THE OREGON DAILY JOU! 'NAlj, t PORTLAND, FRIDAY VEXING, ; JUNE , 14, 1007. 1$ inents received too late for insertion in these pages will be found on Page 15. San Francisco 'Office Oregon Journal 789 Market St.; bet 3d 4 th as ygKTiggmgwrg aitd ' ero- CKZPTXOai BSCXXYXA. . " 1 Oregonlans whan In San Francisco Nn bavs their mall aent la cars of The Journal office. ( , i ARTHUR I. FISH, Representative. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Watson'a addition to Alblna . . 450 Llllle - and Frank McConnell to ; Michael T. Moran, lot 7, bloclt' t ' , Miller's, addition to SelU wood ....J.......... ' 600 FOR ABSTilACTS. TITLE TtSSUn- anes or mortgage loans, en 11 on. Pacific Tltla ft Trust Co., 204-6-6-7 Falling bldg. &T ' YC-UR "" INSURANCE AND AB- stracta to real estate from tha Title Guarantee A Trust Co., 110 Washington t., cor. id. A 'i FUNERAL NOTICES. MULTNOMAH CAMP NO. 77, Woodmen of tha world, meets every Friday mgnt a 11 EaSt Sixth: bis clasa In Illation tonight; visitors cordially welcomed. .' J.'M. WOODWORTH. Clerk. EVERGREEN CAMP, UH FUNERAL NOTICES. 6KELTON THE FUNERAL OF i THE lata Joseph Skelton will ba held from tha residence. KIT Peninsular ave.. Sunday. June 18. at Id. m. Frlenda Invited Services at the grave private. M. W. A meets Wednesday evening. bldg., 8d and -Morrison ata. ,'Allsky LOST AND . FOUND UNDERTAKERS MAX M. 8MITH, FLORIST, 18 BTH at., opposite Meier JJTanxa Main 7115. RICKHOW uKbEKTAKllVi CO. AND embalming, o Aider st rtionsMaln 6133. Lady assistant. p, FINLEY A SONS. D AND MAW son sts. Of flea of county coroner. rnone wain g. h. hemSTOCk. FUNERAL T1 rector. East 11th and Umatilla. Phone Bell wood Tl. Lady assistant. DUNGING. M'ENTEE ft GlLBAUGxl emoaimers; modern NEW TODAY. LOOK New l-roora , modern . cottage. .gl.SOO .New 6-room modern cottage.. 81,650 New 7-room modem cottage.. 82,000 Kaw -room modern, cottage. .81.200 1 eholoa building let..... 8500 I lota on corner ............... .8500 lota In one place. ...... .....81.200 lota and 8 -room house. ....... 8850 ' These are all bargains and tight at tha car line, all plastered with wood fiber, and porcelain bath tuba, hot and cold water; all aold on easy terms. You deal with the owner, JOB NASH, at Millard are Nashville addition on tha Mount Bcott car una. Also some cnotoe acreage. .. WEATHER REPORT THE WEATHER cmfwhUfll It A high pressure are of considerable Strength Is central thta morning off me nortn California coast. A well-de- fined disturbance la central ever Al ' berta, and another one la central over western Nebraska. Tha barometer la relatively high over tha Lake region. ana a snauow low pressure area la cen tral off - tha Virginia coast. - During the last It hours showers have occurred on the Pacific slope, and in the middle Atlantic, south Atlantic and gulf states. . Temperaturea continue below normal In this district, and frosts were reported this morning in eastern Oregon and . southern Idaho. v ; The Indications ' are for fair and warmer weather In thla district Satur. day. . , ... :, . " -Temp. " , ' ' . V.-; Max. MIn. Precip. Boise. Idaho .......64 41 .84 Boston. Mass. .....71 ' 41 .0 Chicago, 11L. v.. ...88 1 ' 84 . Denver,. Cola, . . ; rt u -v 8 4- ,1 Fresno, Cat--. 76 J 41'' : ,0 Helena, Mont .....40 . .. .08 Los Angeles, Cat .,78 81 .8 New Orleans, La, ..88 74 i .8$ New York, N. Y.....88 . 84 .14 Portland, Or. 88 . 48 .17 Sacramento, CaL ...80 .48 1 ,40 Bt. Louis, Mo, 71 61 .0 San Diego, CaL ....46 , 68 ,81 Pan Francisco, CaL. 80 SO - .68 Taeoma. Wash. 41 .0 Washington, D. C .60 84 .16 THE RIVER. Tha river at Portland lll Fu,h - J.a5.e.,of l8-1 reet Saturday. It will rise slightly Sunday, and fall slightly Mon- day. . ,.. . . . ., . Note The river at Portland -yesterday was 18.8 feet. Instead of 18.1. aa printed In the weather map. ; undertakers and In every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 410. Lady assistant. - ' JtELLER-BRNES CO.. FTNErAL lil reotors, erobalmera, 171 RuaselL : East 1088. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMANV MUERTAKA!r; 120 t at ERICSON embalming. 408 Alder 8161. Lady assistant UNDERTAKING CO- AND Ml at aln CEMETERIES tJttrtrT VTFTaT-HTVnT W flTHWO I1A V W MMM WW Wlil MJCi ajTXA W Ut f 1 vi family lota, aisa 10x18, for 1 104 and upwaroa, accoramg to sue; . tne oniy cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains and cares for lots. For full Information, apply to W.,R. Mackensie, Worcester block, city. W. M. Ladd, president. ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES, 110; family lota. 816 to 876. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont at and Cully road. Phone Tabor IOC For full Information apply to Frank Schlegel. ik. 601 Commercial bl Phone Main 1821. NOTICES. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- ceivea or me at mv office. No. ? lit ?C u w it oojuck noon oi weanesaay, June zo, 1107, for the fol lowing personal property located at bouu uena, wasn.: One stock of general merchan dlae. Inventoried at... 6,177.11 vne siore ouuaing, on jeasea ground, inventoried at...... (Together with fixtures and lights belonging to tha bldg.) Two horses, wagon and har ness. Inventoried at Three cash registers, lnven - torled at .................. One large safe. Inventoried at. One lot of miscellaneous atora iizturea LIS0.00 100.00 t.426.00 176.00 1.441.00 REAJL ESTATE TRANSFERS 3. A. and Mattle R. Stone to WaN : tor tnnman, lots II, II, block 2. Evelyn Park .1 Rachel Cornelius to Elsa Anna : Schnabel, 6 acres, commencing at point In the south line of William H. Payne D. L. C In . section IS, T. 1 N., R. I eT... Oeerge and Freda Long to Axel Hanson, lot , 13, block , Lin coln Park Alex and Elisabeth Scott to W. C.f SUttery. lota 1, 1. block 1, Elisa J. Murphy's addition..,. E. B. and Alma E. Holmes to Ewen McClennan. lots 7, I, - block 48, Peninsular addition r No. 4 Emma Alexander to E K Mc- Kenney, northwest U of sec . Uon 22. T. 1 S R 6 E......... M. E. and Clara G. Thompson to Halver Olsen. lot 10, block 6, -Central Alblna ...... . v. E. and Thurta Buckbee to H. M.: Edwards, lot , block 4, St Johns Heights . . ,. . . . . . ' O. G. and Laura M. Gammana to , Mary J. Bedortha, lot 6, block 1, North Falrlawn Charles C. and Carrie E. Martin to Norman D. Root lot 18, block 6, Nash's First addition. . Mary A. and Benjamin Fallows - to J. P. McFeron. lot 8, block , 1, Fallows Terrace . ...... , . . . Daniel R and Kate L. Hawkins to WV Ward, lot 6. block 2. Lincoln Park Annex . Moore Investment company' to Jacob Aasted. lot I, block 6, ' Vernon . . ................. C A. and Nora B. McCale to W. - J. Vore and R. E. Bauske, land beginning at northeast corner lot a. block 86 tt, Raleigh's ad dition , .,..' ; Portland Trust Company of Ore- fon ; to C. X Starrett, lota 8, , block 7, Portsmouth - Villa 1 D. E. and'Bertn Buchanan' to . , A, ;' W, 'Bagley, lots 7. 8, 9, block 68, University Park; lots 8, 9, block 76, University Park. August and Charlotte Landeen to Thomas B. Phillips, 100x100 feet beginning; at point SO feet east of northwest corner block ' S4. Waverly F. L and G. B. Ellsworth to Mary A. White, lot 1, block S, Avalon tract ............... flattie E. Grimm to G. W. Ruf ner. lota 1. 2. block 11. rit View Park addition t . . . . . . Thomas R. A. and J. M. B. Sell . i wood ,to Henry Jordan, lots 8. W f fcV .... 1,000 6.000 1,600 6,000 800 1.200 676 10 2,000 1,860 460 115 10 10 755 1.200 SO 2.200 Total ..........110,671.16 Terma cash. Certified check for 10 per cent of tha amount offered must sa. company each bid, -and the right la re- servea 10 reject any ana ail bids. inventory may be aeen on aDDllcatlon and property may ba inspected at South Bend, Wash, Dated at Portland, nr. M Kts Of June, 1(07. K. U HABIN. No. 7 let St. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tna undersigned has been annolntad administratrix of tha estate of John Pedersen. deceased, by the county court of the state of Oregon, for Multnomah county, and has duly qualified. All per sona having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tha Same to me -at 102 uswego St., Bt Johns, Multnomah county, within six months rxora tne qate nereor. usted June 7. 1907. Administratrix of tha EsUte of John feaersen. Deceased. K'OTICE OF 8TOCKH6LDERS1 ' MEET- lns. The annual meetlnc of the stock holders of the Oregon Iron ft Steel com pany wiu os nem at tne office 01 the company, room 189, Sherlock bldg., Port land, Or., June 18, 1907, at 1J o'clock a, m.. for the nurnose of eleotln a hoard of directors for tha ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may legally come before tha meeting. a. 0. "attuijL.u. secretary, romana, ur,, may j, LOST 110 1 BILL AND 15 CENT piece tied in handkerchief together. Return to 441 Fifth st. and receive re ward. Phone Pacific 801.' F6UND-A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR ' mattresses renovated and returned same dav. 118 Front st Main 474, Portland Curled-Hair Factory. 1L Mets- ger. proprietor. - ham; liberal reward for return to 866 Williams ave. mono woooiawn i4o. L6sT JtiWE 12. OPE-fAca WaCH and ribbon fob Phone Tabor 101. LOBT-BETWlSlW EAST EtGlltl: and Mill and Lone Fir cemetery, black purse containing 26 gold, and two rrunx Keys, .uinoer return to id East Mill and receive rewara. A SMALL PURSE CONTAIN- Reward for return to Journal LosT ins 815, office. LOST Af LYRIC THEATRE OR BE twMn Alder and Collese On West Park, one gold bracelet one half and the other half carved with red and white sets. Pacific 1184; reward. LOBT-A SMALL br!NdLB,C0W, lid and E. Alder. Reward for return. Phone East 1041. ' f6und A LAbt fl GOLD WATCH IN QimMwalA 1 -Mr W Dvnflf BM ttT write F. A. Miller, Lents R. F. DH route box III. HELP WANTED MALE FIVE BOYS WANTED; APPLY To day. Wadhams ft Kerr Bros., ' bet 4 th and 6 th, on Hoyt at Wanted sALfcs'M'Eii; MAN jIakb; 100 to 1160 per month; noma even more; etock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchards; cash ad vanced weeklv: choice of territory. Ad' dress Washington Nursery Co- Top- HELP WANTED FEMALE r A' SITUAflONS WANTED JULE. FOR RliNT HOUSEKEEPING. WANTED YOITNG LADIES i.'TO LEARN TELEPHONE OP- ERATINO; GOOD SALARY, SHORT HOURS. PAY WHILE LEARNING: LUNCHEON , , SERVED FREE OF CHARGE , ' AND LOUNGING AND REST ROOMS IN CONNECTION. AP ! PLY CHIEF OPERATOR, TEL ' EPHONE BLDGy WEST PARK AND ALDER STS. . WANTED SITUATION, BY. YOUNG man with sood education and well acquainted with city. ; Address U-S1S, 1 tfuui urn. WANTED AGENTS WANTED A FEW MORE GOOD LIVE talesmen to sell our coast-grown trees; money advanced each week; out fit furnished free; write us 'for partic ulars. Albany Nurseries. Albany. Or. " SOMETHING NEW IN HIGH-GRADE vTt SBvt Twn nielY p!tr: nerfumes: nrlca very low: suddIv! X.,-v..i C ..i...r u t' ' T .v ' . ,nuB',M "u" "l Tond st. between Jefferson and Madison. ISO 8d St. y : ' ' I x . l ,. , i'f 1, ij.