The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 15, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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, ' i - ' ....
'' .
VFoiiiiei' Govcnior of Colo
rs ratio Says That Remodeling
House Frustrated Plans.
Vt : tv . - , ;,
Refuses to Crosa-Examlne Executive
- After State Had Asked bat Few
Questions Lid Closed Upon En
. tire Colorado Mess. '
nrt searching their houses because thejr
were unionists.
Richardson grilled Naylor several
times, causing, him to admit that he
did what the MIneowners aasortatlon
wanted. - It waa shown that Naylor'a
chief assistants wer "gun men, ona
of them now in tha penitentiary serv
ing life aentenca for murder. Naylor
railed General Bell a . newapaper sol-
dler. r
He said he sot to tha independence
depot shortly after tha explosion and
recovered me oonies oi ji victims,
Colonial' Investment Com
pany Secures I Title 1 to C"
air Ground Site! 0t
Harriman' Plans Improve
' ment Jot IlneBetweeu r
30 Reno and Rosevllle.
" (Journal Special Barrio.)
Reno, Nov June II. Tha report that
' . ; . By John Nevlns. '
" Hoarnal Special Sarvlce.) (
Boise. Idaho. June 15. The early por
tion of tha Haywood session today waa
devoted to argument of tha admissl
billty of toe eontenta of a telegram aent
' by Steve Adama asking for money, when
srrested in Ogden. Tha court finally
admitted the testimony.
' Witness Pander was recalled and said
tha telegram read: "Haywood, Denver.
Am In trouble, send me $75.
Joseph C Houston, taalatant caahier
of ' the Flrat National bank, produced
tha bank :. books showing Haywood's
financial transactions. Houston Men
titled He-wood's signature on New York
bank drafts and James Kerwaa acting
, secretary-treasurer on ethers. Ona for
' waa drawn J-nury 17, 1906.
after Steunenberg was killed, ' snd
cashed in Spokane by Jack , Blmpkins'
The wltneaa Vdtmtted- that the drafta
were Issued In the regular order of bus
iness and than there was no- secrecy
about them. I m
- Major Naylori assistant secretary of
tha Mlneownersfcasoclation. told of In
vestigating the xploslon in the Vindi
cator. He Introduced a partly . de
molished revolve which he found near
Beck's body wnlrfc waa supposed to be
the one with, which the mine was ex
, plodcd. ,'; - 1 " ' . .
Vevw Xiard of not, 1
He didn't know anything about send
ing out four coldfrrs to shoot up the
Vindicator shaft Biouss because the
owners declined to bay their assessment
to the Mlneowner association. ine
An Important and far reaohlng realty
transaction waa nna.imfnatd vhUMrv
in tne purcnaae ty Arthur w, jenks ror the southern Paciflo company was go-
W. H. Schulenbera Identified the Pea-I" voionwu investment company or a ing to ouua . a aouDie iracg over tne
body bomb which he found In the river greater part of the Lewis and Clark i Sierra Nevadas from Reno to Rosevllle
at Wallace.
Confirms Story.
Sheriff Southerland of Shoshone coun
ty, confirmed the story and declared
that he unloaded the bomb after It was
turned over to him. .
C, T. Roach of Denver, a plumber, told
of making the Peabody bomb at .the
request or Orchard who told him he
wanted It to hold a catcus.
Miss Peabody, daughter of the gover-j
nor,. was me tasi wiincaa id in, muni"
Ing. She told of seeing a man acting
suspiciously about the house In Denver.
She Identified Orchard aa the man.
(lovernor Peabodv waa then called to
tell of the attempt on Ma life by Orch
ard, ha saw htm at canyon uitv in
1904. "at the time Orchard said he was
prevented from the killing of Peabody
because he was remodeling his house.
When court reconvened the defense
threw a bombshell Into the prosecution
bv announcing It had no dealre to crosa-
examine Peabody. ' Borah had purposely
alned from anv extended oueationi
on direct examination - or tne rormer
governor, aa he expected he would be
questioned at lengtn oy Kicnarason,
then on redirect the state could "lift
the lid" on the entire Colorado troublea,
getting the realona for calling out tha
militia ana wnv martial law was ae
clared. Tha defenae declined to fall
into the trap. j ,
To Postpone Orchard's Trial.
has heretofore been vigorously denied,
but Superintendent Palmer of San Fran
cisco stated to Sparks that such was the
Intention and that the prhwary purpose
of his trip to this section was for the
witneas hadn't hea:
Ma lor McClellan aa'
"To hell with . th
will give the union
not habeas corpus.'
The witness admit!
General Bell, and
constitution. We
en post mortems,
ed deporting men
The fuda-e then announced that there
would be no session of court on Monday.
as he ,1s going to Caldwell to continue
tne trial or orchard, wnicn is set xor
that date.
