The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 13, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Town Topics
mm -I
... J"1" Dockstaders Minstrels
: Marauam' Orsnd . . "rvn vi.nw
' Baker ...."The Prlncs and the Pauper"
vji . mq . 4 , ... , , , . . , . , . , . , vauaevuie.
Lyrlo ...V'AU tha Comforts of Horn."
SLar"V"'A". Th Bell of Richmond"
Tha Oaka.O. W, P. oarllno, 1st and Alder
Tha Butte oys Consolidated Mining
company, tha noma concern owning f lvs
mining:. oiauns In tha Goldfield, Nevada,
mining district, Is making activa prep
, aratlons for tha installation of a gaao
lint hoist, its development beratofora be
ing prosecuted with a windlass operated
by hand. Its shaft Is now down to a
depth of 101 feet and will ba sunk still
further as fast; as possible. Assays
'oip tha ore taken from tha shaft are
of tha moat enoouragring nature, four
rnade by Clayton A Hampton on May
seneroua as were tnsse,
' Still better results rra nht.ina fmm
samples assayed by the Garvin Cyanide
juirwjuon company, wnicn round values
122.04. and $3,049.68, and dump rock
picKea up ny treasurer Lambert, as-
.?. ov,r ,6- Tner t today. 1
Is believed, one paying mine in one thou
sand that at tha Butts Boys stair, of
development and with such asaaya aa
nm moovm wnicn sold us snares at aa
iow a pries as IB cents. Tha above fig
ures nave Dean a worn to bv tha aa.
savers, before United States Commis
sioner Biaaan, and are therefore abao
lutely true. This looks Ilka a pretty
good Showing and foundation for a
spienaia paying property. The company's
v Kaat Morrison street. In !
. The Union Laundry ' is ' one
story higher than It was a month
ago. The top addition is now al
most completed, and
To operate the enlarged Institu
tion. Do you know of any woman
out of workT We have a place
for her, and at fir better wages
than is paid at stores.
Union Laundry
, . " TOXk XAZir 898.
gzcoiro Aim coluxbxa. -
Council Learns Hunter Fen-
, der on Streetcars Is Inade i
quate-rSpecial Committee
Will InTestlgrate Old Mo-
tormen 'Against .Fenders.
Of Canham & Williams,
Grocers, , Portland, ( Or.,
office la at 16
the Weatherly building.
. ' Two scions .of prominent families
- may go to the rock pile at Kelly Butts
unless they quickly mend their ways.
At least Judge Cameron has so decreed
and apparently la in earnest In the
Cases of Arthur Beelejr and- James
O'Shea. two well-known "- young men
. about town, charged with having ere-
iw aieiuroance in me iioiet n
yon and abusing the landlady. Mrs Blo-
cum. the police magistrate yesterday
iiucu ooeiey sv ana u ones v ana
in addition entered a suspended sentence
of 10 days' imprisonment against the
defendants. In the event of , their fu
ture arrit on any charge, the jaU sen
tence Immediately becomes operative.
Three young women and two young
men wno were witn seeier ana u saea
escapea witn fines.
Seventeen children were received in
the Boys' ana Girls' Aid society home
during ths month of May, according to
the report read yesterday afternoon at
the meeting of the board of trustees.
Thirty-three children were disposed of,
leaving It still in the care of. the lift
stitution. Bills to the amount of 1780
were presented, approved and ordered
paid. Ths following officers were
eiectea ror
George H.
Keller and others made interesting re
marks. ' Mrs. Dalglelah reported the dis
tribution of more bououeta at tha Bea-
men'a Institute last Monday and a very
interesting evening. . At the conclusion
delicious refreshments were served and
a delightful social hour spent." A medal
contest will be held at the First Chris
tian church Friday svenlng.
