IT : THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE " 15, 1S07. PERSONAL. I CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS MONEY TO LOAN M WOULD LIKE TO MEET A YOUNG f lady. .Please wrtte today, . Addmf v Q-7, J'nimal, " ' it f WANDA, THE FAMOUfJ palmIst", ? -llrvorsnl rrvntnl aer. card render5.' I xzs tin ' " . f , - i MISfl LH ROY. 29m ALDER ST., . suite 4, Scientific massage,- Lady aa- jmMant. BACK DATES OF MAGAZINES AT 5 .- cent. Jones Book-stone. 291 Aldr. , ATTORNEYS PIGGOTT. FINCH A BIGGER. ATTOR ,. neys t law, 4 Mulkey bldg., corner ;", til and Morrison ats. i ARCHITECTS i ARTISTIC v HOME DESIGNING: IN 'i latest Swiss, - Craftaman and other -. i styles. "-j HOME DESIGNING CO.: V . Healy bid. Architects, t, Cor. E. Morrison and Grand ave. EhNSTT KRONER, ARCHITECT JOHN A. MELTON, 204 4TH ST. OF- noe ana store fixtures built and I modeled; showcases and counters. Phone Main 1787. ft,' iiELIroN OFFKrtid, s t6r! Fl. 67 lit at turee: general Jobblna. Phone Main 8190 eral jobbing; off lea and atore flxturea. I pnnne pacinc zM. DRESSMAKING IMIIStlMlltltMUfMMttllttftMllfl IMMM MADAME TUTTLE., FASHIONABLE aremaner; pricea reaaonabie, Hi 13th at. Tel. Main 5619. MADAME ANGELES-r-248 FIFTH. PA clflc Mrs. 082 VAudiUNS parlors; rood nrlcea. 392 K. Ea-t SI7. DRESSMAKING work at reaaonabie Burnalde at. , Phone t Plans and specifications; alao building superintendence. ASSAYERS j GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. ; and Montana Assay Office, 18 Mor i rlaon au - - ' - AUTOMOBILES v . HOWARD M. COVET, A rent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobiles, ' Cadillac and Knox. . Temporary location Club Garage. 16th and Aider sts. DANCING WALTZING, TWO - STEP, THREE atep, Baltimore, etc.,v 2&e per lesson during summer months; school open all year; stage dancing, buck and wing, clog, jig. Highland fling. Prof. Wal Wlllson's Dancing School, 304 Allaky oidg., d and Morrison sts. WOODWARD $ttl$t)lt$tMt$HUIUMtf$$tt$lltM$$ IIIIIIU SALARY LOANS ItlSftM Itlftfl ON PLAIN NOTES. tttitt 110. 120. 130. 940. ISO. stsst , $e. 70.- noo. j IMM flSt Cheapest and best Pi nee to' Ittt SSI BORROW MONEY. I "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. lowest rates: easiest tvaymenta, REBA'l ifi given If paid before due. KC.M rJM HrJrt, ' . I : IF YOU WORKT ' - I t WE WILL IXAN YOU MONEY,'-' I I - Everything Strictly Conndential. t tttWHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? ttt ttft Hours, 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. tttt ttttt Saturdays till p. m. . tttft tttttt STATE SECURITY CO., tttttt iflHtf . 704 Dekum Hldg. - limn tttttttt Take Elevator. tttttttt Itttttttftttttttttttttttttftttttttfttt tf tttttfttttf tttttt tttttttttfttttttttt UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. -;! 1 Northwest Corner Third and Oak Streets. ' ' ' . .. -,Trn"cU General Banking Buainees. DRAFTS ISSUED Arallable 'In All Cities of the United States and Europ Honjkong and Manila. CoUectlona made on Favorable Terms. i. . -.;....:... ... Preaident...,.,,,j. c.. A INS WORTH I. Cashier. A. -R- "CHMEER ! Vice-President. ...... R.- LEA BARNES Aaelatant M"hler. . ...,,W. A. HOLT i Assistant Caahter. i .....A. M. WRIGHT o HAD RUSH FOR ADD A TILTON,1 BANKERS Portland. Oregon. , v Established 15. ... r. - W. M. LADD. - v.'C E. LADD. . W. LADD. . - ,. . Transnct a nnl Danlrln Ti,ai . H A VlfjnM AANIC DEPARTMENT. Savings books Issued on aavlnga deposits. . Interest paid on time deposits. J. FRANK WATSON.. President R. L. DUR1UM.... .... Vice-President ., R..W. HOYT., . . . . . . . .Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT. Aaslstant Cashier r i . 8. C. CATCHING. , . .Seoond Assistant Cashier . ". Transacts a General Banking. Business. Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued! Available to AH Parta of the World. Collectlona a Specialty. r THE BANK OP CALIFORNIA Established 1(184. Head Office, Ban Francisco. -Capital paid up IJ.OOO..O0O fsurplua and undivided prollta 10,163.87S . General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Interest on Time Deposits. 8AVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened of tlO and up-j . wra. r-oruana urancn -C'naraoer or commerce uuiiaing. WM. R. M ACRE A. ......... .Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL. .Aaa't Manager FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland, Or. Oldest National Bank on Pacific Coaat , , CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,500,000.00. ' DEPOSITS, $14,000,000.00 A. I MILTJS . .'. .President t W. 