The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 15, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Li 11 J
Marquam Grand ;'r.;..-. "Dolly Varden"
oaser .... xne mace, and the Pauper"
Grand . , Vaudeville
Jyrio ..'.."Ail the Comforts of Mom.
Star "The Bella of Richmond"
HelUgPacif lc University Students In
........... "The Bridge of the Ooda"
The Oaks. O. W. P. carllne, lat and Alder
Tha ' Union ' Laundry la ona
Story higher than It was a month
ego. Tha top addition la now al
most completed, and '-. " V
To operate tha enlarged Institu
: tlon. Do you know of any woman
out Of work? We have a place
.for her. and at far better wages
than U paid At stores., . ,
Union Laundry
; -. nb'-iun tot. -,
Friday was . reciprocity day at tha
Woman's club, r The program for the
day waa to have been arranged by Mra.
M. E. Worrell, but aa aba waa unavold-
. ably out of town, Mra. Nina Larowe had
. cnirga oi me oay instead. Mrs. IS. K.
crown or ma Portland ciuo, Mra An
: tolnette Btllea of tha Tuaada.v aftar.
' noon club. Mra, Wynn Jobnaon of the
woman's club and Mra. M. E. Ogden of
tne forestry ciud an were present aa
representatives of their organisations.
i Imm of & tKrk nirin. S! mission for finding; tenants for a new
if urnfi. ikril.ttJ four-story building at Fifth and Pine
:not"uik,ia.,r?o hCTutu'polS Tho
rrmrA mirin. n.n..j - ' i... tenanta who pay a - yearly rental ox
..i.A ,ZL"ZZy'.X-m 1 1.00 for which ha la entitled to a
f, without the oooperaUon of tha fair sex, comm
n-tmjQT gaiiantiy eaia. ne oouia ao
BaotUV '
. Arleu iter. 15. A, Smith. T. P. tf
T p.m.; services, 11 a, m. and S
Sunday achooL 10 a. m. . ' ; '
' ThirdVancouver avenue aa Knott
treeta; Rev. E. M. Bliss. Services at
11 a. m. and 7;I0 p. m.; Sunday achooL
10 a m. - v. -.: '-"v
Highland Alberta and Sixth atreeta.
Sunday, school. 10 a. m.l ssnrlcea at
11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. '
flellwoo'd ' Tacoroa. and Eleventh
atreeta; Rev. George A. Learn. Sunday
school, 10 a. m.j aervlcea at 11 a. m.
and 7:80 p. m. . . ' .
Calvary East Eighth and Orant
atreeta: Rev. A. Lawrence Black. ServJ
lees, 11 a. m. and 7:10 p. m., aermon by
Rev. John Bentslen, children's day ex
erclaea in evening; Sunday achool, 10
Imtnanuel Second and Meade atreeta;
Rev. B. C. Cook. Servlcea at 11 a, m.
and 7:46 p. m.; Sunday achool, 10 a. m.
Grace Montavllla: Rev. Oilman Par
ker. Servlcea tt 11 a m. and 7:30
P. . : S
n..M1 ? ,L m , .Iran.
.r. 'JflilJSfcJ. .tre.U;"RTv. W. KjSSXL Service.".
m. anf I p. m.i topiot -unoer
a. He revived much ni...a 'Steamer eaae Maraina. ror camas. Btreets:
A muaTcal recitation by Miei Alice Jui waanougai ana way jmnaa . awiy ea- i0:)
. - 1 r . i mmrtw amniaw. iaH.iH w blbi nin arrnn ai r rmmw
ion na a mong vy mim Jbawin MUtlck
compieiea i& procram.
nurt con aiaoavtirea. inn iimi in i . ' . r
r. u.-.V :; L.:.. wT.V?!..y2 a, m. and
. ... , I ttm . i .-.., ....... I s;"a'an
, tui-tuvi mo di very gooa oitumi I
nous coal waa discovered recently at
Scott's Mllla, Oregon, within alx mile
or me ooutnern racino railroad, and the
Oregon Diamond Coal company, who
nave leased nearly 1,000 acrea of land
at that place, have purchased all the
nocrsssry macmnery to smk a snail.
S SP XV" WMllInt0B HUWingf'sunVy acWl. tS-T f.
aocK a p. m. . P. B. C E., 7 p. m. '
. K.,i7w Univeralty Park Rev. A. B. Waits,
lh tJvV"?.!1.???!; Sunday achool at 10 a. nv:
p, m. topic, ine xear iving
f 1 and ,?Tha Beat a Man
Ever Can Do."
nrat The wwte
Stable Wanted to Rent About 100 .-5 TaTlS? atreeti" Rev 7 Whlt
100. Apply at once. W. H, Orenfell. BwJh.r D D ? Servlcea 10 40 af
bor 7.j , ' ' - ' f, -. and Sour Saints1' andA Woman'a h
. moreT
Why nav .
m : a e a j a wwr i
SShed asibTom! .
pany is oraceraa by Honest men or large
experience. Block is now Belling ror lb
cents ner ahare of the oar value of tl.
Call at SSI Worcester building, and see
Notice to Patron
the regular Sunday dinner (without
wine), 1 per cover, 4 to 6:10.
Canadian Paciflo aleepers will bo run
ning Into Portland over tha lines of the
Harrlman system within tha next few
weeks, and aa a result of tha Innovation
uenaaiaa nemo patrons will be en
Acme Oil Co. sella the best safetv coal
oil and fins gasoline. Phone Eaat 781.
