The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 13, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    V ',;.. f" ;-!,.
I v
Reg. Values to $20.00, at
This' ipecial assortment Include
only 45 cloth tailor-made Suits, In
Eton, Jacket and Pony coat styles,
made in every particular accord
ing to thia season'! moat correct
and stylish ideas. All are of se
lected materials In a wide range
of the most popular colors of the
season, v These - suits, carefully
tailored, have generously cut full
flaring skirts.' Regular values to
$20.00, and extraordinary values
at that low price. You couldn't
begin to buy the materials at our ,
sensational Friday bargain price.
The earlier you come the better
the selection at
the clearance
price of
V Jacket
Pony Coat
' .-... - I. ,,. . i
' ajaMSBaSBMV '
V . -I . - - !. t
the Cost of
Begins, ,
at Light
Taunty Straw Sailors
$2.00 Values at $1.39
The summer girl's costume Is not complete
this year without a smart banded sailor., In
its simple elegance there Is an attractiveness
that nothing else can match. Special for Friday
we offer fine quality Milan Straw Sailors, well
made in the moat correct shapes, with all-silk
ribbon bands; $2.00 values for tfJ1 10
only .......... . v t . $ X 3 y
Reg. Values to $18.50 for $5.75
For Friday Bargain Day the Lipman-Wolfe school of style
offer 50 Tan Covert Jackets always smart and stylish gar-
ments that never go out of fashion at a price less than the '
I cost of materials. ; They come In this season's most popular
lengths, of fine all wool covert doth, in medium and light
shades of tan, some lined with satin, others with taffeta silk.
Every jacket new this season. Such an extraordinary bargain
tin high-class garments of this kind has never been given by
this or any other Portland store. Only a limited number. Do
not fail to be here bright and early Friday
morning to get your choice. Regular values
up to $18.50 at the one low pnee
. Mi nff f i i rn 1
)' i M Jf i u . , l I 11 im . : i
300 Stylish ' New Corsets
Special for Friday Bargain Day, we offer 800 stylish new Cor
; sets, oade of coutil, batiste aod summer net. In high, melium
or low bust, and long, short or medium hips. They represent
tne moat atyusn mu uywumB
with special rrefererice to this t summer's cbs- "s
hnrtM Recmlar fl.00 to S1J0 values, for. ..V... j
Reg. $3 Vals. $1.95
. These smart white linen
; Parasols are daintily em-1
broidered In four distinct
designs. The light sum
- irier ' costume demands a
lingerie ParasoL For Fri
day, instead of $3.00, you
.can buy yours i p
' If ail ordersT filled. 1 None
C. O. D or on approval.
Manufacturers' Rug Sale
500 Rug Carpet Samples of the best quality of tapestry,
body Brussels, velvet and Axminster. These Rugs have
splendid wearing qualities, are great carpet savers, and
for this sale are priced at about a fourth of their real value
Tapestry Rug Samples, 27x27 Inches . . . 'I ". . .29c
Taoestrv Rug Samples, 27x54 inches. . . . . . . .89c
Brussels Rug Samples, 27x48 inches. . .... . , t98c
Axminster and Velvet Rug Samples ....... $139
ILx' "Iff -
1 Men's 1 25c Hosiery,: 12c ,
2,000 "paira Men'a fine imported and domeitie
fancy cotton Hbaienr, in plain eolora, jtripea,
aolid black,' dot$ and s rt variety, of fancy
S - . 1 -1a. . afi I
color: reiuiar quim iw.
Friday aafe .V... u ; . IC
75c Corset Covers 49c
Women's fine Coriet Covers, trimmed with
one row of Point de ParU lace, insertion
and lace edge, beading and ribbon; AO
regular 75c value; tale price . tJC
I" -'- : ; l. . U ' . . . . ... ... v .
Sal All Handkerchiefs Reduced in rnce,lor
dlC This Bis Sale Lowest Prices of the Year
'.5c. rKerchiefs,-3.
Women's - and - cbfldren'i Handkerchiefs,
'plain white or with colored border; aUo
with embroidered cornera; Sc. val- ,9
nea for 35f dozen; each .......... M
"- : i 8 llic?erchiefa,::: 5. f ? '
Women's and children'a crossbar ' and
with colored borders; 8 1 -3c val
ues for oaf dozen; eacn
. .- i ..V
8 l-8c ICerchiefs, 54.
