The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 15, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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C. a Jarkaoo..
Pshllahed erary venlng (exeept Sanaay) and
imr SiH1a tnoraln. at Hit Jnarnal Build
In., Ntta aart Vamlilll atraeta. Hortlan. Or.
' Kiitera at tba poatofflre at Portland. Or., for
trammiaaioa taraufa tba mane aa aecona-ciBw
aw tier.
. ; -' TRMcimnNK main 71TS.
AH dnartmrnta rearlied hr thla ramher. Tail
toe operate tba department roe want. '
Viw1anI.R1tnl On!! aitmrtlalnC Aenc
Brannrlrk Dniklina. 228 Klflh aranua, New
- York; Trlbooa Halldlnf. Chicago.
Pnbacrfntloe Tarma b mall to anr addraaa
a. rant
In tba United Statea. Canada or Maxico.
. ... rttiLT
On rear..,..,.,. S3 no One month I M
. ,.5 00 One month
Or year. 12. 50 I Ona tnrtnth $ 58
. , . mrtv ivfi airortAV.
On yr... 17.(10 I On month f
' Attention ja the stuff that
memory is made of, and mem-"
ory ia accumulated genius.
James Russell Lowell.
rHB Seattle Times, baring wor
ried a good deal over the fact
that Portland bank clearings
hare shown a far greater In
crease over last rear than those of
Seattle, has finally discovered' that
the reason Is that Portland business
men usually pay their employes In
checks, while those of Seattle pay In
cash. Or at, least some one has so
Informed the perturbed Times, and
nor -quite that, but there will be' sol but to repress for the weekly rest
result that can. be , spelled failure, Iday a business that is obnoxious to
and as prices for all kinds of prod- a very large proportion of the people,
ucts are good the reign of prosperity It will be of considerable interest
will continue. ' -'.V.,;: to Portland fn this . connection to'
So never mind the weather, but all I know whether, it tt ;the ' design .'of
look pleasant together, and ,v be I district attorneys of "adjacent dis-:
thankful that you 1 live in Oregon trlcta to enforce the law also. Clack
Letter From the
V , To Initiate BUI for U. of O.U;
' Portland, June 14 To" tho Editor Of
The Journal In answer to the letter
ftT Jf rt. TjIWINKIbI annMlna 1 faa. . aiaa.
where, if the weather doesn't exactly amas county lies close to Multnomah terday. journal i win say that the
snit you all the time, you can realize I on one side and Washington county friends of the state university ; will
that it is about the best on the on another, and of course the state not en'r th- pp1 of Oregon th
planet.,-, 4 . , ,; law applies ; there as " welt . at ' here, I tuMiVLtJJi -li!?;0? " PI
and the duty of the district attor- fects In the referendum petitions. If
ney Is the same. And there no char- th. courts decide that these petitions
Romance and History Cluster
r AWt.tne Rose
Girls Vkb Deceive
ter provision renders the validity of ."Wrt.K!.-
the law doubtful. ' In one sense It I votra of the state In the form of
LMOST all the papers of the Is none of Portland's business what I eiwtlon! The people haVthe r?iht?i
none aa tnis at tne
presents a bet
of aeltlln tha
The referendum would- onlv ,
it t. cr,PP'" university tempo r-
state commented upon the re- Is done In those counties, but they poTu'b'rtheMaHve
election of , Mayor Lane, and are - so near to this city that it w and a safer method of
The Journal baa reprinted ex- cannot help having an interest , in SrVi'0 J'tlVit
trap) frnm min nf tdu mittur V, mS t,mt At it I arily. while the lnltlativit inM hrin.
t,. v,.j. , j, . ,, ... . , .. -- .,D0U' a solution of the queatlon thatjof the Tor side wearing a white roae
Tte .JSurden of them, in Republican were left to a vote of the people of would be satiafaotory to all parties I hia bonnet. Therei la a gracious tra-
: ; From . Its cloae.,asaoolatlott with the
drama of human history, the roae has
a peculiarly Intimate place In the affeo
none 01 ma race. Moreover, this Is a
blosaom which endears Itself to the
heart no tender nursling-, but a" Vig
orous, , study outdoor creature, which
generously breathes Its fragrance out
upon the air W bless all mankind. In
the remotest wild : places the tender
blossoms of the wild rose uncurl to the
sun and . the fragrant brier flings its
dainty pink banners to the breese. '
Romance and history cluster around
the fragrant rose. For SO ' years In
England during the- fifteenth century
the roae was a symbol on both aldea of
war bloody, cruel war every Lancas
trian with hie red roae, and every one
am aa rvmn..i. r ,v Ann 'v j I concerned.
dltlnn thnt whan th, war oraa at
The unlreraltv ha. t.k.n anrf hv th. b..