Temple, Twelfth
Is It Fickle T" Sunday school, 16:10
n m ; vnnn, neoDle'a meetinr. 6:80.
Sunnyslds (German) 'ortylrst
street and Hawthorne avenue; Rev. u. "l.ll'..r"Ku,' " '
rr ."Vwir;i;,; "noo
meth. Preaching 8 p. m. Sunday achool
nd Seventh and Eaat Ankeny
streets; Rev. SUnton & Lapham. Sery-
Metsger fits your I
du, cor. in, i
WHS rnlS?l0th.P"frnV sMSr f cnUdren'"ji2!.B "osenthal'a
Woman's Exchange, 188 Tenth street. I .,.hTi i m
lunch 11:80 to 8; business men's lunch. Savier-Stre'et-Between Twenty-first
and Twenty-second atreeta Services
10 a. m.i Sunday school, a. m
Flahlng pole or box of candy with each
Diamond W It's a coffee aak for It
at your gTooera,
St Johns a A. Leonard. Services.
11 a. n. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school,
10 m. i
. Chinese Mission 668 H Oak street.
oMkAAt 1 w erne vwakei V 1 n sr lrl
taw- 1 n U-i- 41 a wi. . I vuirumj gsvuuua, fl iu. r-
52n.Woiil.rCOthn: gSJtf&fV? 8p cc; 8Sr8Urk,, " r WWfi - Fourth and , Mill
aane over tne tracks oi the O. K. at N. I . - Isti-Mta- Ttv J Krstt Servlcea 11 a
A freight trafflo. arrangement has been Nurseryman Pllklngton. ft. TambllL 7:ao V'nTi Sundav achooL 8:46
Oregonian ConfecUonery, 181 Sixth. ; Second German Morris street and
Rodney avenue; Rev. F. Bueermann.
terminals of the road to Portland with
out change of cara. The new route will
be tha ahorteat transcontinental one In
operation between Portland and the eaat
in effect for some time.
'.Contracts have been awarded by the
executive board for the Improvement of
portions of tha following streets: . Eaat
Twenty-fourth atreet to the Concrete
Construction company, fi, .68.11; Eaat
Twenty-third atreet to tha Concrete
Conatruotlon company for ' 88,818.87;
Eaat Twenty-aecond atreet to the Con
crete conatruotlon company, 4,48..;
Blandena atreet. Charlea K.
B,eo..0i oumoni siren, voncreie vn-1 v-v-mrm t -r nmim mtmn i nn
structlon, company M.l.8.00; Eaat Al- DENTAL STUDENTS ARE
A a. sat i-akair. Xmnin Hrlnaraa OAmninv 117 al
769 Ms Nelson street, ( Jopllu. LICENSED TO PRACTICE
Berger algna 884 Tamhlll phone.
Gold watches Beck 805 Aider.
Bark Tonlo for rheumatism.
D. Chambers, optician, 189 Seventh. ft Services. 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sun
East Forty-fourth Street Mission-
Corner East Main; Rev. B. C. Cook.
Services, 11 a. m.; Sunday school, 10
a, m. . m '
Lents Recognition services In Meth-
nAtmt nhnroh nt tnll a.t 8:10 D. m.
Kiaer scenio pbotoa Imperial hoteL Sermon by Rev. W. T. Jordan.
Mount Olive Seventh and icverew:
Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. Services at 11
a. m. and 8 p. m.
Mlspah Eaat Thirteenth and Powell
streets; Rev. Jerome R, McGlade, D. D.
Servlcea at 10:30 -a. m. and 8 p. m.j
children's day aervlcea at Kenllworth
chapel at I p. m. ,
Calvary Eleventh and Clay streets;
Rev. Ben-Eira Stllea Ely Jr., D. D.
Harvlnsa at 10:10 a. m. and 7:46 t. m.t
Sunder school. IS m. Dr. J. R. Wilson
nrMhi in avenlhs.
ounn airai ana uiddi wociw, prr
Paciflo College Oradaates
Comprise the Balk' of Those
Taking the Examination.
muslo by quartet and solo by Miss Ethel
M. Lytie at night. , -.'
' 'f ' XpisoopaL . I i-.-C '
, 1(07-1907 Three ' hundred Vears ago
on the third Sunday after Trinity, 107,
the holy communion waa first celebrated
at Jamestown. The Brotherhood of St.
Andrew extends to you a cordial invita
tion, to ; attend communion, in your
church next Sunday morning, the third
Sunday after Trinity, June 10, 1907. Is
it not vour bounden rtutv to Inln In tha
ceieoration oi this three hundredth an
nlversaryT M .
. Pro-Cathedral of St Btenhen the Mar.
tyr Thirteenth and Clay atreeta; Rev,
n. m. nimnjr. communion, T.iO a. m.!
services 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday
achool, 9:4S a. m.
Trinity Nineteenth and Everett
atreeta; Dr. A. A. Morrison?-- Services,
6 a. in., 11 a. m. and 8 p. an.: Sunday
school, 9:46 a. m. Strangera welcome.
St David's East Twelfth and Bel
mont streets; Rev. George B. Van Wat.
r, u. communion, g a. m.: aerv
lcea, 11 a. m. and 7:8? p. m.J Sunday
school, 9:46 a. m.
All Saints Twenty-second and Reed
streets. Sunday school, 10 a. m,( even
ing service, s ocioca. .
8t. Andrews University Park; Ray,
W. R. Powell. Servlcea, 11 a. m. Sun
day school. 10 a. m. .
