7 3 THE OREGON ; SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 16,' 1907. FOR RE XT HOUSES , B-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN;, OAS. bath. $28 Caruthers. Phons Main 4S2 HOUSE fcl.lcaxNTLY FUttNIBHED for rent, furniture for sale: moat d alrable location for rooming-house; 16 rooms. 188 7th. , near ; Portland notei. Main 48 ' . , i-OR RKNf--R06k-HOUSE. IT PER month I1H florin Kin at. einnoit filnnott. 635 Chamber of Commerce. tX)R RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE. EAST 8th at., near Bherman. .ey at o Kant Sherman at Phone Eaat HH. ' ' WHY PAY RENT WHEN tOU CAN bur a beautiful modern bom and pay rent to yourself T We hava a mod ern home which cannot be duplicated for the price. Write, call or phone at once. C. H. Moore Investment Co., aulte 32, fit stark. Main 1 4S. - - MKW 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE AT Flrland. rliht on Mount Scott carllne; also fine 9 -room residence near Haw thorne and J 4th at; modern and lots of choice rosea. Phone Bellwood 418 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR RENT 6-ROOM MODERN COT tnae. east aide. Phone Tabor 804. FOR RENT FOR It WEEKS FROM July 2. cottar, I furnished rooms for housekeeping; large grounds; oarn. . ao dress 136. Arleta. Or. - GOOD " 6 ' AND 7-ROOM COTTAGES, west aide of river, lit and 120. Also furnished housekeeping suites. rooms Id. I for 111. Apply 164 North 21th, Willamette Heights cars to 26th, turn south naif block. QNLY 11.600, 6-ROOM COTTAGE, with 4 lota, fenced, with urge chicken house. I blocks weat Nashville station. Mrs. Mann. MODERN - HOME, PORTLAND Heights, rooms, finely furnished; hatns; unexcelled view; fine grounds; for rent. I or I montha from August or September. Owner IQT Macleay bldg. FOR RENT III; 7-ROOM HOUSE. Owner. 661 Eaat 15th at. HOUSES ' T6 RENT COMMON wealth Trust Co., th and Ankeny sts. j i . THE COAST RlCAI.rT rv-k 126 H Morrison Bt,- Suite 2. -1 , Phone Main lltl. v . Headquarters for Real Estate and Busi ness Opportunities of All Kinds. fa81?1-1' BARGAINS. ; 38.600. half flash, hum I...... M hlgh-clsss rooming-house; neve'r offered for sale; must sell. T ; If AAA knv. .... -1 . . . """s seni rooming houae near Portland hotels nthera .li slses snd locations; terms. : - . .. ' 13.160 DUV8 120 acres la vet lnul : ?.1iSk,tmt ounty. Wash.; will be worth livv pr sere. 11.000 buva ltd acres level lanA In ixook county, ur., nearly half in cultl vat ton; good buildings, fences., water etc. Winers, all prices. Also home steads and timber claims located. .No truiers wamea. , . 1350 buys rood . new lunch counter mat coat oo; must sen, ' 1300. half cash, buys well-savin am. piuymeni agency. '( - 160 buys furniture of f rooms, mod era house, near library; olng away soon. . - 00 Restaurant averaging III dally; two-year lease k . - Other business opportunities, every description, can, writs or pnono. Mam THE COAST REALTY CO., 226 H Morrison St.. Suite I. BUSINESS CHANCES IN VANCOUVER BUSINESS CHANCES. ' BUSINESS CHANCES, v T.HB COAST REALTLY CO. f!!J .Morrison st., suits 2, Phono Main 1611; headquarters for real estate and business opportunities, of every descrip tion; aiao isw cnoice noraesteaas ana timber claims, sta; few special, bar a"'""." '" . 7,ooo Half cash, FURNISHED HOUSES DESIRABLE FTTRNISHED FLAT FOR rent; no children; call at 261 East Gnsan. - - - ' ' r FURNISHED 12-ROOM HOUSE, CLOSE In; weat aide; rrom July l to Septem ber 1; rooms can be rerented; references. Phone Main 144 or A-1444. r FOR RENT SIX-ROOM MODERN house. 111 per month. Inquire 177 Oberlln at. Portsmouth Bt, John car. FOR RENT-A 3-ROOM HOUSE. ALSO big garden; at 1026 East 36th; fur- pished, inquire sunoay. HOUSE ' FURNISHED . COMPLETE. choice, central location, no reasonable offer refused,, leaving city. 147 Lowns- oaie at. . . - FOR RE?TT -FLATS UPPER FLAT, ROOMS. MODERN; 13th and Hall; Z5. Phone Main 4737. MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT, BLOCKS south of Portland hotel. 3Z1H Mill st FOR RENT FURNISHED I ROOMED flat for July and August. Irvin r. 28d and Irvln g. Apply 741 HOUSES FOR KKNT FURNITURE : :i " .FOR 8 ALE. COMPLETELY FURNISHED COT tags, west side, good location for roomers or boarders, easily accessible and modern, six rooms, pantry, bath, clothes cloaets. hall up stairs and down; very reasonable. . 117 Chamber of Com merce. - - - - , COTTAGE. 7 ROOMS, PART FURNI ture, for sale; a snap; on corner, full lot 4SI 5th at. Phone Pacific 885. 1350 BUVS -7-ROOMS WELL FUR n I shed - as two separata apartments. Including an abundance of dishes, fine china, oak furniture. X bedroom suits, I gas. ranges, large wood and coal range, eta;, reasonable rent. Inquire J LOUSE FOR RENT . WRNllRE F6ft , ie; soo puye furniture In a 10 room modern house on 12th street; present owner has house full of desir able boarders: rent 137.50; a choice location. I2S Lumber Exchange. Phone junin lass. Bicycle store and repair' shoo, with macninery, tools and sundries, tor sale; Dest location in Vancouver; price i,ooo. Stock of jewelry and optical goods ana futures ror ssie at invoice price; iock win invoice aoout is.ooo: rent 330 per month; this is one of the only two jewelry stores in Vancouver. Stock of dry roods, notions, ladles' and gents' furnishings, located in brick building en Main st. Vancouver: ex cellent location; rent 50 per montn; es tablished business: will take invoice price; an excellent opportunity. ' . i 1 8tock of cigars, tobacco, confection ry and notions; also fixtures and about 20 loads of wood; room for small stock or groceries; a good location: livin rooms In connection; rent 111, Includes water rent, pries 360. . . v V BRICK HOTEL. ness of 1 1,500 snd over per month; takes l.00oaan to handle this'; long lease. Good location. privilege of extension KKSTAUKANT. On East Morrison clearing 1200 mon investment. I g CIGAR STORE. I