uem papers, is mat Lane s election I aecme overwneimmgiy in iavor or I S!Bl"r 01 ln muv peu-1 juancaaier 10 uusaoein or xorit a rose-
ciAva .W i,i -oi a..j- -rv.. j I .. ' ' . I I - ; ' " . ' . "l . mcungipu.n aunng wie comuci naa
w tuucpouueub ui " "ui wu uuuuaj. ug uir ivn mo marice or tne attorney gen-1 oorne rosea 01 both shade now bloa
non-partisan sentiment in this city, trict attorney of that district Is Se"dinhr iit!uodn t?.wi:ht,i;-. I ?FtZh,t:
and this is In nearly all cases com- doubtless considering the matter, for I J10 of the referendum and the sec-1 known today and beara the name of
m..1.. . a .v... ,kr. 'm..i.a.v ffiar.r-,i.."t!-' the question .of the Tork and Lancaater rose. -
a jBuuu ."""ei "wv uuij . uu1uB . mum ,u uwuumra uii Taituny pi m petitions nas Deen I if, aa auggeated, the Romans carried
Z ' C ' Ar 1 "y. -may appear in i tne roae or cultivation into England and
court When the mandamus Croceedlna-a I nornvtuaf thara thalr rmlnm nf nlnnt.
are heard and It la quite likely that lng the rose over the gravea of their
?. a,to.';ny"who are friendly to dead as a symbol of immortality, the
the university will raise the question rose was even then freighted with a
Of the Omission Of tha "warning ...nv, ,.ii ' . i
JV.?,-' .'" pet,fi?n"t. Th un- A Roumanian tradition, as told In
Y?1.'" "ot reeponalble for the de- Dyer's "Folk: Lore of Plants." curiously
beauty, covered her with kisses and for-
By Beatrice Fairfax. 1 ' -I
wonder If the- girl who ia decelvlria?
her mother Is ever really happy in th
mt k . rn. rhvlAa Klcht I 1 . . -- -- "
..t:, ?9c,,pi,on- py1- girt who
,!-; ' tha sm r receiving attentions from soma man
".wfH.L11'. 2 "d , hiding the fact from her mother;
changed the princes, to a ros and this L, h8pp.. , tho..7 circumstance! Bh.
i, wuy its rvao aiiwaa uui iiwi
and blushes when the sun gases on her.
The two flowers which are from ear
liest times dedicated to the Virgin are
the Illy and the rose, and . these em
blems are used in thla connection In the
earliest statuary. ' v
may do her best to persuade herself tlfat
she is doing tha right thing, but deep
in ber heart she knows perfectly that
she is '.not. v.- -;s.; k-.jV"f- v- .':'' -
The man. of oourse. will tell her thai
there la no harm In keeping things from
her mother. . .Any man can are-ue verv ,
The Institution of tne ceremony of the per-uaslvelv when, . iri 1. nt.,..t
golden rose la one of the oldest observ- him and invariahi. i,. .1..
aneee of the Roman Catholic church. '
Which Is still followed. This ceremony
dates from tha year 1049. under the
pontificate of Leo IX. Thla pope, wish-
here but throughout the state. We county must have called his atten-
could mention some two score Re- tlon to the Jaw.
publican papers of Oregon that take
this view, and not more than two or
three that grumble at the Republi
can, of Portland for not supporting
Mr.- Devlin more strongly under the
Another1 sentiment prominent in
m .n . . , . ... I . 1 ijci rvift uurv VI w mull, tui iuu.ij
T IS estimated that the corn crop f Jhi Petl,lon ,or, the refusal accounts in thla way for the origin of
53,000,000 bushels more than
last year, and credit for this
these comments is that there ahould 'ncrease is given to a professor In the
that it i. m. t .h.f va- halbe.and is already, as evidenced bv Brlcultur1 coe:e of that state
diff-renr in th .howino- in Pnrt. this election, a higher standard of vho h" for ,everal emM on
v.ttt,. avi civic moralltv: that th better campaign for the nse of better
vnVa rimr-i..i ..t,i.i! menti of onr. dtlH ihonld and are 8eed corn nd better care of the
seizes upon the explanation with coming to control; that the saloons crP- He hM Uuht the farmera ot
avidity, says' thaV if such be the fact &ould and must keep out of politics Iowa and "Joining states that their
it was not equally so last year. It M combined class, and that who- crf" TOUia mcreasea Dy a con
is not asserted that the employers of rer ia supported by the vicioua ele- Wble percentage by careful se
elther city have changed their math- menta of a community, however lect,on of Beed' 1 res"s for the
od of paying employes within a year. lar Prty majority be may have. P"1 year or tw. a a '.
or at all. And without this being think he has behind him. will be hav Proved tnat he was right. He
established the reason becomes of aad 8ht to be beatfen. Party lines, u,u uul uo " or staying ai tne
ronr.. worth i. tf it wa they nearly all say. amount to noth- college and lecturing; he Induced the
so otherwise. Moreover, if employ- ,n more aa against greater fit- railroads tb furnish transportation
r nav in Mah thv writ- i-Mra ness or better character or cleaner "uu weu' oul ong me iarmers,
Of Iowa this year Will be. about J them and ahould not , be blamed for
me present, muddle.
against tnemseives for tne same
amounts as the total amount, of the!
checks given to employes if they are
paid in that way. The cash comes
from the bank just the same, and
support and they mean it. talking with them tale to face, and
The Pendleton Tribune Is one of impressing bis Ideas upon them, with
the two or three papers that consider tne re8u,t that their Income has been
party above everything else. It says 'ncreasea many minions of dollars.