Good Shepherd Sellwood street and
Vancouver avenue, Aioina; ev. jonn
Dawson. Servlcea, 11 . m. and 8 p. m.;
Sunday school 9:46 a. m. .
St Paul's Wixwlmara! CL I Parker.
lay leader. Services at 11 a, m.; Sunday
school, 9 146 a. m.
Bt Matthew's First and Cam t her a
streeu; Rev. W. A. M. Brack. Servlcea,
11 a. m.: Sundav achooL 1:46 a, nv:
communion, 7:80 a. tn. No evening serv
The Church of Our Savior Wood
stock. Services, 11 a. m.j Sunday
achool lo a. m.
St Mark's Corner of Nineteenth and
8uimby streets; Rev. J. K. H. Simpson,
ommunlon, 8 a. m.; servlcea. 11 a. m.
and 6 p. m.; Sunday achool, 10 a. nt-
St John'a Memorial Sellwood; Rev.
W. R. Powell. Servlcea and holy com
munion, 11 a. m.
University Park 1(18 Haven avenue;
Rev. D. B. Gray; services at 11 a. m.
and at 8 p. m. Children's day exerclaea;
Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Y. P. S. C. E.,
7 p. m.
urelwood Rev. D. B. Gray. Serv
ices' 11 a. tn. and 8 d. m. Sermon by
Rev. C F. Clapp; Sunday school, 10 a.
m.; T. P. S. C. E., 7 p. m.
Mississippi Avenue Mississippi ave
nue and Fremont street: Rav. William
L. Upahaw. Services 10 a, m. and 6
'. m.; topics, "Sorrows That- Are Hld
en" and "The Problem of Sin: or Why
Doea God Permit itr Sunday achool at
10 a. m.
Sunnyaide COmar of Eaat Tavlor and
juaai Tnirty-rourth street; Rev. j. j.
Staubu Servlcea at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.j
topica, 'The Light Under the Bushel '
and "The Great Quest for Happlnese."
Sunday achool at 10 a, m.
Haaaalo Street Eaat Seventh and
Haasalo; Rev. Paul Rader. Servlcea
10:80 a. m. and 7:46 n. m.! Bundsv
achool 18 m.; .Christian Endeavor. 6:46
p. m.
Flrat Madiaon and Park; Rev. Dan
iel Staver. Servlcea 10:80 a, m. and 7:46
p. m. by Rev. J. Lee Mitchell: Sunday
school, 12:16; T. P. S. C. E.. 6:46 p. m.
Highland East Sixth atreet north and
Prescott; Rev. E. S. Bollinger. Serv
ices 11 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.: topica.
Marks of the Spiritual Man" and "A
Broken Ship But All Saved"; Sunday
scaooi, xv a. m.; x, r. b. ta., s;i. p. m
Swedish Immanual Nineteenth and
Irving atreeta Services, Ham. and 8
m.; Sunday achool, 9:46 s, m.
Norwegian Synod Eaat Tenth and
Grant atreeta; Rev. O. Hagoee. Sunday
scnooi. ;.; services at 11 a. m. and
p. m..
Betania Danish Union avenue and
Morris street; Rev. Gudmund Grill.
Kingdom." Mrs. -Beverley will give
spirit messages and tests. All welcome,
Rev. Sophia B. Selp,- president.
First Spiritualist Society Ablngton
building. Artisan hall, between Wash
ington and Stark streets, on Third. At
11 t, in,, conference, subject for dis
cussion, Spiritual Value of Humor."
followed by Mrs. Rows with spiritual
raadlngs. At 7:46 p. m. F. E. Coulter
lectures on "Diomedles Morea--or Re
ducing the Understanding." Reading of
light surrounding people In audience by
JU. Soulier. . . y
. XTanfeUoal Assoolatloa. '
First English East Sixth 1 and Mar
ket streets; S. A. Siewert pastor.
Preaching at 11 a. m.i Children a day
program 7:80 p. tn.; Sunday achool 10
a. m.
Flrat German Comer Tenth and Clay
streets: Theodora Sohauer, paator; ser
mon at iv;t a. m. ana p. m, nun
day school 6:80 a, m.
Memorial East Eighteenth and Tib
betta; L. C Hoover, paator. Preaching
at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school
10 a. m.
-' . Chrlstlaa Soles oa.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Scottish Rite cathedral. Morrison and
Lownsdale streets. Services at 11 a. m.
and 8 p. m., subject, "Is the Universe
Evolved by Atomic Force?" Sunday
school at close of morning service.
. Second Elks' temple, Stark, between
Sixth and Seventh atreets. Services at
11. a. tn. and 8 p. tn.; subject, "Is the
Universe Evolved by Atomlo Forcer
Sunday achool 11 a. m.
ValtsA Presbyterian.
Church of tha Strangers Wasco
street and Grand avenue; Rev. 8. Earl
DuBola. Servlcea at 11:46 a. m. and!
7:80 p. m. Servlcea for, mutes every
Sunday morning. Sunday achooL 18 m.
Flrat Hixtn ana Montgomery streets:
Rev. A. W. Wilson. Services at 10:80 a.
m. and 7:46 p. m.; Sunsay school 18 m. ;
communion at morning service
' tmitarlaa.
Church of Our Father Corner of
Tamhlll and Seventh atreeta; Rev. W.
O. Eliot Jr.: Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. D..
minister emeritus. Services at 11 a. m.
