THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAE. PORTL'anA FRIDAY ; EVENING,' JUNE' ll 1007. Town Topics ; ' TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS 1 Hall! . . , . . : . . .Dookstader's Minstrels jnnrquun urana "uony varaen- Baker . .,"Tle Prince and th Pauper" uran vauflevllie. Ijyrlo ....'All the Comfort of .Home. 8 tar "The Bella of Richmond' The Oaka.O. W. P, carllne, lit and Alder ; Every Sunday evening tba aoolal elite of the city hava taxed tha capacity Of the, B&rgsnt hotel. Grand and Haw thorne avenues, serving , Mr. Bsrgent's famous dlnnera ; -f to : companionable partlea of ladles and gentlemen. Mr. Sargent's ability aa a caterer la so well known that Portland'a wealthier claaaea have formed tha delightful habit of en Joying hla skill In tha preparation of appetising dlnnera, hence the Bargent nnas nunaay us ousiesi nay or ail tne week. In this connection Mr. Sargent aye: "ii wouia greatly assist ma in providing for tba enjoyment of my aueata If they would telephone ma aa early on Saturday aa possible, stating tha number of plates desired and tha . nour at wnicn tney wish to he served. Our telenhona number la Eaat 191." A couple of weeka eo ao many persona war at tha hotel for dinner (bat quite a number could not be a a promptly ' cared for aa Mr. Bargent dealred, for it there la ona thins; more than another that ha ia a stickler for, It la prompt neaa - In serving hla guests. Mr. Sar gent has appointed Frederick a. Odell, a young man of large azperlenca In his Una, assistant manager of tha bouse, and between these two canabla and ef- Jlclent gentleman tha publlo may well Ijdfexpect the very beat service to be bad on tna racino coaac rersona oesiring a permanent homo at tha Sargent may be accommodated upon . application to tba assistant manager. - Mora and mora interest la being taken In tba coming production of tba "Bridge of tha Gods" by tha students of Paclflo university. It promises to be one of ina oest amateur plays of tha season. Tha graduates of all tha -preparatory schools will ba present by special lnvl- , isuon. inis piay ia especially interest' Ing, because It shows what kind of work can do aone at tne university. It la an enormous task to dramatise a novel sue ceasfully, yet this Is what has been dona by tha junior class of Paclflo uni versity. Anions tha natrons and natron- essea are Governor and Mrs. Chamber lain. Mr. and Mrs. F. Eggert, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Laldlaw, Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Wilson and other prominent people. ' Portland lumberman ara given a chance to furnish large quantltlea of apecial-sised timbers for tba construc tion of tha Panama canal by the terma of a bulletin just Issued by tha Isthmian canal commission asking for bids. Tha timbers desired ara special sizes of aawn timbers and extra long pilings used In tha work on the canal. Tha bul letin has been forwarded by tha com mission to tha chamber of commerce and it is probable that the .tlmbermen of tha city will aubmlt blda for con tracts to furnish either all of part of tba material required. - Progress la being made on the East Stark street AIL The section between ; Union and Grand avenuea has been com pleted and work is proceeding on the section between Cnion avenue and East Third street The track for dump cars is being built on the section above Grand avenue and work on that side of the thoroughfare will be started within a few weeka The sewer Is being replaced In the East Oak street nil oeiween urana avenue ana vast Sixth street where so, much difficulty was experienced in nnaing a soua loun daUon for the Wl. . " The suit of Harold F. "Wilde for $16, 000 damages from Robert Wakefield for fhjurlea' received on the Wells-Fargo bunding in May, its, was compromised In Judge Sears' department of the cir cuit court yesterday for $2,000. Only one