K. S. Raymond, a Denver policeman.
knew Orchard aa Hogan and aaw him
frequently with Haywood ana Fettl
bone near the latter's house, usually at
w. j. Vaughn or Minneapolis, wno
wrote insurance witn orchard at can
yon City and Rocky Ford, told of his
having a neavy grip and a small alarm
ciocK ana taixins or mowing ud .rea
bodr. ; ' v .' :: .
J. VT. Rich of Pocatello. hotelkeeoer.
testified to - Steve ' Adama atopplng at
nis hotel and having had a grip which
contained Grecian fire or "Pettlbone
dope," as it hss been called, with him.
Adama was registered aa Ward.
Juat before court . adjourned, Borah
announced that the state would close
Its case Wednesday. The defense will
open upon that day. . ,
, 1-1 Bj I
.t 1 ItfUmiHi ouviria. vnvwv.i
Chicago. June IS. Three robbers,
i. - masked and heavily. armett, looted the
Pt North 8hore Health ' Reeort a well
' known sanatorium on the Sheridan road
' at Winnetka, early thia morning, robbed
, a woman,, terrorised more than j 1 JO pa
' tlenta, knocked down and robbed hospi
tal attaches, cut the telephone wires
- and fniifht their war to freedom, earrv-
ritn tnera .oooty .vaiuea et x.vuv.
log wl
who was
Mrs. Me teal f, the woman
robbed, is prostrated.
The ease with which the men tra
versed the . corridors and found the
rooms they wanted la the ground given
by the police for the belief that confed
erates Inside the institution assisted in
planning and possibly In executing the
robbery, or else were Intimately ac
quainted with the entire affairs of the
sanatorium. .
fair ground site from J. 8. McMillan of
8eattle. The holding comprlaea nearly
60-acres, to which absolute title was
given and a 10-year lease on SO acres,
which belongs to the Meade estate. The
consideration Involved In the transac- nf h Ti.'u r.n.r.nt.. jl purpose of Inspecting the route.
Trust, acted as agent and attorney for KJaaJIVI Jk '.r M0""arir t0
the purchaser. i ( i avoid delays which we are encountering
tr .1,1.1. h. in.m. .. in , striving; 10 nanaie raoiaiv tne ln-
clnal owner 'of tha Cofoniai Investment 'creasing trafflo over the mountains on
company, has recently come to Portland ; M1' .,?'. 1W" .,hav i
from Mexico, where he haa been engaged f d ,rJ tUi. v.?ry, tw0 n9"8 nd
for several yeara In mining and smilt-wl f '"k?,1 ejr.wt ?n"
Ing. He has disposed , of most of his J "SE hfri-iiiliVlii,ii itJr "ne
Interests in Mexico and will make Port. the mounUlns parallel to the prea
land hla future home. . v,. - , . .
waen seen this morning relative to i!. P"
recent heavv ourchaaea of Portland ?'"rr" .nnr... maimer atatea tnai ne
realty, Mr. Jenks said:
ready to announce any plana that I may
have aa to the disposition or use of the
xair ground sice ana otner noiaings in
Meeting on Train, Ford Fires Five
Shots on Sight, 7 Hitting Twicei
" Butler Fires Twice, One Ballet
Piercing Victim's Heart, .
; v AU; '0M0;a
(Special Dlipatcb fo Tbs Journal.) -
Eugene, Or., June It. John Ford and
the woman over whom the trouble arose
that yesterday led to his death at the
hands of W. L. Butler, were married In
the county Jail here February 15, 1906.
a . . . 1 . IN arrfl tllnNa Wat I vwiaasa Slat taJ hat ka III WHI BlCir VI IlaT SL IBrni I Ur UniKWIUl
ni. recent neavy purcnases or Portland . .'r.rl -rrw- .v-w....." 7.vT " v
1 fltlTI HOI t ' a V a. i, Uionuv Ul VUuauiwWUU 'WJUI .UtJ . HVIUHUf WilUBV
i Wr-1 Aran VriJa rltflSlsl SaaVAaa 1 m aSV a bW a Hfe h f . .
Encounter Was Preceded by
0'i: 3Iany Bays of Bitter ;
Coroner's Jury Clears W Jj.
4 Butlers-Men Fought
; Duel on Train.
Most of the property that
vicinity ta
that vicinity.
I have purchased in that v
high-class residence property. I expect
to ao a large amount or grading and
filling out there, and ta the course of
a montn or two may nave some plans
matured that will be of interest to the
Chester Q. Murphy and associates
nave uaen line to lot it and a rrsc
tlonal part of lot IS In block 3, Stron
aaamon. i ne nronertv is a nai
block on the north aide of Washington
street at the intersection of Twenty-
tnira ana waa purchased from J. D.
Wharton for $11,000. , ,
Daniel Brecht haa nurchaawf a fran.
tlonal part of block 4 In Jamaa John
addition to St. Johna The tract was
bought from Z. M. Knight for 5,S0O. '
Pacific University Students
- Present Weiixi Drama-:
tized Legend.,
'. - r Special DUpatcb ta The Joornat.)