'ft ALVOftD. j U . Assistant Caahlae LANDS III USUI 4 3. W. NKWKIRK.. .Cashier I B. P. STEVENS. .Second Ass't Cashier DANCING SCHOOL Clans Mon., Thurs. and Sat eve.: so cial, fancy and sten danclna tauaht: ( assistsnt teachers; olaaa and private lessons dally. Western Academy ball. 2d and Morrison sts. Paciflo 16S0. - TRUST COMPANIES. DENTISTS ART FRJR LESSONS IN I . - Emhr jldery Every Day. - THE N EK.DLECRAFT 8H0P, , 881 Washlnzton St. ' 15. t. M66REHOUSE A CO. ARTISTS materials, picture molding, picture rraming, stereoptlcons, lantern snaes. ill Aioer i. DR. W. B. KNAPP HAS RETURNED j from east. Office 10 Hamilton bldg, DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. ttttttt'ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for build, j Ing purposes, for from s to 10 years' time, with' nnvi oae to rensy au or part or loan arier two yeara. jjonns ap proved from plana and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up ana repiscei. FRED H. STRONG,- Financial Agent, 843 Htark at CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ' ON SAL arlea. Insurance policies, pianos, fur nlture, warehouse receipts, etc.: any de serving person may secure a liberal ad vance, repaying by easy , weekly , or monthly installments, ' NEW ERA LOAN fRUST COMPANY, . 206 Ablngton Bldg. m6Ney" AbVANCfiD SALARIED Pi!o- tm mmj4 Haal nna haslft A Wffl flat m Stm without security: cheapest rates, easiest I C ECURITT SAVINGS TRUST CO. 214 Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. paymenta; offices in o principal cihss;i.i icti a, uenerai uanxing Business, havjmus UPARTHNT. Inter Grant Land Craze Incites to . Homestead Contests ; Incidentally.' v A.'-: f-'',"rrill-L1 ' 11111 "'lu-lll"Jl . u-. - y I CLAIMANTS LIKELY .TO . BE , DISQUIUTDD IF SICKNESS COMES who Is foing to pay the bills? While a man is in arood health, he seldom considers this, but sickness may come ; at any time. So while you are able to work, save out of each week's earn ShjJcenp Will Dlaposscas4 Tho TlTiO enough to protect you -against i ' . ... i hie . wins wucii vvu war u, eiwiw Are iiomeateaaing ximwr ana Operi an account with us today. Stone Tracts Actual Settlement Clause In Grant Filings, PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREOON The Oldeet Trust Company In : Oregon. , RESOURCES OVER $2,000,000. General Banking. Two per cent' Interest on check accounts (even hundreds) on dally balance of $600 or , over. . Letters of credit and, exchange on ; all-parts of the world. Savings ao-' counts. Time certificates, 8 to 4 percent; short-call special certificates, $100 or over, i to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." v , ' Southeast Corner Third and Oak Sts. Phone Private Exchange 71'-"'' ''-V . 2ENJ;J-iOHEN.....,ij.i. President I H, I PITTOCK.. : Vice-President B. LEE PAGET .Secretary J O. OOLTRA .... Assistant Secretary ACCORDION DRESS PLEATING l' MISS a GOULD. (IT - SWETLAND J . bldj Accordion pleating and buttons covereo. BATHS-MASSAGE t MANICURING, FACE AND 8CALP treatment; baths and massage. 110 H m St. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES i BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES 8. BIRKEN 1 wald Co., S04-20S Everett at; largest bjtcner auppiy nouae on me . coaat. 5 Write for catalogue. - BUTCHERS' SUPPLiES ADOLPH" - Dekum, 181-182 lat st, carries a full line and ct-iplete assortment at lowest market prices. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM, 108-111 2D st Blank booka manufactured ; agents for Jones improved Loae-Lear ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf, the best on the market. - i CARPET CLEANING f STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. f Largeat plant on coaat; Lorlng and : Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpets . cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam ' and compresaed air process; renovating j mattresses and feathers a specialty. r JOYCE BR6S.; PROPRIETORS OF THE I Electric Cleaning' works; carpets ' cleaned and laid, both dry and com j preased air cleaning; carpet refitting our ; specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 2672 and A-2672 270 Grant at. CHIROPODISTS CHIP.OPODY AND PEDICURING r Mr a. M. D. Hill, Room 820 Fleldner tblde. Both tflionea.-' i-A, DR. FLETCHER, FOOT BPEdlAUsf! Allsky bldg. Phones Paciflo $23$ and A-2481. '' ' -. .... ". CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horses and dogs. - 2 82 Gllsan at. Phone Main 1484. , DR8. C a BROWN AND MILLER Dog and horse hospital. 10 N. th St. save yourself money py getting our terms nrsc. . TOLMAN. 