Mr. Devlin would have given the In tfi process of selection the best
I ' - ... I 1. J J M
the same amounts are returned to city as good an administration as u irom tuese
v.- h.n v. .v.- ia ti, Dr. Lane: that In . the camnairn ine De" earB re pickea. The scien-
the employes' deal, whether they nse I Devlin was "traduced" and abused, t,8t tudIeB al condltlona nnUl he
checks or cash, v - v w ; . , and comes-out of it "smirched in wnicn ataiaa art) ue most
We fear ihati'tb'.keeri 'uo their many ways,", and In mingled sorrow promising, ana tne selection of the
former comparative showing the ad anger explains the result thus: ear" 18 made in the same manner.
Rattle hanknra will hav lm!tfi There Is a sufficient number of Be-l" 'reiy m prouucea
the examDle of the " Seattle Dost-ir""' . '". ru,"auu"u "-"" "" " ucpeaueu on , yjeia
7 innrr wsa aesire a Democratic (dmn mnM vm i v
maatar tint m'nut t. .11 th. .nL. " ... ' w. mum wia b.w, iuii ui lua JIB1U
Americans are an nnimin t.. ..ij
"they spend their money so freely, sure
bolre?' not ' the little pour
Wh'en I explained that an American
W OrKlr) aT at th aUmaH nrAfaaatailAM eunnM
- C vvwiav wvuau
nor and mayor to elect them. If - , . 7. "i""."" " ? ? . PP.
rntinrffna- tnmi iiiI ' vtnae-M ' an I Demoerar mak-a th. rlalm th. h. i. I eeu euaoiea au "."b,,; il 71 i?T ??". view.
. a ....0- i ----- - 1 . . . . ... . I "vuw ma youns: Amari-
settlementa and ura oeonle to nat- a0"4 tn ProPr stuff of which to con- Mrers i get, me oenem oi tne can i reels be Is as good aa the best." I
The advocates of the referendum
are the responsible parties, for they
undertook to draw up their petitions
wunuufc a ceriiiiea codt nr rn. imipa.
prlatlon bill and without the services
of a well Informed attorney. They
are now endeavoring to blame the unl-
vamuy tor tneir . palpable blunder.
Tte Tipping System
the roae. One morning. Juat at the rep
of day. ' when the Sun came up, he
atopped to gaae upon a beautiful prin
cess sporting In the laughing waters of
the aea. lie was entranced at her
There is no one so easily swayed as
a Vcunr a-irl hv h w . ai-ji. '
lng to eatabllah hla right of patronage heP at raot v- , r J- . , " vl.
over the monaatery of the Holy Cross f"r rve. i J want you to remember
In . Alsace, . exacted from It every year hls, girls, s,nd never - keea anything
a golden roae. Thla cuatom still cx- from your mothara. Th.m,. wh.i,....
ista and the rose la blessed by the pone Ivou io nut t,tm .v. i V V
on the fourth Sunday In Lent. For- ' : " w" "w aw
merly In the solemn papal proceaalon tlv' vour mother. Is a bad man. -
of the day the BODe carried It in hla I Z know that you feel aulta ran hi nt :
left hand, . while with , his right he Judrlng for yourselves in nnt. '
blessed the people. It Is uaualFy pro- Z wa .n .m. J? a .. matters of
sented to the Individual or the city Jn, 'nd. all girls do. but a young glrf
which durlnar the year haa beat At. S In ilangerous waters the momant aha.
served tne xayora or the holy see. Tho begins to hide things from her mother.
. - vuiivi. biiu wa wr- i j Thara la na una In h m,mA v--
' T " -mw t vi 4 n 119 ml
your interest ao at heart, no one so un-
aeinan and ready tn a.rfrtv k..i
for your happiness. Do you think It fair
ir repay ner Dy aecelt and dlaobedlencef
'If YOU cannot hrin a- a man
house and Introduce him to your mother,
there Ja something- wrong about him.
merly colored red to typify the bloo l
of the Redeemer shed for his people.
It la now made only In pale gold. ' The
goia, as tne noblest or metals, la In
tended to represent Christ, and the fra.
grance of the rose refers to hla resur
rection. . - , .
The republlo of Venice; which was the
Small Change
Better not get any tonight, after alL
ana try a real ory ounaay.
':.:.-.,o'....J;;;. "
Schmlts says the judge was preju
diced. So It seems, waa "the jury.
-.-.,.. a .