-Paciflo University, Forest Grove, Or.,
" June IS. An enthusiastic, well satisfied
audience, the biggest that has ever
crowded into the large college audi
torium, greeted' the Juniors last even-
Ing when they gave F. H. Balche's
Indian tragedy novel, 'The - Bridge of
the Gods," aa dramatized . by Herbert
llayea Arnston of the aame class.
People came from all corners of the
county, Hllisboro, Beaverton, Cornelius,
Gaston and outside points and they are
unanimous In -their-praise of the. (Ira-
matte work of the collegians.
. Owing to the extremely unseasonable
cold It waa Impossible to give the play
- on the campus - undei the oaks, as
' planned, but nevertheless the stage set?
tings were beautiful, a veritable forest,
wun treea cut green irom tne wooaa.
'Samuel B. Lawrence as Multnomah,
chief of the Willamette, made a bi
lilt with bla commanding figure an
stentorian vole as he addressed the
oinerent councils.
Miss Esther Silverman as Tohomlsh,
. a seer, with her wierd and mystic inter-
f retatlon of Indian prophecy aent thrills
hrough the audience. Her work with
that of Miss WUiielraina Heldel as Wal
i; lulah,. daughter of Multnomah, was
easily the strongest of the cast.
The other leadimt roles were taken
y K. A. imiay, c. o. Mason, Q. A
Cls.pp,p.. I. AHer, H. H. Arnston and
miss . r ranees ciapp. . .They were as
slated by 20 students. '- r
The players , are in Portland today
and will repeat the effort at the Heillg
considerable trade from the Scott' Mills
country and for this reason people of
that part of the county are working
hard against it. Judge Scott said Jast
evening there was no possibility jot
failure now, -
Christine Enger Trying to Establish
Claim Beore Jury If Success
fiirCity H'ill lioose.
Miss Nanoe O'Nell haa been engaged
to play a four-weeks' engagement at the
Marquam Grand theatre at the conclu
slon of the engagement of the San
Franclaco opera company. Miss O'Nell
will beain her enaaaement In this citv
July , In "The Sorceress."
Announcement of the contract was
made today. Manager Cohn of the Mar
quam has been In San Franclaco for a
week or more for the purpose of secur
ing attractions to follow the San Fran
cisco opera company at hla theatre. He
wired Manager Ryan today to the effect
that he had closed tha contract with
Mies O'Nell'e manager.
"The Sorceress" will be nrnducl !n
Portland by Miss (TNeil, aided by her
entire company, .and will be arlven tha
same production- as the original In New
York City. It is said to be a magnifi
cent production.
Miss O'Nell was scheduled to annear
at the Heillg in the same production two
montna ago, dui canceled her north
western engagement Since that time
ahe haa been playing In San Francisco
and other southern coast cities, where
she haa met with great success. Miss
O'Nell Is regarded as an especial favor
ite of the theatre-goers of Portland.
The engagement or the Ban Francisco
opera company at the Marquam closes
June . Between mat date and July 8,
when Miss O'Nell will appear, the house
win pe aarc. , . v
forra yearh2ttlaaVc W:U" BOt b beun name was Stella Rldgeway.. Upon their
narnage at was reieasea ana me coupie
went to. Portland, where they lived un
til tne wire ootainea a divorce a montn
ago at Oregon City. Ford and the wo
man lived in the Siuslaw country west
of Eugene at the time of their arrest
on the charge mentioned. The woman
was under age and a separate charge
waa lodged against him, but upon their
marriage It was dismissed. -
Ford waa aged about 85 years and
Butler about to. The latter haa been
married, his wife having died several
years ago. He has lived in the Mo
hawk valley for a long time and is
known as a hard worker. He haa aev-
eral children. '
Had Quarreled for Days. '
Ford came to Euaene from Portland
a couple of weeks ago and went to work
in the logging camp above Wendllng
for the Booth-Kellr Lumber eomnanv.
A few days ago Butler and the woman
arrived from Portland, and they too
went to Wendllna. and Butler also se
cured work in the logging camp. From
Battle Royal Between Mag
: nates Is Expected to De
cide Oriental Traffic.
(Joaraal Special , Strrtoa.)
Los Angeles June II. Official an
nouncement that the Port Los Angeles,
Mallbu A Hueneme railroad Is Oould
property, the final construction of which
haa been awarded la followed by evi
dent activity on the part of the South'
em Pacific. .
The Western Pacific is already work.
ing on the harbor at Wilmington, and
Indications are that a battle royal be
tween Harriman, and Gould for oriental
trarno will De waged, with Harriman al
ready firmly established at Port Los
Angeles, it is stated on good authority
mat narriman win very snortiy com
plete the formation of a Una of steam'
era to ply between his wharf and China
and Japan, thus wresting the vast traf
flo from hla rival before the latter gets
a foothold. Official announcement of
this Is expected in a few weeks.
Harriman la now concluding Diana for
Increasing his harbor facilities at Port
Los AnseJea. These plana ' are said to
include a breakwater for better protec
tion or snipping.
