The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 13, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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CI S. Jackaoa.
FaMMiad ' every evealng texeept Sunday) and
etery Saaday BHiraliif . it Tli Journal Build
ing, rin ana xamhiu itmii, roritaaa, vr.
development of , tbls "Important In-J missioners. , The municipal business
dustry In the next few years. The I is divided Into'' four department,
situation demands It. Wester.n Ore-J each 'being in charge of a commis-
gon ought to become noted as the I sioner, the mayor being the execu-
flnest dairying region In the coun-ltive bead of, all, bis duty being to
Why She Was
Dr mil Vhtnltr Wllw.
And dairy products ought to see that the orders' of the commls-f rooprriibt. imt. AnMriean-Joarnai-Ezmiar)
w'Ja .. "111 n..i.. n. ,be plentiful' enough s6 that people sloners are executed. One commit- At a charging little luncheon party
traiwmuaion through tb maiia m aaeoad-cUaa J who are not rich could consume all sioner has charge of finance and ' 19 bright? womn, one of the guests
utter. .... .. arose and Mill to her hnata.a. "Won't
State Comment - on tlie Reelection
,f M
ayor , JLane
Letters From tne
People ,
Tn I
; All departments reached by this number.
ma operator the department yoa want. ?-
, Vreelaad-Baojanila "peclat Advertlalnf Agency,
Braaawh-k Building. S2& Firtk a?enoe, Maw
'" ork Trlbaoa Building, Chicago.
Snbecrlpttoa Terms by mall to ea r address
ia us unite gtatea. Canada or Mexico.
, nAii.Y. .
Om yea,;.....,'.$S.oo I Ona month....... .00
of them that they wish
revenue, and : under him are the
Tarty Name Not Enough.
From the Union Republican.
The ' time haa evidently paaaed ,
you and your husband come up next Portland when party name Is sufficient
city assessor, collector, treasurer and Sunday afternoon and Join a few of to carry an election In that eitv. The
THE NEW ALABAMA SENATOR. auditor. : A second commissioner has our friend? TeU your huaband he will I eleotlon of Lane last week is a oaae In
charge of waterworks and sewer-
HEN LAST year Senators 1 age, and under him are the super-
Morgan and Pettus were lntendents and employes jof , these
selected by the people, their departments. A third commissioner
new terms to begin In 1907 has charge of the streets and every-
not be bored by finding many women
there. I am a man's woman, and
usually have many more men than wo
men about" . . .,;;t:v'..
Of oourae the speech was taotlesa,
to use .a mild word. Many a, hoateas
would hare thought It Insulting her
! point
Undesirable Association.
? From the Coqullle Herald.
Hon. Harry Lane was reelected mayor
of Portland on the . Democratic ticket
Monday. Not becauae of his Demoo
-v. ' J?kP-i - .. and 1909. th r.r.r,l .wl thins itertatnrna- to than, and under ...... 7 . "J.: ; ' "IT. . .. I rac7 Pul. .tecu.,s Republican permitted
una 7af.. ...... i una-moniD.,.,... ai r- i " : . i nospuamy. jjus ion mt rtfiraia it i unaesiraDi ciusena to pilot in U. O. ,
Ona year... tT.M I Ona awwth. f 65
I find the great thing In
this world. Is not so much
where ' we stand as in what
direction we are moving.
W. Holmes.'; ''v.;
ex-Governor Johnstone and ex-Rep- blm are the city engineer and , his as merely slllv, and the reauit of an into meahes of pollution.
resentative Bankhead as ' substl- assistants and the city health officer inordinate vanity on 'the; part of the A change for the Better
. t . i I mm I anas Ir At ' ' " 'i i ? J- I "
nonukr .flmin From the Nwburg Ortphlo.
fA i fill .. .AM.tAttle1 iJbii4 hi. nKArlfiatAii Tti fmirtfl 1 "PWer. ' v
vMvvwt aa vaao nouflbV am! BOfttO all I mws "vv. v I Ok. k.1a . . .
RUtJ a! OA gou WCVfj f
case of the death of the old senators, commissioner Is la control . of the wlth , tha naar found! The time waa, in the memory of man,
Morgan is now dead, and his sue- police and fire departments. All any difficulty in filling- her. drawing ,whn th candidate for mayor In Port
rooms with intereatlna men when she
deal red their presence. ,
Tint ah. nnaaaa1 the ' additional
quality of being popular with her own I aotten wlae enough to sUnd together,
aex. .1 rrg ardleas of politics, reeulta have been
land who could command the vote of
the bum element waa aa good as elected,
but alnce the better claaa of voters have
cesnor will be either Bankhead or superintendents and subordinate
Johnstone. Bankhead, though beaten officers are nominated by the proper
for representative by Captain Hob- commissioner and confirmed by a
son, was the leading candidate for majorltjr vote; of the board. The
senatori beating Johnstone by a few commissioners meet once a week and
votes in . the . popular election, so transact as much business as was
TJGET SOUND lumber . manu- VAnlit maMm .ntttlnt tr ti. fnrmarlT rinna hv IS rnnpl1mT I Charmer of men.
