT", lca. and Implemeh is ."fir t"-cms soil; river and raurpaa; anon oiuii" Portland; leaving country; will .sac rifice all for $3,260; aome term Q-. STKRM OF" 00 ACREd; ii ki&a in crop; zo more neariy v . n.. orcnara, a anno m -""'" - - car atatlon; $20 per acre for abort time, no airent. Jaa. Madison. Elwood. Or- Clacknmaa county. ' ' ' "'- 1 H miles weat of Oraaham. T Forbee Engraving Co.. let and Ankeny. 40 ACRES, ALL IMPROVED in . g. aoll, no rock, H mllea east of For t ia4 i.Mnm house. 10 acrea orcnara, atatlon on the property; only $oo an JU7H ora oi. TIMBE3 ' LOOKING TOR TIMBERt . J. We offer you every advantage through our system r exper "'""","," . . 1.1. . Calami n the SUlt- ability of a tract without "P4n .""l or money, n our jhi .-- - - cat., thit we have what you want our eatlmatea by two and a half aorea are easily verified.; . . v , : v, ;. TRT "THW JLaAJ.X vvaxm. .' V JAMES D. LACEY A CO., r $11 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. , . aoi Liumoer nixonanan. R 'w.. a tVa annlloa- ttona for Oreroa and California railroad . - t r ..a v. . i oaiai nr the cruiser who cruised these lands by order of tne county court, -full partloulara.- Our feea tot attorney, filing and cruiser combined are $26. At tblatlme we have 100 choice clalme.) If you want one, caii e-r.x. , ; $1 th at. Phone Main $188. Al,' aW. T i TT, TIMBER LANDS. - . j , TIMBER LANDS. located uAl.nd. . with heavy timber California railrSad in wout"rn dr.gon can secure the same by acting quicniy. LcSat-fees including all necessary al- ;omey'i reea are rnuiiu.-. r. E. Verdln. Qranta Pass. Or. ' 1AJNLB KM aV WIVllAa- V. a, ... a. a "Will locate partlea on land eruUlnf "0 . Mallm faa 1100. - - - a, a. ax a& AAA A 1 faln OHIl T TtT Quarter iwuuui ..--- able after you are entiuea to eniry . aui a ' t! nk.. ff aal at bargain prioee. Addreaa E. E. Morgan. Gold Beach, Or. Certified feciii'ANY size. LoVv at 'jpHcea. W. G. HoWell. 6$. Cham. nar hi i;mnniivi , 0 MILLION CEDAR AND jtik, w Portland: V cent per M If Uken at oHMr wkp Yornimatirhort option; a . .aihiii.rv id Willamette, near inncipaia oniy. "i,u"'i r: 0 Aiir-u " 7n iAS ana .r. . low vine, cruiaea auuui -1- Lake county. Owner. W. N. Barnard. li I V,iPTaiaiu ' I r - m.walanil eklTal.. ltV. length. A food money-making propo sition. . Inquire Nortnweatern .- ment CO.. 106 Allsky P ag. MhW TLT1 W A N 1 hiij r Ai i A . : 1150 ( OOOto $250,000 caah to loin me In; a trct of timber. Have large trVct on railway. WUl iinot f5"lA PafJ ."-Vt a " Only tona fide buyer with, caah considered, v Address Q-892. Journal. , , ... .rr iN . EASTERN 6re66i. VVALLoWA county, homestead location, with f mod timber and water. roe 125. Joeeph, Or- P. a box 111 HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS h week and month: epeclal ratea business houses. th and Hawthorne. Eaat 71 er-o.i viynAV r. .:r Th w. . prq -T." '"ir'.n vr;. neaa in exenana-e F ""; , ties CO.. wurm vn a." GOOD BROWN MARK. NEW HARNESa and a can. wm " tuw"2..,rv '. .... ann Windmill ItlUOH. AatUI 10 ana . joe gnaura. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES - AND r ecu run, diuuk; ; cihamraa. Clav A Co Cth and Morrison its., OPP. poatoit'cq. FOR SALE SHSCELLjANEOUS $tt tt $ 1 1 $ $ Vm miim vvrro THATiH! TV Hi VTAilA aww.v i.i , - Ma ta, i"iirnlah VOUr home in new or good aa new go tothe Dollar with your list ThU our mld aummer clearance aale we will aell au week at auction prlcea. Our cona- hand good are waenecyarniBuou, painted and refinlshed. Nothing He it In PorUand; prlcea are cheap and -we deliver: atovea and rangea from 60o to $60 and guaranteed. a abi at. , WE WILL GET YOUR TRADE. $$$$$ tttt FOR BALE TWO SETS OF BLA-iii- ness for the right party. .Call or .vjrtte Mrs. Petit. Lents, Or. -; - HOLDEN S RHEUMATIC CURE-edK cure for rheumatism. Sold by an biLlIarD AnD p66L tabLes for rent or for sale on easy P""!?' THE - BRUNS WICK-B A LKE-COLLEN-DER CO. 4 Id t.. Portland : show CaseS ain-d fixtures. neW and second-hand. Carlson & Kall strom, 181 Couch st. k6TiON ' Picture, machines. : iml a.M,,l.?011' Itrtcr FOR I fcVERYBODY RING. UP Main 4290 or call 211V4 Front at, we buy and aell frnlturC clothing or any kORSALE-lA BAB? TfiWbiat HUiJ tically new; a bargain. . Phone East 4008. - . im nTYMA WO ., . ... . . 411 Washington t.Sa)eJ by auction; will buy furniture, S. M. Oilman, auc- tioneer.- . TTOR SALE ENGLISH VVllil &n pups. 16 East list at, north. iaKe JMIWygliy -oa. i . ' l ONE YOUNO GENTLE FRESH COW. E. Z.'LetJiS, f aiQcxm v v ' an' AUTOM6BiLkr.,.auh ntsfe aona ior i 0, 'iVfrif- " . tlnental iron inn mwi "" tmeniai iron aim . . l..r.ri. a onllftrn HRVF.RAT, CAR. loads pipe, including about JMOOYeet 1 iAh to ll-lnch. either black or gau .irn , DiacK. ah p. i " w-v vanised. Call or write for prlcea. to M. Barde & Son a. 8 th and Gliaan ata.. Port- ianu, - i I80,WILL BUY A WELL EQUIPPED laents. Or : Og trUL'W. av. - -5tiJ:am WOOD SAWS; WILL aoll cheap. Inquire Lowepgardtv 83 fcAlta DUCK KGUij IrOH t"" . r -- D...kaa . Inniihatnra hatching; wm .oj Call up East 1352. Probably ' some man , -Vas "had -his eye, on" your business for some timebut he .will not know that you want to sell out until you adver-; tise the, fact,,;. Try . The : rjournal. 'Rate Kcent a wora. . FOR SALE OR TRADB 10-ACRK Aalr.HiM. onllalara firm arall 1m. proved, mountain water: a bargain at ,.a... faruand - suburban property to value'ljir V.owr - owiw Vv'aWs. Corvallla. Or. a- .w.--.rrr - n li.ifio neW sT6TvE! . fiUlLblNdl' IM -innaitliM waiiM trniia for ara. kge or a small farm. Globe Realty Co., M nrrinn at. ANTED TO TRADE BOMB MINIKU nb fnf vacant lot ' Address V.ah. t . Exchange 6ft . (Seneral meb- chandise or agricultural impiemonia sift pr farm, all fenced, bulldlnga. aw a AAA. ..mI aaa.11 tarlnfl ttl 1 1 1 1 00 acrea cultivated, 400 more can be piowea;jno iimmr, u . i . rva... on Wild nalnn at. K " II, IU ' 1 . atvv " " r, Ut ONg-frlMH IHTfiftEBT In .o6o.- - a ...a A aw- W A lMVaa MM ffl. qullle river in Cooa county; for tore, irocerv Dreferred. In Portland. Patent land and can be logged at .any time. Timber I now -Miiing cioae uj, aer to ai per inuuinnx. 1 . v . ---before Thursday. 