The burdock and thistle crop prom-
, By Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
AH over Europe the tip la a necessary I ises to be as bountiful as usual
part .of expense, and h whn tri I .
save on Up giving la "nound fooii.h anfl . " D, Fortiard,
nnn. tj- I " ; I put ougnt to penave as wen on unaay.
penny wise." However one may oblect
iv im iiui me nma or place I a ui...i. 4. n su,
to try to institute a reform by refusing But speaking his name Is not considered not fret but to cost 115.060.
to give. . I profanity -I v v a a -
The omnibus and car conductor will! i- L - . I Harney valley people are confident
te a franca worth more considerate of good deal worse tomorrow than If the ln" ln"' xo railroad soon.
jour comfort if you expend 10 centime f saloons were open.
birthplace of several popes, possessed mJKt"l,V1 fnt,on toward ou
five of these roses in the ireaaury of LhoJbll .J1,1' br Snljr. ? u.1 10
St Mark's church but during the ware ?VV our Pnt nd win , their ap-
thev ware loat or atnlan provai.
vlr?al mn3r vIy unhappy marriages
might be averted If a-lrla atrt nnlinnp.
aO . C 1 1 1 . f4'! 10 con',d" a thol"1 mother. There
lt-ffrfnn iJldelldhfai not moth"'' In the world who would
VrCgUU approve of her daughter receiving tho
.. 1 1 . attentlona of a married man. 'And yet
Mu-aw. ..... - ' ' girl wl,l say. "I did not realise
v:..vl.-' Il- -r.. . 7afJtf23ny P?c, attention
- wuui tuuntu om uruoreu a w ma. 1 i muumi ne waa just friendly." J
lot of sidewalks built I Now, that-ls not the truth and I evrV
e a " " anowa It. Any girl knows perfectly
A town site 1s belna- laid out at Otter "P,n "n"1 talka to her whether he la
Rock, in Lincoln county. ... , whijuf- h-i.p!LJI fr,fndlV manner or
At the late election M.rshfleld caat thilrMfai;.1:.
a anil Hnrlh TlviA ana .nl.. I " t ' , . .. . - roji
iiien, aiiuuiu tney oe ao anxious to hide
them from their mothers T '
It la not at all an uncommon thing
for a girl to aet her heart . m..i..
a man whom her parents find moat un
aultable. Five years hence the girl
might realise hla unaiiihin v.....i
but by that time It la probably too late
and ahe has become an unhappy wife.
12ft and North Bend 601 vote.
a . a . . , : ..
Free water Is to hare a water supply
.J At tVa aVA . , St B AAA '
or even S In a tlrx They , will be aura
to let you "descend" at your street The
fare In public conveyances In Europe
i! ott!n onIy aometlmes only I cents:
therefore, the tip need not he mnMrrt
an extravagance.
The errand boy and girl, the halr
dresaer. and in fact all the people who
you w ,f"r capacity expect their
A aoclety woman who took ud a
poultry raising fad set a duck on a
quart of gooseberries. ,
e e
Nobody . "mentions" Ex-Secretary
enaw any more. But wnat aoea ne care,
with a salary of 176,000 a year T
e e
Orchard may expect to get free after
A Wallowa man haa some apples that
Hi. '""rr ""an witnout consult-
fr. 9,fouwl and nrm a when picked j lng with your mother. Her mature Judar
laat fall. Iment la bound to be more reliable than
a a I yours, anil tha mnmn, . ..
Some rye on Beaver creek. In Lincoln t deceive ber in any way beware of
A.n,w I . . I . . ... htm w
ueaas in proportion.
. Foodstuffs are excessively high and I
uaiu acarc on wooa oay, out two North
On young man told me he had given iT til! Jn4t?.tkrVimi?Ua iiVth "h0W ?en1 eatln,r plllce" "tl" ,et up m8, .i.V.
up the idea of taking a positlonoffered h re4te,t criminal on earth. 25 cents. slsts
him In a first-class house In America , v.w ".' ktj
because he was Informed that no tipe Men have grown from boys to elderly . A Klamath man lost a purs contain- awak
aTaa. l.aaaa l a. V a. a M . . r . t a 1 In SV . 1 kuttJaaA .1 vt1 4 a- a
were given in tnat line of Induatry. I men in rortiand and never aeen aa-1
"a " iuj inia waa tne ract. i "" civaea in i on ounaay peiore.
a ... e '
Mr. Bryan and Senator Beverlda-a are
atlll debating In a magasine, but no-
On the Job at Jamestown.
; From Harper's Weekly.
Tha labor problem In the south con-
very largely In the business of
keeping th black man and brother
, man lose a purse contain- awak and on tha tnh inxni.. A -am-
ing several hundred dollars In Medford. 1.7 r ,, . . aocorI,n t0 WI1"
but an honest man found it and re- m Inl," special correspondent for
turned It to tha owner. t v t , , , Harper's Weekly, who. went to James
e -. ' T town to make a thi.ii nj mn..i.t
Si ??r!S.-I,1f.rkt ,-y,rT "Tf1' t investigation of conditions there for the
body ha. been convinced by either "if Burn, at thi. tiast; iad -inaay VbsS
ronite the Seattle
local bapks. By this
said the Seattle postmaster
Lv. tntaA I r struct a model mayor or governor, there work done, and the aggregate result itonairs T thathe Sr2,.prr!. ilL0' 7 e
banks instead .of m Urgt eonilngMt ot Republican. ,g astonishing.- " treiti?'inVmanne"r. "h.".0 b 'J1: "L,i"i
nis method It is who at one believes every word that is , . -lary raised' by hi. employer, but he tTl "Smf. ?ladaam
tmaster ran his tid. and that bl composed of ;jfW J. n ot , ornw- .ttP. -" fook'Th.yPK bTo'rf
them yet
' It 1. suDBo.ed that Anthony Cnm.