witness had been called when the compromise was effected. Dr. Wheeler, the city health officer, testified that he had attended young Wilde after hla in jury, and tnat rus sxuii was crushed and fractured. It was necessary to re move about seven square Inches of Wilde's skull to save his life, aald the pnysician. Civil service, examinations, will be held ia Astoria, Baker City, Eugene and Portland June 1 for male acleotlflo assistant In the bureau of fisheries, salary 1750 per year; on July 10 for the position of farrier at 11,440 per year, and on July 17 for the position of clectrotypers helper (floor hand) at 13.10 par day. The elect rotypers' ex amination was postponed from June 12 because not enough applied to take the test Full Information concerning the above examinations can be obtained from the postmasters of the four cities named. IT IS NOT -WHAT YOU ' MAKE --V ' , " : ' t But what you , savethat's ;' ' what counts and that's why . wa have , many s friends 1 among those who are . atrug 1 gllng to lay aside something . ' for later rears, ,.r';y' 'S wr PAY INTWUtST Compounded ' Twloa ' very Teat, , And under our plan,, your ."prtnoK j pal and Interest ara available any time sou wish, ' Ones you set, ; interest to work, you will ba sur ' prised how your Savings will . grow. - Think It ver, then sea ; .us. " -: f',. '.Orp MM M$ M Uixth s6) WaalactOB lrae . - . Irartlaad, Orafoa.' i v". W. U. Koora, 2reaidami. 21. M. tytla, wioarraoldeat. V. Ooopei Morris, Oaahiaf. CTAmT TO IATI TODAY. With the rapidly increasing volume of business being transacted at the city hall, city employes are beginning to sea the necessity for the Installation of a directory of offices at the two entrances of the building. Inquiries aa to the lo cation Of certain offices ara ao frequent as to cause delay in clerical work and the hall committee of the council will probably be asked to Inaugurate tha di rectory, system at the next meeting of tha council. - Mrs. Blon Turner, who caused tha arrest bf her husband, Joseph X Tur ner, on the charge that he had fajled to support her; admitted this morning that ana naa oeen receiving 70 each nonth from her nusbana. Deputy Sher iff Bulger said Mra. Turner told him all he wanted was to get her husband Into jail, it is oenevea tnat tnia action was Inspired by Mrs. Turner's Jealousy of another woman. - Water through hose for sprinkling yards or sidewalks or washing porches or windows must be paid for la advance and used only between the nours of 6 and 8 a, m and S and 0 p. m. It must not be used for aprttikllng streets. If used contrary to these rules, r . jvaeteimiy, it wiu oe snut on. ' -t. Councilman Menefea la endeavoring Xo ascertain the sentiment of cltisena in the Williams avenue school district regarding the location of the xjew build ing which is to replace the structure on Russell street It is the plan to call a mass meeting and obtain expressions of opinion. , ' Omaha business men who were in Portland during the early part of the . week are showing their appreciation of DELAY IS ' COSTLY If your teeth need treatment the longer you wait the larger it will make your oiu. .-- -OPIATES nmtr Ai Call at once and let us .examine your teeth. Wa will give you tha best service In every branch of tha dental profession, and by painless methods that will meet with your approval. When . desired you can have T. P. Wise or my personal aervloe. ' : W. A. WISE, Dentist THIRD AND WASHINGTON STa T. P. Wise, H. A. Starderant and Dr. BafTman, Associates raon MAxjr toaa. tha welcome extended to them bv Port' land business and commercial organisa tions aurinx tneir . stay in tne city. since tne aeparture or tne excursion' lets several letters have been written to the offlcera of the various organisa tions thanking them for the welcome extended and tha " entertainment af forded during their visit John Rlgby, & Maker and Joe Deters, young