The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 13, 1907, Page 13, Image 13

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' Every woman in Oregon should' have one of these great
Sewing Machines. We guarantee it to be a high-class ma-
WasMngton tommission Is
Supreme Justice Is Elected
i Hearing Estimates Com
- piled by Its Experts.
. 'W-:', ' V'
, President of Old Grads of j
Willamette University.
;s chine, equal to any $60.00 machine on the market. ,
Official Employes of the Btaie Hare
' Been Disqualified on City Prop
1 ... erty Value and Dealer ' Are
Asked to Aid. . ,t :.V.:
. (Special Dispatch t To Jbaraat.)
' Olympla, WaaK, Inn IS. At th
railroad commission hearing today to fix
tha valuation- of' railroad .properties In
thl state. Englnr H..-P. -OlUstta
stepped aside to five war to som of
the right of war experts.
Nearly tb en tire, day was taken .up
with . tb . testimony, of W. 8. Lysons.
The values plaoed by -Mr.' Lrsons on
ra!lroad tight of war examined and tea-
I iinsa u pt mm wara mm ivuvwii
Jforthern Paclflo Railway j , .
t"T .Co.. weat of Cascades. In- .
. ,,; eluding; terminal proper. . i , i
. tlaa In TLcami and Be-
- attla ..936.S0TJStl.81
Port Towneend .Southern ;
Railway Co..... 'fl.IT8.88
Columbia River Northern '
Railroad Co..... 48.6B1.80
,Jlwaco Railway & Navlga- ...
Ucn Co... 11.600.00
J. M. Averlll, right of way expert for
! the commlaelon In tha Seattle aeotlon
; of the state, rave., the valuation of th
coiumoia A ruget Bouna jtauroaa com
pany'a right of way and terminal at
H. D. McArthur, right of-way agent
-'i for th commission l- northwestern
. Washington, testified that the value of
; right 01 way and terminal or in uei
; lingham Bay British Columbia Rail
'. A MAmanW im fltiX S t A ft 7
J. C. H. Reynold, the fourth right of
way expert in tne employ or ine com
: mission, ha not ret reached Olympla,
. but 1 expected tomorrow. He ha don
all of this line or work in eastern
Washington and ha had general charge
' nf tha nrrit Northern lines. -
According to advance figure compiled
by th commission, tne ureal wortnern
, right of way. docks, real estate and
i commercial -properties In Seattle make
a total of a iittie lee man izv.uuu.uuu.
f Tha Tarnma Eastern rla-ht nf wav our
'' side of Tacoma is worth 131,881.75 and
' terminals and right of way within the
city limit 1149,018.25, making a total
5 Of $280,700.
All three of the right of way expert
. of th commission have been practically.
disqualified as expert on valuation In
.'. th cities of Tacoma and Seattle.' It
: vis announced by the commission that
, real estate , men would -be : subpoenaed
from those clues
value of railroad
to testify, as ,to the
noiamg - in tno
Jfew Dentist at Castle Bock.
: (Bpedsl DUpsteh to The JonrasL)
J Castle Rock, Wash., jun u.vr. n.
jonnson, xor a, iung u " I
nere. has sold nis residence, omce ana
' busines to Dolph Dollman a recent
graduate of th dental college at Port-
land.' Dr. DOUman waa born and reared
near Caatl Rock. - " ' , ,
., ..-v..j-.-'' i ' i ' .
i ' A 11-year-old Madrga' Jrtrt caught an
" t-pound eteel head aimon.
June :
This Malic
YOU Feel
a Little
If you hid , the best tailor
hop in town, turned out the ,
best work, more, style, better
"fit, had the finest line of fabric
to be found on the entire coast,
and saved every man who placed
an order-with you at ; least a
nnsrter of other tailors' charges,
wouldn't you feel a. bit proud
of your trade supremacy r
Well, that's the way It Is
herewe naturally enjoy Our
: leadership. . Hut we never tn
our vanity get the best of our
modesty. YouH find ua appre
ciative enough of youf patron-1
age to-give you the very .best
service we know the 4 same
service that has mad this store
the most popular in Portland In
this liner Why not try it? , w
Colonel Miller of Portland Acta as
Tonstmaster at Annul ' Banquet
Held i Last Night I at 'Methodist
Churcn-Oood Speeches Beard.