Whooping cough, though not a very
dangerous disease, often Is very trouble
some and trying to the little ones. , In
those cases : KenvOn'S Cough Remedy
haa been found of areat benefit bv eas
ing the cough and shortening ths dis
ease, soo a bottle at Bernl's drug store,
ill Washington street , r
A. wC Wild was sentenced to an inde
terminate term in the penitentiary by
Judge Cleland in circuit court yesterday
afternoon. Wild pleaded guilty to em
bessllng $30 from ths Crystal Ice ft
Cold 8 to rase company, hia former em
ployers. Bam Nelson, a cook, pleaded
guilty to assault and battery ' on a
s-year-oia cnna, ana wss sentencea to
three months on the rockplle.
If no streetcar fender can be found
which will prevent people from being
mangled by ears, then the Portland
streetcars must be equipped with air
brakes to protect life.
f in the special session of the .city
oounoll yesterday this matter, brought
up by Councilman Vaughn, was given
thorough discussion and ended in the
appointing of Vaughn, Preston and
Baker as an lnveetiaatina committee.
The Hunter fender which was ordered
placed on all streetcars by ordinance
was not used on all of the cars and sev
eral accidents have shown , its Inads
auacv at critical moments.
rreaton cited a number or instances
in which old motormen informed him
that fenders were practically useless in
emergencies and the thing needed is the
air brake. Motormen explain that it is
next to impossible to drop tne renaer in
time to save a person's life when the
unfortunate falla within It feet of the
car. With air brakes the car could be
stopped in time to prevent any accident.
Vaughn also Deueves tnat the speed
Erneat W. " Ewers and Leroy ' Miller,
two surveyors working for the O. B,
N, under ths supervision of Engineer H.
J. Roberts near Qulnton, were drowned
resterday. Mrs. Lydia Ewera of Casey,
owa, the mother of onef the men, has
son will be shipped to the old boms.
Water through boss for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks or washing porches
or windows must bo paid for in advance
and used only between the houre of 5
and I a. m., and 6 and p. ra. It
must not be used for sprinkling streets.
If used contrary to these rules, or
wasteiuiiy, it will De anut orr.
Ths Masamas outing committee would
like to hear from Mr. Brady, ths chef
who wss with ths Masamas at Mt Baker
last year. Any one knowing his address
is. tr. ctneiaon, i wasn-
Williams, president: F. . E. Ington street, city.
secretary; J. C. Alnsworth, tw i TTTTT
.1, VI. V I
The tour wUl be
treasurer. The executive committee
consists of Dr. T. u Bitot, chairman;
Judge W. B. Gilbert. Mrs. Levi White,
J. CT Alnsworth, R. 8. Farrell and Miss j
neien v. Bpauidlng. ,
, A. H. Eliers Goes East A. II. Ellers.
accompanied by his wife, left Portland
this morning for an extended trip, upon
which all of the larger cities throughout
me eaat wui oe visitea,
Jamestown exposition.
one of both pleasure and business, and
later Mr. Ellers will be Joined by bis
brother, Hy Ellers, who is expected to
return from Europe on ths steamship
Deutschland, due to leave ' Hamburg
June IS. On the return both will at
tend ths great piano trade convention to
be neia in Chicago June it to Ji.
Retail grocers of Portland are com
pletlng arrangements for ; holding
mammoth picnic at Bonneville next
Monday. All previous efforts along this
line will be eclipsed. . Owing to in
creased memneranip it is expectea mere
White Flyer line of launches Will
make dally trips to the Oaks and re
turn. Boats leave foot of Yamhill
street daily at 1:0 p. m.; Sunday 10
a. m. TickeU at dock office, 10 cents.
eaaed memberahln It is expect)
will b 2,000 grocera in attendance.
Special rates have been granted by the
will Join the grocers and the butchers
may also come in. Games and sports
will be provided and everything will be
complete for a record-breaker in the
way of picnics.
Penney Bros. Friday Bpsclal Our
f 1.50 grade of Port, Sherry, Madeira,
Tokay and Sauterne wines -at 11 per
gallon;-our II grade or fort ana snerry
wines at 75 per gallon; 8-year-old J. A.