The Coaat Realtv Co. In heart of business district 1 veers' I 11.000 buys confeetlonarv atora. with lease, for sals cheap If taken at once. . If living rooms, very close In city: rent DJiwun, . I r, m money maaer. una ox ine pest locations jn ins city, BUSINEfttJ CHANCES FOR SALEREAL ESTATT. , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A DAIRY FOR 12,000; ( EAST TERMS; guaranteed to dear 1200 a month- owner a-olria eaaf Phrtn. TiKa. kta f Buiwuu mr man ana wire, will Deli'"" FOR SALE BT - COMFORTABLE HOMES W. Tl Jk HON LENTO. .' I., ' , HN KlflV D A Vj 1'UTa No. 63 Fine 6-room houae, pantry J 12,100 l-room modern house ' Sell 'East double corner, four - blocks I 11.500-l.rivim . i...... sold very reaaonabla. rail at its Man. i from car track: building reatrlctiona; I tth at. - . ' . I unAM. CO A n A . IEAA m. V. . J 9 K n.r aaa ' - ' " r iiriuiin, i , .,uvv, vv vnn, , i : -m,w v 9Twm moocrn Dunralow. , rt 5() bouae, ot Hi 800 6-room new modern cottage, i i 600 T-roonv modern home, East 4 veara , leaaa. with I S7.0OA Half Mid ihnM runtUn : low rent - - - saw mill with laraa amount of tlmhttr. I AKTWJCK WANTED TO SHOW LANS I vV V J " r. V. . . - I S 1 A aaa l . w - ' . S"r- etc. owner, ahnwa 117A . icrn. t-raim, 111.., o.- Bj J( l uujw vii ui ni iiiic.l a-rwin i i7i" r . ' ' " t-. ....... v.. i ... . wwv a4 Hm . llvll cam en c I . , St., f years'lease, strlcUy modern, new houses on Port- P11.1 yj?ur"e,r.l veryiittle money ;A ;.t,r-"rJ,. "' V hiah 1 Ii' thly; this Is a good land Heights: splendid corner lot ale. I rquiroq. wncuiara 34HH Btsrk st. ir.."""! 1. m's! .ia iri. a&. ..X FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. - - ' FOR RAT.m -. . 11.400 Naw aJronm nnttmm am a v. -i. 11,000 buya splendid paying cigar and from Montavllla car line, near 45th st: clearing 1400 per month; will make stock of candy, etc, beat location In terms given. . tlon: 110.000. half cash: and 100 Other iim rar si ins i, - . - .. . , . - i We are agents for Clsmson addition to'Lents; 5c carfare. '' ' I ' Arbor Lodse -Snaps Doing business of from 111! to tlllL 116,000 buys flrst-olsss manufacturing J near Waverly and Woodstock ear Una. u.i, ilf w rnnv, a yeara iav, ,irui vu.uivh wiin piwh on nana, mi invuica. per Invoice ing for-S. good KKSTAUKANT. this is a snap for any ona look- j opening. 'f A TU A nice lawn, lot 90x100, is oo A Maw A.rn k.,.. I asms as rent 18.000 Half Interest in msnufactur- minutes' ride from business center? in I0!. nd other ,ot"! w J.v Ing company. good location: fterms given ' ' ,n Flna new modern l-room houss with 11.500 buys Shos-stors at Invoice, l.600-Nei; ' and InoSwn T-room house. thM ts. comer; 600 cash, balance J1',-. a " v . IU" oemeni oaaement. rooms nicely rr... rr ?F?JL hS t!ntea: ln '?ct. -.verythJng In -.1 condf- .k."?.' 11.400 l-room house, lot KnvtflA 11,100 4-room cottage, lot 80x100. ' 1,000 6-room house, lot 0x106. 00 4-room house, Missouri ave. 1,850 6-room house, lot 87x100. 1,360 Now 4-room modern bungalow.' 1.100 0 room house. East fth st. 1H blocks Al l-room house, corner 80x100, well Imj I860 6-room . bouse. pre vea, near station: zdo oaan, onianca i oeria oar. Choice lots ironung ,on in heart of business distrust clearing I good location new stock. full 11.000 tier mrtnth X vaara' 1a. mm I 17 AOAW.ll navlnv H . Irv tmrmn aftArr I - . . z . : v. 7. i :- i a: i v""-u, jii iacl -veryining in ai condi- i - - ? r-i.a . olVV-V u",n"". , .fi?ino lro -f -"'ano, omers. ail tlon; near HawtTTorne avenue on E. 24th trStZ, 7 ,,,uu"- VMV,fcT "w" tn a-nod location .vera a. 110 ... Am,. ' 17 OflflMal- e.alL t-. .rt. na- "."f".'" "". argn ISJten lm- Wiood W T TJTTRT Arbor,' Lodge station. Phono : lawn 111.' - ' ' - NEW ADDITION FINE LOTS 60x100, atreeta 10 feet, near car atatlon St Lnts, so car fare; only , fiio; terms. K. Addition. M6NfU fl 100 Jl.rnom ' nnaa r- ... .And several others. .';c V Otto, Crockett & Harksoa 1 , 133H 1st St BARGAINS . IN , HOMES AND LOTS. 1270 Fins lot on car line; improved street; lo cash, balance to suit 17004 lota, fenced. In cultivation; " fine for -chicken ranch snd gardening: terms.'' r , .. 1700 t lota, on corner; all beautiful homes In this neighborhood; 10 cash ; and 10 per month. y i.uov o-room boras, run lot, with NORTHWESTERN REALTT CO., 211 Commercial blk.. Portland. Or. 404 Washington st, Vsncouver, Wssh. A GOOD GROCERY" STORE. VaL05 about 11,000. for. 1550. Nelson, 14th ana irving sta FOR SALE SALOON. LOCATION CE1- cra doing rood business: A.1 onnor. lunity xor ngni .man. xaoress a-ioo, journal. FOR SALE GROCERY. SHELF HARD wars, flour and feed, dishes, sta Dally sales 1125; net profits, 1300 per montn; price st,iov; investigate ana you win ouy. box , ttoseDurg. ur. OPENING FOR PARTIES who smaii or large capital, in heavy manufacturing enterprise, to es- Taonan in foniana; win atana closest Investigation. For particulars address -m. journal. PLACER GOLD MINES A- FEW OF ine moat promisinc: some aireadv paying proaucers; careiui selection; high-grade and cream of northwest fields: some at half value: 24 veara mine management: inventor and vendor or placer - machinery; gives you the riant tin: state amount to Invest, w N. Ruble, Welppe, Idaho, cars American mine. FOR. RENT A RESTAURANT AND rooming nouse, an complete. 121 ft Water st. Phone Pacific 2471. FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY AND ice cream parlor, two living rooms, rent 116: a snap: must sell on account of leaving. Address C-300. Journal FOR SALE. First-class meat market: including horses and wagons and with or without cattle. Only market In city. W. W. IRVIN. 4 Aurora. Oregon, - FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES . FOR RENT ALL OR- PART OF ground floor space Bank of British Co lumbia bldg;. Front and Ankeny sta. TP'y rv. ix, i, Mam z. . l'O RENT STORE , AND 4 RbOMSl . Apply 177 Hawthorns ave. . . Kings- :' ury. " A nice: OFFICE suitiES f6r Hi,nf. Madison bldg., 3d and Madison sta. PART OF STORE FOR RENT IN GOOD locality. 