. ; v.- " . " . :TV"W vw : . . ' She almpl, knew hew to make men
I eeai, mougn 11 is supposed mat uov-ianu, n ciaitneu, mure aiiBiaciur-1 ujk, and ane anew now to naten.
ernor Comer, who will have the ap- ily. Each commissioner is held per- LA." ?.P Jl!iSnlJ,,!;J S.liVhfi
. Portland, because, says their pointment, his appointee to hold un- sonally responsible for the conduct "k frfenda who ahow an intereat in i2f '"'21 5'?"' ' .C""S
; n I ... I ... . . . I their personal Uvea, and who enter Into an Independent vote for the man who
It la not difficult for a woman to be
popular with men. v ,
I have aeen a girl utterly devoid of
Beauty, and without education or marked
intellectual enaowmenta, amne as a
different. We are pleased to note the
cnange ior uiav oetter. -.
. " Independent Voting.
' From the Grants Pass Courier.
- This election la but another example
of the attitude of mind that la begin
nlng to poaseaa the Oregon elector that
spokesmaa..Mr. Victor F. Beckman, til the legislature meets, Is more Jof his department and results.
their personal foibles.
there Is a congestion of lumber, on favorable to Johnstone. Ordinarily The commissioners are prominent, mt! " ifuSuct
i-ugei souna causea oy ; graaes the legislature of Alabama meets reputable business men
A little aympathy, a little self-effaoe-
jitue attention,
will beat aerve hla Intereate. The larser
thla class of citizens, the better It will
De ror tne weirare or tne state, for it
' Galveston and a woman wlu ie popular with men. I wlu tend to auae the various partlea
, ,v j. i m I . ...... . .... . .xv I " mailer wnai aooompiianmenta ana "r " mn r u-
croBsmg tne cascade mountains. I only ouadrlennially. hence the neces- Is said to be freer from crime than I lacks and how devoid of pereonai beauty 1 frag of the people, and a nomination
TliMa artilai Ma anl ha if nMtit h .u. .a il. , - , . I v . iri.. i. I She may be.
. , j . B1LJ Vl vua .. peupia cnwumg uew tier ucioio. iuc vn vwu. i.i Th. -,. v- nrn.
shipping: through ; Portland. There substitute senators,' for in Alabama waterworks and light plant. Streets cWmingherself fman Jewtmce," o"
are other conilderationa which are as in Oregon the legislature merely are well Improved and sidewalks does not need 'to meer ntoknow her
tinitar A !arnHfnn In. tJt tinarlnar now . u - i- .v . - . t . .1... ri.vif. v.. v. nnn type.
' , ratiiie. lua pcupio a vuoiuo, uui ima wicr. auiuiiUB u wu. ,ejfh to th- eor va,n ftn(J
being bad before the interstate com- year the legislature will hold an ad- pressed. The city pays for all street fined with a secret jealousy of all
merce commission , at Washington, journed session in August, so that paving, the owners of abutting prop- She usually possesses lust enough
and how valid; a reason this ,of the governor's prerogative will not erty nothing. The city hall Is run JinJ"0, her "he rehpurut?o"n
KiBuoa - tumj u ta muVVvi. 01 r amount to mucn. ,,Tnere win un- juBt like a DusmeBS eBiaDiiBnmeni, or preuinesa.
position .assumed, by the Puget doubtedly be struggle, however, and no loafing or political wire- befutifui"2nd bright man'cin a7fo"X
bound lumbermen we o not know, between the two substitute senators pulling Is tolerated. : , doeanmtne,dltortiiktof hw wuiJt$
but , we call , the attention Of , the for Moraan'a seat, as in the election Under such a svstem there ar- with men. It la understood.
Seattle and Tacoma papers to this neither, was speclflcaHy designated pears to be no absolute guaranty or notinVVmaWwoman-'ind
by the dominant
aarlly Insure an
arty wll not neces-
A Splendid Victory. -From
the Western Leader.
Mayor Lane's splendid victory at
Portland In the face ef Republican odds
will be gratifying news to all lovers of
good government ana clean morals
throughout the state.-
Knifed by Slxnonites.
From the Rainier Review.