222 Ablngton Bldg. 108 Vi 2d st. e ENGINEERING NEWELL A GOSSETT, ENGINEERS snd surveyors. Office 82 Washington bldg., corner 4th and Washington sts. Main . EDUCATIONAL ' HOLMES BUSINESS, COLLEGE, . Washington and 10th sts. Flledner bids. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting ana aii jsngiian orancnes taugnt. botn day and night ,.- FINANCIAL AID TO SIX WORTHY young ladies who wish to take a shorthand course. AddIv at once at office. (17 -Commonwealth bldg.. 6th and Burnslde sts. t OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE. Commonwealth bldg., (th and Ankeny sts. Phones Main 8001. A-2001. Teleg raphy., typewriting nenmanshio. SDan- ish Isnguage. Individual Instruction. GERMAN LESSONS TO BEGINNER at 452 Morrlaon: reaaonabie: class or private; references given. UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFriCE. 14J 2d st, near Alder, established 1870; old and reliable; any amount loaned on I watches; diamonds, Jewelry and seal skins. WANTED-NOTEd., Mbftf dAfljSS OR contrscts on snv kind of real estate In Oregon , and Washington; second mort gages purchased If well secured. H. E. Noble. 812 Commercll blk. " ' bON't b6rr6W MONlSt 6M SALARY until you see Hutton Credit Co. : (12 Dekum bldg. m6key TO LoaN: LArgjI! LoAK'3 est allowed on Time and Savings Accounts. Acts as Trustee for Estates. ana letters of Credit Available on All Parts of the World. C. F. ADAMS President j L. A. LEWIS. First Vice-President ' A. L, MILLS... Second Vice-President j R. C. JUBITZ............... Secretary ' GEO. E. RUSSELL... Assistant Secretary - --. TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY 240 Waahington Street MORTGAGE LOANS ON Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rates. ' . Title Insured. Abstracts Furnished. . '-,'" . ; THORBURN ROSS President 1 JNO. E. AITCHISON,; .Seoretarr oaunua n. nitu. . . . v Ics-rTVBiaeni i. I. UUHKHAHr. .Treasurer BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. (Specif Dhpstca to Toe Joornal.) ' " Albany, Or.. June 14. The mad ruah for lands In Linn county baa not abated. The lands of the O. A C. are still sag. erly aouaht and each day finds the county recorder busy filing notices of Intention to purchase and a return of the tender and rejection of the stipu lated price of 12.(0 per acre by the railroad company. . Over one hundred at these notices of tender and rejection have been received and placed on record. Many -have a special clause to certify that the spplicante are actual settlers on. the land, citlxens of -the- United States and residents of the stat of Oregon. Almost without exception the intend ing Burcnutr exnresaes tna onimon that be will be unable to make any thing out of the venture and that the SAVINGS BANK TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO! WE PAY 4 Per Cent Of. INTEREST.' ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS " We. pay 3 per cent on daily, balances of check accounts. '. OFFICERS: ' " ' M D ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commsrot Building. ItsTtinlAlnail TatltAtal anrl PiirHi tsaavarlMja rAMaall.. tt.-a.' a w.wya, nivu viivw yvi y V8t IUH DUtlQ OWN1NG-HOPKIN3 COMPANY Established itjj BROKEJlST: STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. ' Private Wires: ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main 2 T. peclalty: alao buUdlng loans; lowest OYtrtCCk, StaiT & COCkC CO. I im ThiCJ..??!r4 ' J,n,d? L es; fire Insurance. William 6. Beck. I tJLLXZ VrA?' VX'h bldg.. Portland. Or. mj in, rw loiviiD, a o i uvo AINU BONDa. . WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS .X. Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd A Tilton, Bankers, and United States National Bank of PwtlannV rates; lire insurance, 812 Falling bldg. m6ney-t6 LoaM W IUo T6 II606. rboM ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES M. J. WALSH CO.. 211 STARK ST.. Electrlo and Gas Fixtures and Supplies, Mantels, Tiling. Grates and Doglrona. PACIFIC fcLECTRlC C6. EN(3I- neers. contractors, repairers, electric wlrinc. suDDlies. 4 . 1st cor. Stark. Main 6. K. H.Tate, Mgr. WESTERN Charleson A Co.. Commercial. Pacific 1188. MONEY TO LOAN 6n &t Y AND suburbsn property at and 7 per cent by private party. Room (It Commercial j building. CRESCENf LdAN C6...428 M6HAWK bldg. Money to - loan on easy-payment plan to wage earners; atrlctly confidential. mortgage! . Loans At current rates: no commission. Columbia Life A Trust company. Lumber Exchange. I MONEY 1 TO LOAN OK ALL KtNM of security. William Hon. room S. wasningion Diog. ' aSTK -. A th-rm or th. J.'' THORBURN ROSS.... President grant, but lest the government should GEORGE H. HILL.. Vice-President f?.V?Z. "ZYSM1 to UM ib I T.