At the trial of the proceeding to for
feit to the state the property of Harry
Wilson, deceased, which la valued at
about 118,000, Christine Enger, an aged
woman, seeks' to prove that she Is the
sister of Wilson, and that it la she, not
the state, that la entitled to WUaona
A number of witnesses were called
ywieruay ariernoon who had known
Wilson in his lifetime. They had heard
va oi a nisier named Christine,
(Special Otapatcb to Tbe Joaraal.)
Salem, Or., June 15. No truer Index
of the remarkable development
the state Of 'Oregon Is undergoing; can
be had than by the record of the filing
of, articles of incorporation in the cor
poration department of the secretary of
state' off Ice. Among recent incorpora
tions are the following:
The Gearhart Electrical Power com
pany; incorporatora, Oble H. Newton,
John L. Short and Thomas F. 8hort;
main office Klamath Falls! capital stock
$25,000; object to engage In real es
tate business and to operate electric
railways. :
The Custer Printing company of
Portland; incorporators. Carleton Lewis,
Aiex Bweea ana raui w. uuaier: can.
ital stock. $6,000; object general print
.. 8peciat Dispatch to Tha Journal.)
Salem, Or., June 15. The second an
nual commenoement of the Salem high
school was held last night in the as
sembly hall of the high school building.
Forty-two young people were granted
diplomas. ' The claas address was de
livered by Governor Chamberlain. The
diplomas were presented by Director A.
Av Lee. Miss-Rebecca Miles won schol
arship honors and waa awarded the
scholarship offered bv Whitman . col
lege. The members of the graduating
v. ,wTlas are: Charles B. Harrison, Agnes
""tMoor. Florence Prince, Alta Altaian,
BeUlah Clarke, Paul Miller, Alonso Per
kins, Alfred Schramm, Frank Barton,
Theodore Klndlg. Grace Lick, Robert
Paulus, Edna Savage, Leollne Skaife
(president), Henrietta Hoyser, Alice
McCauley, Ross Mclntlre, Chester
Moores, ' Ralph Moores, Ralph Cronise.
Ralph St Pierre, Etta Welch, Mabel
Bradford, Mildred Bagley, Helen Colvln,
Eunane Craig, Ward Fiaher, Paul John
son, Etta Nelson, Rebecca Miles, Cor
rine Miller. William Mott. Glen Niles.
Edith Regsn, Eva Starkey, Harold
Smith, Sophie Catlin, Edith Bellinger,
Claire Vlbbert, Mildred Perkins and Le
lah Belle. ,
(Special ', Dispatch to Tbe Jours!.) . ,
Eugene. Or.,- June 15. At the Inquest
over, the body of John. Ford, who wss
killed at Wendllng yesterday by.W. L.
Butler," the coroner's Jury this morning
returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.'-
' : 7 'V V' '- ':''"'' " '""', '
Butler was held over night in the
county Jail here. He has two bullet
holes In the left arm, aa results of ths
duel he fought on a train at Wendllng
late yesterday afternoon.- . .
Love of Ford o divorced wife was the
cause of the trouble. Ford's wife se
cured a divorce, at Oregon City a few
weeka ago and 'a short time afterward
went to Wendllng with Butler, who ex
pected to secure work. In . the mean
time Ford had come to Eugene, where
he began drinking heavily and threat
ened that ha "would fix'1 Butler. He I
went to Wendllna yesterday. The men
met on the train and the due ensued.
Ford's body was brought to the
umcers ana Board of Direct
ors Likewise Chosen by
0: C Purified Reede
Late Manager of Devlin Campaign
and Organizer of .. Movement Will
;, Be General Manager Tf C. Devlin
. Chosen President. f.
F. ' B. Reed, who 'came to Portland .
last year to run- tbe politics of tha cltr
and the state, haa completed the rujes
and by-laws of his Oregon Republican
Clvio league. He baa also elected of
fleers and a board of directors,
The object of the league, as explained
morgue here and Butler came to . the U. Mr , Rl m tha kv.i... i. w
-0 the I A. m . . . ,
county Jail and gave himself up
authorities. w , ' i:--.;
Womans Tongue Seared and
Body Marked With Rcd-
Hot Irons '
mote the prinolplea of clvio decency la
the official life and advance the prin
ciples of popular self-government io,
tne various departments or our state.
county ana city government ana to aa
vanoe the material interests and well
osing or tnepeopie or the state."
Beed Za General afsaaa-er.
. Mr. Reed in person will be general
manager and overaeer of . the league,
which .shall "promote the principles of
clvio decency in the official llfe., Mr.
nnea was ins late manager or T. c
Devlin's mayoralty campaign and hag
been mora or leas prominently identl-
uou who omer poiiucai snorts,
Motives ' Beaevolant,
' teea . aenies mat nis league was
xormea to aia tne political aspirations
pf any Individual or set of individuals.
Its motives are purely benevolent, ha
says, and the building up of a greater
kiiu murr i jr ia uie nope or tne league.