stock while In Paris will steer clear
or tne art mueeuma and keep in his
rvam alter iwiygni.
iVT-Kii0 ;i5tJ0l,,;w,t0"m?11 " t- "there was, this morning.. In Raleigh
ting big price, for their stock aa a con- Court one of the divtainna r tw. riZ
seuuenc. I sltion. congestion of vehicles which
. ' ' v . I left only a narrow passage clear for
Umatilla county and tha PalAtia -arlll I traffic , In thla snara tarn hlah.wh!
harvest th largeat crop of grain In the I amall-bodled carts, each, drawn by a
uiaiury oi wneai , raising m ' these dls-1 mna "n Y a negro, cam na4
said Alva Leach, gen-1 10 neaa. xveiuier could advanoe until
receipts up so as to, get an. Increase 1 nl""J 01 nerow marxyrs, ioat or 1 ptiut, you
nf 11 flflar ia i,i.r- Tiii. w..1TOUrM' ,ne"roM- n' Kepuwican eppo- increasing annuany, ana it may be 1
. of 11,000 a year In salary. This waslnent BO tood. th.t th ut ,.,... ,.4.v,- . , . ' . J2"rP?"
- - i . ,M v. . . . j I ... - - . yjum.uic iu lubuj iwuiuei w raise U"P wnicn
. a line thing for him and made alof the city and state demand that an , , I economlea."
yea, the young man aiarhed.
ee. here It 1. different Once
aiways a woraer. we know
and are glad of every little
enaoies u. to make our
cnnA .Vnhi, tnmt Caattlo Knt tf .... Otmoa tlnn man. ha Ktinun .nil that .l"" ' v vu. uca I An American ChatltTaur ha - ti-Jt
hardr on ' the smaller 'roundabout f .?i""B thoroughly imbued with Pa- cellent feed for stock, but the ground "SSipr! Htui
u"u "Hjiuiaea n must mow ni. aa-1 on wnicn it is raised is leu in a can, nanaea Mm a commiasion on the
"P-P0"!n5 . 80od condition for some other crop. ?ounrmVnvnegSt.:?huT:hWS h
This process of selection should be i;.h.e" iSi'IL y-a!;rlY.ed. i!1 -mpioyer
adopted by corn raisers in Oregon
a Miaiilfa will mrtlw Am -mm 4-V mi
a-wtTTrntr! 1. aW.. v,t v- It Would be an Insult tn tha lnf1H. " w -"
I i v. . , . . . I tranra annot.tyvtl.M w V I effort.
rHERE Is always something that
may be complained of and
grumbled at even in Oregon
but there Is always much more
. to be thankful for'and to rejoice
over. The weather and its relation
. to and Influence on the crops
always a surface subject of discus-
slon and calculation, , and when
; everything Is Said on this subject
our opening statement remains true.
No season can suit all sorts of ag
1 A. a
ricuituraiisiB, ana some seasons
won't nit a majority or perhaps
even many of them, but when the
, " year has rolled around we always
. find that a good deal of the com
; plaining and pessimistic prophesy
ing was not Justified, and that
on the whole the weather has been
pretty good, and a good deal better
v: than In some other sections of the
. country.
; There has been a backward and
rather cold and dry spring, an un
, usual combination, but , think how
i much worse the spring, or the sea'
eon called spring Jn the calender,
has, been back east. And after all
the spring's backward ijss has done
no great damage. Thepresent June
Tains will do Borne harm, perhaps,
to one or two fruit crops, but will do
- many times as much good in other
- ways. And so It has been and will
be. with all kinds of weather some
of It is bad as to some products or
localities, but on the whole It is
" fairly if not '' very", good.
: All through eastern Oregon and
eastern Washington there is promise
of the greatest wheat crop ever har
vested. - Of course this is not ouite
certain yet, and there will be dif
ficulty as usual about harvest help,
but the farmers of that region will
reap many millions In a' few weeks.
It wheat , keeps up to 80 cents, or
anywhere near that, the yield in the
upper country will amount to a vast
sum of money to be divided among
a comparatively few people, but ft Is
tiltimately distributed ail around, in
w - i.-rn Oregon crops taken alto
t :l,r may not be above aa average,
non-partisan" candidate who himself j
never voted for a Republican.
If this were to be taken seriously,
it would be an Insult to the intelli
gence and., patriotism of thousands
hL fSTRWuJ0 flnd ihat th chauffeur
had credited him with the commission.
tin" ,JS,r "i ,.n ina ntur of a
tip, and refused It
yji count a vnun at
view ai ure will
as they I trict.. this year.