- SV?TSTS-,5TVVIT7I apartments; rooms large and airy; FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS bus Williams ave. Mrs. Ij. imrrey. 1-ROOM HOilSEKEEPING SUITES, with bath, I J per week; free wood. 187 East Oak st ' ' , SUITE OFl ROOMS, FURNISHED for housekeeping. 188 18th, near Mor rison. Phone Main 8M8. Jtererenoes, LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 1 modern conveniences, central, nice neighborhood, reasonable. ' 487 East An- keny at '9th. For rent two nicely . nisned housexeeping rooms. EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIP PERSHIGHEST WAGES. GEORGE A. M NEIL COMPANY. WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS, 110. N, , FOURTH BT., 1NH.AK UL,lHAiM. , r , , I AGENTS WANTED SAtAftf AND commission to good men. . Apply room pi, uiti wasnington si. WANTED SEVERAL EXPERIENCED salesladies; hosiery, underwear, lancy EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES nANSENfl Employment office ' VK MEN, , . 18 N. Id at - Phone Main 1626 PORTLAND' EMPLOYMEN'irT5FFICE. I06H Morrison St. ...Phone Pacifto 239 17 N. Id at . ...Phone Pacifto 1800 RED CROSS EMPL6YMENT CO. J Logging camp and farm- help completely furnished: gas range; first class location. ' TWO LARGE ROOM& FURNISHED housekeeping: ground floor: iz.60 per weex. - icT East uas st. FOR RENT HOUSES WE RENT AND SELL PIANOS. 8HER man. Clay & Co. f- ROOMS, BOMETH INO NICE. NEW, modern. 189 East Pins It- ISO. Phone "'vlL .Stfe.a sA Wftjjgl2i?-?i telegraph charge,. . , wtokcar. Ino,ulre In "or.1 SMART - Y6UJJO QlRLft T6 WRAP chewing sura. . American Chicle Co., 11 n. ront at. ikLpJ Wanted union launi5r7 J wanted to renthouses, cot company. WanTKd ref1nel capAbLe W6- man for responsible position, with op portunities ror advancement viavi com rany. lotn ana Morrison sis. - HANSEN'S LADIESV AGENCY, I4lv4 Washington st, corner wevenin, up-i stairs. Phone Mala I81S. Female help WANTED TO RENT i".fitA T"?MXa,d-.. WS "IWUVI n aw w w - iomi Brnnu rruit; I diock xrom cariint. Ugea. flata atorea. offices, rooming- r "'"", v w.akA,.i i aaw euxai vnwm houses ate. Landlords will do well to 9 RENT NEW. MODE call on . - PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. mw. ,- I Phone Ex. 71. 4 S. E. Cor. Id and Oak. WANTED REAL ESTATE wanted, STRONG ' dlRLS FOR CANDY FAC- houae.- 116: good neighborhood; no children. Oeder, E. Ankeny and Grand. FOR RENT HOUSdkSIX ROOMS AND bath; 116 per montlC Apply 1019 Wil liams ave. - , 1 V ' " ' FOR RENt-ElGHY-RoVlM HOUSE ON tha east side; all 'modern conven iences; located at 409 San Rafael st torv. Georre A. McNeil wholesale ' confectioners, .110 Fourth, near Gllsan. SiRLs'" Wanted operators un niVT MfiniBV itr vott want 100 men to sell your property to their I rait jkha oompany, friends, list It with me; new plan. M.l.p,v. nwE.t, t,Vvi MnnirR North b. Howse. 66 6th st Main 61(8. WANTED TO BUY ONE OR n nnnijur w bu. v wx. " w i newiy cieaneoj rf IOI lots, west side; give exact location j7 Roora flrem murriHon mnq inn. iuruuiiuuit 1 WU I nwl v HMnftd rant reason anblsk Innulri .. - x : " ZXrV?; Are1.V,ouVn "SWXS. Taylor0 st1' ' " I WANT .t6 BUt 10 6A 20 ACRES' Scottc?;.0 rent MfmoVAppiyE. Taylor 1 vj . trnni land must txi chMn Bind not over iu dkaas. eh . , T,I?r A A rkl I a ITIallUU. I 1A 1 1 S Su a u arl I V I mi. .. , i . .. inr t, nn Bra von rknt r.r.nsi iv. t A XtTV.Tn" ar on cants. Charles Cooper, Son. cation, terms and full description In room 1. 88U Third st. I first letter. Address U-u. journal. SlRLS1 WANTED APPtT STANDARD WANTED TO BUY ONE TO SIX LOTS Union ava. 8. or phone factory No. I. Grand , and East Taylor at WANTED GIRLS TO WORK ON hemming. Inquire Fits-Well factory, 71 First st. WBi PRAfitlCEl W ALL C6URTS IN" ta- (at t XXJ a. a,H I rt art nn WE GET WORK FOR OUR MEMBERS; special members. IS. nd Yamhill ata. Y. M. C A, 4th HUSTLERS T6 b6Um BUSINESS; salary and commission: experience un necessary. Apply 324 Lumber Exchange bids.. Id and Stark sts.- Wanted BRIGHT yoiIng maN t6 learn real estate . business; excep tional proposition at the present time. Apply 516 Swetland bldg., bet 1 and 4. ME?. At 6frCE. FOR CLERKS OR ' carriers Portland poet off Ice; oppor tunity to advance. Wa prepare you for examination. Call or write Immediate ly. Pacific States Schools, McKay bldg., city. Union Hotel 81 N. SIXTH ST- PORTLAND, Oa Free employment to all; boarders' rates 14.60 per week; room, 160 and up; apo dal monthly rates given. . Anderson, proprietor. SAWYERS. FILERS, ENGINEERS and yardmen, millwrights and woods- men. Chambers, iouh st. FlRST-CLASS HARNESS MAKERS; steady employment. Tha v. j. cronin Company. . TWO BOYS WANTED TO LEARN tinners' trade. Inquire 171 1st st WANTED SASH AND DOOR BILL t outter, man to- run Invincible Sander, man to tout un sasb and a slasler. Ore- gon Planing Mills. 19th and Vaughn sts, Oreron. Divorce casea a specialty. In moat cases clients need not appear In t?,u-iM vAddrass N-612. xact location and terma In first fetter. no agents. - Address v-iii. journal. on east side between Fremont st and Columbia boulevard, cheap, not over 1400 apiece;, give exact location ana terma in first letter. No agents. Address G-lll, Journal, '' 1 - - Wated-t6 bWy 6neJ 6r tWo lots on east aide.'' cheap, not ever 11.000 each, located between Grant and Russell and the river and 10th at; give autre 187 East 8114. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE 557 west aide. 111 per month. Including water: ..-6-room house, west side, 116. ' 4 -room flat on east side. 110. OTTO, CROCKETT ft HARK80N, js- - ' - IStM Isf St. - ' FURNISHED HOUSES : j r BUSiyES3 CHANCES. 1226 TAKES CORNER CIGAR AND confectionery store, rent 116. With 4 nice rooms. 883 Williams ave. - One half Interest In good real estate office, doing good business and In fine location; will sell cheap for caah; party is going to leave the city for the sum mer. Inquire room I Slid 4, Odd Fel- iowr Dias;.. rirsi ana Aiaer. FOR SALE DRY GOODS STORE 11$ suburban, town; new, clean stock and only dry goods store in town; only small capital required. Q-87, Journal. BATGATN7NR0imTNG liOUfiK If taken this week. Room IB 288 Btarx. tnii Hil l? nn l.pici' nvr v ceil. taurant In town of 2,400; good cash business. Call or write . Walter ' Roa- wunn, Forest Grove, Or. .... FOR SALE REAL ESTATr. NEW ADDITION FINE LOTS 60x100, streets 60 feet near car station at Tint. Km .o . n.l I11C. Take Mount Scott car. O. R. Addition. Lents, Or., 60 fare. , WJ WILL BUlLt f60 A l.OUSE TO" suit in Terrace Park; will take month y payments: in case nf death wa aive clear deed; the most liberal horns propo sition aver made In Portland. Tha Span" ton Co.. 170 Stark st io b6w: it a miitu.' r Fine bulldlns lota. I17S to 1400 on above terms; 16 minutes from business center) three carllnes; now do not Bay yuu cannot own a nome, , motiltov nrnnv.y ' 601 Columbia bldg. 186 Washington St HlAVB YOU BEEN""OtjTT6""WlBEkJ , Heights? Take Rose City Park Una out Sandy road and get off at Wlberf Lane. Agent on the ground. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch Building. WtBERG HEIGHTS. Lots selllns every dav. Moat dim half already sold. Bull Run water, high- I frade Improvements. Building restrkV' Ions. no. shacka. 1480. lis Aamtn. tW j COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, ' Couch bldg. 2,806, BUVfl a IU60 Hol'813 And full lot on Union ava. thia week. Call at bio union ave. n. 6-room M6tSE. U$ 166x160". PRTJIT trees, 1 blocks from cart Pries 81,800. Also I -room house with 80x100 lot: ; 11.800. 917 E. 6th st N., or phona Journal. steady employment work light food wages. Pacifto Coast Blsoult company, llth and Davis. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL OWNER Mt'Sf SELL; m. FULL 101 ana new moaern s-room house, in mgnianu uiairioi; easy terma. ' tr. U. KING, 508 Commercial hlk . Id and Washington ats. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS IP-FAT W V6U Want a home, a parm, all at 661 East timber Und. stock ranch, or wheat housework In family of two: must know how to cook: gooa wages.- svi North 24th st. W?oT anl BraT?.e -.i.A.ek-k klUUUV.i 0. efa IIU Ut 'kUlTO.I-lCHl. I in 1 - - 11 w J . mil 1 176 Front st, opposite National hoteL 1 FOR RENT SIX-ROOM MODERN . r ,." . . I hmtM tl! rr mnnth Tnnnlr. S7V Norin xtn si. 1 r.uuu n, i - 7-w.-r ... ... 'o.tW tvmTCTPTA.,j I WiMTirri-MFwn AHT-nrr ciith. I Overton st. yortsmoutn. Bt. Johns car. rlrls in ironing ana mangie oepin. mi inn mo, w. -w out b""i nnfrainti wm pipvt tcimwrriTin!' invaxrvti?xii W fcT-rfi A " ITL.L1 mint at good wages. Apply PacWo furn snings: nignest pries paw, bii-'- ; - I wifr.-V.. 'V r-.'.... Laundry Co., Ill Arthur st ths "Fair Deaf i , id- fnqn. ra- . ; y J ; chlhge?-Wodburn;"br: foV a l.rg. list DESIRABLE FURNISHED FL rent; no cniiaren; ca Ullsan. - ' llanrf. Mil nn T R T-.kl. it FURNISHED 11-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE 1 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' in: weat aide; rrom July 1 to Beptem- BY OWNER,-ROOM MODERN CO- niiirfucw 1 lonial house: concrete basement! two laraa oorcnes: 101 asxiza: mi t xrees. oerries, cnoicest roses ani snruns; lovely lawn; two large fir trees; best 1 car service in ciiy: waixing oistance; terms, ton rremont st HlNUUlUmi.lta 1J unuiot-n , . ., Hi. -hv bvmi unnon -muianm wu I larmn. for six po-Uion. nowlopen; no charge. haul dkau ; k aisu uat- J.-""-- -H6lLADAY., Ark,. RESlbErfCE- xne BBin-rn-ir iy"r . -otifv oimeVs Veterinary 4th and close to works andxcarllne: a bargain. tss than 1 block from carllne, mod- GlRLs T6 WORK ll CRACKER FA& KfS'J&STaTn itgg Bary' " and Phone Main 7127 - " Particular, beautiful lawn; . lor7i "... . . UJ.,.- r. fc." ..,7 piom ffnn Mni!as:Hni.n nnnns hav. cottage. 7 rooms. PART FURNI Le" Sif?JZ"AZ,?.vmm ' I aie PennelL 845-847 IgtTt Phiis 7 ture. for sale; a anap; on corner, full " ""Z.rT... " j Pacific Hft lot. 455 5th st Phone Pacific 886. w7T(TuaJhid FURNiruRri And cL6Thin6 WANT- ed; highest cash pries paid. Fox ft 84.600. terma.- Columbia . Trust Co.. Couch bldg. ThIs Week: fiUlffl 7 LOTS IN 8400 Willamette "AND or shop, zoe uooanougn Diag. Wanted ciUmbermaid waitress. Aenlv 810 Gllsan. VhifNA Lady clerk for our store. Call today. Swetland, 271 Mor rison. addition. Call, at 810 Brower, 82 N. 8d st. Phone Main till. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, Main 6655. 