"Civlo pride- and "a cleaner city" are
favorite terms which Reed rolls of glib-
ir in ueacriuing too purposes Ot nxm
jeaguv. , w ... 4.1
urncers or the league were elected
T. c Devlin.
(Joaraal Special lorries.)
Los Angeles. June 15. Mrs. Julia Sal-
tha time of the arrival of Rutier anrf ladln secured a divorce from Carlton
ths woman at Wendllna--till the time of I Ballad In on errounda of cruel rv ilmnil I yesterday as follows:
the shooting- the two men . had trouble I k.k. . .. i . presidents W. B. Glafke. flrat vtoe-oreal.
over her. festerday morning they met .v I u. Z W Z I wu" nS- w- CoaV" Morris, treasurer; J. B.
in the town and a row ensued, ending !?'iJ.?,?nth",J10 Salladon . bjNsame Coffey, secrelsry; executive board W.
In threats agalnat each other's lives. nraged at his wlfaa refined and dell- B. Aysr. W. R. McOarry. Big SlchaL
Butler boarded a nasaenaer train .that little woman, threw her on the Charles F. Beebe. 1L H. Ineram. r
was about to pull out for Eugene about rTi.001" cnoltAea. her Into Insensibility and 1 it Is planned, according to Reed, ta
J o'clock yesterday afternoon. Ford foU I Ulf? reaorted to hideous torture, -a j see that the atreets of the city aha II
lowed him and entered the car at the . Heating an Iron almost to whiteness, I be kept in perfect condition. One ob-
opposlte end. - I neJ protruding tongue and I Ject of the league Is to see that no
Word dmmI Hm aa SHrht. oiuuw mr iwm, on me arras ina- wwoi are parmjiiea to grow along the
ron wpenaa riw i on Bigat. body with the terrible Instrument, and sides of any of the streets and to also
As soon as vord saw Rutler ha onnned I thia In h ki h. k-u ... ..t
i upon him with a revolver, empty- children. Then he deserted her to es- is possible that the league may advocate
ing tne cnambers oi the wearton. Two 1 mm .mil .mi minhman ti I tiu mnAiiiinuni . ne. -n
of the bulleta struck Butler fn tha left I ki! . v"".:"" .k. I
V.. S atll a M 1 1 - I aara7 UO ssiasaaSMa Tib mil VI kllV I fr 'CJZ iiiBinivvvi,,
, uui muitiTO u.iiir , ijt.ii wuunui. i brand I nav Iron told a nitlfnl atorv that I Kverrone who desires ta befloma a
One went
l,r.u,,..,l'".c,1iar nd th ,lrtn throuh was given the custody of Ber children.
T)l1 visas wtkam iis-wvvHatat at . (ha ars1r I
and stood in the middle of the car until JURY CIIAEGED IN
' hat, another broua-ht teara to the ludae'a evea. Kh I member will contribute the sum of SI
per montn towaras maintaining Ideal
conditions In Portland. Out of the total,
of course, will come Reed's salary, and
many of the public-spirited cltlsens are
expected to contribute. -
(Special Dispatch to The Journal) '
Moscow, Ida, June IS. Juror Robin-
They I on wa brought Into court on a I
then drew hla revolver and fired. Both
shots entered Ford's body, one of thorn
piercing his heart, and he died almost
Butler gave himself no to the con
stable at Wendllng and the officer at
once started with him for Eugene.
prisoner , wa. fe In county Jail! ftcjLep.t!, T!"T,.d tXL Faithful Employe of O. R IT. Com.
cases. It was the first time the Juror I
had been out of his room' since Thurs-
day, and, old and feeble, he -looked more
like a corpse than a live man." He wss
attended by two physicians and a trained
nurse, and the court announced that the I
care of specialists would be continued
during the deliberations of the Jury, but
pany Drains Vial of Poison
and Expires.
The Bridge of the Gods which is to
be played at the Heillg theatre this I precautions muat be .token not to' dls-1 aug hter. Michael McQloln, former car
evening, was given its rirsi performance I cuss tne case in tneir presence. . i inspector of thet O. R, A N. shops at
In tbe presence of his lt-year-old
last nlgbt at Forest Grove. It was wit
nessed by the largest crowd that has
ever been present at any thing of this
kind. It, could not be presented in the
open air on the Cain pus, aa advertised,
on account of the inclemency of the
weather, but waa given in the auditor
ium of the chapel. The stags wss set
with natural scenery and waa an ex
cellent Imitation of an open air set
ting. The large audience was verv en
thusiastic. , The building was packed to
Judre Dietrich's charae ia considered I . ... ....
fair and impartial and but few excep- we yeswoay wier-
I tlons were token by the defense. P00,11 bjr..,wailowIn auantlty pf car-
ouito acio. i ne iragaay occurred at aa
Morris street about I o'clock. The be
reaved - family of the decedent are un
able ta ssslgn any cause for the act. -Although
present at the time her
father drained the contents of a glass
containing the acid, the little girl was
unaware of the character of the potion
ing business.
regon-IdahO company. Incorporators
Charles M. Hemphill. T. T. Burkhart and
Douglas Lawson; capital stock, 150,000;
main office. Portland: object to huv and
I sen umoer lanas sna to operate saw-
mum. ;
. . . - t ... . ; ' - ' j . . . in. i n m iv' niT.rn mwnnrmn i na , m , a .
esemnce' SSlLjA km9jZ SehUn rLong
mat k.n 1 Ii TL" "tni
- umiii, aim nm aeaa man.