men from Woodstock, ware ar raigned before Judge CI eland yester day afternoon, and fined II each for gambling. They had formed the habit of assembling in a -dance hall near tha car shops, and playing draw poker for small antea to while away tha evenings. un tneir promising to atop gambling in the future, the Judge dismissed them with light fines. The last meeting of tha season of the Montavllla Home Training circle was held yesterday afternoon. Offlcera work heard. Mra i. D. "Sullivan waa if-, i. i: f. Is necessary during the next 20 days and we are making the most radical price reductions in the history of Portland. : This sale will make all former sale events in this city look like extravagance like throwing money to the birds. YOU HAVE BUT TO LOOK' IN OUR . WINDOWS TO BE CONVINCED. i s il taw A chance to save money. We promised you a Skirt Sale and here you are. See our windows and you will be convinced 1000 SKIRTS IN TOUR BIG LOTS LOT No. 1 SKIRTS in" 20 different styles and colors ; values (J iC up to $5.00. 1 y o LOT No. 2 SKIRTS in all colors and mate rials; values ('? AZ , up to $7.50. ....... I)aW40 LOT No. 3 SKIRTS in all styles and mate rials, voiles, Panamas and mix tures; values h ( i AC up to $;..4)4,,yO LOT No. 4 SKIRTS Values CO OC up to $22.50.. ....4yyo EM Sale Pure Linen Suits White and colors; regular QC $15.00 values, Saturday.. DUyO After Dinner Sale, from 7 to 9.30 p. m. SILK PETTICOATS Regular $7.50 values to I lo Mem WAISTS Saturday morning only from 8:30 to 1 p. m. ; values (1 it up to $3.25.. ..$1.40 Fifth and Alder Sts. was arraigned before Judge Cleland in th. circuit court this morning, cnargea with assault upon 1 6-year-old Ina Shaw- ver. and pleaded not guilty. i. accomplish TinnuMi without tnat eain ana srri that you suffer with the odlnary reme Mineral water will pose without tnat the griping c STORE, CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX O'CLOCK 3 Try Wild Pigeon Mineral Springs wster aa it now irom us roin. dies. were elected and reports on the year's work heard. Mra i. D. Sullivan was elected president; Mra N. W. Bowl and, vice-president; Miss Minnie Butler, sec retary and treasurer; Mrs. H. B. Dick inson snd Mra Z. M. Youna act with tha offlcera aa the executive committee. Other ODtlclana charge from tl to 110 for the aame eye glasses we mske for from 11 to St. We guarantee satisfac tion. Dr. George Rubensteln. reliable optician. 188 Fourth street, between xamnut ana xayior. white Flyer line of launches will1 make dally trips to the Oaks and re- j floe IOC Pine street. at Co, For Ice call Mala 214. Co- IS1 Stark. Of- W. Wynkoop Zee Delivery Dr. E. C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquatn. Nurseryman Pllklngtoa. ft TamhllL Oragonlan Confectionery. HI Sixth, D. Chambers, optician. HI Seventh- Berger elgns 284 Tarn hill phone. Gold watches Beck 208 Alder. SPECIALS TOR SATURDAY INTERESTING ITEMS OFFERED FOR TOMORROW ONLY THESE BEING SUBJECT TO DELIVERY AT OUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE, AND FOR WHICH.WE WILL NOT ACCEPT MAIL, TELEPHONE or C. O. D. ORDERS Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. KIser soenlo photos. Imperial hotel. LOUIS JAGGER BUYS ON EAST BUENSIDE STREET The largest real estate transaction re ported so fsr this week waa tha pur-I chase of the Marshall property, at the southwest corner of East Burnstde street and Grand avenue, by Lewis Jag- ger, for 146,000. The property has a I frontage of 90 feet on Grand avenue and SO feet on East Burnslde and ts covered by a three-story frame building. Man & von Borstal made the aeal. Byron H. Chapman has purchased a 60-foot lot on Flandera. between Twen tieth sad Twenty-first street from J. H. Day for $5,000. Another $ 5,000 residence sale reported today was that of three lots In Orchard Homes addition on the Montavllla ear turn. Boata leave .foot of Yamhill