The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 13, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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. '" v ,, ' , ,' ,, ;" ,)', ' , 'v
' I CUV r h,e
Our Third Great Silk Suit Sale of ihe season will be held in
Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store for tomorrow's 907th
Friday Surprise Sale 800 of the most striking garments shown
this -season to be disposed of at less than y their valueSuits
purchased from overstocked manufacturers hy our cloak buyer
, re. ' " ' - . ' . '
500 Window Shades
'ftSc ValtiM on
' Sato' at Each,
Great odd lot of;Window Shades, to be cleaned up at a low price to
morrow; some. are slighly, damaged from handling;' all are madecof
the best-quality hand-painted oil. opaqueodd sizes and colors,, from
1 ft 6 in. to 3 ft. wide,-3 to-7 ft.' long;. mounted on,.spring 'IQ.
roller i ; values up to 85c each. Choice, , with fixtures, at..;.. V
V--'- On sale in" the , Curtain ' Department Third floor. J
iaxwiii Snrprise Sale of
to $6.00 Values on Sale
-iV i ' , i -i -,- . ' .i , . ..
At $2.33
great maay SurprlM
Sal tomorroir of 900
Thl ' bml
wmwt rtyl ta whlf
llnn.. DmbroldTU
hmtltohH, caUopA
and lnrtlon trlaund.
Htnri nd - bamboo.
haaflUa with bra oapa
"and tTory tip. 9xlH
tfco " Fataaola ovory
woman win want dar
lnc tha hot Jmly mai
Anynat day grand
; aaaortmant. S3 -CO to
S84K) rain on aaia
for tomorrow only at
Baa 6 tli ft window.
W man or phono or-
dora flllxl Com oirly
for boot Talnoa.
gL35-$1.50 Lons Gloves 37c Pair
In the igjoveatoret tomorrow, women's 12 and 16-button length suede
lisle Gloves; mousquetaire style; mode, champagne and gray," -, .ff.
in nearly all sires;-regular $1.25 and $1.50 values, on sale at.: J C
Out entire istockof White Silk White; Kid, White Lisle,' and "Chamois
Gloves on sale; aj Jnna White Sale prices. Lookxto your wants.
2000 Pairs White Canvas Oxfords
$2, $3.33, $3,50
"Values $1.68
In' the ; shot store for tomorrow's
907th Friday Surp rise Sale, 2,000 pairs
of Women's WhUe Canvar Oxfords;
hand turn and -welt soles, plain or
' tipped toes, white covered heels or
i leather Cuban heels;' regular and Blu-
cher styles and Gibson ties, with fib-'
' bon laces; also two eyelet styles, plain
or embroidred vamps; the greatest as
sortment ot wmte shoes ever ottered
ior ine money; wonaer
ful values; all sizes, pair
ever oiierea
on his recent trip to the marketShirtwaist and Jumper Suits.
Very pretty models and a large variety to select fromWaists
are made up in the new Marie Antoinette styles, others are
fancy tucked with dainty yokes of Venise, VaL and Irish
crochet lace The Jumper waists are made with cape sleeve,
strapped trimming and piped in plaid silks; other styles have
underwaist and sleeves of lace Many of the models have short
sleeves with extra cuff, for making full length sleeve Fine
quality silks in tan, brown, black,. navy-blue, fancy green,
gray, red, light blue, fancy stripes, black and white checks,
blue and white checks, polka dots in-bluer and black.
Materials are Foulard silks, taffeta silks and fancy satin stripe
' silks All ' sues Just the suits you want for summer wear,
t T . - - '
coot, serviceapie ana srynsn.
Values up to $28.00 each.