288 Stark. Room 11. PERSONAL BALM OF . FIGS FOR ALL .FEMALE diseases, 6l8 East Belmont Phone n. al A 41 at 1 i i. -'.,. " - oermAN1' fedOKl. M"A6AZINES, NOV- Spanlah. Swedlah and Italian i dlctlon ariea: foreign booke ot all klnda. Bchmale Co., 22 Flrat t Bum gftfesskb -tvatLK y6U WaN'. 60 Ladlee' aklrta presaed. 60o. Oll bert. lOlVi Sixth at, next to Quelle. HdLbiN'd JtiiEtfiiATIc CURE L'Ui-'Cai O ..iiiawa.... , . w ., Burs cure for rheumatism. Sold by au druggists gAKLY 'vlQ6AthKs6REb ki bit Roberta' Nerve Olobulea. One month treatment IU monina. t -y eurelr aeajed by. mall. Agente. Wocd- ard. Clarke Co., Portland, or. kRd. tBROCk, GRADuATB aeuse! cabinet oath, salt glowj alcohol tub, cream maeaage; merenoea. Bevfitltn Bt. iwain . bbll't J&E DULL AND inactive; Sexlne Pllle cure all weakness: $1 . a box" $ for $6: fuU aawntee. Address or call J. Q. Clemenaon, druggist, Port- KblEa-i)k BAivMitSONtt : JjAUApB ra. Dlllai M tha Bavin ana wonon ," only sure remedy for delayed periode; by mall. $1 per box. Address fw. Pierce, 81 t.. Fortiana. w u' .4im MlnAud iMfrflH rKH CHI- "i"lln.,.:T.iu Chinese tea. .attain cure for. all dleeaaea. Ill Id t, between Yamhill and Taylor. eHROrtifi. NKRi6Ufl ANb tWIAL treatment """" m r u..rj wnulttteireDrWr-L-Howard, BACti bA.TES .MAGAZINES Al' J cents, jonea nwa. ; . n n i .,-aa thi ' AA III ar. RKISH BATHS, 100 OREGON iaw id.: ladles daya. genUemen nlghta. Main 15S. A. REINER. PRACTlUAla runmi;". aealakln garments redyednd re ' 11 iii i . 1 ' 1 J Jl' T " " mt r-n nrrn, modeled: expert fitter: eaumaiaa RwVst prices. 561 Waahlngton. Phone Main 7808. ' . HAVE .RETURNED FROM OAlaliv nia7 located at 145 BUin it., room 15. Ppyche Bnowaen, , aSi.llL:lV.-:l B " ATT VTT-T TTtr J VUlVJl -rlI f .UathAllil nrl IT) Aii 1- e"'?" ; :;"d" WMhtnVtbn ate. aTvaiOlR11 mua wva T i ; kANICURING. FACE jiAHSAOE AND scalp treatment, irj m . rm Washington St. Mlsa qibsOn oiVfca cAlp tkh;AT-ment- dandruff. 1H Morrison t. room 52. Hi I . -an a ' -7PtT FAMotid iALMlsf; WclalrV7y.nCcry.'ta gaaVr. card reader. MISS LB ROY, zimi "'r a- .V! aulte 4, Scientific massage. Lady aa- si i i TTT I i'TT IT TiT re QT '"b.thrand mMiaVetmenta. 201 H Thira at. T". - . " w-mveTnT TTT Fa "MANlCURIsf MMd Chiropodiat formerly of 0 Pin. Bt., a HOW iwaiw --- CHrTs'tIAN'' GENTLEMAN. PROHIII tionist ome means, desires acquaint of reflned lady. object matrimony. Address ai. jpumm. THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE ort teopatny ana jmi""" ' " . all chronic cases, rheumatism, lumbago. aathma, oroncniiiB. irwiuuw, Seumonla. Consultation ""TgJfT lion free. Dr. Isabelle Mackle. 150 Vi Morrison, Milne blk. Ma rt 7820. Udiesi ask! y6ur ckUgg" t"? Tchlchesters Pllla. the DMniond Brand. For 25 yeara known a- bes . cheste?a Diamond Brand Pllla are aold by druggists everywhere, Ladies; bR. Ia FRANdo'ri o: cents, druggists or ma 11: booklet free. Dr. La Franco, rniinoe.pu.av, ATTORNEYS "i 'ZH!"' a. OTfinnrtt. A TTOR St'.",wa"?..iv-. km. rr,.r neys iaw, a a.a ia.aaj 2d and Morrlaon ata. ARCHITECTS ARTISTIC HOME WWRDWi l latest nwiBB, tylea. m.. Healy bldg. . Architect. Tor. H. Morrison and Xlrand ave. ERNST KRONER. AKVwlv ,mi Plana ana apeci.ncai.,- auperlntendence. 