- BURKH ART,... ....Treasurer Ooatesta ea raeUa ZABoa, "rm -r: "'r"-r'j,"',wvv; . tJ Not uttaflnd with helnar In the race I Hankinflr noura J . a. . m .' t rt A ' n m ror tnese rauroaa lands, tnose witn tne Saturdays, 9 a. m. to I p. m. Satttf land madness are making a systematic) . r . fi search of the records for homesteaders evenings,- 5 to 8.0 dock. 240-244 WASHINGTON STREET ': (Corne;- Second St) - ; PORTLAND, OREGON. STREET PA VINO TRANSPORT ATIOJf. 4 WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross- In as. 814 Lumber Exchange. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING Ctt of Portland. Office 868 Worcester blk. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP tlon; bank, ' bar and atore fixtures made to order. The Lutke Manufao- ton Iniu otTMi MA AM Ji turlng Co.. Portland. tei secuniy. n. a. j-rame. tie ineixv . iitiOAiu, un,oiui&.n; m. winter Lumber, co. 7 Hamilton Main (680. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS not complying with the laws relating to resioence ana improvement. ana are ru ing contests. The county clerk has 12 contests on his docket and many mofe in prospect livery claim that la not oc cupied by the original entryman as a home and actual Dlaoe of realdence will be Jumped and contested. There are I many such and the lack of ODen lands for acquisition under the laws relating 10 timoer and stone entries makes these claims the object of the timber seeker. Many homesteads In the Cascade and adjoining timber districts were taken with no Intent of actual settlement but with the object of obtaining a title to lands under the provisions of that law BL S SmVm. In. a 8 1 July is, SS Aug. ak. j without much trouble or expense regard- Ve, niy ra 1 Ann i,iij!iiituu nuniva. x i farauam mos''Snamo;;- wTltaUPlVht QUICK L6ANS oW ALL pkttlKk. S. U. eaatot movn. Tone g and power plants. MORRISON" ELECTRIC c6.-2t K. Morrison st Fixtures wlrinc re- Ipalring. East 2128. S. W. Kins. 4S Washlnarton . bid. Main 8100. ON' MORtdAQE, oo f6 M.666; C6flT papers, oniy. waro, lawyer, Aiisay FENCE AND WIRE WORKS Mfg.P TRANSFER AND HAULLXQ C. O. PICK OFFICE 88 1ST ST., BH- tween Btark and oaltata;' phone 88. Pianos and furniture moved and packed PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS Zd and Everett ats. Phone Main zoov. for shipping; commodious brick ware- jOlty ot Sea' nouse witn separate iron rooms. and Clay sts. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. Front GASOLINE ENGINES Henry Roe. Cleland. CLEANING AND DYEING i CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, 81 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., :. 809 Btark st ... H. W. TURNER, DYEh dARPETS : dyed " a . specialty. : 605 j Jefferson st. I Main 2513. . COAL AND WOOD PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLABWOOD Co., 256 Front st, successors to Ful ton Wood Co. Fir, oak, slabwood, coat Tel. Main 1838. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OS SLAB wood call Main 4875. Oak, ash, fir and coaL ' Portland Wood A Coal Co., 'jvin'Cina cayier sib, ' ' GASOLINE ENGINES. Stationary and marine: - electric enultv menta; launches; accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repslrtng, Relerson Machinery Co., 1 82-4-8 Morrison st SHEFFIELD MARINES ENGINES. ANY fropellers. Fairbanks, Morse and Stark sts.. HARDWARE A LOArf FOR f HE AsktNG-flALAR? or cnatteL , The ixan vo., 410 Dekum bldg. kONEY LOANED 16 SALARIED PEO ple Just on your own name; don't borrow until you see me; my . system Is the best tor railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes; business strictly confidential F. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg.. 28( Washington; money to Loan oiTRfiAL ESTATE, chattel mortaares or nersonal se- A Co., eurlty; notes bought C. W. Pallett. 204 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 134 N. 8TH. a .nin. ni.i ir - , ' . . . . . - . - i main ow. tieavy naming ana storage. WILL .LOAN. 18.000 OR LESS, 8 PER I INDEPENDENT bAGGAQE A TRANS- 8J, B. AXASXA OTT& ' . . karwar. ;2" wa, jrW ."" ""fi. mnmrn... . . ..nine le, so we W. F. P. Sheascreen. ' , General transfer and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed and snipped. zo uak st Both phones. PENINSULAR EXPRESS A BAGGAGE' .