The Oregonlan stood with The Jour
nal for the defeat of the head of the
Republican ticket and Its real reaaon
ror doing so was mat it rearea nis eieo
feature Mr. Beckman's testimony. M the one. to occupy the first va- certainty that the city's affair, will Wway."?n.rW
us " . " m w u.u..,y 1, y ww-1 cuncy., J jrcllUB 10 UOW BUUUl 01 I V9 conaucieu WllUUUt inuuuu uri uiunny una wag tm malicious in ilr
The University Referendum. ; .
which It Is ooDosed. In other words, roruana, juno to the Editor et
the Slmonltes knifed the head or tne The Journal There seems to be eon'
ticket. Had the candidate been of their .Werable intereat manifested regarding
choosing doubtless the other gang.would tn. .... on(1 annrnnrimtin- . ,tZ -.rZ
have pursued the earn e methods. They l".ooq appropriation and Its refer
all claim to be Republicans, but they endum, and while I was opposed to re
care a great deal more for their per- ferrlng, this matter to the people and
the part and so It will be in the future, sition to apeak without bias.- It seems
' ; , t to me the friends of the university are)
" , , rrotest of 4 Voters. ( . making a mistake In their attempt to .
' "From' the Day ton Optimlat. strangle these - petitions. t bave care
. The ' election of Dr. Harry Lane, a fully read the title of both, the one ;
Democrat, to ; the office of mayor of on the original bill as ' Introduced by
Portland, a city with a large Republican Mr. Eatori and used on the petitions.'
majority, la a further protest of the tl)d the one adopted as the title, and I
voter against machine rule and an ex- , , . . . '
presslon of their desire to have men of mu,t confess I can see no good reasons
real worth to the community ln-posl- for the refusal of the secretary of state '
tions of trust a i ; to place on file. ; I believe suoh small
Saioo Opposite Elected t VtrimT oV K'K
, From the Hoed River News Letter. verty of Oregon and all who oppose
-. Mayor Lane had endeavored to fulfill th, rithu of th peopU to Mtu, thlg
the pledges made two years ago and the .nnronrlatlon h a vote at the ranaral
people have confidence In his future ,i-elon -
aotlon. Above all this, however, l the "TrK
fact that the saloon element had en- if The average American loves fairness
tered the fiaht to defeat him. and thla and I can elalnly see day by dat that
brought the better elaas together Irre- th frjena of the University 6f Oregon,
snectlve of party. 'Am a predominating 1 1 . , ... .. ...
and controlling: Influenci the saloon 5'o;'""n -VfirT iWd i pS;nndinS
. -.'.' c ' I had the pleaaure of being In at-
. North 12nd Cant Control. tendance at ifood River at the session
' From the Tillamook Headlight of the atate grange and almoet without
" rvi. 1. ...... . (k... exception the attitude of the state of.
This is another vlotory for those who rt.n1. of th. university waa
advocate law and order. It used to beidenounoed both Inside and outalde of th
that the party which could control the hall, and .there is no room for doubt
norm end vote waa almost sure 01 eiec. . "" vn w
tlnn. Not aa tnrlav for whenever the I pearly ail
vnlnrathnn whn nallova In law and I H
early another measures, and should a
lttle "quibble" In th title of th act
order set together and center on anyraew xn. Pfopi rrom . vote 05 tnia
candidate, they are to be reckoned with ?MUT.?. Vre" "'V't",?,
In future city election. Thl I a good J?J1.1,IL5 i" iihnl!S t'.V I?i.eoJ2:
aign, for It will force political partlee JJf '?i JP?.n2. IIi
to put up th best and cleaneat men ?f f 'E?m. .fi'i ,f.p.roPJ1V2?-' ATS .5?
college. I sincerely hop that all
they can find.
friend of the Institution will do their
utmost to bring thl matter to Settle.
ment at th polls regardieas of techni-
The Better Element Won.
. :. KVflm tha CnrvaJlla Times
Th nhannmanal raanlt la another I CAlltieS Or omiaalona. a I am convinced
Tn pnenomenai result is anotneri n. nurt ran afrnni to "nn.
manifestation of th trend of the time, trary" the wUl of the people on mien
Maeeed on one side was th vicious ele-1 grounds. J. Q. LUMMKR. (
ment and a "machine." and on the other! -
the column that stand for clean ctviclniam tnr VVbm ttrnrt PI.miI
condition and non-partlaan government T """J ' .r
As Is InevlUbl In auch caaea, In spite Hood River, OrH Jun I. -To the
of the claim of Prty, th better ele- Editor of The Journal From what can
enLT."ii.IiwnlLl!!i,I.,i0..i2 be learned one of ouV prominent suf.
better, and the standard of citlsenahipi wuuii
. fhM )in i itmtH .i ' .v.a'.v. ..v... .v v. i speecn. Bne antagonisea ner sister
..o.w w v.. .uw..vvu year oiu, eo iui mo uvner su usu-1 prait, any mure man uiiuer iuo 1 woman and then attributes their In
Portland had the great natural ad-
tute may not have to wait long, dlnary system1 of municipal govern- a,VSIenf?..; Iff1'?, i.5?i.c rim.'
vumago 01 a aowa-sraue, . water- tnougn FettUS IS yet naie and Sturdy. I ment. but SO far tne Plan seems loimler, one of. the world-famed beauties.