' (Special DUpttca to Tie Joe rat L)
Salem, Jun It. It waa AVumnl day
at Willamette university yesterday and
core of "old grads" returned to their
alma mater to take pert In th xr
clsea of th day," which war fraught
with enthusiasm for th "greater and
nw Willamtt.H o ; ,
Seldom ha ther been so much Inter
est and loyalty displayed among the
sons and daughter of Jason Le than
this yeer. The- entire ay waa apent
In planning for th advancement f -th
iivarsuy. '
At Che business meeting Juatlo
Robert Eakln. -'78, of th Oregon su
preme court, was chosen president of
the Willamette University association.
Hon. I N. Butler. '. of Dallas, -Mis
Alma Hales. '07. - or Eaiem. ana Mr.-
Walled OhmarL '78. of Salem, ware
chosen vice-presidents; Miss Hett
Fields. 'ST. ' of Salem, treasurer, ana
member of th executive committee
will be Miss Llla V. Swafford, 'OS, an
Prank X Qrannls. 'OS, both of Salem. ,
Congressman Sleeted. !.;
Conaressman W. C. Hawley of the
elaas of 1884 waa elected member Of
the university board of trustees to rep
resent tha Alumni association. . Th as
sociation is raising a current expenseH
fund of 81.000. th greater poruon or
wbicn has oeen euoscriDea. '
la th evening tha annual nnqut
waa bald In tha Barton 01 in irl
M. E. church and enthusiastic speeches
were given after an elaborate menu
had been discussed. Colonel Robert A
Miller. '78. of Portland, acted a toast
master ana speocne were miai or
Hon. Peter P'Arcy, '88; Justice Robert
Eakin: Soohla Townsend. '08: Mra.
Erma Clarke McCall, '08; A. N. Moore.
71: Mrs. orac HolDrooK or Butte,
Montana; Hon. N. U Butler of Dalles;
Professors J. x. asatinews ana w. i.
Kirk and Hon. J. H. Albert, Charlea
McKnlght of the class or 1ot.
lnbll Program.
At th close of the banauet th old
student and friend of th university
renal red to the Chanel where the nubllo
program of the Alumni association was
rendered. rne ciass oi ivvi was
initiated Into the mysteries of the
Alumni association. and was presented
bv w. c. Hawiev ana welcomed ny
President I. H. Van Winkle In behalf
of tha "old srrads."
The address or in evening waa mace
tne class
by Judge William uauoway oi in ciass
of '68. H spoke in a happy vein and
gave humorous and Interesting remin
Iscenses of the old days at Willamette.
He epoke. feelingly of the work of the
pioneer educators of - th Willamette
Other selections n th program were:
Miss Ruth Fields, '06, vocal solo; Miss
Marguerite Bower, piano olo; poem
by William P. Matthew, '86, and a
radlng by Clark Belknap, ,
Directors of Western Union
Pay No Attention toEm
- ployes Demands. ;
Telegraphers' Officials Are Hopeful,
Although Executive of .the Com
pany Has Shown Them No Favor
la the Past,
. . . (Jearaal Special Berrlct.)
New York, Jun 18. Th board of di
rector of th Western Union Telegraph
company at a regular monthly meeting
yesterday Ignored th memorial of
grievances of operators which had beery
sent , to eaoh member with th request
that th board indicate whether it waa
willing to meet the representative of
the operator in conierenoe. ,
. Th course of th director 1 re
garded aa leaving the- matter entirely
In th handa of President dowry, gen
eral manager of th company. Clowry
ha manifested antagonism to the tele-a-raDhers'
union and . so far ha not
granted . any of the demand of
imfnn. r -
Although there was much strike talk
ty dissausnea operators at nm nu-
quarter OI Ul union m ui Awr
house, when it became known that the
board of director had paased their
etatement over without reply, th offl
mm f tha union anoke hoDefullv. They
will now ask the conciliation oommitte
of th clvlo federation to oring doux a
rnnfarnnca In order to avert a Strike.