'v ' AUT03IOBILES Ageni .rierce wrwa ; . . " CadlUac and Knox. Temporary location a . . . a maw T jnrtmnnliea. Club Oarage, lotn ana a.u. ASSAYERS GARVI CYANIDE EXTRACTION tA and Montana Aaaay Office. 186 Mor rison st. " . , " ART IPRJK LESSONS IN Embi jldery Every Day. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, s Waahlriffton St j. 14 ..'nAuuAfrgti A fft ARTISTS' I. a :"...! .. nit,.ra moldlnar. olcture framing, etereoptlcona, lantern fiwe Diai.iami ' - -" - . - ... 312 a'aiaer at.- - ACJCORDIOJMDRESSPLEAT MISS a GOULD, 517 ewtiLAnu Mhid- Accordion pleaUng and button. eoverea.T BATHS-MASSAGE MANICURING.. FACE AND SCALP a 1 1 v . .aarl maaaan.' llftU ' treatment, uia 4th at - ; , '. , BUTCHERS SUPPLIES BUTCHERS'.XUPPLIBS-S. BXRKKNj walo t., sui-ou" , v. dl, -1 i i--..tcher aupply house , on the coast Write for catalogue.' f ---' l',V,-urna', SUPPLIES ADOLPH A OJIVA..- " . I.. . i1.S:.I,",.i-?W i.t at . rlea a full line and 'c ;iplete aaaortment at loweat market prlcea. ' '" ! "'- BLANK-BOOK MAKERS " HOWE, DAVIS & KILHAM. 100-111 ID " st i3lRnk booke manufactured: agents for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf, the best on the market. , . '. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS junn a. iMa-iaAVA,. - - - -----. . flee and store fixtures, built and re modeleot showcases , , and counters, Phone Main 1787. ' MEL'fON OFFICE. STORE FIX tures; general Jobbing. ; ; 67 1st at Phone Main 8180- , ' " M. f, reisner. iso Taylor, gen- eral lobbing; office and .tore fixture, phone PacUlo S4. . WYPT TriKT AA ATM KT-Ur is. icor. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. See - - - ' AfikW The World'a Greateat Clairvoyant and ii jjeaa iraoue uuium . Strangely faaclnatlng are the words that eome from the culUvatedHpa of thla Great Enigma. That he has a. power that la tnarveloua most marveloua la to say the leaat He telle your name, the name of any one you know, living or dead; glvea In detail" a correct deacflptlon of the one you will marry; settles lovers' quarrela; unitea those who are separatee;; naaiena mrri, a ... . - a l.....ava law. hilalnaafl. teiia aa . juuni"., . ,1 . ...-.,HAH,a. ..ilia nalanta., nld estates, burled treaaure, lost or absent friends; aeveiopa oiagnauc anu movea evil influenoee; teaches every nhua of occult nowera See Him today. Hours from 10 a, m. to 5 p. m. dally; evenings from 7 to s. t - firm Wtisati BUILDING. ' dm t-2 Morrison. Ccr. Fifth Same Floor as Boston Dental Parlors Pbone Main 714$, Alwaya Consult the Best t i.raaTaai iitihb aaana, ------ - ..... aiaavii.trajnfia ciair voyani. ci ' VTIiiI ua v . . . . . L . avtaar nn hualneSE and aii airaira w -. nam. and what you :BZ you WlU Hiarrjr, nuw .w rav- vou1ove. even though mllea away; re- . . ... . a Vt aH-l 1 aaV aa Maaafl f E nfltf ri to control; ao" o.lafiv .'j0-.""rtoA at. Phone Main 1187, MISS MAY ANDREWS OAKJJKii.Ai- na JSC. Z l " V"' Portland a favorite c1a.lryoyant. palmlat ami medium: reaamaa av. ia rlson. comer 7th. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY .ANDDPEDICURING Mrs. M. U. nita, nwa. --- - bldg. Both phones. ERTFLETCHER. tWLa .... ..a Allsky bldg. rnonea fviu -1481. CARPET CLEANING IL.IL.rlJif a"ai r rt a B r.TT'T PI . A MIKrt CO. BTAf UAna VAiv, am . v-- ------ . T rlCl-T .1 A a. t aa. .natl' 10 ghd Cieanea. rauiiwu, and Omprea air arw joYCe brO.' Proprietors of Ttik . Electric Cleaning wra, y- I iw w. , , . " aw and nom- pressed air cleaning;, carpet rn"lng our . . . xw-,na, ualn specialty , won uruiw. 27J ana a-ibh nv rui CLEANING AND DYEING CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1 per month. Unique tailoring Co, tot Btarg at. It W. TURNER. DYER CARPETS dved a apeclalty. 605 Jetteraon t Main lilt. COAL AND WOOD PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLABWOOD CO.. I6S fTOnt Bl., lUvMimi.a ton Wood Co. Fir, oak. labwood, coal, an e T . I 1 ftal la inaia irv. Kk tBOMP.f fcKyyKKX.IA: wood caJti wain ' -and coal Portland Wood Coal Co., lth and Wavier ata. VtttMtM FEED at FUEL CO. TTnuaa and blacksmith eoale, coke, charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1011. llaLiS;pti6NfiS EAST 1. : F. B. JONES CO., " ai..t 1 a 1 vat Waltf Bt wooa ana wa. . a-. , ?6r quick Delivery phone . flreron Fuel CO.. It Aioer. DRESSJL1KINO MADAME TUTTLE. FASHIONABLE dressmaxer; price; rav..-uA-. 11th at Tel. Main 8611. . ;;. MADAME ANGELES 141 FIFTH. PA- tMRS VAUGriAfj S JbfLpU&jj parlor.:.. good work at raaonable cirio nricsa. tti E. Burnsiae mu -uv- thfes'sMAklN' Af 6aME OK bAi: 111 14th st. Paclflo 780. DANCING WALTZING. TWO - STEP, THREE ateP Baltimore, etc, 16o per leaaon during summer month.; ajehool open all year; atage aancing, u clog. jig. Highland fling. -ftaH? Wlllaon'a Dancing School, 104 Allsny bldg.. Id and Morrison ata. DENTISTS PR, W. B. KNAPP HAS BETURNKU from east, umce xo nmiim . DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horae. and doge. 18$ GUaan at Phone Main 1484. ka" C. E. BROWN AND MILLER Dog and norse noapitai 108 N. 6th at ENGINEERING NEWELL A GOSSETT, ENGINEERS r.lAa Waahlnrton bldg., corner 4th and Waahlngton eta. Main 68". EDUCATIONAL HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Washington and 10th sts. Flledner bldg. Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting and all English branches taught, both day ana nignt. .. ' - , j : s frWANCUL. Aib JO Jg. WORTH young laaiee wuv - t shorthand course. Apply ; at ; once t office. 817 Commonwealth bldg.. th and Burnslde ats m I. i -a -ja..' t crrtn ' ' " OREGON 1-.,, Commonw.althbldg,. th and AnW Bta. tr nones mam vv., " raphy. typewriting, Pnmanship. Spao "fa individual nstruction. GERMAN LESSONS T6 .f at 452 Morrison; reasonable; clasa or private ; references ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES " . . - Yia- ait STARK ST.. wiring, supplies. i. feii-gTtrR?? ELECtRiC WORKS, 61 - - ZlAaataaanlArt lauatrln aunnlles. Main ddi. ... - ... ;9S5552.N -frFYxture.. . wirTng. BOH""" ",, pairing. East 8128. FENCE. AND WIRE WORKS pnBTLAND WIRE & IRON .WORKS PQRTLA,a.Jl,t ta. Phone Main 2000, l G nnu iw. - Classified Ads In The Journal, reach the people In the great Oregon country at the right time. Rates for Classified Advertisements ' v Count .1 word. '( to the line.) , One cent a word each Ineertton. More than two In.ertlona, I