211 1st st. WANTED A FOR RENT STORES-OFFICE8 1 r A ha',, tUA. GOOD SECOND-HAND dynamo of from 800 to 600 llrht ca pacity for light plant Address S. F. J.. WANTED HOR8ESHOER FOR FLOOR work, cau 1Z4 is. 7th st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PANTSMAK ers. Nicoll. the tauor, 108 8d st . W. E. and Annie Wilson to Ogles oy xounx. lots . 7. block ivannoe , 7, ISO 850 luuiira . . . ...........,. v George A and M. A Coote to Lucia H. Addlton, lot 1, 2. block '7. Mount Scott View.......... 117 wniyersiiy uina company to George R. Thurston, lots SI. 82, block 140, University Park. 200 univerauy iana . company to Amelia Thurston, lots 11. 12. . block 140. University Park.,.. 260 . v. . ana iaur jonnson to Minnie Voegeiein., lot 1 block ' E, Kern's addition............ The Land Company of Oregon to William Strahlman, lot 10. block 15, First addition to City le w Park ... . , , . . . , . Thwing, lot 14, block 4, Ma- . piewooo aaouion Portland Realty A Trust company to i--tixa a. ; tnnson, trustee, i -lot 16. block 1. Kenwood Park 110 O. M. Stearns, trustee, et aL, to ' . v v Society of th Sisters of ths ? tr : Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, 10 -acres In ths Archon . -v v.i Kelly D. L. C, in section 18. T. I 8. R. 1 E. ............ . ; 10.180 Cnnries V. Ross to Frank- VL - i'in, lot 10, block 2, Erwlfl A 1.700 600 250 K'OTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS THE annual meeting of the Mexican Rub ber Culture company will be held at the orrice or the company, room 813, Cham ber of Commerce bldg.. Portland, Or., on Tuesday. July 9. 1907. at 11 o'clock In the forenoon for the purpose of electing directors and ths transaction of such other business as may lawfully tome be fore the meeting for action. F. C. Barnes, secretary,'' IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THK United States for the District of Ore gon. in the matter of Ernest W. Rus sell, bankrupt Thsv undersigned will receive sealed bids up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, June 18. 1807, for tha fol lowing described property, to-wit: A atock of groceries of the Inventory value of 8611.06, together with store fixtures nr f H (nvtiitA,. !.. tiji , it i- cated In store building at No. 128 Rus- seii st., Portland, or. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid must accompany each bid, and the right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. In ventory may be seen at my office. No. 7 1st at, Portland, Or., and the property to be sold may be inspected on applica tion. Dated Portland, Or:, June 10, 1907. R. L. SABIN, Trustee. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE county commissioners of Multnomah county, Oregon, -up to 10 o'clock a. m., July S, 1907, when bids will be opened for ths building of 10,160 feet of road In townships 1 north and 1 south, range 4 east-known as the Llttlepage road. Plans and specifications may be seen in the office of the county surveyor, Port land, Or. . . BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract' Ca. 427 Fliedner bldg. Main 1891. BKELLY CO i4tti AKD gLANDE-AS; flour, feed. hay. grain. Phones A-lfili. Pacific 611. - ' U C. HENRICHSEN C6., JEWELERS. ana opticians, is waBnington st. BOY WANTED, WITH WHEEL; WELL recommended;, good wages. Apply 421 aiornsun st. WILL LET CONTRACT TO SINK KO foot shaft on copper ledge and five Interest in mlna for same, W. E. Jones, Kill Aiaer. ONE AGENT MADE OVER 1200 LAST week selling our peerless combination death, sick, accident quarantine, med ical, aurgical and hospital benefits; sgents wanted In all western states. Union provident. League, Portland, Or, LADY BARBER SHOP. 4 CHAIRS. prompt service, now open. 64 4th st Lady barber wanted. GOOD BOY WANTED IN PAPER BOX factory; steady position. Apply F. Stettler, 10th and Gllsan sts. WANTED COATMAKER, 8ECOND- class bill (union Shop). Holbrook 4 Leveen, Couch bldg., 4th, near Washing' ion. WANTED TWO FEEDERS; STEADY work, custer rrintmg Co., ZIB Id st, WANTED HIGH SCHOOL BOY WITH wheel to deliver after school. 167 Morrison st. '. DENTIST WANTED ALL AROMb man. Chicago Dentists, 6th and Wash ingion. WANTED AT ONCE BRIGHT BOYS over is years to learn ths business, Roberts Bros. Wanted tAilors to work on coats. Apply 495 Washington st. WANTED LOUNGE - MAKERS steady work. 85 Front, comer Davis. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN plumbing, '.plastering, block-laying, electrical trades; free catalogue; posi tions secured. Coyne Trade Schools, New York and San Francisco. WANTEDTW6" YOUNG b6Vs "f6r cracker factory. Apply Western Bak ing Co., E. 3d and E. Davis sts. . WANTED &.AN TO RUN RtF SAW". Apply Oreron Furniture Macadam road. Mfg. Co., WHITEWASHING, SPRAYING. PAlNT- ing. A. MAlUxljN, fnone Sell wood 668. - - ',. Homes BbttokT 6r feUILT An- where. Installment Plan onlv. Rlch- ara . otjonnor. pox i7, ci t y. I? MANUAL THERAPEUTICS. . ' Dr. F. W. Blohm. offioe 811 Tournv building, Taylor and 2d ats. Charges court. Moderate fees. , Address A-816 SEWER DIGGERS. 2.75. 