level route from all tha Inter-moun-J Senator Morgan has served five have worked well in Galveston and
talk country, while all shipments to terms In the senate, and has long in a few other small cities where it
or from the sound cities,, unless via been a Democratic leader and a I has been tried
Portland, were subject to the heavy I trusted counsellor upon various lines
handicap of steep grades, over the pf legislation. He has said. and done Vice-President Fairbanks, In the
Small Change Oregon Sidelights
was her equal popularity with men and
women. -
Napoleon Bonanarte ' tried vainly to
win her favor, and flnallr exiled her
from Franc' beoaua har aalnn waa
filled with the great men of the day I oata reapa a grasa, widow.
ana ne Deiieved tne nostesa nostue to
his reign and feared . her power.
xei ne waa beloved by au women
Hope are frlaky things; they might
pay tnis year alter aiL
e . :
Sometime a fellow who sows wild
Coal Is belnr proaoeeted for near Aah.
land and Talent
. . . - -
ure te th W. C. T. V. for th dft
of the euffrtg amendment a year ago.
It'1 Is much to be regretted by many
earneat advocates of the movement that
all lines where good principles are in
volved cannot pull better together. ' It
must be remembered that ' women as
well as men (or at least many of them)
Cascade mountains, but "now.., that more than any other public, man, for language of the Indianapolis Star, who cam into her presence, for her
one of tbejr -own star witnesses has an Isthmian canal, though be was has uttered a "call for the reunion jSaL"? .oaVeVmaie'fruJd
mentioned the matter, we suppose sorely disappointed because Panama of the Methodist church, North and reft,dl2vf,n8' th P'aises of her beauty
they, will examine the map and as-1 instead of Nicaragua was chosen. South, as a means of promoting sec- No woman was ever universally un
certain the fact," though perhaps it He : was a statesman of the old tional harmony." If, incidentally, .hw ... 2.Z2rtlJHlT?
school, honorable , to the core and the southern Methodists would fur-L -Mways can the true cause be traced
ther harmonize with their northern I lahness, in her association with other
There is a' chance for half a month
of spring weather yet thl Jun.
e - '
would be expecting too much to an
ticipate their publishing it, f.V,
If this advantage, of the route to
Portland is so great that the Puget
sound lumber' must come this way.
may it not be expected that ail
large amounts of heavy freight will
follow .the same natural routef And
If so, does it not follow as a matter
devoted to his country! service.
Work for man teams near ITnlon. I h.w. K. un.tM am to ..rt.ii.
hauling lumbar. I ! mnA wrtt.r ..t. in
Rattlesnakea flvi and six feet Ion ""King the assertion that bad It not
are aeen around Prlnevill. been for the W. C T. U. very many
I more women Would be our opponents
A Kai eaaaaaaa a.J a A -.M li. . I ,W - Js A WWV - V. ..1 M I
Ef ford to b lndif front to poUtlea. proporty nitr Mld. I honor irhM honor li 4u, and further
Thos Russian terrorist muat look Lwi "'".a.? nie JT t cJ.t'r. ,B that this arand oraanixatlon Is reapon-i
upon Orchard with pride and envy. . cup.a oy union. - -
I . ..... ... .. ' i I Wa .ha..T4 aAviAAa T ana IMI4 aM MAeai
Moat weddlna era an let but In many ..A MCMinnvui strawberry measured I "Zr"?.l.T:".','":Z "ZIZ
cases ther are stormy times afterward. ; W nd many others were ' "d file" of tne white' ribbon army
I. . . i , . li -rw i women.
premren insupporuug air. ir- x man wlll natter and pretend
banks for resident he -would, of admire a vain woman who seek to be
- 1 a nnv.r with hi. wh.n In hi. .....
course, be greatly pleased. I heart he pities-and despise her.
it wouta oe a painrut oroeai to many
man s
Lawyer Richardson's prolonged the comment passed upon her by those! the whale swallowed Jonaht
. , . . . . 1 eatellltea she believes her victims. I a i
own sex.
It Is unwise . for a woman to go
about advertising this fact for everv
Intelligent observer knows the cause and
knows it Is not to her credit
An Odd Ad.
."Nothing aucoeeds like perseverance,"
DENVER booklet should be in
teresting ' and instructive ' to
Oregon ; people on account of and wearisome attempts to catch
- showing the ' extent to which 1 "Orchard" in some little contradlc-
of course, that products destined for Colorado "Portland cement is be- tlon only serve to wear out court.
export will seek ships at Portland, ing used 'in that state. This publl- Jury and spectators, and do the
rather than pay freight for an addl- cation contains pictures of many defendant no good. It is well to
tional haul by land of 200 miles, and large and beautiful Denver build- test the witness thoroughly, but too
that imports also, destined for east- Ings, Including the stafe capitol, the much reiterated cross-questioning
era and interior cities, win prefer to court house, the public library, tends to defeat its purpose.
reach Portland, that is the Immedl-j churches and hotels, in the con-
ate terminus of railroads following I structlon of whlcbi Colorado-made
this natural, easy-grade route?
