The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 14, 1907, Page 1, Image 1

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Tim MERCIIAIIT Who b -too
Journal Circulation
k"sy to adverUsg." wont be'
very long I , v- ,; h ;; , 7
The Weather Fair " tonight; Bat-
urday, fair and warmer. . "
'.t J, i' 7
VOL. ;; VI. NO. v8$.V.r ; : '0 t'-M PORTLAND, OREGON, FRID A V EVENiNO, - JUNE 14, 1907. TWENTY PAGES.' 'fy-1 ; PRICE TWO ': CENTS. ' 1
i u
Defendant Has Second Wind
'V i; and Braces Up When Mes
r sages Are Eeceived From
i supporters All Depends
1 t on Story Adams Will TcH
Bradley.Eefnses to Appear as
. Witness for StateTried
i to? Conceal v From Family
Efforts to Slay Him Let
ter From Pettibone.
7" '
' ' B Hush O'NellL'
(Special Coromlniifbnr for thXnTr
' jrosi ana urejon journu.;
Bolsi Idaho, Jun U.vMan la
greffarloua anlmaLt Th yrt"i Fed
eration of Minor U la ion In Den
ver and men and many mdaaga rach
William D. . Haywood, tha maater mind
and dlrectinr hand - of : that oraanlaa-
tlon, er In , Imprisonment, and ha
' ahowa ..the affect: ' .
Tan . 4aya aao . hla friends . t earedf a
breakdown. : foday he nter court aaaln
with that prinry atep .that remmuea
one of a prfaeflKhter toeing the mark.
How lona will tlila last no one knows,
but hl friends say tht be naa got bis
"second wind' and wiU wm through
'ilka on iihaulll do- who has the blood
of revolutlonarr sires Itt his veins. ' " it
was well; nevertheless, that the Denver
'convention should hsra been in iseasloif
In tha bowa when Orchard w on the
witness stand telling again to tne jury
that record of rime that mvoivea ine
three men, charged with conspiracy.
. Bob of Quaker ;varantav
Orchard, son of Quaker parents, la
in the penitentiary, tbe Helenas claims
- ; 1
.. - i
if t,yi m .? .
ur num
an ''honored a-uest." hopeful for the fu
'l.i3AJrSJl hai.Qpua: J.H. BowlsbyofNofth'.Berid
ner n crime, ls-oownauura in uib tuum;
Jail, an .enigma to prosecution and the I
se, making no proien 10 intun i
although several nooses . dangle
about his head. " neither claiming re-1
llglon nor caring an hours freeaom
whether Haywood ' hangs or escapes.
Mrs. Steve Adams will be the final dlc
t&tnr .whether or not tha bullet-headed.
loosiVjbinted terror of Colorado's mining I
Fatally - Wounds LCIeve
Jennings at AstoriaT
(Special Dltpateh te'The Joe nut L) . . ,
. Asterta, Or June 14. J. H Bdwlsby.
ramps shall appear ror me aeienaani. i u unmriMtr 01 nurin xwimi. vmuu,
He la evidently danger blind. t- . -1 at r o'clock this morning shot Cleva
alL"d7berety ,Vn"viromeStng Jennlngaged 2J. also of North Bend,
played out Orchard goea back in fancy through, the body with a 4-callber;,ra-
fn hi time of distress to hla Quaker volver, InfllcUng a wound that wlU
home, and the Denver detective, waiting prove fatal -
the psychological moment unravels the The f fray occurred on the steamer
story of the Western Federation of 'Alliance, from Portland by way of Coos
Minora and Its connection with tha party bay. while moored at the Callender
f unrest In Colorado. dock.
' . la Baa rrenelaeo. The bullet passed entirely through
. - -..jTrfcTii,.' Jennings' body. He .was immediately
- has hittJrh7 taken to the hospital and operated upon,
from Colorado to Ban Francisco With d,. rlton. the hospital surgeon, states
Jha d?matJ- Jf.J?,l thst he cannot Uye the day.out'
which h defense falls to expedite tne Bowlsby was at-once arrested and
Krosecntlon picked on the Bradley pole- takw , t0 the county jail. He claims
ned milk episode as the one to follow jnntnge ' was'' the cause -of hi wife's
the Orchard revelation. And the testl- leaving hlm-and ooming to, Astoria,
mony was presented with a deftness MrB gowlaby has two brothers living
that Belasco could not have bettered, here. 7
Housemaid, dairyman, chemist Jolly I , Bowlsby and Jennings had threatened
cwibb irowirmii, iui.n, , tj i tacn otner. 10 aui on siKni. j.
by the golden gate, appeared and dlsap-l The Bowlsbys have two children, i
seared. and Borah, saving of every word, I daus-hter of 18 and aaon of it Th
.brought out the terrible story with daughter is a member of the North
hi. I, m i , m.. , , i gen( , High school class that is to
tconunuea on ge two.; 'graduate tbla evening. . .
irinrniA nnnn
6010111 STEPS
Bertha Lerch' Arrested-With
Wealthy C!oos ; Bay . lum
berman and Is'Fined.