?.yrJ,em?nt-1 ral agent for the Kerr-OlSord oompany. on or. th other gave way. Each on
111 man inev i . . . . i reiuaea 10 ouaii. tmi niajna-ua ri.
week, but thla does not mean that of pure cold water that furnishes an
cVo"nVra7y eome'Vd mseiv ?&S&Z r,el.0 lea : -h .I9VLX?1 ?to Vale,
"paca a gun - nave 1
. ...... . . . . . ... 1 . . . r- " w. 111 a inur . uiimi -
I r
" Olt oaut my wavl" '
;; " "N 0-0-0-0! Tou git oaut man wayP
" No, ah wont.
"Taia. vou will.'
"Won't neider. Whan you blong
"Jamestown Construction comp'ny."
nun: Jamestown jn-.iruction coma
JS'noaood'ua. fo7 it e OrianoT We hav. the pi mSi' " ,
stness itth il RhtJ,t i0."" i".0! not PPhr a bright ' No-o-o-o! Con-.tructlon comp'ny r
Siness Wltn It BnOot I future for thl. town. The "In.atruotlnn v '
man with that
tint tt SF sama I a...
fi116- 6 will sooa be In a position
nta;w J ::" ".. :r Some of th old corporation- wA.w ?M.
It is charged against the new mil
lionaire aenator from Wisconsin that he
eats pi with a knife. But he may
only do thla In public to .how .that he
ia a champion of the common people.
of Republicanyptera who have re-j
and all the Conditions," and voted as
they believed it' was to their Inter
est and their duty as citizens to
vote. With" the Tribune, the main
thing, ; if not the sole thing, is
whether a candidate Is a Republican
or a Democrat. The party tag set
tles everything. ;These voters have
outgrown and risen above that plane
of political action, and make party
subordinate to the public good. And
nine-tenths of the Republican papers
of Oregon approve them for it.
To a Malcontent.
By James J. Montague.
Tou want to be a man! Tou'rs
tired of apron strings.
full blaat in tne Meadow, and Butter
the 'hazing", of Roosevelt, if he change S.STTllr tn.nk nYt la'saTd'
"? i uwai annua, years in
' "For all I know, these nerrnea ara a
: -' ' lit yet. The title Of tbe comnanr waa a
Th Harney country will b one of I ho'c toy for them. They tossed th
the flrat tn h t.Vi t-.i.! word back and forth. Tha black team.
lln of th Harrlman system in Oregon. ter" 0nth8 i,thaT t1."! j". and
aava tha . Rnma ti-. I-Ja t? ,1 1 wagon, grinned and chuckled a. the d
bound to come and we therefore hava Eu wnt on- Meantime the Jamestown
no wcMion to 'bIi?Jil".aT Con.truction-or 1. It In-.tructlonw after
i an Tompny wa. ouiy delayed. Scores
,n Ki.i. e.uttin ,1- "ow fcineT on' lir Justify th yearning, held in certain
should be gent to the senate after
his term as president expires. They
may find considerable pleasure in
anticipation, but would very surely
be jjlsappointed In realization. If
their hazing of La Toilette was "a
humiliating failure, how do they ex
pect to have a lot of senatorial fun
But. the system Is all wronsr !- thla
age of Intelligence, and It hinder, th
best development of humanity.
. It enciuraaroa a-reed on on h,mi .nA
servility on the other. - -
Any one who ha. visited th coopera
tive association at Uruaaela nr riKn I i. i i
must realise the difference la th. ar.. i u""".:r,.)r ? "no
alt up night, and things.
The dutle. mamma often asks are bur
densome to do; .
One weary round of dreary tasks is all
life means to you.
quarters for the Man with a Club.,
Buchtel on Roosevelt.
From th?do,.VtM-,dt"-. th0't wrkera Ah! How lontented you could b if you n 190 on Juna ilth M Inches fell Jf. th he is - the greatest Jtvln
irom tne outside tollers. I . were not an mlii ' land on the 16th 144 inches In loni id ruler, l - . . ;
No tins are recJ vai hr r t. 1 were noi so smaui I . " . mcnes. inivo.i Ua".itv '.iwn him h .a
the history Of the country.
. e ,
Rain Is the order, tnr .Tuna at Th
Dalles, say. the Chronicle, and
for the Dast ' five veara haa an.
"""u unwwn ma ng ma 16in.
From the Kansas City Journal.
"Theodore Roosevelt." Governor Biich
tel said In a lecture, "I. the most faacU
nating ana interesting rigure living on
this earth today. - The newsnanera nt
trZ Berlin and London sa v. without aivlna
three year. It hag appeared on thHth Pf,n" .t0. sovereigns of their own
No tips are received there, ft la nnr
necessary." .... ,
in tne various .hop. and restaurant
Tes, poor old chap! It's pretty tough to
fell on the lit h.
with no unpleasant results to them- Uml they a?, jomt p There TsrtfuT 'enough along th. PaTc the'Albay'bTmocr.t saya: -At
selves out of Roosevelt T
road you go.
prletora and that whutuv..