Alex Swek; capital stock. 120.000:
object, to print and publish magastnes
Meeting at suverron at tvntcn fllany
' Who Had Remonstrated
Fall Into Line.
8pedal Dltpsteh to Tbe Jonmal.)
- ' BUverton. Or.; - June 1 5. A red hot
meeting of farmers adjacent to the pro
posed macadam road east of this city
was held in 'the opera bouse yesterday
afternoon. It is estimated that fully
201) people were present-. County Judge
John H. Scott of Salem presided and
made a brief talk on tbe importance
or tnis roaa. ....'. s--j.
Some . time ago a petition waa cir
culated and. liberally signed aaking the
county clerk to -construct the road un
der the Tuttle law and preliminary ar
ranaementa were made. A few weeks
ago some, farmers In the vicinity of
ML Angel, whose property ; comes m
the four-mile limit, started a petition
of remonatrsnce and it was .feared the
matter would be dropped. '..
However, when the conditions were
mor fully explained, about 40 of the
farmers ' who had signed the remon
strance, petitioned - the bounty court to
remove their names from that petition
and insert them on the petition favor
ing the good roade movement. - Today
la the limit allowed for filing 'the re
monstrance and as there sre not a
sufficient number of signatures on the
r.inonHtrance to defeat the movement
t - rotul wilt likely be built '.
iUe road win deprive. Mt Angel of1
Home thought it was s strong family
resemblance, while nthsra hiivm, i .1
be merely the resemblance of national-
-If Mr.. Enger can convince the Jury 'clay" 'WSSFZSi
the money will go Into. the coffera oi
the state. The trial waa continued un
til Monday morning when court ad
journed yesterday afternoon. .
and- to . do a . general advertialng bust
ness. -:
Siberia and Central America Lumber.
(company, incorporatora, L. Veyney. Bar-
j. r-ranx Watson:
Itallway Company Will Have to Pay
Good Price for Right
' of-Wajr.
000; main office.
Repeated attempts to settle the con
damnation suit of the Oregon Electric
muway company against the Terwil
nger xna company and tha South
Portland Improvement Company for a
right of way across the old Terwllllger
homestead, in Smith PnnSn ..u
o have been made before the Jury re-
" , .cmivi. vrnen me veraict was
fad this morning it waa found that
nnuwi oner maae oy the raiiwav
company waa 13.rt less than the sum
awarded by tbe Jury. - .'(.s
The verdict alves the raiiwav nm.
pany the right of way. fixing the price
itahould pay at t2f,76. The first
offer made by the company, It is said,
TfiA6,0- ltor this was Increased to
$7,000. then to lis Dill), anrf vB.,.rrf.
iitiiiTOo w tne attorneys nad nn-
lsnea their arguments snd the Judge
had instructed the Jury. It Is said that
to uutr i2,yuu was made and re
fused. The CBSA tm hun n trial In
Judge Fraxer's department of the cir
cuit court nearly all week,
, ' -:;;t .: ...,
Considerable ctlvitv t th.
district is being manifested'by the dis
trict attorney office and the police.
DetecUve P. Maheiv Julius Wenbaoh.
Tony Arnaud and Arnand Fercot pro
prietors of notorious tenderloin resorts
were taken into custody on charges of
maintaining disorderly resorts
The men vkn iIm..i nm. ..i.
of.i50 bail each and the cases
win be heard In the police court next
week. - The numerntia . rnmniaini, re
ceived relative to the character of the
resorts conducted bv tha.thi-M iiaf.nH.
snte Is Ssslsned aa tha reaann fur th
prosecutions. . , . v
While endeavoring to suppress a dis
turbance in the Kenyon saloon, Nine
teenth and; Washington streets, at 10
o'clock last night, Patrolman Lelsv of
the second nlaht relief, was hrntollv
beaten by a crowd of toughs in the re
sort. As a result of the, affair Harry
McDonald, 21 yeara Of age, will be
compelled to stand trial on a charge
of assaulting an officer. . John Doe war.
rants have been lasued for tbe arreat
of four others. - . t , ,-
Numerous complaints were made at
the postofflce today because of the de
lay in receiving aouthern and eastern
mail. To each and every complainant
Poatmaater Mlnto had to explain that
Southern Pacific train No. IS and O. H.
N. train No. B were late by many
hours. The Southern Pacific train, due
at 7:25 this morning. Will not arrive be
fore ( o'clock tonight, and the O. R. A
n. tram due at :46 this morning did
noi arrive untu i:su tnis afternoon.
(Joaraal Special Service.) .'