McBrayer whiskey, regular SB per gal
lon, at $4. Friday only. All local bottle
beers 11.75 per dosen; 40o rebate on
empty bottles. Phone East Js7 879
SSI East Morrison at Free delivery.
The second event of the reason will
be given at the Rock Island Country
elub Saturday night when a strictly In
formal dance will be the program. The
management has provided for a dellsrht
ful evenings The formal opening of the
club will take place in a rew jjays. when
It is expected the beautiful grounds will
be thronged with members and their
The Jury In Judge Gantenbein's de
partment of the circuit court that heard
the trial of Mrs. Frances Van Zandt's
suit against William H. Harris, yester.
isv afternoon returned a verdict award'
Ing Judgment to Mrs. Van Zandt for
$3,400. She bad sued alleging breach of
contract to erect an apartment nouse
that was to have bean leased to her.
' mt '
The Northern Pacific has decided to
place a new fast freight oh ths line be
tween Missouri river points and Port
land by way of Billings. The train will
be run light in order to maintain a fast
schedule, and will be of distinct advan
tage to Portland shippers of perlsbablo
goods. ,
At the usual Wednesday afternoon
meeting of ths Central W. C. T. U. Mrs.
J. M, Kemp, circulation edltor of the
National W. C T. U. paper, the Union
Signal, was introduced and made Inter
esting remarks, speaking of her leave
taking of her coworkers In Chicago and
the interesting Journey, her pleasant
tlmS here and meeting her friends.
Mrs. It. H. Addlton, Mrs. Unruh, Mrs.
Chicken Dinner at Oaks Tavern.-
Commencing Saturday, June IS, and
dally thereafter, a - first-class chicken
dinner will be served at Oaks Tavern
from S:S0 to S o'clook. 4
East Side Athletlo club. Prof. Ringler
uon iee aroppea inis montn. Bpeciai I lUUiMr V UjlilU.
suuuuvi 1 eavss wi sa-vasp smiwb as vv aAAtiuasiM,
East 670.
Steamer Jesse Harklns. for Camas.
wasnougai ana way innamrs, aaiiy ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
aoca 1 p. sn. . : ;? :. -: " :.
Sweet cream buttermilk, cheese, but- i
ter, ham. eggs, coffee, etc. Oregon
Cheese Co., sweuand : building, ; 126
Filth street.
The rereal health coffee,
tastes like 45c per pound
Java coffee. We use it ex
clusively in my family,w
" All grocers in' Oregon
sell a big package for 25c.
If your grocer has not got
Golden Grain Granules.
of streetcars in the more densely pop- . ...
uiated districts of the city should bo the pure health building
..nlalul anil a..t. tha atlnrnol " r . . . O
cereal coffee, tell him to
order a case from
AllenS Lewis
Lang & Co.
Mason & Ehrman
Wadhams & Co.
Wadhams & Kerr Bros.
All boys and girls will
:et money to spends for
rourth of July if they read
t 1 a st .
my ad, which l pub
lished June 1 in The Jour
nal. The same "ad" will
be published in The Jour
nal Saturday, Tune 22.
From 10 cents to $5.00, to
all children, with excep
tion of boys who smoke
regulated, and wants the city attorney
to see mat sucn restriction snouia oe
v Mayor Xane thinks that great danger
lurxs at street crossings ana tnat
meeting should stop, letting one pass
while the other was at a standstill. -The
starting of streetcars before passengers
were on or-oii was aiso criticised,
Baker desires that all of the sewer
holes constructed in sidewalks to carry
orr tne storm waters De examined ana
repairs mads where the grating is
broken. An appropriation is available
to cover this work and no more pools
win exist at street corners. Baker aiso
wanted a brick sidewalk on Mor
rlaon street between Park and
Tenth removed. He was Informed that
the Pennoyer estate, which owns, tbs
property, contemplated ths erection of a
ioou.qou Buuamg in tne near xuture ana
to lay a concrete sidewalk at this time
would mean an extra expense for the
reason that- the sidewalk would prob
ably nave to be removed wnen construe
tlon began.