..... .l. f"-' a I roan
jvw Aim in. uuaiiiBBB ntMni a i.m. n I v... . . . . .
amount of Profit to thnT ' oeiore n. oay
What we think about him here at
home 1. being told In tha words of hla '
son Kermlt. .
"When Roosevelt moved to Waahln.
ton and put Kermlt in th public school
the teacher asked Kermlt on matrleula
T. PAUL got ahead of Portland
by a week In the matter of
closing up saloons on Sunday
The lid waB on tight through
out the 24 hours of last Sunday in
St. Paul, and It is expected that this
will be the regular order of the first
day of the week In that city hence
forth. So it is going to be hereafter
in Portland, perhaps. We shall see
If the matter is to be tested In the
courts let It be done quickly, and
get a decision. We are under the
impression that substantially the
same issue has been decided by the
supreme court lately, though it was
the state local option law that was
Involved In that case. That stood In
the court, as against a local charter
law, and we see no reason why the
anti-Sunday law should not also pre
vail as against a charter provision,
though such a reason may exist. It
is for the courts to say. But if the
saloons are to be closed on Sunday,
it be done, if the law for that
purpose be good, and let us not have
any false motions and pretenses
about It. This is the policy that
has been adopted or Is being adopt
ed by many of the mosT progressive
cities of the country; The purpose
la not to Interfere with personal lib
erty, or to make a Puritan Sunday,
wobld think of tipping th pro- when you are
ogy newspaper, owned, F' a large business house or ho- to bed a,
I, by J. J. Hill, alludes f&orUSV And
That old fogy
it is supposed
tn RAnttla aa "tha mvcat Aat.fh..n.. J .'"" 80 tne.
D. v. m u fttIve aocieties are part proprietor, and
center of the far northwest." After It Kt0 their individual ititereat to make
1 1 1 ee. niiHinaiaiai "bta " . - - -
an arly hour the yard waa full of men.
i I women inn eh I M rn Hnm. . . ,
than I mile, and on man ram a frnm th. ... I tlon day what hi. name was.
l . .... ...In W..1.I..... aaa I V.milt A .V.. Ka.i
uuii ai uiay. us 0111'' n niuiiun, vv miies. -mere were 1 :
again. , 100 peppl picking berries at one time
s always on the spot to " au on a tnree-acre yard.r -, This
Just ao theaa mnlM ini,. ...... 1811 ou nl to ao . tnree-acre tract will clear 1500 or 1600
tin. LK.m "ttle thlng-exactly what you thl. aeaaon and it cost th owner 'tit
. ... - 1 wKDiiicoa axu.
tne norm bank-road Is completed to Surely the trend of .uch condition.
Portland, Mr. Hill will probably In- tood'thVuSS M-.thTOJS:
struct tne 01a aeaa-ana-auve Bt,!"" W.V"" l jarge.
Pa.,1 nnr in rt a man V? I J!VLVi -0f )t aM and .
t- - .v D -- wuv. uur vu,u w UUUD BWHJ Wl til.
It beloncrs to monarch Iab anil ahnuM
not be popular In republics. ,
Yet France and Switzerland im .
rublics. and nowherA la tha tin mn
absolute necessity,
delphla North American, "has given whOTVhi."p7Sy talX poir
cover this city.
Senator Knox, remarks the Phila-
Just intended to.
And yet to live In that fair land that
you so long to leave.
TO know your games, to understand
"pretending" to believe '
That goblin, flutter down the night and
dance outside the room
With firefly lamps that aoftly light
their footsteps through th vloom
The grown-up man who now appears
ao line ana iree 10 you
would gladly trad his many year.
xor yours mat are so xew,
Pennsylvania the first resnActnhlalthe tip goes on forever.
representation it has had for a gen- cu oTthi irii m" oaiT
opeea tnem, then I
eration." Evidently the N. A", has no
bouquet to cast at the foot of the
Quay monument.
Bobolinks In Maine. '
, From the Bangor News. 1
The arrival of the darling of the sum
Ohio courts are trying to decide mer ,eW ,n Mln WM not fleIayd hy
e,v .C6a,, . buccv. spasm, of colic or strikes.
wavent tne lawyers ever read theinat ooDoiinK come, to eastern
Ttlhla n iv , . ueiore may 10, ana in mis cold
Bible? But tney might prefer to and belated-year of 1907 there wtrt
leave the question to tha Chicago ia'totiin0i,Cokf1fn V.?? av-nn&'.bP"n t1;
the cold field, of Brewer In th middle aclos sealing .eason la Bering sea.
This Date In History.
1246 Frederick II. last mal. of the
nouse or mpsDurg, Killed in battle with
iIlWat Trier killed.
1567 Marv of Scotland defeated at
Carberry hill,
1844 Oeorge M. Bibb of Kentucky
became secretary of the treasury. .