Nellie E. Briggs Informed Court5 Her Husband Sold Her
Property to Go to Mexico to Join Eed Colony ;
; Seven utners secure freedom. 7
That her husband was an anarchist and
old her property In order to go to Mex
ico and Join " an anarchist colony at
Toloban, where the remaining, money
was contributed to a cooperative
scheme, was testified to by Mrs. Nellie
H' Brlgge before Judge Cleland In the
ClrcnVk court this morning In- seeking a
from George H. Brlggs. .The
MiMMtl,. 1aiA aftttr jiKAi.t IS
months, said Mra Brlggs, and there was
barely enough of her money left to
bring them back to Oregon, The trip
to Mexico was made In the summer of
.Vot Crood Xsoagh for wItw,
In June, ,l02, testified Mrs. Brlggs.
her husband deserted , her,' saying she
was , not good enough for, him to live
wun, ana remained away until last fall,
when he returned andjtold her he woul j
let her return to Mm If she would be
some a- Spiritualist and be a medium.
Brlggs said he had returned because the
spirits ad told him the time was ripe
iv return. , , , ,' , r ,. . . : ;r ,..
' Continued on Page Eight) ;
-y (ennui Special Berrlee.) . '. ; r
s Enid. Okla., June 14. T. P. Oore. who
has been nominated by the' Democrat
of Oklahoma for United States Senator,
which action Is equivalent to election,
as the new state is strongly Democratic,
has -been blind since he was li years
old, when he accidentally shot his rtgnt
eye out with an arrow gun.
At that . time, he ws a page in the
Mississippi senate.-'Three years before
a playmate, while in a boyish paaaion,
had blinded his left eye--with a stone. -Oore.
whrt has a marvelous memory,
has won laurels In "politics and law. .A
page at 11, a nominee for the legislature
at J9, populist elector-at-large in Ml.
Isslppl three years later, unanimously
selected in 1900 for congressional, standard-bearer
by the same party in Texas
while" absent in" South Dakota speaking
for -the' fusion ticket. - Such Is the po
litical history of .Thomas Pryor Gore.
But slways he was defeated.' He has
never held office since he was a page in
the Mississippi senate.--. .
E. S. Oordon,' the wealthy tlmberman
from Cooa county, and' Bertha K. Lerch.
who la iald to have lured the1 old man
almost to his financial destruction, were
arrested on the charge of drunkenness
at' an early ' hour ' this morning and
lodged at ' police headquarters. They
were taken In custody, la the ; vicinity
ofxSlrth and Everett streets. .
In police court this morning Oordon
himself was permitted to depart with
out the formality, of - a trial. The
woman, however, was held, found guilty
and fined $6. Oordon claims that he is
relentlessly; pursued , by. the . Woman,
from" whom he is unable to escape.
Those who have followed the strange
case,, however, ' declare that he1 is still
madly infatuated with ner..- h i
Recentir oordon nrouant suit in ore-
fron City to quiet titles to his .property
nterests. alleging that - she Interfered
-with- his -business- by. appearing before
prospective purchasers and' - asserting
her claims to an interest in .tne prop
erty. She once-procured, A- .t'dummy"
whom she married at Vancouver, W sh
in rt oil,, under the name of K. S. Oordbn.
-The woman.' Is. well - remembered in
Portland, for she has created numerous
sensations here. At one time She was
arrested at the Portland hotel., where
what was said to have been a complete
counterfeiting outfit . was found among
her possessions. 1 -;-" .
The pair were arrested by Patrolman
Evans last night at the Mount Hood
hotel. Sixth and Everett streets. -
. i H
Hotel Men Get Opinioh From
City Attorney McNary
; That Their Bars jray, Be
Kept Open Entire. Day on
Sunday. ,
Provision in the Charter De
clares ; That Law Govern
ing. County: Does -Not Ap
ply to the Dispensation of
Liquor Within 4he City.
f i ii ii in i mil in nil pi Kins jm im wu 'fi" ,y-nw-wvyy 'S-a';Pl
' 7(?l , fiS:Js i.u i I-Arr. I !