We expect that Puget sound cities,
for various reasons, will continue
handle a great and even Increasing I Quantities in several carts of Ore- peace. ' We can spare tbem a few. ' sunk, burnt down ther?rwaaavii?v iEl
.inmn nmm.M - it mn f I ... .. t I . I dicAtlon that he had aet the nlaca nn
......v.,... gon, ana n so wny are our own peo-1 fire himself in order to get the .insurance
appears clear that Portland lies in Die nof using home manufactured "When thieves fall out" some money. Virginia city wa the . oui of j
w jiwuhum, "--" -1 cement, aa wen as me neopia or trutn nitnerto conceaiea is iiaeiy toiworas. it rose en maase. seised Henrv
Btlll reaterand far more' raoidly ri. t,- c,..n n fimitt Plumley. put a halter around hi neck
' , .-t - " I VviW. BUU ; , A lav WUVfiURU . VVUUWJ I UUVW1U. Lvututh I anQ IV nCuSU niRla
a a a at a S 1 I ..a-. . ...
increasing uae oi exporxs ana , .im- Observer says there is an almost Boss Ruet are illustrating the truth
Bom people who delight to wear
button, badge .and emblems appear to
be good ror. not mucn eise.
Whv doesn't the president settle once
were she to hear for all th question as to whether or not
are suffragists, but do not bellev 1
. -,JI- 1W .! man, Many admires Homley, alias Orchard, seems to be
- w'm "un nor i trying to make nimaeir out as great a
killer as a railroad corporation.
Orchard tells the truth In on respect 1 tt
at least when ' he says he was a
coward. An assassin always Is.
Booker Washlnatoa having leased a
place pear Oyster Bay, we may expect
nearly as large.
' .. . ' . . . - I Bettlns themselves to tha onlnlon o:
thv r.niin;l. fc!SlfnJS fJkton;M one were) who baa proven her
mJ?nr h2?2 ?.25. KVLfli?1 I self to be antagonistic to the W. C..T.
..-. w. k,,vu.. . .. u. in aeneraxi lr reDori are correct. -
. 1 ' ' I There was one feature of th- lata
Two mills at Black Rock are cutting I municipal campaign in Portland which
89.000 feet a day. mostlv tlea: two Fall. I seems to th writer to deserve some
City mill cut 1.0,000 feet a day. j notice. Considering the Irght voU that
The lose of sheep both from exposure votef Should they not be disfranchised!
and disease during tha year 1906 was When such an important eleotlon was
lower id uregon man any otner western field every voter should hAV taken ad
said Mark Twain at a dlnnr. "When to see Tillman's pitchfork flying in tn
the luck seem a mOat icnlmt u. than nr. I ur aa'"
should work and hope hardest of all. In
vantaa-a of hla nrlvll.a-a.
1 , We dlatlnotlv . remember one of tha
Harnole Hill corresnondenea of Jim. I arruments uaed aaalnat woman suf-
tlon City Times: There are aeveral I f race during the campaign last year-
widow In our (neighborhood. The land also brought up In tne legislature
gravel-loader is th cause of complaint I b"t winter waa "all women do not ear
I . W. A. .
. . - . . . I uuKfir uj nn aid naeo.
I.?raeyn wno. owh" ' Fortunately Dr. Lane
part Of Pilot ROCJC, trylnc 10 ltep kt hmA it hn nthftrwlM loml Of th
. a. .t.. 4. taHa In mi I roan rrom AtitArlnar rhit (nwn I ka i "z
- ' . . I . a- - Ai t T ; a . ' I BfllTlB lO til I lift VllBt IU UlUVW I . .11 ' " . Z" - 7 " " vw " " I BLM V tl nOTTiea TT1! KUl JIB V9J DU DUtUHtfj
Nicaragua and Baivaaor are re- "urB .o.oqs to ao so. t0 deplore their indifference.
i . ,
cement. and 'nlaat- hav heen numA:nnA in h about tn ma to war vireint. dirv " . " " v tf around unci earn witn a
- We doubt not that there are eaually again. What these countries need tenKmi-iu .U- 'V. ..SoU Sl " .
l . .... ........ . . . . .. . . .. IL'Jj. r.u . w. :r" ""i.-" . " Dr. wnev advise people not to
kuirnnn ' miraiMiii lit inwn.nrtiiti.H. a r.w am vmiiaman rn w,tu ' u uu. vv ii.n bii . T a t . . . . .
chip on
"I ThHA 4flrMnta ar. nnt r.r. ancl ef.