me. purchased Dy H. u. Johnson from Street daily at 1:80 p. m.; Sunday 10 1 ixirenso Jean. a. m. Ttcketa at dock office, 10 eenta. I a n quarter oioca at tne soutnwest wrncr vi turry ana waier streets nas A Free Cookbook for You. Don't for. been aold hy Sumner J. Barber to Adam get to clip the Royal Bakery advertise- ca" for l.7Q, ment mo. a. mat appears on tne market page of this paper. A beautiful cook book free to all who save the series. Chicken Dinner at Oaks Tavern. Commencing Saturday. June IS. - and dally thereafter, a first-class chicken dinner will be served at Oaka Tavern from 8:30 to I o'clock. Fender Testa The Portland Railway. utnt ac rower company win rive a s ries of fender tests at the Savler street F.V.BALTES d GOnPAfJY MAIN 165 INVITE YOUR INQUIRIES FOH pmrjTirjG f;::t aid cix STREETS POETLAND INCLUDED ON INSPECTION TBIP Howard Elliott, president of the North ern Pacific, is scheduled to arrive in Portland with a company of Northern Pacific officials next week for a visit) of inspection. He Is com in with H. C. barn tomorrow (Satarday) morning at H""- newly appoint general manager t -o'clock. . I tbe northweat lines of the Hill aya-1 Sunday will he a dry day If you do il Tacoma to succeed m. vey, not call o KeUVs Familv iJotinRtnr. "ho has been called to St PauL Presi- successor to CasaweU & Kelly, Park and Morrison, Phones Main IS, Home A JJ0I. , ' PEDESTAL STANDS Special $1.75 Eighteen inches high, 12-inch top, fin ished in the quarter-sawed golden oak, a strongly built 'and attractively designed piece, base and top of solid oak; sells reg ularly for $4.00. An unusual bargain at the above special. One only to each purchaser. SATURDAY S AL ' ,( OF PORTIERES , aaaiaaaMMaMllB1HaiaBBaaBM Tomorrow we place on sale our entire stock of portieres and door hangings at one third less than their regular selling values. The assortment consists of our new spring pat terns that are limited to one and two-pair lots. Following we quote a few of the spe cial values offered in our Drapery Dept Sixth Floor: $3.00 Tapestry Portieres, special, pair. 2.00 $4.50 Tapestry Portieres, special, pair.... $3.00 $6.00 Tapestry Portieres, special, pair,... $4.00 $9X0 Tapestry Portieres, special, pair..., $6.00 $12.00 Tapestry Portieres, special, pair... $8.00 $18.00 Tapestry Portieres, special, pair.. $12.00 BASLM'T SPECIALS Highly glazed English Teapots In dainty rich decoration and art designs, three sizes. Special for tomorrow only, in the Basement Department: Special, each ... .2S SMALL SIZE TEAPOTS. MEDIUM SIZE TEAPOTS. Special, each LARGE SIZE TEAPOTS. SpedaL each. 45 Wire and Iron work of an kinds: Are escapes, elevator enclosures and fences. Columbia Wire A Iron Works. 16S-37S iaat waanmgion. , rnone aiaat 703. Portland Shoe Repairing Co, SSI Yam- Northern Pacific. mil . street between Third and Fourth streets, for food and quick work. Bauer at Stoppen. Phone Paclflo S22S. dent Elliott has Just Issued . a. general order announcing that on June II the Northern Pacific system will be oper ated In two general divisions, H. J. Horn at 8t Paul being the general manager of the eastern, division and Mr. Nutt general manager of the west ern division. Mr. Levey will have gen eral management of all lines of the I BARGAINS IN CROCKLRY, COOKING UTLNSILS. FLOOR COVERINGS, LTCLxchange Dept -Harry 'Wood, for Oregon-grown, gov ernment-inspected, - Juicy, first-grade meats at extremely low prices. ' 4ee Market page. 1 Heavy, Impure blood makee a muddy, pimply complexion, headaches, nausea. Indigestion. Thin blood makes you weak, pale, sickly. Burdock Blood Bit ters maaas tne 0100a ricn. rea, pure restores peneci nwutn. Metzger fits your ayes for tr.ihnuni and sv landinn I Wsshlnitton street corner nut tundav. Leaves WaahJnartan tr.t I formerly at 11 llxtrl street. aoca 1 p. sa. Sweet cream buttermilk, cheese, but ter, nam. ecga, coxree. etc ureron Cheese Co- Bwetiand building, ll mth street. :-: i . II. (41 Seventh. Allen's Kuahlon Komfort Shoes damp, oof. velvet-like cushion Insoles assure he hlrneet degree of .comfort. 