Morning topic. "The Character's True
Center of Gravity." Sunday achool, 9:46
a. m. Toung people, 6:80 p, m.
T. sc. a a. -
Fourth and Tamhlll streets Men's
meeting at 8:80 p. m. in the association
auditorium. Hon. C. E. Newllnds will
speak on "The Saloon as an American
Inatitutlon." Vocal aolo by Miss Chris
tine Wallman. All men invited.
"Jt Contmroatlv Custodian''
4 Per Cent
For the convenience of
its customers on Satur
day evenings from 6 to 8
114 Second St.
Corner Washington
TJnlted Brethren in Christ.
First Eaat Fifteenth and Morrison
streets; Rev. H. C. Shaffer. Services
at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday
school, 10 a. m.
Radical Sixth and Mechanlo atreets;
Rev. C P. Blanchard. Services. 11 a.
m. and 7:80 p. m.: Sunday school, 10
a. m.
Tew Thonfht
New Thought
A. O. U. W. hall, on Washington Be
tween Tenth and Park streets Services
st 11 o'clock and 8 o'clock. Topics,
"Bymooiio Meaning of the Tree" and
"Bymbolio Meaning of the Marriage
reasi. Monday evening, "A Leaaon in
Tha lime llsht lecture. . "Scotland.
With Memoriea of Her Hapleaa Queen I North
and Immortal Bards," by Rt Rev.
Charles Scaddlng, bishop of Oregon,
which waa poatponed on account of the
repairs on the parish house, wilt be
given next Monday evening at 6 o'clock
at Trinity pariah house. Nineteenth and
verew sireei , y0 t of forty-four dental atu.
buii ior u.Duu aamaKea. a.iiesea o i " muw iman mi i rl "5. . -. .i:r '.wi.., serneM at 8 r. m.
have been caused b an nnskUlful opera- .Ute boar of dental examiners early itA,h?A"tfc"Si iZr,i St. James' English West Park and
- - -i " - - . I viuuuaa wv avaa v ----- -"--: t. i w . w aw
tlon nerformed bv an unlicensed uhysi- in tha week were successful and will aubiect "Esther, the Beautiful Queen"; D"'r"" J. A"en iJeas. oerv-
Man. haa been filed In the circuit court I ha iianaA nr.ti .ni.w. i. ,1.1. fiund achooL 18 m.: Y. P. S. C. E- c " 1 1 a, m. ana P- m. , Bunaay
, MrsTAlma J. Rankin aaalnst W. E. Z -Wr ? . n. . - cn? J w " Rav.. F. W. Buasard of
Mw WanMn aaaarta that aha ' AOOU. OT Ul fO are graduates I u..hnrna TarV Twelfth and Kaxt I Ball laxe Will preach.
v turn iiui x-wuia lsenimi coiiea-a or i Ttvin, aireeis: cev. w. nwaun auvd. - ..Uww .hu
thla it s.wi ... - ... aWv-inea lOflO a. m.: tonic "Power of Patrick street; a Buechen. Services at
" . J Earlw Home Memoriea": Sunday school, l:4 a. m., German; 7:80 p. m., Eng-
Uoners who have coma to Oregon to STO.Tp bc.K.' S. m.: muelcai H.h: Sunday schooL'9:80 a. m. '
engage In their profession, and others program at 8 p. m. Norwegian 46 North Fourteenth
are graduates of eastern schools. The Forbes Sellwood street ana oanten- street; Key. j. m. Nerving, servtcesatii
aa anfint 1100 for medical attendance
n recovering from tha affecta of the
' Water through hose for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks or washing porches
or windows must be paid for In advance
and uaed only Between tne noura oi e
and 8 a. m., and 6 and p. m. It
must not be used for sprinkling etreeta
If used - contrary to these rules, or
waatefully. It will be shut off.
A sacred cantata, "The Naiarene,"
wlU be given. When? Sunday evening,
June 16. Where? Central Christian
church, - East Twentieth and salmon
atraata Rv whom? Chorus, directed by
H. A. Easton of Chicago, t Everybody
Articles of incorporation of tha Ore-Inn-Idaho
company were filed In the
offioe of the county clerk this morn
ing by Charles M. Hemphill, T. T. Burk
hart and Douglas Lawson, Their pb-
lect Is to deal in timber and timber
lands. - Capital stock, 660.000,
Articles of Incorporation of tha Crys
tal Palace Amusement company were
filed in tha office of the county clerk
this morning by W. H. Jones, J. A.
Randall and Margaret E. Olson. Capital
Stock 88,000. .
a Polycarpoa, P. O. P. AtUaa and D.
Pnivcarooa filed articles of Incorpora
tion of the Eastern Candy ' works in
the office of the county clerk this
tnorning. , Capital stock. 8860.000.
White Flyer Una of launches will
tnake dally trips to the Oaks and re
turn. Boats leave foot of Yamhill
atreet dally at 1:80 p. nv; Sunday 10
a m. Tiekata at dook office. 10 centa.
Chicken Dinner at Oaks Tavern.
Commencing Saturday,- June 16, and
daily therearter, a nrat-ciass cnicxen
dinner will be served at Oaks Tavern
from 6:80 to 8 o'clock.
Eaat Bide Athletic club,-Prof. Rlngler
manager, rrmnaaium. swimming. Inltia-
summer rates for baths and swimming.