Chojce tomorrow only at the
extremely low price of, the suit
See FiftlrStwindow displays No" mail or phone orders filled
70 New Refrigerators
$10 Valoos
cm Sal, at
In the basement house furnishing goods store for tomorrow's 907th
Friday Surprise Sale we offer 70 of the celebrated White Mountain
Refrigerators, made of thoroughly seasoned pine lumber, handsomely
finished in dark golden oak; galvanized iron shelves? removable; 30 lbs
ice capacity; sizer 24 in. long, 18 in. deep, 38 in. bighj-. C. AA
best values ever offered in a low price refrigerator, at.. V r'
'$10 model for $7.44. , See Fifth street window. '
' . : : : . f
Tomorrow's Surprise Sole of B
Toung Men's Suits
I a til..: I rf.k. .
Phenomenal Value
$9.35 a Suit
Young men's fine Suits at an exception
ally low price tomorrow 200 new, up-to-date
garments in the lot Ages 13 to 20
years Single or double breasted coats.
Materials are fancy worsteds in neat
stripes, checks and overplaid Blue
serges, black Thibet All well made
throughout, best linings and - findings.
Suits for dress, school and, vacation wear.
Suits ' of equal: style and quality would
cost you $15 to $18 at the exclusive cloth-
l-ADii ing store Your choice w g
n for tomorrow only at V M -
this very low price, 7 w w -'
Mail orders will, receive prompt attention
Ghildretfs 35c-50c Hosiery pn Sale
At 1 8c the Pair-M
For tomorrow's 907th Friday Surprise Sale a great special lot of Boys'
and Girls' Hosiery; heavy ribbed lisles and cottons; mercerized and
silk lisles; some with double heels and toes; fast color; all-sires;
values ranging from 35c to 50c a pair to be cleaned up to-VI O
morrow at the extraordinarily low price of, per pair. ......... ItJL'
Flags at Very Special Prices
24-inch Buntinette Flags; 15c values at .........12
36-inch Buntinctte Flags; 25c values at.. ...V............19
48-inch Buntinette Flags; 50c values at........ 39f
Sale of fast color Bunting Flags; fast colors
6x10 feet; $2.25 values... C Jf 1.95
6x12 feet; $2.50 values..... f 2.10
8x12 feet; $3.75 values.....
Large stock of Wool Bunting, Muslin, Cotton and "Silk Flags; all
sizes, and all grades third tloor. , .'
Pennants and Flags made to your order Third floor. . .
2x4 feet; 50c values...... .39
4x6 feet; $1.00 values 79
5x8 feet; $1.75 values..... 1.49
1 -tyy '.r'
' . . ' ' . I ' ' " . . 1. r , T.
- One of bur famous sales of women's Dress Wslsts Is
announced for tomorrow's 907th Friday Surprise Sale
500 of them secured at great sacrifice from one of
the best known makers In New York City. Net waists,'
isilk waists lac waists in fancy styles or tailored ef-
1 ' i'0 mtde rou"df square or long yokes, trimmed
in Cluny lace, vai. laces, round mesh laces, fagotting and
msdallions plain colors, checks, stripes, cream, white,
green, navy, light blue, pink and black-WaUts foe
dress and theatre, wear $10.00 Vals i
Choice tomorrow.
See 5tVt. Window. 'No mail or phone orders filled.
Our entire, stock of White Waists, Silks, Cottons, Lin
ens, Mullsf etc. Values from 98c to $100.00 All are
V marked at "June White Sale" prices. ,
$l.Z5r$3.00 Automobile Veils $ 1 . 1 9 Ea.