9 hours. Meimont St., east side. BOY TO DRIVE WAGON. APPLY At Pioneer Paint Co.. lis First st. Wanted elderly man for" of flee and messenger service; small sal ary; position permanent. M-811 Journal, COMPETENT SHOE SALESMAN. AP ply before 6 p. m. or Saturday morn ing. The Chicago Clothing Co., 69-71 8d, WANTED FIRST -CLASS1 STICKER man. Oregon Planing Mills, 19th and vaugnn ets. WE PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS IN Oregon: divorce cases a specialty, in most cases clients need not appear in reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed MEETING ; NOTICES. A. A. O. N. M. S. SHRINERS AND CAN DIDATES, HARKENI There will be a, cere monial Session of Al Kader temple, - Saturday, June 16, at the Armory of ths Third regiment O. N. G. This meeting Is called to recalve netl- nons, oauot on tnem sno conrer tne order upon those elected.- There will be no other notices of this ceremonial ex cept through the mornlnar papers. Get on your good clothes and come to town. xnere win pe many things doing. ir tire candidates do not sweat blood in cross ing the sands at this time, the reason will be that there is no blood In them. White cards must be presented at door. Members, as well as visitors, will take notice. Do hot forget your fe. The re corder must have all the petitions not later than Saturday noon, the 16th. - Business Reading petitions and bal loting at o'clock p. m. - ; : Ceremonial At 8 o'clock aharo. avarv candidate must be in line and ready to atart on the pilgrimage. By order DOUGLAS W. TAYLOR. Potentate. ' B, J. WHITEHOI'SE. Recorder. M. W. 6.975. Mondava. 17th and Marahall sjirialtors welcome. , . Journal, WANT A DOCTOR T6 W6RK W A Strictly legitimate advertising med ical institute; only a moderate monthly salary will be paid until fitness Is proven by trial. w-oo, journal, HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED STARCHWORK IRONERS, - flannel lronera and general laundry help, East Side Laundry Co., E. Ash and 6th. Phone East 809. Wanted girls to work in lab! ' oratory. Clarke-Woodward Drug Co., gin ana noyi bib. WANTED S EXPERIENCxSD " dtktS for drgoods - store. ,. Kennard ft Adams. 693 wuuams ave. WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY presser to press on ladies srarmenta highest wages paid to. right party. , a East Portland Cleaning ft Dye Works, 148 Grand ave., city. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH general housework. 188 N. 17th st. FIRST - CLASS LADIES' TAILOR wanted. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; steady place and . a good Phone Pacific 809. FOR home. Inquire 401 Holladay ava. Phone fjast em.,- - . - -' - - - EXPERIENCED IRONERS, MANGLE glrla. Independent Laundry Co- 266 GUsaa st, bet, 8d and, its sts. ,.. , Wanted bigiiWAEHER. it per ...v nd board. Acnlv Ths Olympla Oyster and Chop House, ,13S Grand Journal. tV' .--0q ,x nrcTtt-n" IF Y0W WANT TO SELL,' 8EB US. WANTED WAITRESS IN RESTAUR- .Second Hand Palace. HiiKest prices ant. mi" t " ?i I paia ror secona-nana goods, it I Fian- eacn aay. Appiy tv n mum-vu, ders. Phone Mam 8518. WANTED TWO GIRLB IK A HOME WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSE- poxery; aoie w amp cuu- i hold roods of every Grsnd ave. - - I Knnghr aold and exchanged is AirLb AND WOMEN WANTED. I The I, 282 let st- Main 6S74. I Apply st or fcast ignu ana -e!- HIGHGE8T PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of second-hand goods. Union mont, Oregon Pscklng Co. FOR RENT ALL OR PART "OF ground floor specs Bank of British Co lumbia bldg.. Front and Ankeny sts. I Apply R. T.'COX, Main 42 j. FOR RENT STORE ON 6TH ST., - near Washington; rent reasonable. Address A-114. Journal. TO RENT STORE AND 4 ROOMS. Apply 977 Hawthorns ays. J. Kings- bury. ) A NICE OFFICE 8UITEFOR RENT. Madison bldg.. Id and Madison ats. descripUon PART OF STORE FOR RENT IN OOOE) locality. ii I6fi s9.e jvrnfjr amuiavn. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS monthly. East 676. payments. Owner. Phone 5-Rocm Cottage 12.600 100x100. full basement, stable 20 bearlnc fruit trees. chicken nark.. garden, etc. Good car service, not too far out Small payment and monthly Installments. Another bargain. C R. Hotchkiss &.C6. No. 80S Chamber of Commerce Bldg." V LOOK THIS UP. Ittwr I.NUim finll... imyitfA Ih.. ter. 6 closets. 1 lots. 31.600:- part cash. balance to suit.' H. Notter, 843 King man st, , Woodlawn. Phone Woodlawn taz. WAKTEt WO-tAK UNDER SI TO Exchange, 261 Front st Pacific-1431. HALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH REfitDENCEi oT IN HOI Mm. iTv. Xmrw at small roomlna-honse I hrrmitirT xdpVVi vtto ,n-ni modern conveniences. Phone Main 1849. kidjsncjs LOT IN HOLLADAY and cook for ons; good home. Address I order. K. E. Karlson A Co.. S51 An-1 HAIRDRES8ING ROOM, Alvl, wournm Irenv St.. Main 62E0 WANTED Housekeeper In a family of BUILDER OF EXPERIENCE' WISHES - on mm ino jniiu t .. repairing or building; reliable; con- 491 E. Morrison st. j tract or percentage; plans furnished. WANTEDA TbtyKG iUtRL T6 ifAKii Address C-lll. Journal.. cars of Dapy ana sssisi in noua.worR, I WANTED TO BUY ONE FEED-CHOP. WITH HOT and cold water and compress air. 207 V PARK. 1900. NUF CED. must be neat; wages $20 per month. Phone East 4268. WAKTED TAILORS TO WORK ON coats. Apply 496 Washington st WAKTEt) AT ONCE EXPERIENCED salesladies for glove and notion ds- iwrlmnla Rooerts tiros. WANTED DISH WA'SHER AND PAN- try girl at 87 lamnm m. WANTED-GIRt, TO HELP IN GEN - -rni housework. 