The Oregon ft Washington Railroad
company wants to construct a grade
across the peninsula whloh will be lower
than the street. Their communication
to the council asking that permission
be given was referred to the committee
on streets. Mayor Lane thought that It
mignt be ror the best interests to in
sert a common user clause in the fran
chlse. so that by paying a fair rental
other roads might cross the peninsula
without the necessity of constructing
anotner roaa.
Annual Commencement Exercises at I
St. belens Hall Held Under
Favorable Auspices.
Stable Wanted to Rent About lOOx
i ou. Appiy at once. w. h. Qrenfell,
Francis ave. and Belmont Phone Ta-
wny pay, more Metsger fits your!
yes ior i, ats waan. ai, oor. 7ttt,
formerly at 111 Sixth street.
Allen's Kushlon Komfert shoes ere-
vent rheumatism and neuralgia. 400
Morrison. ......
Acme Oil Co. sells ths best eafetv mal
Oil and fins gasoline, phone East 78S.
expert photographer,
E. W. Moore,
Elks' building, Seventh, and Stark sts.
Woman's Exchange. 18S Tenth trt
.... . . A . 1 . . . .
tuncn 10 m, ousiness men luncn.
sandv with mMi
pair of children's shoes at Rosenthal's.
a coffee ek for It
Diamond W it's
at your grocer's.
For Ice call Main
Co., S51 Stark.
224. Ice Delivery
At ths annual commencement ex
ercises at Bt Helen's hall last night IS
young women were awarded diplomas
of graduation. Ths exercises were held
In ths large gymnasium, and were a
part of the activities of convention
week of tha EnlscoDal diocese of Oregon.
Rev. W. A. M. Breck, chaplain of
St. Helen's hall, officiated, assisted by
Rev. A. A. Morrison, rector or tne Trin
ity church. The address to the gradu
ates was delivered by Bishop scaaamg,
who also presented diplomas.
Members of the graduating class are:
General course, Margaret Crosby. Hasel
Robb, Marie Louise Emmons, Mary Mer
cedes Sims, Virginia June Sterling, Ha
sel Irene Tichner, Hasel Frances Ferris,
Jessie. Hale, Hilda Hagedorn; college
preparatory course, Mary L. Hewitt.
Evelyn Wilson; vocal muslo course, Ada
West; piano course, Mary Maud Car
Hale; kindergarten training- course.
Helen Rose Caldwell, Helen Boot, Beulah
Duncomb, Mary i Mcintosh, Josephine
Schell and Antoinette gchell.
For essays based on a series or iee
Nurseryman Pllklngton, ft Yamhill.
Oregonian Confectionery, 1S1 Sixth.
D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh.
Berger signs 284 Yamhill phons.
Gold watches Beck SOS Alder.
Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. -
Klser scenic photos. Imperial hotel.
Four men accused of crimes were ar
raigned before Judge. Cleland in the cir
cuit court yesterday. All were al
lowed until Saturday to plead. Malcom
MoCauley was charged with embenllng
88.000 from the Oregon ft Washington
Lumber company. Guy Rltter was ac
cused of obtaining 820 from a bank by
false pretenses. Frank Kelly .was ar
raigned on the charge of robbing the
Gresham bank, and Harry Montrose was
accused or criminal assault. ,
tures on church history bv Blshoo Scad-
flina- prises were awarac
Wilson received
prises were awarded. Miss Evelyn
on received first honors; Misses
Louise Emmons and Margaret Crosby
second, and Miss Hasel Ferris third.
Eleven other students were given hon
orable mention.
Portsmouth, Near St. Johns, Holds
First Successful Affair ot This
. , Character of Season.