cent, per lne each Inaertloiv By week, to cent. perUne t day.). i No advertl.ea.ent taken lor lesa than Mclvta , BANKS. NITED STATES KTIOA K , , Northwest Comer Th u1 Tranaacta a General Banking wu"ln?; V 2 All Cltlee of the United States and Europe, Honjkong and Mania. , made on Favorable, Terms. - , . Aa.:1:..R. VT.' SCHMKTH 0 Assiatani casnier .ADD A TILTON. BANXERS-Portland i ranaaci a usnerat inn( """-- Savlnas books Issued ort savings depoalts. atsiRPH a NTs' WATinvAL BANK Portland. Oregon. . .. t - Jii i&y-? I - : fl. C.' CATCHING.. . Second a 11 av ! ii - a. wArM AVftilnDlfj 10 All i-$tri Ol iiiw TV va 1-HH BANK OF CALIFORNIA Established 114- . a,??" ffSS lit Depotr SAVINGl DEPARTMT-Acoount. may "P" ".ana : -tt i-'ttrtta- BrnAr,TRTCHAEL Manager Tf iU. JTfc JHAVIVAAI IHUMIl ianani-p. t " '' mi.....- as ' 171RST NATIONAL BANK Portland, ataa! IV flAPITAI. AND StmPIatlS. 11.500.000.00.. DKWSiAO, .'." A. t' MILLS.. .President J. W. NEWKIRK. Cashier TRUST COMPANIES. TJORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREOON-Th. Oldest Tt Py In H Oregon. RESOURCES OVER 52.0O0.00O. ,0ni banking. Two per ee - interest on check accounta teven amarwum, Vorid.' Savlnge ao over. laettera cf credit and exchange on all part of ..W,"rtl-B' .., . Tima rartifiratea. l to 4 tef centi ehort-call "peclal oertinoatee, OrVvo; Call Boutneaet (-oniw mira nu v BENJ. I. COHEN........... President n , i.irm WAfiET--...-iJ.-HecreiarT CKCURITY SAVINGS ft TRUST CO.-l S Transact, a Oeneral Banking Blpe at aiiowea on jiime wio "! ..z., a t, the World. Drafts and Lettera cf Credit Available on All Parts of ' tM JIMent r v inik.a President I V..' a ja.wi - LI. ... 1 A. L. MILLS... second vioe-rTesiQeni UltU. iii. ...'' XTLB GUARANTEE & TRUST CO T . TlUa InsurtS. Abstracts FurnU?. v '--i GKUKUlIa Jtl. aXaaJAa. a a a , l. 1 a.m, i BONDS AND ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commeroe Building. . . .1 Ch.KiiA laralaa rnm'nra.tlAH Bond. - Municipal. BBliroau i 1 . S OWNINO-HOPKINS tUMTAfli STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought private vriraa. wwa - . , v.. onn A rHlMRKK T : o n1r fn I (Merobera Chicago Board of Trade.) - OYerteCk. StaiT & COOKe t0. couch bldg., 4th t., Washington, WT6lWVtt j COTTON, STOCKS ANDBOND M , ai m. aVoirTtT COMMISSION BUSINESS. Marketa by Private Wire. V HI.X"-- ' mi 7 .aASOWMJGjEs ..4 aataiir gnging iivanMin. M..nery' Co.." 1 $-4- Morrison at pelllraV Fairbanks,- Morse A C, St an HtSTK sta. -, r . HARDWARE COLUMBIA HARDWARE CO.. ID AND Morrison aU-Everything In' the naraware i..". . Pb.RtLAND UAkbWAkW JW. "B" IS licit opportunity to quo prlcea. th at Paclflo 45$. HOTELS THE BELLEVUE. EUROPEAN PLAN. 4tn ana paimon. , ibrtland, Am. plan. . BELVEDERE, teuropean: 4th and Alder. INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE, FIRE INSURANCE, $44 Sherlock bldg. w, L pa6e, lNa--,,H!uLi VW7 llablSlr .urety , bond, burglar J.1," '.VrancV Phone tf.ln ".biln: UA bonds or au ainaaa f" Kay bldg. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES I MASTIC .CO, .FRONT deScVlpUon foVli ptoses; sole and tap cunri """' LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE - A glnOB. inciuam. -f.