East 6670. - ,
T,Maa TT T. Rtnion nt the flrat dis
trict took Judge Fraiers bencn in the
local circuit court "this morning, .A
Jury waa drawn before him to hear the
.If a T.ank n.llfna aralnat Twt FrlaHa
for 61.726 alleged to be due as com-'
members of the examining board are:
Dr. E. A. Vaughn of Pendleton, Dr. H.
H. dinger of Salem. Dr. Jack M. Yates
of Portland. Dr. Mark Hayter of Dallas
and Dr. Louis Bundy of Medford. The
successful applicant a were:
O. J. Ferris. J. W. McMlchaeL Ralnh
R. Penepacker. Irev A. Jones. E. E.
ices at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday
school, 18H6 p. m. .
Waatmlnater East Tsnth and Weld-
ler atreets: Rev. Henry L. Marootte.
?J& vV"5? SLn. BVryKTiV 10:80 T and 7:46 p7m.;
-wi. wiwuwji Mvw.v u. HUfcoi , nany KmI 11 m
P. Borders. Thomas P. Merchant. Pari
m. wiuiama, waiter K. Bliyeu. Benia
min Blatchford. Robert P. Nixon. Jess S '0.V0 u" " , PTc T hrullseirchabie
R TldbalL William A. Short, John E. njehea of Christ: at 7:80 p. uu "The
Richmond, D. S Bomgardner .Wright gi?! Thai : li In Chrtat'-junday
Jl C Perkins A. B. Stiles Wll- FuUon Rev. A? H. Burkhol
O. Boon C. A. Proudfoot David M. da ,cn0ol at 11 a. m.; Chn
n, J. D. Sheehan. B. A. Myers, Er- deavor, 7 p, a, service. 7:46
JV.0"!!1?? 5- ?lt;i?1,- Mrihal&t?e;t-Mar.hil (
bein avenue; Rev. Harry H. Pratt Serv- a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school.
Uses at-11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; sunaay a. m.
achool, 10 a. m. St Paul'a German East Twelfth and
fieamont vieveiana avenue nu yiuuun wni., xvct. a. xvrauaa. eervy
rett atreet; Rev. L. Myron Booser. serv- icea at 10 a. ra. and 6 p. nu; Sundayf
vnuui, .u a. m.
Trinity German fMiaaourl Svnodt
Corner William a avenue and Sellwood
atreet; J. A. Rimbach. Servlcea at 10
a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school.
Zion's German Mlaaourl Svftnril
Chapman and Salmon streets; W. H.
Behrene. Services at 10:16 a. m. and
7:46 p. m.; Sunday achool, 6:16 a. m.
BMrat Twelfth and Alder streets;
Rev. William Hiram Foulkes. Services
B. Lee, Yo Taro Kondo, W. A. G. Hand
ford. A. C Perkins. A. B. Btllea. Wll
nam (.
S. Kennedy, Ralph E. Duganne, James E.
enarp, jueater f. Borenaen. coward Ring-
norrer. w. Clare Ketchum. Frederick I.
Gabeka. ...,.'.-
arhonl. 13:8ft D. m
Fulton itev, A. ti. uuritnoiaer. run-
U. Ul.
and North
Seventeenth atreeta: Rev. C. W. Hays.
Sunday school, 10 a. nv; preaching at
11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Y. P. 8. CT EL,
6:45 p. m.
Mount Tabor Belmont
PMMvman avanua! Rev.
Sharn. oaator. Rev. J. B. Grlawold. of
Albany will preach at 11 a. m. and
tv m Sundav achool at 10 a. m.
n.llvrvna nrnar F.aat Seventeenth
pottery at the Oregon Photo Stock and Spokane avenue; Rev. p. A. Thomp-
MHtnawa. Ill Qlwtk Skaaata. Tira.W I aMn nSSIf A NaltVISlal T II H TT. HJin
UUUllMUlIi A. A. M. KaJB.,U aa,OTfca UVS1I It BalU I BVIIi a -
inaton. These aooda are on dlaDlav and I 8 D. m.i Sunday school, 10 a. m
. . . " 6 nyt-t A C. a Tl iaa.A
. Navajo Blankets. '
Nsw lot Just received Navalo blan
kets, Indian baskets, Mexican Indian
visitors welcome.
Third East Thirteenth, and Pino
ttreets; Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery,
Central Eaat Twentieth mnil maat
Salmon streets: Rev. J. F. Ghormlev. n.
D. Services at 10:46 a. m. and at 7:46
p. m. Sermon. Rev. G. E. Winaate:
cantata, 'The Nasarene."
Rodney-Avenue Rodney avenue and
nont street and services at 10:46 a. m., topic, "Christ
J. B. Grlswold or I roil. rtii..Tisim n
Mount 8cott Services In hall at Kara
rarn, s p. m.; Hunaay school, 8:80 p. m.
Woodlawn Services at 11 a. m. and 8
p. m.; Sunday school. 10 a. m.
First Corner Park and ' Columbia
atreets; Rev. H. B. Muckiey, pastor;
ps-'i :
10:80 a. m., "Handlcat
:46 p. m.,
(Special DUpatcb to The JeeraaL)
sireei -' " TT. " 'S .'j "Bermon in Feana." ,Tha pastor has re-
paator. Services at 10:80 i a. -m. and 7:46 turned from vacation and will nreach
p. m.; topics, -vnm in x ransuion ana i hoth MrviCM.
"Th. Prntlt AT TITr. I . J A ts . . it . . ..
v:;Bt H.iii ! Wva . oetween nail
v ci uuir " - j w ann i .innnm. MsrviMl m V 1 1 41 si m
fieaa-vlASaa A 11 SI 1-Ji inn 7 I m . .w ... tu.