-Transfer, 247 Alder st PhoneMain .Juae T, IT, 87 ; A2r nuvozBoo tovn. alllng a, an. rrorn Seattle. city or lnubla.. ......... ....June 4, 17 .........,,., ,ue IX, s-i VS. rresldeat Jana 17 ' City tfflce, 149 WaaatagtOB zn. less of the fact that actual residence and good faith are essential. - A' large proportion of the home steaded Tanas In the timbered area are more valuable for timber than for agri cultural purposes and the contest will center on -. this . f aot - Altogether the entryman On a homeatead will have dif ficulty in holding his claim unleas he is found to be an actual and bonaflde resident on the land entered. Those In a position to state allege tnst every Homestead in tne territory adjoining Albany and la Linn , county will be the object of a contest . . ? 1 ALBANY MOVES FOR A NEW P0ST0FFICE! COLUMBIA HARDWARE CO., 2D AND Mnrrlaon . ata. Kvervthlnir in the Bard war line. PORTLAND HARDWARlCOTSO- lioita opportunity to quote prices, 74 6th st Pacific 466. cent Interest on real estate. ton. 813 Fenton bldg. PLUMBERS Farring- fer Co. Storage. 314 Stark. Main 407. Ho! For Astoria M OJf' Asks SUte's Representative to La- or tor m Hnndred Thonsaad Dollar Appropriation, l" Makes the skin like, you want it - Does it in a moment. , Hagan's r cMagnolia. Hatm. A liouid preparation for Face, ftecKt Arms ana nan as . . . It is neither sticky nor greasy. . V t " - . ,;.-'-. .and refreshing. -, u Cannot be detected. Two colors Pink and White. Use it morning, noon and night, Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall. ; SAMPLE FREE. y Ltos Mrs. Co., 44 a.Fiftk St, Brooklya, N.T. HOTELS THE BELLBVUE. EUROPEAN PLAN. iin inq aaimon. ? HOTEL Portland, Am. plan, 23, 26 day! BELVEDERE, European; 4th and Alder. WESTERN EED & FtlEL' rrt House and blacksmith coals, coke, cnarcwi, mnuiinp. f none Mam JOH. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B. . JONES A CO . Wood and CoaL 181 East Water St. CAFES SEE) SAM VIGNEUX AT ! VIONEUX care, stn ana Washington sts. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS -; .See .i MelYin The World's Greatest Clairvoyant and , f ueaa xranoe jueaium. , Strangely fascinating are the words that come irom tne cuiuvated lips of this Great Enigma, That-"be has a power iuu is marveious-imost marvelous is to say tne least -He tells your . name, me name or any one -you -Know, living or dead; gives in detail a correct : description, of the one -you will marry; aettlea lovers' quarrels; ; unites thoe who are separated; Hastens marriages; tells - as , to Journeys, law, business, mines. Investments, wills, patents, - old estates, burled treasure, lost or absent friends; develops magnetic force and re moves evil Influences; teaches every ynan oi occun. power. oee mm loaav, Hours from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. dally; : Remember the name. THE BENSON BUILDING, 291 1-2 Morrison, Cor. Fifth Same Floor as Boston Dental v ; v Parlors ' : ' ' Phone Main 7248. CONSULT THE BESTIT WILL PROVE THE CHEAPEST IN THE .. ' END. t jFREB TEST! , FREE TEST! , Take this advertisement to PROF. D. NIBLO. 1 ". V S08 Washington street ' He will jive you a test of his wonder ful CLAIRVOYANT POWERS by tell ing', you :your name in full, free of charge, and give you advice, before you 1ecide to have a reading, and then If you think he bas the cower to read your past present and future life, he will rive you nis wonaerrui deep PSYCHIC 6 READING JTOR tU 803H Washing ton . ' ' '..'. INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE, '144 Sherlock bldg.- . ' FOX A CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS. 231 2d, bet Maui a it a salmon. . Oregon hone Main tool. DONNERBERG & RADEMACHER R El moved to No. 303 Burnslde st PAINTS, OIL AXD GLASS F.R BEACH&" Ca; THE PIONEER r Paint Co. Window glass and glasing. 1 186 1st st. f none 1334.. PRINTING THE MODERN PRINTERT ARTIS- tlc printing. ' 26 Russel bldg.. 4th and Morrison sts. Phone pacific 1626. w. il page. Insurance; emPl6y: ogilbee bros printers cardT urgiar Main ers' liability, suretv bonds, burarlar and accident Insurance. Phone 328. 204 Failing bltfg. ''''.. )AB, Met W6OD. EMPLOYERS' UA blllty and Individual acoident security bonds of all-kinds. Phone 47. 102 Mc- Kay oiqg. billheads, etc. 146 H 1st st. Phone . Main 1868. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MAST1CK A CO., FRONT and Oak sts.. leather and aklna of every description for all nurooses: sole i ana tap cutters; nnoings. PAINTING AND papering. "pyA7"DOAEmVE8BEST E?MAT for satisfactory work. 288 Yamhill. PAPERING, . PAINTING. DECORA T lng; best work; beat pricea Ivor Wil liams, 189 4th st LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL.! kinds. Including approved forest re serve scrip ror surveyed, unsurveved. timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland." Portland MACHINERY THE H. C. ALBEE CO.