THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND,' FRIDAY EVENING.: JUNE 14. 1807. ' ..'.f AT THE TIIEATBES : V 'V "DoUx Vardca" ruiw, f. ? ::' . , There , ts no, doubt of the 'sincere In Merest the peoplt Of Portland are tak. ' Sf .,,n 1? 'revival of .that pretty opera "l)ollV Vftl-rian "...ha, I. K.l -.' wrr? . . - mini puiiiK iniM week at the Marquam by the San ran" clsco opera company.- It It considered ty many to be the prettiest of all comic , opera,1 and. bl. crowds have attended every .performance.. There , will be a ; matinee tomorrow, . , 7 : t - ; -v. . , 'The rortutie-Teller Victor Herbert's fcest oomlo opera, la to be the offering ,or tne wao sranclsco opera company at the Marouarn next -week, beft-lnnlng Mon day night 'It. will be the last week , phi oM.oi.ut engagement of the Ban r ranciaccK-opera company m this city, "ine fortune-Teller'' -1 , sure be Crowds Cheer. tb Davenports. . . The Davenports proved a great draw-tng-card at the Oaks laat night In their daredevil feats. Their bicycles llluml nated , by numbers of ciectrUf lights w.hl!fi on ' th? wirV the presented a thrilling sight The Davenports are tor iwo wees. BchU-onjrl's band . continues to please, and the various other attractions are brinrinr rrnwri. t i oe para nespue me weather. , ' - Popular Summer Attraction. , The Baker will open a short season of musical burlesque Sunday afternoon. The Zlnn travesty company and II aweet dancing girls are Included. The opening burlesque will i "Teesr- AVft.BV. BAM fn k. m iw.l M n l..h... jS" HUflt VI IUUS1U. ' 'A i,! 'r' ... ' j Children's ; Matinee Tomorrow. ' Uttla Ollla Cooper - and the Baker 4heatre company delighted hundreds of cnuaren as wen as older- people at the matinee last Wednesday, and the last opportunity for young- folks who cannot go out at night to see the charming lit .tie actress will be tomorrow's matinee. ; : ; "Little Lord Fantleroj." ,V. ; Manager Baker announces a special m v. : J Lew Dockstadery.tlie Jolly. Minstrel, Who Gives His ' Last Performance . at the Helllg Tonight?" i '4 v engagement Sunday Sight at the Helllg theatre of Miss Ollle Cooper, the young ohlld actress. ' and the - Xiaker theatre company, -la a production of Frances Hodgson Burnetrs "Little Lord Faunt-I leroy', Beat are now on. sale. , - Wlreleas- Demonstration. ' There Is no' burlesque nor travesty about the demonstration , of , wireless telegraphy, the . headline "attraction at the Grand next week. , Charles Henry. the demonstrator, will prove that sci ence can be a entertaining and more Instructive than a song and dance. r Farce Comes Next. ' Nat C Goodwin's farce, "Confusion," will be the bill at the Star theatre next week. . This will be presented beginning Monday nicht when . It will have its local premier. Nat Goodwin estab lished himself as a comedian In "Con-1 DAREDEVIL DAVENPORTS AT THE OAKS 1 ' - i i . . V '. n J Last night the DaredevU Davenports mad their Initial bow before a Port land audience at the Oaks, commencing a two weeks' engagement at this more than ever popular resort. , s . v ' ' . " ' " f' They introduced many new sensational and spectacular features on a wire stretched 75 feet above the earth. These daring riders perform many difficult feats In mld-alr, on bicycles brilliantly Illuminated -with' tolored inoandescent lights, creating a weird and peculiar effect- against the black background Of the sky. They have In their repertoire a list 01 n aeau-aexytng . periormances wmcn muss oe seen o oe mpprwuiVBu. r..- .-. . - Men's 1 I I III 1 Togg ery rancy Half Hose .L25c ;"50c TTA1rtxr3r i . . . . nf r tl OH "r- r Shirts . . $1.00 $3.00 Belts . ; :; ..V..f . 50c ,$2.00, ,; "V Underwear at; All : Prices We're offering a. phenomenal shirt bargain.; . A good negligee, shirt,tUght; and dark pat-. Jerns with attached or separate --:-.r.