U CV9 V. woi vesfw ww mm
bv Rev, .G, A.
school, 12 nv
p. m.
m. ana t.sq u.j n m. ai..n. ..i ,
Blair; Sunday I " " m-
. . r, It - . . m.. - 1 W - .
Acwwnvuui, vr., June n.-in m I Services at 11 a., m. and 7:80 p. m
mencement exercises of , the McMlnnville
high school were held last night at the
Imperial theatre, with Superintendent
H. P, Wilson presiding. .Toe maalcal
numbers were furnished hv Missea
Kennedy, Ford, Houck and Reese and
Mrs. F, A, Dlelschnelder. The class
numbers 81. and la aa follows: James
w. Bewiey, Fiona A, JJerby, Grace L
United XvangaUcal.
Flrat Corner East Tenth and Sher-
Millard Avenue Sunday achooL 10 a. man streets. Rev. A. A. Winter. 10
m.; public worship, 11 a.,m.s stereoptt
con aaaress, e p. bj.
- Xetbodist.
Taylor-Street Dr. Francis Burgette,
Short. Classes, 9:80 a. m.; services
10:30 a. m. and 7:46 p. tn- topics, "Fel
lowshio With the Unseen." "The Chris
tian. Family"; Epworth league, 6:46 p. m.
m.. Bunair icnooi nreacnin li .a. n.
and 7:46 p. m. Preaiding Elder Rev. M.
4. eaiianiyne. i p. m., K. u or U
meeung; prayer meeting xnuraday even
eCOHd Fararo and Kerbv atraara-
Rev. B. 8. Hurhea. castor. fluntav
icnow xv a. m.i a sermon ror Children
at xi a. m.; cnnarens services at 8
Houck. Uuri Morgan.'Hairy W. Bew- JLurilimu be- m' : rayer me"tln evr' Thursday
!?y1vEen M.Briedweli, Florence tLSStTft u ... .
wSSr.!Ti n,8'0Ky.ei Sa'Ta5' sixth" streets: T. B. Ford, Services lo
:sv p.. m
. ' mm T XT 1 . . 1 O lt
u jonna x-. " day school at 10 a. m.
Eva E. McCall. Ethel V. Ford. Ethyl K.
McDonald, 5 Rosina L. Miller, Cheater
Martin.' Eva J. Akin. Naomi L. Carlin.
Sarah E. Olds. Omanda A- Reeves, Clif
ford O. Dennis, Lyl G. Small, Eva E.
Miller, Elva Hlbbs.
UMi iilliil
y ... --- .. . ----- w
a. m. ana
11 a. m.
a. rn. ana s p. ra
a. m. ...
Epwortn irvmg
Rt. Jnhn'a TvanhA. nA .Ta.
Sundlv hoi Rev- Cheater Paul Galea Preaohlng li
Sunday school . m. .TTnt(, Aiiatha w,m .i
8 p, m., topic, "By Merely Living" Sun-
Sunday SChOOL 10 fJZ lnrUZJi. at..f W
Umete boulevard; Rev. J. Bowrsox,
JLUWOrm Vl( III 1 .eaaW A 11 a .Jm . A r
tVp 8,rV,Cea at U m- Ri jpA .rtt t ;
'ly-Fi! -.i. Ti,.,r, IK. L C K at 6:48 t. m. .
i i anTinirvwniniii ' siriu f inn. v . n. i - - w
Heppa Services 11 a. m. and 1 itO p. m, sjnMtr.aiM
ni -l anrn ann I
flnnn "Txiwla F. Smith. Services, at I The Ministers and Medium Protaot,
11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sunday school, Ive Spiritual association will hold Its
10 a. m. ' ' i uauaj nioBiinaounaay, at s p. Dl., m
Central Russell and'Kerby streets; J. I new W. O. w. ball. Eleventh street.
T. Abbett Services at 11 a. m. and 7:80 near Washington. Dr. Beverley of Chi-
p. m. - " r . . catro will lecture; subject, 'The New
Chinese Mission vnsn mng : juii.
Services 11 a. m.and 7:o p. m. '
Taoor James Moore. eervioes
and 7:so p. m.
iWh'an i vmi will need monev. and need it badlv. It mav h to talr 8e.r.'.?S! i
i - - -x-- j . ; -t - -r " . w V . - - 1 K1VU" I
. li . : . . -I.,a Awa-' aw. -A. . A, A. 1 - I Sit 1 'TYl.
, v tviiK.v ouiub uwituuii.iu nKC a r PattonMlchigan avenue and Carpen-
POOd investment. It mav he to tide von H H. T. Wira Servlcea at 11 a. m.
j ' ' . -. . , land 7:80 p. m. .
Over SOme depreSSlOn-in financial affatfS. Vancouver Avenue Services at u a.
It may be because of sickness or death in 'woodlawn ReV. s. h. De wart ser
i your family. Sudi time come? to every wVd.tockReV w.7 t fcr s.r
. nrt. it. : i . . I vices at 11 a. m. and 7:80 n. tn. .
pcisuu. vvuen ii j wines io; you. iec;iu Norwegian-Danish Thirteenth and
hnd VOU nrenared with ia. hank arrmmt Davis: c. j. irsen. services at u a.
. " " . . . m. and 7:30 P. m. -
If you haven t already ( Started to save, L Swedish Borthwlck and Beach: Rev.