--4SECOND-1 nana macninerv. aawmiiis tn m Grand ave. r- , -?T--r-- , A. J. PAUL,. 100 1ST ST. A COM- nlete line sawmill machinerv: nl.n engines and Doners. REAL ESTATE PARRISH. WATKIN8 A CO.. 260 AL- der st Real estate, rentals, loans and insurance. We make a specialty of nunauns reniajs ana property ior resi dents and non-residents. Established 1872. Phone Main 1644 J. W. OGILBEE, loans: room 11. SPHINX AGENCY. DEALERS 151 real estate and rentals. 806 M Stark St. Main 8184. REAL ESf Xfl Artb established 1883. 146 1st, FOR FARMS , 6V BVERf DESCRiP: tl on, W. , Wr; E spsy, 3 1 Com merolal bldg. -. ' '" RIONUJIENTS NEU A KINGS LEY, 268 1ST ST. Portland's leading marble and rranlte woras. MONUMENTAL BRONZE ' CO. MOSf durable . crave neaastonea Room 12. Zss Btark st MUSICAL PIANO LESSONS AT THE STUDIO. 462 Morrison, at reduced rates during vacation: terms reasonable. - ' THE WEBBER. STUDIO MaNDOLKW,' instructiona t 48tt banlo. oultar Washington st ! piano, VtbLW cdRKBf, ft6M- Done, ciannet. rroressor m. A. Bmlth, 4 12th st Main 4703. . 264 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, SPE- ctaiist on nervous, acute ana chronic diseases., Office 217 Fenton bldg. Phone facino livo. wORTHRUP 55T ilt-l-U DE , AlwaVs Consult the Best ' ' -' PROFESSOR KHIMO, ? Greatest living astral dead-trance clair. voyant of the age; adviser' on business and all affairs or lire; tens your full name and west you caiiea ror, whom you will marry, how to central the one you love, even though miles away; re unites the separated; gives secret pow ers to control; does all others advertise to do. Hours 10 to daily ana Sunday. Office Nos. - and 4, Grand Theatre hldg.. 3&2tt Washington st. near Park. Phone Main 1267. - ing, 25e." 36 th etrcorner Main: ( PROKESSOll WALLACE. PorOand's favorite clairvoyant, palmist er..l ni'.lliim; resdlngs 5& Uihk Mot- kum bide.. 8d and Washlnaton sts. mono main . examination tree, ' Do .ou know any locomo- tivV engineers who imagine that 6n some days they can run their engines without , steam or motive power?. And , - do you know any merchants who r imagine that on some days they can run their busi nesses without any newspa-' , per advertising ? . The Journal . advertising columns furnish - the 'steam or motive power for your business . ,; j , RUBBER STASIPS P. C. STAMP WORKS, 249 ALDER ST. Phone Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils; baggage, . trade cheoka; oraae signs ana pieces. TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN TOWRTJl niTt.T foun brush, soap, $1 per month. Portland Laundry- A Towel Sunniv rn stK anl n..u -1- . . ' 1 vvwvu mim. xiiunv 11V. . TYPEWRITERS r HEADQUARTERS FOR NEW AND RE built typewriters of all makes; see our winaow; you are going to buy a new typewriter see us before buying; we can save you monev hav narta mr reoairina- an macnines: state ini. for the Visible Fox; we buy all kinds of typewriters. Tne Typewriter Exchange, Inc.. E. J. Ellison, manager. 84 3d at BLICKENSDERFER T YPEWRITER " Aaency SuddIIcs: renalrs. Ralairh Biuc, sin ana wasningion sis. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. WHOLESALE JOBBERS M. A. GUNST A CO- DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIOARS. POKTL.AN1J, OREGON. EVERDING A FARRELL, PRODUCE and commission merchants, 140 Front I st, Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turlng Co. Manufacturers of furnl- ture for the trade. Portland,. Or. . WADHAMS & CO., WHOLESALE GRO cers, manufacturers and commission merchants. 4th and Oak sts. FastSteamerTelegraph Daily (except Thursdays). Leaves Atdei street dock I a. to. " won acAZsr eea. (BpeHal Dispatch to Tbe JoeroaL) ' j Albany, Or.. June IS. Albany wants a new postofflce and to this end a reso lution has been passed by the city Coun cil directed to the state's representa tives In congress, asking that better quarters be provided to accommodate the Increasing business of the office. Tne resolution concludes with the re. quest "that our senators and represen Steel-Cllad GraBBer Colombia River Scenery S.SirsAA" V.'.'. V5 t. 