Chicago, June 16. The rank and file
of the newspapers in this city will in
sist on a referendum vote on the strike
Question before action la taken. It la
eolared that the national office is not
allowed to declare a strike without a
vote. Secretary Russell la reported to
be on his way to Chicago to collect the
strike assessments.. - ' .-
' , (Special DUpatcb to The Joaraal.)
. Astoria, Or.. June 15. Cleve Jennings,
who was shot by J. Bowlsby early yes
terday morning, died at S o'clock yes
terday afternoon. Bowlsby will have a
preliminary examination before Justice
of the Peace Goodman immediately after
the coroner s inquest
- 'Special Daipatea te The Joarsel)
Olympla, Wash., Juns 15. Governor
Mead has appointed .Dr. O. Hartnagle
of Seattle as a member of the state
board -of veterinary ' medical examiners
under the new law. - The board consists
of Dr. S B. Nelson of Pullman, state
veterinarian, ex-orncio cnairman. ana
two appointees named by the governor.
Tne tnira memoer win do named today.
Dr. Hartnagel's term expiree March 12,
1909. r. .:,, .- ...v t
The law provides for the examination
of applicants and the licensing of vet
erinary sure eons. ' All who have been
practicing for two yeara or more in the
state or who may be rraduates -of a vet
erinary college prior to 1908 are admit
ted without examination upon a certifi
cate of good character from -10 free
holders. The old-fashioned "horse doc
tors" who ply the art without pay and
United :. Statea army veterinarians are
exempt ' from the , statute, aa -are also
those who limit their animal surgery to
dehorning or similar simple surgery
upon domestic .animals. The fee is 5
for each certificate.
, (Journal Special Berries.) I
Oyster Bay, L. I., June 15. President
Roosevelt today received a telegram
from Governor .Terrell of Georgia de
nying the story that he said Roosevelt
said "Cut it out to the apeakers at, the
Georgia celebration at Jamestown. . .
-! 1 Iiiiiiiliinimi mi I'' SI s an lima i iia I - '-'v.'.
(Jonmal Special Service.) "
Denver, June 16. The miners' con
vention today listened to the grievances
against their officers. The locals' re
ceived a gavel from the wood workers
of Chicago; , .
; . r ; -0''-ft'fi . - ","-y V;' -Uy vCv; 'i
.. (Joaraal Special Service.) . .
- Hongkong, June 16, Two government
regiments defeated a body of insurcenta
at Pats Zewan, forcing the rebels to flee
across ths river. The regulars lost one
oij,icej- ana zu men. .
(Speelit DlipitcB to Tot Joaraal.) 7 - ,
Medford, Or., June 15. The eoulp
ment for the Pacific Eastern railway
is in readiness, and s regular schedule
will be maintained between Medford and
Eagle Point after June 22.
(Joaraal Special Berries.) .
Chicago. June 15 It seems certain Vnt ff1tjJJK? .!ln.f J5 ?
xnwS'Sx b, tockrd" rtk mon Mri.McGlo.; From VnluSolnlnV
narfoZna-toT wiU b O midnight tonight room. Antidotes were administered anS
perrormance tonignt at tne Heillg will rh tni.t.r. hi K.n .nttnui ia n. rsirtia unin). Mntnki
m an equal if not even a greater sue their property in the barns home. McGToin
It la decided that if no word Is heard! per waa notified.
fr,omth5 P,ackr". br,m,anlJsh5-'1 strtk? Mearoln resigned from the employ of
T rj i iTI. T f """j """ m tne railway company aner many years
m- u.,iii,iuiS .iiu i.c.j w y. iuk in. ot raitnrui service, out were waa notn
yarua. iiio pacuwa ar- auuiuiiia; intu
One year in the county Jail was the ROOSEVELT WILL NOT
sentence imposed upon W. B. Holdlman
by Judge Gantenbein in the circuit court
this morning for assault upon 1 (-year-old
Hattie Fee, out of which grew the
prosecution of Dr. C. H. T. Atwood for
ing In his dsmeanor to indicate despond.
ency. After relinquishing his position
. . - - . A . . . . (
jauurivin maue nv vuuri iu mori oiner f
employment ana is saaa to nave laxenr
to strong drink.
Deceased was a native of Ireland. 48
years of age. and had resided In this
city for tbe past 26 years. A widow:
performing an alleged illegal operation
on the girl Judge Gantenbein said that
he naa intended to sentence Holdlman
to the penitentiary,' but recommendu-
7-i--. I nine children survive him. Mc
f1?1" J2 Gloin was a member of tha Woodmen
eld Tuesday tha World and aeveral othe- frata-nat
f (Jonmal Special, Service.)
uenver, June ie. a rew oen
111 ST-t. v"... SZtflV i7-a .i t the World and several other fraternal
charge of arrangements, has received a organ'aaMona r - " .
Holdlman had pleaded
sured him that Secretary Garfield. For.
eater Plnchot and other officials are not I
going to tne convention to control ltsl
aeu Derations. ,
England will aid
-.1 f. :.',, . J'-" "-,-, -saaajagsssassaawaBSi' ' " ''v-'" -' -'-'.;-' v'v
United States Attomev William c.