8S1 6th st, cor. Clay, Wanted girl for general housework; steady' place and a good horns. Inquire 401 Holladay ave. rnone V.ttut 891. girL Wanted for general housework. Appiy 7i wayne mv. GIRLS ABOUT 16 YEARS OF ' AGE wanted at once. Apply to Olds, Wort man & King. - MALE AND FEMALE HELP WANTED AMBITIOUS PEOPLE TO call at lax tn at. ana investigate tne opportunities open to them by a course of study with ths International Corre spondence Schools Of Scran ton; no expe riment: Indorsed by thousands. STENOGRAPHERS, BOTH MALE AND female, gooa positions -open witn pest firms; no charge. Underwood Type writer Co., 68 6th st, - IxeLx Wanted and supplied," mala or zemaie. tv. u. .uraxe, sue H Washington st. Pacifto 1S70. AGENTS, SALESMEN AND SOL1CIT ors. if there is any article you wish to handle but don't know where to get It come or write. Solicitors & Sales men's Headquarters, 66 6th st Mala 6188. WE WANT ENERGETIC MEN OR women: we pay salary and commis sion; our agents now making $80 to 60 a weeK. H. Atiee. 379 etarx st. WANTED, IMMEDIATELY SINGERS, per. second hand. Ifar flt .TaKh, Ar Wanted loan of ss. Address W. E. Hil- SUMMER RESORTS BEACH PROPERTY. The finest beach property svsr offered joining Breakers hotel properl "Manhattan ueacn . COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bldr. FWb RESltEKCE' LOT W HUNG! 1" iow uiaae, improvements au paid, on East Main, between East 80th and East Columbia proved real estate per cent Address Q-82. ' Journal. WANTED 1300 FOR A LOAN: GOOD security. Address 0-88. Journal. rty, to be 181st sts., liberal terms. Irnnwn U.nhfttt.n HMnh"f 9KA.afr 1 Tmat Cn . r'nuph hMv fo'r ilrVt trmct. a portion with building restrlc- maLL HOUSE WEST SIDE. CLOSd 82' Joua? "V H'i J .J&J&Vft t llJOtX Cjf W. V; V a -IT ijuineriora, mil commrcitu DiK. AAV OCJtllU 63 1. -6tX' tVlcV, Main LOCKSLEY HALL SEASIDE. OR., DR. 64x100 HOLLADAY'S' ADD. ON latTI prmmeircn -nnnMUpnn mrarti I P L. Austin, proprietor, assisted by L. at, close to Broadway car. This Is FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ACarlyle; rates from $12.60 per week up; ths best buy on the east side. J. W. rates ana reservations may om maae now i nutneriora, Ult commercial blk. Main OSBORN HOTEL; GRAND AVE. 'AND with Dr Austin, dentist. Ralelah bldor. 6120. E. Ash; furnished rooms, single and 1 ' "1 ji'HIkFkl1 waVPtr ' r'Tx-iam"1 tm1' "Vir.wr sn suite. J. Northrupproprietor. L-CV.-rsi!rei CMXHOBA lttXSil ff'V.?...018 . INi - COW. THE RICHELIEU, 88 " K. STrf ST'. BUSINESS CHANCES', . chicken. bc. frulL Owner 111 nnm Elegantly furnished ; steam heat and A GOOD GROCERY STORE, yALUE 1 00x188 UNIVERSlTt PARK. bNrf per lot; terms. A First Class """, , , , - aoout i,uus, ior jaw. weison, i4tn - block csrllne; $300 x iid uxvnmij, Hn r. au a x.i iwua I xivma . ) KQOm 19, 3s stark, ior fwitmnnni ti.n per ween ana up. TttE HEILER, 280H GAANt) AVE. Furnished housekeeping rooms; suites; modern ' fireproof brick: gag ranges, electrio and gas lights; bath and telo- phone; rates reasonable. Y'" ' THE COLONIAL. COR. 10TH AND AJomson, 3 blocks west of Portland hotel First-class rooms - and board; rates reasonable; transient board accommodated, ti vnaAiiiir.T.v trim vnatiirri rr-a ner suite; will rent reasonable to gen tlemen; oatn, not water, ' pom pnones. 494 Morrison st; flat 11; call after 6 n. in. . - 5.000. Very attractive ll-ronm hnua- Rooming-house with a 2-Vear leas, cen- beautiful lot 80x80, fruit trees and trally located, always full, clearing over flowers, right on carllne and a very 1100 per month, to trade for acreage or "?d proposition for boarding-house or" improved property not too far out. No Private sanitarium , for physician: $1,600 agents. Address V SIS. Journal. cash will handle It Phone Main 1678. ANT A .MOICE 100x100 CORNER ON TlL- .r.i I A a-ocenr store, hardware store, meat t, nan oiocx rrom car- tta VrtJfS"r i"'.''. w i - the mnnth. nl,i-,Kl -.. rvi A". C "performers, novelty acts, etc.; ary. Room 2. 145W 6th st. big sal SITUATIONS WANTED MALE WANTED POSITION AS FOREMAN on larse or small ranch. I am a hue tier; understand farming and the cattle and hog raising thoroughly; was edu cated in the middle west and also in California; can furnish the best of ref erences; will go on trial for 3 months. Address Box 8-814, Journal. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION AT housework, between s to s. Address A-887 Journal. Competent ' B66kKiiEPExt. "opIU- : rator of Remington typewriter, can figure lumber and manage office end of lumber ousiness; age so, ; , unmarriea. Address Q-6. Journal. LOT 40x140, COUNCIL CREST, FINE view, ror saie cneap; party going east 407 APington oiag. Classified Ads In Ths Journal reach ths people la ths greaUOregpn country at ths right time. -Rates for Classified Advertisements Count six words t ths Una.) Ons csnt a word each insertion. : Mors than -two insertions, 6 cents per line sack Insertion. : By ths week, SO cents per line t days). y:: No sdvertisement taken for less than COMFORTABLY FUftNtsHEft"-5uT y sine an a iront pearooms; transient or weexiy; reasonaoie; renovated ana cleaned. ' '189 Id - st. 410 JEFFEftSOrt-TriREE UWFljR nlshed rooms: 1 furnished: modern; no children. NEWLY FttRNIBHED FRONT PAR- lor. strictly modern; suitable for two; gentlemen prererrea. - 7 a et. FOR RENT S FURNISHED ROOMS, bath, gas, . phona 646 : Loveloy st Price $16. - - . - FOR RENT r- FURNISHED ROOM. convenient to Oaks, 498 Nehaiem ave. $10 THREE-ROOM, FURNISHED ' flat close In, west side. 684 Seventh st Phone East 1667. - - NICELY-FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. large, light attic room, suitable for Housekeeping. a7 Market. 