Correspondenca of tha ToTedn teif.i-. I ford substantial reason to many Intel
WaldDort doea not (Mm lik. th. um. I ligent women for desiring tha fran-
ehewf place any mora, for everv one la huavlchlse. for. If all the good men voted
dancer I at aomethlnav Imnrnvm.nt. nf .ill and took more of an active Interest In
or their doing ao witn a gooa eeai or i Kinas going aneaa. ' I aecurms. gooa oincera a ainereni ieei-
tbe beef they buy
Ezra. Meeker ia cofn
Broadway In New York With
"But he did not die. The sheriff mr.
rived and cut him -down in time. He
going to drive up
Tfork with hi ox
team, but a long aa it I not a team
of bull Wall street will not have a
panic, ..
It has been a bad spring for contrl-
limitless supply of material for the I of this observation.
making of Portland cement in that
I .4 ... I (TV. ..In An anma h.rm Ia I tnOUfftlt B d return tO Virginia Citv I for It
.We cannot help thinking that it I cherries and strawberries, but will (back, reopened hla collar factory: and I An eastern sociologist announces that
waa tried and found guilty and served a I butlona to the Peary fund. People sua
term In jail. , ? Ipect that the north pole has been mov-
- un rus release you wouldn't have 1 in-. down tbis way. ana nave no love
HE DAIRY business in" western would be far more profitable and credit- hn worth hundreds of thousands of pr?t..'2 v. f.. 111.; he. wmn?' Sf4"!!.'11. .?Sle5
Oregon is steadily improving IB '..u. '"'dollars In the good it has done to SJ?''l- .7"." .wWB. announced about that since they generally do so tS"m'T"'
I atlmtilai
all reBpects,but: not fast fluCed materials that so greatly enter other crops,
enough; .Production IS lncreas-j into th construction of their new "Roe
but not In proportion to de-jClty,". instead of so frequently suspend
XnandV Many farmers throughout in operation, awaiting the arrival of
. L , , ,. euittutsr uii.iDU iiaui cvvceviiici A 1 fill
the Willamette valley, and over on Mra, for.igT, nation with another lim-
the coast and in southern Oregon, tted supply of cement on board. ' .
are Increasing and Improving their The Observer claims that it has
dairy herds, but not aa rapidly and repeatedly called attention to this
ceded by a brass band. Hanrv. in .
great gilt qhartot. buret upon our streets. I The
Their Own Fault,
to auch an extent as the situation I supply of cement material, and that) By Senator Isador Rayner of Maryland.
warrants and even demands. Con- it haa heen tested and found to v. What I say now I have said to some
..,. all Ww that nrinoa of llrv L,i v. .. a a . , ' the leading railroad presidents and
He eat on a kind of arnlAen tnrnn. ani I
If we were to have a burdock show h ?fid?? iMin,inw5u"llIi,n iIL,h, la' th7 et together
Ian old. old collar. Above the rrrtlar nn al.nrf iraMnU tmtl
It mignt maae as large u no. as i crimson Danner wavea tnis inscription
agreeable a showing as the rose ,n-h4'ff. ,"hecSnaf0w.: wore when w
were lynched. It saved our life. Be
wise In time and use no other. At all
retailers. 10 cents apiece, three for a
quarter.' .
Ads and Heroes.
By Wex Jones.
A Cleveland man arrested for wearing
his wife a clothes declared tne garment
of his better half and his own were ao
much alike ne couia not ten tnem apart.
And then probably She Insisted on wear
ing the trousers. ; j
a would In si measure exist.
Tn illnv rflahnnaat anil rilaranii tahl.
Mrs. Churchill of Honii 'mver vallnv I men to control, a. la too often the case.
waa standing jht In the yard where I in our cities it I not surprising we
ner. aog was playing about when he I nave no better laws or no petter en-
ran against her and broke her leg about I forcement or thos that are good,
six Inches above the ankle. , 1 . ' .j :. .. ' rJ. A.HUNT.
A Benton county 'farmer n. Cm Give This Information?
month received 1139.60 for th cream TacoU. Wash., June 11. To the Ed.
from 11 Jersey cow, an average of Itor of The Journal. Will you kindly
about 112 a cow, and he had all hi Inform me through, the columns of your
skim milk to feed to hi hogs and paper the beet means for preserving
calves. butter for winter use. Also would like
i v I Information in regard to the cultivation
Morrow county hheepahearer have tomatoes. . ' ; L K. B.
illy long season and 1 ' . f ,
ave saved uo a rood I Vm TTm at RM. '. 1
stake, as they received a little better! . v.
T bread whtoh ah had mad with liar
own hands.