-- .cuffs 'special values r separate',' j at;-.vJ. C ' I fusion, and the farce Is as funny now as It was then. This will be the first time the reoraanlxed stock com Dan v has appeared In light plays. - No Better Vaudeville.' Old and rounc are pleased with the vaudeville entertainment at thw-flmnrV No better program has been played here man mis weetc s Din. Tne eiown ana the Chinaman make everyone laugh with r un in a uninese xaunory.r ana Mil, Olive has a lurrlina act which causes gaspa of astonishment at her dexterity. The four Masons have a comedy sketch, "The Countrr School." full . of. aonc. dance and fun. and there are, aside from mesa, any number or clevor entertain ers. It Is a program which seekers after light amusement cannot afford to miss. Bells, of Richmond'' at the Star theatre tomorrow. . This Is up ' to date, :he strongest and best-liked of the Star theatre .attractions.. Seats for the .--malning performances are now- on sale at me eox orrice. , ... . , - , . . Star Bfatlnee Tomorrow. ; Matlnee-goers will want to see "The . . "Shall We Forgive ner." ' Next week the Allen ' stock, company will offer Us patrons Marie Waln wrlghfs "Shall W Forglva Herf It teems with excitement from beginning to fend, and the comedy and heart-Interest Is well Interwoven. - Miss Josephine Deff rey will play the leading role. , . ! m"" r- ? 'vi - "All the Comforts of Homo." j ? "; A- th Lyrlo ?the Allen' stock com pany 1 eoverlng Itself with glory by Its excellent- performance of WUllamv Gillette's famous comedy, "AH the Comforts of Home," This will be the last appearance of Verna Felton for some time, ' as that popular young actress leaves for her summer vacation nexweek. .. ,,..,,... ..-;, ,: - ' ."'m . m i ii, ;! Last Time Lew Dockstader Tonight, Lew Dockstadejr and his big minstrel company will give their last perform ance at the Helllg theatre. Fourteenth and Washington streets, tonight at 8:18 o'clock. ' Seats sellings at theatre box office. Concert in front of theatre at Till OCIOCK. 4 , v. '-. f : VloU Allen . t Helllg Thesttre. :; '' Next Monday i night." June 17, ' the charming actress. Viola Allen, will pre sent Shakespeare's delightful eomedy, "Twelfth Night." at the Helllg theatre. Fourteenth and ' Washington streets. Tuesday nicht. June 18. Miss Allen will present a special bill comprising- four different acts from four different plays. Seats are now selling at theatre box of. floe. .. . .. INDICTED FOE SELLING , SMALL BOYS TOBACCO , For selling ' tobacco to 1 two young boys, Mrs. 1L Hatneld and Miss Lydia Hatfield - of ' St, Johns have been In dicted by the district attorney. They were arrested on bench warrants and later were released on 115 ball each. The boys to -whom the tobacoo Is said to hav been sold are Roy MaUon, aged 11 years, and Malcolm Stockton, aged 10 years. ;- V I "I . 4 '. Oranolated Byellda Oared by . tn xousekou svKoxoir.' Druggists refund money if Or. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil falls, v 26c. VERY AGED UOHAX DEAD AT EUGENii ' , (Special Dlipateb to Th. Journal) Eugene, Or., June 14. Mr. Kllsabeth Griffin, aged 14 years, is rtea.l at tlii home of her grandson, O. W. CJrlilln, In Eugene, after being an Invalid nunv year She was born In Otaego eouniv. New York, and came to Eugene with her son, Gilbert P. Qrlffln. In IMS. Bha lived with him till his death In 1897, afir which she continued to reside with his widow. .She leaves, besides th grand son mentioned, another grandson. Drew Qrlffln. of this city, and a granddaugh ter, Mrs. It 8. Bryson. also of Kugtnie. accidents will happen, but the beet- regulated families keep Dr. Thomas' E--lectrle OH for such emergencies. It subdues th pain