-- ----- . M. illminwij .iw a i - MACHINERY THE H." C. ALBEB CO.-BWni hand machinery, aawmlll-,, etc 24$ Grand ave. . , , , , v jf Paul, loo 1st st. a cum- plete line sawmill machinery; alao antrlnea and boilers. jjii'irmr M. BARDE SONS. 858 GLIBAN 1. i-I-'S rpL" vi.inch7 also ma- VaniBBU, aivfaaa -- chlnerv and ecrab metals. MUSICAL PIANO LESSONS AT THE STUDIO. 461 Morrison, at reduced ratea during -trn" -w"0"ble: ... i , none, ciann-jw, .z, ' " 9K4 12th st Main 4708. PROF T. E1. LAW&ON. 168 12TK ST. fftur . " ."?, laaaona dur- rnono raumu , Ina vacation 60 centa, '::T f MONUMENTS NEU oV KINGSL-SI, aa 1ST BT. leading marble and granite Portiana a work a. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANL DR. MUIa.--ar" diseases. Office 317 Fenton bldg. rnone Pacine : .... . j t,.w DR. R. B. NOR'i'HRUP,, 5.w. iT.. KiAar . id and Washington bib. Phone Main '149. Examination free.; PAINTS, OIL ANT GLASS F. E. BEACH ft CO., .in Paint Co. Window glass ana 185 1st st. Phone 1884. PLUMBER FTTCOSANITAR 231 Id, bet Mam ana objuiuh. ajujAiiii.iAAj'- . o.irnalde at. - : moveo io Jrv. PAINTING AND PAPERING. for BatlBiactory ------ j . ..a; i5aTTIVfl UKCOhAT h.t .rteoa. Ivor Wll- 189 4th St. ' ' PRINTING tic riar t. Rusi b id,-- 4th and MnrriBOn sts. Phone racuio DlLAitt" , . 14&U 1st' t - ' - - REAL EST ATE - PARRISH. WATlOTr"- oer i-"'nr;7t.;a,M,,it of cents " . , aT. a nnn-rsrjijw vb. - 1871. : rnone w'" j " w. ogilb'ee. beal ESTATE 4 loans; esublished 1881. . lVi AND 1st. room 11. omMY :.. AfSENC Y. DEAiaC.rto l 8P!4al wtateG.nd iVntala. , $05 V. SUr st Main eiey "tiV W. W. law m Commerual . .7 r-T7. mj rrcoV 1 1 1.'. HI '.HI H OVm, OKQQii. rd and Oak Streel a av-n.We tn ... -. rr-T Oref on.' , lad?? ; T 1. , , time depoalta. Interest paid on time op Sko w oyt::' e, "Istant CaihUr . mu,4 rnnction a ftnctalty. : - - - f ' eaa. W aa PaJl4A rTOASt Or, O'd""""0""""".,' " Ik. Jaaaaa M M AAA AAA flrl 1 W. C. ALVORD. j B. F. STEVENS. 1 ..i.t.fil rah lef Second Ass't Cashier - irwvr'if .Vlce-Prealdnt PITX'V'itanTsicretary j. uum.uin.- ... Morrlor '.8' MI!- U. A. ia.v io., . i :rr.; , Viw-. Secretary tffOTTT ....... v. - fiaVatarV . . - ZZTZZZZ r-X-T-JT INVE8T1VIENTS. jl '7... T..7. A -I. I alia nr,ina and Sold for Caah and on Margin. UI LUMMALnin. r Quick Service. JIONEY TO LOA! Cv.ja; it$$$$$$$i$$t$$t$$;$f$t2!tt;$;t$$$$ sii)i eajaiAni A-UA.-.0 , r?i:::: ttlttlt ON PLAIN NOTES. $ttttt$ itlttt $10. $20. $80, $40. $50, $Mft$ tt Cheapest and beat place to $M$ $$ BORROW MONKT. ABSOLUTxuLX IMU B11.Uaa . : Lowest rates; easiest payments. - I REBATA. given If raid before due, $ - i ' REMEMBER. .- $ if you work - - $ we will Loan you money.? $ a aCVry imiiK nti i-vij vvuiiuvii'- MIWHAT MORE COULD YOU ASKT $$$ . ...M.kl. ... CtaUtlai aOaftn n A an 1 1 A I till Jtioura, a. m, ,w p.m. .. $ttt$ Saturdaya till $ p. m. $Utt !