K '4
Portsmouth, near St. Johns, held a
successful rose show last bight The
display was under ths auspices of the
United Artisans of the peninsula. There
was an excellent showing ot cut roses
and a great variety entered. The hall
was profusely aeooratea witn r lowers
and evergreens, presenting an extraor
dinary appearance of color and beauty.
A chort Droaram was rendered, in
cluding a rose drill participated in by
10 little gins wnicn was an exceeamgi;
attractive and appropriate number. Fol
lowing is the list of awards: 1
Red roses First Mrs. J. W. Angus
second, C. A. Wood; third, Mrs. R. B.
Cummlngs; fourth, Mrs. W. B. Satterlle.
White First, Mrs. S. E. Merrill: sec
ond, Mrs. S. t. Young; third, Mrs. C,
IT. Beard. ,
Pink First, Mrs. M. J. Hatfield; sec
ond, Mrs. Merrill; 'third Mrs. Carson;
lourtn, ju. u. Moyt.
There is no aouDt our xaax n.Aru.Kiii.iNwis tne dcsc teacner second, c a. wooa; tnira. Mrs. parson.
that is she teaches thoroughly so that one never forgets the that special mention should be made of
lesson, uu wic unsu wisg. niu. (invv i wiuvu. s wit Kenna and Mrs, uummings.
step toward financial success is economy. One excellentway to 1?T1?TriTTrr tt a vtT t?t?cj
nmctice economy isto profit hv the experience of others. Read in JiliJuaLaVljidSa
your newspapers the accounts of people who have lost their savings MAKE NO PROGRESS
vm bv keenine- them hidden around the house or buried in the 1 " ' V
garden. Then save yourself the cost of a similar lesson by deposit- TemlS.
ing your hard earned dollars in this strong bame where you are as- made, recently by the freighthaaaiers.
sured of absolute safety. Your money will not only be safe in bur Ths latter ask for small concessions in
savings department but will grow because of the interest we pay. Zl&'tZTolmS iiiZ
- - ' - I IVfllDUli iiaovvenvt vs. aw vw "
AtrPTr,TT,PQ I An interview was had between com
If your teeth need treatment the
longer you wait the larger it will
maks your bill.
s" first..
BBsr ar ss si st sfc srm
Call at once and let us examine
your teeth. We will give you ths
best service In every branch of the
dental profession, and by painless
methods that ' will meet with your
approval. When desired you can
have T. P. Wise or my personal
W. A. WISE, Dcnlisl
P. Wise, ILX Stordevant and Dr.
Huff man; Associates
Eton BtAXjr was.
T. H. Lambert....... President j Joseph Paquet......Vice-Pres.
A. W. Lambert.. .....Cashier 1,0. S. Fulton.;... Asst. Cashier
and General Superintendent Buckley of
i the Harriman lines, wno rererrea tne
men to J. P. O'Brien, general manager
and vice-president of the Southern Pa-
clflo company. Mr. O Brian has not yet
met the committee. -
The committee appointed to confer
witn tne wonnern racino nns uot'Deen
able to do much because the agents
hers have no power to act. They merely
iin make their demands to .tha com.
fiany .taiouiU ths ajteaU hers,
Everything seems to be in harmony
between the city council and ths olvil
service commission, ths former yester
day appropriating f 390 out of the city
treasury to pay for the services of a
stenographic clerk hired by tha latter.
Secretary McPherson will have assist
ance for the next six months In conduct
ing the numerous examinations in the
city departments.
Some of the members of the council
nave expressed opposition to appropriate
in money to suooort the civil servisa.
but the commission relied on that clause
in the city charter which provides for
the payment of all necessary expenses
of the service to bring the council to
pass tns measure.
Secretary Hlmes of the Oregon His
torlcal society announces
may now be secured ror the reunion
and requests tnat eligible persons call
at the rooms In the city hall and get
them. Every man and woman who
came to the Oregon country previous to
and inciuaing tne year is entitled
to wear a badge. Every; mail brings
Inquiry relative to tne reunion
notwithstanding tne ract that 100
Help It Along The Rose Show-
w ry
1 Jr t.L ifvt-
Do Your 5hare
(m X i '' I HL.