Bristol left this morning for Denver to
attend the convention that will be held
there next week to dlscuaa the trnv.
ernment'a nublio land nollcv. Mr.' Wrla. I (Journal Special Service.)
tolls one of the 20 delegates appointed Birmingham, .England, June 15. Sir petltlve examination each year, but tha
by Governor Chamberlain to represent Claude MacDonald, British ambassador privilege of retaining the scholarship
Oregon and will probably make several to Japan, has been especially Instructed till the end of the course Is extended if
speeches before . the .-delegates , in at- to take-wnmedlate steps to bring better the scholar does good work and wishes
tendance. He , will be gone about a relations between Japan and the United to retain it. Last year's representative,
week, . ' . States. The ' instructions follow com. who did excelrent . work, will continue
Senator Benjamin R. . Tinman. of I munlcatlons between Washington and her course at the state university at her
Alt- hV Ml- I T Jntifw f . . I . -m.w .- w -
Miss Olive Donnell, a graduate in tha
February, class of - the Portland High,
i... .. ..-... ... .....
-rvr.-rt i nTrnfTtn :t . r i . icnooi, nas oeen selected py xns scnoi--
lil , JrAUlJ? li U J AJL A! arshlp committee, of the Oregon branch
oi v;oiiegiate Aiumnae to iliena uieu i
uiiiTci.iii ' v. vioKiii - . ivr - ui . wr
lvvi-s. -rne scnoiar is cnosen oy com
South - Carolina,, accompanied by
Tillman and their threa vnunr dnnirh
. ,-- J . I , . 1 T, . T .. 1 1 ....
terdav. The. Tlllmana- wre at ; the TlT? Ti A ll A P. S K KT 1?. V
virsun uviri whcvu .tniun iium Dull
Francisco to Seattle, and spent their
time while in the Rose -citv In siehtsee.
lngi. Senator Tillman said that they all
iieuriiiy viijuyru' uriri, amy -nnu
the opportunity of receiving the honor
this year, " . ' .. , ...
were greatly surprised at .the wonderful
development oi tne city.
"lv '
News of the death of Dr. Lamar See
ley in New York dty yeaterday morn
ing was received by telegraph last night
by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. See.
ley. Dr.- Seeley was one of the physl
cians hi sc. uh s - nospuai . in
York. His death was unexoected and
the cause is unknown here. He was a
graduate af ' Portland academy.
' (Speelil Dlipttch to Tbe Joaraal) "
Olympla,- Wash., Juhe 15. The cele
brated John Sullivan estate icase Is to
New I come- before the supreme court ones -
more, according- to an order1 todav di
rected to Superior Judge Frater of
King county.
The order directs that the findings
recently transmitted' by Judge Frater
be returned to him, with the request
uhw.k vviivi uyi es aaa iiw saicx w 1 'UUfa
proper. ... .
- s--a. I
Silver ,cup presented to Publisher
Phil 8. Bates .by ..the. 15 Oregon
: - girls while on their trip east.
. (Special Dispatch to Tbe Joarnal.)
Pendleton. Or., June. 16. Merton
wooper, tne i-year-oia aon or Mr, and
Mrs. Archie Cooper, who live In Little
McKay creea, oiea iftsi
result of a horse klcktn
McKay v creek, died last: night
result of a horse klcklne- him
forehead while he was playing In the
aa the
im in the
yard at his home.
" . (Journal Special Service.) "
Toklo,- June 16. Minister Hayasht, at
conference of - ata teamen unn-nn-i
that the last incident In connection with
in- an-gaa aiiar.aa- upon osn rancisco
wsa too : iriviai to warrant
Washington and Toklo are in comnlat-
.... , ... . " -
diplomatic action. He declared thst
' The flagship Charleston In command I accord,
oi Aamirai owinourn or tne Pacific
squadron, will arrive In Portland har
bor next Tuesday at noon. Pilot W. H
ran raon naa o
een reauested
tne cruiser to Portland.
to taka
She will n.
matit here- over thS Fourth of July. -.'
,':.-." ?. : :. .; ! .. i. '
The cltV school TwmmI Kan n ,Vi- -1
tlon of teachers this morning for ths
next vear. Tha nt 'r
m.,.,u w..h t..- . -- 1 .1... r. 1 ZZ" .".--"".--"'"- v-
vi; iiiiih . mi xv, in mi uiin-r .'"n ii was necessary to aaiourn until
ion given out today, the attorney gen- afternoon to complete It Most of tha ?
Srlf ilf,f"i h?'?. thllt th "aw -iasse.1 j time was spent In the reelection of M
bv the last legislature providinr for the I teachers ami -... -- i-.,"Lu
appointment of women as notaries pub- It Is believed all of the elections " will
lio is constitutional, lb completed tonight lu
-Women Can Be Notaries.
(Special lMptch to Tbe' Jimraal.)