. . . , ; . TL. - , ... f Johnson. Services 11 a, nu- and 7:80
, ucgui iuuay, j xms strong oanK will re- p. m.
ceive your money and hold it secure against loss by fire, thieves or jJluTn6lituiBni
accident. . AVe will help to protect you against that hard timeithat ''seoonrberman-stanton and Rodney'
is coming some day. Our savings department pays - 3 per cent joik m""" 8ervict" 11
teenth. Servlcea at 11 a, m. and 7:80
university rara ksv. u. a. wattera
irvicea at 11 a in.1 mi u. in.
Grace church Corner of Twelfth and
xayior atreeta; Key. Clarence True Wil
son, D. D.; services 10:80 a. m. and 7:46
p. m.s morning theme. "Soma ' Advan
tages of Goodness"; 'Sunday school,
12:16; Efiwortfc leafua, 6:80 speoiai
compound interest on deposits.
fa.--- v.uqugp5 jirri
Twelfth and Taylor
STTBJBOT, 10)30 A. 8C, ,
Sweet Sinners and
Sour Saiiits v
TOPIC, TrtS 9. UL,
nn annnDAT.
-A-Maa's Love -Is It Greater Tliair
. woman si . i ....
Famous Temple Quartet Sings. .
. . Solo, by Miss Lawler. , v , .
Church of the Good Tidings East
Couch and East Eighth atreets; Rev.
J. D. Corby. Sermon at 10:46 a. m.
Topic, "Who Makea the Sunday Workr
Sunday school at 18 m. Devotional
services Thursday evening.
Christian and Missionary Alllaaoe.
The Christian and Missionary alli
ance oixin ana siain streets; sv, u.
D. Sawtella Services at 10:80 a, m.
Sunday school at 18:16 p. m.
Flrat German Tenth and Stark
atreets; G. Hafner. Services at 10:46
a. m. and 8 p. m.
8C Z. Chtuoh South.
171 H Second atreet; Rev. E. F. Mowre.
Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
, Sdseeuaaeona.
New Church Society Eleventh and
Aiaer streets; ttev. Hiram Vrooman.
Services at 11 a. m tnnln. "flnlrltii.l
Service." Sunday school 10 a ra.
.-.Latter-Day Saints Hall 400-AIisky
vuuuina. intra ana jvmrriann a,r..,a
onrnces u;av a. m. ana p. m.;Sun
day school, 10 a. m.
Millennial Dawn O. A. R. hall, north.
eaat corner Second and Morrison streets.
Services at 8:80 p. m. -Divine
Truth Center Hall 801, Allaky
uauuuiii ju. aiinara, pastor. Berr
Ices at 11 a. m.
The Church of the First Born will
meet at ti First and Sheridan
Streets. Rev. J. H. Lucas will lecture
at 6 p. m., followed by snlritual mes
sages by Mra Lon Coon, Lyceum at
e u cioci, .. -
Church Of the Naaarana- A r TT..
d ricks. Services 11 a. ra. and 7:46 p. m,
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Men's Resort, Fourth and Burnside
oong ana gospel service 4 p. m.; stere
opticon address, "A Man After God's
vHa aj sj a( us
If your teeth need treatment the
longer you watt the larger It will
make your bill.
so PLATES r3-.
Call at once and let us examine
your teeth. We wlU give you , the
best servloe in every branch of the
dental profession, and by painless
methods that will meet with your
spprovaL When desired you can
have T. P. Wlaa or my personal
VV. A. WISE, Dentist
T. P. Wise, 0. A. Starter ant and Dr.
Hoffman, Associates ;
rxon xaxst too.
Tha Xoyal Bakery and Confectionery
Olves tha Boys and Olxls a Magnifi
cent Treat Today,
A large party of happy-looking boys
and girls gathered at the Royal Bakery
and Confectionery, Eleventh and Ever-
en si reels, today, in response to a no
tification that they had correctly Iden
tified "Jimmy" and "Johnny" In the last
of the series of clever advertisements
recently run in this paper. They had
named the boys aright, and they were
on hand lor a splendid great, big cake
apiece. The Royal Bakerv Droved a
generous host, supplying every little
caller with a line example of its best
baklna and sendlna the children home
with a pretty well-grounded idea that it
paya to waicn tne aaveraaemenis. tne
cleverness and aualntness of many of
tne cnnaren s letters cieasea tne dsk-
ery officials, and will make them little
mementos or Portland children that-will
be kept and prised. As many of -the
children's names as could be secured
follow: Elizabeth Toth, Lena Tanquaru,
Eva Ciper. Margaret, Harbaugh, Sarah
R. Gassett, Annie Weeks, Clara Regner,
Marauerite Corey. Adeline Orth. Murel
GUlen, Elsie Nitsch, Forest Roes, Gene
vieve Keiier, ineisea jx. nowiana, L,c
nor a Thomas. Walter Crouder. Claude
Crouder". Lelah '4. Davis, Willie Kara,
Clarice A. Oakes, Louis Amacher. Lewis
Crane, Anne Nelson, Anna Bonadurer,
Ethel Walsh. Alma Kurts.' James Vrani-
san, Walter Erlckson, Herbert Holm
berg, Wilma HIghmiller, Margaret May,
Burt Whltcorab. Mildred Lawrence,
Loyal D. Hoekatra, George McCormack,
Frances Riesch, Kenneth Jordan, Ea
thetMVetsIer, F. Mori Wadaworth, Oer-
HUM. , JllUILf., UOIIID. W .