T piano players. Unlike any other previous improvement, the "The- 1
J modist does not merely accentuate the treble notes or the bass notes,' J
but it goes still further, and seeks out the melody wherever it may bs I
1 high or low. The "Themodist" is to be found
2 . t
1 Only With the Pianola j
Is THE great improvement In the
construction of Piano Players
that critics have been awaiting
In bringing out the melody and Subduing the accompaniment, the
"Themodist" achieves the greatest success since the development of
piano players. Unlike any other previous improvement, the "The
modist does not merely accentuate the treble notes or the bass notes,
but it goes still further, and seeks out the melody wherever it may bs
high or low. The "Themodist" is to be found
The supremacy of the Pianola is sfill more decisively emphasized
by this latest and greatest improvement. The "Themodist" 'accom
plishes the seemingly impossible and marks in the most positive man
ner the great superiority between the Pianola and a host of other
piano players which are, at best, but poor imitations. : , .
With the aid of the Pianola, anyone can play any Piano, and now,
with tha "Metrostyle" and "Themodist features, exclusive with ths
Pianola) any piece can be rendered In a manner rivaling ths perform-
There is but One Genuine PianolaMade Only by
The Aeolian Co., and Sold Throughout the Pacific
Northwest Only by the House of Eilers.
Themodist Pianola, With Metrostyle, $300 Model K Pianola,
With Melodist and Metrostyle, $215 Used
Pianolas, from $150 Upward.
Weber Pianola Pianos Steele Pianola Pianos Wheelock
Pianola Pianos Stuyvesant Pianola Pianos
Prices $500 Upward.
If you have a piano, add a thousand-fold to its value by securing
a Pianola. When you have learned the real worth of the Pianola and
desire a combined Pianola-Piano we will allow the full purchase price
of the Pianola in exchange. In either case .
Pianolas and Pianola Pianos may be secured upon convenient terms
of payment so attractive that all music lovers may enjoy the pleasure
of these incomparable instruments.
Visit our Pianola parlors, ask us to play your favorite pieces, be
come familiar with the marvelous ability of the Pianola, .learn what it
will really do, and do for YOU.
The House
of Highest
Amnaas af . W.vv-eVrS
and Best
Exclusive Agents in Western America for the Wonderful Welts
Mignon Piano Exclusive Pacific Northwest Representatives
lor the Pianola, the Standard Piano Player of the World
Sole Agents for Peerless Electric Pianos.
Orchestrelles, Pipe and Parlor Organs, Orchestrians Violins, Talking
Machines and Records. Xv
j 353 Washington St. Corner Park I
f And Stores in 'All Important Pacific Northwest CWes. " f
wu.V.S.The KcIIlJ Th:;t;c ;
Tonight at SslS Tomorrow X.ast 1
lew Doctsladcr tzi Zls C;.
Prices--t.50, $100, 7B 0o, S5o.
Seats selling at the theatre.
, Concert tonight at theatre.
wi'aaU nEiiiG mmii
s Saturday Night, June IS, ;
Given by .
ttjwsvts) - yacurio , vat vxsxxrt
Prices 25c, lOo. 7Se. $1.90. Eeao
selling at theatre. ,
Marquam Grand
' j. ' - Phmt Mils S.t
, suur ntAiroxsoo orsxa, oo.
Presenting ... ..
Ths Enormously Successful Comia
Opera, the Talk of the Hour.
Prlf-Ettninf, SOe, SOe. 75. Hstlnae, V
and 50c. - r
MAXXM THXATKS (Pboee Msls S) Ose. U
k,r, Gnrsl MsBarer. Attrsetlna sU this
rnk. Little OUIe Civr, AaMrtrs's for
..Biast child star, lap parted bf stemhers nf
' tbs Bkr Tbratrt Company in a DiiraUlnt
" prodnetlon of Msr Twsln'a bstmil put",
"'Thi raivcx AVD THB AVriM."r
child should b dmlod the dsllsht of tbl
charming and intsrsatlng pleca. 8palai !!"