7.:. - "- - v . rj.: - y , i
ri 1111114
Portland hotel . men have , asked the
opinion, of .City -Attorney McNary re
garding the application , of the Sunday
closing law to' Portland and the city at
torney haa stated in1 a letter to them
that bla opinion la that the state law
does not apply to the city of Portland.
; This request and the opinion of the
city attorney" adverse to the action of
District Attorney Manning seema to In
aicate taat tne hotel men win make a
teat case of the law Sunday next by re
fusing, to comply with: Mr, Manning"
injunction -against, serving ' wine- or
Hquorirtarthe dlnlng-Homa. The man
agement of the Imperial hotel and of
uie Oregon bave taken the stand that
they -will obey the law as Interpreted
oj mr. saanning ana wiir maxe no It
tempt to serve llduer on Sundav.
It is thou ah t. however, that either ha
Portland, .the Perkins or -the Belvodara
win continue tneir -present policy and
take the Question into the courts. Th.
letter written by the hotel men and the
answer or tne city attorney are aa fol
lowa: ...
Portlands Or.. June 11. L A UiiHin
City Attorney, Portland, Or. Dear Sir:
Through the columns of the dally press,
we have recently been advised that John
Manning, district attorney of Multno
mah county, has issued an order closing
all places wherein liquor la sold on Sun
day. We note that Mr. Manning quotes
a certain section, of the law of this
state. .'......'
we nave rone to considerable troiibu
to Investigate this matter and find that
the present city charter was enacted by
a vote of the electora of the citv of Port.
land In June, 1901, and on page 11, para
graph No. 48 of this charter, appears
ill luuuwuii;
'No srovlsloh of the law mnMmln,
the sale or disposition of any spirituous,
vinous, fermented or malted liquors in
Multnomah count, shall apply to the
sale or disposition of same In tha citv
of Portland.'
We therefore ask vour onlnlnn mm t
whether the district attorney , has power
to close the drinking places of this city
uii ouiiuay us iiq nun oraarro aont
"We are not specifically engaged in
ine saie or liquors, nut the hotel busi
ness, and we are merely handling liquors
as a necessary adjunct to our business.
We wish to abide thoroughly by the
provisions of the law governing this
matter, but we do not wish to deny- re-
ireBiimoni iv our guests unless me law
so provides.
"M. C. Dickinson, Mgr.
P "Theo. Kruse. Proprietor,
,".B chM- McOrath."
Mr. McNary replied as follows:
r"Dear Sirs: I am ln receipt of your
letter, dated June 1$, in which you
ouote from the charter of the city of
Portland on the subject of the law ap
plicable to the sale or disposition of
liquors, and ask whether or not the of
ficials "of "Multnomah county have
? , r x 7 yt .
- :frhrrr4
I -;y
1IZ .
" ' " '''' ' (
Judge Dunne Denies Con
victed Mayor's Application
for Eelease on Bail Dis-'
trict Attorney to' Consider
Official Only as Individual
Conviction Opens Way to Po
lice Eeform in San Fran
cisco Schmitz Unable to
Perform' Duties-Finahce
Committee Chairman Acta
John O'Neill Declares: That
Wearing Eed ecktie, Will
Not Aid. Socialists.
(Josmal Special Berries.) '
Denver, June 14. The ' miners eon.
ventlon listened j to the ' opening battle
gun between the two, winge of Social
ists." The indications are that tne uo-
clallsts are In the minority and that
their faction will withdraw from' the
Industrial Workers of the World. Dele
gate John ONelll. In his .report de
nounced Daniel De Leon as t ''Har
stung serpent" and an "ally of eapltal
i.n.' tn r.nnrttnr his - answer to the
charge that Victor Berger of Milwaukee
had conspired to out De Leon from the
Industrial Workers of the World.
O'Neill said that "wearing a red-necktie
and shouting I'm a revolutionist
will never drive the capitalists to the
cyclone cellar or throw off the bondage
of slavery."
" Organiser Petrlell of the Iron mines
of Minnesota , reported inhuman oondl
tlons there. . ,
PORE Fffifi
(Continued on Page Two.)
(Joaroal Special Serriee.)