None of the Western Union Officer
would discuss th matter.
' i. V'ffcvM' " I'm --
A' large audience attended th ev
nth ; annual . commencement . exercises
of th Gillespie School of Expression at
th Helllg last night . Th exercise
were under the direction of Mr. Emma
Wilson. Gillespie.
Th past year ha been the most suc
cessful In the history of th institu
tion, whloh has ; achieved an enviable
ranntation In th northwest, The xrad
uates wer Mis Cora Madeline Shaver,
Mis Marguerite Shelley and Mlsa So
phia Geary Shlve. Invocation waa
pronounced by Rev. T. B. Ford, after
which Miss Mlniua W. Hatneid ren
dered a beautiful and difficult violin
Ther wr aeverai numoers or in
graduates and the . entertainments waa
ooncluded' with an-' amusing three-act
"Mis Fearless and. Company."
Mrs. Davisson Dead. I
(Special Dispstrtr te- The Joarasl.)
Astoria. Or, Jun 18.--Mr. Margery
n TI..I..A. MAthpp nf Mra limv w. h.,
Gilbert, died at her slaughter's residence
yesterday afternoon, of a cold contract
ed a week, ago. She waa .TO year old
and- leaves live -cnuarew, mmong inara
being Mr. S. T. Wvatt and Mrs. "Vf. H.
uartiaaa. of , Corvslli.. Ira S. Da vi neon.
a deputy United States marshal of Ta
coma. and Mra. -W- 8- Gilbert of this
city. The deceased was born In Illinois
and became a resident of - Oregoa in
1881, . k
PAY US $1.00
And it will be 'delivered to your homeland if it proves to
be all we claim for it, then you pay us FIFTY' CENTS PER
WEEK until the small sum of $25 is paid. It will do the
work equally as well as a $75.00 machine. . ; ... ' '
Special Gearance Sale
Ladies' Spring Suits
More startling bargains In Gerurtz Suit Department ,
Values like these are found nowhere else in this town.
There's no reason why you should not possess one ''
of these elegant ladies' suits. .They are up-to-date .in
style, material and workmanship. Possess while you'
fiay," is the motto of this house. A small cash deposit v
s all that's expected j and remember that we offer bar.
pin values in these special sales as well as the privi
ege of our easy payment system. The hard-to-fit"
kind of people are suited here. No charge for alter-,
ations. . ;
$32.50 Spring and Summer Suits... .......... $2445
$30.00 Spring and Summer Suits ... ..... $22.25
$25.00 Spring and Summer Suits.... .,.$18.75
$25.00 Spring and Summer Suits....,., $13.45
-' Genuine Reductions, Genuine Values. 1 '
4 wil
We have recently more
than douDiea . our jew
elry stock and are ever
ready to supply your
wants in this line by the
You are welcome to credit. -Gome in and
pick out the pin, ring, brooch, or watch to
your taste and have it charged to your
account We are glad to ' accept very
small weekly payments.
$35 Sleepy Hollow Rockers $25
These large, roomy Rockers spell com
fort for the man of the house, especially.
They are just like cut, have mahogany
frames, covering roan leather. They
have many yearv wear in them and are
full of restfulness every day in the year;
Regular price $35.00. Special ; dOC
price, with easy terms ........... $LO
s $45 Extension Table $35
Exactly Like Cut.
Thl extension table I mor than worth . whll
the price. It 1 a splendid quarter-sawed golden oalt
table and has a high piano polish. . The base t very
heavy, with artistically carved clawfeet, that ar
found 6n tablea that ell for doubU th price. Thl
table wUl b an ornament to your dtnlng room ana
at tn pne quoxea you can euiiy
afford to have It In your home;,
tlK ,.hU RnM nn mit Urmi ...
W Save aa immense assorrniain oi annwa
W have aa Immense assortment of xwrnman
blea, all slses, grades and pYloe. Z wiU b aa
eauoa la Itself to mm and look over out stock.