. Matinee Wtdnssday. Crery child with trt
frse. Regular niitlnce Batordar. ETsalncx,
Me, 8Sc, Mc. MatlnMs, 10c, 9Se. haxt
wealt,. Xltut's Mniical Coinad eoaupan.
Phene Uaia dSSS. ' ,
Wah tbs Alien Stock Company
seating Wm. OlUstts's Oslsbratsd
fonr-Afft Coiradr.
tfstlocM Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday St
Snnday. Prices, 10c, SOc Bycrr evening at
S:1S. Prices 10c, SOe and SOe. '
BeasrreS seats by phone, Main 4A85, Cf
Sce open from 10 a. B. to IS p. sa.
Entire Week of June 10th,
The Bevgaaisad Star Stosk Oesifaay
Presents 1
rna bbixx or wchkobv ,
. .. A play In four sets
Matin cm Taesdaye, Tharedays, Saturdays and
Sundays at 8:SO. Price 10c and SOc,
Erer erentns at S:19. Prices 10c, tOe aat
SOe. Beeerred seats hy phone for all perforaf
ices. Main MM.
Next attraetloB "Ooafuslos,"
Week ef Isae 10.
Vauderllle de Luxe
seaee by the fa-
BHras clown and
Cblaataa. Harding
and , Ah Bid In
"rua In a Chinese
Laundry." -
Special Added Attrao
tiea Lata Bras., 1m
trodoctns ' Claraaee
Lets. Th Arm 1m.
Wonder ;" tte Fmir
Uaaooa. . Mile. Olive.
Georre (Pork Cbopa)
gears, ' , Wbelan A
Searlae, Mr. rrederlc
Roberta, Graadlseope.
Oovnst Tangaa and. Twenty-foarth.
June 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.
Los Angles vs. Portion J
Games called at S:S0 p. m. datly.
Oames called at S:S0 p. m. Sundays.
Orandstand lBo. ' ' Children lto.
Box Seats 35a , - -
Know It By This Label
Every Hat Guaranteed to give entire
satisfaction or a new hat free of charge
by the Incomparable
Bcnusonyrs v .
snnroAJUAjr xttssabsj i ;
at 1:00, : 7:40, S:i0. )
-''' moxAis . i
In thsir aerial extra vaganaa on the higi
wire at 8:10 O'clock. See the king of
the high wire make his death-nervine;
dash over a slender cable on a whel
of fire, 100 feet high. Greatest act of
its kind In the world. ,
:.:...: .. ...... .' . k '
Going fo the Seaside
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Special prices oa seaside and
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freight charges paid on an or
ders of 120 or mors to your near
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The WaU-Kaewa
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Dump Wagons
arm ostb a txiai.
Western aerapers.
Boad flows and all
modern Sartfc and
Book Handling SCa
chlnery la stock. .
Vkoas Bast S93S.
kaiot mmA Kutk
Ba made a life stndy ef rests sad Ikm".
ad tn tbst atadr dlaooeeted sad i fi... .,
(n tbe world bis wendernii reaiedlM,
He gearanteea -a enre Catarrti. a. ,
Lane. Thmat, BBesiaattsfla .Weri-
Kermaa D-bllitr. Stomaea. Mer. c
Tmblest "he tMt Massned, . gestale V
sees sad Alt Prtvsts THeasea . ,
fast Bsesivsd ai ?h, Chiaa-Safs, I
' sad BelUbla.
if too abb Arrttcnrn, r"
: H res eaaaot H, wrfte tnt sr-., ;
sad slmlaf. laekae 4 eenie
Hi c. six wo cat
16 " a ., .
v fUaa 2 .. 4 .