'i. VI honorable means to secure an approprla- mzaxrzuLTOB ivnra bttawosms. V .Dally strvke between Porttasd 5 ta DaUes, except Sunder, leaving Portia a' at rrlvlnt sbost 6 p. a, earrytag frelsht sad Mpirtra. gpleadld acesBBMda too for eetflts and livestock. Dock foot of Aider et Portlandi root ' of tion or 8100.000 ror tns erection or a postofftoe building commensurate with tne needs or the city and county." YAMHILL'S WEATHER IS COLD AND WET HID OFFICERS OF IDE'S IIS FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND . special orders. L. Ruvensky's furni ture factory, 807 Front st. ALLEN A LEWIS, COMMISSION AN produce merchants, Front , and Day, ta., Portland, or. WHOLESALE CRdfiElRf glassware. FraeL Hegele A Co. land. Or. THE OREGON CHEESE C6. Washinfton Lodge ' Con- ;iudes Labors Other Bodies in Session. (Special Dispstch to Tbe Isnrnal.) McMlnnvUle, Or., June 15. The weather during June has been rather on the bluater. The days have been cloudy, with frequent showers. However, the ground was so dry that It is not wet as yet. Tuesday mgnt the government minimum thermometer at the college registered 88 derrees. Just 40 decrees above freeslng. This was the Coolest night there has been for some time. Gardens for the most part are comine on very slowly. The rain during the past weea win nustie tningg as soon as the aun shines warm. , Simple. Strestfeet, Essie Readied1 Grabber Made. Wul pall MOKB asd LARGER STUMPS with LESS EXTEHSB tkaa any etaer. ' rTfcaD-wi-thClreJarWrrksS . JOHN S. BEAU; RWactarei 111 Hswtaotae Area ; fl Portlaaj. Oredoi Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE AWL) JVQTt 1 eggs, etc., TJST iry nrod- mmission. Portland, : . (Special Dispatch te Tbs Jearaal. : Tacoma, Wash., June 15. The follow lng officers to aerve the coming year were electee: py tne Masonio grand lodge of the state, which closed Us annual sessions here last evening: Grand mas ter. Raloh - C McAllaeter n B.a.ti.. deputy grand master, Dr. Royal A. Gove ROOFING TIN ROOFING. GUTTERING. RE- pairing ana general Jobbing. J. Losli, in jerrerson st. facinc net. STENOGRAPHERS PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, AND TTPE wrlterf Maln 1271. 814 Dekum bldg. : . SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS , FOSTER A KLEISER SIGNS. We have built uo the ' laraest - aim business in the city by first-class work ana seeping our promises, our prices are -right 6th and Everett sts. Phone Exchange 85. - ' SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" PORT land Sign Co., 287 Stark. Pacific 1694. SPIRITUALISM., MRS. SOPHIA B. 1 SEIP RELIABLE Spiritual readings dally at 302 Alieky Diag., circles luesaaysna rioays at 9 p. m.i zrc. fnone rsciric ZS35. MRS. STEVENS. PORTLAND'S RE- . TRANSPORTATION. Jamestown Exposition LOW RATES JTJXT.g, 4, 8; AUOUST 8, , 10 J 8B1V. Royal Arch Masons opened its sessions When in San Francisco Stay at Hotel Hamlin. Eddv and Lea. enworth. permanent and fireproof; 100 rooms, 88 baths; rates fl.60 and up. .Biaay-Bireei cars at xerry. . . CLOSING 0E YEAR : ATMTONVILLE ' ("peclil Dispatch te The Journal.) ' McMlnnvUle College,' Or., June 15. Examinations -are now over and com mencement exercises have begun. Orel Welsh '08, and Buford Jones. '08, have gone aa delegates from the college T. M" C. A. to the Pacific northwest student conference at Gearhart A reception was tendered the debating and track teams Thursday night The program was a . presentation of ' "Hia watha." bv th L.-D M. Ci. anrorltv ' rrARll - Ufl n. . Maamam I rr-1 i ' . ... . . Frank C. Dunn nf aeitti-.- ?,"n...,;.l.n.' .??m"?Bium iiM... tj TiT ri aTii." u wuicn was very arusucauy uecoratea. -v ?"-Bwajr; grana lock r ara-nd l iwoM Mtgr-ts 'your eyes for 81. lit der of Linden; -griTnd Blbla v. ivMn',!w? .cr ' Benth. vln Swartout of Everett; grand senior P'"""' treBt- I steward,,. A.4 E. Piper l' Wtoatehaa; ir'tl -1 . '- 1 1. .,:'.:xJ& grana junior steward, L. I. Wakefield of PT?OPH KfiY FITS Elma; grand tyler, Charles D. . Knight j -C-tt-VAilA X AX O ! Alaska, H. R. SimpsonlT ine twenty-tnird annual conclave of the most emlnenrVvrand chapter of the 11.0 - gold Forlnflammetloa orOstarrhof tbe Bladder and Dltmtad Kle. nr. aoooaiRorar. Cares quickly and fennaaeDtiy the wont esM of i sad Cleet, as saatter ot bow of aiaaaiDf. aesoiateiy analoei. Bold bv drnaakta. THE SANTU.-PEPSIM Ca Belkaoataiae, Oala, by AD Drecrbts.