.The Qothing Department of our great store has been a
remarkable success from the time it was established, some
nine months ago, and. the easy payment method of selling is
growing in popularity with all classes of people. Yes, we
carry suits to please the most exacting, who find the Install-.
ment.plan' a very convenient way to pay for their clothing.
Ldll X
Pay- ip
iir f
4 ' 1
No shoddy roods carried. Tbese. goods are decidedly lush class.
Com from the best wholesale tailors in America. Very fashionable
fabrics and patterns. Skillfully tailored. - Perfect fitting garments.
All ses. . Everybody is welcome to credit
Come In and Investigate the Gevurts system of easy payments. ' ..;
GevurtHbor iEoverings
All Carpets Made, Laid arid Lined free of Charge
Tn r r 3 1 n ln m ao a strictly all-wool carpet, large variety of pat- h fkP.
Aliglalll wd.l pCIa terns; special price, sewed, laid snd lined, pe fl) XaUU
" yard....... r ,
aiA fme collection pf color iombinatiems and Brussels pattern effects; extra good
I wearing qualities.
Tapestry Brussels
We hav J every flrst
class make represented :
those" recommended for
their durability and long
wearing Qualities: ther
ar an elegant variety of
pattern. rnoa
begin at, per
7&ra. ........ . ... ..
On of th largest
sortments In th
Many patterns, OA
and oar price AIIP
as- rij .2m. . vivyr W wkj
city. . ! frj& IfcS.r1 rvYi'-ii?' ?M';f
tart at, yard ViV; tt8$X.&r
Th most popular par
lor carpet of today, th
prettiest of patterns, th
most beautiful floor far
ricsmade. our
prtoe begin at
per yarn.
Th very latest designs,
colorings and chadlnga
ar here In abundance at
a much lower prto than
other aaic uur
price begin at.
per yarn...,....
Special Satcrday Sale 1 to II P.U.
Cups and Saucers 45c
;Six Plates 35c
Cor. First & Yamhill I Cor. Second and Yamhill
' Watch for our erreat Saturday
Afternoon Special Sale in our:
crockery Jepartment in tne Base
ment Among other ; bargains
seerthose Cups and Saucers, set.
of six, beautifully decorated semi
porcelain, for only, ...... .45
Six full 'size Dinner Plates to
match the' above for 6nly..35et
Carv-1 I j ;
We have about two doren of high
grade Carving Giairs, no two
alike, belonging to broken jsets,
which we will sell out at half
price and less. They are made of
quarter-sawed golden oak, hand
polished and are really, of high
grade stock. If you have need of
a carving chair to complete ' Ail'
your set see these for,...,.. off
' .'f i ,r; .,, ....! 'V "?
Furore Arises With Disclos
ure of Botten Condition
in Royal Family.
Frederick Always Posea ss nous
JIan, bat Indisputable) Evidence Is
Secured That He Has iBeca Bank
(Special Dispatch t The Jonrssl.) ' :
Berlin, Jun 18.-Th German emplr
la torn by th . canoai lonowmg w
Eulenberg exposures and the degrading
and ordering out Of tn country oi
prlno Frdrlck Henry of, Fruaela by
th kaiser, his cousin boau of hi
eXtrm. ImmoraMty, . rV- :'H :'''" f-
Whea, indisputable ylflno or tn
prlno' gnUt had been presentee, in
kaiser summoned hi cousin to th pal-
ace. Ther in cnarges were ru, i
Prlnc ' rrederlck. ' Emperor wuiiaa
personally tere from hi relative ' the
nrriara and decoration he wor. boxed
hla aar and ordered him to leav Ger
many and never return,' under, penalty
of being thrown into prison, in tears
Frederick departed and la now on hi
wav to TCs-vnt. -
The scandal la all th greater for the
reason that Frederick ha alwaya posed
aa a pious man and waa reputed to be
th mot moral member of th Imperial
family. He is a son or. in, lata -rino
Albrecht. wrnt of Brunswick, and, In
tiarttas 17.060.000. .