261 1st St.. corner Madison. DESK OR OFFICE SPACE CHEAP. .. Fine location. 32. 248 Stark. Main 142. GROUND FLOOR OFFICE ON" 6TH'SfT near Stark. Inquire at II 6th at FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS . HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH modern conveniences. Phone Main 184$. HAIRDRESSING ROOM. WITH HOT and cold water and compress air. 207 BARN TO RENT, 437 JEFFERSON 8f7; i win iur nvrmtm. rnono Main 716S. FOR RENT LARGE STtlblO. twrt ,grand . pianos ; for - July and August i W. G. Naah, Ellera Piano House. FOR RENT 2 O-ROOm H6TEL LOCaT ed at 304 E. Washington st For ' inquire or luouiu eaioman d: Ca. 228 Ktark at. - - . . , BUTCHER SHOP IN CONNECTION with grocery; including all fixtures; up-to-date; will leaae to soma respon sible person.' Phone l41. - FOR RENT UNFURNISHED LODG- Ing-house, 60 rooms; good location. c-aii notei unio, Front st JEWELRY BUSINESS I if GOOD VAL ley town of 2.600; good trade; excel lent repair business; small stock. Ad dress Q-41 Journal, n j.an jvasv. lur aaie ciinau u uiai iriuiir niuuvru iunr ibho. aieam-neaiea i . sk aaa Tr.. , . at once. 7 , 7 roomlrig-houss of 76 rooms; best lo- eiV: i-T;;'.-""" It OROCERT STORE. ; ' ' cation. . " - ' ' ' I good - rTsldencT district M On Gllsan st. rood location, must ha 13.500 Half cash, burs nearly mw. .K',?" 1",r.,c . .. sold at once: owner will sacrifice. modern, brick lodging-bouss. , best lo- TtWZI -S ." .'"f??T.n.ou." of 4 olty. It "ifcnatf cash. buy. It roomclos. !!1l!L !.i?M SMraXrl rooms: hot and cold water; 8 vaara I in. others, all slxea. I fI7'."r TW"" 'V" mrm moing iqi -4.. ' i-.ti 1 1 1.1 leaae: dolna- aolendM bualness: onlv ra. 11.000 buvs 110 acres, wheat ranch. am "? property. ' "ww: am son for selling, owner leaving for good; I In eastern Oregon, cost nearly 11,600; I Jk 15t ' v ' is aaa win 1 .t - .li. k.i?. . I ta., .-11 . .v.-.. . .11 .1--.. -1 f - ' Z26 Stark Ht. f".i'vw n ... iwuuii 1111a. - uaianca m mr I muai a.. , uiubj a. an aiivi. ainu , i wi i . i . . ,. . I . . . - - ' " cent. , Ilnquishments. METROPOLITAN REALTY CO- '-I ZZ"lVL I'll" carunea; now uo oo aay 1 inis is moaern, not new. but a nice, goo ' . '.V '- - SALOON. ' . 1600 buys half Interest In largo weU 251 Alder St. Room II. I ' " W"AT rTnv BMrnry' " ' mors, money; , jub casn Five years' lesse: doing rood bust, paying restaurant: look It uo. ; Phone Main 4700. - I ... ..VTP." .8Vi?B?T' . ' bi" '.. ness; on one of the principal streets in I I76(F and services secures good psr' 11.000 6-room modem cottage, nice wan citr. I lne real ouaineaa xor live man, 1 piace ana m anap. ' CIGAR ' , . ' I 11.000 Half cash, buva half intereatl 81.000 4-room nottae-e ' lna a r,,t. And fruit store and waiting room, clear-1 In well-known real estate office; doing 1 1200 cash. . . ' ing 1200 monthly: will trade for nron-lan exoellent business: trial . allowed I 11.200 4-room strlctlr modern ef. wi if vr vaan, , - I " iwriy. - - , . I laae; nair caan, . t - i .. IJt hotel. t ioo buys weu paving ompioymsnt l.00 New modern 6-room cottage, At Seaside. 40 rooms: newlv fnrnlshai agency.- must bo sold: other business In. fii- wnnA rarma. . throughout: hot and cold water In 82 opportunities of every kind. , I 11 000 lumom mmi.m .nit. mi. Moma. k. . I Il.l.l . . . . I " IPUV mil DDIITIPV V , r. . . . . T 7. . a-. ..m li . r "... 1 "wi "m ei.-i Wri. .Y . ' - wr" v " si., ounnysiae; terms use rent. Fine bulldlnsr iota. 1278 to 8400 on I small ywilt. ..hmhw. .1. above terms; 18 minutes from business 1 12,000 For l-room- home, close In: good cash. 501 Columbia bldg. 186 Washington St, I 13.200 7 -room strict! modern. lnr. HAVE YbtJ BEEN-OUT Td WlBERO" I P"r ' lt fins flreplacea. full cement Heignta7 Take Rose City Park line out Sandy road and get off at Wlberg um Agent on me ground. . COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, uoucn Building. , m i.i a iii.yiMJni mil vvmviil basement, with summer kitchen, eom- f F. J. STEINMET2 A CO . The Homesellers, 183 Morrison Bt LOTS 4 BLOCKS CARLINE.. I76 ONli house for 11,000; 250 cash, balance 000 to build and equip. Will sacrifice for ,duv, naving more important business 221 Morrison st. Suits 2. fnone Main iocs. ft? USUI i 1,000- 100: 1660 cash. 7 WTPrrpn mtiniiTii .ixus aeuing every day. Most ops half I w " " "T"J- in, nouse alraav anM in ki.k. I is Dlsstered with wood fiber. S rooms. -room new nouse, lot 50 by I graaa improvements. Building restric elsewhere which demands entire time I ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN 11 .300 6-room ln rooming houses or hotels? Please I Brooklyn; 1 500 cash. mnA at tan Inn MEAT MARKET. And srrocerv store .. Jnlni bualneas of 12.000 per month; only rea son ior selling, owner leaving city. In the bualneas district 1U ' vaara lease; will guarantee business of 8400 per month; owner leaving city. ; lUUHAUHAfll. First class. 4 veara' leaaa. with an average bualness of from 1150 to 2186 PJf lar. Owner must retlrs on account nitore, 2,l6o, vi Asatassixaj umtiii At Hood, River. Oreronr IS maim neatly furnished, dolnr snlendld hual. ness. but on account of 111 health will sacrif Ics. - . ROOMINO-HOUBE. hooso on 21st In k . .5 call on us and ws will show you some. I 60x100 lota at Montavllla. 1111 un en average I thing that will Interest you. Look at 1 payments. - Ivf..pr,c'" na eonPr " U.VERI CHOICE ACRES. 2 MINUTES1 uinvra. i ... i ,.ib . .i,,.i. ...ii.. K..,.. en.i trees, berries, several walnut trees, sto.; tlons. no ahacka. 1480. 140 down. 110 per mon in WbUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, r Couch hMr 1 12,800 buVs a i4.ooo HOUsB And unit DI a concrete foundation; owner has to leave account poor neaitn. r . i 6 acres, nearly cleared, for 1700; can take 1126 cash, balance long time. -room house with 100x126; barn, fruit, roses, 160 feet from carllne, street nors: 4 ... 