Very Best Oc RJbborts-
For tomorrow's 907th Friday Surprise Sale another great special offering- of 500 Women's Automobile
Veils, made, of beautiful nuality: chiffon, nicely hemmed; full 3 yards long; all th most desirable color
ings black, 'white, light blue, navy champagne, biscuit, pink, red,' gray and brown $173 . C? 1 1Q
and $2.00 values. Tomorrow at theTery low price of each................ ................ V I I -f
For tomorrow's 907th Friday Surprise Sale, 3,000 yards of fine quality, Polka Dot Taffeta Ribbons; full
4yi inches wide: all good desirable shades, including ' black,white, pink, light blue, navy, red, brown, greeq
and tan; embroidered dot; suitable for Hair ties, bibs, girdles, sashes, etc .Best 40c values on sale;
tomorrow at the extraordinarily low price, each......,......,..,...... ...................... ....SVS C
Excellent 35c Values ibr3l
50c and 73c Valnes for 25c per Pair
Great manufacturer's sale of men's fine Hoskry Thousands arid thousands of
pairs of the best styles and qualities at half their value Immense assortment
to select from Every individual fancy easily pleased Economical men will
anticipate their needs for many months to come at the splendid savings offered
, ;. v -; if yon buy tomorrows Take advantage of the day. . , . . -; ,
hot 1 5,000 pairs of men's' plain and. fancy mercerized Jisle and mercerized
cotton Half Hose;; plain, fancy and. lace effects, in endless variety; all sizes;
' hosiery that finds quick sale at 25c and 35c a pair. Buy Till you want . 1 ffs
tomorrow at the low price of, per pair. ............ ................ ..I V
Lot 2 5,000 pairs of men's high grade Half Hose; sample lines'of the best
makes; plain and fancies, in the very newest designs and .colorings;
all sizes; regular 50c and 75c values, at low price, pair.............,.4&
Also about 100 pairs of men's black embroidered Half Iose; 1 OIA
plaids, stripes and figures;, all sizes; , extraordinary values, pair, latr V
100 "Willamette" Sewing Machines $22.25
ii i i ii i . - 1 r I ' " " . '
100 of our famous "Willamette" Sewing, Machines to be, sold tomorrow at a price never-before quoted
on a high "grade guaranteed sewing machine; all the niost modern improvements, automatic lift, ball
bearing, best head, full set of new attachments: golden oak finished and crescent case; easy running; in
every way a high-grade standard sewing machine; the equal of any $50 agency machine fCOO OK
on the market; 10 years' guarantee." Tomorrow... y..,,,v.,'.vva7a?i?i
Mail orders promptly -filled. . Easy; payments for parties of good credit.
Meier (D Frank's 907th Friday Surprise Sale
i000 Womehs Fancy Stocks
85c to $1.00 Values at 49c
' Women's handsome new Neckwear at a special low price for
tomorrow's 907th Friday Surprise Sale A prominent-manufacturer's
entire stock of beautiful chiffon stock collars This
season's prettiest creations -Elaborately trimmed with ap
plique medallions, beads, pearl trimming and ornaments Very
attractive assortment in white, pink, light blue, Nile, lavender
and black 85c to $1.00 values Your choice' tomor
row only at this phenomenally low price,' each. ...77.
See Fifth Street Window Display Entire stock of Women's
White Neckwear on sale this week at "June White, Sale" prices
200 Ice Cream Freezers at $ 1.57 Each
100 Blue Flame Oil Stoves at $419 Each
For tomorrow's 907th Friday Surprise -Sale a special lot. of 200 Ice Cream Freezers; best f 1 V'Wff
model, 3:Ciuart : size, Value extraodinary for tomor row only, t this low price, each ........ 1
y - , i See Fifth Street window display. ' ' "-'rk:
100 blue ' flame '0il Stoves, at a low price. for tomorrow's 907th Friday Surprise Sale; very ffi 1 ft
taddelaevery, one guarantee?; regular qo.w vaiue. iour cnoice tomorrow at only yTi A
'itpQ-'fGia, S,toves,lGas :Hot: Plates,, Oil" Stoves, all sizes; at the lowest prices. . v.f ' "
Scotchman's Gift, It Has .Done Much
. , to Develop the Region.
Jamas Btavanaon, a wealthy 6cotch
naitsgava fXS.000 to build road be
t vah north ond 6f tko Jfyaaaa and
tha south ond f Lak Tanganyika In
Central Africa, about t6' years mto. Ha
was convinced that, nothing-; would help
mora to dtvelop Africa than good' hlg-h
wayiL v.., . -p.-. ?