Women's - and children's , plain white
Handkerchiefs, with, hand-embroidered'
mitiala; splendid regular 8 l-3c ' ; C
values for 55 dozen; each.;....;, vt
; 20c Kerchiefs, 10. 4V
Women's all linen Handkerchiefs, ' with
Women siana cnuaren s rowoar , uu i nvu, . i . . , y " r.
checked Handkerchiefs, plain white and Uand-embroidered initials, unlaundered;
nana-emoroiuerca imuau. uhuuuuchu,
regular 25c values for f 1.10
dozen ; each . . , . ; . r. . ..;,.;.. Vl
20c 'Kerchiefs, 12.
Women'a hemstitched and embroidered
lawn Handkerchiefs, fine. and dainty pat
terns: regular 20c values for 19f
f 1.35 dozen; each
25c 'Kerchiefs, 15a. ' f
Women's -laundered and 1 unlaundered
all linen Handkerchiefs, hand-mbroid-ered
and hemstitched; 25c values 1
for f 1.TO dozen; each .....H
25c 'Kerchiefs, IT.
Women's unlaundered Handkerchiefs, all
pure linen, hand-embroidered script ini
tials, new corded borders; 25c 17
values for 2.00 dozen each.'... All.
H ' 50c 'Kerchiefs, 25s.
Women's all pure linen Handkerchiefs,
hand-embroidered, scalloped and hem
stitched; regular. 50c, values
for this sale at ..................
15c Men'a 'Kerchiefs, Ot.
100 - dozen . Men's fine cambric hem
stitched Handkerchiefs, tf-tf-ineh hem;
regular 15c. quality; aale price, ; ' Q
each C
k 20c 'Kerchiefs, 12. r
100 dozen Men's pure Irish linen hem
stitched Handkerchiefs; made in Ireland
and sold at Irish prices; reg- , 1 0 1
ular 20c quality at 12U
35c Men's 'Kerchiefs, 25V
50 dozen Men's pure Irish cross-barred
linen Handkerchiefs, with 54-inch linen
hem; regular 35c and 50c 9C
quality for ...... .ZtJC
All 'Kerchiefs Reduced. '
. All . Handkerchiefs .at ..reduced prices
during this great aemi-annual sale, in
cluding high-grade. French- hand-embroidered
handkerchiefs. -
asc riowered Carrax ORGAN DIES 15c
t... .- t. " ...-.J.J I rtit. Alrttr "hjAnr
:i '. ' ' r t. ..'.il .11. onnn n ,.11 t 1K a '
lOrK rnanuiacTurcr to auuw u..,wv av w.
i varrf Printed with exaiiisite floral desiens in. dam ty colorings
40c Voiles 27c Yard
l Plaid and atriped wpven Voiles, aoft finish,
ian ; exact cfltarpart the yhtigh-priced
f wool fabric; large Assortment of cbl- 7
yon; regularly.; 40c ;t sale-price ...Viv ft ty
Scotch Dimity 12k ,
2,500 yards of printed Scotch Dimity, print
ed with, stripes, dots and flowers; for chil
dren's dresses, cool shirtwaist dresses, party
dresses, etc.; great values Fri- - 1 0 1
day at IMW
Isllfe of 1 Sample Belt Buckles
Hundreds of Styles, Latest Effects, Greatest Values of
. . the Year.. ::"--:.r-
"35c Pearl Belt Buckles . .;..V..lf 4
$1.00 Rose Gold Buckles i......38
75c French Gray Silver Buckles. 38
$1.00 Rose Gold ": Buckles, with coral
; setting, at ; ............. .38'
rose gold and black enamel backs, dozens of pretty patterns.75
-$1.50 and $175 Belt Buckles, in an assortment of the most tx-
quisite designs we have offered this year; aale price only.f l.OO,
$1.25 Beautiful Pearl Buckles. with steel rivets, sale price,. T5
$2.00 Sntart harness-shape Belt Buckles, green gold, gray silver
and nose gold effects; sale price ...... ,,.,41.35
$2.50 handsome hammered gold Buckles, set with vari-colored
atone, green and rose finish; very special .....fl.&O
500 White and Fancy Vests
Reg. $3 Vals. $1.75
mmmaaaBaaBcaaBeBBmmsmmaamamBmBan ,,11111 1 iiiugmna
B00 Men's white, linen and fancy Vests, made of
Oxfords piques, mercerized Oxfords and brown
linen, in Stripes, checks and plaids and plain white ;
also small figures. They are made and tailored by a
famous New York vest manufacturer, and each vest
is carefully made and finished. An ex- m
traordinary Friday value at . .... . . P Xa D ,-
Down iii the Bargain Corner
25C Underwfar 15c
50c Uriderw'ar 23c
Women's ribbed cotton Veata, ' low wA,
no.tletTM. mrcerUd tape, our :m r
!: I6c .Quality-. for. -.,i...f , J S-,
Women'a Wne qualJtr Bwiaa ribbed cot
ton or Halt Veata, low beok. no aleevea,
Uk taped. lOe quality . . - ?r
(or .... .........