and heals th hurts. Mailorders: Filled " from !thi ad , and filled the same day we 1 receive them. Out-of-town customers ' should take this meant of bringing; this large store to their doors. , STORE CLOSES AT SIX. Ladies' Home Journal Patterns 10c and I5c FIFTH STREET , r mSHINGTON STUEET , SIXTH STREET, Ladies' Home Journal for Sale at Pattern Counter JheRoseShow ffi . From June 19 to June 22 we are going to have a Rose Show and Fiesta here in .Portland. , . Those who live in Portland get out and boost, outsiders plan on attend ing. ' '-3. ''. '' ';.' U, STORE CLOSES AT SIX AndWeUsherltOufma Blaze of Bargain Glory An Apology In the Friday corset advertisement we Stated that we carried the Ad jus to Dowager -Royal Corsets, in the front lacing models. This was a mistake on. the part of the advertising man, and the manager of the corset 'department wishes to correct it The Adjusto models are for stout figures and do not lace in front; the front-lacing models are for slender figures. The advertising man. takes all the blame. for the error, as usual. ' All lines of white reduced for the sale. Everything white or cream in any line on which the price la not fixed by contract goes in at a sale price, Saturday is the last day of the sale. Make it your oppor tunity to share in the reduced prices that prevail al rover the house. Savings on Musunwear, Linens, White Dress Fabrics, White Silks, White Shoes, White Hosiery, White ChinawareA Glassware, White Tinware, White Woodenware, White, Enamel ,Ware, White Enamel Beds, White Blankets, White Lace Curtains, etc . : . :- v ; ' ..?;- '-. V- :-t: -S'. P. Special Sale Prices on Everything White eZiSui One Half Price :, - V4,f Half orice for the daintiest kind of Waists. . Made of the best materials and in the best styles. Waists that you wouldn't think it possible to buy for these small prices, lit wouldn't be possible under regular circumstances either. But these are waists that we bought way under regular price. Come in the dainty lingerie styles, or the plain tail ored effects. . Materials are lawns, dotted Swisses, polka dot linens and allover embroideries. They are waists that sell regularly for from $3 to $32.50 each. All day Saturday, thousands of them at. Children's Coats at Half Price Again TVf 14f fli.e CJ-aftirrlav nnnnrfiinitv clin 4 rr if ma r hi th 1a ct vnii'11 fiJlvt Af inrl vnif these coats are good styles, made of all wool and silk materials, in sizes for little maids of 6 to 14 years of age, and they sell for J. . . . . . . ..... . . . . .... .... HALF PRICE HALF Shoes Sell Cheap Again Bo ys' and Girls' Shoes Bargalnized and the Friday Specials for Men and Women Repeated for Saturday's Selling Girls' Oxfords, black leather, blu cher cut, with light weight soles, made of very soft, fine, stock and neat, dressy Shoes. 6 td 8, worth $1.29 pair. ..$1.09 Wx to 11, $1.59 value.... 8129 V2 to 2, $1.79 value'. $1.49 2 to 7, $2.19 value. .$1.79 WOMEN'S LOW SHOES, in kid or white canvas, with light or heavy soles, some are. fitted With dull tops, and nearly all are blucher cut. Any style in this lot flt nt is a good wearing shoe, worth to $2.50, for ...,Ue7 WOMEN'S LOW SHOES, in canvas and leather. The canvas shoes come in blue, pink, Nile green, tan and white. Then there are some smart patent leathers, including a hew one-hole garden tie. The others come in button or lace, plain or blucher styles, swing or straight lasts. Included are low heel oxfords ; for , girls who wear women's sizes. Any white canvas shoe in the stock, worth to ; t Qfi $3.00 pair, special .................. . . . ....... 1 9 70 LOT 3.