Thanks' to th enterprlslna citizens I n .
of Moro. the city now has a aupplyof But the youn woman cut him short
ure ana wnoiwom- water, says tne -Tes, If you only were," she snapped,
Hsjaka-VJal Tha XT J. 1 1 1 Tl MSaSttAl haua I Iul . J . . i li. . .ff I
VtZ i rmen i migni get ui lease a iw aeoent
is generally midway b-' "..i.VwJoVn.Sl?" "
disputing parties, Vho, If P0,,t" th Powowers..
tether do so only to fight v; ? - " ..
reoorted from South Carolina
that bullfrogs down there swallow
It 1
. Vienna Don Miguel de Braganta has chicken. Don't you think, Mr. Presi-
announced through th local papers that dent that the person who started this
h Is ready to take th thron of. Portu- "tory is a pernicious prevaricator j In the. onnntrv within th 1flt
product are high, and that the busl- than Thomas A. Edison. few months that they are to blame for
ness at. such prices must be profit- Substantially the same materials U this trouble; that they are agitators, hrai. Cable dispatch.
able. They Wish it tO be Profitable. I iro found in r9f nniintlHoa nln and that they are the men Who are re- I Tj,.t thera i. nothlna-pew in the Ttre,
are Willing to pay good prices, but Unaket river and have been tested B??n. bl 0 present condition of gansa idea of revolution by advertise- nature story writer should publish this
. " . " I " vii' snake river, ana pave Deen tested affalrs.. ment u Bhown by the following from Us fact without having it verified by
cauuub uuueiDLnuu nu, ucto iu .ua i ana xouna sausractory, in conse-l Neitner the president or the united I uwwwim rnaianx? i the oatns or several unaouDiecuy aesir-
best dairy region in the country, quence of whieh It was recently re States nor congress deserve the slight- sn ii7esc
enOUgn aairy prOOUCtS are not pro- norteit that a taOO.OOO cement nlant - UCB,C Vi V- lo r""I.inwrea.fc
. . i- v .i. .IT . cers of these railroads nave maae Jiun-
duced to keep the prices down to and ft 25,000 pressed brick plant Lre(3s 0f millions of dollars by tricks
reasonable figures,
A Plttahurr clrl Is said to have
killed a mouse with a bedelat, but no
able citizens.
all been thoroughly cleaned, and the
water supply found , to b ample for
au purposes.-;-. .- r?
A spruce tree On' the northern boun
dary of Tillamook county on the Neha-
lem river, according to the Tillamook
Herald,1 Is SI feet in diameter at the
base and six reet rrom tne ground it is
21 feet in diameter, or about (t feet In
circumference. - x
... .
Philomath Review: City Marshal
Davla haa succeeded In getting the na- J
ttvea on tne run in. tn matter or rix-
lng up the sidewalks, and the editor
got the scare ao bad that he waahed hts
office .windows.' aomethlna he hadn't
peen guilty oi ooing xor nearly tpre
years. .
feathers for that old hat I've, worn sine
my wedding day." ...
It is now pre-I wiii be built 25 miles above "Lewla-'l of financial lueelery with the railroads
dieted that , butter will go higher. t0G. , This enterprise may help the ow'r
p f, VZZZTIZ f;t 8ltuaVon !n PortIand ftnd 5ther
a roll. The demand for cream for COasti cities considerably,' yet it is ers for the disasters that are,, now
table; use, la , wpitiaereattag, aulterobable that good cement ma- u,ifnex?preident Cleveland would have
Creameries are becoming more, pu- terial ixista in sufficient quantities cipselv observed what we have seen in
. - -a . v ,. v. .t,. i w . I wasningxon ior mo last two year ne
rnnrnnt. Bnn t ner ft ma V D Otner COn-I --t- I i. Jl. ii i. . . i .
' " , .. . i mucn nearer.
denserles besides the successful one I. Tc -T
Here Is another from th file of the
Rome Republican: -w
Whtrro! " '
'The Man with a Punch In Either Hand,"
Ha's successfully crossed the
and will meet any Roman.
, Brutus, please write.
An old issue of the Mt. Vernon Col
onist contains this announcement:
Colonel George Washington presents
his compliment to King Oeorare and
, This Date in History. v
17(6 Isaae Norrls,' one of the early
leaders of th Pennsylvania Quakers,
died near Philadelphia.
1701- . . , . A each season and have the cash in our
178 maiia laaen oy ounapnrm. ripocketa befor tn uooa mver perries
1S2S Qustave p. ciuseret, minister or are ripe,
war in tne jrans vommune, porn,
Th Irriron berries' are as much finer
than the Hood Kiver perries as appiea
are finer than pawpaws, says tne irri-
Barn October 8, gator. And what is more, when we get
1 .1.1 LCU WO VI III wbi v.v ...uni
nt Forest lroveV; The people of this .r rtrorM.Tei innnnuimuai I caused the trouble.'
ground in connection with the railroads.
would not call it a frenzy and clamor of begs to announce bis perfect readiness
a thoughtless people. It la a frensy to knock th royal block off.,
of the frenrled financier, that heal - , , r
state and region demand moro milk,
cream and butter, at good profit
able prices,, but wonder more and
more why the supply Is comparative
ly so shorty Dairymen need have no
fear of overdoing Jhe'busftfeBs, for
there is always a large demand out
elde.the state for its dairy products.