v Women'a iflna quality flwlaa ribbed' um
brella Drmwera, deep Uoo Ag. v 5 3 r '
50o qualltr for ................. 6Jt
Wf Wearweir' Hosiery
FEITS. . s. ,Kv C . ''
,35c Collars 17c
I. SOO Women'a Beaded ColUra on chif
fon foundations, all eolorj, regular 1 5e
" values for extraordinary Friday , mn
sale at ...i... ....Xl
' 600 Auto Veils, Vlth J-lnch hemaUtch, S
'yards Ion, all color, regular eyp
II. OO values for Friday sale ,...?
25c Hat Pins at 10c
A treat purchase of Hat Fins,, bought
from the maker at a price that enables
us to sell them at half. Dosens of pretty
designs. Buy enough to last you a long
time; 15e. JOo and 16e reg-,: :t f
larly; sale price XWC
t si, !' ' iV""
25c-SHirred Hose
Supporters j.2V3c
Just half price for these" Supporters, of
'strong, fancy frilled ' webbing;. In black,
blue, pink, white, yellow and lavender;
strong cstch and pla topa;. 4 i
sale price, only .............. w r
50c Rush Shopping
Baskets! Sale 23c
Extra "strong, 'closely woven Shopping
Baskets, wurnot break, good stse. Only
limited aumbei: at, thla low .
price . -..... i .. &j V
25c i Hair
Fine shell and amber pins; three on a
card; straight or crimped. The kind you
have always bought for 160; g
Friday sale at just ............ IOC
500 Lace Curtain Samples
Sale, 59c, 79c, 98c, Sale
Samples of Curtains
. . . . Selling from $5 to $15
g00 Lace Curtain Samples, in Irish Point,
Brussels Net and Arabian Lace Curtains.
Just the curtain for short, wide windows ; t
50 inches wide, 1 to 1 jrards long, -white
or Arabian colors.- Only two or
. three of kind. These samples are' the
better part -of curtains that sell from
$5.00 to $15.00 a pair. Sale price Ivi
59c, 79c. 98c Each
All Curlains Reduced
' For Friday and Satardajr only all Lace Cur-
tains, both whits and ecru colors, at prices far
below regular. m .,.... . J
1 I
ci fim 1 1 . t rr
Sheet Music Sale
i1 ir 'U".' '-i-u-ff Lottery,
l?7f Ripples.'
La Sorella,
Dream Girl Waltfc
Lady Letty Waltiu
That 'Rag.
Say' Fay.v 1 ' s' -My
Creole Sadie. '
Two Eyea I Idolize.
Royal i Vocal Folio,
containing 30 gems.
Ye Old Mill ,
Strongheart . i -
1000 Dress Goods Rem-
Only the moat desirable patterns, because only ths goods In demand become
remnants. AH kinds of black, cream and colored Geas goods, all wool and
silk and wool; all lengths up to six yards In serges, black and white noye"' -i.
mohairs, Fanamaav oilea, crepe de Paris, Henriettas, shadow rlali. c
batistes, albatroas, brillian tinea, crtTenettes, tailor suit T-T-lf
ings. poplins and imported noveltiea. , All at exactly. . , . A JL u 1 1. -