-Women's Oxfords and Shoes, showing a large assortment of tans . and blacks, the latter including many pretty styles in patents, light or medium soles; shoes for street or dress wear. Come in the following colors, blue, pink, gray, reseda; regular values to $4.00 ' $t AO pair ; special r VutvU Boys' Shoes, made of summer weight kid, or fine calf, regu lar styles and a great, many of them ; shoes of exceptional merit and value. Come in sizes 9 to 5y$, and are priced aS follOWSt '. ' ' ..--.:",.-. ' V .'!-. . J. 9 to 13y2, special $1.49 1 to 5, special...: $1.89 D Save HereMouMmWM - II . Cooper's Ribbed Underwear, in white or creaml"two-piece or union suits; special $1.50 grade for $1.25, QC and $1.00 grades ....... .... ...... ... ... , . . ...... . 00C Men's 150c Qualities, good underwear, in white or cream; flat or ribbed weave;, special A. 1 regular values $1.00 ; special ............... i Ml 9 uuwr ill wuiiv v vivsiuj " ivuuvvu. f Vl Regular $2.50 $3.50 $4.00 r M4A Mfl( 'MM ibs ' v special ,. vw Men's; White Linen 'Kerchiefs, Riclurd son's linen, one of the best 25c handkerchiefs on the market; special price, each 42c 85c $5.00 $4.00 20c Men's White or Cream Vests, in pique or Easket weave special for the 1 As sale at ONE-FOURTH LESS, THAN REGULAR '. .. .... . ... ..... . . . . Saturday Savings on Hose Women's Lace Hose, three special lines of the best 50c qualities; a lot that embraces nine different designs. Bargains that you'll surely appreci- OA . ate for Saturday, for these splendid 50c values are selling for, the pair. : OuC Women's Hose, in very, select patterns, thre designs to choose from, Ij sell recrularly at 85c the pair; special, Saturday v....;v.....V...... OUC Kew lines of Lace Hose for summer wear. Fine imported goods in handsome patterns, fine gauze lisle thread, with or without embroidery, and, many sorts of pretty hosiery, suitable for vrear with, the low shoes. - ; Women's and Children's Deimel Klesh Linen Underwear The most comfortable and the most practical sanitarygaxment made for sum ITlCr,. f aTsvUdCI US JVldllOUUll SU IVVVJJ uy OftUI vwn Infants' Sinsrle Garments Chndren'a Single Garments . Women's Single Garments . . . 81.75 $2.25 $3.00 Women's Union Suits ..v. ...$6.00 Men's Single Garments . . . . . . .$3!5 Mens Union Suits l t .$6.50 BY THE TH0US: AND LongMoveis Long Silk Gloves,1 in black and white are the popular handwear. When these are so scarce, 'tis good news to know: that you can get all you want of them at the regular prices. We could sell every pair we have to dealers at al most the regular retail price, I so scarce are they in the local market. Look to your needs nQ) and lay in a supply before they are all snapoed up. ' Priced at $2.50, (fi f A $2.25, $2.00, $1.75 and M.jU Women's Wash Belts, fine embroidered pat terns,, a great assortment of patterns and prices. From the very fine hand-embroidered ones at $2.50 to $4.50, down to modest priced affairs. These are priced at op 75s, 65, 35 and .........,.... . ZOC MiMhWSM Sells Fast New styles, charming, piquant shapes, splendid "materials and trimmings that lend the greatest possible beauty, both in harmony of color and selection of design. Hats that were chosen for , the particular women that form the clien tele of the Olds, Wortman & King store. , " Read Weil These Prices, for They Shov Immense Savings on the Already Very Low Prices Regular $ 5.00 values, selling now at $2.98, Saturday v. Regular $ 7.50 values, selling now at $3.49, Saturday . .M Regular .$ 9.00, values,'selling now' at $3.98, Saturday Regular $10.00 values, selling now at $5.00, Saturday Ready-to-Wear Hats, Outing Hats, Beach Hats, and all sorts of err. ?rt Vacation and Street Hats, in Milan," Java, Satin, Jap, Bedford O r '? r ' ford Cord braids, fine little affairs that sell regularly for up to $3.50; special for Saturday again .Y; v. . .... .......- . ...a....... .rf. ................ ,v 19 5D sr