Carroll, Mabel Niccolson, Hasel Weiop.
Mina f oner, Ksmer rtacaing, Kooert
Bush. Lester Wiseman. Howard Mort.
berg, Roy Noren, Millard McMeekin, Co
rinne lowers. Olrard Pierce. N. Billeter.
George Goldralner, Beatrice Crawford,
Cecil Nooley. Carvel Linden, Faye Ri?e,
jcawara jaurxe. Anna xwwa.
(Speclsl Dispatch to The Journal.) "
Milton. Or., June 16. The feasibility
Of extending the Columbia 4c Walla
Walla Valloy Traction company's lines
to Pasco to take - in that promising
country and connecting with, the trans
continental lines building; through there
Is now being considered. 'The line
would then run from Paeoo to Wallula
throuah Milton and Freewater to Walla
Walla, from there to Dayton, thence
there to Lew Is ton or Clarkston.
with perhaps a branch Into'tha Palouse
country connecting with the y Gravea
lines. .. T ;.yy j(
Frefarred Stock Canned Qooda, "
.AUea A Lewis' Beat Brand. . . -
X t. Hmwf Ptactsant
Im, M. Obet 6eerscar H X Otsate OnlbMS. J
(Leaf A Swaak Osnsrsi Coomal
PsttUal Chaabar af (
rartlaa Bear ef Ttae
. ;- kEFiaiNCU t j
Own Tn so Oertap Bank fertlaaaOnW .
The BrtdKraat Coop any
IL a Das A Co. Cnrclal Ageacr
Ws aufes se jiewlis we de set
Ws gie yes s W"t i teak as Bp
IFo Portland
Everything to 'eat and drink, and
It costs no more la the
Portland Hotel Rathskeller
than elsewhere In the city. Every
weekday night from 6:80 to 18.
St. a lOWtll, Btanaret. '
; .. . .i . . v, . . v . . ,
Of Canham & Williams,
Grocers, ; Portland, Or
or voarrtAMO oatanoic
The cereal health coffee,
tastes like 45c per pound
Java coffee. We use it ex
clusively in my family."
All grocers in ' Oregon
sell a big package for 25c,
If your grocer has not got
Golden Grain Granules,
cereal coffee, tell him to.
order a case frpm
Allen & Lewis
Larig 4 '
Mason ;
Wadham & Co; ;
Wadhams&: Kerr Bros.
All boy and girls will
fet mony to spend for
burth" of July if they read
my "adf' which I pub-,
lished June 1 in The Tour-'
nal. The same "ad will
uc puutisucu ti xnc juui
nal Saturday, June 22..
From 10 cents to $5.00, to
all children, .with excep
tion of boys ; who smoke
cigarettes. '
John Blaauw
- . - --.... -.-,.". . - A i ' . y.
1 Monday Night. June IT.
Shaiespeere'a Delightful Comedy,
Tuesday Night, June II, One Act from
jrour jjinersnt rutfm.
"lADT TBltU"
Prices Lower floor. 10 rows, tt.00:
last f rows, 1 1.60. Balcony, 0 rows,
11.00; last t rows, 7Sc Gallery, 60c
14th aad nrillC TtTTATDP
WasMngtsa. """" aa.fBsas
Tonight, 8:15 o Clock,
-Tad sxisaa oi rum aost
Given by '
Prices c 60c, 76o. 11.00. 8eata
selling at theatre. '
Heilig Theatre (phona uam d
Special Engagement One Night Only,
Ollia Cooner. Child Star, Supported by
Baker Theatre Co. In the Beautiful Play,
Management Oeo. L. B alter.
Prices 15c. JBo, 60c. Seata now sailing.
'itiiUli niaf li ii i Mali n aw ,.nrs i
Dancing Every Saturday
and Sunday
Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fonrth,
June 11, 12, 13, 14. 15, 16.
Games called at 1:19 s, tn. daily.
Games cfil'fd at 1:8 p. m. Pundaya
arand8tat.i i-. ClJrea 19:
Marquam UQrand
(Pbooe Mala &) . . . .
Last three performances for tha beautiful
OOLUY varo ms
Tonight, Sunday matinee, Sunday night. .
- aVaa-aaavy eavaaaa tvwu a-a-a. ui avit au tsisj a Va
PrtcMKTsnlnf, 35c. BOc, TOe, Uatiaee, 2Be '
and 80c. . , - -: . : :
Baker Theatre (Phona Main 1.)
Oeo. L, Baker,' General Manager.
Matinee Today Last Time Tonlaht.
Little Ollle Cooper and the Baker Com
pany in Mara Twain s Charming nay,
nx razvea ajts tn ravraa"
Mat. prices. 16c, 26c Eva, 16o, 36o, too.
Next week, atartlng tomorrow wiatw
nee Elan's - Musioal , Travesty Co. ta
Teesy weesy."
TAB rkoM Xala MS TK
. EBtlra Weak r Jobs lOtb.
-..The lmsis Sta tiesk Cesiaear
. ,, Praam t
. "tex mu oi fticxvoro
- A alajr In four act ,
Mattoeas TnMara. Thandtra. latnrSava asJ
Bondays st 1:30.. Prteas le d4 Stxt,
Ett araalaf at 8:19. Prlr lc, ?V 't
SOe. Sesarved ta by phoqe tot t.l t- '
aac. Mats
Meat attrtcttoa "Cif"!oa.M
V0(t.Tll ( I
baarteil t-r t
1 I