- nets bought or handled on 126 5th st. 4Swetland bid Or. ' "-- LEWIS-8TENGER BARKERS' SUPPLY of Tacoma; senior grand wkrden, WU ucoicio in uwinu. uuvrn uai- u.j ouw pi uoivuie: junior bers Furniture, Barbers' Chalra, , 10th grand warden, Jere Neterer of Bellina and Morrison sts. I nam: grand treasurer, Nathan 8. Porter in i MBMIIIIII,,MIMM,M,.,MII1 , of oiymDia: rrAIIrl 81Arrsitnrw J U tir I Taylor of Olympla: arand 'chaniaiii' i William rln mr T . . vi dpoim grana leo turer, David 8. Prescott nt arand orator.. W. w imi f g;.i,...: &?,d "'hal. Oedrge R, Malcolm of "" n arana - senior iiMmn. Msslnnhfbt. the siasiWKL aouept as otlwr. bnt aand uVn. ' lllu.uid oook-Mliritslve full nartlanlsr. mZZL-S.''"7' . ww UHK. "V tolntemUd sad ibeeld ksow ., , soon wo woaaerrol Tbe BOW Vartnl biSM Jmiti . I Kessss thvrtum,. lnu-4L f lt-Vat Cooranlent J" W00DAJLD, CLAUCB oo. For gala n PLENTY. OF PLACES liable palmist and reader; readings dally. - spiritual 843 U life Yamhill. MS. SHAVER, SPIRITUAL READER. xs Biimno. mi., corner turn. SAFES PORTLAND SAFE CO., SOLE AGENTS for Hef rlng-Hall-Marvln aafea and Manganese Steel Safe Col's bank safes; 9A A.irut.han,f riranrnAf mm f am an A safes very cheap. See them or write sa vin st. us DlKBOLD MANGANESE ' SAFES ijare unea enrrtea. JOCK-UUIS Opened. Jacks, Jails, Metal Furniture. Honest prices and roods. Both chonei. i. . DAVIS, l lb ,'.., idbh il m, is. Chicago and return, 871.80. St Louis and return,' 187.60. St.- Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Supe rior. Winnipeg and Port Arthur and re turn, loo. 3-TCAINS DA1LV-3 For and a address iaa tkxbo arc, rosTXurD, cm. , Telephones: Main 888. Home A-88, here this -morning, 28 chapters being . w mi. - n. o. nicnoui ia Dmininff as grand hlh..Brleat. .'.':..- ... " The Eastern -Star, -which ''mum annual communication yesterday morn ingTwilI conclude today, as will also the Royal Arch Masons, m ,vV . Tacoma has been selected as the place i or we next annual meetina-a rr an th. Masonic bodies, and 8600 has been appro- i prlated . for expenses. The office of I r tickets, sleeping ear reservations Knd ""UJZ f ih 17,n io lesion' oi . ?t? additional information, call T 1! from 1lymplT t0 Tacoma. "H0" 6t sa H. DICKSON, C P. A ,T. A. . iJM llnit V.i? bMa. ' : . LL. tSpeelal Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) ' Aberdeen, Wash., June 15 A person who hah unearthed a very old almanac hae found in it a prediction that in the year 1907 .there would be no summer. Residents of this section recall that some ssven or eight years age there was practically no summer nere. Tne season was cold and rainy, with very little sun shine, and was predicted by the Indians or the reservation. - Tne past montn nas been delightful, but if the old almanac is correct It may be all tbe summer this WOMAN A SPECIALTY I ne only Chinese ' woman doctor in- this city, she has cured-; many afflicted sufferer. Cured private and female dlseasea, also throat and lung troubles: stomach bladder and kidney a?thaS ot Wnds that, the human flesh is heir-to. Cured by Chinese herbs and roots. Remedies No operations. . Honest 1M harmless. treatment. ' Examination free,' 282 Clay sU corner Third. ni nnn dered removed to this city. A XAP7T XOTXXn : Vref erred Stock Canned Oooda. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. x - orY riozrzo snrzAxcsmip 00.1 Steamships ROANOKE Sail for-Fareka. San Francisco and Los Angelas direct every Thursday at Id. m. Ticket otiice in Tinra, near Alder. Phcnes M. 1)11, -a XOUNO, Agent. ' "v dose of Dayton School. ' (Special Dispatch te Tbe JooraaL) -.v: Davton. Or.. June 15. Tbe Davton school closed yesterday with an appro- rrlate program at - tne sonooi nouse in he morning. Tbe three pupils from the eighth grade who received diplomas were Bessie Versteea. Eva Dan and " miio, pieaaant Charles Spangle. The baseball game In wf ,0nJr,ed.alwy olv Jt the afternoon between the Dayton and a trial.. Price 2.6 cents. Sold by all Amity schooU was won by Dayton with druggists. - .la -Core of i to (, will sei thct her baby la properly eared for te do this a good purgative Is noo essary. - Many babies suffer from worms and their mothers don't know it -If la : tbe wont dlsnaa on earth. mt .. the mslest to euro ,4!KN uuaow WHiNM. O DO.: Vf.n. ? Tt!' rL. v n "WW OB tba kid,- sores m the oath,, olcern, f.nia. half, boos -I iris BLOOD POISON. Send to DR. BHOW MS Arch St., Philadelphia Penn-fn BKOWN'8 BLOOD CURB, 8200 per WttUi lists one month. Sold In Portland only hi Woodward. Clsrke Co. . T7 v . Whites cream vermifuge will clean out these worms In a mild, pleasant ST0CKH0LDEES GIVEN . ROAD BY IIARRIMAK (Jonrnil kgpedT Service.) New Tork, June' 1 S.Af ter wrecking the Chlcaao - & Alton - Harrlman k1? icumiiJ. vmvMm w ine atock holders to be managed by them in the future. It was announced last night that the- deal between the-, Harrlman Interests and- the- Rock Island company had been abrogated by mutual consent. Under, this deal each company was to raan.aA..ih Alton la alternate years untlia91i. i , t u. . .