0-room house, good -furnltur, 1260. 2 IrSm 7w.rL'SooSni " In flrst-claas condition. full lotVnon'Vv thrw "clu Improved; f dandy; . only 11,200. w.y at 810 Union ave. N. - irtMrnii .a -ROOM! H6USfl. LOT 166-106. PRUIT Pftorie Tator 70 End MV fcarllns. trees, I blocks from car. Pries 13,800. gort A a t rLI aX wA"' m Alao l-room houss with 60x100 lot; fOR SALE A FINE 6-ROOM MO- 21.800. 27 E. 6th st N. or Phone J,0.m- T.lth fuU cornsr, lots. I acres Improved, on Foster road. I Woodlawn 448. sdgs JJ around; everything to Sl-room board In a-ho ii a a rinfna- anfm. did business and filled all the time; low rent: clesrlnar 2200 monthlv? nnlv reason ior selling, getung too Old to atirna to ine Business. nClR RTflRR On ens of the principal streets, doing gooo Dusineaa: sta years' lease: low rsnt; owner leaving city. Will Invoice. BALOON. Centrally located, doina- buslneaa 11K per day. Rent 3175: 5 years' lease. KUOMINO-HOUSE. Centrally located: all rooma rantaA steedy with exception of 3 or 4 rooms held for transient trade. FAMILY HOTEIi " The most fashionable family hotel in 83 rooms 22,800. ... . I close to station; rina' location, a-ooii anil-1 K-nrxirft l.Ho fcwi t iii i aa timf t I make a nice home; . prloo 11.650. Ad- roorafi. 'w Bnc only 2750:. T-aVa-rJo:! nVraU I V t.. a JL1' I dress 220 Shaver st IDn. af.SUU. .a.K..lAI 1 a" ". . " "" ' "v- - ii i i -is lasssai inn si sea. T4 V..-.-. -4.-a V -a. la laUICIllAIia OlStrlfit I AUT tAmil. I M "K tlUUl I1UUHSJ. SB IOK1U BI SSSX.X. BM.au IIDI t aaa aai saw Av i .aa . ' I .1 - IT water Includail In rant, elnea In rant W. T. lUff JtV PA I , k ... F. Ci KINO... is dno , - ..-. w. ay v. , , ,, ' 808 Commercial blk.. ,1 , REAL E8TATK. " .-..,. . . t .. .1 Room 24. 188 Btark Bt I Id and Washlnrton ata 1 I tnn i d.-.i. -rwra noicij a irrti oargain; must u ii . . ' m , L . , I . Z." " -Z7 ' ua be sold at once; 14,600 will handle this. i,u auxiuo cuKwtK aajit, hast hi ownek, -room modern CO- 106x100 . MOnTaVILLa. 7 S -room hotel, a money maker, 116,000. 88-room hotel: a fine buy at 111,000, 166-room hotel; A No. 1 home; best ouy in ine city; win guarantee you 800 clear. 112.000. . . . A splendid country town hotel, only notet in city; the greatest out-of-town buy. Ws have a fins hotel at Seaalde where you can make more this season than you pay for the plaoe Also a fine summer resort at half price. Please look this up If you. wish 10 get a gooa tning. C S. ARNOLD & CO., (Hotel Brokers.) ' Removed to 851 H Morrison st. BUSINESS CHANCE. 1250 buys a half Interest in a well- established real estate bualness, with a the city, on Waehlnrton at. 10 rooma 'oiine real estate Duainesa. wiin I elegantly furnished: all fil ed. Owner F00" v". na squipped office; loca 1228 TAKES CORNER CIGAR AND confectionery store, rent 111, with 4 nice rooms. 882 Williams ave. FOR SALE DRY GOODS STOR! In" suburban town; new,' clean stock and only dry goods store in town; only amnif cnpuni requireo. v"'. Journal, BARGAIN IN ROOMING HOUSE If taxen tnis week. Room Z. Z48 8tark. rnn fiAT.tn no t.xkdip avt v t tt-o taurant In town of 2.400: m-aaA eaah bualness. Call or write Waiter. Ros- "m'li, ruiroi sjrpvg, JT. snapST , Meat market. , doina business nf 1?ko a week, for sale cheap. Two-stors building, fronting on two .i I"" paying n per cent; 700 win nanoie tnis. BAKER nCiRS Laurelwood. . Mt Scott car. retiring from active business, OROCERT STORE. Doing nice busineaa for aala ehaan owper leaving city. CIQAK STORE. And Ics cream atand. clearing 1100 per month, for sals cheap if taken at once; can lease. RESTAURANT. Dolnr averase business of 110 n.. day: must bo sold at once: owner leav ing city. HOTEL. 80 rooms, tllcelv furnlaha anA all filled; 4 years' leaae; thla Is a snap. RESTAURANT. On 1st St. Claarlnar linn nar mnntfc Owner comnelled to aell on Armi rt ant 111 ItaaUk g Ujrc4 Ilia Company 230, 821,-332 LUMBER EXCHANGE BUILDING. Telephone Main 2270. Cor. 2d and Stark. SUMMER RESORTS l " J ' 't ri iri. ii '"- i li. i i i BEACH PROPRBTV. J Ths flnest beach property sver offered, olning. Breakers hotel property, to be nown as "Manhattan Beach"; 250-acre tract, a. portion with building restric iiuna, uiuer unrestrictea; easy terms.. , ,. . A. C. CHURCHILL A CO.. ' " 110 Second St. f?itv. . , - LOCKSLEY HALL SEASIDE. OR., ba P., L. Austin, proprietor, assisted by L. A. Carlvle: rates from li t ka '. rates and reservations may be made now wun ur, Austin, aentlst, Raleigh bldg. LONG BEACH THE WHITEHdUSET - l block from depot and P. O.; newly .w.M.n.ivu. .urvius mmurani in con nection, home cooking, reasonable rates. Mrs. G. F. Whltehouse. prop. 12-ROOM HOUSE, FURNISHED, AT coast;, wUl rent by the month or by ' 1 auiiicti. w-ivu. .1 onrno I WANTED 4 OR 6-ROOM (V)TT a n& , either Clatsop or North beaches, for COTTAGE FOR RENT AT SEASIDE Or. Apply 692 Pettygrove at ; FOR RENT NEW COTTAGE AT SEA- side. Phono East 1760. BCSINESS CHANCES. AN INVENTION THAT WILL REVO -.I?1 ZZ'ruSZV KL: T screena; . .. iuicnt lu party fur nishing money at once to get United 8tiSe! 'Tf,,r1 P.".te.n.ts: P" triflers , in myyij. wui i. iii ciawtnorno ave Jancke Druar Co. ' i t .PI.UMBERS.-ATTENTION! WE HAVE . mr . iiiubiuiiij eautonsnment in one of the beat towns in the valley a bargain; inveatigats this. Willamette Valley Real ..Estate Exchange. Wood burn. Or. - ., t .- BUTTE BOYS STOCK, 6.000 SHARES ... at 7Hc if taken by Wednesday, p. O. box 10, city. - -- COUNTRY PAPER AND JOB PLANT for sale; anxious to sJl. Q-ll, Jour nal. ' IF YOU HAVE A HOTElL OR ROOM ing-house to sell, list It with Lard A Siindcfer. 