Denver, June 14. Banker David
Moffat who was named by Harry. Or
chard as one of the Intended bomb vie
time, has Just returned 'from ths east
He says he can not understand why he
marked hv the federation, as it has
I hla h.nlr and hM has klwavi
ii.uu. ; . . i ,.. ....... -- -- f
;. Deen- menaiy to me orgauuBiwn.
Ex-Senator Mulkey. Agitat
ing Move, for Postal "Men
"to Learn Population. '
A letter carriers' censua of: the pop.
ulatton of Portland is. being, agitated by
a number of Portland business' men and
m?ail probability;- yfttl. be .unfiertaken . by
Postmaster Mlnto if he ' finds -that the
department will not placet-objection in
the way of the, movement and if It aoee
noti Interfere with ' thedeliyefV aervice
6f the clty. ' -I. s-irT '..-
That Portland haa a much larger fcop4
ulatlon than is khown ' byj the off lelal
census la conceded on every hand.;; It
la lrv common, talk' smdnr' tha tostal
employes that the Portland carriers' In
dividually are delivering' ' mall to a
larger number of people than is the case
in any other city In the United States,
It- la belnar arrued - therefore, that such
a censua would serve the two-fold pur
pose of more correctly ascertaining' the
population of 'Portland snd at the same
time showing that the Portland carrier
force Is doing; more work than, that of
any other clty.. ' ' - -
Ex-senator Frederick W. Mulkey is an
enthusiastic promoter of the carriers'
censua He calls uo the experience -of
Tacoma. where the carriers compiled an
accurate and complete , census of that
city in four weeks'- time, vttlscevertng
that the real nopulatlon of the citv was
something Uke i.Ou more thaa tb fiUf-i
ten . p -i'
V':JCV" :-'"
' t ; 1 1 11 m "? i
Ex-Senator .F. W. MulKey.' ' ' ;;
urea given by the official census. Mr.
Mulkey states that he is willing to aid
the, Dlan in any war bonslble and that
he wlU head a aubacrlptioa to meet the
Plan Was Becently Carried
Out in Tacoma With at
- isfactory Eesults. 1 ,
expenses of the work, If there ahould be
extra expense Incurred." -
Postmaster Mlnto-states that he has
already been considering the plan for
some time ana tnat ir ne rinas it xeas-
lble and -not contrary to the policy 01
the deDartment He win oe giaa to co
ocerate in the work and to- direct it. ' .
It Is the intention of Mr. Mlnto to
take tha Question no with the office at
Tacoma and rina irom mere in meinou
nuraued . bv that office in taking the
census of that city. He will ask the
Tacoma postmaster all of the details of
the census-taking,, what the expense
was. how the carriers proceeded.
whether or not It Interfered In any way
with the regular-discharge of their du
ties snd whether the sanction of the de-
rartment at ; Washington waa secured.
t the result of his inquiries is favor
able he will tn all probability order that
the Portland carrlera begin the compila
tion. of the city's population. ' ; . -
It Is believed the carriers would be
hie to nther a verv fatr and con
servative estimate of the city's population-
.-They -cover every-portion of the
city end would be able to- note practic
ally every person resident here. It is
estimated that the-work could be done
within two months at the outside and
that once It was completed the result
would be more nearly the real popula
tion. of the city than any previous cen
Mrs. Palmer and Infant At
tended by Eetinue of Ser
vants Arrive in City. .
Mrs. Honors Palmer .of Chicago, In
fant child, maid and five servants, to
gether, with IS trunks, oodles of hand
luggage and necessary ; paraphernalia
for housekeeping, . are at the Portland
hotel,', where they were . met by Mr.
Palmer. The party will leave in a day
or two for Eugene, . where ' they have
taken the E. C. Smith residence for the
summer. , ..
Mr. Palmer la the wealthy eon of the
late Potter Palmer of Chicago. He haa
come into, the Oregon, .country In the
paat six months after carefully looking
over Seattle and surrounding territory
and decided to engage In the timber in
dustry. To that effect he has set up
an office at' Eugene. Is negotaltlng for
savsral. hundred million feet of Oregon
lumber, and has laid out plane for a
model city that promises to outclass
anything In the model city 'line ever
turned out bv the Pullmans. Cudahvs
and other wealthy. Chlcagoans who were
looking for a place to spend money.
(Jeeraal Ivettal Serriee.)