Lack of transportation facilities is a
drawback In many good dairy, dis
trict; and It Is hoped that this will
be gradually overcome v by electric
ra'ilronds and good wagon roads,
r ut there ought to be arery great
HILE the Galveston plan of lana 1 hav" Persistently declined in the
. viiy Ruernmeni"M a yet
"Janitors are paragons," says a writer.
in ever knew paragon was
word. -
1840 Great Socialist demonstration in
Paris. . .
1S7S Battle Of Elmlra.-
1883 Charles J. Jenkins, governor of
Georgia after the civil war, died. Born
1805. ;
JS94 Tenaergast, Tn assassin .or
a naughtylirf?r:"",fit-2"T
, I JKiayor ' xiftrrjaon, raniw in i-muaiw.
lbo rltlsn government announcea a
erpertmental, and may not
i be adopted as a permanent
system by many ' cities, it ' seems . to
be sufficiently successful to merit
continued observation, Galveston ' is
a comparatively small city, .and its
plan might not jjork so well in a
large clty,;though this is not to be
positively asserted. . J
..-Under the Galveston charter the
city elects a mayor and four com-
them; but these railroad manipulators
must De orougnt to pay, ana wnen tney
are made to realise that they are the
servants and not the masters of the
people, and that they are the trustees
or tneir oonanoiaera ana stocanoiders,
then, and not until then, wlll the Invest
ment of the widow and orphan that the
fex-presiaent spe&ita aDout oe saie.ana
popular agitation cease.
i . "II III ,11 .a. I mmltmWGU, ....
.. ' , In Jane.
We repulsed him scornfully.
"Go to 'work,' we i sneered, r '"Don't
you know that man should earn hla
bread by the sweat of his' -t
"But, pos," ne remonstrated eagerly,
"I kin sweat without ' workla' , in this
Old Man's Unique Record.
' Trom . Tlt-Bl ts. i ?m :
In the vlllaire of -Rurton Jovr. In
Nottinghamshire, ia Elijah Lindley, who
ior 4 years nas Deen parisn clerk and
sexton of the village. He I 84 years
of age, lives in the house where he was
born and has only been absent from the
village four Sunday during hla-life.
' He has 'served under five vicars, as
sisted at 110 marrlaffes. 1.S0O hantlama
and 1,000 funeral. The grave for the
latter - he has dug himself. But hi
most unique record lies in the fact that
he ha tolled the bell for th ree an.
erelgna George ., IV, William IV and
Oueen Victoria. -He waa onlv-7 ura.r.
old when George IV died, but his father,
who was then sexton, took him Into tha
balfxr and mads blm pull th rope,
nrotnetorate for Uranda. Central Africa.
1897 Bomb exploded near the car
riage of President Faure of France.
1800 Reigning Grand Duk of Olden
burg died. , - ,: -:
1905 Theodoras P. Delyanluus, prim
minister of Greece, assassinated.
' The Jane Bride.
The June.brlde frowned. '
"These tomatoes," she said, "are Just
twice a dear as thos across th street
Why 1 U7"
. "Ah, ma'am, thes-r" '
And the grocer smiled In pity of her
ignorance,.,!- .....
. "--these ar hand-picked.". .
' She blushed.
W ui,... all. m A V, . .f 1 1 . t al.U
V. W B . V V .... .w... . UII , II h
have known. . jSlve tne a bushel, pi."
A Corvallls man set a lot of pheasant
eggs under four hens, and when the
chicks hatched the hens Kiuea them all
by stepping on them or leading them
Into the wet grass. The farmer became
angry and killed the hen. Another Cor
vallls man wrung hen's head off be
cause she would not "et" steadily.
Parties who have a contract for drill
ing four Wells in the irrigated district
aoutn or Maara nave reacnea a aeptn
or Apout 260 reet in in Keamona wen,
and are through the hard basalt rock.
Their contract require them to drill
to a depth of 800 feet If necessary, but
they expect to find plenty of water In
half that distance. a.
.,;.,": r . ' r't
A. Jackann countv man. Mp.Jl. tn.
formed the gam warden that hi neigh
bor, Mr. B, was killing deer. The war
den investigated, but found no other
"Aa Saat Id Bank fot Sag
Id eopke, r
Small Savings
Make Large
By laying on brick at a time.
r. the largest . buildings ar
erected. By depositing on
dollar at a time many . large
, bank accounts . are built
Wouldn't you like to build a
bank account by starting with
$1.00 at thl bank? Account
of 81.00 and up receive Inter
est at th rat of
is declared seml-an-
eviaence, ana visitea a noma, going
farther on hla trip and returning next
day,- when on the way he met B, who did
not know, him, and . In reply- to ques
tion said A had been killing deer, and
had killed on the night before, whleh
th warden found to be true, and that
bad sent B a piece ef. venison...
If you don't live In th oitr.
open an account witn us py
It is perfectly safe and very ,:
simple. y
Savings Bank
George W, Bates.,,. President
J. fl. Blrrel.,..,....CaAhlr
i i