351 H Morrison. - Ccnfectlonery anil Bakery soda fountain, etc. Fine-location, bus! nesa of 126 per day. Owner must aell as other bualness requires -his atten tion. Maxes nis own candles, etc. Will teacn buyer the bualness. Stock In voices 11.800. Price 31.760. We have a number of good buys In all kinds of 'business. Give us a call. ItlBi VEIEKAN ItAKU CO., ' 166 3rd St. , SNAPS. Ths only set of abstract books tn Ska mania countr. Wash. General merchandise store In best sec tion oi uregon at invoice; banked 38. 000 laat year. Interest in an old-established laundry doing fine business. Have you 110.000 to 120.000 to invest ln Income property that will net you 10 vi vent i . LEWIS G. CONANT, Room 10. S68 Stark Si """"" ' MODERN HOTEL. ' 130,000 Modern 2-story brick hotel. on- river and railroad,. In ' one of the most prosperous towns in Oreeon: hotel contains SO rooms, office, dining-room, car-room. launary, stone basement, steam heat, electrio bells, hot and cold water, bathrooms, etc: first-class trade already established on large paying basis; owner wishes to ' retire on ac count of poor health: terms, ono half casn. BINNOTT ft SINNOTT, E36 Chamber of Commerce. HALF INTEREST IN LEADING MER chandise store in large- suburb: tha store nas peen estaDiisnea is years and is doing 80 per day; price to a rustler, 12,000. Call on Concord Bldg. - - ' - ' OR SALE DRUG STORE, E Portland, close in: clean stock. information address Q 96, Journal. FOR SALE CHEAP CORNER GRO eery and candy store; living rooms. 875 tfmu - - ' ; - ; -. . F. J. CATTERLIN A CO 124 ABINGTON" ruug., wr AimwiB consolidated, cas radn, Alaska Petroleum A Coal, British Columbia -Amalgamated St Coal. Home ii'irpnone bonds and stock. Ws can furnish any stock you want. Or we can rrn ir. ior ytni.- FOR, SALE. NEAT 2-ROOM 8COW7 partly furnished. Apply 7tn st. - FOR. SALE A GOOD PAYING RE taurant in an elegant location.1 Every thing in first-class order.. Can convince buyer mis is a payer: - BUCHTISL ft KGKNB. Phone East 5422.- 862 E. Morrison St, BUILDING FOR. FOUR POOL tAbLES. also room ior barber enop, zbs North 14th. Cheap rent. - - FOR SALE SUBURBAN DRUG STOCK l, duo, doing good business. Good rea son for selling. Call 208 Allaky. IVE PHYSICIAN WANTED TO TAKE! nail interest in good paving drua busi ness and practice. - Must have some money. Call 204 Allsky. - ' ! - CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE. BEST BANK REFERENCES. No office charge. Commission only. Ths name sells your business. Do you wiah to bti sell or exchange eny legitimate busi ness? Ths following list is 'only a few of many houses wa hava in all parts of the city. 12 rooms elegantly furnished In oak and B. I. maple with Vel. and B. B. carpet One of the swellest locations in heart of city. Beautiful lawns and flowers. 1700 10 rooms beautifully furnished ln housekeeping suites. Aim. and Vel. car pets; one of the prettiest homes on tha west side; lease; terms. t26. 10 rooms In housekeeping suits: nice ly furnished and well arranged; all light and airy; clears 130 a month; terms. a t 87B- 8-room house, nicely furnished. In swell residence district: house full of bosrders -making a good Income; cheap - I860. ' ' ' 12 rooms In housekeeping suites; very Wt In Al fn mtmm. laiLJI 1 ' A. ' m . . 1 ...vo.j iyA, biipq, excellent location; cheap 1 fenV;, clears 145 a month; terms. . 11,000. -4 2 -room hotel on , Wsahln.ln. . close in; beautiful corner brick. This Is One of the best furnlahen ml h.. payinr hotels in the oitv i. cheap rent; 14,000 cash. ' T 17,500, , 40-room hotel: one of tha awetwt tion cholc. Half Interest In a cleaning and dye ing works, with a good established trade; duties eaay: present owner an experienced up-to-date man; only $260 required; a barraln. If taken soon. A good paying grocery, established trade; desirable location; clean stock; Ion leaae: low rent: will Invoice atock: aboUt 13.000 will handle this. 325 LUMBER EXCHANGE. Phone Main ntS. BICYCLE AND REPAIR SHOP IN good location, cheap. Rooming house . 4th st..' close In. 10 rooms, good furniture, leased for 1 year, f VV. - ... Rooming house, 6th st.. close In, 12 elegantly furnished rooms; lessed for 20 months. M. D HOWSE, II th st. Phons Main 6188. SALE OR Hawthorne l - V V VVA.VW V.-..K,X AJ A , J3.AI3 I. I AA A WTIllbn, -fVSVAO, 1U1.II KJ front in HoIIaday addition, one block lonlal house; concrete baaement; two BUILDlKii carllne; - 11.160; warn it n hi nun as yynm gTS-ar aSk aa t- aaa AS? Baav naa vaaallSJ - I Fflrat lAPfn mm Mtm KflWI V K rwailt Saaakaaa I a 'aaa -.7" .Tl : "r. r""V. .'T I i..r. rcrr.'i . I trma on part. . noom J9. iss Btsrk. ing sites lert on tna east Blue. Bpninx mrnm cnunwi rem ana anruos nn! pr- oAW.Act ...-7? Agency. 806 H Stark st lovely lewn; two large fir trees; best 1j,?0rr5ROM COTTAGE. CORNER . V V?&k. fe'rms.. rern'ont 'V feo'h8VrtlVd.TJrn 8 onWJt HOMESEEKER8- W liiTM M Tlitf Jfjf IMft? " 4th Pc," snd 1650; good terms; owner on ground. Willamette Valley Real Kstata Ex- T VAtI x)u i s Phone Tabor 254. change, Woodburn, Or, for a largo list . " ..P, T9U WANT-A IXJT Iva Am a ma. ... ....v., . i IfAj 9 ' Uimi i.bj,jiiiiiiu I Straata S0.faat wMa .rVa4 m-mAmA d level land. I miles "V. .i.i 't A ULe,1,VJliwl;Br and walks veled; , on county road. I LI" A"" block from car Ins. mod- Mw.T rTit i. carllne: house, barn, or-lr. every parucuiar. Doauiirui lawn; I ; -" .. v a a ..la.JM ' i a It.DUU. TMrTTlB. llimnisl T ." t I " v w mm SS4V, , aviuum c ior ---C'K,J-- . ; i a down. . IS nar A SUBURBAN HOME. 10 acrss or goc east of ; Portland, blocks from chsrd, berries ll. boo: terms. E. J. GEISER. 221 H Morrison st CORNER LOT. 6-ROOM HOUSE. 6H 1400-tHi Week BUlffl T LoTfl IM vviuametie aaaition. cau at 810 Vmrni RiimaMa olnu in tl BAA. Union BVS. W. best bargain ever offered tn city. Call I RESIDENCE LOT IN U6LLaDAY on Dement ft King. 242 Madison st. LOT 50x100, 7-ROOM HOUSE IN Stephen s addition; best buy In City, 82.600: be sure and see this before nur. cnnsing eisewnere. m Aiaatson st. PARK. . 3800. NUF CED. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANT. W,EA5E5MIN? CferaOFtOTd FINa RESIDENCE Lot !M fcffi: iuv. mi b uiuom ran i i im.iT... .n - road grant lands: our moderate fee ln. J.w..I?d.lmProvme.nt" all .paid, on eludes legal services: claims en. .. ' wee? "in and East ffi2.tUfd I Trust CoTcoh bldg.1' W" eoxloo . Lot on east sfAfek st.. BJ?A1iV- "y BB WKflT side, ctosg month. In choice residence dlstrlotl t iu v. r . car- At 3d and Yamhill sta, - ' ,r And go to Lorrlnton. ' MOORE REALTY CO, '" . . IB- niarx at. - , Agent always on ths ground. - ' At Lorrlnton. FOR 6 DAYS 1 0-ROOM UdUSBt, ELEC- trie light cement walks, 12.300; easy terms; Union 2783. - FOR SALE-LOTS 1 BLOCK" FR6m carllne; 1176; 16.00 down; 11.00 per month. Address Q-86, Journal. , . mILWaukIe, 6n the wJLlaWettiJ river and O. W. P. Ry I mils from city umits; 8so buys new 5-room cot- 4 0-ROOM HOTEL FOR rent close in. near ave.; around 100x100; plenty of room to aoubie ths capacity of hotel. For Particulars call on James rllhann iotniii ADinnon. fnone Aiam 246. Vnnfh frnnf.V. its a V.V. .,.' I to " and a snap at 81.800. k j w 15 ms; isdo ouys new o-room eot HnMni ;In?i0Kji af'.rv'7 t6rms- Rutherford, I1T Commeroiai blk Main ajid 60x100 lot, 1 block from oarllne; Bphlnx Agency. 305H SUrk st. 6120. -wmmsroiaA Dig. Main $l 00a buys I acres, all Improved, near MIU 14x100 HOLLADAY'fl ADD fid iitiI 1 5,u,: e.00 re" or. r,ver 12,500, it, cloVeABridVvDiar0V.a.Tf! X.??.tar." '! Pj-V 116.000 JUST FOR .A FEW DATS I wT L--. .J.f,?aw,jr. fi This Is ting: chesn acres aa In small traeta- lnta . . . . ..riinV'iK.i iu, nn rn. aaac aifa i tmt i . . - 1 at tnis price, corner lot covered Wltn I Rutherford KIT r7.i.i Tit V cneap, on eaay term good buildings, on 10th st; will bring ri,Ah,"r 5H -Commere,u blk. Main j ngjMllwaukf, Or. oeo s pout u at ;....ii"'i,...-..ua l-.i, . ulAttllI , f AKK, ONE 120,000 ln six months. once,. P-392, Journal. per lot; terms. 400 BUYS 10-ROOM ROOMING- nouae ir aoia st once: clean, llvht good location: owner has other business and cannot attend to same. Call 664 pavier ana mn. owner, A. A, Draughn. REAL ESTATE money making GOOD THRIVING business with rood lease, on the eround floor on sth mt vBBningion. Aaaress K.-39Z jour naL GOOD LOCATION FOR GROCERY IN' new ouiiaing; good trade assured; rent reasonable: move if your store is not paying. M-892, Journal. I HAVE 2.000 SHARES ALASKA PE troleum A Coal; must sell. P. O. box 4. city. A GOOD PAYING RESTAURANT HAVC in cream of trade in busy city close to Portland: will sell entire fixtures; 18 tables, with chalra and a complete outfit of accessories: also 24 furnished rooms complete, for only 12,600. Every thing first-class. Good for 13,000 per year net. ' J. A, MOEHNKE. 209 Commercial Block. L"effl, 'hefnak1!: W "Lnw00?; BUSINESS CHANcTk! New modern barbershop. 2 chairs. hwu iiimiiiY. reasons Die? rent, cnann Apply 817 Chamber of Commerce WE HAVE THE SWELLEST LiffTl 2 6-room house on the market, tran sient lease, rent 175. This can be oougnt ror 2,aoo. Z43 Madison. 6120. 100x182 block carllne: , 1100 Room 2, 268 Stark. 1 - . 15.000. : 2l17. .MractV ."-room house and beautiful lot. ioio . ri flowers, right on carllne and a vary KMr-riAicr - ttTMr.rtf at BETWEEN i HANCOCK AND BCiltrY - LER. 100x120, near Irvlngton and Broad v ' w" carlines. . i "f $1,800 Half Cash. - - If you want a borne In Irvlngton see tll. T . V ...1.. .LI. , . . PatonrKm'tr Mjl Zm? - Mt. 6d6TT BARGAINS. , ,, A CHOICE iooinrt fixlo iS IV.- 60 cash, balance $10 per month, 8- liSook st laVa0 thin ON T1L" r00m toou' ,ar' lot- C10 KOO. lini cement waks nobirh.f,r,m c.r; . ca"h' 3 -par month, large for t.A.ti '.V fen nlf-hck. close to NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE, ALBINA, FINE lot, 60x100; fruit trees, garden, chlck Sn .A,ard: ' "ewr! improved at, etc.; i,ivvr ursia -... ' ' Now modern cottage In restricted dis trict 60x100 lot full basement, etc.: 51,800; 300 down, balance monthly. , -.W.''J.-Day & Ca v rtoom Z4.-T88 Btark St. rpr; ii.aoo, one half cash, balance by car' isoo fiwin,FtiNne.CraARY H0".E; bldg u"umo,a Tru" Co ' Coucl , 11.100-6-room hou lot 60x150. Owing to death, widow forced to sac- Tuj..i t ' Close to car: part cash, balance aaav beautiful home fronting on river. iF Wju WISH 'lo BUY. SELL OR EX- 1250 caah, ?16 p" m 4 -foni BhVnK,A?uor.t?ni- a ... ' n'rSnAl?2urJ?roJnert'r' ". on or ad- house, f lots', fruit trees, flowers, nice --, ..i,iiij. iiuyiv.nj, . inn . " ""i vvasn-1 garoen, poultry nouse. . etc 51 800 year's crop wUl nearly pay for the ington st. Portland, Or. "n ' 6-room modern houses, closs to car. IRVINGTON 11,900 FOR CHOfrih "it on easy paymsnts. - , ( by 100 on Hancock at., between 22d " "any other bargains ln houses. "u "u. Appiy to ir. Strong, 214 Lum- place, Elegant 11 -room house and first-class outbuildings, fine orchard. Boat land- Inar nn -rtlaoa nh. naw a1....l. ... I . .. . . . . line. Stock, machinery and ImnlemanT, ZVj.u JY.. "'"?' - s all go for 14.600. Don't miss this Tanao: lauANi BITE, BLOCK 22. TOLMAN Address Q-30. Journal. I. a5ajUon'nsr nw school;, level and ,7t2hTrni7fvCaA8H- 1 W ZT; J"l nT VldSrolsl thorns ave. " V" '..V" JiZ .,""f,ef."a 7ron 1st 1160 ISO cash. 110 rer month Wa.t V"l.'."m .'..""i somsming nice. Grant st. ' g"peg' "t 12752100 caah. 110 nar month. i.a SAVE -COMMISSION BUY rRnu lot. I owner; a 6-room Queen Anna cottars. with gas and electric .fixtures, tlntsd win Ban cneap. vvs Ksrbv. cor. Cook ave. " 35-ROOM HOUSE IN HEART OF Clt Y; 4-year lease, rent 190. clearing 1160. Furniture excellent This can be uuugni ior ss.iuu; must sell, other busi ness, nee vement & King. 343 Mndlaon maple; Axm. and Vel. carpents; clears T v ,,. a uiuoin; long lease. 41.YUU. Read thla narefiillw ' 42 rOOma snd lurn 1 o-. hall M. .a .. k . vr...-.-.--'?