268 13TH ST. -NICELY FURNISHED rooms In new modern Home; gentle- men only; excellent location; reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: EASY walking distance. Address Q-5, Journal, UNFURNISHED ROOMS THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent Phone Pacific 788. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOh rent Stark. Inquire at .80 E. . 12th, cornsr ROOMS AND BOARD THE PREMISES AT 452 MORRISON st. have been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished. Applications for suites or private rooms with steam heat and hot and cold water may . be made now. Table boarders takenv ! FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR RENT FIVE ' UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms on upper floor, with modern Improvements : nlcs lawn: ons half block from car line. Lower Al blna, 127 Stanton st; can have posses sion after June 16: small family or elderly couple preferred. - ' - " , 1.60 f. WEEK UP -LARGE, CLEAN furnished housekeeping-rooms, laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman St.. south, Portland. $1.25WEEK UP-CLiEAN. FURNISHED laundry, furnoce heat yard.- 803 Stan ton st. ' U car. . Hess, call on the , COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT CO., 881 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE SALOON, LOCATION CEN- tral, doing good business: Al oppor tunity ior rigm man. . Address a-sod, journal. . . , FOR SALE-THE tRNltURE 6 ths month. bldg. If 6M W&it t6 buy, selL or ex chan re your sronartv. ea.ll nn nr ad dress Georss W. Turner. xfltU Wh. lngton St., Portland, Or. IRVINGTON $1.906 FOR CHOICE 7iTV by 100 on Hancock st between 9,cJI . . - an j a it . x . . . at . I no u, Appiy to xur. strong. zi Lum J. 9-rooro house, near city hall: rent J25 t"? frVJlhanSf liXL month; price $350; best buy in city. Call br Exchange bldg. . 147 Madison st. ) j , ... . 1 $1,660, F6R BALF--OROCgRt. SHELF kARlS. m ..n?u'' 'O' ?kl0. With 11 , " 7 fill jTrL. rr i targe xruit trees ana nice nowers. t.T,t?5-ttti JJW tJS , STANDARD INVESTMENT CO, monChiTrtce '$4.ibof investlgats'ind you hlt ViV.' . will buy. Box 848, Roseburg, Or. .. . J BUILDING SITE, BLOCK 22, TOLMAK OPENING FOR PART smau or large capital, . in Hvar view IS mtniitaa rlrl- HAVE with &mrport!a yM6&.ii Wfel SAVE COMMISSION 1 BUY FROM B?0ani1urBnv??8ffi with "gas and electric fixtures; tint.3 fufrbgalnr gynt': cCooF.tI" K EFL. BRAkb-NEW, ' ' STRICTLY M.b.DER paying proaucera; carerui seieetion: high-grade and cream of northwest fields; soms at half value; 14 years' mine management; - inventor and vendor of placer machinery; gives you ths rlo-ht tin: state amount to Invml W N. Ruble. Wsippo, Idaho, ars American mine. '' :" FOR RENT A RESTAURANT AND roomlna- house, an complete. 131 U Water st. Phone Pacific 1478. ? , Liquor store for 'saLe.' WltH or without stock; good, chanco to maks money fast; goodreason for sell ing. Address xi-814. journal, SALOON FOR , SALE, CHEAP, IF taken at once.-- See owner,. Brunn ft Co., 1st and Aider. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonable. 7th U4 Flanders its, . - . ; ., FOR: SALE CONFECTIONERY AND , ice cream parlor, two t llvlna rooms. rent $16; a, snap; must sell On account of leaving. Address C-100. Journal. FOR SALE. -First-class meat market including horses and wagons and with or without cattle, Only market in city, 1 ' ' Aurora, Oregon. MEAT MARKET,- INCLUDING FIX tures; doing fine business; best local ity in city.; 1048 Hawthorne ave. - BUTCHER " SHOP IN CONNECTION with s-rocerv: Includlnar all fixtures: .... . - - .1 . muoi . , up-to-date; wilt lease to soms respon- son ft Co., 411 Commercial, 6-room cottage, 1071 E. Washlnstoo. $200 .down, balance easy monthly pay ments. At P. Smith, 616 Commercial blk.,; owner f - Cable St., Only $1,400. Good 5 -room cottace with bathl will rent at $15 a month. STANDARD IN VBBTMICNT CO, i 6th and Salmon sts. $4,400 MODERN . - 8-ROOM . HOUSEi Sunnyslde. Built for home: err. furnace, fireplace, fins lawn, - f4' I fruit' largs porch, terms. Owner, foresaw nonna Knit R4B7: 8X0 EAt Trnnh 11 . THtlEte HotSES FOR SAL15 6M C. A. property, 7th and Taylor. . Bids received at of flee. 6 th and Oak. I TO 10 ACRES, CLEARED. WEST Side, 60 fare, for sals. Dr. Fehren- oacn, 341 1st st. A SIGHTLY RESIDENCE LOT, 60x1007 ' with 'Bull Run water, cement walks and ourbs all paid for and less than I blocks from carllne; only 11 minutes . from heart of the city; 1460, terma c-oiumoia Trust i;o.. uoucn ciog. MT D. HOWSE. . SOLICITORS. . ANB - salesmen s '- headquarters; - eastern manufacturing firms represented; real ; estate quick sales negotiated; petitions circulated. ' 66 6th st. Main 6188, iNBW HOUSE, ; EASf 27TH ARB Aider, 53,490: instalments. ? Charle- i X P;st r,v-T-pyTgixirK1' ., wooD.Tock . HEIGHTS. QUARTkg FORWENT UNFURNISHED LODG. . block, finest fruit, splendid view; 6-lng-house, 60 rooms; good location. 1 room house. See owner, J. R. Holllster, Call Hotel Ohio. 266 Front et j Mann station. - . -. , JEWELRY BUSINESS IN GOOD VAL 200 FARMS. ' SMALL TRACTS AND ley town of 1.600; good trade: excel- lots; bargains on O. W. P. electric line, lent repair business; small stock. Ad- O. R. Addlton, Lents, Oregon. Taks'Mt dress Q-41 Jeurnal. . I Scott car, 6a, - . ,