It tod 4w yar "to build tho road
nd U was t wU built Its lanstb U
tU Mfii. Apart from Its great, useful-
iu hu meo there mvs always
aid that it has been powerful civil-Ulna-
agency.' -'
It haa helped to ' aeeaatom the - na
tives of that densely peopled region to
work for the whites, and to use calico
and other European articles. The work
of construction was th first instance
on a large scale of the utilisation of
native labor In Central Africa. Many
trained laborers now live along the road
and are engaged In transport service
between the two great lakes.
This highway is. known as the Steven
son road. Mr. Chrapkovskl. an official
tn the German service, who recently
travelled over the road haa written an
interesting account of it. .
He says that though nothing haa
ben Jone t maintain the road built
IS mn a .n I, I m with
exception i of ' the oad between Victoria :
Nyansa and Tanganyika, tha best high
way In Central Africa. As nothing has
been done to maintain ' the road it is
now covered with grass, but travellers
say this is really an advantage aa the
vegetation has helped to keep the' road
from washing, and it is also,- better
for the feet of the carriers who dislike
to walk on those stretches where there
is no grass, for It is aa hard as stone
and hurts their feet. .
The usefulness of he road la proved
by- the fact that porters carrying 60
pounds on their backs make an average
of 20 miles a day, while the usual Jour
ney Is -only IS miles. The -road passes
entirely through British territory, and
the government-' has erected a station
every . 29 jnlls -, where - caravans may
spend the night. mv ... o -
inert is provision ai eaca stauoa w
put all the freight under cover, com
fortable brick and concrete houses af
ford excellent conditions; for a good
night's rest and there are cook houses
where the . meals of the caravans are
prepared. One of the neighboring chiefs
is held responsible for the cleanliness
and good order of eaah station. He re
ceives a monthly salary of a few shil
lings from the government and a few
yards of calico from each caravan pass
ing over the route. . w j ?
The road was Intended and is well
adapted for the use of wagons, but un
fortunately the South African oxen that
were brought -into the 'country did not
thrive there and the experiment of us
ing them .was given up. As long as
oxen were used large wagona loaded
with 1,009 pounds of freight and drawn
by II oxen made an average of 14 miles
a. day from' one lake to the other.: ' "
When the oxen proved a failure, small
carts hauled by the natives and carrying
about 1.000 pounds of f reight were 'in
troduced, but It was finally "decided that
transport on tho backs of men who re
ceive only from five to seven shillings
a month was cheaper, and now vehicles
are seldom seen on the road. . .
Indians fEtoeking Divorce.
Klamath ; Falls-"' Cok ; Sacramento Bee.
. Tha Klamath Indians are adopting the
current society fad of getting divorces.
Tim Brown. Indian, has filed suit in the
circuit court' to ' secure k ' divorce HCrom
his squaw. This is the first ease on
record In tha eounty clerk's office where
an' Indian - haa. begun divorce proceed
ings. . . - -:k m
That T others Intend following -In
Brown's footsteps la shown by the fol
lowing Incident that occurred a few days
ago. 1 A full blood Indian walked Into
the 'county clerk's office and asked to
see the record of the marriage license
Issued to Frank Inaacs- some five years
ago. The derKTshowed htm ..the rec
ord In question. He looked at It for a
few moments then said:. "How much
him cost? I want to buy him back."
Upon questioning htm it was -learned
that, Frank Isaacs desired a divorce from
i- i n, i . V. . . . . .1 . .
was explained to' the brave, but he ex
Dressed dlsxust at -the white man's
complicated method. , , .
... From the Fonca'Clty Courier.
Dr. Douglas 'Was la thla office yes
terday with a curiosity la the shape of
a doublo rose, the like of which-bad
never , before . been brought . to ' the. jio
tice of this writer. It u -.
... t w a won
of the common variety, but In the center
anouier ixwa na grown on which was a
rose equal in everv war n tha a..
whlch It haa grown. The bush from
which It was picked is'full of roses of
' Th tnnt tf
growth , ttpm 0e fact tha the flrwt
blooms were marded by the unusually
double growth followed ... ,
- .... . - .... i -..,... i i