- ""i .i unw diockb on east side; 16 rooms furnished: rest in hm,ui,..i.. "inV? ft"' i Mwly, Painted, papered and -" "" niceiy rurnisned. In cluding camet: 8 dnzan .h.l... o fleers' chairs: nlano: ileaka- ait ei....y.. . long tease; cneap rent REMEMBER. ' ' - CROWN- RTTSfMU'ca . Evnivnn 38 Ral.lghBldg. th VndWaThington: a it-m3 atx ai ii VITZL, SNAP; MEAT MARKET, FINE entat.lif.hed trade snd location, with r..sp rnt; horse and wagon thrown in; i n- iirsnt call east - Address F-292, CONSULT ME WHEN YOU WISH TO buy, sell or borrow money on stocks of merit I have on hand an industrial or manufacturing corporation atock that will certainly pay the Investor 1,000 per cent profit or better. : Don't fall to see me about this stock; It mesns large Y'TAiAm wiu a inhume Any amount can be Invested. The small investor Is as welcome aa the large. , W. J. Curtis. 216 Commercial blk. ' ROOMING HOUSES WE HAVE THEM i here' K "naDi ' rooms, pries 11.600; nets 1300 jer month and ud. Bera & raw. ins l.i mt w lumbia and Clay sta f BUBINESfl ritlMro ForlPIen"2 ?brner grocery on east side. r, guua locality; does very good business; reasonable rent; good reasons S'tSa1"?' would lnvoW from 12.400 tS choice locality .onWuium. .Vs.;"wouia Invoice about 11.800 to 11.800. w ii ,,"..; " -""- aooui 1,soq trt rrYoAA!,? ,Z: "iner Places, J700 A Complete mt6c)t"nt :Amr 4- ttira. fvr-r thir.tr InTlna -a.jui i.. ' - - ------m l " wvimi tion a Wilt seU at Invoice - and give discount or Huiu aa ou, 1 ia a great oargaln. Alao splendid hotel proposition; noth Ing better In the city for the money. : Otto, Crockett & Harksoa ? " 13IH let St.' - ;v.:': THESE ARE MriMPV.W 1 irr-Tj a '8700 for a well-located confactinnarv cigar and Ice-cream parlor, with living- tasv 1 akf Sta. sk rti Inav mm Am. mm . vsaa a saa.aw sa,a awy ww ivui, . . . 11.600 for ths best suburban halrerv In Portland, clearing 8200 a month. 22.000 Swell rooming-house atrinfi. modern in every way; terms given. , If fvu auuw .ur it in n aitout rooming houses, you Will See it IS a mnnev. maker when you look at it - A few excellent money-making coun- tlT,."to.re" 00 my Uat-1 Particulars on application, -i u.; . : , ! , ,1- - .. v - RFucbs V - ' 'aaitt Morrison St ' ery stand, best ravine busineaa in most desirable location, 248 Alder. Ter minus or east side cars. Pacific 1225 ..... A BIG SNAP ' for a man that understands contracting aim uuuuing. j responaiois man with plenty or capital requtrea a capable yaiincr. nun now in progress and several houses under way. This Is a great opportunity for a manwithsmall capital to step Into a well paying busl- uvea, r ui fiai ucumn can , ' THE VETERAN LAND CO.. 145H Third 8t. A First Class Roomlna-houBe with !. i.... central y located. ' alvivi full over I10O per month; to trade for acre age or Improved property not too far SPiVa"? agents, .owners only. Address V-318. Journal. - '- r . ... . FOR SALE OR RENt AESf AtRANf ln small town., all furntahed raii or address F. A. BlackwelL Scappoose, WANTED MIDDLE AGED MAN AND . wife; very pleasant home permanent ly, three full lots, all kinds vegetables, good house for boardlnar ona ladv narr Aa u - . i a jaa 7. zx . v " jl iu. innfl, - Auurrm airs, ju, xv., 435 tijwiip aw., Dfliiwooa, uregon. 1350 $60 cash, 8 lots at Lenta ' HILDEBRAND, Room 10. 163 H Washington Ht OWNER MUST SELL BY JULY 1 modern 6-room cottaae: fruit, lawn and email barn; 2 car lines, L. and R-S.; mane ing nn niier. - XHISSOuri SVS. VERNON NICE "mw.v a. -aj aWWAf y, XUUak J rt L. I 1" ' i ready for building. 68x100: Bull Run $4.200 MODERN water; s diockb car ana scnool: 3450 1 . punniu cash; owner. Apply 1140 E. 24th st N. NEW BRAND-NEW, STRICTLY MdbERJ? hro.om c0"""' 172 E. Washington, $200 down, balance easy monthly pay ments. A. P. Smith, 111 Commercial uiA. DWllvr, 8-room li-nrfii' Bnllt for hnm.i .n.i... furnace. . fireplace, fine , lawn. . fruit, large porch, terms. Owner, fore- MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE S F.IPS mo w.-vervR.t ne lot. 2 blocks from nar tin.. PS0"' , Enat B497 880 EastYamhill. 1 TO 20 ACRES. CLEARED siae, so rare, ior sale. pacn, zi lat at and one lot. 2 blocks from nar line 11.600, 1200 and 20 per month. J. j Oeder. cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankenv. . $1,250 NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE NEAR Alnsworth ave., 6 blocks from Union ave. car line, Highland. Phone Pacific ion, lots and acreage. Office open days and evenings. BAKER ft ROSS, Laurelwood. Mt. Scott car. 500 CASH, BALANCE T6 SUlf , i ruum moaern cottage, electric lights and fixtures, 100 feet from car; 2nd houss north of Tremont station, Mt Scott car, A BARGAIN H BLOCk, IMPROVED 23d and E. Yamhill sts.. 13,150. Rich ards ft Cornell. Inquire 102 E. Yamhill st. Phor.o Eashl669. rXU KSm. TV J Dr.JFehren FOR SALEAN IbEAL HOME; A bargain; 7 -room house, with bath; lot xvvxiuo. corner: nara nnisn, witn Hard wooa noors; iuii basement, all cemented plenty fruit of all kinds; good Well, piped all through houss. with 1.000-e-aJ tank; $3,000 cash or installments, or win trans ior iana in ngnt locality. Ad dress, write or call on T. Do Lano, Mon tavilla. ' INVESTORS, BEFORE ' INVESTING your money in real estate look into ine situation at tne mouth of the Co lumbia river: 31 Invested there win earn twice the profits that it will If in vested anywhere . else on tha Paelfin coast; cau at our oinces and we will tell you an aoout it. uoiumbia Trust Co., COUNTRY HOTEL: AN OPPORTlW: ltv seldom offered: must be ant mt once oecause or sicxness; price reduced to $600; you can pay all expenses, get Tour jivina ana nana iidu everv nnnth Call Monday at 248U Stark at. PARTNER TO BUY INTEREST iti tne Dest casn grocery and confection ery store In Portland, or will sell. T. W. St John. City Market blk.. 3d an Mar. ket. .. '. - .. PARTNER 'W'ANTeJ) ' f6r" A STRlfiT- ly casn ousiness, must oe sober snd satisfied with 312ft a month at mtm-t mall .anlfral. r.mi IrmA . .uh..j . a..., easily learned. Particulars 248 Stark. FEW UOUI.AK8 WILL START A Prosperous mail order hnalneaa . furnish catalogues snd everything nec essary; i by our rsasy - method failure Impossible. .... Milburn-Hlclra. ill n...