1849 James K. Polk, -eleventh preal-
- I NAV,mM, Z 17flB. i.
it iaom us? wuiiam uen nl son. war gover
nor 01 onto. aiea. worn iNovemoer li,
1888 Emperor Frederick of Germany
an. .-- .i-' " ' : '"
1891 President Harrison proclaimed
Schmitz, having been convicted ittl.fM 'S de"4,we to tree top. and
and being confined in Jail pending ding rice was .till adhering to their
luainei aa
or a cold and -windy,; forenoon, r They 1894 Erastu. Wlman convicted pi
ii. i imi TTOumg cuiiuing ai aey 1 jorgory in isew lorg tjity.
Bentence, can any San Francisco
judge determine whether or not he
is still mayor?
Never mind If the fiesta uses up
every ' blooming rose In Portland;
there will be millions more a few
days, later. , 1 - . . .
;' , Too Safe, '
Golf would b more popular If a man
could break his leg or. sustain a few
Internal lnjurl. while jBlaylcjr ft,
. However much th rlc planter, of
South Carolina may . complain of the
ravage, or bobolinks among their crops,
here In Maine these birds are inoffen
sive and more beneficial than other
wise. Though a seed eater when gath
ered In flocks, the bobolinks at breeding
time are Insectivorous in the main and
work much benefit to agriculture by
deatroylng moth, and worm. Sush
seed, aa they may eat are taken from
the heads of dead pigweeds, goldenrods
and other harmful plants.
The" laws Tsf-Matnerwhlch ' give Cftt
tinuou. protection to bobolinks, are wise
and should be enforced. There 1. no
more sociable and delightful bird to
Main-than this redblrd of Louisiana,
rlcebtrd of the Carollnas and bobolink
of New England,
1896 Tidal ' wave swent coast nt
japan; tnousanas or live, lost
1898 House of renreaentatlvea naaaad
Joint resolution for annexation of Ha
waii. - '.
1899 Richard P. Bland, noted free
snver advocate, oiea. , corn August 19,
1835. -
: 1900 Prince de' Jolnvllle. last aurvlv.
ing son of King Louis Philippe of
1908 Peter Karageorgevltch became
king of Servia, assuming title of Pe
ter L . -
' ' ' Helpless. . ; . - ' .-
Frum the 01. Louis Olobe-Deinoeratr
Mr. Bryan savs he Is not dlctatln the
affair, of the Democratic party. What
can a man do when a party proclaim,
him to be matchless, indispensable, in
fallible . and triumphant even whan
lickedt . ,
an acre.
e e
There is a dog in North Bend, says
the Harbor, that knows about every-
: Vi ""i enougn ; 10 "almost
talk, but knows enough to talk, to
Sing, to detect counterfeit money, tell
color, and do the 'hundred and ' one
tricks that a whole dog show usually
does. 'The owner offera tn w. t-nn
and his dog against 8200 and anybody',
dog that "Schntder" can do more tricks
and do them better than any dog on th
coast. ..........V. .
Notwithstanding the severe freezing
last winter which destroyed' the fall
uwn. gram ana in spite ot the eoarclty
and high price of .labor, the farmers of
Sherman county have doubled their en
ergies and have re-own almost th en
tire country -this spring. : The new grain
is shooting- up and with favorable
weather - conditions there win ' h ...
abundant harvest, although somewhat
late, i Th fruit crop also promises to
be a .uccesa. ...... .
" 'Kermlt what?' asked the teacher.
.""Kermlt Roosevelt.'-'-Who
Is your fatherr
"'Theodore Roosevelt' '
"What is her
" -Papa 1. IT,' .aid Kermlt"
Old Fishing Kit.
Old fishing kit. you're dear to roe,
There', many an hour of ecstacv
We've spent together, you and I,
On mountain stream, with rod and fly.
We've watched the Speckled beauties'
In shady nooks, 'neath mossy banks.
Content were we for hntira tn ait
l i.u, - .. X ,
And then along, the brooks we'd wade,"
First In the sunshine, then' the .hade,
Till near a nuler. nnnl .'1 irni : '
A cast. A splash I And then the reel
Would click a. though to .ay, "Look
Ahl Money could -riot buy that troutl
Tou well remember how ha hit. .
Old fishing kltl . -r .
Don't think because I'm working hard
That you're fora-ntten. dnrnM n,ni
No wiprtn rtr ti btb na bow weTT"fe5et
Far from tha cltv'a dual anri ha
And whip the brook to heart's content
Each happy hour ehall thus be .scent. .
Until He calls we'll never quit .
Old fishing kit! l
-rreaarick M. Psaa,
"An Cast Bid Bank for Xast
Bid Psopfe
Small Savings
' Grow Fast- '
- A great many people do not.;
; start the saving, habit be
; cause they think It would be a,
long and tiresome task to
build a good-.lsed bank- ao
count. . v
This is not true.
It I. really surprising to see
rrow If deDoslt. are madi
regularly each week or monthT
upen a saving, account witn
. thl. bank with $1.00 or more
' and add to It as fast as you
can spar th money. We pay
Interest compounded semi-annually.
- "
, Savings Bank
aaroTT Ajrs wrLiaAiai ara
George W. Bates
J. a Blrrel.