4es Morrison. - , , BUble Wanted to Rent About 160a 100. v Apply at once. w. u.. ureafeii, rrancis ava. stno oeimont. rooat Tl bor 7CL r Why pay more? Metsger fits your eyes for II. 141 "Wash. St, cor. 7th. rormeriy ai 111 eixui mimu Capitalists, Twenty-three acres fori uli aa a whole. Western Orecoa Tract Co-. ji ettara atree. . Acme Oil Co. sells the best aafety coal oil and line gaaoiiaa . .fftoaa uaat 7: Woman's Exchanre. Ill Tenth street. , loneh U:J0 to J; business men's lunch.; &&Tte HcHili Theatre Xjaai Time Tonight 8 AS o'clock. Lew Dockstader and Bis Greal . Uinstreb A at froem A s . Prices 11.69, 11.01, 76c, SOc, tSai tie. Beats aening at toe tneatre. Msia 1 VSJSL. DEIUG THEATKE Saturday Night. June It. ra xxxdox ox m aoss- i, - Given by nrssvTS r vacxtxo . ubivjbjucety Prices Zlc 10c, tic, $1.00. Seats selling at theatre. Morquam Grand Onl Pfcan lfaia C three more -nights and matinee .v 1 pair of children's shoes at RoeenthaJ'a Diamond W -it's a off at your gToo ily Saturday and . Sunday of the beautiful John Kalkofaa, a Suaayslda nraman. oorale opera "DOLLY VARDBN sk for It 1 Tha Talk ef the Hour. Don't Miss This Beautiful Production. -rrteM-Ta, ia aOa, IBa, Matbwa, S9a sad see, . Wall Papers in Art Effects from cubit I iSSOOO j C0MPLETE-H005E'FURni511BR5 SAKE T00I j OWWTCKatSjl Lawn Mowers - SJPBBBJBSJBJ''- Washing Machines 1 14th asa WasMngtoa HE1L1G THEATRE VIOLA ALLEN Ptmn Monday Night. June tT, . ghaiespeare s OallgbtftU Comedy. -TWaTLTTSI .MlOSnr" . i ' Tuesday Night Jun 1. One Act from osAXrjr" "1ADT TXASXX" "JTJIXT : -TOATIA" : Prices Lower floor, ! rows, IS.Os: last rowe, l.l. Balcony. rows, 11.00; last I rows, 76c Gall am lee. 1 fl hllSSAIIrll HN KOHSES PARK Dancing Every Saturday and Sunday THZ TAB aaXZa TH-ATal nwee Mala D r Baker, Gmmnl Hsnuer. Attraetlsa U tall twk, Uttle Outs Casper, Anerfca's m sasst ebUe star, eapperted r BMaS) M tto Baker Thtr Oooipany 1b .ancslfleMit pmdnetton f Mark Tirsla's beeatlful-nlsr, r'THX FAIITCS AX9 IHI TAVTZM." N child shwOd at ml4 the dtllrbt ef tbtt etMrmteg 4 tetsrwtlnr ateee. Bpeatal Boat Hstiase WedsesOar. Every cttfld with Met frss. lUsalar tines aatarday. Bvealnc. tit. SAe, Me. hUUBMs, like. SK. tisct asskj Klaa's Mssical CMnad enaiasay. - - 8TAX nwae Mala HMTBX Entire Week ot Jtute 10th. : . Xhs Kaarfaaisad Star Stock Qsuatiy Praanita tkz sxxxx 01 miamomy . a plr is faor acts IfstlneM Tnecdara. TborMlar, Satardaya and Bandar at 1:80. Price 16e and SOe. Erery mnniug at S.ll. Irlea lOe, SOe snd SOe. Beaerrad seats by paans for all pcrfars- eea. Man Mwa. Next attrartlon "Coefaaloa." &K al , ff J V lyric theatre; XUs JTre- V Fbons Kate 4688 Weak tha Allen Stack Oompanjr eouag wa. vumn i 'ueMiiralea . roor-Art tlomadr. ' maix.Txx coatroaTB or kokx." statunaa Taedr - TtiurdT. Baturday and Swday. Prleea. , lOe. 90c Brsry evening at :1S. Prleas Mke. Me and SOc. d easts by Baaoa, Mala aSSS. Ot fjest 10 a. m la It p. m. TOE gPXCZAX. COVCZ0RTS Concerts by 'the Incomparable - Schllsonyl's .1. xxnroAJOAaT artniAJts at ;00, J:l f:40, :40. SrjrajCXAXi t 1 DAREDEVIL DAVEi?02IS . - voirzGisrz . , In their aerial eztravatTansa on the high wire at 9:10 a'clock. Sea the king of the high wire make hie daath-def ylna dash -over a. slender cable on a . wheel of fire. 101 feet burn. Greatest act of Its kind i tba world. SATURDAY Free Rides en 11:2 BASEBALL ATHLETIC PARK. Corner Tsagha and Tweaty-foartk. June 11, n. 13, 14, 15, 16. Los Angles vs. Portl" j : Games called at 1:19 p. tn. dally. Games called at p. m. funcUra . laonr sir rsioiT, ADMISSION 25 arsndstand I5a Children 10a. Bog Seata SSc . the c?x;d Vi"k ef June 10. Vuilir!le 3" l.m heal-d bt n, In nnoiM riown (.iitumnn, V-r oil AU ' !n t'i t.auw.!'t." 9oial