- born st. Chicago. . WILL TRADE 50.000 ok l6o,6oo LfelS Creek for citv. nronertv. mnA Ait. fersnce. ' P. O. bog 4, city; . ",, . 20 ln cultivation. 25 easily cleared ifi gooa uraoer; oy sawmill, gooa OUlldlnga, 400 . fruit trees. v Inquire H. Epperson, Estacada, Or. l- -ACRE FARM." $3,500; WILL TRADE ior oity property, nouse and int. nr. f erred; 6-room house and 4 lots, over sn acre ground; will trade for roomlnor or city property. C Arnold ft Co.; hotel proaers, rooms lii-nz, ioia Morn son. 100x200 GROUNDS7ROOM HOUSE. - In Woodlawn;, small 1 fruits, garden, etc. Bull Run water.-, pries $2,000, cash, -.. balance ' easy - terms. Sphinx Agency, 306 Stark st. , v .. . . 100x100 FINE QUARTER BLOCK IN Holladay addition. $2,600; good loca tion and choice surroundings. Sphinx Agency, 805 H Stark St. , v ;, 60x100 LOT IN IRVINGTON. $1,200; East 14th St. one block from carllna for a few days at this price. : J! SPHINX AGENCY, 805 H stark st $2,200 BUYS THIS NEW, MODERN o-room nouse. on union ava. nnm . . . . v . . - V . .. . . $1,00 will buy this beiutlful nsw modern 6-room house:, 2400 caah- , h.i. anca 116 per month, v . ; , . ,.,;', 11.600 buva . this new cottare aver. thing modern and up-to-date; $400 cash; balance 111 per month; 1 don't pay rent DIAMOND RBALTI CO- , 263 Alder. . Room 10. A SIGHTLY RESIDENCES TS'P kn-iAA' with Bull Run water, cement walks and curbs all paid Ior and less than 2 blocks from carllne; only 13 minutes rtli v i m . ii , " 5,lyv V9' terms. vviuiuum iru.i v-u.. ioucn Ding. - - M. D. HOWSE. SdLtCllORS, AKb salesmen s headquarters; eastern jiiauuiBuiuringT iirmi represented; real estate quick sales negotiated; petitions circulated. II 6th st. Main 8188 Xa. H.U. . iiAk!'.J "TJii AID iuuoi. s,iuviinBtuments, , Charle son ft Co.. 411 Commercial. . WOODSTOCK HEIGHTS. QUAfttEk Miutiv, hums iruii, apienuia view: 0 room bouse. See owner. J P HniiiJ... Mann .l.tln. . A SNAP 1500, 100x106".. SQUARE . on Mt Scott carllne, 1 block from sta tion, Woodmere. Owner, phons East HE DON'T WANT KARTii" Howse. the real aetata man. at i .v. st., therefore oan furnish you property va miiu, -i ui jjai a ui tne City and av puuca iu uoi vompetition. i AISO a law cnoice ranroaa timDer Claims, cruls- inn iium v.vvv.uvv'Uflr auariBF .nn .tin.. ney fees, filing and locating, combined. BARGAINS FINE 1 wist; all improve- LOT7 RESIDENCE LOTS FOR - BALE. Terma Uaiim. Int. rnwA . r Quire of MUlsr, ioth and yvygant sta GENUINE cor. JSast Msin snd menta. splendid location,' only $800. -room house. 2 lots.- Sell wood: haaa. meni. vain, targe Darn; l.suu; terms; will trade for .acreage. .. , . . , 14-room seml-detsched . anartJr...,. building, lot 66x100. East Alder, $8,600. We handle only bargains. Home, De signing : ft Realtv Co.. Eaat Morrlann and Grand ave. r-hone East 6748. ' $1.600 GOOD, 6-ROOM HOUSE. 'C6r lot 46x140. 1 block of Mvrtla Park station; easy terms; . a real bargain; don't miss this snan. Addreaa ' H. r Roche owner. Arleta, Or., Mt. Scott car. BARGAIN CHICKEN1 RANCH, CON sistlng of 6 large lots, 3-room house, all complete, for $880; $360 cash, bal. ancs easy terms. See Joe Nash at Mil- L"rduaS on tn Mt Bctt: oarline, nt Nashville addition. , : 300 , FARMS. SMALL TRACTS " AND ,t-;.bf"'a'n- on - w- p- siectrlo line. O. It. Addlton. Lents. Oregon. Take Mt Scott ear. 5c. FINE 8-ROOM COTTAGE. fillNNV. side. 6-mlnute car service, lot 60xl00is strictly modern r price right for fluids' p i a A Chaber of Commerco, ,f vi lava ACRES NEAR MT. taborT fencffi and tiHi .0.t.JaUt Ztn iu the whole business for 1st at" Dunn-Lawrence Co, 149' FIVE-ROO&6tfSE, FULL LOT, 31.700.' jNew modern 7-room house, $3,900. iE!va".roo,n bouse, lot 100x100, $2,650. Eight-room houss, lot 60x100, $2,100. eaiAAro-0,a houa" tul1 lot. payments, Eight-room house, full lot nn. tiA cash. $2,800. , " " unree-room house, $400 down, $90). . Lots close In 12K0 tn 17(1(1 882 WILLIAMS AVE., COR. MASON. 100x100 CORNER - $200 CASH. BAL ance' 110 ner month- inn inn tvn some ImpTrovement, $409 cash, balance 110 Per monlh:.riilMln .f ..i i blocks north from end of Woodstock car line. Apply at oronertv. ; . MODERN 7-ROOM ,, H6USE, Wif II corner- lot 60x100; ? nice lawn, fruit, power, full baaement, porcelain bath, toilet and alnka: ona hlnnlr J line; $2,700. Phone owner, Beflwood 424. -' i,700 FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, nJSE concrete baaement and nlnmhin.. .JT) car: $250 cash, balance monthly; owner. Address Q-85, Journal. , i:;- . . FOR SALE.' A nSSt 4-room cottaae under .An.l.n. tlon: will be finished in a. few daua t. quire -of T. E, Bradshaw, three blocks west ' of Nashville atatlon. lift ent car line. . .. r AN - ELEGANT SPANISH COLONIAL" 8-room residence, luat. finiahart- outfhly modern, hot water heat ...i. denes district Only $5,600 If taken at once. B-2, Journal ' ' . v i , SPLENDID LITTLU $8,000 BUYS ONE 10-ROOM AND nun 6-room house on a corner lot walking uimanca ana near canine; sz.000 cash, f -y j THINK OF IT. Live ln one and rent the other. These house, are thoroughly modern and are ln a very desirable locality. ? i -s p LAFAYETTE REALTY CO., ai.n wasningtnn t)t LOT 40x140, COUNCIL CREST. FINE ;y,aw.'. for cheap; party goinf east 40T Ablngton bldg. , r.; HOME -FOR . MONEY. $2,350. on easv terma. for nn. a ter block, with new modern 7-room hOUSS.', . , , ..(.., 1 : , - F. FUCHS, v ' - : v. - ' ' 221H Morrison St. ' FOR SALE 9-ROOM HOUSE. QUA R' ter block; 22 fruit treos,' 872 Mon. tuna ave., corner Blandlna. $6.000 STRICTLY MODERN 7-ROOiJ , house, Holladay's addition; 14th at . furnace, gas, cement floor to baaeuent! fireplace, porcelain bath, cement, side walks, Street improved, easy terr-a, r F. ComDton. 100 Ahlnrtnn 1,1 Ho- r.u nhnna. " . ' . . -.-a.