San Francisco. June 14.- Judge Dunne)
thle morning denied Schmtta'a applica
tion for release on ball. and. remanded
him into' custody until tomorrow, when
the prisoner's attorneys claim .they wilt
show sufficient cause for the granting
of bail Schmlts claimed that as chief
executive of the city, it was absolutely
necessary that he have liberty 1H order
to conduct the business that, comes be
fore him. He will appear or sentence
Jine it. . ' -, . i
. With the opening of court Attorney
Campbell made a formal request to Dis- .
trict Attorney Langdon to agree with,
him that Schmlts be admitted to bill
pending, an appeal for a new trlaU '
Langdon, however, was not of the same
mind aa Campbell. He said that the
state would resist the motion. The fact -of
-the mayor's official position didn't
alter Langdon's stand.
"I don't consider the prisoner here aa
the-mayor of San Francisco, but aa Eu
?ene Schmlts. - I aee no proper reason
or ball being granted." - .
Campbell then stated that he would.
make a showing tomorrow to secure bail
for his client Schmlts was then left la
custody of a deputy. . - -
'The conviction -of Mayor ? Schmlts -opens
the wsy to reform In the police
department which la In a deplorable
condition. , Francis J. Heney said thla
morning: '. ,
As a result or tne - conviction- oc
Mayor- Schmlts. which means that he
must be confined in JalL be will be un-
able to perform the duties of that of
fice, the chairman of the finance com
mittee of the board of supervisors will
be acting mayor. Under the law a con
vlcted person- must be confined tn Jail
unless a court of competent Jurisdiction .
declares that such Imprisonment la sol
injurious to nis neaitn that he should
be liberated.- i Under no other circum
stances could he secure admission to ,
bail." .- .- -
With his conviction Eugene a
Schmlts becomes mayor In name onlv.
Though unable to perform the duties of
his of lice under tne law or California, -Schmlts
still retains his office. A few ,
years ago, through the Influence of the
corporate interests, a . law was placed
upon the-statute books of the state that
a convicted . person could not be ousted
from office until such conviction .- ha -been
upheld by a higher court - . j -;
: . ' WIS Try to Xold Ottleair
"Although every Influence has been
brought to bear upon Schmlts and hla
attorneys, they have ateadfaatly refused
to consider the suggestion., that tha
mayor resign.. Even though convicted -
(Continued on Page Two.)
Fiesta Parade Will Be at Least Two Miles Long " and
, Neighboring Towns Are , Asked to Help Supply! Gar-, ,
lands for Decorating Automobiles and Floats. r
For once in her existence Portland Is
short of rosea It - Is estimated by
George L. Hutchlns, manager of the
rose show and fiesta, that at least 1,000,-
000 roses are needed and that 5,000,000
could be used It they could be obtained.
The plans.of the fiesta management can
hardly keep up with the demand tor
entries, especially Jn the' rose parade
on Friday. Tha moat that was hoped
for a week ago was a column two miles
long.- today -enough -entries of rose -decorated
floats, carriages- and automobiles i
1 1 i 1 i .i in ; j. , I ii' i.. in..
have- been made, even from clttee out
side of Portland, to, make a solid double
column, . two abreast, . over two miles
long. "t-
To the surprise of the fiesta people
entries have been made from Tacoma,
Seattle and one from aa far away as
San Francisco. But the demand from
these enthusiastic! friends from afar 1
for flowers. "Can Portland, furnish us
the roses?' they all ask, as it la not
practical to ship the floats and auto
mobiles Tleeorated beforehand.
. Every rose within a hundred miles of
(Continued on Page-Eight)-
" ; Uooraal BpKbl fervtoe.) 'i. Yyy
New Tork, .June 14. the -NaUonal
Clvie Federation's effort to bring about
a conference' between the telegraph com
panlea and the complaining operators
having failed. President Samuel J. Small
of the .Commercial Telegraphers' union
of America has -wired a message to 131
suDoramate unions - advising mem to
prepare for a strike. The locals la San
Francisco. Houston and Chicago have
sent replies urging immediate action
and stating that they, were ready to
strike at moment's notice
Jacob Schiff. the only director of the
Western Union who responded to the
Civto Federation's plea for a conference,
said there waa nothing to , arbitrate.
President Small, and the executive com
mittee have issued a statement saying
they have reason to believe the Wnin ,
Union, and Postal"-have combined I i
fight the union as well se to lnr--,
rates and curtail the number of limn ,
offices' in large cttlea.
"The treatment accorded, the en' - ,
of both companies in thtir la-tit .
la brutaV tiX aJatit