$$$$ STATE .SECURITY CO., $t $$$ itttttt 704 Dekum Bldg. $$$ Ittttttt : Take Elevator. ttttttft $ttttmt$tt$ttttttttttittt$$tttt$tttt MtHMMltttHtttittttttittttltttlttt tttttM'titntttttijtttttttttttttttiit . MONEX TO AaUAW M . .tJ 1-.M Innmnil ltv nmnertv or for build a.. I U'-'IAJI. i-XTaT" ing purposes, for from to 10 yeara lime, who priTuvs w vi ---of loan after twe yeara. Loan, ap proved from plana and money advanced as building prcgre.aea; mortgage, taken up and replaced. " . . " . FRED H. STRONa. Financial Agent - '"'- ' 141 Stark st. - , C6NFIDEiNtlAL" " XbA'N'S ON SAla arles. Insurance policies, ptanoa, fur niture, warehouse receipts, etc.: any de serving person may aecure a liberal ad vance, repaying by easy weekly or monthly wstalTmenfa. NEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMP.ANY, """.r1 805 Ablngton Bldg. k6is'EY Advanced salaried kl- ple and othera upon their own names without security; cheapest ratea, eaeleat , paymenta; fflcea In 60 Principal cities , , save ! jrouratja mvuvj i ---" . - - . term. nrst. w .".,a b,..,.-. - - - fOP' Sd st ' ; : '": 111 , UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE. 14 J . a SlI. A 1.. ..t.Kll.had 1170! e 1., lira aiudi, w.. - --. ., old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, aiamonua, jtwnij -, sklns..- .v'Lvt; j WANTEl-tlbTES MORTGAGES OR "-a-a. I la.. , a,. l aatata In Oregon and Waahlngton; second mort gagee purchased ir weu secureu. a. . Noble. 812 Commercial blk. . , ESN't BbRROW MONEY ON SALARY . ...1 wAM BAA Hutton Credit Co. 512 Dekum bldg. . 1 iMONteY 6 LOAK; Largk LOANa specialty: also nuuaing loans, wo --a ratea; fire Insurance. ,. William & Beck, IvIOa'JEY TO LOAM W $.60 f6 (8.0O6. Charleson x ves wmnwraw. ,avuw Paclflo 1196. '- ' ' ; crescent L6AKf CO., M6HAWig bldg. Money to loan on easy-payment plan to wage earners; strictly con- rates; no cornmiivia. w."i - ft Trust company. Lumber Exchange. money - to Loan on All kinjs of aecurtty. WlUlam HoU, room , Washington "bldg. , , , ; , ,fl . t6 loan sums t6 suiT on chat- tel security, . , B. A.- Frame 415 the guIcK l6ans 6 ALL SECtiklTAS. W 8 W. King, 45 Washington bldg. Main ioo. ON mort'qAgk 266 TO $UoS; 4J0BT papers only. Ward. Wyer, . Allsky A tOAk yOHA &lh&&&l Or coaitei. -i, iw "-. .."j " MONEY LOANED 10 flALAkliiiiPLU niv--Just on your own nam, don t borrow until you m; my aysiero . :. a aA. tMg4 mn flArU. bookkeepers. tt? Fm WowSSE . Buch.rbldgT l8. ttONgY to LoAH oH RlfiAL Ekf JLTti. Mchattel mortgagee f .w-pjjl -J-curlty; notea bought : C- W Uett, 104 renton diob. mil l. tArtAN 16.000 OR LESS, 6 PEP. tt laf-ao, o rci, estatev . Farring- cent Interest, on real ton. UTS Fenton bldg. RUBBER STAMPS P C. STAMP WORKS, 24 ALDER ST. Phone Main 710. Rubber atamp. seala, atenclla; baggage,,; trade checks; brass signs and plates. ROOFING TIN ' ROOFINO. GUTTERING, Rl -pairing and general Jobbing. , J. LobII. HI Jefferson st Paclflo 1424 SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER ft KLEISER SIGNS. 'We have built up the largeat Bl business In the city 'by fl -r.or' and keeping our promise,. Our prU-m are right 5th and Everett ata. I honi Kxr.hange 85. , ' fl"tONS TtiAt ATtRACT"-l v a t -: land Sign Co.. 287 Btark. PaMf 1 f SHOWCASES AND yiXTl'- SHOWCASES OF EVKRY I! tlon; bank,- bar and svre made to ordr, T!. Lihk . turtng Co.. porlHn f Winter I iMub.f L Winter I....:, 'bid.