Frederick's younger brother Prlnc
Joachim, recently- figured in a scandal,
when he proposed to marry Marie sui
aar. a muate hall sinsrer. - He was ban
lhed to Africa to prevent hlra from
carrying out hi plan. . . ,
Th scandal which has resulted in th
social oatraoinng or aeverai ox wu
lng young men of the German semi
mvai nohilltv.i a coudI of divorces. 4
suicide and the dismissal from the army
of a young man whose name is lamous
In military nitory or tne empire, is
known to Infamy aa Prlno Philip Zeu
mulankara'a "round tabla."
The atorf reveal an unparalleled
condition of debauchery practloed bya
cllaue of men whose names ar th
proudest In. th empire., - -
mm mm m ' "4, ' '
, (Spedsl WtpitcV to Th 7eoraaL)
Llnnton. Pr' Jun 18. Th com
mencement exercises of th eighth grade
took place fn. th school rooms Wednes
day 'evening. v Tha graduates have been
busy decorating for the past couple of
day, and th room presented a lovely
appearance. ' To M. Burghduff. principal
and teacher, belong th honor of grad
uating th largest class ' that has ver
assed rrom tm cnooi,, it receiving
iplomas.- - ! -
The program Included the following:
Address of welcome, Alta Wood; yal
dlotory, Florence McCartney; .class
prophecy, Charles Eatchel; class poem,
Hasel Todd; recitation. "Joe Blng." Fred
Miller; "History and Reminiscences,"
Sylvia Konkle; recitation, "Shopping,"
George Townsend; "Last Will," Earl
Todd; recitation.. "Minuet," Gertrude
Eatchel; instrumental solo, Lottie Hen
geveldl; "The Girl Who Smiles," Wlnni
Todd; "Th Star" Walter Watt; in
strumental solo, David Wilson; presen
tation of diplomas. Chairman of Board
E. T. Bancroft; closing addresses, Clerk
j. B. Bonaerer ana w. j. atiuer.
. (SpeeUI Dispatch te To Joraal.t
Astoria. Or., Jun IS. A deed
filed for record today in
olerk s
the county
nfflna wharabv Samuel McClur
of Minnesota sells to William T. Mackey
400 acre or tlmDer lana, iocaiea near
Olney, consideration 860.000.
Second Chance for Injured Man.
' (SdccIsI PUnntch to The Journal)
Olympla. Wash., Jun 18.The eaa
of William Boyle, appellant, vs. th An-
itAHnn -A - Middlaton Lumber company.
raanondent. from Chehalis county, ha
been . reversed and a new trial ordered.
Plaintiff brought suit for personal in
juries whll at work In defendant com
pany' mill. Th trial reaulted in favor
of th mill company, ana in supreme
.nf... . imv trial bacausa the
lower court did not permit the plaintiff
to make a showing about lack of proper
guards on machinery.
" (Special IMipateh t Tb Jonraal.) ,
Tacoma, June 18. Th offiolal of
tv. Korih coast railroad hav mad an
otter of 876,000 to th heir of Jamea
388-390 East Morrison St, Near Grand Ave. .
Amoskeag Gingham
All the popular checks in blue or brown; this is .the
genuine "Amoskeag"; 700 all know the price about
town, our price.
tzxxzzxiaxzxzzsxzzzzzzzzzvxzxzzzsrKzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz V
; - - ' - - v- 1 ' ' ' ' j.""'''
We carry the largest stock 't Fireworks 1ii the Northwest, fadud- t
ing the finest Exhibition Set Pieces for town and city public die-
play, best Dynamite Cracker Torpedoes, Pistols, Flags, Buntings. J
etc Wholesale and retail. , .,,,
ir f or th Longmlr hot cptinr
: at tha head of the ' Nlsauslly
river on th western slop of Mount Re
nter. Th property consists of 40 acres
of land, la wmcn
miHplnnl anrtnan.
of prlvat property in th Mount
It la the only piece
reserve. An option of 19 dsy hum ?
given on th property and it la m .
a old. The buying of Ihe rin
there ar numerous which '.that road hss ouiH!.i t -
coma Ul eastern line, 1
overtures of puruhas ivr 1. 1